The Dawn of Love - Cecilia

  • čas přidán 19. 11. 2008
  • music: Richard Currier
    words: Jim Piazza
    Earth, Wind, Fire, The Wings of Desire
    Enfold you. A whisper of Angels
    Voices in seashells
    Console you
    Those who can hear them
    Are those who don't fear them.
    I feel them, lifting me,
    The Wings of Desire
    Glorious Rapture, Glorious Rapture,
    Glorious Rapture, Forever After.
    The Angels make way for the dawn of the day of love
    Those who believe them
    Are those who will see them.
    I feel them, lifting me,
    On Wings of Desire.
    © 2007 currier/piazza music
    Keyboards: Benjy King, Scandal (God Bless You Benjy... ROCK ON!).
    Spiritual author Stuart Wilde was the first to recognize the special quality of Cecilia's voice when he met her after one of his seminars. Later that evening she "wowed everyone" when she stood on a table and sang "Amazing Grace" a cappella. Wilde generously organized her first recording, "Voice of the Feminine Spirit" and included her on his tour of Australia with several other "collective conscious" authors, including: Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson, Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. Wayne Dyer.
    When I first listened to "Voice of the Feminine Spirit," I was struck by Cecilia's unique sound like Enya, Celine Dion or Sarah Brightman. We began writing one another and a few months later I got a call "Hi, Its Cecilia I'm in New York and in front of your building." She came up. I met an angel!
    I made "The Rapture" with my writing partner Jim Piazza, a few years later, after the untimely death of my "soul mate", Dr. Peter (J) John Brothers. Peter and Cecilia had met several times when she was either visiting or working in New York City and they really liked one another a lot. He was very sick with complications from the HIV/AIDS virus when she arrived with two healers on one of her visits to the City.
    Margaret Birkin and her manager Peter were a team. They had co-authored books, gave seminars and were on "awareness" lecture circuit. Apparently, they were very credible folks in their business.
    Peter Brothers, practiced Family Medicine. He had "little faith" and "no experience" with folks who "channeled". When her "spirit guide" took over, she began to talk like a sailor. I remember thinking her "guide" was one crusty old geezer! "A little spooky" but I remember we all had a really good evening. Cecilia genuinely wanted "to heal" Peter by bringing these folks by. I felt comforted by her "Complete Faith". She became my Saint Cecilia that night. Whatever transpired, Peter seemed to have fun and we went to bed feeling hopeful. He died a few months later at age 34... forever my "Saint Peter". His favorite movie... "The Rapture".
    I was completely inspired after seeing the 1987 film "Der Himmel über Berlin / Wings of Desire" by the German director Wim Wenders. Set in the late 1980s, toward the end of the Cold War, it follows two Angels, Damiel (Bruno Ganz) and Cassiel (Otto Sander), as they roam the city, unseen and unheard by the people, observing and listening to their diverse thoughts. A subplot of the film follows Peter Falk, cast as himself, who has arrived in Berlin to make a film about Berlin's Nazi past. As the movie progresses, it turns out that Peter Falk was also once an Angel, who renounced his immortality to become a mortal participant in the world after he grew tired of always observing and never experiencing. The film's title and Peter's death were inspiration for the song. Cecilia was kind to demo the song some years later while staying with me.
    Archangel(s): Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Barachiel, Jeremiel, Raguel, Saraqael, Phanuel, Chamuel, Jophiel, Zadkiel, Raziel, Metatron, Raziel, Sandalphon and All Angels... welcome them into your life. Trust your Guardian Angel and I pray the Spirits: of Allah, Buddha, Christ and Mohammad will walk with you always.
    Richard Currier

Komentáře • 30

  • @emiliemusic
    @emiliemusic Před 14 lety

    Listening to this song...again and again and again and..............
    Absolutely amazing.
    Per Anders

  • @ChrisCorbin1
    @ChrisCorbin1 Před 15 lety

    This is heaven! I'm ready...

  • @PhantomGirl1988
    @PhantomGirl1988 Před 14 lety

    really beautiful, i loved her voice so pure and beauitful

  • @SchuggaJoy
    @SchuggaJoy Před 15 lety

    Heavenly, melodic moving artful song. Speaks to the soul .. and elevates the mind, truly transcends.. thank you *treasuring* ~ Love & Hugs Debra Joy

  • @nikoeternal
    @nikoeternal Před 14 lety

    Absolutely gorgeous.

  • @batboy01
    @batboy01 Před 14 lety

    don't worry as long as you deny the Holy Spirit you will be left behind with all its benefits like the smoke of your torment rising forever and ever and you will have no rest day or night. so enjoy life while you got it. eternity is a loooong time.

  • @Tigerpaws9097826
    @Tigerpaws9097826 Před 15 lety

    Nice, imaginative, mystical beauty. Thanks for the post.

  • @richardbassett1956
    @richardbassett1956 Před 15 lety

    Beautiful, Richard!

  • @moomman89
    @moomman89 Před 13 lety


  • @abdalioh
    @abdalioh Před 13 lety

    God bless you.
    You right earth isn't our home, we are looking forward to see our Lord and Saviour.

  • @ginela2552
    @ginela2552 Před 14 lety

    great song keep up the good work, ignore the negative messages

  • @MinzyX
    @MinzyX Před 13 lety

    @Myredeemeriscoming AMEN TO THAT!! i am NOT about to be left behind

  • @msclaudie
    @msclaudie Před 13 lety

    I think this song is breath-taking!
    On a note not related to the beautiful song above, I believe that everyone has the right to follow their own path. Whether they are Christian, atheist, pagan, Jewish, or have not. It is not up to us to decide what is right for someone else. Let them believe in what they feel comfortable with. Why is there always a religious debate going under songs like this? It isn't talking about the rapture in the bible, but the rapture of love, right?

  • @Daalvy
    @Daalvy Před 12 lety

    thumbs up if you thought this was a new single from The Rapture

  • @vivaloriflamme
    @vivaloriflamme Před 14 lety

    I'll drink to that!

  • @ANGELIZ333
    @ANGELIZ333 Před 13 lety

    No es Hayley, parecida verdad? es Cecilia, nombre artistico.
    Maravaillosa por cierto!

  • @ChalfantMT
    @ChalfantMT Před 14 lety


  • @zestydude87
    @zestydude87 Před 13 lety

    @tylerdurden666able what book and chapter is this?

    @SUNBLAKCARBON666 Před 12 lety

    3 Q's
    1. Is it possible that jesus expected his messianic kingdom to be established on earth within his generation?
    2. Is it possible that jesus thought that the end of the world was imminent b/c of a fulfillment of prophecy?
    3. Is it possible that what christians teach is yet to come has already happened?

  • @kinszee12
    @kinszee12 Před 12 lety

    @themanningsjdsjjj We shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed; in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 1 Corinthians 51-53

  • @JoBernard12oxen
    @JoBernard12oxen Před 11 lety

    Rev.16:15 the Lord comes as a thief in the night after the sixth plague, Isa.13:1-6 the Lord gathers his people from every generation-the weapons of his indignation-he suddenly devours the world Rev.18:7 in one hour, Zeph.1:18 speedy riddance I Thess.5:1-3 then sudden destruction on Satan's kingdom the exact same time we meet the Lord after they say peace and safety as in "after" world tribulation. Rev.11:18 the time of the dead (rise) judgment/rewards/destruction all one event after the trib.

  • @Tumorikaxx
    @Tumorikaxx Před 12 lety

    I found out today that it was a LIE......I felt like somoene slaped me really hard on my face....I can't beleive this, is so hard for me to admit I have been beleiving something that won't happen...

  • @MrAdvancedAtheist
    @MrAdvancedAtheist Před 12 lety

    Where in the bible does it say women can go to heaven?

  • @wonkavsn
    @wonkavsn Před 14 lety

    I can't wait until the rapture, when all those who think like me will be taken up into heaven, while those that don't share my arbitrary beliefs will be stuck here on Earth.

  • @AlexKenas
    @AlexKenas Před 12 lety

    The rapture is simply a modern concept. Read Revelations 20:4 to see what will really happen before Christ's second coming. Trust in God and he will keep you safe. I have had visions of myself fighting the Anti-Christ's minions as a rebel along with my friends and family. God will protect us during this great and terrible period. He will even give me a beautiful wife who will treat me better than the Liliths and Jezebels of society.

  • @Myredeemeriscoming
    @Myredeemeriscoming Před 13 lety

    @snakester65 The rapture is real and true. I know the Lord jesus.Thank od for the rpature. I don't want to stay here for the horrible thing coming on this earth. Stay if you want. I am outa here as soon as he sounds the trumpet.