Sources Leak Trump's HORRIFYING Future Cabinet, And It Is A Fascist's Dream

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 4,4K

  • @positivevibetec
    @positivevibetec Před 8 měsíci +31

    I really wish everyone who is going to vote for DT would have paid attention in history class

    • @Dee-GBE
      @Dee-GBE Před 8 měsíci +6

      They did, they want to go back to those times. Where bigotry was encouraged and women knew their place. These ppl are nuts

    • @privateidho
      @privateidho Před 7 měsíci

      Instead we’re paying attention to the present and how our freedom is fleeting! Globalist cuck.

  • @manzchello4752
    @manzchello4752 Před 8 měsíci +9

    How is Trump separating families not a war crime?

  • @Wonderwoman79G
    @Wonderwoman79G Před 8 měsíci +11

    As a European, I am genuinely concerned. We had Dictators/Authoritarians in Northern Europe before, we would not wish that on the US.

    • @Doctor00X
      @Doctor00X Před 8 měsíci +1

      That was the best era of Europe though.

    • @xymonau2468
      @xymonau2468 Před 7 měsíci

      Too late, sadly. The US is no longer immune. It started when they blurred the line between religion and politics.

    • @joshdelk8273
      @joshdelk8273 Před 7 měsíci

      If trump is re-elected then his, stephen miller and steve bannon's fascist ideologies would destroy America.

  • @backwardsnyfit
    @backwardsnyfit Před 8 měsíci +8

    I never thought I'd be saying this but i'm officially tired of Ana. I was able to ignore her cutting everybody off for years but I literally cant hear her endless wining and negativity any longer. The next time I hear her speak it will be by mistake.

  • @tyro244
    @tyro244 Před 9 měsíci +30

    If it looks like a fascist and it walks like a fascist, then IT'S A FASCIST!

    • @johnandrews2768
      @johnandrews2768 Před 9 měsíci +1

      If it looks like a fascist and walks like a fascist then it must be a republican

    • @gtrdxz
      @gtrdxz Před 8 měsíci

      Pretty fascist take 🤣

    • @user-fo4jw8vf8z
      @user-fo4jw8vf8z Před 6 měsíci +1

      I assume that you're referring to Donald tRump. 😏

  • @600moo
    @600moo Před 9 měsíci +20

    Vote blue, vote blue, vote blue. In every election that you can. This is not the election to stay home. It never is.

    • @twochordcool
      @twochordcool Před 9 měsíci

      How do we get "blue" to stop their corruption and enact legislation and policies and social programs that make the American people suffer less....if we will vote for them regardless of how shitty and corrupt they are?

    • @rustyglock212
      @rustyglock212 Před 9 měsíci

      According to IS the election to not bother with.

  • @Regenmacher175
    @Regenmacher175 Před 9 měsíci +30

    I haven't seen TYT report about the Republican Project 2025. They should probably talk about what Republicans have in mind for the administrative state.....

    • @rustyglock212
      @rustyglock212 Před 9 měsíci

      They would rather blame the Democrats than fight for them.

    • @malcolmburch5959
      @malcolmburch5959 Před 8 měsíci +4

      It's bad , all the king's men are all dangerous yes men

  • @bornwitpeace9542
    @bornwitpeace9542 Před 7 měsíci +7

    If he ever gets in again. He'll never leave. He's already talking about suspending the constitution so he can stay president indefinitely. The mere fact you're even talking about who he's considering is sick and frightening at the same time. Smfh

    • @takamex
      @takamex Před 7 měsíci

      Stop the weed and actually listen to Trump, he does not say anything like that. You're watching too much fake news!

  • @indieguy81
    @indieguy81 Před 8 měsíci +18

    Normally I'm hesitant to agree with Cenk's "the sky is falling" diatribes, but in this case he is 100% correct. If Trump wins in 2024 America as we know it will be done. Get off your butts and go vote, people!

    • @privateidho
      @privateidho Před 7 měsíci

      What exactly the hell do you think has happened over the last three years??? Holy fuk wake the hell up!

  • @jeanbergeron6451
    @jeanbergeron6451 Před 9 měsíci +26

    Every possible nomination is like a horror show

    • @B_Bodziak
      @B_Bodziak Před 8 měsíci

      Anyone supporting that man is.

  • @_sillyeyes_8624
    @_sillyeyes_8624 Před 9 měsíci +50

    RepubIicuns just want a strong and powerful orange man to tell them what to do and think. Weird.

    • @scotchbarrel4429
      @scotchbarrel4429 Před 9 měsíci +4

      Or Matt, PBD, Tucker, Ben etc. Plenty of conspiracy theorists in on it.

    • @user-sv1bh7cb3e
      @user-sv1bh7cb3e Před 9 měsíci

      And democrats just want a pedo crime family to run America into the ground.....TRAITORS

    • @tmcd5049
      @tmcd5049 Před 9 měsíci +2

      Disgracefully, embarrassingly true!

    • @razman4240
      @razman4240 Před 9 měsíci

      That’s true with both parties. The problem is they each think it’s only the other. People are catching on though.

    • @MyContestPix
      @MyContestPix Před 9 měsíci

      TYT, how come you can't figure out why the Dems are sitting on their stick'in hands?? Let me explain it to you!!
      Ain’t nothing going to happen to King Trumpo. It’s only a question of when he will become POTUS - again. He’s going to crush a senile Brandon who won't know what hit him as his dementia causes irreversible cognitive decline. So even if King Trumpo is sentenced for life and locked up, Fed law supersedes state law meaning he will serve his term as POTUS before he serves any time in state/Federal jail. All this happy talk of him being found guilty and put away is already water under the bridge for the immoral King of grift and corruption. Exploit the system and call-in favors from high places. Obedient, slimy and corrupt GOP/conservatives can’t run fast enough to bail him out. What a travesty of justice we have in this country of rules and laws.
      Here's a side note.
      What has Brandon done about inflation, high gas/food/housing/rent/healthcare/car prices and skyrocketing interest rates? Nada, zip, zilch.
      Brandon’s base is leaving him in the droves. Black, youth, student debtors, union workers and now Muslims have no reason to stay. Why are they leaving? Out-of-touch Brandon’s age, dementia, HH policies or lack thereof. Brandon isn’t doing a damn for the American people besides giving away (corporate welfare) billions to corporations. How does this help Americans pay their bills, fight inflation or make their lives better? FDR he ain’t. Well duh!!
      In fact, his team is ignoring public polls (privately they are freaking out as his approval rating has dropped to 37%, the lowest of any modern POTUS at this stage of his presidency - December 2023) as being bias and stating he can course correct in the nick of time. Really? All presidential elections come down to 5-6 swing states and about 100+k voters. If you lose 10-15% of those voters it doesn’t matter what the other Blue States do, you’ve lost before you’ve even begun.
      Remember in 2020, people weren’t voting for Brandon, but voting against King Trumpo. A ham sandwich would have won if it was on the ballot. LOL!! Now MIA, conservative Brandon’s own ineptitude, lack-of-focus and incoherence is working against him. Just spouting he’s “Not” King Trumpo isn’t working… What an idiot!
      Now back to our regularly scheduled programming…
      Once King Trumpo become POTUS, he self-pardons, clears all his charges, and then goes scorched earth after anyone he doesn't like. Basically, he’ll turn our already corrupt, compromised and pliable government into a vindictive branch of his fascist regime. As a delusional fascist when unlimited powers he ain't going to hold back, but violate every stink'in law to get 100% vengeance and retribution as he and his minions destroy anyone that gets in his way using the full force our gutted government. Conservatives/RWs will bend over backwards to cater to all his wishes.
      Nothing the pathetic, toothless and sycophantic corporate conservative MSM, the MIA Dems or the American people can do to stop him as they all run/hide, duck and cover for their puny lives. Not the generals (only take orders from their CIC), not the RW Supreme Court (places loyalty above country), not anyone will stand up to him or they will face the full wrath of a completely unhinged and uncontrollable tyrant. They made this Frankenstein and now it will destroy them and our country.
      Of course, this hellscape can be prevented if the spineless, clueless, foxhole, rubber-stamping, capitulating corporate conservative Dems had an open Primary and had some “real” candidates the people were actually interested in. What a concept in a so-called Democracy!! But noooo, Brandon’s inflated ego and the Dem’s delusional strategy won’t let them do the right thing. It’s better to have a complete crony fascist madman in the office than to have any “liberal” or Progressive. Blows the mind!
      What do you expect from a dysfunctional RW party the last 40+ years? People, the FDR/LBJ Dems are Dead. Been dead since the late 1970’s. Today we have the Neo-Liberals (aka wishy-washy GOP-lite) who really aren’t that much different from the radical conservatives on the other side except for social issues which are being gutted left and right because “these” modern Dems Stand for Nothing and Fight for Less. They are 99.99% in lock-step with their slimy GOP partners in crime by wasting tens of trillions for bloated Defense/MIC, endless wars, tax cuts for the wealthy elites/corporations, Wall St Bailouts, insider trading, corporate welfare (just don’t call it “socialism”), violating our civil liberties (torture, surveillance, ”Deep” state, FISA, Patriot Act, NDAA) and neglecting, um screwing over, the American people every chance they get. This nation has been in a tailspin for decades because our corrupt duopoly doesn’t give a rat’s arse about anything besides getting re-elected and lining their pockets before they get booted.
      The Dem’s passive strategy of “doing nothing” to stop King Trumpo allows him to completely blow everything up again (which they are fine with) because in four stink’in years they automatically get back into power in the wake of all his destruction and turmoil/chaos. The Dems don’t even have to lift a stink’in finger as the GOP get booted out of office after all the carnage they cause. Easy peasy. The pitiful, lazy Dems wouldn’t even try to clean up or reverse his mess so our nation lurches further Rightward - again! All water under the bridge baby when they get back into power!! Who cares if this country has turned into a dystopian fascist hellscape/nightmare under GOP rule. Not their problem but yours! The corrupt corporate conservative status quo reigns supreme - forever more!! The Dems have no problem with this strategy, but do you?? It’s time to boot them all out and make they pay for their transgressions and sins. Your children will thank you!
      Any 3rd party will mean the demise of the corrupt conservative Dem party as we know it. YaY!! The Dems understand the dire consequences and are no dummies so they fight like hell against any intrusion into their corrupt hegemony. Will they ever fight tooth-and-nail against the GOP?? Hell bleeping no!! Having the GOP as a partner in crime is part of the corrupt duopoly scam.
      As long as the “liberals”/Progressives never get control, the Dems will gladly give the keys/reins to the despotic GOP all day long. The preservation of their corrupt duopoly and complete hegemony must be preserved at all costs. Only RW conservatives must be in control whether they be the timid, gullible, capitulating, gutless, wishy-washy Dems or the “take no prisoners”, insolent, racist Alphas, who govern with an iron fist. They don’t give a damn about the decline of our country or the people! Those stupid lemmings, um voters, have no choice but to vote for either corrupt party no matter what they do to them. See the con?? They win no matter what because the game is 100% rigged in their favor.
      You Reap what you Sow!!
      We need 3rd parties ASAP!!

  • @devildog713
    @devildog713 Před 8 měsíci +11

    Ana with that attitude we will lose

  • @michaeltaylor8204
    @michaeltaylor8204 Před 9 měsíci +29

    I live in Australia and we appreciate our lives each day. I keep tabes on US politics daily as it makes my day brighter_ things arnt that bad compared to your country. Never give Up.

    • @TJWinter1221
      @TJWinter1221 Před 9 měsíci +6

      You do have Sky News. Never thought I would see the day when Australia of all places have neocons and right-wing ultra conservatives!

    • @michaeltaylor8204
      @michaeltaylor8204 Před 9 měsíci +8

      @@TJWinter1221 yes sky News I gave up as even the controversy etc was mild compared to fox etc. I genuinely care for you guys but am gobsmacked at how is it possible such a henious person as Trump flourishes. I just posted that the US loves chaos and has such low self esteem it would rather seek pain than pleasure. Don't get me started on the 2nd amendment. Lol

    • @jrstar1439
      @jrstar1439 Před 9 měsíci

      @@michaeltaylor8204 never take for granted who protects your freedoms mate.

    • @B_Bodziak
      @B_Bodziak Před 8 měsíci

      ​@@TJWinter1221 Murdoch.

    • @B_Bodziak
      @B_Bodziak Před 8 měsíci

      I'm trying hard to forgive our Australian brothers and sisters for Murdoch.

  • @perkeyser2032
    @perkeyser2032 Před 9 měsíci +14

    Just the fact that this has a small small chance of happening makes me sick. What happened to your freedom? It died in a big cloud of dollar bills..... How can you allow this to happen? The voters are obtuse and completely out of their mind.

    • @rustyglock212
      @rustyglock212 Před 9 měsíci

      That is the difficult conversation no one wants to have. ESPECIALLY Cenk and Ana. They'd rather blame Hindenburg for Hitler being elected. Rather than those German voters who wanted that.

    • @Solaafg
      @Solaafg Před 9 měsíci

      Yes I agree it would be a concern in the voters would do it, but in a democracy voters don’t make such mistakes. It’s always the powerful who think they know better than the people and that’s how we have Biden dictatorship chosen by deep state in 2020. Voters had nothing to do here. Can’t blame the voters.

    • @jk19781
      @jk19781 Před 8 měsíci

      Please name just a few good things that Biden has done while in office. The borders are a mess, inflation is out of control, and segregation is coming back to the democratic party.

    • @Christian-xo8hu
      @Christian-xo8hu Před 8 měsíci

      Yes. Voting for the Democrats is skin to THROWIN AWAY YOUR RIGHTS AND FRREDOMS

    • @nicholeb2746
      @nicholeb2746 Před 8 měsíci

      That's what we get for the years of defunding our public schools. The US is just a bunch of morons looking for someone to tell them they're smart

  • @vintageRXcess
    @vintageRXcess Před 9 měsíci +12

    I thought you were here to inform the fighters. Biden is old, and you act like that's new information. I will not back down. I will not accept the downfall of my country. Good day, madam

  • @SuperMrDeadpool
    @SuperMrDeadpool Před 8 měsíci +9

    Weak Ana. Throwing in the towel before the final bell.

  • @frederickpare5966
    @frederickpare5966 Před 9 měsíci +20

    What a lineup. Worst among the Worst. We really need to vote 💙to prevent this madman from ruining our country.

    • @snicksabea
      @snicksabea Před 9 měsíci +2

      Vote Biden

    • @BennyRuff
      @BennyRuff Před 8 měsíci

      Why would I do something so stupid?

  • @annmarieknapp2480
    @annmarieknapp2480 Před 8 měsíci +6

    Our country as we know it will be over if we go this way.

  • @nataliebonnet7356
    @nataliebonnet7356 Před 8 měsíci +4

    I'm a progressive and typically agree with you guys, but I can't deal with the yelling. The things going on in the world are depressing enough, I don't need someone yelling them at me.

  • @Junksaint
    @Junksaint Před 9 měsíci +13

    Steven miller is a dangerous guy

  • @FDR_progressive_liberal
    @FDR_progressive_liberal Před 9 měsíci +19

    Trump will ignore the courts. Just like Betsy Devoss did with no consequences.

  • @peterkelly1406
    @peterkelly1406 Před 9 měsíci +12

    As an observer from way down under it appears you lot are in a real mess. America , as a kid , I used to admire. There is nothing left to even look up to. The political dog has eaten your homework ... God bless Amessica

    • @razorburn7745
      @razorburn7745 Před 9 měsíci

      Yeah, we’re done. That fact that we would even consider someone like trump as presidential material proves how brain dead this country is.

  • @philiprose7942
    @philiprose7942 Před 7 měsíci +7

    I do not accept that Trump will beat Biden. But, I agree that uf Trump wins, democracy is over.

    • @user-ub8fn5ek5u
      @user-ub8fn5ek5u Před 7 měsíci +1

      You mean America is over - and welcome to your new 3rd world dictatorship trumpy country - enjoy your next four years

    • @user-fo4jw8vf8z
      @user-fo4jw8vf8z Před 7 měsíci

      ​@@user-ub8fn5ek5uWe're not going to worry about that bc tRump ISN'T going to win. 😏

  • @richardgerome4897
    @richardgerome4897 Před 8 měsíci +10

    I have to disagree with your opinion on this one because the young voters are going to come out in droves and they are not going to vote for Trump and I really don’t think he will make it to November…

    • @Scorpiove
      @Scorpiove Před 8 měsíci +2

      Absolutely, It's talk like Anna's that helps push democrats away from Biden. He is nowhere near as bad as republicans and certain democrats make him out to be. If we are scared of Trump ruining our democracy then we should surely vote for the guy that doesn't threaten it........ I personally like Biden, I think he's been a great president.

    • @babyjuggernaught8203
      @babyjuggernaught8203 Před 7 měsíci +1

      Agree, lot of youth involved in upcoming election. Some of the thanks go to Taylor. ✌️

  • @dawgbarklay255
    @dawgbarklay255 Před 9 měsíci +13

    As Senator Padme Amidala once said, "So this is how Liberty dies...with thunderous applause."

    • @ice319
      @ice319 Před 9 měsíci +2


    • @LD86
      @LD86 Před 9 měsíci

      She was so right.

    • @Doughboy1943
      @Doughboy1943 Před 9 měsíci

      How in the hell does that quote, from an awful movie, apply to this video?

  • @bencoomer2000
    @bencoomer2000 Před 8 měsíci +5

    Carlson was talking about how the Earth might be flat the other day. This'll be fun.

  • @thomaswilliamphillipsiii4271
    @thomaswilliamphillipsiii4271 Před 8 měsíci +7

    ...first Ana ... Breathe 😮

  • @coffeegator6033
    @coffeegator6033 Před 9 měsíci +5

    Every time you guys bash Biden you are indirectly helping Trump. Stop whining. He might be 81, but he has things we've never imagined before to worry about.

  • @aleatharhea
    @aleatharhea Před 9 měsíci +7

    You say enjoy the democracy we have today but do we really have one when we have no voice in who are nominee is?

  • @idolhandz3946
    @idolhandz3946 Před 9 měsíci +11

    Agree with Anna, Prepare for the worst. America will destroy itself when Trump is elected. Who will be willing to give up everything to stop the “government” when Trump wins? I don’t have much so I will. I hope I’m not alone. Good luck to everyone who wasn’t a complete idiot and voted Trump. I hope whoever is left does better.

    • @babyspider99
      @babyspider99 Před 9 měsíci

      Do you hear yourself? You sound like a blueanon. Perhaps you need more boosters or more hormones to change.

    • @sebastienledoux7566
      @sebastienledoux7566 Před 9 měsíci +1

      I remember in 2008 conservatives saying that Obama will impose Sharia law if elected...

    • @idolhandz3946
      @idolhandz3946 Před 9 měsíci +1

      @@sebastienledoux7566 Are you insinuating that I have nothing to worry about? That’s ridiculous.

    • @sebastienledoux7566
      @sebastienledoux7566 Před 9 měsíci

      @@idolhandz3946 No you have nothing to worry about. Presidents change at most 5% of the gov. Your local elections are more important.

    • @idolhandz3946
      @idolhandz3946 Před 9 měsíci

      @@sebastienledoux7566 I completely disagree, and hope you’re right. I’m left and live in a red district in upstate New York. My later local elections will take pages from Trump’s campaign.

  • @martyberry1917
    @martyberry1917 Před 8 měsíci +5

    And if voting for Joe Biden stops fat-so from being the president, I’ll vote for him in 2024, 2028 and beyond. If you don’t like Biden, don’t vote for him. I promise third party ain’t gonna win and Donald Trump isn’t going to be president if you actually get out and vote against him.
    Joes not bad, honestly. He’s not great- but it could be worse. I’d like a Katie Porter or someone like her to be president but obviously right now isn’t the time for it.
    Throwing our hands up and refusing to vote for Joe will get Trump re-elected and very easily at that.
    Don’t trust polls, you KNOW this.
    Now either you are voting for him (Joe) or you’re not. That’s fine. But come on, the guy is NORMAL and I’ll take a ‘corpse’ over whatever the actual fvck Donald Trump is. People like y’all got him elected in 2016 and it’s happening again.
    Be undecided all you want or vote for the candidate that fits what you believe in. And if neither do, go with the one that didn’t try to overthrow the government. LITERALLY A NO BRAINER- and in case you didn’t get what I was saying- NOT TRUMP.

  • @damonbernard2802
    @damonbernard2802 Před 9 měsíci +7

    I tell as many that will listen to me that they will do what they say. After I saw that horrible list there is no doubt in my mind the country will end as we know it

  • @rafaelcasillas1804
    @rafaelcasillas1804 Před 8 měsíci +8

    What really surprised me is USA is good over trowing dictators around the world…..and they don’t know what to do at home.😂😂

    • @gtrdxz
      @gtrdxz Před 8 měsíci

      Who says were trying to? 🤣👍

    • @gracelivingstone191
      @gracelivingstone191 Před 8 měsíci

      Right? And where the hell is the CIA when you need them? Aren’t they supposed to protect us from threats to democracy or is that their goal. I saw a British documentary of how a 17 yr old autistic kid tried to kill Trump because he knew he was evil back in the early days of Trumps campaign in 2015 or 2016. He only made it to the stage before security tackled him. Darn.☹️

  • @MyodbHW24_USA
    @MyodbHW24_USA Před 8 měsíci +10

    It’s hard to try to be positive when you see what could lie ahead for a future Trump term and the polls showing Trump ahead of Biden…but you have to try to be optimistic Ana. Polls are just that- they’re polls.
    A lot could happen between now and Election Day that can affect things.

  • @Irridia
    @Irridia Před 8 měsíci +5

    I wonder what would happen if the GOP enacted a policy that if you are on Social Security, Disability, or Unemployment and are able to work at picking crops, that's what you have to do until you actually can't, would that change their position on immigration? They keep saying they are taking our jobs... how many farm working jobs do these native citizens have, how many house and hotel cleaning jobs do they have? This is the crap they've been peddling since the time I can remember...

  • @robbitter9524
    @robbitter9524 Před 8 měsíci +6

    Seems like it's going to be 30's fascism all over again...

  • @unklejohn8575
    @unklejohn8575 Před 9 měsíci +9

    I can guarantee that Steven Miller has a painting of himself in full SS uniform that he pleasures himself to.

    • @jdsharp1366
      @jdsharp1366 Před 9 měsíci

      And he worships at his dungeon/basement shrine for his hero, chicken farmer turned chief of the holocaust, Heinrich Himmler.

  • @markpinciotti3705
    @markpinciotti3705 Před 8 měsíci +5

    Still sticking with Biden. I don’t believe the polls

  • @thom8728
    @thom8728 Před 8 měsíci +5

    This video is the reason why The Young Turks annoy me.

  • @tainajohansson4334
    @tainajohansson4334 Před 9 měsíci +7

    You should say: we must fight together in order to not let Trump win. Instead you repeat that Trump is going to win. That’s not fighting.
    Put yourselves second for a little while and work together with democrats in order to win the election, and give everything you have for the effort. That is the best way to save democracy. In democracy ‘me’ is put second, and ‘us’ is put first. (Bitterness is sad and ugly.)

    • @jeannetteneal3268
      @jeannetteneal3268 Před 9 měsíci

      That's his opinion, unless a vast majority has jumped to trumps side, ot won't happen.

  • @lukenester8157
    @lukenester8157 Před 9 měsíci +10

    Really Cenk and anna? Every single 'hyperbolic' thing said about the orange blob was totally true! it wasnt hyberbole. What is wrong with you two these days? ffs.

  • @william5159
    @william5159 Před 9 měsíci +11

    Steven Miller as AG… that is the most incredibly insane and scary concept yet.

    • @gracelivingstone191
      @gracelivingstone191 Před 8 měsíci +1

      Steve Miller just had a baby with a pretty little brunette. I was like “fck it procreated” and “that girl better take that baby and go into hiding before he ruins them both.”

    • @william5159
      @william5159 Před 7 měsíci

      @@gracelivingstone191 Word!!!

    • @amilias1000
      @amilias1000 Před 7 měsíci

      Steve Miller reminds me of himmler.

  • @championstatus
    @championstatus Před 9 měsíci +20

    #GAMEOVER :Cenk is 100% on point

    • @johnriccobono204
      @johnriccobono204 Před 9 měsíci

      How long did it take you personally to figure out that?

    • @tmcd5049
      @tmcd5049 Před 9 měsíci

      He isn't, the polls are wrong, and incumbency and a strong economy are our best chances of defeating the Orange blowhard.

  • @clarkecronin5506
    @clarkecronin5506 Před 8 měsíci +7

    Lost little girl has lost all my respect for her. Yes she did have my respect. But you don't win against a radical right by dividing your own party.

    • @sageturner4916
      @sageturner4916 Před 8 měsíci +1

      You are so right! They are trashing the party they USED to support. What is wrong with these two? I am so upset right now!!!!!

    • @christopherbuss680
      @christopherbuss680 Před 8 měsíci +2

      ​@@sageturner4916 They are pouting because they haven't been able to force a primary that was never happening. I would love to see a primary but the minute Biden decided he was running for a second term then it was no surprise that the DNC would 100% support the president. There are real issues that I have with Biden and he is not my first, second or third choice but Trump and that crazy sychotic following called the republican party will never, absolutely ever be a realistic choice for me and shouldn't be for anyone that calls themselves a progressive, democrats or independent. If we don't all come together and vote for the president then we will defeat our own candidate like we did with Hillary in 2016.

  • @amilias1000
    @amilias1000 Před 8 měsíci +6

    I think I just entered the twilight zone.

  • @bhg123ful
    @bhg123ful Před 9 měsíci +22

    Oh I believe it and take it much more seriously than I did the first time. January 6th changed all that. I thought Trump was merely an A-hole, but not a fascist. That changed and I realized just how dangerous he was.

  • @53lobosr
    @53lobosr Před 8 měsíci +5

    Ana I am usually with you, not if you continue to say no Biden. He was never my pick and he is not my pick now. There is no real other and those that not so many know will not have the people behind them. So I say go with Joe or get out of the way. You need to stop pushing people away from him unless you have a real credible person (Not Cenk) that will move people to the voting poles.

  • @Mister-Reno
    @Mister-Reno Před 8 měsíci +7

    Welcome to AmeriKKKa boys and girls

  • @hectorlopez2214
    @hectorlopez2214 Před 8 měsíci +8

    That tirade really sucked. You can use it as a Trump campaign ad.

  • @straightkey
    @straightkey Před 8 měsíci +9

    Why don't you stop criticizing the president and help him instead.

    • @allenmiller5985
      @allenmiller5985 Před 8 měsíci +1

      They have their own agenda and choose to fear, monger instead of coming up with a strategic plan moving forward

    • @iamantiwar2003
      @iamantiwar2003 Před 8 měsíci +1

      Because she actually thinks Cenk has a shot.😂😂

    • @straightkey
      @straightkey Před 8 měsíci

      @iamantiwar2003 Dude, that's hilarious!

  • @karinlindae-fregoso802
    @karinlindae-fregoso802 Před 8 měsíci +6

    maybe you yourself can help by propping up Biden instead of helping Trump with your biased criticism which is just ridiculous at this point becuase you have not brought a viable alternative to the table to be primaries against Biden anyhow...

  • @maccadamianofreenuts8735
    @maccadamianofreenuts8735 Před 7 měsíci +4

    YES Anna is correct , it does not matter who will be the front runner for the democrats, as a Melanated man of america (that yall call black) we are done with the democrats no matter what

  • @user-by8on1kk4x
    @user-by8on1kk4x Před 9 měsíci +11

    Is Stephen miller the doppelgänger for Joesph goebbles?Sounds about right for trumps head of DOJ

    • @ernielopez4818
      @ernielopez4818 Před 8 měsíci

      Steve Bannon is the one to worry about Miller is a sadist but nothing next to Bannon!

  • @lisastevens682
    @lisastevens682 Před 9 měsíci +17

    Biden is only 3 years older than Trump. Biden is in better health than Trump. WHY is everyone on Biden's age and not Trump's?? Biden's polls are lower because every time they ask if we will vote for Biden, they want money. I can't afford to pay them for my survey/poll... People will come to vote for Biden like we did last time. (Biden wasn't my guy, but I can sleep at night with him as President!)

    • @RainbowYak
      @RainbowYak Před 9 měsíci

      Biden may be physically fitter but mentally, he definitely lacks behind Trump. Biden suffers from dementia and it's blatantly obvious. He constantly forgets stuff, doesn't know where he is, rambles on about nonsense... he's not fit to lead his own household, let alone govern a country. I'm not a Trump supporter, I'm just saying Biden is an absolutely terrible candidate.

    • @rjfdsmom
      @rjfdsmom Před 9 měsíci

      Someone obviously does not know what dementia really looks like.

    • @albirtarsha5370
      @albirtarsha5370 Před 9 měsíci +3

      Anyone in a coma would be a better President than Trump.

    • @MrSmoove81
      @MrSmoove81 Před 9 měsíci

      @rjfdsmom someone suffering from dementia can't navigate the things that Biden has: pandemic recovery (American rescue plan) , pact act for veterans, chips and science act for manufacturing, infrastructure act (roads, bridges, broadband, etc.), student loan forgiveness (even with conservative opposition), navigating 2 wars (hostage recovery, etc.), supply chain recovery (remember the baby food shortage), etc. I could keep going, but I think you get the point. Dementia would've prevented all those things from happening. Meanwhile, Trump remembers running against and beating Obama, WW2 being threatened and prevented, and the Covid going away during the summer of 2019.

    • @albirtarsha5370
      @albirtarsha5370 Před 9 měsíci

      2am Tweet ranting = Sundowner Donald

  • @rudyvaselino7776
    @rudyvaselino7776 Před 9 měsíci +27

    If Biden is the candidate then vote for him no matter what. Drag everyone out to vote for Biden and make sure trump never gets back in the White House.

    • @DiscordBeing
      @DiscordBeing Před 9 měsíci


    • @billroubanis4750
      @billroubanis4750 Před 8 měsíci

      That is by far the best thing to do.
      And, btw, TYT don't know what they are talking about this time, even though I LOOOVE their show.
      Biden has been a terrific president, considering his background and when he came in.
      He has made a couple of bad mistakes, but we the people have made bigger ones.
      Policy wise, he has been perfect on the economy, and on social issues he is the most progressive president we have ever had.
      On foreign policy, you know what?
      We were all wrong. That was the one time we should have never left the place we invaded.
      We should have just pulled the DRONES out, and listened to the women of Afghanistan--we should have invested our tax dollars to keep the troops in there forever if we had to, just like we did in Germany and Korea.
      So Biden did what we wanted, and it was a disaster.
      We should have known it would be: it was based on Trump's deal with the Taliban. Devil makes deal with Demons and we tell Dad to go along with it.
      Bad mistake. Troops in foreign lands are not ALWAYS bad. Just ALMOST always.

    • @marioarland4397
      @marioarland4397 Před 8 měsíci

      Crooked Joe no way.

  • @kellybraille
    @kellybraille Před 8 měsíci +10

    What? I'm totally voting for Biden. Happily. He's done a great job. Needs a better publicist, but is doing great. I'll vote for him in a heartbeat. I don't accept **** about Trump winning, just because your candidate didn't get the Dem nomination. I'm very happy with Biden.

  • @TheMostAwesomeMan2424
    @TheMostAwesomeMan2424 Před 9 měsíci +16

    What the hell is up with Ana in the end? She’s all doom gloom gloom by saying “accept it”. How about we don’t let it happen and “accept it”? How about we fight back?

    • @rjfdsmom
      @rjfdsmom Před 9 měsíci +4

      She’s got some personal dilemmas that as a reporter isn’t healthy for the viewer. Just give me the facts. The real facts. Not alternative facts and let’s leave our extreme opinions in our living rooms. Just stop reporting. You’re poison.

    • @unicorn-glasses
      @unicorn-glasses Před 9 měsíci

      How? I'd love to fight back and frankly I disagree with Ana on a lot but I can't disagree with her on this. Biden will be the democratic nominee. He will almost definitely lose. I don't see what reason we have to hope for anything else and there's not really any way we can fight. You can't fight by voting in this corrupt system.

    • @janeryan2709
      @janeryan2709 Před 9 měsíci +3

      I think her point is "accept it and prepare". Not accept it and lie down.

    • @larryforbes6718
      @larryforbes6718 Před 9 měsíci

      ​@@unicorn-glassesDefeatism WILL SURELY make dems lose. Biden has governed waaaaay more progressive than even Obama or any other pres in decades and you GIVE UP? Where do you get the nerve to defeat Biden yourself? Fight for dems. Fight for Biden. As nearly ANY alternative to Hitler would have been a blessing for Germany, Jews, and all people, Joe is pretty progressive and good. Don't destroy our chances w defeatism. Fight back against the propaganda from Ana , the right( of course) and even mainstream media who don't ring alarm bells enough on Trump !

    • @johnriccobono204
      @johnriccobono204 Před 9 měsíci

      She did get past 5th grade when the obvious is in PLAIN SITE rewatch it it is Over! ACCEPT IT!i Trump is our new dictator, gas will be down to $2 a gallon he will help blacks and everyone around him, PRAY his other choice is to get on a giant boat and relax & not work at all like the rest of the wealthy lazy don't know what to do with their time people!

  • @devinewonson
    @devinewonson Před 9 měsíci +6

    This is depressing. I got kids man.

    • @jacobthelaserdragon4815
      @jacobthelaserdragon4815 Před 9 měsíci

      Well, we can hope they are wrong. The things dragging down Biden among the left wing are undeniably going to be worse under Trump, so that is one thing that will cause polls to swing. And the other bright spot is that Democrats and leftist policies are wildly outperforming the polling at the actual ballot box. But you know, don't be complacent and drag all of your friends to get registered and then to the polls on election day.

  • @sixdogbob543
    @sixdogbob543 Před 9 měsíci +7

    While I understand Anna's frustration tearing Biden down simply increases the chances that her nightmare scenario becomes reality. This is a time to check negative emotions and make sure progressives live to vote another day. I see no other candidate that might beat Trump than Biden. When faced with a true threat the only strategy is to unite, close ranks and fight TOGETHER. That is what TYT should do.

    • @user-ew8mp3oc4n
      @user-ew8mp3oc4n Před 9 měsíci +1

      @@TjMulyadievery single incumbent president that has faced a difficult primary has lost the election I like TYT but they have been very dishonest about that fact in ignoring it

    • @larryforbes6718
      @larryforbes6718 Před 9 měsíci

      @@TjMulyadi Biden still leads in many polls. I seriously doubt polls showing Trump w an 8% lead. Thats insane. That means Americans are FLOCKING to Trump AFTER Covid, Jan 6 insurrection, AND 90 felony charges, and Trump gettn older, too and flubbing his lines. I think the country is still polarized n election is close but look at midterms and recent state elections- Moms for Liberty local candidates were soundly defeated, states passed pro abortion referendums, and dems did well. It doesn't equate that people are flocking to Trump at the same time!

    • @masterchief9291
      @masterchief9291 Před 8 měsíci

      Finally someone with brains

  • @Motherguz
    @Motherguz Před 8 měsíci +4

    What other choice is there? Not Trump. But who else is there? I mean, c'mon!

  • @t.wilson9432
    @t.wilson9432 Před 9 měsíci +8

    Anna might as well go work for Fox or News Max the way she talks about Biden...I used to have respect for her opinion but now with her ageism and negativity I really wonder how many viewers she will lose TYT with her "honesty"...I tend to skip to the next video when she starts her holier-than-thou rants...

    • @dizzleslaunsen2372
      @dizzleslaunsen2372 Před 9 měsíci +2

      I’ve been seeing a Lot of these comments lately and I agree. It’s just super selfish of them especially considering Cenk is running for president now as a democrat…..I’m only coming here for info these days. I do not enjoy their opinions at all.

    • @t.wilson9432
      @t.wilson9432 Před 9 měsíci +1

      @@dizzleslaunsen2372 yeah I tend to listen for a few minutes and skip,on to the next video in my watch list...Ferron Balanced started doing the same thing and i removed his videos from my list...may have to do the same with TYT..

    • @justinfowler2857
      @justinfowler2857 Před 9 měsíci +3

      ​@@t.wilson9432You're not the only one who is tired of her defeatist attitude. Is Biden the best choice? No, but she acts like the election happened last week based on polls that have been wrong for every single election in my life.

    • @cindyp5132
      @cindyp5132 Před 9 měsíci +3

      Totally agree. I clicked on a Medias Touch video (great interview with Biden last week) and this video automatically played after. I wish it hadn't...

  • @Qj_empire
    @Qj_empire Před 9 měsíci +12

    Miller was always the craziest figure in his cabinet.

  • @zgjfinance2796
    @zgjfinance2796 Před 9 měsíci +9

    How trump could pick Tucker after the texts leaked is beyond me.

    • @NameName-lv4lu
      @NameName-lv4lu Před 9 měsíci +3

      It's a power game, nothing personal. If a smart propagandist, which tucker is, can help Trump become America's Pinochet, why not put him place even if you don't like him personally?

    • @therealjammit
      @therealjammit Před 9 měsíci +2

      Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
      Trump knows this guy will do anything to get ahead. All Trump needs to do is to make sure he always remains number two and Trump will "float" to the top.

    • @malcolmburch5959
      @malcolmburch5959 Před 8 měsíci +1

      Because he's a yes man

    • @zgjfinance2796
      @zgjfinance2796 Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@NameName-lv4lu I’m just sayin Tucker said Trump destroys everything he touches so for Trump to pick someone who has so little faith in him is just weird idk. Maybe I’m thinking a few layers deeper than Trump has lol

    • @penguinnh
      @penguinnh Před 8 měsíci

      @@NameName-lv4lu How many Republican voters even know Pinochet, who he was or how he came to power? Or Batista? Or many others?

  • @sandragruhle6288
    @sandragruhle6288 Před 7 měsíci +4

    Can you imagine Bannon in a cabinet post? 🤮! Tucker .Carlson? Steve Miller? My blood runs cold. Where will he put Roger Stone? Secretary of State? Gag! Vote Blue! There is no alternative!

  • @pretty5793
    @pretty5793 Před 9 měsíci +7

    It is so damn scary to think people are so dumb!

  • @marc.sellgren
    @marc.sellgren Před 9 měsíci +33

    Ana is spot on, it really is mindnumbing how the ones who are literally arming themselves to fight for freedom if necessary, simultaneously vote for someone who openly admits he would be a dictator and dismantle the democratic process.

    • @user-sv1bh7cb3e
      @user-sv1bh7cb3e Před 9 měsíci

      What democratic process ???....Even democrats have seen how the establishment won't allow anyone else to run....Deep State puppets

    • @tmcd5049
      @tmcd5049 Před 9 měsíci

      True, but then she ruins it by depressing the turnout with her negativity bullshit. Biden will beat tRump: we'll all make sure of it. Vote blue!

    • @rustyglock212
      @rustyglock212 Před 9 měsíci

      That isn't what Ana is saying. She and Cenk refuse to talk about the elephant in the room. The AMERICAN VOTERS WHO WANT A DICTATORSHIP. It's easier to blame Biden and the Democrats.

    • @johnadams1281
      @johnadams1281 Před 8 měsíci

      Trump has every right for a revenge tour. I hope his cabinet is as far right wing as possible. REVENGE WILL BE SWEET!

    • @tmcd5049
      @tmcd5049 Před 8 měsíci

      @@johnadams1281 Love the irony in your username: pretend to be about historic democracy and the constitution, while advocating for a dicktator!!!

  • @cyberoptic5757
    @cyberoptic5757 Před 8 měsíci +5

    Tucker Carlson in the chain of replacement presidents? Nope. Just Nope.

  • @PovertyakaGargamel
    @PovertyakaGargamel Před 8 měsíci +4

    I'm with Anna… I have also accepted that reasoning as well.

  • @AbsurdTV1
    @AbsurdTV1 Před 8 měsíci +5

    Dont give up Ana !!!

    • @itsknotmagic
      @itsknotmagic Před 8 měsíci +1

      We've all had our moments of defeated feelings...the trick is to get mad enough to get back up

  • @AverageJoe483
    @AverageJoe483 Před 9 měsíci +5

    I don’t think Tucker is a “ loyalist” . He has insulted Trump plenty . I doubt this list is accurate .

  • @lovemypuppy2857
    @lovemypuppy2857 Před 7 měsíci +5

    Is it true Tucker was in Moscow??? If it is makes me wonder how many documents he took with him.

  • @mharriedjr
    @mharriedjr Před 7 měsíci +3

    I totally agree with you on the nonsense that is about to occur with this country if Trump becomes president again. It's hilarious to think that this man could have gotten this far in the political arena with no experience and people cheered for more. A lot happened in the 4 years that he was president but whats worse is that he encouraged people to let their full on hatred out without remorse or restrictions!

  • @petem.3719
    @petem.3719 Před 9 měsíci +5

    Keep dumpin' on Joe, Anna. This is your future. That is all. Resume your false equivalencies.

  • @NotApplicaple
    @NotApplicaple Před 9 měsíci +7

    Stephen Glotzer Miller looks like a vampire but without the charm.

  • @guadalupebrenes2545
    @guadalupebrenes2545 Před 9 měsíci +5

    Anna please stop talking like you really personally hate Biden, makes me kinda not watch this show but for Cenk I'm still listening. Just my 2 cents worth

  • @SeanMac-
    @SeanMac- Před 8 měsíci +4

    In the future when we talk about who really stood up to trump the most say HER name Fani Willis!!

  • @NoWay1969
    @NoWay1969 Před 9 měsíci +5

    To some degree, we deserve this. We've let the GOP become this.

    • @khbgkh
      @khbgkh Před 9 měsíci

      Who? Who let them? Silly fake wisdom

    • @Ellieempress
      @Ellieempress Před 9 měsíci

      We didn’t let them , they were paid to become this by the conservative wealthy.

    • @NoWay1969
      @NoWay1969 Před 9 měsíci

      @@khbgkh We did. The Democrats let them. We should have thrown Reagan and G.H.W. Bush in jail and stopped this.

    • @khbgkh
      @khbgkh Před 9 měsíci

      @@NoWay1969 that’s not we buddy. I was born after that. The fruits deserved by the parents get eaten by their children

    • @NoWay1969
      @NoWay1969 Před 9 měsíci

      And you would have acted exactly like your parents did in the situation. You're a sheep, same as them. @@khbgkh

  • @rajcan2008
    @rajcan2008 Před 8 měsíci +5

    Ana is wrong.

  • @carolannjohnson7459
    @carolannjohnson7459 Před 7 měsíci +9

    Vote Dems get the Republicans out clean the swamp get rid of trump

  • @MikeW-yk5tr
    @MikeW-yk5tr Před 6 měsíci +7

    Before you vote for Trump, think about all those people who gave thier lives so YOU could be free!!!

    • @texasnewt
      @texasnewt Před 6 měsíci +1

      You mean the corrupt DOJ/FBI, politically weaponized by Hillary and the Obamination, to frame a duly elected President,Donald J. Trump, using FISA warrants issued via fraudulent subpoenas? Since the perps have still not been held accountable, they did not give their lives for freedom. Far from it: they worked assiduously to deprive citizens of their civil rights, which is actually illegal.

    • @nosuchthing8
      @nosuchthing8 Před 6 měsíci

      ​@@texasnewttrump wants to be dictator, not biden.
      We can still vote

  • @nativemrv19722
    @nativemrv19722 Před 9 měsíci +5

    This shouldn't even be a subject...Trump shouldn't be allowed to run again?! ..This is Insane..

  • @curtissteen2953
    @curtissteen2953 Před 7 měsíci +5

    Ana, I’d say your cynicism borders on straight nihilism and I can’t think of a single scenario in which that’s helpful. If you can, please tell me what it is.

    • @fredrickroll06
      @fredrickroll06 Před 7 měsíci

      Straight nihilism is completely correct - and I agree with her on that without reservation!

  • @abbiejoliec3133
    @abbiejoliec3133 Před 8 měsíci +4

    Voldemort or Steven Miller would be the most chilling AG ever. However, Trump will not win!

  • @laurarush
    @laurarush Před 9 měsíci +12

    Lord help us.. please vote 💙

  • @panthertvchannel5921
    @panthertvchannel5921 Před 9 měsíci +12

    This is what happens when you elect a madman to be the president, he literally lost his mind

  • @calebnguyen3247
    @calebnguyen3247 Před 9 měsíci +6

    Ana i love you this is so unhealthy and unhelpful. You end off on a depressed note and you dont even offer any plan at all. It's an entire you from now. Why are you acceptin defeat?? You have an enormous platform; do something with it to help save democracy. Because right now, you certainly aren't.

  • @karenparker2405
    @karenparker2405 Před 7 měsíci +4

    Fantastic talk. Everything we really need to hear.

  • @rodneywyatt9441
    @rodneywyatt9441 Před 9 měsíci +7

    TYT should stand for the The Young Trumpers

  • @melissaverduin3693
    @melissaverduin3693 Před 9 měsíci +11

    Ana is soooo negative. Very disappointing! Get out the vote instead of just throwing in the towel! Not cool Ana!😒

    • @TheTruthDragonNJ09
      @TheTruthDragonNJ09 Před 9 měsíci

      You and other keep saying "Vote! Vote! Vote!" but you fail to remember we don't have a 1 Person = 1 Vote election system for POTUS. Biden could win the popular vote but still lose because of the electoral college. He's losing places he barely won last election.

    • @Doughboy1943
      @Doughboy1943 Před 9 měsíci

      @@TheTruthDragonNJ09and? That’s why votes are even more important dumbass

    • @realsavage4218
      @realsavage4218 Před 9 měsíci

      ​@@TheTruthDragonNJ09💯 Exactly, Biden is currently losing in the key battleground swing states that he would need to beat Trump. DNC shouldn't be so fast to put all their chips in for Biden.

  • @OceanRose73
    @OceanRose73 Před 9 měsíci +5

    Anna doesnt speak for me.

  • @SSteacher95
    @SSteacher95 Před 6 měsíci +4

    Wouldn't it be great if our failed corporate duopoly would convince people to vote for their candidate because they're the better choice rather than making us fear their opponent? I'd like that a lot...

  • @floptimus
    @floptimus Před 7 měsíci +5

    Jesus christ Ana, you're losing me.

  • @fleurybreedin3682
    @fleurybreedin3682 Před 9 měsíci +7

    I’m a Dem and I don’t cave ever. Neither do my Dem friends. Don’t stereotype us.
    If you don’t want Trump to win you need to quit bashing Biden. He may not be your cup of tea but but he is far better than Trump.

    • @andytraiger4079
      @andytraiger4079 Před 9 měsíci

      That's not enough. Biden is terribly unpopular. If you want to prevent a trump presidency, then vote in the Republican primary in your state for the 2nd place candidate other than trump. If ALL of the democratic voters in your state vote for the same 2nd place republican candidate, then trump will most likely lose your state. And if enough states do this trump will NOT be the Republican nominee! VOTE RED in the primary to protect our country from Trump!

    • @babyspider99
      @babyspider99 Před 9 měsíci

      Haha! We never give up! Like you have a chance in this battle. As if you and your super hero friends can do anything. You don't read polls do you? You don't have normal friends do you? You don't live out of your bubble do you? Ana is bashing biden to get him to step aside dumb azz! He is a severely damaged candidate. Look at his polls as a person and his policies. He is extremely unlikable. And they just drop more every time a poll is released and what do you think could raise them in one year, fruit loop? Just wait till that recession hits next year and more info comes out on his "loan payments" from hunter. Oh and do you think hus cognitive ability is going to miraculously improve in a year? I love his shuffle walk and those black shark eyes with nothing behind them. He is donezo!

    • @terrystorey
      @terrystorey Před 9 měsíci

      The polls also said Hillary was going to win. Polls are wrong. They have been wrong for a while now. Biden took a country on the brink of a depression and turned it around. Is it the best it could be? No, but he has done a fantastic job, and the data proves it. Every Democrat that I know likes the job he has done. They will vote for him again. The only people I hear talk about his age are the people on TV. They need to shut up about his age and ficus more on his good policies. Trump will be the same age as Joe was when he was elected. People really need to start talking about Trumps mental decline. He doesn't even know what president is in office now. He thinks Jeb Bush was president. His rhetoric is getting old and stale. It's not going to work this time. A majority of people are sick and tired of Trump.

  • @albertperez8764
    @albertperez8764 Před 8 měsíci +3

    You do have power. Stay calm and do your part with steady focus.

  • @lilth501
    @lilth501 Před 9 měsíci +9

    Thanks for preparing us for a scenario that hasn't even happened yet?
    Fence sitters...

  • @mikerundell6517
    @mikerundell6517 Před 8 měsíci +10

    Why are you helping Trump win why should I help this channel you're doing the same things you did to Hillary

  • @oneandatwoanda
    @oneandatwoanda Před 9 měsíci +5

    There are some pretty weird comments here. Looks like the bot farm is in overdrive.

    • @berrylee5000
      @berrylee5000 Před 9 měsíci +1

      The comparisons being made in the video are ridiculous

  • @kaylasmith9462
    @kaylasmith9462 Před 7 měsíci +4

    Ana, Ana, Ana… Oh ye woman of such little Faith. Don’t live as having no HOPE!!!
    God is still on the THRONE….

  • @dvdschaub
    @dvdschaub Před 9 měsíci +13

    Ana's bleak outlook is also warrented for the even larger problem of environmental collapse. But most people are more concerned with the Kardashians. We deserve what we get.

    • @jaydavis9717
      @jaydavis9717 Před 9 měsíci +2

      We know it's an issue, we know what we can to do correct it, nobody really does it.

    • @larryforbes6718
      @larryforbes6718 Před 9 měsíci

      To be fair Biden passed a Climate Bill. It was dead for months til Biden traded off some oil n gas leases in W V and apparently elsewhere. Traded 20% to get 80% of a win! Environmentalists say it could reduce carbon emmisions 30 to 40% and limit temp increases. Good not perfect...compared to Trump telling goofy stories about EVs and repubz denying climate change is real!!! Hmmm...who to vote for? Despair is self defeating! We fight on.

  • @danielbreid8439
    @danielbreid8439 Před 9 měsíci +8

    Ana needs to keep her balance on the Biden primary stuff, it doesn’t ever go well to primary the sitting president (see Jimmy Carter)!