(重播)20221216恩典365 - 蒙福的人生 : 敬畏神是讓上帝作主

  • čas přidán 12. 09. 2024
  • 經文出處 : 創世記 22 : 12
    🔔 訂閱「天聲」按下鈴鐺 👉*全部* 153in.net/subyt 🌹
    🔥 天聲官網 www.hvfhoc.com/
    📡 天聲Podcast 153in.net/podcast
    📣 恩典365 - 天聲粉專 153in.net/fb
    😀 天聲奔跑在媒體宣教這條又大又遠的道路上,我們很需要各位的支持與守望代禱。歡迎廣傳天聲海內外各平台,使人同得這福音的好處!
    ✝ 1988年,#基督之家​ 創辦人寇世遠監督已經察覺到大眾傳播工具的影響力,因此成立了「天聲傳播協會」,製作一系列的「天人之間」電視節目和廣播節目,專注於華人世界的媒體福音事工。
    🙏 2013年,天聲製播由 #寇紹恩牧師​ 主講的 #恩典365​ 節目。播出後,收到來自世界各地華人聽眾給我們的感動回應,他們說,雖然每天只有幾分鐘的時間,卻能帶給他們許多的提醒與亮光,得以面對生活中各式各樣的挑戰。
    🙏2015年,天聲推出由基督之家牧者團隊編撰的 #每日親近神​ 靈修QT手冊,幫助弟兄姊妹們每天精讀聖經、思想上帝話語、培養固定靈修習慣,更深的與上帝親近。
    🏠台北基督之家 www.tpehoc.org...

Komentáře • 33

  • @user-qo1gf8zc9h
    @user-qo1gf8zc9h Před rokem +1


  • @linchi8247
    @linchi8247 Před rokem +1

    主耶穌 我們感謝讚美你
    你是萬王之王 萬主之主
    求聖靈充滿我們 掌管我們
    主怎麼說 我們就怎麼做
    禱告奉耶穌的名 阿們

  • @user-tp6pv7yx4g
    @user-tp6pv7yx4g Před rokem +1


  • @MERCY-tk5fn
    @MERCY-tk5fn Před rokem +2

    我第一次看到耶稣向父祷告,他的谦卑和爱,对我很震撼!我们对爱这个字的理解认知是需要提升的。耶稣复活后第三次显现给门徒三次问Peter Simon 你爱我么!Feed my lambs! Tend my sheep! Feed my sheep! 三次他的要求都是照顾喂养他的羊羔!❤ “PEACE BE WITH YOU.” Hallelujah ❤

  • @williamting44916
    @williamting44916 Před rokem +5


  • @wongpitlan7062
    @wongpitlan7062 Před rokem +2


  • @henyang8988
    @henyang8988 Před rokem


  • @irenekhong230
    @irenekhong230 Před rokem


  • @user-yn5cj2hf8v
    @user-yn5cj2hf8v Před rokem


  • @lohpauline3408
    @lohpauline3408 Před rokem

    感谢主 Amen

  • @jessietan3428
    @jessietan3428 Před rokem


  • @lilaalaa5132
    @lilaalaa5132 Před rokem

    Hallelujah amen

  • @user-qw7zi1jq9h
    @user-qw7zi1jq9h Před rokem


  • @winns7436
    @winns7436 Před rokem


  • @guangweiye4468
    @guangweiye4468 Před rokem +2


  • @ooimunchin1758
    @ooimunchin1758 Před rokem

    Amen 🙏

  • @张细拉
    @张细拉 Před rokem

    耶✌🏻华 我在这里我在这里哈利路亚

  • @lilanchou8378
    @lilanchou8378 Před rokem +4

    賜下智慧給弟兄姐妹的主!我們敬畏 神!感謝主!阿們!

  • @user-vy3jl6uf1v
    @user-vy3jl6uf1v Před rokem +1


  • @davidking7160
    @davidking7160 Před rokem +4

    🅰️God, I’m so grateful that You choose to call me friend. Thank You for hearing the desires of my heart, and for promising me Your joy. I am in awe of Your faithful promises. Thank You! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
    🅱️God, thank You for sharing Your wisdom with those who seek it. As I grow closer to You, help me to think more like You. Today, I invite You into my decision-making. Help me to make wise decisions. Show me how to handle challenging situations well. Allow Your love to inspire my actions and words. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  • @xumalimary7196
    @xumalimary7196 Před rokem +1


  • @francesweimingsoong5654

    The fear of man was and is prevalent in the lives of many people today. Do you have hard time saying “No” to other people? Do you hide the truth so people aren’t offended ? Are you afraid to share the gospel to unbelievers? The fear of men brings a snare, and such a snare that many feet have been tripped! When you and I are living in fear of man , we are being defeated by the enemy. The fear of man has its hooks in all of us. It shows itself in many different ways : need of approval, Need for acceptance, peer-pressure, need for honor , fear of humiliation or criticism. The fear of man can make us timid when we should be bold. We lack confidence because we judge our self worth by other people. It leads to unstable faith. The fear of man, is a competitor of the fear of God. No man shall be faithful to God if he is fearful of man. God is telling us, “Don’t let men rule your heart, life, and decisions; instead, let allow Christ to have control of your heart, life, and decisions. Stop trusting in man and start trusting Me. Stop fearing man and start fearing Me.” “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” - Proverbs 9:10 . The fear of the Lord cannot be learned from the world, but only from the Word of God! If you start to learn about God’s Word, you will get to know Him more and you will understand that God is love. When God's love pours on you, you will show your love for others and think about others more. You must love your enemies, your neighbor, and your brother and sister in Christ. You will love others through the eyes of Scripture and realize their need for Christ. God has called each of us to be a witness for Him wherever we live. Abraham was such a person. God was pleased with Abraham. Abraham feared God enough to give Isaac as the sacrifice. God reveals that God now sees Abraham is trustworthy. “Now I know you fear God for you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me.” Abraham’s fear of God caused him to live a life of obedience. It also caused him to live a life of confidence. He believed that God was great and capable of doing even the impossible. His faith and his actions worked together. God promised Abraham, "Because you have done this thing and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you and will greatly multiply your seed like the stars of the heavens and like the sand which is on the seashore; and your seed shall possess the gate of his enemies. And in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice." This promise is the basic principle, that whatever God gives us will be multiplied. God gave Abraham one Isaac, and Abraham offered him back to God in reverence. Abraham's Isaac was multiplied into numberless stars and sand. The exciting news is , Isaac was multiplied into the New Jerusalem. This is the way to have God’s gift multiplied in us-offer back to God what He has given us. …Ultimately, all the heavenly stars and the earthly sand will be in Christ. It is important for a believer to fear God rather than man. The kind of fear God wants us to have of Him will not cause us to run away, but rather to draw near. How can I overcome my fear of man ? I need to seek deep love for Christ that I fear to sin against Him - that what becomes most important is to please and honor Him. First and foremost, I have to deal with my pride, ego, resentment, timidity, that are stopping me from fearing God as fully as I should be . I must look to Jesus. He is my perfect model. Throughout His life on earth, Christ came up against people who disagreed with Him, despised Him, and looked down on Him. He didn’t let any of this stop Him from doing the work that He was sent to do. He humbled Himself and overcame whatever in Him came up in resistance to God’s will. If I follow Him and do the same, I will be in glorious company! God wants us to fear Him today so that we will not have to fear Him tomorrow....

  • @teddyteddy2951
    @teddyteddy2951 Před rokem

    主啊 我的工作遇到很多问题 我很无助 求求你帮助我

    • @user-sn1nr8ul3u
      @user-sn1nr8ul3u Před rokem


  • @emilywoo7134
    @emilywoo7134 Před rokem

    真是要把 神擺在第一位啊,現今的教會都被“人”的聲音所掩蓋住了,聽不到 神的聲音,因此教會無法快速的擴張像廟宇擴張的一樣,神不喜悅,但人卻沾沾自喜,末後的世代就是撒旦要來宣示主權的時候了,基督徒們還不警醒嗎?還不好好的認罪悔改嗎?還要自以為義嗎?萬萬不可啊!
    要順服像亞伯拉罕啊!不要被毀滅了還在怪罪 神!

  • @land5127
    @land5127 Před rokem


  • @teddyteddy2951
    @teddyteddy2951 Před rokem

    主耶稣 我的工作遇到很多困难 我克服不了 我很尽力很努力了 但是还是做错 老板还很生气地叫我的名字 我该怎么办才好呢?

  • @louisang8642
    @louisang8642 Před rokem


  • @pennykpw78
    @pennykpw78 Před rokem

    Amen 🙏🏻

  • @vian4037
    @vian4037 Před rokem


  • @chincheong2618
    @chincheong2618 Před rokem

    Amen 🙏🏻

  • @mandykew5892
    @mandykew5892 Před rokem
