  • čas přidán 14. 04. 2020
  • Apakah feminisme selalu tentang perempuan? Apa sih feminisime itu? Mengapa perempuan perlu tempat parkir sendiri? mengapa ada istilah, Ladies first? Mengapa istri harus tunduk pada suami? Mengapa perempuan harus pakai Beha? Mengapa sih perempuan harus takut keluar malam? Mengapa perempuan harus tampil cantik, putih, langsing, dan bebas dari jerawat? Perempuan selalu mendapatkan pembatasan. Tubuh perempuan adalah ladang kekuasaan!

Komentáře • 97

  • @muhat143
    @muhat143 Před 4 měsíci +1

    Saya lebih setuju kesetaraan mahkluk hidup, jadi di hadapan TUHAN kita sama

  • @jianpurnama32
    @jianpurnama32 Před 2 lety

    Terimakasih atas penjelasannya. Semua penjelasannya mudah saya pahami dan semoga semua ilmu yang sampaikan bisa bermanfaat untuk saya sendiri dan dapat membantu saya menyelesaikan skripsi

  • @ErinErtin
    @ErinErtin Před 3 lety +1

    terima kasih atas ilmunya...

  • @yogilesmana3360
    @yogilesmana3360 Před 3 lety +1

    Auto subs, nambah literasi 👍🏻

  • @risampurnama5996
    @risampurnama5996 Před 3 lety +1

    Madep, berdasar 🤟

  • @dellaaprillia1693
    @dellaaprillia1693 Před 4 lety +2

    DELLA APRILIA AYU WARDANI (175300029/C-2017)
    IRENE JUNINDA SARI (175300031)
    Psychoanalysis of Feminism:
    1. Psychoanalysis Feminism is feminism that tries to understand women into women through psychic or subconscious
    2. This Psychoanalytic Feminism sees that women have a moral way of working for women that is not approved by a world that is already partiarcal
    3. Feminism Psychoanalysis believes that "women become very weak women" this is the result of the construction of the subconscious which is also the result of environmental construction (community formation) so that makes women always minor and always feel weak.

  • @budiabdurrakhan7050
    @budiabdurrakhan7050 Před 3 lety +1

    Et banyak mahasiswa absen.. keren2 izin mengikuti belajar bapak atau ibu dosen

  • @dianaverantika5928
    @dianaverantika5928 Před 4 lety +1

    DIANA VERANTIKA S. (175300006-C 2017)
    ANITA LUSIANA DEWI (175300105-C 2017)
    Liberalism Feminism
    From the explanation of the video, we can take a few points from Liberal Feminism :
    1. liberal feminism is influenced by liberalism, as an enlightenment trend in Europe in the 17th Century.
    2. liberalism impacts the differences in social class (bourgeoisie and ploretariat) and social status in a society that is relevant to capitalism. resulting in the exploitation of women's work and affect the circle of friends.
    3. Liberal feminism talking about inequality between men and women.

  • @vandantiprincessa6526
    @vandantiprincessa6526 Před 4 lety +2

    B CLASS 2017
    Vandanti Princessa Kharisma Putri (175300056)
    Geofani (175300009)
    Yoga Budi Prasetyo (175300040)
    Feminism in the field of educational research:
    Feminism applied in the world of education is an understanding that is useful to improve the quality of education itself, which generally occurs at the school environment and in the classroom. This situation often occurs an inequality due to the concept of feminism itself, that the teachers should have better understanding about that concept. After that it can be conveyed for the students, then they instilled theirself and also can be implemented to their fellow, for building school environment which free from discrimination of their equality rights in future.

  • @haiindy1818
    @haiindy1818 Před 4 lety +1

    INDRIANI PUSPITA SARI (175300057/C2017)
    FENI REVIANITA (175300075/C2017)
    Marxist Feminism
    From the explanation of the video, we can take a few points from Marxist feminism :
    1. Marxist feminism is also referred to as social feminism.
    2. This feminism believes that all injustice comes from capitalism, because women are considered weak to be the object of consumerism.
    3. This feminism focuses on the fact that the division of labor is based on gender.
    4. Society views that women are only considered as a machines of reproduction.

    • @bilikinsider1446
      @bilikinsider1446  Před 4 lety

      Ketakadilan itu ada di kuliah online, minim penjelasan, banyak tugasnya

  • @inkechoirun1529
    @inkechoirun1529 Před 4 lety +2

    Iing Nuraini (175300008)
    Inke Choirun Nisa (175300042)
    Feminism PostModern
    From this video we can take the Point of view
    1. Post modern feminism tries to dissect the epistomology / knowledge about women.
    2. Suspects the practice of colonialism in cultural products and the practice of oppression against women.
    3.Postmodern feminism comes from the concept of adder so as to create a new understanding of women that is more flexible (not as a male object).
    4.Postmodern femisnisme with a pattern of constructive which can expose the injustices that exist in our perspective and discriminatory actions against lesbian, gay, bisexual / LGBT).

  • @srirachmawati1815
    @srirachmawati1815 Před 3 lety +1

    salut pada mass yang sangat pandai tentang feminisme, padahal kalau sesuai suaranya mas adalah lakilaki, tapi kenapa banyak perempuan kita ya saya bukan menuduh ajaran Islam namun personnya yang mengatakan bahwa kita jangan pernah mengikuti feminisme yang dari barat itu,padahal kalau saya telaah Islam malah meengajarkan feminisme, karena sifat Tuhan yang pengasih, penyayang adalah sifat feminis, jadi kenapa kita tidak boleh beerpikiran feminisme, apakah mas punya jawabbannya mengapa mereka begitu teerima kasih

    • @bilikinsider1446
      @bilikinsider1446  Před 3 lety

      Saya akan bahas di video lain, ttg islam dan feminisme ... Okay

  • @vatika925
    @vatika925 Před 4 lety +2

    Nanda Ayu Fatlillah(175300052)
    Vatika Sari Tentero (175300065)
    Ichlasul Amal Firjatullah (175300106)
    B 2017
    •Radical Feminism•
    Radical feminism is present because of dissatisfaction with Marxist feminism. Oppression of women occurred because of the way society saw the body of women. Radical feminism is a perspective within feminism that calls for a radical reordering of society in which male supremacy is eliminated in all social and economic contexts. Radical feminists view society as fundamentally a patriarchy in which men dominate and oppress women. In this kind of feminism, everything related to men is abolished because it is radical feminism. So, women think that they do not need men to make them exist. Women want fundamental and profound change to begin with uprooting the roots of patriarchal understanding. There are 2 kinds of Radical Feminism. Those are Radical-Cultural and Radical-Libertarian.

    • @bilikinsider1446
      @bilikinsider1446  Před 4 lety

      Ok .. tantero ... Kuliah online itu radikalisme ... Ingat hahaha

  • @nielinx1215
    @nielinx1215 Před 4 lety +1

    B 2017
    Bethellionie Wahyudi (175300068)
    Gagas Bekti S.A.P (175300070)
    Nur Fauziah (175300099)
    Feminist existentialism
    Feminist existentialism is feminism whereby the women must consider themselves to be exist, also she has the freedom to do some things based she wants, for instance female emancipation.

  • @geofani9940
    @geofani9940 Před 4 lety +1

    Feminism in Educational Research
    Geofani (175300009)
    Yoga Budi P. (175300040)
    Vandanti Princessa K. P. (175300056)
    *B - CLASS 2017
    *University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya
    Feminism applied in the world of education is an understanding that is useful to improve the quality of education itself, which generally occurs at the school environment and in the classroom. This situation often occurs an inequality due to the concept of feminism itself, that the teachers should have better understanding about that concept. After that it can be conveyed for the students, then they instilled theirself and also can be implemented to their fellow, for building school environment which free from discrimination of their equality rights in future.
    Thank You 🙏

  • @comraderoy4725
    @comraderoy4725 Před 3 lety +1

    Wah tryta yg punya chanel dosen toh😀😀😀 permisi pak dosen🙏🙏🙏 saya nimbrung dlu ya pak🙏🙏 mumet sama kelas logika algoritma 😂😂

    • @bilikinsider1446
      @bilikinsider1446  Před 3 lety

      Saya hanya abdi akademis .... Muehehe

    • @comraderoy4725
      @comraderoy4725 Před 3 lety

      @@bilikinsider1446 saya nanti ujungnya jadi budak korporat😭😭😭 makanya saya mau pindah jurusan pak Bosen di TI pak mau pindah ke Filsafat/arkeolog 😂😂

  • @putrinurjanah9132
    @putrinurjanah9132 Před 4 lety +1

    Literature/B 2017/ Intersexional Feminism
    Evany Cahya Nirwana (175300044)
    Putri Nurjanah (175300051)
    Aurelia Avila (175300053)
    In Intersexional Feminism itself is more directed at the analysis of gender, skin color, social class, race, and sexual integration. The thing that contributes to social discussion and integrated injustice in society is oppression, this oppression is interrelated to create a system of oppression that reflects the "linking" of various forms of conversion. Our understanding of class, race and gender is the result of social construction and cannot be resolved.

  • @triwatinadianadia4038
    @triwatinadianadia4038 Před 4 lety +1

    Secara aksiologis , apakah gerakan feminisme yang menuntut emansipasi dan kesataraan di berbagai aspek mampu merepresentasikan dari seluruh kepentingan kaum perempuan, ?

    • @bilikinsider1446
      @bilikinsider1446  Před 4 lety

      Tentu tidak ... Tapi ini adalah upaya perubahan atas suatu penindasan ... Seperti itu

  • @boiboi8567
    @boiboi8567 Před 2 lety +1

    setelah akuu belajar filsafatt ...ternyataa negara punn sama anarkiss nyaaa ... negara cma alatt perbudakan ...
    omm cbaa bahas pmikiran max stirner ituu om tnntang anarkisme individuu

  • @juliadianingtyas4126
    @juliadianingtyas4126 Před 4 lety +1

    Julia Dianingtyas (175300037)
    Fritareza Debby R. (175300043)
    Existentialist feminism
    Existentialist feminism is a philosophy of freedom. Women are not only a matter of biology, but also sociology and politics. The woman must exist for herself, biologically, culturally, politically, etc. And women are no longer objects for men.

  • @triwatinadianadia4038
    @triwatinadianadia4038 Před 4 lety +1

    Apa perbedaan mendasar strukturalisme dan post strukturalisme?

    • @bilikinsider1446
      @bilikinsider1446  Před 4 lety +1

      Strukturalisme menekankan struktur d atas segala galanya karena struktur menciptakan makna dari hubungan hirarkis, misal putih dianggap lebih baik drpd hitam ... Sementara post strukturalisme menganggap struktur menciptakan hubungan dan perbedaan namun tidak hirarkis alias setara semua, bebas, dan plural, misal putih dan hitam sama pentingnya dan juga sama g pentingnya ...

  • @elfrincesafairy5528
    @elfrincesafairy5528 Před 4 lety +1

    Group name (B - 2017) :
    Dania Safira Mardiana (175300080)
    Galuh Dara Kirana (175300087)
    Elfrincesa Fairy D. (175300088)
    "Multicultural Feminism"
    Based on the video, we can learn about :
    1. Understands and addresses the needs of all women regardless of race, class, sexual orientation, age, physical ability, or other characteristics.
    2. Emphasizes empowerment for women within the context of their particular societies and cultures, which are seen as complex and multitalent.

  • @rudiadriansyah6427
    @rudiadriansyah6427 Před rokem

    Logikanya feminist berusaha menghindari kewajibannya sebagai perempuan namun menuntut mendapatkan haknya dari laki2.?

  • @elsyamega7177
    @elsyamega7177 Před 4 lety +2

    C CLASS 2017
    1. Ummu Azza Nahdzia (175300072)
    2. Elsya Mega Novita Yanti (175300041)
    - Multicultural feminism was born because existing feminist thought did not accommodate all women's relations. In the same country, women are not constructed as equals. That women are different and that they have different priorities is the doctrine of global feminism.
    - So it can be said here that multicultural and global feminism is the basis of different women's experiences in each place. For example, Asian women are different from European women, Arab Muslim women are different from Indonesian Muslim women.
    -The difference is related to religion, where women are always inferior to men who are described as being similar to gods, gods are also the majority of men. While ghosts in Indonesia are mostly portrayed as women. Multicultural and global feminism presents a challenge to the world of feminism how to unite women in, through, rather than their differences. In general, multicultural and global feminists have offered two ways to women to achieve unity in diversity. In principle, women look for the same thing, "self" (self identity and freedom to be yourself).
    - Global and multicultural feminism requires every woman in the world must be able to imagine how other women's lives and learn to be tolerant of differences.

  • @raisf6736
    @raisf6736 Před 4 lety +1

    Rifqi Rais 175300063
    Dinda Putri Caroline 175300027
    Intersectionality is a theoretical framework for understanding how aspects of one's social and political identities (gender, race, class, sexuality, ability, etc.) might combine to create unique modes of discrimination.
    It defines intersectionality as the complex, cumulative manner in which the effects of different forms of discrimination combine, overlap, or intersect.

  • @rabiatunadawiahbungaeja8420

    feminisme sekarang itu menuntuk kesetaraan atau mendominasi? kalau bolehh di jelaskan kak

    • @bilikinsider1446
      @bilikinsider1446  Před 2 lety +1

      Ad yg setara, ada yg mendominasi, ad yg meniadakan perbedaan antara laki n perempuan, itu akan kembali pada jenis feminisme apa yg mereka inginkan ...

  • @aprilianurfitriyanti2010
    @aprilianurfitriyanti2010 Před 4 lety +1

    Group name (B-2017) :
    Defvi Ayu Mulyasari (175300109)
    Noval Cesar Mahendra (175300049)
    Aprilia N (175300048)
    Marxist feminism
    - socialist
    - focus on the fact that the division of labor is uneven in women
    - women as gratification of men's passions and machines for childbearing rather than labor
    Its also believes that only exploits female labor without equal compensation, women are only used as objects of exploitation without being valued and women's bodies are only used as objects of buying and selling

  • @aminsmith2529
    @aminsmith2529 Před 4 lety +2

    Feminisme bagus untuk penelitian supaya kita menemukan di titik mana ada inequality / ketidaksetaraan bagi wanita dalam aspek pendidikan lalu bagaimana kita menyikapi dan merubah nya?
    Di pendidikan juga kenapa wanita selalu tidak diberi hak untuk menyuarakan suara di kelas, semisal pemilihan ketua kelas.
    Amin smith 175300108
    Imad riot 175300047

    • @bilikinsider1446
      @bilikinsider1446  Před 4 lety

      Akhirnya musik membuatmu begitu cerdas 👌👌👌😌😌😌

    • @aminsmith2529
      @aminsmith2529 Před 4 lety

      @@bilikinsider1446 berkat belajar di channel ini sir

  • @rifkona.f863
    @rifkona.f863 Před 4 lety +1

    Mohammad Rifkon A.F 175300081
    Abraham Bilhaqqy 175300102
    C 2017
    feminisme radikal
    feminis radikal muncul dikarenakan oleh pengekploitasian tenaga wanita secara kapitalis. kaum feminis radikal ingin memiliki kebebasan dan kesetaraan dgn cara menggunakan tubuhnya sbg alat untuk mendapatkan kebebasan, kesetaraan, dan tentu saja 'menguasai' pria secara kultural maupun libertarian

  • @cainhabil5573
    @cainhabil5573 Před 2 lety +2

    Bagaimana tentang Anarko feminisme ? Dan siber feminisme ??

    • @bilikinsider1446
      @bilikinsider1446  Před 2 lety +1

      Ya, it bs juga ... Karena ideologi itu seperti nasi goreng, anda bisa menaruh toping apapun sesuai selera 😌😌😌

    • @cainhabil5573
      @cainhabil5573 Před 2 lety +1

      @@bilikinsider1446 klo gtu saya mau bikin, Feminis Pancasilaisme hehe

    • @bilikinsider1446
      @bilikinsider1446  Před 2 lety

      @@cainhabil5573 mantup 😌😌😌

  • @ArieRFajri
    @ArieRFajri Před 4 lety +2

    Kalau feminis yang mendukung LGBT masuk ke kategori apa?

  • @muhammadfaqihelsyahid7284

    Apa bedanya feminisme dan emansipasi Wanita?

    • @bilikinsider1446
      @bilikinsider1446  Před 4 lety

      Feminisme itu ideologinya, emansipasi itu praktiknya ... 👌👌👌🙁🙁🙁

  • @syafirasilmikaffah6141

    ECO Feminisme 10.00

  • @licah3486
    @licah3486 Před 4 lety +1

    Bisakah feminisme berjalan lurus dg norma, moral dan agama yg mayoritas islam di indonesia kak ?

    • @bilikinsider1446
      @bilikinsider1446  Před 4 lety

      Agama mengatur pola norma yg bepijak pada nilai moral ... Masalahnya, agama tidak berdiri sendiri, dia dipolitisasi dan kekuasaan melalui agama adalah jalan pintas yg paling ampuh .. sehingga standard normatif dan moralis tergantung siapa yg menafsirkan .. misal gus X bilang perempuan g boleh kerja50 kyai Z bilang boleh ... Jd konteks tafsir it yg akan memosisikan feminisme ... Atau sbliknya. Thanks sista

    • @lovenature4678
      @lovenature4678 Před 3 lety +1

      Dalam agama perempuan laki2 itu masing2 punya kodrat yg berbeda2. Itu udah alamiah. Kebanyakan perempuan itu lebih peka, lebih ingin merasakan yg lebih dan gengsi yg tinggi. Selama ini perempuan selalu merasa tidak adil krn mereka belum mendapatkan apa yg mereka mau. Mereka selalu dilecehkan pdhl alam bawah sadarnya perempuan itu inginnya dilindungi. Mereka ingin bekerja pdhl dalam agama itu sah2 aja perempuan bekerja asalkan tidak melalaikan pekerjaan rumah tangga. Mereka ingin telanjang terbuka krn pola pikirnya mereka harus mencintai tubuh mereka tp mereka ga memikirkan hormon laki2 dmn laki2 punya hasrat kpd wanita. Jd feminis itu lebih liberal. Pdhl agama itu adil untuk laki2 dan perempuan

    • @licah3486
      @licah3486 Před 3 lety

      Mom muda..
      Setuju kak😂

  • @devirahmamelati2855
    @devirahmamelati2855 Před 4 lety +1

    Devi Rahma Melati (175300035)
    Ilmi Lailatul Mukharomah (175300038)
    Putri Rahma Paraswati (175300024)
    B-Class (2017)
    Feminisme liberal :
    Liberal feminism is an inseparable type of liberalism thinking about freedom as an enlightenment trend in Europe in the 17th century. French science influenced social movements, analytical tools and science which would later lead to revolutions in Britain and other European countries. Ironically, liberalism exploits people who have capital or assets. From the side of society divided into social classes starting from the upper class or the bourgeoisie and the lower class or the proletariat. Liberalism is very relevant to capitalism because all those who have the right to take care of personal gain regardless of the class underneath, the capital is getting richer and the capitalless is increasingly destitute.

  • @bakhtiarnovanto171
    @bakhtiarnovanto171 Před 3 lety +1

    Knp feminisme susah ditrima di Indo ?

    • @bilikinsider1446
      @bilikinsider1446  Před 3 lety

      Karena kita terlalu meyakini bahwa tradisi adalah alamiah, bukan konstruksi ... Tradisi patriarki menggeser kodrat perempuan yang harusnya menstruasi, melahirkan dan menyusui, menjadi manak macak masak ...

    • @bakhtiarnovanto171
      @bakhtiarnovanto171 Před 3 lety +1

      Wah brrti terhambat scr kultural ya

    • @bilikinsider1446
      @bilikinsider1446  Před 3 lety

      @@bakhtiarnovanto171 if i speak, i am in a big trouble, comrade.

    • @muhat143
      @muhat143 Před 4 měsíci

      Jangan lupa, indonesia punya sejarah perempuan jadi pemimpin, ratu kaliyamat, ratu sima, tri buana tungga dewi, dst

  • @ronnyirwanto8386
    @ronnyirwanto8386 Před 4 lety +1

    Kitabnya feminisme apa pak? Rosemarie Putnam Tong kah? mueheheee

    • @bilikinsider1446
      @bilikinsider1446  Před 4 lety

      Semua buku yg mmbhas masalah gender ... Perempuan ... Bs jd rujukan ... Feminisme tdk menekankan filosofi, tp gerakan budaya

  • @irenejuninda3431
    @irenejuninda3431 Před 4 lety +1

    DELLA APRILIA AYU WARDANI (175300029/C-2017)
    IRENE JUNINDA SARI (175300031)
    Psychoanalysis of Feminism:
    1. Psychoanalysis Feminism is feminism that tries to understand women into women through psychic or subconscious
    2. This Psychoanalytic Feminism sees that women have a moral way of working for women that is not approved by a world that is already partiarcal
    3. Feminism Psychoanalysis believes that "women become very weak women" this is the result of the construction of the subconscious which is also the result of environmental construction (community formation) so that makes women always minor and always feel weak.