How I Went Through School Being A Christian

  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 497

  • @famousamos
    @famousamos Před 7 lety +409

    Always live above the influence.
    You can still be Christian and be cool in God's eyes :)

  • @lizd6886
    @lizd6886 Před 7 lety +382

    I'm going into this school year with my mind set on Christ. This video is really going to help me

  • @jayquintero4463
    @jayquintero4463 Před 7 lety +143

    “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
    ‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:2‬ ‭KJV‬‬
    Remain strong in the Lord. God bless

  • @kelceyfirth
    @kelceyfirth Před 2 lety +10

    I'm in my last year of school and converting back to Christianity from being an atheist since age 12. I'm 17 now and hope to help my faith grow strong again as it was when I was young.

  • @avajarrett4995
    @avajarrett4995 Před 7 lety +125

    I'm starting my freshman year in 5 days and I have been praying that God really helps me not conform to worldly ways no matter what path my peers decide to go down. This video helped me so much in realizing that I need to be proud of my faith no matter what :)

    • @edi-5297
      @edi-5297 Před 7 lety +4

      Ava Jarrett I'm really happy for you I hope it goes well. I started mines 3weeks ago and I have learned a lot. If you need someone to talk to I'm here.

    • @kurttanquiamco5097
      @kurttanquiamco5097 Před 7 lety +2

      Ava Jarrett God will never leave us nor forsake us.. even though we fail at times still he is there watching over us..

    • @lynncrystal7961
      @lynncrystal7961 Před 6 lety +1

      Same AMEN 🙏🏽👏🏽

    • @addi4157
      @addi4157 Před 4 lety +1

      yess amen

    • @adelaideadebi2254
      @adelaideadebi2254 Před 3 lety

      It’s been 3 years

  • @ScoobyandShaggy5554
    @ScoobyandShaggy5554 Před 7 lety +98

    I wanna run a Christian business where we help the sick or people with psychological problems like a therapist and lead people to Christ

  • @kenwill2755
    @kenwill2755 Před 7 lety +635

    Hi! im 12 and my parents are muslim. I have accepted Jesus into my heart but have not yet told my parents. I read the bible online and pray daily. I need help. I dont know what to do. I feel lost, what should I do?

    • @stephaniereynolds2685
      @stephaniereynolds2685 Před 7 lety +131

      That is beautiful! Keep up with what you are doing. Keep reading the word and pray for God to help you in your situation. Pray also for strength. You have made an amazing decision and I am so happy for you! God will lead you, you just have to ask. He loves you dearly ❤️😊.

    • @Peter-kl8jg
      @Peter-kl8jg Před 7 lety +70

      I know this must be hard for you Kenzie and it would probably cause disruption to your life it you told your parents. My advice is to keep Jesus in your heart every day he will plant the seed of courage in your heart also, make no mistake about that.
      Don't ever feel lost - for when all around you is in chaos, the Lord will be the calm in your life if you just learn to "trust" - that's something we all have to do more btw, not just you.
      God bless you, I wish you well.
      Oh, one last thing - keep loving your parents - even if they disagree with you and you with them. Love your mother and father.

    • @coffeeandbibletime
      @coffeeandbibletime  Před 7 lety +160

      Hi Ken! Praise God that you have accepted Jesus into your heart! That is amazing my friend! Jesus is the way the truth and the life and nobody comes to the Father except through Him!
      For now I would say try and grow closer to God! If you come close to Him he will come close to you! Read your Bible daily. Pray all your worries and everything to Him!
      Put all your hope and trust in Him. He will sustain you and strengthen you through everything. He is all you need. He will fill the hole in your heart & love you more than anyone has ever loved you or ever will love you.
      Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
      Joshua 1:9

    • @briseldaramirez2857
      @briseldaramirez2857 Před 7 lety +30

      Ken Will that's something REALLY hard to overcome I recommend just like the others to keep close to God so that he will take care of you and get closer to him also pray to him that when you tell your parents or they find out that they will understand because they are your parents and they love you

    • @melodirss
      @melodirss Před 7 lety +19

      Keep going ! ❤❤

  • @perladenise4519
    @perladenise4519 Před 7 lety +92

    Wow! God spoke through you!
    I hate school but thanks, I have to preach the gospel in school and share His love...!!!

    • @yaely4115
      @yaely4115 Před 7 lety +1

      Chica Rara me gusta tu nombre hermana. Hablas español y de donde eres

    • @perladenise4519
      @perladenise4519 Před 7 lety +1

      Yael Y sii, de Argentina!! Y vos??

    • @coffeeandbibletime
      @coffeeandbibletime  Před 7 lety +23

      Same girl same!!! God will work through you if you allow Him to :)

    • @Iwannabeabby07
      @Iwannabeabby07 Před 7 lety +7

      I understand but if you just preach and preach to people without getting to know them a bit, you will not know what they will need. Like Jesus with people wanting to be disciples of him, he only started with 12. Ask God for guidance and wisdom then start with 1 or 2 people first. Don't stand at the middle of the field and start shouting about God's love cuz they won't understand that. they will judge you and go as far away from you. Besides, sometimes your life will make people be attracted to you because God is living in your heart. His light will shine from the inside. Remember, our God is supernatural. What they will see when they see you will also be supernatural. They will not know it though but they will feel that theres something diff. When it comes to you. God Bless and I pray for a special annointing to you as you do the Jesus agenda!

    • @Moon_lulu
      @Moon_lulu Před 7 lety +2

      Chica Rara Amen!!! I should too! :) we should. 💕

  • @rebeccakuijpers6125
    @rebeccakuijpers6125 Před 7 lety +75

    Also non-christians are not per definition bad people. Having those as friends can learn you a whole lot about yourself. Besides that, you can set a great example. As long as you clearly set your boundaries and you have good friends, they only will admire you for being you and having the boldness to live out your faith. Just some advice from someone in a school with very few christians.

    • @cheddarcheese09
      @cheddarcheese09 Před 7 lety +1

      this is good!!

    • @MomLAU
      @MomLAU Před 5 lety +7

      Some of them are kinder people and better friends than some "Christians".

    • @estellexlx
      @estellexlx Před 4 lety +7

      Bad company corrupts remember that though

    • @danielpatino5432
      @danielpatino5432 Před rokem

      2 Corinthians 6:14-18
      Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said:
      "I will dwell in them
      And walk among them.
      I will be their God,
      And they shall be My people."
      Therefore "Come out from among them
      And be separate, says the Lord.
      Do not touch what is unclean,
      And I will receive you."
      "I will be a Father to you,
      And you shall be My sons and daughters,
      Says the LORD Almighty."

    • @danielpatino5432
      @danielpatino5432 Před rokem

      1 Corinthians 15:33
      Do not be deceived: 'Evil company corrupts good habits.'
      James 4:4
      Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
      1 John 2:15-17
      Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world-the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life-is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.

  • @laurak8346
    @laurak8346 Před 7 lety +105

    Those are so good points. I just finished school this year and came to Christ last October so I was saved for the last half year. I noticed like never before how my friends were going deeper and deeper into sin. They started drinking, having sex and getting into extremely unhealthy relationships and now I'm starting to work and i want to be a living testimony to those around me. It's so sad to see people you really like go down the way the world goes.
    God bless you

    • @Peter-kl8jg
      @Peter-kl8jg Před 7 lety +5

      God bless YOU Laura - and keep being the light to others that Christ wants you to be.

    • @yaely4115
      @yaely4115 Před 7 lety +9

      Laura J hey sister, I hope you're encouraging your friends in Christ, and being a light to them. I love you so much ❤️❤️

    • @coffeeandbibletime
      @coffeeandbibletime  Před 7 lety +27

      I totally agree it is so hard to see the people around you go down the wrong path :( Stay strong friend and God will get you through this! God is smiling down at you for staying true to God and standing firm in your faith!

    • @alyssashoemaker3414
      @alyssashoemaker3414 Před 4 lety +3

      Believe me when I say I know exactly how that feels, and sometimes the best thing you can do it to keep your nose out of it and show them what it means to be a follower of Christ. I will always give people my opinion and state what the bible says about things and sometimes people really respect me for that or they will get offended that I live for God and they will go nuts. Either way, I do my best to sit tall, and remember even if I sit alone, I'm never alone.

  • @ambertaryn
    @ambertaryn Před 7 lety +10

    I am currently a junior in high school and to add on to the video, what I have learned is that what Ashley said about not conforming to the ways of the world is SO important. Jesus wants us to focus on HIM completely. Peer pressure can be very influential in high school especially and if you are tempted to do something that goes against your beliefs, DON'T. Jesus is more important than any one or anything on this Earth. Saying no may be difficult but the reward you will get if you do is SO MUCH BETTER! You have the Holy Spirit in you! You can overcome any challenges you face.

    • @rambles1789
      @rambles1789 Před 6 lety

      Amber F If you haven’t already read 1 John do it now it’s very short and is all about how us Christians should not conform to the world.

  • @gemmawest83
    @gemmawest83 Před 4 lety +7

    I struggle so much being a basically the only Christian in my school but I'm glad I got to watch this

    • @StaceyGraceFaithChannel
      @StaceyGraceFaithChannel Před 4 lety +1

      Yes same!! I'm the only Christian in my class and it can be hard sometimes but God has brought me through😊
      Btw I have a few Christian videos on my channel💕

  • @melissamelgar8440
    @melissamelgar8440 Před 6 lety +15

    The Bible says, for I am not ashamed of the Gospel for it is power of GOD ROMANS 1:16 AMEN GOD BLESS YOU ALL

  • @amaya8901
    @amaya8901 Před 4 lety +9

    Hello! ❤️ I am 12 and I go to a catholic middle school and I am Christian, our school is private. My friends always curse and say inappropriate things and just my whole school does it. It is starting to get to me and rub off on me. I try and not to but it’s hard. I pray and read the Bible daily, as well as go to church every Monday . I want to be so close to God to the point where I feel like he is walking with me everywhere I go. ❤️. Please give me advice ! Great video though 🙂

  • @matteamorrison6425
    @matteamorrison6425 Před 7 lety +61

    i really needed this. today was rough..

    • @edi-5297
      @edi-5297 Před 7 lety +7

      Gymnastics Step by Step
      I love you. If you wanna talk I'm here. -sister in Christ.

    • @matteamorrison6425
      @matteamorrison6425 Před 7 lety +3

      silent- storm thanks so much ❤️❤️

    • @edi-5297
      @edi-5297 Před 7 lety +3

      Gymnastics Step by Step no problem

    • @debb9695
      @debb9695 Před 4 lety +2

      I prayed for you.

    • @shaekirkman4082
      @shaekirkman4082 Před 4 lety +2

      I'm sorry :(

  • @yaely4115
    @yaely4115 Před 7 lety +28

    This was so blessed, thanks so much from London, England! I really feel like there's an uprising in the schools and that GOD is bringing revival to our classrooms!

  • @kacyselje2924
    @kacyselje2924 Před 7 lety +64

    Thanks so much for this video! I go to a very liberal school with no Christian's and I will be a sophomore this year. I dread going to school everyday because I have no friends and I feel like "a lonely fish swimming in the opposite direction". I realized when I watched this video that i need to be bold in my faith this school year because even though I prayed throughout the day last year I didn't ever be vocal about my faith. God is working in my school. There is an adult starting young life this year at my school which is tremendous challenge because of the life styles of the students. I'm so excited that my family is helping start it. We are hosting a dinner/ meeting for kids at our school in September. I am going to make an Instagram post to invite people and I hope that people come and can begin to see Gods love. Starting today I'm going to pray every morning for God to help me be bold in my faith

    • @coffeeandbibletime
      @coffeeandbibletime  Před 7 lety +14

      Amen Sister! I will be praying for that group that is starting at your school! God is good! Praying every morning is honestly the PERFECT start to trying to be more bold about your faith at school!

    • @kacyselje2924
      @kacyselje2924 Před 7 lety +2

      Coffee and Bible Time thank you I really appreciate it!

    • @danielmoss7133
      @danielmoss7133 Před 7 lety +2

      I recently started a new school and I feel exactly the same as you do. It's like being an alien from a different planet.

    • @adaischristian7494
      @adaischristian7494 Před 5 lety +1

      ikr because they always telling me that i should become atheist and i was like wtf hell no! I will always love god and jesus is my everything, church ⛪ ✝️💓🙏😇

  • @jocelynsegovia5591
    @jocelynsegovia5591 Před 7 lety +193

    What if you don't have Christian friends ☹️

    • @arbretree5463
      @arbretree5463 Před 7 lety +67

      I would suggest trying to find a good bible-believing church and making friends there. That's what I'm planning on doing this year as I myself don't have any christian friends yet.

    • @becca5097
      @becca5097 Před 7 lety +39

      Jocelyn Segovia you can always pray that God will put good Christian friends into your life, when I accepted God I asked him to put a strong christian friend into my life, and he did for sure. I encourage you to pray and ask God to put friends in your life that will help you and encourage you in your weak moments, when you make that friend hold them close and keep encouraging and growing with God, call and ask everyday if they've talked or studied and read the word of God, hang out with them, keep them accountable and they will do the same and you can both not only be there for Godly moments but for fun and bright moments. Keep that positive thought in your head and know that God will bring you someone at his timing, I pray you the best of luck, if you ever need help or encouragement or someone to talk to through this season feel free to message me on kik, my username is becknovy xoxo much love ❤

    • @beagirllikemeinc.9993
      @beagirllikemeinc.9993 Před 7 lety +12

      If you don't have Christian friends, try finding friends that have the same interests. Usually different schools and churches have youth groups that you can join to find some. If not maybe join something like art club or choir that would give you some chances to network. But I'm so sure you'll find some. God bless :)
      P.S. Don't be afraid to be the only modest/Christian in the group. We've both been there too many times. As long as you don't allow others to influence you the wrong way, you are learning to stand bold by yourself even when it's "not cool."

    • @laura___elise116
      @laura___elise116 Před 7 lety +1

      Jocelyn Segovia same

    • @hercegadria5382
      @hercegadria5382 Před 7 lety +7

      Jocelyn Segovia Pray for it! :) Pray to God that he send you a christian friends

  • @katherinedeguzman783
    @katherinedeguzman783 Před 7 lety +13

    I love that! Asking God for boldness. ❤️ There were many that hated Jesus but one day he'll come back and he'll have authority over all the nations! I have so much hope in Jesus!

  • @sunshineaurorat
    @sunshineaurorat Před 7 lety +21

    Thank you so so much! Right now I go to a school where everyone just hates Christians and just Christianity as a whole. This channel is just so refreshing.

  • @juliarobinson3982
    @juliarobinson3982 Před 7 lety +41

    I need a best friend like you! Can you do a video about anxiety? Love your Chanel soooo much❤️❤️❤️

    • @coffeeandbibletime
      @coffeeandbibletime  Před 7 lety +9

      Awwww thank you Julia! You are so sweet! Pray for a best friend and God will come through! Also when I lost my best friend I came to find that I have a best friend in Jesus :)) Here is a link for a video on anxiety that I have already made:

    • @juliarobinson3982
      @juliarobinson3982 Před 7 lety +2

      Coffee and Bible Time Thank you so much!!!

  • @videosmari73
    @videosmari73 Před 7 lety +30

    I love your channel! My daughter is almost 12 years old and I showed her this video and she really liked it. She has just started 7th grade and she appreciated your advice! May God bless you! Mariana

  • @emilyhayes5699
    @emilyhayes5699 Před 7 lety +84

    I'm binge watching Coffee and Bible time so I don't have to think about GCSE results tomorrow ❤️😅

    • @Grace-ue4lz
      @Grace-ue4lz Před 7 lety +5

      Emily Hayes aww good luck in your results ! ❣️ I get my results for my Junior Cert (Ireland GCSE) in September 😅

    • @yaely4115
      @yaely4115 Před 7 lety +2

      Emily Hayes We're on the same page sis, and as you have sought the LORD for comfort, you will be successful and victorious in the Name of JESUS! Jesus is Lord!

    • @yaely4115
      @yaely4115 Před 7 lety +1

      DolphinGrace 12 praying for you sis!

    • @emilyhayes5699
      @emilyhayes5699 Před 7 lety +1

      DolphinGrace 12 good luck!

    • @emilyhayes5699
      @emilyhayes5699 Před 7 lety +4

      Yael Y thank you so much ❤️

  • @kimriseul_02
    @kimriseul_02 Před 4 lety +5

    I’m thankful that I chose to click in this video. I’ve been dealing with a lot of thing in college. Atheist professors, toxic classmates, backsliders and such and such then I began to feel scared because I feel like it’s not helping me to be a better daughter of God. Thank you for your video because it opened my eyes to just go against the current. My prof’s may opposse me and say something about my faith and my God but I won’t give in. They’re just human and their opinions doesn’t really matter. That’s why through my 2 years of college now going 3rd and until my last day in college I will walk towards Jesus and never conform or listen to what people say.

  • @jennamarielovesjesus12
    @jennamarielovesjesus12 Před 7 lety +4

    God bless u sister. I'm 32 , been saved for 3 years now. Only born again in my family, I'm asking anyone reading this that they pray for my unsaved family members and come into agreement with me that they will be saved. I'm so happy to see young teens being on Fire for God. Blessings 🙏🙌✝️😇❤️🔥🔥🔥

  • @ruthlikezo9846
    @ruthlikezo9846 Před 7 lety +20

    May God continue to bless you more

  • @akosua935
    @akosua935 Před 7 lety +30

    How is it that you upload what I need when I need it literally every time 😂 ❤❤

  • @lenathefirst_4574
    @lenathefirst_4574 Před 4 lety +7

    I’ve always felt that the hardest part is having unpopular opinions about political a religious topics, I’m always afraid to share my thoughts but I don’t know if I should.

  • @cooper2904
    @cooper2904 Před 3 lety +1

    I am now a senior in high school, and what I've learned is that people can see a difference in the way someone acts when they have a relationship with God. There have been multiple occasions where people ask me "bro how the heck are you so happy all the time" "how are you so positive" "why do you smile so much" and right then and there it gives me the opportunity to share God's love and what he has done in my life. In the Bible it talks about how God brings joy to the hearts of believers, and I've gotta say, that's correct haha

  • @Cristina-vr5ws
    @Cristina-vr5ws Před 7 lety +29

    This video still being useful for me now that I'm starting college, God bless you 💕

    • @coffeeandbibletime
      @coffeeandbibletime  Před 7 lety +11

      Oh yay!!! Soooo happy it is helping the college kids! I never went to college so I wouldn't know! :)

  • @maddieluv991
    @maddieluv991 Před 7 lety +8

    We have super hero day this year for one of our homecoming days and I am so getting a shirt that says Jesus is my superhero!!! That is AWESOME!!!!

  • @liberty3310
    @liberty3310 Před 7 lety +7

    Hey, thank you for posting this! I'm going into a public high school next week as a student for the first time, and I'm kind of nervous about it. I've been in a Christian private school the past 1 1/2 years, and was homeschooled before that, with a few years in public elementary school when I was little.
    I asked God what He wants me to do for school this year, and I felt that the answer I got from Him was to go to the public school in my town, I wasn't very happy when I heard that, but now I'm going to do it, trusting God that He will work everything out. I start next week and would really appreciate prayer, for strength, steadfastness and purity in my heart, and joy and peace as well. Thank you!

  • @iRefresh
    @iRefresh Před 7 lety +5

    We love your boldness, your passion to serve Jesus without shying back and knowing you can be bold in Christ. We pray God continues to open up doors to share the love of Jesus to many. Pray protection and God's leading! Great tips!

  • @iniuriamimpedire1782
    @iniuriamimpedire1782 Před 7 lety +9

    Usually I dont write comments but I just had to after this one: Thank you so so much for your good advice and hopefully God will give me the strength to be a light in the darkness of my school friends and to not swim with the world's flow. :-)

  • @molotovmafia2406
    @molotovmafia2406 Před 5 lety +2

    My prayer plan is quite easy yet efficient. I have 3 pages in my journal for praying: one is for gratitude, the other - prayers for what I need and want and the third - for others, whether it's my family or some sick or poor people, or the environment...
    I hope it helps messier people who can't be organized.
    I'm 14 and most of the people of my class are atheists. But in philosophy class I decided to start a religious discussion about what religion does: good or bad. It was interesting sharing my opinion and hearing others'. I tried to be as tolerant as possible.

  • @gissjohan8773
    @gissjohan8773 Před 7 lety +7

    Thank you so much for those tips! This Tuesday I start college and it may not be easy but God is with me and I want to show Jesus love to everybody even if I don't receive that love back 💖 God bless you so much!

  • @zumby
    @zumby Před 3 lety +2

    My school is highly toxic and i am a christian, this is the perfect video for me...
    THANK YOU!!!

  • @cassierexroad2154
    @cassierexroad2154 Před 7 lety +4

    Thanks so much! I just read a verse actually, and it says "don't be surprised if the world hates you." 1 John 3 13. I think its cool how God makes coincidences like that.

  • @jokalenga461
    @jokalenga461 Před 7 lety +10

    I'm definitely changing my school with this!!!

  • @antfactory1
    @antfactory1 Před 7 lety +2

    I'm 15 years old and ever since I got into high school, I started taking God seriously. I wanted to Learn more about him, it was like he was calling me to come to him. The thing is, I want to keep my relationship with God and I don't want to lose it no matter what. But high school is so hard. I know there Are Christians at my school, but they don't show it, they are like everybody else. I'm looking for someone who is the same age as me, who is actually trying to maintain their relationship with God. I want to be around someone like this, and I have been praying to God to be surrounded by some Christian brothers or sisters.

    • @MC-us7qp
      @MC-us7qp Před 3 lety

      I understand this, it feels the same with me and because of it I’ve fallen out of my faith. Especially because I’ve been idolizing school, you’re not alone I promise I hope things have been better since you commented✝️🙏🏼

  • @santhalkuri8012
    @santhalkuri8012 Před 3 lety +2

    Thank you so much Jesus for everything ✝️✝️✝️✝️ hallelujah and amen ✝️✝️

  • @annamarie9276
    @annamarie9276 Před 7 lety +30

    I'm super nervous for the first day of school. Although this is my second year of high school, my stomach turns every time I think of going back. I have two classes alone (without my friends) and I would love to meet someone in those classes who are also alone. How can I pray for courage for the first day?

    • @coffeeandbibletime
      @coffeeandbibletime  Před 7 lety +12

      Hi friend!! Just tell God exactly that :) Tell Him all your feelings! What you are nervous about. Talk to him like you are talking to a real person. Remember He goes with you wherever you go!! You have nothing to fear friend! ALSO when I went back to school every year I was always so afraid! But God always came through :))))

    • @annamarie9276
      @annamarie9276 Před 7 lety

      Coffee and Bible Time thank you!

  • @kbxiong2630
    @kbxiong2630 Před 7 lety +1

    I'm 13 ears old and I love learning and serving the LORD, you guys are really amazing and you guys are so amazing, may the LORD bless you guys, you guys have a greater future up ahead. 😁😁😁😁

  • @stuckinsidemyself
    @stuckinsidemyself Před 7 lety +1

    I already am in a youth group, have been for awhile. It's the main thing I look forward to all week!!!

  • @hannahmorgan7213
    @hannahmorgan7213 Před 4 lety +2

    Hi, I just want to say that you are such a wonderful person! I am going into high school and I am very nervous about setting a good example for God. This helped me so much, thank you! Love from Huntsville❤

  • @missywolfe8317
    @missywolfe8317 Před 7 lety +1

    This is the first video I have seen from your channel, and it is so nice to a christian based channel :) I am a christian and I am in 8th grade. I have been bullied a lot for my faith and some other things and I lost sight of who I was. I started hanging out with the wrong people and going down the wrong path. I needed to see this video to remind myself that I am a child of God and no one can change that. God gives us these trials for reasons and life can be hard but God will NEVER leave you. For about a year I felt God was leaving me but he wasn't the one leaving me, I was the one leaving him. Now my relationship with God is getting stronger then it was before! I have always loved God and always been a christian but sometimes even us Christians loose sight of who we are but that is why we have God our savior! God loves you so much he died for you and me and someday he will come back and there will be no more pain or sadness! My advise for you all is to continue to pray and have God lead you down the path he wants you to take. If you listen to him, he tells in a million ways :) Since 4th grade I have told people about God and 3 of those people have gotten saved and they were some of the best memories I have! I do not have a lot of christian friends in school but I do have God and he is always holding my hand.

  • @mtw.abp.m
    @mtw.abp.m Před 7 lety +6

    God bless you and your faith girl! Thank you for all you share♡

  • @CurlyHairArtistry
    @CurlyHairArtistry Před 7 lety +1

    Its awesome to see you embrace your God given curly hair on your videos!

  • @jeffrobinson7049
    @jeffrobinson7049 Před 7 lety +8

    Very good advice. Great job on being such a great example and leader for others!

  • @mariebernadette9019
    @mariebernadette9019 Před 7 lety +2

    Praying lightens me. It lifts me up.

  • @emilydearing777
    @emilydearing777 Před 2 lety

    I'm an 8th grader and I'm so glad for what I have now in my journey of life because my family didn't used to go to church but now we do, and I've been growing ever since. I've always been a "weird kid" in school because I didn't act like the other kids or do what they did. That was just planted into my life when I was kid on how I should act. Ever since I've been in church I've seen people leave my life and seen God work through everything. I've felt closer to my friends at church because we have the love of christ in common and my friends at school are just so different from me but I'm happy I have friends that can help me stay steadfast in God.
    Emily ❤️

  • @essentiallylau
    @essentiallylau Před 7 lety +1

    I'm not in school anymore but these tips are amazing. Thank you so much. I need to be better at setting away quiet time.

  • @number_966
    @number_966 Před 3 lety +2

    I'm starting high school this year. I'm scared because I fell away from God and even began to question myself. I promised myself I'd fight for my relationship but I haven't been doing much fighting lately. I feel lazy with God and I just need some Christian people to surround me and encourage me. Please pray for me

  • @crystalbrooks2684
    @crystalbrooks2684 Před 7 lety +1

    I think you made me realize that I wasn't a Christian through most of school, only really the last year. It's amazing really. I went through most of middle and high school just hating it and not having any good friends, but in the last year (where that summer I had given my life fully to Christ) I had a really good year, made awesome friends, and was able to see God in action through me by leading a friend of mine to God. (Well, we're not quite there yet, but I have faith that we'll get there.)

  • @smokedogz5
    @smokedogz5 Před 7 lety +5

    Your adorable and your such a great role model, God bless :)

  • @michaella-evelyn
    @michaella-evelyn Před 7 lety +1

    this was a perfect video for back to school advice for Christians. last year of school in the UK and just again getting ready to continue spreading JESUS! X
    GREAT video I loved this.

  • @jaydenyau6081
    @jaydenyau6081 Před 4 lety

    I found the perfect guy that is everything that I could ever wish for but he has to move to India. (I live in Canada) but I find it so inspiring cause he’s going there because his parents are missionaries and he’s serving God there. :) I just know I’m gonna miss him so much.

  • @brignipadilla3874
    @brignipadilla3874 Před 7 lety +1

    Tomorrow's my first day of school😬 but I go into high school not just to study and get good grades but to also spread God's love to those who need it❤💪 Jesus will be my strength throught out high school. This video really inspired me to spread God's love at school I will watch it whenever I feel like quitting cuz there is alot of people who don't wanna hear about god

  • @OfficialRebekka
    @OfficialRebekka Před 7 lety

    I don´t know why but this video reminded me when my friend asked me 3 years ago in school if I believe in God before a lesson started and we had to wait for the teacher. I said yes but I don´t believe that much. This was the moment I thought about God again after a few years. :) two years ago she invited me to her church and for about 1 years I go to the youth group with her. I´m happy :) even though my parents are not that happy but they accept it. Even though I has nothing to do with the video I just wanted to write this comment because this reminded me of this situation.

  • @metallibasscovers
    @metallibasscovers Před 3 lety +1

    In 6th grade it’s hard for me to stay in touch with god when hearing cussing at school and trying to avoid it, when I get home I have homework and the only time I have for god is in the morning, at night, church, bible study and prayer night, and sometimes at school before I eat my lunch I always pray and I get a crowd of eyes looking at me I don’t mind but after a while one of my friends who sat at the table with me started praying for his food weeks later then taught them some of The 10 Commandments, I would get bullied sometimes when the teacher would put on a movie and I’d asked to put the prince of Egypt or other great Christian films overall I am proud to be a Christian.

  • @jaceestes2321
    @jaceestes2321 Před 3 lety +1

    So exciting to hear all these christian students wanting to make a difference for Christ and deeply rooted, we know we have a very great very great God who is mighty and HE lives inside of you, so this many christians with the Lord inside of them is truly powerful, let us not get caught up in woke or progressive chsitianity preach the sound and true gospel of Jesus love, He does not need us to change the gospel to suit our worldly desires, God Bless.

  • @Creativemadness13JC
    @Creativemadness13JC Před 7 lety +1

    I love this video. Glory to God for this. I have been looking for a great channel for my daughter. She just started middle school & she had just gotten into bible study & really pressing in & I know school can be rough & focus on God can get clouded but this really helps. God bless you & thank you for the obedience to the LORD. God is using you !!!💚💚💚💌

  • @manifestingfuturedoggo783

    looking back i didnt rly do anything in my junior year... i didnt talk about God that much even to my close friends there but i hope i will try to be confident and bold about God in my senior year. thanks so much for the vid. Great Reminder!

  • @theprayingwarrior537
    @theprayingwarrior537 Před 3 lety +1

    I rly needed this because I'm in a school where the only people that ik that are christian are my sister and this one other guy (worst part is us 3 are the only black people too- except for the new yr 7s who don't talk to us) and it was rly hard to be happy so this help! Thank you ❤!

  • @randyf1059
    @randyf1059 Před 7 lety +3

    I always be telling my friends to repent thy don't listen is sad that they don't know what's coming

  • @haileygarza8909
    @haileygarza8909 Před 7 lety +2

    I just discovered this channel and this is what I've been needing! I've been having a really hard time at school being a christian and am on the edge of doing homeschool. I think this channel will really help. Thank you!
    I subscribed 😊

  • @alexisralston5682
    @alexisralston5682 Před 7 lety +4

    Hey Ashley! I was wondering if you can do a video on how to be content when doing work to honor God. Usually I get pretty easily annoyed when I have to do work (like chores). I've been praying about it and trying to change! Thanks! Great video btw 😉💗

    • @adilenem.9957
      @adilenem.9957 Před 7 lety +1

      Alexis Ralston Same😅, I know i shouldn't but I'm going to pray about it because, i would like to change that.

  • @andreac3274
    @andreac3274 Před 7 lety +6

    Needed this :)❤️

  • @rafaeldelvalle287
    @rafaeldelvalle287 Před 4 lety

    I’m so glad I found myself watching this video Of yours; It help me realize that I need to be bold and not be ashamed of who I am in Christ.

  • @Nepetamoon
    @Nepetamoon Před 6 lety +1

    Thank you for this video, I am a sophomore in high school, and I am trying to fully give myself to God, as I plan to get baptized soon😊.

  • @ludycastillo2949
    @ludycastillo2949 Před 7 lety

    Ken Will, wow! welcome to the Christian family! stay strong! pray, thats the solution. God is always there for you, dont give up! we are all here to pray for you, if you need prayer :)

  • @AnnaHazel17
    @AnnaHazel17 Před 7 lety +1

    Thank you for this video, and good luck to everyone living for God in school. Remember that he can give you strength xx

  • @annagabriella6346
    @annagabriella6346 Před 7 lety

    Hi!! I just started 8th grade like a week ago and I am a Christian and love God with all my heart and worship him but this year was starting good but not in the way I felt was good. I felt like I didn't fit in like you said. so this week everytime I went on CZcams this video kept popping up no matter how many days pass or if I exit out of CZcams or clear my notifications. so today I finally decided to watch this to see what it was about, and oh my gosh this was God because I needed this so bad so thank you so much!!! so may God bless you and use you in many ways to preach the word of God
    to others in the world and online!💖🙌

  • @moonh8963
    @moonh8963 Před 7 lety +6

    I wish I have a friend like you 😃

  • @dorotheapeach9606
    @dorotheapeach9606 Před 5 lety +1

    I don't go to a public high school but I agree with you! I needed this!

  • @PeterShieldsukcatstripey
    @PeterShieldsukcatstripey Před 6 lety +1

    Thanks for your humility and bravery. God bless. So admire you.

  • @josieasencio9864
    @josieasencio9864 Před 7 lety +3

    Thank you for the tips and tricks 💟Ashley! Love you☺.

  • @amelliagrace3893
    @amelliagrace3893 Před 7 lety +1

    You should make a video about a updated Bible study routine!

  • @threegrlzbowtique
    @threegrlzbowtique Před 6 lety

    Love your video, wish I had found the love of Jesus in high school, to help get me through. I missed out in so much of those years worried about what others thought of me. Now I am teaching all I can to my children so they don't go down the same path of being afraid to be who they want to be through the love of God we will over come and praise him⛪

  • @kaleikathleen
    @kaleikathleen Před 7 lety +3

    I needed this so bad! Thank you ❤

  • @Angel-do7jx
    @Angel-do7jx Před 3 lety +1

    Thank you so much for these tips they really helped God bless you

  • @matthewmeno5279
    @matthewmeno5279 Před 4 lety +1

    I love your video. I enjoyed listening to your story about how you went through school being a Christian. Knowing that Jesus is the lord of your life makes you a happy girl, doesn't it? I wanna ask you something. Do you have a favorite Christian song? Do you like the hymns? Who are your favorite pastors? Do they speak the truth of God's word?

  • @genesisescobar610
    @genesisescobar610 Před 7 lety

    Great video! I can relate so much when you said that when you're a Christian you feel like the whole school is swimming one way while us Christians are swimming the other side! It pretty tough but at least it's worth it😊

  • @simmerwing
    @simmerwing Před 7 lety

    This is so great! I'm homeschooled but I know this advice will help many people I'm sure. I recently watched the movie "The War Room" that you mentioned in one of your videos and can I just say that it was such an empowering movie and that everyone should see it! I was wondering if maybe for one of your future videos you could show how to make a prayer room? Thanks for reading the long message if you do and let God be with you! -Abbey

  • @NadiaAwad1215
    @NadiaAwad1215 Před 7 lety +2

    This was exactly what I needed to hear right now. Thank you.

  • @beckymadden956
    @beckymadden956 Před 3 lety +3

    When I was in school...There was this girl that would make fun of me...Which, I was used to it...because I'm in a wheelchair. I just got used to it. It wasn't until our senior year that I realized why she hated me so much.
    But, here's my reaction. When I realized it, I started laughing. I looked at her one day and said...."All these years, your problem with me is JESUS!?"
    I just walked away.

    • @StaceyGraceFaithChannel
      @StaceyGraceFaithChannel Před 3 lety +3

      This is SUCH a powerful testimony!! You must be soo strong that it didn't get to you tho! Also if you want faith content for teens I have a few on my channel💕💕

    • @beckymadden956
      @beckymadden956 Před 3 lety +2

      @@StaceyGraceFaithChannel , It's not that I'm so strong... It's just I was so used to being teased as a kid for being in my Wheelchair...That when it came to her, I figured that's what she was thinking...Like
      everyone else.
      So, when I realized she hated me for being a Christian I just started laughing. I found something comical about it. That's just me.

  • @andyjesus80
    @andyjesus80 Před 4 lety +2

    I don't thing Christian is the way to go I feel like it's a relationship with god

  • @thecoderabbi
    @thecoderabbi Před 6 lety +1

    Thank You Thank You Thank You very much.
    I pray that God will keep on using you
    I was really blessed by this, Thank You👍

  • @sarahsingh2832
    @sarahsingh2832 Před 7 lety

    Thanks for sharing this! I'm also a christian and i have trouble fitting in, cuz so many ppl are not religious or don't care about religion, and i do always feel a little left out... but hopefully God will guide me and give me confidence to be proud of my religion 😊😊

  • @janinefrancisco22
    @janinefrancisco22 Před 7 lety

    Hi I'm Janine, I want to just say that this is the second video that I've seen you do and I love how you are so different from the youths in this generation. I love seeing the Jesus in you. I agree with everything you had said in this video because I actually do them, to God's glory. As a high school student in a public school I agree a hundred percent with how we should be the light and that no matter what people say, it's all about representing Christ. Wishing you all the best, God bless from Alaska. (Matthew 5:14-16) 💞

  • @kathleen71
    @kathleen71 Před 7 lety +2

    This is amazing. Thank you so much for this video💗💗

  • @alexiajones4985
    @alexiajones4985 Před 7 lety

    Thank you so very much for making this video! This is just what I needed to hear as a freshman. So far i'm going on strong it's just really sad to see all my friends ruining their lives by starting drugs in high school...this however gives me hope that I can get through high school without having to do things everyone else is doing. Despite what they may think I can love the Lord and still have innocent fun with my life! :)) Thanks again! God bless:))

  • @elizabethortiz9667
    @elizabethortiz9667 Před 7 lety

    Wow! Thank you this was so helpful! I'm actually starting my first year of college in about a month and I accepted Jesus in my heart last year (the summer before senior year). We need to be the light on those campuses and show the love and word of God to others! But in order to do that our eyes need to be focused on Jesus and we have to have that intimate relationship with Him! This was beautiful advice- may God continue to bless you and use you!!! 🙏🏽

  • @user-gw4fj9ij6j
    @user-gw4fj9ij6j Před 3 lety +2

    God bless you sister

  • @hannahdemarzo
    @hannahdemarzo Před 7 lety +1

    i love this video so much :) i'm anxious about going into freshman year, but i know that god's with me & he has a plan.

  • @jeanvogler9131
    @jeanvogler9131 Před 4 lety

    You are a great example of living your faith! Thank you for sharing it with the world. I'm sharing this video with my kids.

  • @ScoobyandShaggy5554
    @ScoobyandShaggy5554 Před 7 lety

    I'm leading my best friend to Christ one day at a time and she is slowly turning, I try to take a shower the day before so I can have 20 minutes of quiet time before I walk to the bus stop. I wake up at 5:05 Am sometimes I'll do it after school if I get a little tired in the morning. I'm also gonna run for class president and put the bible back in the school in small but big ways

  • @haleighmillard1633
    @haleighmillard1633 Před 7 lety +2

    This is so amazing!! Thank you ❤️❤️

  • @Wakeem.Creations
    @Wakeem.Creations Před 7 lety +2

    you got a new sub, I'm a junior at a new school and at my old school I was deeply involved in FCA fellowship for Christian athletes. in my new school they don't have one and I'm wanting to create something like it. pray for me.

  • @anointingajimoko5668
    @anointingajimoko5668 Před 7 lety +2

    Thank You soo much,your faith inspires me.