  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024
  • / 100107563413271
    A dh'ionnsaighcladach a' chuain ri fuar ghaoth an anmoich
    Thàinig Tearlach gu dealrach air Albann 's e sgith
    Cha ro reul air a bhroilleach neo freiceadan 'falbh leis
    Ach aithne nan gorm-shùil gu daelbhaich a li
    'Smar dhaoimein san oidhche bha a' mhaighdean fo thùrsa
    'Si cràiteach mu Thearaich 'bhi a' fàgail a dhùthcha
    'S bu trom a bha a h-osna 's bu ghoirt deòir bho sùilean
    On a chunnaic i an lubhrach a' dlùthadh ri tir.
    Bha a' ghaelach a' snàmh thar àirde nan stùc-bheann
    'S a gathannan siùbhlach far dlùth-thonn a leum
    Gu grad thug i 'n aire mar òigh air a ciùrradh
    Gu sgàil air a gnù is ghil fo shiùil neòil nan speur
    Dhan a' ghealaich 's na reultan iad fhéin anns 'sa ghorm-bhrat
    Bha osna na gaoithe trom chaoimhneil a' falbh uainn
    Bha gearain a' chuain an àm bualadh ri garbh-chreag
    Mo léir chreach air Albainn 'sann a mharbhadh na tréun.
    Sheas Flòraidh 's Tearlach air tràigh nan tonn caoir-gheal
    'S bu reub-chritheach aoignealach an aogasg le cràdh
    Cha robh facal fo 'm bilean ach sileadh gun fhaochadh
    'S iad aodann ri aodann a' glaodhadh le gràdh
    Nuair a thàinig a' bhirlinn 'se a ribhinn a thòisich
    Le brist-ghuthan anabaich 's seanchas gun teôma
    Mar chlàrasach 's a teudan gun ghleusadh gun ôrdan
    Bha reul nam ban ôga fo dhôrunn'sfo spairn.
    'Sa Thearlaich Mhic Sheumais, Mhic Sheumais nan cùirtean
    Mar leònadh do chùn bidh mar umbadh gun fheum
    Mar leònadh na treun-laoich chan èirich 's cha dùisg iad
    Tha trom chadal dùint' shùileach udlaidh an eug (bàs)
    Cha ghlac iad lann anns a' champ ri uchd nàmhaid
    Cha fhaic iad a' bhratach 's cha ghlac iad air làimh i
    Bidh sàile 's am bàs, air fad fàgail o chéile.
    'Sa Thèarlaich Mhic Sheumais ma dh'fheumas tu triall bhuainn
    Gu coimhead Mac Dé thu a fiacian nan daoidh
    Gun stiùir e an iubhrach feadh dhlùth thonnainn fiadhaich
    Gu réidh-shligheach dian-shiùbhlach fior-luath gu tir
    'S gum boillsg' iad san oidhche ort na soillsearan nèamhaidh
    Gu shiùilmhór gad stiùireadh gu dùthaich nach fheum thu
    Nad ògarach brònach fo chòmhdach na reubal
    Tha ala-bharrach éididh neo-spéiseil nan cridh.
    O Albainn tha 'n t-àm aig do cheann a bhi a' dortadh
    Do Phrionns' 'uat air fòdragh 's tu lòchradh san uaigh
    Tha crònan do phioban a sior dhiuilteadh ceòl dhuit
    'S do chlàrsairean ro-mhilis diùmbach gachuair
    Tha cruiteirean sgiamhach nan sior-chrannaibh sàmhach
    Cha dòirt iad an ceilearadhma bhroilleach mu Thèarlaich
    Cha dùisg iad na treun-laoich a dh'eug anns an fhàsaich
    Cha mhosgail o'n bhàs iad aig àirdead a feum.
    Ach stad e 's le ròs-bhilean phòg e a' mhaighdinn
    'S e siabadh gu coimhneil na deuran bho sùil
    Glac sòlas a Fhlòraidh a òganaich Fhrangach
    A dh' éireas neo-ghann ruim a bhuannachd mo chrùn
    Tha lasgairean ana-bhunach an Albainn a dhùisgeas
    Le 'n trusgairean ballabhreac 's le m' armailt math dùbailt
    Théid caithream nan garbh-chreach le borb sgread gu lùireadh
    'S bi trupairean crùbach gun luths' anns gach cùl,
    Ach dh'dhàg e h-aonar a' caoineadh air tràigh i
    'S gun dh' fhalabh e 'sa bhàta 's e fàsgadh man dòrn
    A 'chliabhair a' lionadh le iargain làn sgàinidh
    'S a h-inntinn air luasgann air chuan mar ri Tèarlach
    Chan fhaic i e tuilleadh chum na buillean a phàigheadh
    Ach mheudaich i gràdh dha gach là bha i beò.

Komentáře • 35

  • @ralforlich1730
    @ralforlich1730 Před 6 lety +14

    In spite of all counterclaims, it is us who keep the moaning world together, because without the utmost essential sentiments and loyalties there is no civilization. We seldom met with success - and yet we never have been beaten completely.
    Jacobite quote

    • @chiaraavianibarbacci4195
      @chiaraavianibarbacci4195 Před 5 lety

      Is this an actual line from a Jacobite? (I didn’t understand, sorry) Anyway it’s a beautiful concept and I agree.

    • @ralforlich1730
      @ralforlich1730 Před 5 lety +1

      Chiara Aviani Barbacci Aye. Source: Royal Annual Martyr 1973

    • @GiacomoLockhart
      @GiacomoLockhart Před 4 lety +3

      Thanks Ralf!! Great sentiments! Dia dhaoibh an prionsa dathúil!

    • @grioghairmacgrioghair5311
      @grioghairmacgrioghair5311 Před 6 měsíci +1

      the white rose bush still grows and flowers

  • @prigual2901
    @prigual2901 Před 4 lety +15

    I hope this language is never lost and that the UK goverment do something about it

    • @antonaidh
      @antonaidh  Před 4 lety +4

      Absolutely! It's up to all of us, who feel this way to try in every way, to learn the language, protect & promote it.

    • @Quentin217
      @Quentin217 Před 3 lety +1

      It was the UK government that greatly discouraged its use. Its widespread use and dependence upon it was recognized as a factor holding back progress for Scotland and Ireland.

    • @ellenelf
      @ellenelf Před 2 lety +4

      @@antonaidh I'm 2 years into learning the language via Duolingo and a local singer...the best way to learn! Sing!!!

    • @antonaidh
      @antonaidh  Před 2 lety

      @@ellenelf Agreed! The owl is a very insistent task master, he doesn't let up.
      "Seinn, horo seinn" a chardain!

    • @youtubefans510
      @youtubefans510 Před rokem +2

      it's a beautiful language and it gives you also a sense of identity and a connection to what is within us genetically and spiritually

  • @johnmcinnes8170
    @johnmcinnes8170 Před 6 lety +5

    Beautiful voice

  • @odinfromcentr2
    @odinfromcentr2 Před 4 lety +12

    We - Jacobites - may be down, but out we are not!

    • @Quentin217
      @Quentin217 Před 3 lety

      Are you prone to ultra-violence? The Jacobites were very much into that in their day. It was ultimately turned back upon them in a big way. History repeats itself, but some barbarians are slow to learn.

    • @schoolingdiana9086
      @schoolingdiana9086 Před 8 měsíci

      @@Quentin217No sense of humor?

    • @Quentin217
      @Quentin217 Před 8 měsíci

      @@schoolingdiana9086 Oh yes, I do have a sense of humour. I just never imagined the Young Pretender or Jacobites to be funny. No, not funny at all. Tragic. People need to stop hitting each other. It hurts. Not funny at all.

  • @jeremynaylor4302
    @jeremynaylor4302 Před 6 lety +4

    beautiful singing.....

  • @thevelikovskian6119
    @thevelikovskian6119 Před 4 lety +3

    Pure magic.

    • @antonaidh
      @antonaidh  Před 4 lety

      That sums it up perfectly! Glad you enjoyed it.

  • @saru7372
    @saru7372 Před 5 lety +9

    Mí vida por el robinson

  • @randylong4309
    @randylong4309 Před 3 lety +1

    Mi vida por el Robinson

  • @novittoriana
    @novittoriana Před 7 lety +5


    • @antonaidh
      @antonaidh  Před 7 lety +1

      Moi aussi! Elle a une voix si amoureuse

  • @user-ib2qk7ek6k
    @user-ib2qk7ek6k Před rokem +1


  • @chiaraavianibarbacci4195
    @chiaraavianibarbacci4195 Před 5 lety +2

    Can I have the translation of this song? It seems not the original Song for the Prince. I would like to read the lyrics of this beautiful version too.

  • @user-dv2lt8gb5d
    @user-dv2lt8gb5d Před 4 lety +1


    • @antonaidh
      @antonaidh  Před 4 lety

      ご聴取ありがとうございました。 安全な友達でいてください。

  • @morc3440
    @morc3440 Před 5 lety +3

    Does anyone have the Gàidhlig lyrics? I've been searching, but no luck yet...

    • @antonaidh
      @antonaidh  Před 5 lety +1

      Added a few, but the two sets of lyrics well exceeds the 5000 character limit.

    • @morc3440
      @morc3440 Před 5 lety +2

      @@antonaidh Thank you very much! :-D

    • @antonaidh
      @antonaidh  Před 5 lety +1

      @@morc3440 glad to help

  • @hbrianunderwood4946
    @hbrianunderwood4946 Před 3 lety +1

    Is that a picture of the Bonnie Prince?

    • @antonaidh
      @antonaidh  Před 3 lety

      It's certainly a likeness, if not. The only known painting commissioned during the campaign was found to be in a family manor house, several years ago. I will try to find the CZcams link and attach it. czcams.com/video/ZhUwLReQrlc/video.html