Horse rearing

  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024
  • :]

Komentáře • 62

  • @Swordman85
    @Swordman85 Před 13 lety

    She is so cute!

  • @georgiabates
    @georgiabates Před 14 lety

    lol yeah as long as your having fun and the horse isnt getting hurt or upset by it ...and your being sensible and safe....then its good when you can do what ever you like with them.

  • @razrbladefaerie
    @razrbladefaerie Před 14 lety

    lol its great that you've taught your horse to rear anytime there is upward pressure on the reins.

  • @BreezyRulez
    @BreezyRulez Před 14 lety +1

    Woooah thats a big horse!!! :O

  • @Chut619
    @Chut619 Před 14 lety

    @skatergirls124 um, she was not ripping on her horse's face. she was cueing him/her to rear by giving him a small bump. and when he/she did what the rider wanted him/her to, the rider released the pressure. watch the video. the lead rope goes completely slack. thats how you train a horse. give it pressure, then release when it does something correctly. not being a jerk or anything, but i tend to stand up for wrongly accused people. :)

  • @iloveriding96
    @iloveriding96 Před 14 lety

    im pretty sure she was giving the horse her hands. and if u hear her she is saying "up" so the horse isnt being disrespectful or rude or crying out for help. with no bit in its mouth the horse is pretty happy.

  • @xXeMokiDXxMCRXx
    @xXeMokiDXxMCRXx Před 14 lety

    Yeh but its great fun, plus i get paid to do horsewhispering, which pays for my livery :D
    So true, that way, they'll be done the way you want them to be, not the way some one else wants, thats why i get all my horses unbroken :) got a lil 10mnth colt, and got blade at 3 yrs old, but he'd been messed up by pikeys, and it just really, really makes them yours :)

  • @passionforpiebalds
    @passionforpiebalds Před 15 lety

    My pony does this however i can't ride her but to make up for her not being ridden she does the trick a dog does. Paw. Just you have to say hoof instead. I also taught her the spanish step.

  • @xXeMokiDXxMCRXx
    @xXeMokiDXxMCRXx Před 14 lety

    yeh thats what i meant XD We both couldnt get the words right! But to me, being a fiery teenager ofc, i love horses with spirit, who buck and rear and go loco whilst your on them, so much fun to work out whats going wrong and stop it, well, except in my horses case, who just does it anyway when he gets hyper haha

  • @georgiabates
    @georgiabates Před 14 lety

    sounds like alot of work.
    i work at a trail ride place so im breaking in the new 2 yr olds and working the horses that arent quiet enough for trail riding so thats been fun.
    its so much better to do it all yourself and see the results instead of just buying an expensive horse that someone else has done all the work on.

  • @christynjohn09
    @christynjohn09 Před 13 lety +1

    pretty good! just be careful =) my horse rears on command too! been doing it for 8 years and now hes gotten to the point to where i just say "rear boy!" and up he goes!

  • @moonhowl977
    @moonhowl977 Před 15 lety

    And, also, it's WESTERN!! Have you ever seen anyone riding western with a helmet? I sure haven't.

  • @xXRaceHorseGirlXx
    @xXRaceHorseGirlXx Před 14 lety


  • @georgiabates
    @georgiabates Před 14 lety

    haha you can have those ones.
    i like ones that know nothing, so i train them & then they are awesome & are good and lovely all the time and then when other people say wow your horse is soo good i can say ..yeah i trained it myself :)
    i find bad behaviour to be disrespectful and i dont tolerate it but luckily most of the horses i ride/ have ridden have been pretty good, not always of course lol but generally
    im currently breaking in and training 4 2 yr old quarter horse mares so thats fun

  • @opalheartridge5812
    @opalheartridge5812 Před 2 lety

    omg bitless love it!

  • @TeaAnLemons
    @TeaAnLemons Před 14 lety +1

    cute! your horse is adorable! i taught my horse how to rear too, just bareback w/ a halter and lead (: fun trick

  • @Naessly
    @Naessly Před 13 lety

    Indeed, it is totally your choice to wear a helmet :) I agree that it's safer though. If I go trail riding I never put a helmet xD And sometimes I forget it when I just train my horse in the arena. But after falling so much (I don't count the accidents anymore) I decided to put a helmet now :P I have intense scars from my last accident, and I decided I didn't want this to go further.
    Just a lil warning, but it's completely your choice :)

  • @punin3478
    @punin3478 Před 15 lety

    Its her choice if she wants to wear a helmet or not. I rear my horse all the time and I dont wear helmets. she obviously knows her horse enough to know she is safe on him/her. so just leave her alone.

  • @ilovecub1
    @ilovecub1 Před 15 lety

    thats so cool :D I taught my pony that but I can't ride her so I taught her a few tricks instead lol

  • @Ilovemysketch
    @Ilovemysketch Před 13 lety +1

    That's sp Awesome!

  • @Cheesekake343
    @Cheesekake343 Před 14 lety

    @sheedalaadie It doesn't prevent the accident from happening at all, but accidents DO happen. The second we put our foot in that stirrup we are putting out life on the line. I used to not wear helmets, but a girl wasn't wearing one when her horse tripped and she almost died..
    Helmets protect us for when the accidents do happen, because they will. Also, padding might not be a bad idea (body protecter) My horse spooked at a jump and dumbed me. I cracked two ribs. I dont want my stupidity

  • @SarahVstheClown
    @SarahVstheClown Před 14 lety

    @MsXxhorsecrazyxX Mhmm. It's actually not hard if you go up with their movement. My Spotted Saddle is trained to rear. It's a lot of fun if your horse knows how to properly do it.

  • @xXeMokiDXxMCRXx
    @xXeMokiDXxMCRXx Před 14 lety

    You've never met my horse, he may be huge, powerful, and strong headed, but he would never hurt me, I am the only one allowed on his back, he won't have any one but me on him, and we trust each other completely , i wouldnt take my hat off otherwise

  • @xXeMokiDXxMCRXx
    @xXeMokiDXxMCRXx Před 15 lety

    you know, just cuz they rear on command, doesnt mean its immediately ganna be a vice, i taught my horse, it used to be his vice, but now, he only does it on the command of UP! and giving leg and pulling bk, and he never does it when i pull backor give leg on its own, after doing rearing, i can ask him to walk on, or trot , or stand, and he will, you just gota do it right
    annd if u watch the vid, hes doing it very slowly, so, it wont be a vice, if he was really going up, it could become a vice

  • @MizzAmberjade
    @MizzAmberjade Před 15 lety

    Its her choice wether to wear a riding hat or not really :) nice contorlled rear i was going to teach my horse to rear but didnt because i was scared he would mistake my commands and do it when i didnt want him to :0

  • @135steffany
    @135steffany Před 15 lety

    if its her horse and she trusts him y not fyi amazing seat :)i used to do western but then switched cause i wanted to jump lol but i'v been threw WAY to much shit with horses so i never ever get on a horse with out a helmet :(

  • @georgiabates
    @georgiabates Před 14 lety

    lol i wasnt talking about abuse at all!! i was talking just about general riding not hurting the horse and it putting up with it...sorry that you misunderstood where i was coming from.
    i just meant a horse that you know will be safe when a beginner is flopping around or whatever.. as opposed to ones that go "oh your falling off...let me help get you off quicker" horses like that are dangerous and annoying....

  • @Hesterase
    @Hesterase Před 15 lety

    Cool video! Five stars! Ha, ha i think you got a new subscriber too :]

  • @xXeMokiDXxMCRXx
    @xXeMokiDXxMCRXx Před 14 lety

    Because if someone does something the horse doesnt agree with or hurts it and it just carries on, then whats the point of it being a horse, they have their own minds and feelings, I mean, i dont have a problem with push buttons and 100% safe pnoies and horses, but not one that will just shut up and carry on even if its in discomfort or pain or it just really unhappy, a horses spirit is what makes it a horse, lil kids are fine cuz they dont know, but not horses that let adults do it

  • @iloveriding96
    @iloveriding96 Před 14 lety

    do you mind if i use this clip for my video? all credit to you.

  • @xXeMokiDXxMCRXx
    @xXeMokiDXxMCRXx Před 14 lety

    Haha, I love a challenge to work on, I broke in my Blade :) hes just a bit excitable being a young TB, but he's been called a credit to me and a 5* horse alot so he cant be that bad :P
    Yeh, I'm currently backing a dartmoor pony, bringing a ex steeplechaser back into ridden work after breaking his pelvis, and i work as a horse whisperer, atm I'm working on a welsh cob with mounting issues, and im going to start working on a horse scared to hack alone next week :D!

  • @Cheesekake343
    @Cheesekake343 Před 14 lety

    @Cheesekake343 oh and I am not judging her or anyone else about wearing a helmet, Im saying thats the reason why I wear one. Im not going to lie, sometimes I do get lazy if Im just hopping on bareback (like if Im just messing with them) but that is why I think helmets and body protectors arent such a terrible thing. (-:

  • @Cheesekake343
    @Cheesekake343 Před 13 lety

    @FeatureEvent dont get me wrong, I'll still hop on my boy bareback and helmet-less when Im too lazy to go grab it :-P

  • @FeatureEvent
    @FeatureEvent Před 13 lety

    @Cheesekake343 helmets are good but people out west really don't use them, also cowboys & girls dont wear them and some states don't have laws about it and others don't but also depending on her age she should b to me to but her choice :)

  • @Saartje05
    @Saartje05 Před 13 lety

    @Happyjulche No it's not. It's a western saddle, they're supposed to be like that.

  • @jeffreyRAWKS12798
    @jeffreyRAWKS12798 Před 14 lety +1

    Do you mind if I use these as well? :3

  • @haven-7990
    @haven-7990 Před 11 lety

    This is just a personal preference, but I don't like horses being trained to rear, just because many times it is trained in inhumane ways :(. How did you train him to rear on que?

  • @Cheesekake343
    @Cheesekake343 Před 13 lety

    @FeatureEvent I didn't even know states had laws to wear helmets! lol I agree completely tho, it is her choice. I rode with out one for my first.. 7 years of riding I think? But like I said, I don't want my stupidity to cost me my life /:
    Personal opinion tho

  • @navajete91
    @navajete91 Před 13 lety

    @Emzie228 Read the comments, she was supposed to

  • @HannaOja
    @HannaOja Před 13 lety

    @horselovers1226 When people ask if they can use this vid, they mean to make some cool horsy vids . :3

  • @xXeMokiDXxMCRXx
    @xXeMokiDXxMCRXx Před 14 lety

    Niether was I lool! I meant like a horse that just doesnt care what people do on it lol, like a horse that just stands there and lets anyone do whatever the hell they want to it, i love horses that you can do anything to, to a point, but some horses just dont give a rats about whats being done to them by who or what lol

  • @emsy394
    @emsy394 Před 13 lety

    is it just me or does the saddle seem too far back...

  • @georgiabates
    @georgiabates Před 14 lety

    yeah i get paid to break in horses and paid to take people on trail rides so i think i have a pretty awesome job compared to my friends who work in supermarkets lol.
    sorry whats a pikey? im from Australia... lol

  • @georgiabates
    @georgiabates Před 14 lety

    well thats good that he trusts you :)
    why do you say that a horse that lets anyone on and do anything is not a horse? that doesnt make sense at all... the safest horses are ones that you can trust to look after beginners and little kids and can teach people how to ride, without horses like that how could any kids parents feel happy letting them ride for the first time?

  • @TheHatterFan
    @TheHatterFan Před 13 lety

    How do you get a horse to do that?

  • @moonhowl977
    @moonhowl977 Před 15 lety's not dangerous at all. What are you talking about? She clearly and safely trained her horse to do that, and the horse looks like a very calm one. Obviously, you don't know enough about make them sound like horrible creatures with, "because they will no matter what!!!!" You know, watching it over again, it looks completely controlled and safe. I don't understand where your coming from.

  • @windmillstables1
    @windmillstables1 Před 14 lety

    You may want to put your saddle on properly

  • @TheWrongLead
    @TheWrongLead Před 13 lety

    ahhh how the heck do you do that?!

  • @xXeMokiDXxMCRXx
    @xXeMokiDXxMCRXx Před 14 lety

    You actually can't rid in a western show with a helmet on so, you know, if you told a cowboy to put a hat oni think they'd have some choice words for you, its her chice, i ride without a hat all the time, because i no my horse would never do anything stupid, and i no that 100%, i wuldnt do it otherwise

  • @Cheesekake343
    @Cheesekake343 Před 14 lety

    @Cheesekake343 to cause me not to ride ever again. Im not sure if this girl will be able to ride again. I'd rather suffer a bit of sweaty hair than suffer not riding for the rest of my life /:
    But yes, they would make a good parking block, but so would a brick (-:

  • @georgiabates
    @georgiabates Před 14 lety

    not trying to start anything but i dont know how you could have a horse that you say is 100% trustworthy if it wont let anyone else but you ride it.... to me a horse that is trustworthy would let anyone ride it and do anything on it and it wouldnt care....

  • @PowerTradermylove
    @PowerTradermylove Před 13 lety

    hi, can you please tell me how to make the horse rear??? Thanks

  • @Happyjulche
    @Happyjulche Před 13 lety

    Der Sattel sitzt gar nicht richtig O.o
    Der ist zu groß und drückt ihm auf das Kreuz-.-

  • @moonhowl977
    @moonhowl977 Před 15 lety

    Not that's western, after all.

  • @ilovecub1
    @ilovecub1 Před 15 lety

    shes a mini and shes too small for me

  • @georgiabates
    @georgiabates Před 14 lety

    lol ok i dont really understand that but ok

  • @PiggyDog89
    @PiggyDog89 Před 13 lety

    Your saddle is super far back