Is Dave Chappelle Transphobic? Are We Too Sensitive or Should Comedy Change?

  • čas přidán 10. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 204

  • @SRKanai1
    @SRKanai1 Před 2 lety +66

    John Cleese said, "Comedy requires the momentary anesthetic of the heart." In other words, sometimes the need to laugh outweighs the need to be offended in order to pull attention. Dave isn't transphobic, he's a comedian. At this point people use offense as a way of gaining attention, a soap box, and/or a way to prove to others how "woke" they are.

    • @cjyoung4080
      @cjyoung4080 Před 2 lety +1

      i mean.. the "leader" of the protest is an anti asian racist.... shows how "woke" followers r

  • @veracity-
    @veracity- Před 2 lety +42

    13:05 Thank you David, people are allowed to be offended! Geez I like Chappelle, but I feel like people worship him too much, he's not above approach. Reading some of the comments here and even the way the other cohosts spoke about Chappelle, it's like he's some sacred comedy god. Like, relax. He's very good at what he does, but through criticism and even outrage, he can become better and maybe find ways to tell jokes about sensitive topics that can get more people laughing, even if its at their expense.

    • @xialians
      @xialians Před 2 lety +3

      He was comparing the casual racism that black people experience on a daily basis where as people quickly take up arms for the trans community. That whole part was missed. SO when the protesters were like "Our people are dying." Yea well so are ours. Let's stop it together. That is what he was trying to say. but that was missed. All anyone "heard" were trans jokes. Its a true and honest commentary about race and what is and is not allowed. He doesn't need to be better or change anything he is saying. People need to listen and not just pick at it.

    • @Johnny_Hipp
      @Johnny_Hipp Před 2 lety

      His special was really good, funny, and insightful but not exactly as sidesplittingly hilarious as others have proclaimed. it's a lot of that super amped up, hyped up Joe Rogan style bruh comedy. Sometimes I'm in the mood for that, and I also could see how that style can be taken out of context at times too, for those not on that wavelength.

  • @azarbear_
    @azarbear_ Před 2 lety +42

    Omfgggggggg okay, okay. So I am trans and part of the LGBTQ community. From my understanding of the special, he was not transphobic. And I just love how he rode the line of a serious talk and comedy. It was gold.
    Edit: That's all I wanted to say before some CIS people start thinking they need to be offended when I (as someone who is trans) is not offended at all.

    • @dowlernatasha1396
      @dowlernatasha1396 Před 2 lety +5

      I know right. Some gate keepers from trans community does not like to hear different opinions

    • @azarbear_
      @azarbear_ Před 2 lety +2

      @@dowlernatasha1396 Alot of the people who are gatekeeping are not even trans too. Like ugh 🙄

    • @dowlernatasha1396
      @dowlernatasha1396 Před 2 lety +1

      @@azarbear_ Right!! "Liberals and leftists are good at getting offended on behalf of other people! " LMAO

  • @CAsaidit
    @CAsaidit Před 2 lety +25

    People want to be treated equally, will make jokes about others, but can’t take a joke when it seems specific to themselves.

    • @Americansikkunt
      @Americansikkunt Před 2 lety

      It is saddening to know this....
      Especially when they were recalling their experience at the restaurant in Hawaii. He said, “They treated the table of white People ok, but they were really nice to us! It was awesome!”
      Like, they’re reveling in being treated superior....Makes me wonder, do people really want Equality?
      Or do they want to be better-than?

    • @OMAR-vk9pi
      @OMAR-vk9pi Před 2 lety

      Everything’s funny until it happens to you

    • @missmo2371
      @missmo2371 Před 2 lety +1

      @@Americansikkunt white people are usually treated better in most places.. just sayin..

    • @cindygraham7871
      @cindygraham7871 Před 2 lety

      Can’t treat people the same till there is equality. It’s like giving a rich person and a poor person the exact same resources.

    • @Americansikkunt
      @Americansikkunt Před 2 lety

      @@missmo2371 does that justify treating minorities better than white People?

  • @sxhxlzxb
    @sxhxlzxb Před 2 lety +7

    This generation has changed society making them overly sensitive but yet still being overly insensitive as well. Make it make sense

  • @natyki
    @natyki Před 2 lety +72

    I saw this special and I just thought, we need more people like Dave. Maybe because of the years I spent watching some of his specials and the Chapelle Show with my brothers, you get a sense of the type of person he is. Yes, he may deliver things in a way a comedian would, but he still gets to the point and addresses what needs to be addressed. I'm not part of the trans community, so my say will probably mean nothing. However, I support them as I have a dear friend part of the community. I think he made himself clear in this special, so I hope things will be okay after this. That possibly there will be an understanding. I was heartbroken about the story of his friend, but for him to lift her up was heartwarming. I dont think Dave should be changing anything. There's a reason he's consider the GOAT in this field after all these years.

  • @draganbosnjakovic7173
    @draganbosnjakovic7173 Před 2 lety +41

    Dave chappelle will never be canceled he's just to big.

    • @jasonszeto7790
      @jasonszeto7790 Před 2 lety +1

      Goat .

    • @PlayShorts3
      @PlayShorts3 Před 2 lety

      They have been trying since the Chappelle show. Dave and Eminem will never be cancelled.

  • @israelgallegos3664
    @israelgallegos3664 Před 2 lety +57

    I love Dave but I feel like there are good points being brought up.
    “I have a trans friend so I can’t he transphobic” is the same thing as white people saying “I have a black friend so I can’t be racist”.
    Dave is one of my favorite comedians and I think the issue is that his comedy has always been a social commentary with a lot of truth, so people take it that way. He really has made great points but identifying as a TERF is gonna open up a gate for many people to identify as that, when it’s harmful to trans people.
    I don’t think cancelling Dave is possible or a solution, I think he just needs to have a real convo with the trans community.
    Edit: I appreciate these open discussions, big fan!

    • @AaayeeeeB
      @AaayeeeeB Před 2 lety

      But he never said anything about him not being transphobic because he had a trans friend...

    • @israelgallegos3664
      @israelgallegos3664 Před 2 lety +4

      @@AaayeeeeB not necessarily him, but majority of people are saying it for him after that bit on his special

    • @AaayeeeeB
      @AaayeeeeB Před 2 lety

      @@israelgallegos3664 Oh I see. Yeah some people are trying to rationalize it that way but I feel both of those people are missing the point then.

    • @jasminecruz6116
      @jasminecruz6116 Před 2 lety +5

      I completely agree, there's no way we're going to cancel Dave Chappelle , mainly because cancel culture isn't real !! However you need to be held accountable when you're spreading a hateful narrative. The outrage and protest is about trans people being treated unfair, it's shifted to rights and protection.

  • @OhGeeGanksta
    @OhGeeGanksta Před 2 lety +94

    The people trying to cancel Dave are proving his point. They’re complete hypocrites. They don’t want to be treated as equals-they want to be treated as if they’re special. Everything is fair game-except don’t talk about my group? Lol

    • @tierk4328
      @tierk4328 Před 2 lety +10

      I love Dave Chappelle but isn't that what Dave did? He completely excluded Trans black people from his talking points, as if they don't exist. Most of the people who are murdered in the trans community are black trans women whose killers are mostly black men. And When Dave said he doesn't know what punching down was that's bullshit. He was for sure punching down. Dave is one of the most successful comedians of all time yet he used his power and status to attack those black trans people who have historically fought for the rights of black men/people more than black men themselves.
      Another point, Dave Chappelle isn't going to be canceled. "Cancel Culture" doesn't exist. This whole cancel culture rhetoric is just fuled by people his age, who know nothing about how the internet really works. It's their boogeyman. But when you actually check in the closet, nothing is really there and it was all exagurated by their minds

    • @jadowarcadia6227
      @jadowarcadia6227 Před 2 lety +1

      @@tierk4328 people who say cancelk culture doesnt exist are willfully ignoring it. It 100% exists with people actively attempting it. Hashtags literally named "Cancel X". As soon as someone says something that doesnt fit certain groups opinions people go for their jobs. "What kind of company could hire someone which such disagreeable opinions to my personal sensibilities. Im not going to use your products until you fire them and anybody who continues to do so is a bigot etc". That isnt rare to see commonly on social media over the last few years.
      I'm a "minority" and i hear comedians make plenty of jokes at my expense. Some are funny and some arent in my opinion but I respect their right to say what they want

    • @tierk4328
      @tierk4328 Před 2 lety +4

      @@jadowarcadia6227 ok, who has been cancelled? Who has actually been cancelled? Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, neither of them have seen the inside of a cell and Spaceys still acting. Cancel Culture does not exist my friend

    • @Twilight.Princess
      @Twilight.Princess Před 2 lety

      @@tierk4328 fully agree. It doesn’t exist when you don’t let idiots make it exist. You don’t like something, tune out. Easy. People that don’t let it happen won’t be effected therefore it doesn’t truly exist.

    • @jadowarcadia6227
      @jadowarcadia6227 Před 2 lety +1

      @@tierk4328 Cancel culture doesnt mean these people will suddenly cease to exist. Kevin Spaceys career has clearly been derailed. He went from a top rated TV show to nothing anybody has heard of.
      Also Weinstein is literally in jail right now. Actually they've taken him out of jail to charge him for more stuff. But either way both of these people literally comitted sex crimes. Thats just justice, not cancel culture. So neither of them are good examples

  • @kappa_feel
    @kappa_feel Před 2 lety +22

    All I got from that special was that he said you can be born man female or gay anything else is by choice that wasn't transphobic or how a black man can kill another black man and not get canceled but say something inaccurate about the LGBTQ and get canceled, he talked about having a transgender friend that killed herself because of the LGBTQ saying things about her supporting him and how that couldn't cancel them for saying hateful things or how LGBTQ member can say something and if you were speak on it you were automatically labeled transphobic . If people listened behind the laughs and jokes most comedian talk about real world or personal problems and he was just drawing comparisons to the black community and the LGBTQ community how progressive they are and how many people support them but it doesn't go the same way for his community. he understands at the root core they are fighting for the same thing there rights and to be heard.

    • @kitoera
      @kitoera Před 2 lety


    • @Americansikkunt
      @Americansikkunt Před 2 lety +1

      It doesn’t matter “what was said”.
      We are living in Post-Truth, where offensive Truth is dismissed as false.
      Hopefully, more people denounce Post-Truth, and advocate accepting objective reality.

    • @kappa_feel
      @kappa_feel Před 2 lety

      @@Americansikkunt dang that was really insightful bro but emotions will always cloud a persons mind when faced with the truth. It's just human nature unless you were taught to think before you do and never let your emotions get the best of you.

    • @Americansikkunt
      @Americansikkunt Před 2 lety

      @@kappa_feel In the court-of-law, only objective reality is matters. The facts.
      Sure, people feel emotions, but that doesn’t change the fact that 2+2=4, or the fact that Individuals are responsible for their own actions.
      How someone “felt” about X event is irrelevant to the Objective Reality....Like, a joke is a joke, no matter what. It doesn’t matter if NOBODY finds it funny, it’s still a joke. It doesn’t matter if people find it offensive, it doesn’t change the reality.
      Sadly, we really are in a war of Subjective vs Objective reality, so I happen to be very passionate about this loss-of-Objectivity....
      Canada criminally persecutes people for offending others, justified by their mis-use of pronouns. That is anti-Freedom, anti-American, doesn’t help the “victim”, and creates a culture-of-censorship and coddling.
      I refuse to sacrifice Free Speech, Objective Truth, and American values, to “protect the feelings of the few”.

    • @Americansikkunt
      @Americansikkunt Před 2 lety

      @@kappa_feel “think before you do” is a very common life-lesson.
      You say that, as if it is rare....
      Every Individual is responsible for their own actions, even when “clouded by their emotions”, as you say.

  • @Vincisomething
    @Vincisomething Před 2 lety +21

    I wonder if the people trying to cancel him are actually trans people or people that are familiar with trans issues... or if it's a bunch of losers on Twitter. At the same time, are the people defending familiar with trans issues, or are they just Dave Chappelle-biased? If he said transphobic things, as a fan, it's OK to criticize him. Doesn't mean you're not a fan or you no longer find him funny. It is possible to make jokes about trans people without tearing them down or make jokes that don't enable transphobic people. I'm not the biggest fan of Dave Chappelle, but I hope it's Twitter losers. 13:08- 💯%

  • @Vincisomething
    @Vincisomething Před 2 lety +31

    I need to watch the special to form a complete opinion on this, but I also think we should see what trans people have said about it. I don't know, it's just weird to see a lot of people who don't know trans issues say what is or isn't transphobic. If trans people are cool with it then 🤷🏾‍. Also "I have a trans friend so I can't be transphobic" is the same exact energy as "I have black friends, I can't be racist."

    • @user-kk2dw1eh5q
      @user-kk2dw1eh5q Před 2 lety +2

      That wasn't his point when he brought up his friend. It wasn't "I have a trans friend" it was more like " I had a friend who happened to be trans" and all that was brought up not only in memoriam of Daphne but also to highlight the bully nature of the woke mobs.

    • @Vincisomething
      @Vincisomething Před 2 lety +4

      ​@@user-kk2dw1eh5q I was more referring to people bringing up that Dave said he has a "trans friend" as if that's not the most overused argument by people who don't want to look at their negative biases.
      I have to look more into Daphne's case because I heard he said something along the lines of the "trans community killed my friend" but ignoring how common-place transphobia is. Like I said, I have to watch the special to form a complete opinion on this because I'm just going based on what I've heard. i also heard he misgendered her? These are just "up in the air" thoughts, not anything concrete yet.

    • @vegahw
      @vegahw Před 2 lety +2

      This! I have no idea what the trans experience is like so it’s hard to speak on it. I love Dave but it’s interesting to see everyone gang up against trans community and call the sensitive.

    • @cynque45
      @cynque45 Před 2 lety

      Well he technically is right. If he has a trans friend then he doesn’t have an irrational fear of them, I doubt he considers them second class citizens either

    • @bobbowie9350
      @bobbowie9350 Před 2 lety

      "Trans 'friend'". These so called comedians always has a "friend". Rogan does that all the time.

  • @Vincisomething
    @Vincisomething Před 2 lety +4

    3:10 Someone stole our garage door opener yesterday, so we have to physically lock the garage until we change the opener. I watch way too much true crime, so part of me was thought, "if it came down to it, would I have to fight someone or would I be able to? Would I need to throw knives?"

  • @dorjeed9959
    @dorjeed9959 Před 2 lety +13

    Been listening to these guys all day long and can't believe the new episode features these guys as well ...... Its a sign😇😇😇

  • @kennyphan6555
    @kennyphan6555 Před 2 lety +7

    The most random start to the podcast ever 😂

  • @daheeroh
    @daheeroh Před 2 lety +14

    I've been waiting for this. I've been patiently waiting for this episode like an tiger on the hunt 🤣😆😀

  • @chinoskateboardv
    @chinoskateboardv Před 2 lety +8

    I watched it twice. First time I laughed a lot. Second time I laughed less because his message got through to me. It was deep

  • @taniapinedo4905
    @taniapinedo4905 Před 2 lety +9

    I have missed them on the podcast! They are my fave 🔥

  • @dedeyez1085
    @dedeyez1085 Před 2 lety +2

    "Oh my god thats the legend from Babasebababada" 😂😂

  • @mzkarma6751
    @mzkarma6751 Před 2 lety +5

    🤣🤣🤣 did not know that's called the "the woah" that's sick

  • @jetjet6560
    @jetjet6560 Před 2 lety +1

    Biggest thing I agree with is: There are no rules to comedy. Some dumbass came up with the idea that you "can't punch down". They're entertainers at the end of the day, it is not a right for you to be entertained... Don't like it? Can watch something else

  • @lethaldj13
    @lethaldj13 Před 2 lety +5

    if we are gonna cancel comedy like that, might as well we go back to voice less comedy.
    like someone walking and tripping over a banana. something basic like that but hey i guess even that might offend people right now

  • @kay3265
    @kay3265 Před 2 lety +2

    The irony of it all is that he made the point that there’s more outrage when you “hurt a gay person’s feelings” than when some truly egregious shit happens. In the special, he made jokes about child molestation, police brutality, beating and hating women, the Me Too movement, and yet all the outrage is about the jokes about transgender people…At some point, you have to learn to laugh at yourself. I’m a black woman myself…do you know how exhausted I’d be if I got offended by every joke or stereotype about black women? You have to find the humor in life or it’ll drive you crazy. People in general nowadays are overly sensitive. Everybody trying to be “woke” and policing everybody else’s political correctness. Everyone wants to be the victim. I miss the days when comedy was just comedy and people could take jokes.

  • @sdm9019
    @sdm9019 Před 2 lety +2

    They are hypocrites. The are ok with laughing at every other group of people but when it comes to them you shouldn't touch them.

  • @MasterDanielson
    @MasterDanielson Před 2 lety +9

    If people really want to cancel Dave Chapelle for his trans jokes, then they might as well ban stand up comedy in itself 🙄

  • @KaijuBlack
    @KaijuBlack Před 2 lety +2

    david got the itadori color scheme 0.0

  • @ebonomicscasual1433
    @ebonomicscasual1433 Před 2 lety +2

    I would like to refute the Dave Chappelle special for two reasons
    1. Comedy may be in the eye of the beholder and we should know the lines but Dave has crossed them repeatedly by referring to birth gender and with the line about his Trans friend daughter. A lot of Trans people are attacked by calling them their birth gender out if jest the same way other minorities have been treated as being dumber than white people for decades.
    2. He mentions J.K. Rowling to get deep into his opinion and defense of himself against the Trans community and defends her too. J. K. Rowling goes out of her way to attack and deny Trans people with no provocation. J. K. Rowling made a new pen name and released a book exclusively to attack Trans people
    Bonus 3rd reason. This is the third comedy special where Dave has made a big deal of Trans people during the special and every special has included more Trans jokes. Either he has a problem with the Trans community or he ran out of material

  • @jasonlee0290
    @jasonlee0290 Před 2 lety +3

    Yes!! The comedy trio is back!! 👍

  • @LMason-qd7sq
    @LMason-qd7sq Před 2 lety +2

    This was a great episode! Thank you!

  • @jennyw3774
    @jennyw3774 Před 2 lety +6

    best trio. and dave chapp has made it very clear that he openly supports trans people.

  • @MrPandas1
    @MrPandas1 Před 2 lety +3

    Woooohoooo, the triple threat is back, my favourite podcast group!!!!

  • @datchau2801
    @datchau2801 Před 2 lety +2

    Glad to see Patrick back on the pod

  • @fakhribintang
    @fakhribintang Před 2 lety +2

    I watched the special after listening to this. Sure, some of the jokes might be distasteful to certain people but there was nothing shocking or violence-inciting. What's the deal with people? Live, laugh and love

  • @seulkie
    @seulkie Před 2 lety +2

    AWWW missed this trio!!

  • @grindtime7972
    @grindtime7972 Před 2 lety +2

    next year can episodes be a little longer since we're going to be getting one episode a week? 🙏

  • @TheAwsomeness324
    @TheAwsomeness324 Před 2 lety +1

    THE BOYZZZZ!!!! been a minute! Missed y’all.

  • @iolandabastos5396
    @iolandabastos5396 Před 2 lety

    Profile looking like United Colours of Benetton😩😂😂
    I missed this crew ❤

  • @DeadRebornKid
    @DeadRebornKid Před 2 lety +2

    ... The title, the guests, the subject matter..
    *This bouta be an excellent podcast* 😈

  • @jnightmare0
    @jnightmare0 Před 2 lety +1

    My girl went to bed just in time, got this bomb ass podcast to watch 👍🏾

  • @MrBachChoy
    @MrBachChoy Před 2 lety +5

    Dave Chapelle is a philosopher who just has a comical way of presenting his ideologies and insights. We need more people like him in the world.

  • @seeleybooth1489
    @seeleybooth1489 Před 2 lety +1

    The comedian you guys were talking about his name is Nimesh Patel.
    It's crazy that people to me that people can hear that joke he did about black and gay people and think he was punching down or being offensive. That got me thinking about how people look at comedy.
    Personally I think that people that get offended by the mere mention of race or sexuality is not just that they're uncomfortable with those topics. But the way that these people see comedy is making fun of others or "punching down" because thats the only version of comedy they see.
    So you can have a joke as good as Nimesh's but still be be labeled a racist and homophobic. Because they aren't looking at the content. They literally think that comedy = making fun of people. So comedy about race and sex = making fun of people of color and sexuality.

  • @damarispierce2883
    @damarispierce2883 Před 2 lety +6

    Never clicked on content so fast. Chapelle cannot be touched. People are just sensitive bc they can’t handle controversy.

  • @nancyhoang
    @nancyhoang Před 2 lety +11

    I don't think Dave Chappelle is being cancelled; I think he's been invited to a conversation by trans and non-binary folks and he isn't being receptive to their concerns about his rhetoric. I appreciate the nuanced convo here, but also recognize it's a convo between three cis-het men, so I'm taking the lead from the trans community directly affected - especially those working at Netflix who held a walkout yesterday led by Black trans women. By firing their trans Employee Resource Group (ERG) leader instead of working with the ERG to improve within the org itself, Netflix is showing its lack of dedication to equitable and inclusive working conditions. I don't care for idolizing celebs; I want trans and non-binary staff to be prioritized and feel safe at work. Stigmatizing language will lead to danger and death for trans & nonbinary people, and by working directly with/hiring trans staff, Netflix can do better & learn.

    • @jaydriel2957
      @jaydriel2957 Před 2 lety

      I mean or people can just not be so sensitive to these tipe of topics

    • @nancyhoang
      @nancyhoang Před 2 lety

      @@jaydriel2957 or you can learn to be more empathetic to the trans & nonbinary staff at Netflix having to endure this traumatizing experience right now

  • @mosesmnz
    @mosesmnz Před 2 lety +1

    Seeing them doing the “woah” is fyye

  • @kentouo
    @kentouo Před 2 lety

    Ah! My favorite trio is back! Dope podcast!

  • @mdrivera8481
    @mdrivera8481 Před 2 lety +2

    I think people are turning a blind eye to what I've seen is considered the real problem. Trans people aren't mad people are making jokes about their community period, it's the type of jokes that is the problem. There's a great FD Signifier vid on this but long story short it feels very much like Dave is making being trans the whole joke. There's nothing insightful or nuanced about it. He's basically one of the best modern day philosophers imo but he isn't perfect. And dismissing his faults as people being butthurt about being made fun of at all is dangerous.

    • @raemarie5665
      @raemarie5665 Před 2 lety +1

      I watched that video and loved it for how insightful was, I actually watched it before I saw the special. I felt like FD did a great job providing a lot of context.

  • @NorthanLights420
    @NorthanLights420 Před 2 lety +1

    My sister wanted Bun Bo Hua!! But the waiter gave her pho instead in hawaii =D

  • @grandmasterczar4969
    @grandmasterczar4969 Před 2 lety +3

    Comedy is made up of jokes and people can’t wrap there heads around it

  • @oceguerasandy
    @oceguerasandy Před 2 lety +1

    My new favorite episode!!!

  • @AphimaYT
    @AphimaYT Před 2 lety

    yesss the golden trio! Shout out to Alex though.
    These podcasts are always FIRE

  • @f1shinatr33
    @f1shinatr33 Před 2 lety +2

    Hmm I have yet to see the special. I do feel like at times people view comedy as reciprocation of something via humor. (which it can be). and what that something is, may or may not be what was intended or what the viewer/listener thought it was. and some people take the stance of the comic is not responsible for that. while others take the stance of the comic is responsible for any and all reciprocation intentional or not. (even if they have varied stances on each item compartmentalized/ non compartmentalized).

  • @will_the_warlord8913
    @will_the_warlord8913 Před 2 lety +3

    The short answer yes

  • @VangKevinCatfish
    @VangKevinCatfish Před 2 lety +13

    Them people who don’t like Dave have some internal personal issues. Lmao

  • @markpingol7279
    @markpingol7279 Před 2 lety +1

    World is full of hypocrites and super sensitive people.

  • @roseannaftorres4070
    @roseannaftorres4070 Před 2 lety

    I enjoy David Do rants😄

  • @karenzaide9012
    @karenzaide9012 Před 2 lety

    Where can I get that rug? 😭😭😭🙏🏽

  • @RobotTechHead
    @RobotTechHead Před 2 lety

    The Indian comedian is Nimesh Patel, funny dude.

  • @Vincisomething
    @Vincisomething Před 2 lety +1

    40:30 People having their token racial minority friend gives me the same energy as people who say "I'm such a good person" or "I'm just too good of a person" 🤢🤮

  • @Arsenalovereverything1886

    Comedy has only one rule….. the place from which it comes must be pure.

  • @Dins324
    @Dins324 Před 2 lety

    I am not sure if its mentioned. but I am on the part where they talk about the Indian-American Comedian. The Comedian is Nimesh Patel. Hilarious. His set at the college is on youtube.

  • @bogdanfota4686
    @bogdanfota4686 Před 2 lety +2

    My high level thoughts: this podcast has the best conversations and vibe among any other podcast. This trio, especially, it's "chef's kiss". Stupendous.

  • @TheAwsomeness324
    @TheAwsomeness324 Před 2 lety

    Bill burr once said in a podcast with Russell brand, to paraphrase, “how do YOU know what I meant more than I know what I meant? To people who say, “I think you meant this by your joke and it made me feel offended”.

  • @lolbastionashton3543
    @lolbastionashton3543 Před 2 lety

    The only dudes who can make me burst out laughing!

  • @teddiquit2156
    @teddiquit2156 Před 2 lety +1

    This might be a dumb question but what do you mean by “ punching down “ ?

  • @tsengsti7082
    @tsengsti7082 Před 2 lety +1

    Been waiting for this one for a minute and can confirm he didn’t make a joke about lgbtq+ in London.
    Eventhough superman came out as bisexual

    • @LordAsturgis
      @LordAsturgis Před 2 lety

      It’s Superman’s son in an alternate universe, it’s not Superman himself.

    • @tsengsti7082
      @tsengsti7082 Před 2 lety

      @@LordAsturgis I really don’t care

    • @LordAsturgis
      @LordAsturgis Před 2 lety

      @@tsengsti7082 Why are you talking about it then? You’re the one who brought it up 🤔

  • @user-pd9ju5dk5s
    @user-pd9ju5dk5s Před 2 lety

    Finally, Pat and Nick are back

  • @chandravang8859
    @chandravang8859 Před 2 lety

    Nick and Pat lives! 😭😭

  • @missmo2371
    @missmo2371 Před 2 lety

    I think people can still have an opinion..some people will be offended by Dave's special and some people won't.. but we still shouldn't discredit trans people since we (CIS people) can not know their experience... i think people should be more open minded.. thats just MY opinion..

  • @Dylamos
    @Dylamos Před 2 lety

    My theory, though i think to some people it may be obvious. Is that social media mostly twitter, will undo freedom of opinion. To me it's not that people will be successful at canceling you and shutting anyone they want down. It'd follow along the lines of the opposite, which is make EVERYONE's opinion mean nothing and therefore your value as a human being will decrease.

  • @MrPhilm00r
    @MrPhilm00r Před 2 lety

    The moment that we allow anything like this to change comedy will be the moment that true comedy dies. It would ruin it forever.

  • @mzkarma6751
    @mzkarma6751 Před 2 lety +1


  • @treycampbell759
    @treycampbell759 Před 2 lety

    Had to erase the last comment because I think it was misunderstood.
    Good intentions and all that.

  • @mzkarma6751
    @mzkarma6751 Před 2 lety

    just put on the dave special first 5 min i was like 😮 i feel like he's very brave this time around but it's still hilarious i know it's all for comedy he's a very humble man he doesn't mean these things i think

  • @Pizzabacon123
    @Pizzabacon123 Před 2 lety

    Great Episode as always. Thanks David just woke up to an extra $100 because of that Current promotion. You the man 🔥🔥

  • @Vincisomething
    @Vincisomething Před 2 lety

    Gina dated someone who thought time zones worked up and down lol.

  • @BuBs1970G
    @BuBs1970G Před 2 lety

    People have always been soft, boomers have been trying to cancel kid shows and books for decades now. The whole Harry Potter is evil shit wasn't that long ago. Now boomers and millennials are trying to get The Owl House banned. There's no "New generation is soft!", every gen has been doing the same sh*t just with different content and media. Also, it depends on the jokes that are being made. Some Jokes Can Last A Lifetime but others just weren't good in the first place. Basically it's "It wasn't good back then either, but people did it because it was more acceptable" conversation.

  • @Mebirduwine
    @Mebirduwine Před 2 lety

    funny thing is, the people who are mad didnt even watch the special

  • @chrisr_88
    @chrisr_88 Před 2 lety

    Finally the Pirata Boyz are back! Lol

  • @seanchancellor6861
    @seanchancellor6861 Před 2 lety +1

    Thank god my friend isnt white when we went to Hawaii because the people there could be mean until they realized I was with her lol but tbh it’s what we deserve from what we did to Hawaii. Although I know I’m not wanted I love it there and wanna go back

  • @Vincisomething
    @Vincisomething Před 2 lety

    43:20 I don't remember what News network it was and I'm blanking on the host, but there is a video of Ben getting interviewed by them. Unfortunately for Shabibo, he was against people that actually knew what they were talking about. It was funny seeing him get visibly angry because he wasn't debating 1st year college students. It was the same with that "Change my View" guy. He'll debate a bunch of 20-year-old, but as soon as Sam Seder or someone who is really into politics and debating challenges him, he runs LOL. I was watching a live stream where he literally turned off his camera because he "wasn't ready" or was "caught off guard" or whatever his excuse was. Just say you got intimidated, my guy.

  • @chanseng
    @chanseng Před 2 lety +1

    They trying to get Dave Chappelle cancelled?! That's rAcIsT!!!!!

  • @Vickinimaj
    @Vickinimaj Před rokem

    I just thought Dave’s set wasn’t particularly unique. The jokes were funny but were definitely used. Like I’ve heard this joke before, not in the exactly said the same, but it’s not new.
    Then I’ve heard them from bigoted and “phobic” type people. To see him echo that same rhetoric, proclaim to be a Terf, and have a token trans friend is so weird.
    If he was trying to shed light on the community, he could’ve done more and said other things in reference to the community. Like go to a Ball, a parade, a drag show, and then cast a joke or two that don’t sound so out of touch.

  • @gibbsfan19
    @gibbsfan19 Před 2 lety

    Re: Chappelle and Transphobia , a good CZcams comment: "Contrast Chappelle's reaction and those of comedians like him with Dara O'Briain's response when he was called out for making a homophobic joke. He worked a whole bit into his next routine about the need for comedy to change with the times, with himself--and the raving homophobes who sent him "letters of support" he most definitely didn't want--as the butt of the joke. Then ended by comparing the whole thing to his own life experience.
    "I'm Irish and there's no one who's better benefitted from a good dose of political correctness than the Irish. Remember all those jokes about how stupid we were? And then a memo went around sometime in the 80s saying 'oh we're not doing jokes about the Irish anymore' and you all just stopped? Thanks. A bit late, if you don't mind my saying so, but thanks. Because we didn't really enjoy that" The comment was pulled from this video:

  • @CriticalFangirl
    @CriticalFangirl Před 2 lety

    (From a trans woman's POV) While some jokes in the special did admittedly make me laugh, particularly the one about the lesbian he fought. And I think his comedy is funny. I personally thought that Chapelle was sounding like an angry annoying boomer in the last bit. And then using a trans woman he knew as a shield just so he can try to get a pass. He and Bill Maher have a similar issue of making amazing points and jokes on one hand. Then on the other, ranting about shit they know little to nothing about. And just sounding condescending or annoying. I'm not asking for special treatment or to be treated more delicately than others. What I'm asking is for some people to know there's a difference, between being funny and making good points. And just attacking someone. Because I've began to spot a pattern in his specials of almost exclusively attacking the LGBT+ community more than other communities or groups. Sometimes it was funny, other times he just sounds stupid.

  • @TaiNguyen-sj7xu
    @TaiNguyen-sj7xu Před 2 lety

    Dapne wrote on twitter to the woke community that he does not punch up or punch down he punch lines. I stand with Dave, a top comedian.

  • @KP-zd3hc
    @KP-zd3hc Před 2 lety

    Where was the rage when Chappelle slanted his eyes and pulled off an exaggerated Asian accent?!?! Two answers! 1) There are people like me who aren't that petty. 2) There are people who are riding on this machine that works on SELECTIVE OUTRAGE.
    Like.... wtF?!

  • @nhandang5105
    @nhandang5105 Před 2 lety

    ayy Patrick's back

  • @blueflameSM
    @blueflameSM Před 2 lety

    People do not get the message from Dave; EMPATHY. People take so much of his joke at face value; they lose the perspective of the message. Most jokes have a message; seems like people didn't get it.

  • @V4Now
    @V4Now Před 2 lety

    I watched Chappelle live once, flippin amazing.
    Anyway, Chappelle dedicated his final quarter to his Trans friend Daphne who killed herself after her own community harassed (bullied) her. They don't care about her, and they won't compete with their own entertainment or jokes.
    Chappelle makes fun of everyone but he's harder on himself, calling himself a Terfs like when he called himself racist, or premature ejaculator.
    Believe it or not Spongebob had an episode that was more mature about comedy than Chappelle's haters

  • @ABnormalZUCHINI
    @ABnormalZUCHINI Před 2 lety

    tbh I didn't like the special. I don't wnna cancel him or anything, but alot of his jokes about trans people are pretty surface level and gives the same vibes as your boomer uncle complaining about "them trans" when hes drunk.
    The reason I like alot of dave chapelles work is because he displays meaningful understanding of the subject he often jokes about and he does it masterfully. But this special was boring and reminded me of jokes steven crowder or ben shapiro often make. Saying shit like "Gender is a fact" and acting like its something revolutionary is corny imo. Like does he think trans people don't beleive in biological sex? Also he completely misrepresented what JK rowling said and what Terfs really are.
    Again I'm not mad about all those things I mentioned, and I don't wnna cancel him. But his jokes fall really flat to those who have an understanding of the discourse about trans people, so my big takeaway is that I was super dissapointed.
    It didn't seem like a well thought out special and was mostly a cash grab.

  • @DampPandaSauce
    @DampPandaSauce Před 2 lety +1

    The fact that Dave is courageous in the sense of making jokes on topics that are favored and "touchy" makes me believe in stand up comedy. I grew up listening and watching stand up comedy for the way comedians were able to navigate and talk about any subject with a humorous manner. I loved his stand up special and the 3 prior.

  • @galaxyking94
    @galaxyking94 Před 2 lety

    What makes me laugh more is how many racist jokes he dropped and he is not being canceled for that

  • @ChojinLove
    @ChojinLove Před 2 lety

    I started watching this podcast sometime last year after covid started when it was just David and that one other guy. I gotta say... i know that these 2 other guys are the "originals" but to me they are "new faces", but having these 2 on the show changed the vibe for me and to be honest its not as enjoyable. The chemistry with David and that other guy felt much better. I kinda stopped watching this podcast after a few episodes when these 2 guys came back.... i just started watching it again today and its probably gonna be the last time i watch it if the other guy doesnt come back.

  • @fathersonfilm7421
    @fathersonfilm7421 Před 2 lety

    Critical transphobic theory

  • @garrygarcia5008
    @garrygarcia5008 Před 2 lety

    Way too sensitive. If you thought that was bad you should go to a comedy club where they aren’t recording lol

  • @H3llr4z0r
    @H3llr4z0r Před 2 lety +1

    Damn why am I so early?

  • @kritixtheking1902
    @kritixtheking1902 Před 2 lety

    Bring Dababy back lol 😂

  • @mehdalin
    @mehdalin Před 2 lety

    Don't cancel me david I think I might be too young or sumn but I didn't think the special was that funny 😭😭😭

    • @AaayeeeeB
      @AaayeeeeB Před 2 lety

      Haha you're not alone. It felt more like a conversation with a funny friend than a comedy special. Like I laughed at some parts but it wasn't that funny to me.

  • @sjappiyah4071
    @sjappiyah4071 Před 2 lety


  • @mmt9938
    @mmt9938 Před 2 lety +1

    shane gillis is not funny. you must be drunk. lol