The National Traumas of the Rusyns

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 36

  • @duckpond01.21
    @duckpond01.21 Před 7 měsíci +4

    Polish Greek Catholic here of Mazovian-Podlachian ancestry. Troubles me greatly that this happened. Hope in the future we can right the wrongs of Akcja Wisla. Pozdrowienia Bracia!

  • @averagebohemian5791
    @averagebohemian5791 Před 9 měsíci +7

    Well made video as always.

  • @jareovvichenko4380
    @jareovvichenko4380 Před 9 měsíci +7

    Time to watch the one of the 3 times a year banger from Lemko. PS: make more videos bro

  • @NazarBai90125
    @NazarBai90125 Před 6 měsíci +14

    Hello, I am a Ukrainian, and I want to apologise, apologise for the fact that for many years I believed that Rusyns are Ukrainians. I realised this when I became more interested in this topic, watched many videos in different languages, read various articles by different authors, and thus I realised that everything written about Transcarpathia in Ukrainian history textbooks is nothing more than propaganda. I hope that you, Rusyns, will be able to develop your language and culture as best you can, and that Ukraine will finally recognise you. I wish you all the best

    • @twalk263
      @twalk263 Před 20 dny

      It is so hard to tell what is what when trying to figure out the history of your nationality. My family comes from outside of Chernivtsi and has deep roots there before immigrating to Canada during the first wave. Everytime I think I have a grip of what was ACTUALLY happening during certain times frames, another nugget of info pops up that sends me down into a whole other rabbit hole. I have heard of Lemko’s but I was under the impression it was of an origin of family name line. Even last week I was digging in the Ukrainian dictionary of last names to see if I could find more about the origin story of my family’s last names and Lemko’s was described as of a people of Lemko heritage who then took it as their last name. I know I am oversimplifying it and by listening to this episode, I didn’t realize it was of its own people who were persecuted and “disassembled” and I am embarrassed how I have never picked up on that before now. So now I have one more item to add onto my list of “Things to research and understand”.

  • @andrewtully3622
    @andrewtully3622 Před 9 měsíci +6

    0:38 As terrible as these no doubt were, I'm hard pressed to not hear them as epic metal band names.

  • @denkodel6516
    @denkodel6516 Před měsícem

    Long live the Lemkos! From your Croatian brother!

  • @albundy8049
    @albundy8049 Před 6 měsíci +6

    I disagree with a guy who said that Rusyns are just Ukrainians and are fully supportive of Kiev always throughout their history. I disagree because what i knew is that Rusyns are a different people not just a branch of Ukrainians. And there you are i found your channel.

  • @jeremyjedynak
    @jeremyjedynak Před 9 měsíci +8

    While the Soviet era is noted in text at the beginning, the video unfortunately refers to the "Poland" of that time as "Poland" and not more correctly as "Soviet Poland."

  • @Rockaland2
    @Rockaland2 Před 9 měsíci +4

    so question : the Rusyn was a tribe of Ukraine or was it a tribe of eastern Europe.? my other question is what are the other "tribes" of eastern Europe? my grandmom family as i recently found out was of the rusyns of Slovakia and they came to usa in 1907 . My grandmom used say they was "greek" or thats what everyone else of other nationality called them. and Christmas's was a big deal for her family.. my grand mom told me alot but not sure if she understood her own heritage . she just said she was czech... which was the place of birth of her parents.

    • @randomnateddude
      @randomnateddude Před 9 měsíci +8

      Ukrainians didn't exist until the 19th century (1800's) same as Belarusians, Rusyns and Russians. Rusyns, Ukrainians and Belarusians called themself Ruthenians while Russians called themselves Muscovites. But Rusyns identity formed in carpathians, Belarusians formed from Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Ukrainians from Cossacks & Galicia Volhynia
      They aren't the same peoples, they're all east slavs but have different histories, cultures and languages even if they're similar
      Czechs are West Slavs and aren't Rusyns but some Rusyns moved to Czechia, they called themselves Greek in your family because they were Greek Catholic not ethnic Greek. And your family was probably actually from Slovakia & your family says Czech because of the country name Czechoslovakia. But czechs and slovaks arent rusyns so if they are czech or slovak its unlikely your family is rusyn but lived close or among rusyns in Czechoslovakia

    • @Rockaland2
      @Rockaland2 Před 9 měsíci +4

      Thanks for clearing it up. My family was carpathian Rishi, 100%. They were Lemkos From sucha Slovakia. They came to USA in 1907. The surname comes up in database for carpathian rusyn.

    • @nk1645
      @nk1645 Před 2 měsíci

      ​@@randomnateddude Can you share some reliable resources about rusyns and lemko? It's very hard to find something reliable in Ukrainian because here they just claim lemko or rusyn to be a part of Ukrainians and lemko language a dialect of Ukrainian which to me doesn't make sense.

    • @twalk263
      @twalk263 Před 20 dny

      @@randomnateddudeUgh, this just makes my brain hurt. There is so much to know and there are so many versions. It is so hard to keep it all straight.

    • @randomnateddude
      @randomnateddude Před 20 dny

      @@nk1645 most works by Paul Magosci are quite good and Myhal Kushnytsa makes good videos about Rusyn culture and such

  • @ruthenicus_maximus
    @ruthenicus_maximus Před 5 měsíci +5

    Привет всем лемкам, бойкам, русинам. Мы надеемся, что ваш народ сохранит свою свободу и идентичность. Из России.

  • @Forevertrue-z2w
    @Forevertrue-z2w Před 3 měsíci

    Raseni are people of Ras in Serbia, Serbs.

  • @today5
    @today5 Před 4 měsíci

    В титри у вас хочаби на українській або російській мові є?
    Я англійську не розумію 😊

  • @Jakez408
    @Jakez408 Před 4 měsíci

    The Poles invaded Belarus in 1919 and took people's private houses for themselves, forced then to convert to Roman Catholic religion and forced them to speak Polish. Many Belarusians are 100% ethnic Poles and 50% inside the same family. When the USSR regained the lands in 1939 the Polish officers who were given Belarussian properties were deported to Northern Russia to labour camps..

  • @user-gw6mm3hh2y
    @user-gw6mm3hh2y Před 6 měsíci +2

    Русини це етнографічна група українців, так само як бойки чи гуцули Карпат
    «Русини» це стара істоична назва сьогоднішніх українців🇺🇦

    • @NazarBai90125
      @NazarBai90125 Před 6 měsíci +6

      Так, українців так колись називали, але це не робить закарпатців автоматично українцями

    • @user-gw6mm3hh2y
      @user-gw6mm3hh2y Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@NazarBai90125 чому це???

    • @NazarBai90125
      @NazarBai90125 Před 6 měsíci

      По перше: в Україні живуть не лише етнічні українці, але й багато інших національностей таких як кримські татари, кримчаки, караїми, московити, білоруси, молдовани, румуни, мадяри, гагаузи, болгари, грузини, вірмени і т.д. Серед цих національностей є і русини (також відомі як карпато-русини або руснаки).
      По друге: мова. Мова в русинів настільки сильно відрізняється від літературно української мови, що велика частина населення України взагалі її не розуміє.
      По третє: русинів визнають окремими від українців Польща, Словаччина, Угорщина, Румунія, загалом всі країни карпатського регіону, всі окрім України. Якби русинів справді не було, то їх би ніхто і не визнавав.

    • @NazarBai90125
      @NazarBai90125 Před 6 měsíci

      По перше: не всі громадяни України є етнічними українцями, в Україні також живуть такі національності як кримські татари, московити, білоруси, молдовани, євреї та ін. Серед цих народів є і русини.
      По друге: мова. Мова русинів настільки сильно відрізняється від літературної української, що значна частина населення України взагалі її не розуміє.
      По третє: русинів визнають у всіх країнах де вони живуть: в Польщі їх визнають, в Словаччині, в Угорщині, в Румунії, в Сербії, в Хорватії, в БіГ, в США, Канаді і Австралії. Загалом у всіх країнах, окрім України.

    • @NazarBai90125
      @NazarBai90125 Před 6 měsíci

      @@user-gw6mm3hh2y короче, я пробував тобі відповісти, але мій коментар чомусь не відображається, тому пропоную закінчити цю суперечку

  • @AK5youtube
    @AK5youtube Před 6 měsíci

    Ти за Україну чи за росію???

    • @alfatejpblind6498
      @alfatejpblind6498 Před 6 měsíci +3

      Minorities don't care about such issues in the same way as majority populations do

  • @Jakez408
    @Jakez408 Před 4 měsíci +2

    Save me your tears. Unfortunately all your troubles stemmed from an incompetent Czar born in 1871 namely Nicholas the Second. The Russian people were the most affected and traumatised first . Then the Bolsheviks gained power and peoples lives improved immensely as the land was shared collectively.Unfortunately a ruthless dictator gained power and the terror began. Russians had it worse than you and millions died in labour camps in Siberia. You at least has the possibility to immigrate to America. Some smart people like Czechs , Poles and Serbs went to live in Trieste where the living standard was the highest on Europe. Unfortunately Germany invaded Russia and Europe was turned into a hell hole and fascist countries who collaborated with Hitler were not looked on favourably by the Russians. The South Slavs who fought fascism howeret were. You can't have your cake and eat it too so goes the saying.And by the way Russians lost 27 million people liberating Europe.

    • @wizdmovie9957
      @wizdmovie9957 Před 3 měsíci

      Really? “Russians were affected the most” It is the Minorities that were affected the most. Do not be gullible.