Know more Lucid Dreams了解更多清醒夢 (廣東話版本)

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024
  • Know more Lucid Dreams了解更多清醒夢
    什麼是清醒夢 : 如果你看過電影(全面啟動)(Inception),你是不是也想和李奧納多,或是其他造夢者一樣,想要控制自己的夢,首要條件就是要知道自己正在做夢,科學上這稱作清醒夢(Lucid Dreams),指人在意識清醒的時候所作的夢。清醒夢聽起來很像一種特異功能, 你可以在清醒夢中做任何事:和去世的親人聊天、飛行或潛入海洋深處。唯一的限制就是自己的想像力。除了顯然是渡過美好做夢時間的方式外,清醒夢能增進學習能力與記憶力,並療癒身心。
    根據國外研究,全世界約有 55% 的人有過清醒夢的經驗;約有 11% 的人,每個月會經歷一到兩次的清醒夢。一般來說,當我們在做夢的時候,當下並沒有辦法分辨是夢境還是現實,但如果是清醒夢,或是那些常常作清醒夢的人來說,在夢中就能馬上知道(自己正在作夢)。
    正常睡眠週期由非快速動眼期第一期,循序進入第二期及第三期,睡眠由淺度睡眠進到深度睡眠,再從深度睡眠回到淺度睡眠,之後進入快速動眼期(REM)。清醒夢就是發生在快速動眼期,這階段眼球會快速移動,同時身體肌肉放鬆。我們通常在睡著後 90 分鐘進入快速動眼期,快速動眼期會持續 10 分鐘,然後再回到淺度睡眠,約 90 至 120 分鐘循環一次。(睡覺做清醒夢原因是這種人容易記得夢境)
    為什麼會作清醒夢 : 常作清醒夢的人,大腦前額葉皮質會比其他人大一些,大腦前額葉皮質負責調控專注力、計畫、決策、想法、判斷以及提取記憶,這也表示他們是屬於自我反省的類型,常常會反覆咀嚼自己的想法,又稱後設認知。
    人是可以透過日常訓練,增加自己做清醒夢的機會,以下介紹3個最常見的清醒夢技巧 (最好在醒来后即用手机錄音記下):
    1. 現實生活檢測:把平常生活周遭的環境記在腦海裡,這樣一來在睡夢中便能分辨現實與夢境的差異,藉此自己察覺自己是否正在是不是在作夢。
    2. 清醒再入睡法(WBTB):睡滿五小時後,保持清醒一會,接著立刻回去睡回籠覺,這樣可以確保更快進入快速動眼期,也更容易作清醒夢。
    3. 記憶性誘導法(MILD):睡了五小時後醒來,但只有清醒一下下,並且要不斷提醒自己:待會睡回去要記得我在作夢。
    What is lucid dream: If you have watched the movie (Inception), do you also want to be like Leonardo or other dreamers and want to control your dreams? The first condition is to know yourself You are dreaming. Scientifically, this is called lucid dreams (Lucid Dreams), which refers to dreams that people have when their consciousness is awake. Lucid dreaming sounds a lot like a paranormal ability. You can do anything in a lucid dream: chat with deceased relatives, fly or dive into the depths of the ocean. The only limit is your imagination. In addition to being an obvious way to spend some quality dream time, lucid dreaming can improve learning and memory, as well as heal the body and mind.
    According to foreign research, about 55% of people around the world have experienced lucid dreams; about 11% of people experience lucid dreams once or twice a month. Generally speaking, when we are dreaming, there is no way to tell whether it is a dream or reality at the moment, but if it is a lucid dream, or for those who often have lucid dreams, they can immediately know in the dream (that they are dreaming). Dream).
    The normal sleep cycle progresses from the first stage of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) stage to the second and third stages. Sleep progresses from light sleep to deep sleep, then from deep sleep back to light sleep, and then enters the rapid eye movement (rapid eye movement) stage. eye movement, referred to as REM). Lucid dreams occur during the rapid eye movement period, during which the eyeballs move rapidly and the body muscles relax. We typically enter REM 90 minutes after falling asleep, which lasts for 10 minutes, and then return to light sleep, which cycle every 90 to 120 minutes. (The reason why people have lucid dreams while sleeping is that they can easily remember their dreams)
    Why do you have lucid dreams: People who often have lucid dreams have a larger prefrontal cortex than other people. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for regulating concentration, planning, decision-making, thoughts, judgment and memory retrieval. This also means that they are The type of self-reflection often chews over one's own thoughts, also known as metacognition.
    In addition, some scientists have also found that people with narcolepsy (also known as narcolepsy, narcolepsy, narcolepsy) are more likely to have lucid dreams, because people with narcolepsy will enter deep sleep faster, or even directly enter rapid sleep. During the eye movement period, it is easy to have lucid dreams.
    People can increase their chances of having lucid dreams through daily training. Here are the three most common lucid dreaming techniques (it is best to record them with your mobile phone as soon as you wake up):
    1. Real life detection: Keep the environment around you in your daily life in your mind, so that you can distinguish the difference between reality and dreams during your sleep, and you can detect whether you are dreaming or not.
    2. Wake Back To Bed (WBTB): After sleeping for five hours, stay awake for a while, and then go back to sleep immediately. This can ensure that you enter the rapid eye movement period faster and make it easier to have lucid dreams. .
    3. Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD): Wake up after sleeping for five hours, but only for a while, and keep reminding yourself: When you go back to sleep later, you must remember that I am dreaming.
    / @herbsdr

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