Overcoming A Root Of Rejection | The Leader's Cut w/ Preston Morrison

  • čas přidán 10. 09. 2024
  • At some point in our lives, we all encounter rejection - but it’s how we process and deal with it that determines how it impacts our life. How do we know if we’re dealing with a root of rejection? How did Jesus handle rejection? And how do you heal from rejection?
    / @followthepillar
    Preston Morrison Instagram: / prestonmorrison
    Pillar Church Instagram: / pillarfollower
    Pillar Church Website: thepillar.com
    Pillar Church is led by Preston Morrison and located in Scottsdale, Arizona. On this channel, you’ll find Preston Morrison’s sermons, his podcast The Leaders Cut, and appearances from our friends like Tim Ross and more!
    #leadership #mentorship #discipleship #prestonmorrison #rejection

Komentáře • 190

  • @mr.djenkins3022
    @mr.djenkins3022 Před 4 měsíci +62

    My 34 year old cousin passed away last week and I wasn’t going to attend the funeral because of our family’s rejection of my mother and me. I have clarity now. Praise Jesus.


      Glory be to God and our condolences

    • @prestonmorrison4094
      @prestonmorrison4094 Před 4 měsíci +2

      You’re AMAZING!! I’m so sorry for your loss. Praying for His presence to be TANGIBLE in this season!

    • @lmarie931
      @lmarie931 Před 4 měsíci

      I'm sorry for your loss. Grateful the Lord gave you clarity.

  • @MissAmberlee1
    @MissAmberlee1 Před 4 měsíci +31

    These episodes are like therapy sessions for me . I love how God can be everywhere all the time ❤

    • @dorcusmukaya9285
      @dorcusmukaya9285 Před 4 měsíci +2

      Me too free therapy lessons🙌🙌🙌Thank God

    • @in_his_presence_4362
      @in_his_presence_4362 Před 4 měsíci

      Amen! I'm local here in AZ I'd love to visit campus but I can't leave my dog home again. I'm gone enough for work. These posts are everything!!! 😊

  • @anniegraves7270
    @anniegraves7270 Před 4 měsíci +14

    The first time I felt rejected was my birth mom giving me up for adoption. I was 6 when I was adopted by American godly family. Through this process in my life God has shown me by his love he has never rejected me. This video spoke to me in so many ways. God knew I needed to hear this. 🙏

  • @LJL83
    @LJL83 Před 4 měsíci +18

    My little 10 year old sweet self felt rejection for the first time. I’m 41 and I’m being divorced for the 3rd time! The Lord rebuke the root of rejection off of my mind in the name of Jesus!
    I AM being delivered!!! God is sooooo GOOD! ❤

  • @jrunnels04
    @jrunnels04 Před 4 měsíci +9

    My husband of 13 years. Together since we were 20, 2 young boys, I just knew we’d grow old together.
    We’ve had challenges, when I came out of my depression that held me for a couple years, I saw we were distant. Reached for him and he said he was done.
    Fought for months to show him I love him and I want to work on us.
    No good.
    He was already so finished he started another relationship with someone else.
    The enemy is doing a NUMBER with images of him loving another person and we’re not even divorced yet. I feel so discarded and disrespected, yet guilty for the ways I might’ve made him feel unloved.
    I want to show up and relate to him lovingly for the sake of our young boys.
    I’ve been asking the Father to heal my heart, but my pride and vengeance has me holding on.
    Cutting family, please pray I learn how to walk in love, forgiveness and patience while divorcing.
    I still am in love with him so it makes it so painful.
    Please pray God makes His presence more known every day 🙏🏽

    • @Ininjacub
      @Ininjacub Před 3 měsíci +1

      Take the pride and vengeance you feel to the Lord. Let Him be the place where you let it all go. I am going through the same thing but it is my wife. I’ll be praying for you. That the Lord bring you peace

    • @micaiahburkes8405
      @micaiahburkes8405 Před 3 měsíci +2

      Hi, I’m going through a similar situation. Needing to let go of the ideas and prideful desires I’ve had based around this person. I want you to know that I prayed for you. Specifically for you not to walk in pride or vengeance anymore, for you to feel the abounding love of God and for you to feel his holy presence in those weaker moments. I pray he feels that void for you as his love is like no other. Your awareness of it will be even greater now and you’ll experience it. I love you and Jesus especially does❤️

    • @TheAnissaMonee
      @TheAnissaMonee Před 2 měsíci +1

      I’m so sorry for your pain and I can only imagine how much more depression this has bought you. Remember you are more valuable than silver and gold and God loves you he feels your pain. Run to him in pain he will restore you. Sit and listen for him. ❤ I love you sister

    • @kimmestrada4557
      @kimmestrada4557 Před 5 dny

      Have you ever heard Lysa Terkeurst… please look her up and listen to her story
      Her story and how she overcome her rejection was inspiring to me as I have suffered that same loss as you ! God blesd

  • @kristinzastrow7300
    @kristinzastrow7300 Před měsícem +3

    Just wow. Again, our Lord came through deeply and personally. He spoke through you straight into a deep sadness that I hadn’t been fully able to walk away from. Thank you for listening to his voice so specifically. It was for me, the little girl who was given up for adoption. It was me who was teased and picked last in games. It was me, the young woman to be married to the man of her dreams, whose friend called to say he had slept at another woman’s house. It was me who masked and smiled and loved as best I could, but had not fully healed or been freed from that past. It was so many of us. Thank you for being the instrument to speak into my life today. Thanking God for you and your calling, Preston. Bawling, on my knees, thanking God for speaking directly to me through you. 🙌😭

  • @reneesilmon8304
    @reneesilmon8304 Před 20 dny +1

    What a mighty God we serve. Just today, the words ‘I don’t care if you disappear’ were said to me and I was hurt to my core. Of course, they attempted to recant and state they would NEVER say anything to me like that as they care for me and love me like no other. He’d been drinking and only God knows what else. My ex-fiancé- I KNOW GOD delivered me from that bullet, but these words were daggers. I asked myself why I was even still connected to this guy… I asked GOD before coming to CZcams to give me a word from Him and man oh man! And yes, I stayed to the end and was crying ugly tears, but so needed. Preston, you my dear sir are beyond a blessing. Your soul, spirit, obedience and authenticity is so refreshing in this world of hurt people that need Jesus and His precious sweet undying unforgettable soothing healing redemptive love. I’ve been cut in an oh so good way! ❤🙌🏾🙏🏾♥️

  • @Keenya.Nikole
    @Keenya.Nikole Před 4 měsíci +29

    I was JUST praying “Holy Spirit kill that part of my flesh that feels like I have to prove myself”. Then this notification popped up. I’ve been balling my eyes out feeling like I can’t breathe AND…I AM RECEIVED! Thank you big brother!!

  • @lisettetrivino2159
    @lisettetrivino2159 Před 4 měsíci +7

    I’m amazed of how the Lord is soooo intentional. Last night I had a dream about someone who hurt me not knowing what really meant and the very next morning you are talking about rejection. Preston THANK YOU for letting the Holy Spirit speak through you to us who have been hurt! May God keep blessing you and your family!

    • @prestonmorrison4094
      @prestonmorrison4094 Před 4 měsíci

      I LOVE when God does that!! I’m so sorry you were hurt, but I LOVE seeing The Healer of hurt moving on the scene!!!

  • @sharonburgin1710
    @sharonburgin1710 Před 4 měsíci +6

    My whole life has been filled with rejection and I so want to be free from the pain.i have forgiven them but had held on to sorrow feelings of being never good enough for anyone. Thank you

    • @hanbaldwin
      @hanbaldwin Před 4 měsíci +1

      Lord Jesus! How You love this precious soul so very much! You are no stranger to sorrow and pain. I pray You would come and wash Your healing love over this sweet child You care for so much. Bring about such a deep revelation of Your love that there is no ability to continue to hold on to pain. May Your love come and fill this sweet and tender heart to overflowing from the inside out.

  • @jenniferjackson4379
    @jenniferjackson4379 Před 2 měsíci +1

    This episode has blessed me. God has been speaking to me about the root of the spirit of rejection. I daily feel the spirit of fear and do not love myself. It is difficult for me to completely receive Gods love for me. But I pray for the walls to come down and fully experience Gods love for me. So I can walk on purpose as the woman of God he created me to be fully. I need to know my identity in Christ and I can’t walk this out without knowing fully his love for me. I want to uproot all the rejection or have surgery and get it cut out so I can finally heal. I have forgiven the ones that have hurt me and now it’s time to heal. Thank you thank you for blessing me in every way.

  • @nickclancy5282
    @nickclancy5282 Před 4 měsíci +6

    I’ve had a root of rejection what feels like my whole life. It’s hard to find the moment where it sprouted, because I was so young to even remember? Desperately wanting Holy Spirit to do a healing work in my life. Thankful for this episode, Preston!

    • @hanbaldwin
      @hanbaldwin Před 4 měsíci +2

      Father I pray You would come and do Your healing work! Reveal any memory and incident where rejection sprouted up and took root. I pray You would silence the voice of the enemy and render his influence useless in Jesus’ name. Come and replace rejection with Your deep and abiding love, I pray.

    • @prestonmorrison4094
      @prestonmorrison4094 Před 4 měsíci


  • @margaretturner4467
    @margaretturner4467 Před 4 měsíci +3

    This was so good. I’ve dealt with rejection this past week. I was angry and was about to shut everyone out. I saw this message before it happened and took the time to listen to it this morning. And something happened in me. I realized that anger is my default emotion because of past treatment and trauma. I knew that I was accepted in Jesus and do not need to put a wall around me. I can go against the grain, grow and change and become all that the Father has called me to be. #thanksforthecut 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @amymomo
    @amymomo Před 3 měsíci +2

    I listened to this in my car right after it came out. I pulled over at the end and experienced inner healing around this root of rejection I've known has been in my life, but couldn't pinpoint. The memory God brought me to was a surprising one when I was probably 9-11 years old. I scheduled a prayer ministry room at my church the following Wednesday to pray over this again and make sure there was nothing else to be addressed. There was a final uprooting of this rejection and spirit of fear that was part of the same memory. I'm thankful for your boldness to do inner healing on a podcast! And for being placed in an amazing church where I can go continue the work the Lord started here.

  • @nataliecates7800
    @nataliecates7800 Před 4 měsíci +5

    I just feel so revived by the love the Lord has replaced my rejection with. I feel whole in a new way deep within my heart. The Lord revealed not only the times of rejection when I was younger, but gave me a vision of exactly where He was right next to me to show me He was there all along. He brought back a dream I had when I was around 7 years old, and in my dream I think I was around 4 - 6 years old, and the entire world around me was a battlefield. A physical war. Not a person was in sight as bombs dropped around me, and as I called out, screaming for my mom, looking everywhere and feeling lost, some man walked up behind me, reached His hand out to me, and he was calm, didn't say a word, and I grabbed his hand, and he led me by my hand and I felt safe... The Lord revealed to me during this episode that the man was Jesus. The war represented my life and the absence of people represented the neglect and abandonment I faced ever since I can remember... And the Lord was there all along. He was, and is, my safety. I no longer have to face and battle rejection because the One who loved me first, simply, never rejected me. Hallelujah. Selah

    • @prestonmorrison4094
      @prestonmorrison4094 Před 4 měsíci

      INCREDIBLE testimony!!!

    • @TheNarrowPath40
      @TheNarrowPath40 Před 3 měsíci

      Thanks for this message. You didn't mention mothers being rejected by their adult children. Thousands of mothers are grieving living children who have rejected them. It is an epidemic that many don't know is happening. And I have not found a church that offers any help. My son estranged from me 7 years ago. He has three sons I do not know. It's a terrible pain and grief.. I have gone to scripture looking at Jesus and how He was rejected, to help me with the ongoing grief. How do I release this type of rejection and grief?

  • @pdavidgrieve
    @pdavidgrieve Před 4 měsíci +2

    Thank you for this “Cut.” I didn't realize I needed this. I resigned as pastor of a church in June after 17 years. I thought it would be a beautiful and honorable send-off. Instead, people were mad at and disappointed in us for going, even though God said to go. What I didn't realize until watching and listening to this was how their response to my obedience to God was a form of rejection. For the past ten months, I have seen my daughters rejected by people from the church, essentially taking it out on them. They rejected the direction we had led the church and changed it almost overnight. I have felt like I have had to tell people that is the location of the church I pastored but not the church I pastored. I only thought I was dealing with shame and worked through that earlier last fall, but now I see there was rejection I was still dealing with every time I heard about what was happening next at the church, or someone asked me about it. Thank you. I see now I still have a healing process to go on with the rejection.

  • @claudiamesa8619
    @claudiamesa8619 Před 4 měsíci +5

    Wow!.. this word just ROCKED my world as it pertains to rejection. I have new perspective. For the longest time I thought this sort of pain was so exclusive to my life and who I am (ain’t that the devil). Another strategy to keep us away from community and acceptance. Praise Jesus for this word! I really needed this, for SO long. Thank you 💛

  • @dalemoye4
    @dalemoye4 Před 4 měsíci +1

    I found out I was adopted at in the second grade. My parents had to give me up for adoption because they couldn’t support another child. You literally described me.
    I’m going to get through this though. I’m accepted. I’m received. By God before any man! 😭

  • @zinhlemkhize2332
    @zinhlemkhize2332 Před 4 měsíci +4

    My parents didn't give me up, but I was so deprived of love that I thought they were my adoptive parents. That's my root.

    • @prestonmorrison4094
      @prestonmorrison4094 Před 4 měsíci +2

      I pray you experience a measure of the Father’s love in a way that LITERALLY renders you speechless!!! You are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO loved!!!!

    • @alicia_nicole444
      @alicia_nicole444 Před 4 měsíci

      Facts. I used to ask my parents all the time was I adopted

    • @zinhlemkhize2332
      @zinhlemkhize2332 Před 4 měsíci

      ​@@alicia_nicole444 I hope you're healing. I am glad we are here listening to pods like this, piece by piece I know the Holy Spirit will put us back together. Aren't we just glad we get to have this hope? Jesus is our hero ❤

  • @franciscorobelly8832
    @franciscorobelly8832 Před 4 měsíci +4

    I love you so much Preston, your talking has been such a blessing to my life!!!!!

  • @MattBoardman-mm5nm
    @MattBoardman-mm5nm Před 3 měsíci

    I have been dealing with the root of rejection my whole life. The seed was planted at the age of 6 weeks.
    Then continued throughout my preteen years with violence and abuse and continous rejection BC of my behaviour. I am 49 years old and still experiencing that rejection from aging parents.
    I'm ready to deal with this root as has caused a lifelong addiction to many things.
    Finally leading me to drive into an oncoming car BC the enemy was screaming 'Kill yourself' over and over in my mind. Pls pray for me as I face the root cause of all my woes.
    God bless you for this video. It has taught me so much about my behaviours. ❤❤❤❤

  • @SimbarasheChingodza
    @SimbarasheChingodza Před 4 měsíci +1

    hey Preston, I am truly grateful to God for your message. One of my friends directed me here and it is my first time listening to your podcast. I am a person who has and still is dealing with the root of rejection, i guess it has been something that has always alienated me from the people that really enjoy my space and my person. But i am grateful that God wants to heal this root and this is just a start of it. Thank you for what you doing, God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.

  • @LJL83
    @LJL83 Před 4 měsíci +3

    Yes! I’m an astonished at His Love for Me! Amen! I’m healed!

  • @womenfaithfighters
    @womenfaithfighters Před 3 měsíci +1

    Hi everyone! Just started watching P Morrison and I’m hooked! God is faithful and knew what I needed before I knew. God bless you and this ministry P Morrison.🙏🏼

  • @GodAnsweredMeToLove
    @GodAnsweredMeToLove Před 4 měsíci +6

    😭Jesus is so good. Thank you for following the GOSPEL

  • @Msarielleaugustin
    @Msarielleaugustin Před 4 měsíci +3

    I feel so blessed to have found your channel. Your words are so healing. Thank you.

  • @LJL83
    @LJL83 Před 4 měsíci +3

    I asked him to tell me what He wants to teach me, show me, refine me! I could testify!

  • @jonathane5101
    @jonathane5101 Před 4 měsíci +2

    I have a root of rejection that feels so strong at times. Dad wasn't around when I was a kid and my mum struggled at times to emotionally connect with me. I was bullied in school and struggled a lot with fitting in. I realised through this video how scared, angry and hurt I am by society and family. Despite having a beautiful family now I am still carrying that hurt. Thank you Preston for this. It is time to forgive and begin caring.

    • @amy-giacomelli
      @amy-giacomelli Před měsícem +1

      In His strength He will heal your heart 🙏🏼 God bless you and may the Lord continue to restore you in all the ways 🤍


    God bless you for teaching us 🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵 Love Pillar Church

  • @andrewlarson2840
    @andrewlarson2840 Před 19 dny

    Preston, thank you for your words today. I have been dealing with a root of rejection for many years since my ex-wife stepped out on me. It has plagued my last marriage (that is what I call my current marriage, as we have determined that divorce is not an option). My wife has been so compassionate and caring and patient as I have worked through this pain. I felt something shift today as you read my mail. Holy spirit ministered in such a tangible way as you spoke. Thank you for being obedient and pouring out on me today.
    God Bless you, your family, and your ministry.

  • @emilytorres6786
    @emilytorres6786 Před 3 měsíci

    Watching this video makes me realize how much the root of rejection is seen throughout my life. Ever since I gave my life to Christ the Lord has been working in me when it comes to rejection. I love how this video gives me more context and verbiage to it

  • @todot6360
    @todot6360 Před 4 měsíci +4

    God, thank you for not giving up on us. Even if others have, you will never leave us! We want to be rooted in your love and not in the root of rejection. Cycles are being broken in the name of Jesus! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @user-vn3zf4ct9v
    @user-vn3zf4ct9v Před 4 měsíci +2

    Omg. I was adopted by my grandmother because both my parents did not show up to claim me. So the judge gave my grandmother rights over me. I had to bury my father my first week of college. He dropped dead from a heart attack. Then I had to take care of my mother when she was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma cancer. I had to bury two parents that didn’t show up for me. But I had to show up for them.

  • @UKMarketing007
    @UKMarketing007 Před 4 měsíci +2

    Breaking the root of rejection with the unconditional acceptance of Christ - this is a powerful Kingdom truth that crushes the root of rejection. Thank you Lord Jesus and thank you Preston for bringing this powerful message! God bless you!

  • @emilytorres6786
    @emilytorres6786 Před 3 měsíci

    I wish this was translated in Spanish to show this video to my mom and my Spanish speaking family !! I loved it!

  • @lisaturner9939
    @lisaturner9939 Před 4 měsíci +1

    In a traumatizing season and experiencing rejection in the midst of it. Walking with and in Him has also been the season I am in. This episode speaks deep into me and resonates loudly and quietly. A definite turning point and am thankful for the clarity and direction I hear from Him in this message 🙏🕊️🙏🕊️

    • @prestonmorrison4094
      @prestonmorrison4094 Před 4 měsíci

      I’m sorry you have had to navigate that pain. SO grateful God spoke to you in the midst of it AND is so present with you through every bit of it.

  • @saramarotto2839
    @saramarotto2839 Před 4 měsíci +1

    Honestly this only made my life harder. I know it's good for people who have relateable experiences. It also speaks to those who have been elevated in life and yet are still carrying rejection. But there are others that don't and haven't acted out in the ways you described who still wait and say nothing because I can just about guarantee there will be someone who can't wait to condem and judge their misfortune, shred their histories and dismiss their scars as self inflicted or percetion errors. Rejection is hard but it's something you get used to and learn to roll with it but people using your pain for their entertainment, you never get used to that.

  • @patrickjg12
    @patrickjg12 Před 4 měsíci +1

    This week my church put on a relationship class for the young adults group and im 30 and thought I was healed from past relationships and dealing with rejection and I was lying to myself this week God opened my eyes with the class and this leaders cut! Every girl I talked to I told myself Im not interested or they wouldnt be interested in a relationship with me to protect myself from dealing with rejection. I cant do this without Christ may he remove the root of rejection of my heart! And thank you God for never rejecting me and always loving me unconditionally your love is more fulfilling than anything in this world❤️🙏🏻

  • @B.E.T.T.Ychannel
    @B.E.T.T.Ychannel Před 4 měsíci +2

    I thank the LORD, our FATHER for loving us the way He does! I needed this! I thank God for giving me language and someone to help me to walk through this journey. Rejection, Worthiness, and Abandonment have been the things I’ve been held back by my entire life! I’m so grateful to have Jesus in my life now! Rep roof and instruction are the way to this life we life we live with the Lord! Hallelujah! Amen! Thank God for Jesus

  • @jalissalabria8576
    @jalissalabria8576 Před 3 měsíci +1

    I truly needed this , thank you so much for giving me an understanding and knowledge of rejection.
    I say all the time “ We can’t release to God what we can’t identify “ 🙏🏾
    What truly help me in this video is to know that I’m already accepted by Jesus , that was revelation for me !!!
    If God be for me , than who can be against me 🙏🏾

  • @michellereid8087
    @michellereid8087 Před 4 měsíci +3

    Preston I am a grateful listener of The Leaders cut. And today’s episode was absolutely mind blowing for me. I would ask that you please pray with me as I have no issue hearing the words and believing them feeling them touch my heart. But receiving them or Gods love In its full measure is a struggle but something I want to no longer battle. Thank you so much for the messages you are given and for the way you deliver them.

  • @Savagesight24
    @Savagesight24 Před 4 měsíci


  • @sylviasbooks35
    @sylviasbooks35 Před 4 měsíci +3

    I needed to hear this today. Thank you Preston for following Gods leading. You answered a question that I’ve been wrestling with for years. Praise God!

  • @LJL83
    @LJL83 Před 4 měsíci +3

    God is telling my story through your mouth!

  • @maryloo07
    @maryloo07 Před 4 měsíci +2

    I absolutely love this episode. Every part of it applies to myself and have asked the Holy Spirit to cut on me every part of my heart that needs healing. There are so many people I need to fully forgive: mother, father, stepmother and sexual abusers throughout my countless traumatic experiences. Holy Spirit help me, I can’t do it without you. Help me apply Ephesians 4:32 in my life. Thank you Preston for sharing God’s love and obeying his lead. Blessings to The Leader’s Cut and Pilar Church. I’d like to visit the church at one point, on the way, when I travel again to Temecula CA.

  • @ohwoosuah
    @ohwoosuah Před 4 měsíci +1

    Hi I’m From Ghana in west Africa and I’m here to be cut 🙏🏾

  • @marhamdezigns7152
    @marhamdezigns7152 Před 4 měsíci +2

    This is so good Preston, I appreciate the topics you choose to discuss and how deep it hits. Thank you so much for coming on week after week and have these conversations.

  • @loriturnbull3356
    @loriturnbull3356 Před 4 měsíci +1

    This was a bit rough. I felt the Holy Spirit show me a few situations where I was rejected in the past and how that had affected some of my current behavior. AND... the love of the Father was sooo present.❤ Seems interesting that 2 things can exist at the same time.
    I even cried a bit during one part (something have never been able to do!😮) After the tears I didn't just feel anger... it was more like rage that these things happened and the way those lies have become a part of my life.
    If you've read all this, could you take a moment to pray for me? 🙏 Thx.😊

  • @amb_TV
    @amb_TV Před 4 měsíci +2

    Loved the long prayer, Preston. Please make a few prayer videos soon. 🙏🏼😊✝️

    • @prestonmorrison4094
      @prestonmorrison4094 Před 4 měsíci

      What kind of prayer videos? Praying is one of my favorite things, so I’m all ears! :)

  • @nangulaiithete7291
    @nangulaiithete7291 Před 3 měsíci +1

    What a beautiful therapy session ❤

  • @gloriaoluyadi7566
    @gloriaoluyadi7566 Před 4 měsíci +1

    I thank God for blessing us with a pure heart like yours. God bless you, thank you Lord for this video.

    • @prestonmorrison4094
      @prestonmorrison4094 Před 4 měsíci

      Two of my favorite words because they are two of HIS favorite words…PURE…HEART!!!

  • @okayehere
    @okayehere Před 3 měsíci +1

    I'm from Florida! Super excited to follow your podcast. I came here after your talk with Megan on in totality.

  • @melissacaparitia7847
    @melissacaparitia7847 Před 4 měsíci

    Thank you so much, I have fought with rejection so much, it has created so much hinderance in my walk with Chirst. Thank so much

  • @deborahkoumah7617
    @deborahkoumah7617 Před 4 měsíci

    God is funnyyyyy!!! just came back from a dinner a few hours ago talking to a mentor of mine that I think I have fear of rejection and this is one of the first videos I see on my feed 😃😃😃😃

  • @LJL83
    @LJL83 Před 4 měsíci +3

    I love you, Prez! Pastor Preston!!!

  • @eric.valleyoftheheroic
    @eric.valleyoftheheroic Před 4 měsíci +1

    I literally was about to say nah not cutters “people of the cut” and you said it right after!!!

  • @Sacious1989
    @Sacious1989 Před 4 měsíci

    I finally made it through this whole episode and it was the most excruciatingly painful one yet.

  • @Godsdaughter1728
    @Godsdaughter1728 Před 4 měsíci +1

    Watching from South Africa 🇿🇦 🙌🏽

  • @Jonny13laze
    @Jonny13laze Před 4 měsíci +1

    Thanks for doing this Preston. Thank you for discipling me. It helps me grow.

  • @RecalibratedMindAlvords
    @RecalibratedMindAlvords Před 4 měsíci +1

    This was great. One I’ll listen to again and take notes on!

  • @heatherbrowder1484
    @heatherbrowder1484 Před 3 měsíci

    Preston, I can’t thank you enough and praise God enough for speaking through you via this episode of The Leaders Cut.
    I’ve known for sometime that I have suffered from the spirit of rejection, and little by little God has given me revelation and wisdom to succumb to it less and less. The exercise you took us through by closing our eyes, picturing that moment in which the spirit of rejection took hold of us, and inviting Jesus into that moment has been the most empowering moment of freedom I’ve experienced during this journey. I’m 52, so it’s been a long one, and I know the journey has not been for naught.
    Daily, God continues to grow me in wisdom and understanding.
    The Leader’s Cut has been a huge asset to my growth. Thank you for your obedience to the Lord and your vulnerability.

  • @asiadawson2487
    @asiadawson2487 Před 4 měsíci +1

    I needed this! So much so, I came back to watch this again today. & this time actually heard in the opening prayer that it be "an early birthday present" that the Holy Spirit encounters us. Funny enough, it's 10 days until mine! So thank you Jesus for this gift.

  • @Cclearly9
    @Cclearly9 Před 4 měsíci +2

    This was very insightful and I appreciated the checklist in the beginning. If you haven’t done one already, could you do a pod on trust? I was basically raised to not trust others d/t my upbringing and I want to be able to just put the walls down. Learning to trust God has been hard before, but I’m getting there.

    • @prestonmorrison4094
      @prestonmorrison4094 Před 4 měsíci +1

      Yup. Parents with a root of rejection scare their children into believing all relationships lead to rejection.
      I’ll take that episode idea to the Lord in prayer!

  • @chiibekwe7665
    @chiibekwe7665 Před 4 měsíci

    Man, thank God for this video! I went back to the time when I failed out of school. I came home broken totally dejected, even to the point of thinking about unaliving myself. My parents hid me a way for a year. They were/stil are prominent figures in this Christian small group that met weekly. I wanted to go because I desperately needed Godly encouragement from other believers, but they wouldn't let me "for my own good." In reality, they were ashamed of me. This shame has lingered and it's been 15 years. Because of this video, I forgive them in Jesus Name! When I went back to that moment I saw Jesus telling me that He received me!

  • @Mamarita143
    @Mamarita143 Před 4 měsíci

    This is why I appreciate when people like Preston are obedient because I feel like this message was right on time. We never know who are gift is a help to. Praying for all of us who deal with rejection

  • @JandF42708
    @JandF42708 Před 4 měsíci +2

    This is sooo amazing and really needed this sooooo bad thank u preston for ur preaching about this topic so much!!!! Thank you and God bless u!

  • @carolberg2443
    @carolberg2443 Před 4 měsíci

    I feel rejected at work. The person who was promoted to be my manager doesn’t acknowledge my existence, has a co-worker answer any questions I have and only provides negative feedback. Never experienced this before in the workplace and have no idea what I did to offend this person. I brought up the subject during a review which left them speechless.
    Thank you for this video. My rejection is minimal compared to what happened with Jesus.
    I pray the protection of the Holy Spirit at work and ask that the Lord’s will be done.
    Hopeful for a “Joseph” moment to be revealed to me.

  • @haileyallgood962
    @haileyallgood962 Před 2 měsíci

    The message I needed to hear! This has my name on it!! Such an amazing message!

  • @cynthiagerecke6387
    @cynthiagerecke6387 Před 4 měsíci +3

    Phenomenal message! Thank you

  • @elyshiaotero2570
    @elyshiaotero2570 Před 3 měsíci +1

    I’m from Michigan

  • @priscillamensah1000
    @priscillamensah1000 Před 4 měsíci +1

    Wow, wow, this word was beautifully spoken and healing!! Thank you for the scriptures mentioned also!!! ❤❤🙏🙏🙏

    • @prestonmorrison4094
      @prestonmorrison4094 Před 4 měsíci

      You’ll never see an episode WITHOUT A BUNCH of that Book!!! 🤣🤣🤣

  • @adenike77
    @adenike77 Před 4 měsíci +1

    Thank you for this message.. for letting the Holy Spirit use you to help heal us.. I’ve only been able to recently identify my feelings of rejections in the past year or so.. and I’ve been trying to find the root and how to make it stop.. I was struggling with feelings of rejection today.. in tears.. when this video popped up again.. Thank You Abba for always hearing me.. and seeking after me and my heart.. I Love You so much and thank You for loving me even more

  • @LJL83
    @LJL83 Před 4 měsíci +1


  • @susieqshields
    @susieqshields Před 4 měsíci

    Thank you so much for this podcast. I am divorced after 43 years of marriage. We walked side-by-side in church leadership and the entire time he was a different person -having affairs and I’m trying so hard to heal. I appreciate your Podcasts.
    Thanks again !

  • @MrJPegues
    @MrJPegues Před 4 měsíci

    Bro I am so glad I was introduced to you through Tim, you are a God sent aid. I LoveU 17:57

  • @GoedeDag-qr9vq
    @GoedeDag-qr9vq Před 4 měsíci +1

    Thankyou. I recognized a lot. Deep tears. One day I hope to live also from the Receiving Place in me. Like you do.

  • @CinebySayida
    @CinebySayida Před 3 měsíci

    We thank God for this. I really need this.

  • @NOW-cz4wh
    @NOW-cz4wh Před 3 měsíci

    I started and stopped this video so many times thinking this does not apply to me. I am now so grateful that I stayed in a listened. This is powerful. I needed this… I WANT TO BE FREE, FATHER GET THE ROOT OUT! I WILL NOT LET THIS ROOT CHOKE OUT ALL THAT YOU HAVE FOR ME. I AM MOVING THROUGH THIS PROCESS WITH YIU FATHER.

  • @MONICAPGRAY-lo3vu
    @MONICAPGRAY-lo3vu Před 4 měsíci +1

    Thx you God for using you as vessel in this current status of my marriage! It hurts ❤️‍🩹 help me lord to release the rejection Father God!! I need help to release This I pray‼️

    • @prestonmorrison4094
      @prestonmorrison4094 Před 4 měsíci

      SUCH a brave, healthy, and mature prayer! I pray the God who upholds the universe would put his hand on every place in your heart which hurts, and when He does, your heart would willingly let go and release what it has been holding onto.

  • @Ascendthemountain
    @Ascendthemountain Před 4 měsíci

    wow, this was powerful and I can see the Holy Spirit exposing some things. Things I thought I dealt with but these last months have been particularly hard with facing a small burn out and just a wrecking ball to my emotional and spiritual health. There’s been so many lies to fight and while right now I do see a breakthrough from where I was a few months ago, what I see the most is that I have this root of rejection that plays out in my relationships and my reality now. I project the pain of that situation, what I felt and saw, the unhealthy expectations I had on myself and others- I see it actively moving in my life now. Especially when I feel rejected, the fear and rage are so powerful and I feel like I’m back in the mind of the little girl I was back then.
    I know that it’s not by my strength, but how can I break this cycle? I’ve forgiven and I genuinely love and care for those involved in the situation but I feel like more than that, I can’t break the mentality of it.
    That someone else was chosen over me and at my expense of healthiness and covering. That I was used until something better came along. That I had to fight to be enough for someone only to be replaced when something better came along. That I wasn’t protected or considered and so I was left behind.
    All of these things play into how I relate with the world today. To fight to be enough, to be used without thanks or appreciation, to control because of fear.
    I’ve seen god move in incredible ways through my life- in fact I thought I was healed from this because of the love I’ve received from him. I know he loves me but maybe I just need a fresh revelation.
    I’d so appreciate your prayers and any advice. ❤

  • @stephaniedcaldwell
    @stephaniedcaldwell Před 2 měsíci

    I'm just now listening to this today and the timing was perfect. I'm currently working through/dealing with releasing/grieving a friendship that just cannot be right now because he's rejected my intentions to build a solid friendship. It's really heartbreaking because I care for him a lot and I've done the best I can to be patient, but recently realized the best thing I can do for us both is walk away :( It's been really hard. Thank you for sharing the information in this video :) it's definitely been helpful and will continue to think on these things as I'm processing through my current situation.

  • @Caminc-s5b
    @Caminc-s5b Před 4 měsíci

    Preston what a blessing you are !!

  • @foralltimefilms5311
    @foralltimefilms5311 Před 4 měsíci

    What an amazing message. This was freeing. Praise God.

  • @teresaboone433
    @teresaboone433 Před 3 měsíci

    Pensacola FL Teresa Boone😊 Jesus is changing my life using you to show me it's worth the Weight!!! Praise you Holy Spirit ✝️🙏🕊️

  • @user-fv9gh4mu9c
    @user-fv9gh4mu9c Před 4 měsíci +1

    this is such a blessing for me, if only u know how much i have abttled for this, thank you for being God's intrument not jsut in my life but by others who have reached out by this video.

  • @erikbohl
    @erikbohl Před 4 měsíci

    Thank you Lord for this message. I didn’t know I had a root of rejection until today. I couldn’t explain my brokenness. Thank you Preston for being light.

  • @Save_The-People-JESUS
    @Save_The-People-JESUS Před 4 měsíci

    I never knew about you until I saw you on Megans In Totality Podcast and Praise the Lord for that!! I needed this exact message. I can move on and forgive now since its my own trauma that causes me to react the way that I do to rejection. When you said I reject so I cant be rejected. Oh boy guilty!! Working on that now.

  • @joeydlaminivlogs
    @joeydlaminivlogs Před 4 měsíci

    Hello everyone. I am from South Africa came here after watching your episode with Meghan Ashley

  • @yamilee1354
    @yamilee1354 Před 4 měsíci

    The most profound message I have heard on rejection since Derek Prince. This healed me in so many ways. So difficult to watch at work but I had to pause and break away and listen and write down. Thank Preston for ministering to us. I am grateful!

  • @cherylsilas6065
    @cherylsilas6065 Před 3 měsíci

    Amen! Amen! Amen!

  • @sellinakawale5537
    @sellinakawale5537 Před 7 dny

    Amen, this is so powerful

  • @angelinspires1111
    @angelinspires1111 Před 4 měsíci

    Thank you Jesus‼️

  • @Simply_JustQ
    @Simply_JustQ Před 4 měsíci

    Preston, you are ministering to me I am literally walking in a season of rejection right now. It hurts so bad but I’ve been getting up everyday trying to get through it.

  • @LJL83
    @LJL83 Před 4 měsíci

    Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!!! Absolutely for ME!!! I went to the attorney’s office about this very thing today. I would not let the joint attorney list as me being the plaintiff!

  • @hayleemcbride4774
    @hayleemcbride4774 Před 4 měsíci

    Wisdom has her hand on you. Thank you for saying Yes to Jesus bro! Great powerful and healing word. Proud of you too!

  • @LJL83
    @LJL83 Před 4 měsíci +1


  • @cherylrichard9714
    @cherylrichard9714 Před 4 měsíci

    Thank you Preston for this therapeutic resolution of rejection. This was gooooooooooood.

  • @mwc1987
    @mwc1987 Před 4 měsíci

    My wife left last June. We tried to work things out. She ghosted the fourth counseling session and then 11 days later cheated with a guy she picked up at a bar that I found out she’d been flirting with already. I was shattered. The divorce was finalized in March. I can’t put into words the rejection, betrayal, hurt and shattered heart and dreams that I’ve been experiencing since June of last year and even more accentuated since the end of December. I’m in therapy and it’s helping, but I’m still so crushed.

  • @carollirette685
    @carollirette685 Před 3 měsíci

    Thank you thank you🙏

  • @JoZe23
    @JoZe23 Před 4 měsíci

    I received this message.