Katie Hopkins, Traditional Britain Conference 2018

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • The irrepressible Katie Hopkins. "This is our time. We will not let this country fall. We will get furious and we will fight back for Britain, for a traditional Britain" Katie's PayPal is here if you'd like to give her your support: PayPal.me/Khpl

Komentáře • 525

  • @MrBlessed70
    @MrBlessed70 Před 5 lety +346

    Got to love and respect a woman like this.Brave, decent, honest, funny, well spoken, confident and tells it like it is.

    • @bobbyrobby3600
      @bobbyrobby3600 Před 5 lety +1

      I agree with most all you say, however we must take out the word "decent" with all her cuss words.

    • @perryspassage9474
      @perryspassage9474 Před 5 lety +12

      @@er9779 I know, fancy having 'hate' for people who blow children up at Manchester pop concerts, crazy eh? Fancy wanting to defend one's own culture from being replaced by far inferior cultures, how intolerant, eh?

    • @perryspassage9474
      @perryspassage9474 Před 5 lety

      @@er9779 You are right, life is never that simple & no issue is ever that simple & straightforward, on this point I won't disagree with you.
      However, there are certain things in life that ARE pretty straightforward, issues where right & wrong is very clear & obvious, at least to my mind.
      In most cases though, things are far more nuanced than anyone listening to the media would ever believe. It is depressing how low public discourse has sunk.
      Regarding Katie Hopkins......as it happens I never used to have any time for her, I used to dismiss her because she came across as someone who held others in contempt for no good reason. I now believe I was too hasty in dismissing her as just another RW nut venting her anger at anyone & anything that didn't fit with her view of the world.
      I'd say its been about 2-3 yrs since I started to listen properly to what she was saying (in regard to Western civilisation).
      Let me give you an example: some forecasts say that in 31 yrs time, at current birth rates, France will be a Muslim majority country. There are several other European nations that are also predicted to become Muslim majority at some point in the next few decades.
      Anyone who doesn't see that countries like France one day becoming Muslim majority societies is a fool in my opinion. This is a potential threat to Western, liberal, democratic, tolerant, societies & countries.
      My ex-wife & mother of my child was born into a Muslim family (they are Indian Muslims. 20% of India is Muslim) & so I can assure you I do not hate or dislike individual Muslims, most of whom only want the same things in life as you & I do.
      Hopkins articulates the way many British people feel about the growing influence of political & judicial Islam in Western countries.
      Is it racist or Islamophobic (a fascist term imo) to be resistant to Islam, to be suspicious of or to be reluctant to embrace Islam & all it entails? I do not believe it is, not in the slightest. The political Left, most of whom appear to despise Western societies to some degree, immediately condemn anyone who so much as dares to criticise Islam, any criticism of Islam or Islamic doctrine is pounced upon by the Left as hateful & Islamophobic. Trust me, Islam has much to criticise, more so than the other two Abrahamic faiths. Islam refuses to evolve or to reform in any way, it is not allowed to by the definition of what Allah told Muhammad in 7th Century Arabia (supposedly).
      I dunno, YOU tell me, why is it hateful & not decent for someone in a country with free speech & free expression to criticise mass immigration, or to criticise the importation, in a short period of time, of large numbers of people from vastly different societies & that have different values & customs to an open liberal democracy?
      According to government estimations there has been somewhere in the region of 10,000+ cases of FGM in the UK in the last decade or so. We are often told that this practice is not a religious belief but a cultural one. Well, regardless of what it is, I do not want people who think FGM to be a good thing to come anywhere near my country, thank-you very much.
      I believe it to be a threat to our society when I read how hard the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) at the UN, is working to get blasphemy laws introduced in all UN member countries. These Islamic leaders want to abolish free speech worldwide & replace it with much more restricted speech.
      We've seen 'hate speech' laws introduced in most Western countries & that was the first step in defeating the right to free speech.
      If I 'hate' Islamic societies, if I hate Sharia Law, if I hate some of the fundamental aspects of Islam, does that make ME a hateful person, does it make me Islamophobic? Imo it is immoral for anyone to defend things like child marriage, FGM, anti-Semitism, misogyny, vicious homophobia, total intolerance of anyone who chooses to leave Islam (apostates), etc, etc, etc.
      YouGov did large scale polling of certain minorities in the UK in 2015, including British Muslims. One question revealed how 52% (a majority) of BRITISH Muslims think being gay is immoral & deserves a prison sentence, they believe homosexuality should be a criminal offence in the UK. I find this appalling, outrageous even.
      In some parts of Europe such as Austria, Holland, Sweden, we are witnessing Jews emigrating & fleeing to the relative safety of Israel. The reason is wholly down to the mass influx of Muslims.
      It's no good people telling themselves that because they personally know some Muslims who are lovely people that the Islamisation of parts of Europe is not a concern for many decent native Brits. Of course most people will be worried if they learn about the demographic predictions for much of Europe in the coming decades.

    • @perryspassage9474
      @perryspassage9474 Před 5 lety +1

      @@er9779 Prosecuted liar? Are you a fantasist? Tell me one lie Hopkins has uttered? Is it attention seeking to tell people how evil National Socialism is, is it attention seeking to tell people how evil Communism is, is it attention seeking to tell people how evil Islam is?

    • @perryspassage9474
      @perryspassage9474 Před 5 lety

      @@er9779 It's like you are saying it is 'hate mongering' to point out the evils of Nazism, or of Islam. You need to learn a bit about the ideology of Islam my friend, I've spent yrs studying it & I can assure you the Islamic doctrine is evil. This does NOT mean all Muslims were evil. There were many Nazi Party members who never hurt a fly in their lives, however, that doesn't alter the fact Nazism is evil. Same applies to Islam.

  • @peterrea2793
    @peterrea2793 Před 5 lety +336

    Well said Katie. Millions in the U.K. support you.

    • @genaclarke749
      @genaclarke749 Před 5 lety +14

      Thatcher was Iron Lady, Katie should be Lady Balls of Steel.

    • @deanviking6091
      @deanviking6091 Před 5 lety +14

      Islam is a parasitic political ideology. Their "religious" book teaches them how to rape and subvert nations to spread islam. They are at war and actively conquering.

    • @dukeofwalls412
      @dukeofwalls412 Před 5 lety +3

      From a book about the war of Islam against Christianity. "As fighting between Muslims and Christians intensified, the President of Lebanon, Suleiman Franjieh, publicly announced the following about the Palestinians.
      "The Lebanese had given them a refuge, and our reward was the destruction of Lebanon and killing of it's people. I have served the Palestine cause for thirty-five years. I never expected the day would come when I would ask God to forgive my sins because I serve a people who did not deserve to be served or supported."
      And these excerpts:
      "The Saudi Wahabis have mastered this new style of "jihad behind the boardroom doors" They have bred an insane death-cult with modern Islam as its Trojan horse. On one hand they negotiate and sell oil to their enemies as if they were friends, while with the other they take the money from those transactions and feed it to the terrorists who murder those same enemies or use it as economic power to further their visions. In this way they stay away from the tip of the spear and the edge of the sword, and keep their hands relatively clean. After all their pawns will draw enough blood for all of them."
      "The Islamic clerics are already preaching a strict adherence to Shariah, the Islamic legal code based on the koran. In their minds, democracy is a threat to Islam and an invention of "infidels". There is little wonder that there is no real democracies in the Middle-East".
      "The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies - civilians and military - is an individual duty for every muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it". Islamic decree taught by Osama bin Laden.
      Europe is insane for allowing this invasive parasitic political ideology into their civilized nations to rape and subjugate them.

    • @secularhumanist8662
      @secularhumanist8662 Před 5 lety +4

      And millions from other European countries who understand English!

    • @soniaglasper5502
      @soniaglasper5502 Před 5 lety

      Peter Rea Millions more outside the country too.

  • @BarryBethal-yv2oz
    @BarryBethal-yv2oz Před 5 lety +101

    Poland is a nice place the people are really nice and they have nice skin too, crime is low and they stick up for there own people and there country.

    • @overrated3237
      @overrated3237 Před 5 lety +9

      Barry Bethal Yes! Because the UK has received all the undesirables.

      @DEMONIKMINION Před 5 lety +1

      Shame they don't allow other the same.

    • @angelakparkinson1809
      @angelakparkinson1809 Před 5 lety +3

      @@hurricanesteve65 The Polish are very hard workers. Some people we need, l don't have an issue if they have a skill we need. Too many free riders coming in at the moment.

    • @hurricanesteve65
      @hurricanesteve65 Před 5 lety +2

      Angela Kearsley , bullshit, my brother in law is polish,lazy and dizzy.

    • @angelakparkinson1809
      @angelakparkinson1809 Před 5 lety +2

      @@hurricanesteve65 Interesting, l've only met hard working Polish people with 1 exception, my uncle who came over from Poland and married my mother's sister. He was a wife beater, abused his kids and was an alcoholic,. so there are exceptions true.

  • @JKyfdo
    @JKyfdo Před 5 lety +45

    If Katie was PM we would be out of the EU after her first day of negotiations.
    Brilliant speech from a very brave woman, she is only telling the truth about the current state of the UK

  • @boleynboy9703
    @boleynboy9703 Před 5 lety +46

    UK's First Lady....speaking the truth.Thank You Katie The voice of the silent majority.

  • @panzerss7563
    @panzerss7563 Před 5 lety +130

    Well said Katie Hopkins 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

  • @bw834
    @bw834 Před 5 lety +85

    Phenomenal lady. Your American brothers and sisters are pulling for you. Please keep up the good fight!!

    • @kellyhill4613
      @kellyhill4613 Před 5 lety +4

      Captain Brandon Mr. Rockabilly ,thank you

    • @kellyhill4613
      @kellyhill4613 Před 5 lety +3

      Captain Brandon Horror Film Lover ,yes, from Leeds.

    • @kellyhill4613
      @kellyhill4613 Před 5 lety +2

      Captain Brandon Horror Film Lover , Leeds is closer to Manchester, Birmingham is well over 100 Miles away.

  • @Celtman101
    @Celtman101 Před 5 lety +22

    My wife is from Poland, the past two years we have been considering moving there for good

  • @tgwcl6194
    @tgwcl6194 Před 5 lety +144

    Go Katie! Voice of common sense in a world thats going mad!

    • @jorgelopez-pr6dr
      @jorgelopez-pr6dr Před 5 lety +1

      TGWCL One of the few Churchills left in an England full of Chamberlains.

  • @infinitysearcher8858
    @infinitysearcher8858 Před 5 lety +74

    Fantastic speech. Thanks Katie. Definitely gives me hope for Britain. It takes courage. Which is why I also love Tommy Robinson.

  • @Professorvapes
    @Professorvapes Před 5 lety +144

    love this women telling it like it is I was told by my doctor not to work after a stroke and then I was sent for an assessment by the job centre this was a standard test put your hands above your head, touch your nose while your eyes are closed and a couple of other positions I was then told in a letter that I was fit for work I asked if they had read my medical records to which they said no and have no interest . here I am 4 years later still not fit for work and have not worked because of my illness and I am not entitled to a single penny even though I have paid into the system since leaving school. my wife has a zero hour contract on minimum wage some week she works a full week other weeks she works 4 or five hours so because they cannot work her hours out we get nothing. yes it sickens me that people are here who cannot speak english so no chance of getting a job and they get a free ride they get some jobs because labour run councils employ them under the equal right regime. I do not want anyone to feel sorry for me but I do know lots of English people worse off. we struggle but hey still alive. I know suffer from deep depression and do not see it getting any better, no point in complaining because I am White so at the very bottom of the food chain,

    • @endangeredstraightwhitemal5124
      @endangeredstraightwhitemal5124 Před 5 lety +20

      its a disgrace to say the least we need to tear this system down and start over! They create this division when we are treated as 2nd class citizens in our own country. I genuinely hope things turn around for you and yours.

    • @brianrussel6012
      @brianrussel6012 Před 5 lety +15

      Professorvapes, that is so sad, it just underlines what Katie says.
      So sorry for you....
      Katie referred to the huge influx of " migrants", that have added such huge extra strain on our infrastructure.
      But as she says, if you point this out, you are a "racist bigot "...
      There are enormous problems around all this .....
      It keeps coming back down to : too many people .
      We ought to have a limit per square mile....
      Millions have poured in, lured by benefits, free health care, etc,
      then you get overcrowding, no - go areas ( safety in numbers) for the host population,
      no wonder really that ' grenfell' happened...
      Katie mentioned open fires at ramadan...years ago, I read about how an ordinary domestic oven was used as an open fire,indoors, to cook on, presumably because that's all they knew : who knows?
      My own mother saw an ' ethnic' go into a public loo, and deposit foul, worm- filled faeces just on the floor!
      The thing is, we built this country up, and struggled with attacks over centuries, but now look what's happening!
      So MANY from far too different backgrounds, many different groups who not only hate us, they hate eachother!
      Then you have the free admission that we will be outbred, in about 40 years, and " we will use democracy to destroy democracy!"
      And if you say anything, you are the villain, and can face the wrath of the political correct systems being put in place...
      You have to ask, what IS the hidden agenda?!
      WHY has this situation happened?!
      Our civilisation is being dismantled, just as moths will get into your wardrobe, and eat your clothes till they are full of holes...
      Some say mass migration was to force wages down...
      A cheap workforce, as in medieval times?
      Then, what about the race for robots replacing humans?!
      There will be even FEWER jobs around!
      It is a veritable Pandora's box....
      The world ( that's us ) has let over-population lead to huge problems...
      Global warming, crime, wars, pollution, ruination of oceans by plastic getting into the food chain : the microscopic particles are absorbed by the smallest creatures, then up through the food chain...did you see the heartbreaking photos of sea birds etc., dead from eating plastic pieces that they thought were fish : alsso turtles, and just recently, a dead whale with kilos of plastic inside, including what looked like a broken plastic toilet seat...the poor thing didn't know plastic from the food that its species has eaten for millions of years...
      Apparently, many less developed countries, folks just fling their rubbish into the rivers : where do rivers flow to?
      No prizes , but its " out of sight, out of mind" , so the rivers feed the oceans with poison....
      When the world's total population was much fewer than now, a few bits of rubbish in a river didn't make a huge impact, but now it does....
      There was a recent programme called " Drowning in plastic" : the worst areas are those that don't have good waste management systems...there are a few ideas coming along, but not fast enough : so when we get ethnic groups who vow to outbreed us, with say 4 wives and , say, 15 or 20 children allowed per male , well, it doesn't look good, does it....
      Where do we PUT them all?!
      A few years ago, England had 1000 per square mile : far too many.
      It leads to slums, more crime, and 'grenfell' type tragedies....
      Anyway, in responding hopefully sympathetically to " professorvapes", I opened a can of worms...
      The hardship you face now, sir, has happened by our systems being overloaded, by sheer numbers, and positive discrimination towards incomers , many of whom hate us....this is SO sad, and Katie H has bravely summarised it, in the hope that something can be done to help us who were here first.....but what?!
      I hope you can feel comfortable again somehow...
      I am of fairly advanced age, and the same situation could easily happen to me...
      Wishing you well...

    • @theresatruelove644
      @theresatruelove644 Před 5 lety +6

      Maybe it is time in this situation to do what the invaders do & fake collapsing in your doctors surgery whatever it takes to get your rights

    • @dean7940
      @dean7940 Před 5 lety +6

      @@brianrussel6012, I'm from the US and am so sorry. I've watched with sympathy and fear to see what's happening to Europe.

    • @lyndamyles8354
      @lyndamyles8354 Před 5 lety +3

      Have heard similar stories from so many white British people , makes me ashamed to be British. Keep fighting and good luck. God bless Katie

  • @bugger490
    @bugger490 Před 5 lety +47

    Hail Katie! And thanks for making us laugh. The truth is bitter sweet. Folks here in the states have lost their sense of humor. But the truth should be told.

    • @scottsmith282
      @scottsmith282 Před 5 lety +5

      Your not alone in your fight for the righteous, you have a fantastic president Trump!! who really cares about the average person, we are ON the right side of history, stay strong OUR American cousins!!! OUR time is coming!!.

    • @MTknitter22
      @MTknitter22 Před 5 lety +3

      bugger490 Here in the states we at least have begun the fight. When you elect a PM who will really stand for Britain as Trump does for America, he will be attacked by the press and establishment just as Trump is. Be ready. But you can do it!!

    • @MTknitter22
      @MTknitter22 Před 5 lety +1

      scott smith Thank you Scott Smith. We are fighting and we stand with you too

  • @lenloan3238
    @lenloan3238 Před 5 lety +252

    If only we had a prime minister like Katie

    • @walfganguk
      @walfganguk Před 5 lety +10

      Len Loan id vote for her

    • @Wisdomabovegold
      @Wisdomabovegold Před 5 lety +5

      The problem is that members of free societies are ill-prepared to accept that an ideology such as Islam requires the calculation of their destruction even BEFORE Muslim believers begin to arrive onto their territories. Jihad does NOT begin with the beheading of Christians.
      The first, and perhaps the most important phase of jihad, is to compel masses of believers to infiltrate a host nation. Even if their numbers are not initially large compared to the number of secular citizens already living in that society the odds are immediately stacked against the survival of the host culture for the primary reason that civilized societies are always monogamous. Islam, however, encourages every male to have up to 4 wives and an unlimited brood with each. (Not too different from latino populations which are monogamous only ‘in theory'.)
      Within a generation or two the indigenous population of the host nation is dangerously out-populated by masses of people who drop the overall IQ level of that nation by considerable points. These are easily controlled, greedy masses that use their newly acquired, unearned 'rights' to compel a rapid political and cultural implosion of their host nations. Only when the demographic situation is sufficiently ripe does the second, more brutal phase of jihad begin.
      It is critical to remember that the objective of EVERY practicing Islamist is JIHAD. The 'peaceful' Muslim believer signs onto phase one of the process, to systematically parasitize and 'seduce' a culture, while the radical believer follows up with the all-out frontal attack of phase two. Those who take on the role of the first phase pretend to be 'offended' when one points out their imperialist intentions while the second phasers delight in the shocked expression on the faces of the victims they are about to sacrifice. Both groups are culpable. Both are equally dangerous to everything our forefathers fought, bled and died to provide us.
      Brigette Gabriel describes the takeover of (Christian) Lebanon:
      True Islam (by William Federer)
      (To every muslim who wants to do the 'right thing': It is your responsibility to read the Quran, Hadith and Sirra COVER TO COVER, in a language you understand and then to take full PERSONAL responsibility for your choice to serve your 'god' as well as for YOUR PARTICIPATION in the call to destroy the creations that better men have built. For those who wish to leave Islam, there are wonderful people willing to sacrifice their lives to save you. Just please stop defending your faith from a place of ignorance and little black lies.)
      Compare the goal of YHWH to liberate humanity from the state of karmic quarantine in which we live to Allah's objective which is to subjugate all of humanity to the lowest level of our game box prison metaphorically represented in Islam as the Kaaba (the 'Black' Cube). It is the most despicable of lies to suggest that these diametrically opposed missions are equitable on any level. One came to set men free, the other to spring the final Satanic clampdown on all human expression and to relegate humankind to its fullest & final entropic bondage. When Christ requires submission it is of the sort required by any commander-in-chief attempting to complete a worthy mission while at the same time getting as many of his people out alive as is possible. The brand of submission required by Allah serves only to demean, suffocate and wither all creative human expression.
      Christ's words:
      The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:
      I am come that they might have life,
      and that they might have it more abundantly.
      John 10:10

    • @Pushyhog
      @Pushyhog Před 5 lety

      If my aunt had balls she’d be my uncle.

    • @davidcasson7060
      @davidcasson7060 Před 5 lety

      Ķ li

    • @davidsmith8376
      @davidsmith8376 Před 5 lety

      Len Loan if we only had a prime minister like Katie we’d be fucked.

  • @browncow4092
    @browncow4092 Před 5 lety +87

    i just love her. greatly admired for the truth and the fact that she can laugh at her own person and keep moving forward

  • @karenstrong8546
    @karenstrong8546 Před 5 lety +25

    Katie Hopkins..one of only a few people who are brave and honest enough to tell it as it is ..intelligent witty and sharp

  • @snorrigoi2479
    @snorrigoi2479 Před 5 lety +135

    What a brave woman

    • @starb0rn
      @starb0rn Před 4 lety +1

      It's a shame that the left are so nasty that she is considered brave. :(

  • @jacqueslelee5520
    @jacqueslelee5520 Před 5 lety +206

    Theresa May out. Katie Hopkins in!

    • @secularhumanist8662
      @secularhumanist8662 Před 5 lety +1

      Marie-Anne Waters? Might be a wise choice! She's a realist!

    • @63Baggies
      @63Baggies Před 5 lety +1

      Our's is a Parliamentary system, no a Presidential one. Katie, would have to successfully stand for a seat and hope that her party had enough votes to form a government.

    • @secularhumanist8662
      @secularhumanist8662 Před 5 lety

      @@63Baggies As would be the case in most European countries. Though Katie is one hell of a journalist. I'd think she'd do better remaining just that: a hell of a journalist and public speaker. Now Anne Marie Waters on the other hand, she IS a politician and has good ideas in my opinion. And viewing all this hysteria surrounding brexit. I really don't get it. Most people voted to get out. So get out. That's democracy too, accepting your losses when other parties win. Same in the US with Trump. People chose him. So he's the country's president now. All those people who oppose should start focusing on the way they can really have influence by backing up political parties that meet with their expectations and political ideas...(and I realise that striking a deal with Brussels is more complicated than the average Joe like me grasps) It's just all this unnecessary social unrest that's making things worse. And honestly, in UK, I blame the ones against Brexit who are mostly oblivious of real issues in their cosy upper middle class neighbourhoods, support PC idiosyncrasy and whatnot. By the way, it was Katie Hopkins that called out politicians on the right to man the fcku up, get together and take action. Obviously, opposing to the bickering conservative/nationalist parties not willing to work together. Anne Marie Waters mentioned this. She also said that she got Katie's message and was willing to reach out to the likes of Farage. But as long as the likes Farage join in the litany of name-calling and nazi accusations of other opposing politicians nothing good will come of it. I'm sick and tired of people throughout Europe calling each other nazis whenever an opinion doesn't suite the left-wing liberal metropolitan globalist multicultural narrative. I stand by Katie's realism: we should MAN THE FCKU UP! AND GET TO WORK. We're - European nations - not some backward islamist corrupt African nation. We're (rich) democracies for heaven's sake. People should start acting like it. And a nationalist preference is nowhere near nazi ideology of old. In fact, left wing of old propagated the embrace of culture and identify, help people who have worked for our nations (elderly), enforce freedom of speech. Left-wing used to mean: to reckon with each other as a culture as a nation, to work for freedom. Now, it just means anything goes and being entitled to being the worst individual you can be, because, you're 'entitled' to it. The icing: self-hatred, multiculturalism, loosing track of who you actually are. Aaaaaanyway, sorry for the rant. I have no other online platform left to vent and hide behind. A-Social Media took care of that by blocking my accounts.

    • @kellyhill4613
      @kellyhill4613 Před 5 lety +3

      General Guile , first of all you spelled pray wrong,secondly you claim to have great respect for Islam, but you also claim you are not a Muslim,how could you respect an ideology that says kill anyone who doesn't believe what you believe,or kill anyone who leaves it, supposedly they claim they only kill during an act of war,but that's a fucking lie, anyone who speaks against their bullshit lies is considered an act of war, people in Islam is not allowed to critique it, Muhammad was bisexual,yes i said bisexual,he liked little boys, and little girls, Aisha was only six years old when he married her,it says he practice thighing with her until she turned nine, thighing is screwing her between the legs,then at ripe old age of nine,he actually consummate the marriage,which may explain why Aisha never had children,he destroyed her as a child, Muhammad killed six hundred to nine hundred Jews in one day mostly by beheading, Qur'an says a man can have four wives, Muhammad couldn't even follow his own rules,he had what eleven wives, Muhammad started out as peaceful,but when the Jews rejected his bullshit lies,he began killing them,this is why there are peaceful verses in Quran,the latter verses Trump the early verses,all thru Qur'an it talks of killing infedals, apostates,kiffer, Muhammad claims to be from the lineage of Ishmael, Ishamael was half Hebrew,half Egyptian,his mother found him a wife she was Egyptian,they had twelve sons,so which son did this Arabic piece of shit come from,see no one can even link him to Ishmael, it's all a fucking lie Muhammad was a low life piece of shit,liar,thief,he was poisoned like the rat he truly was,and is burning in a pit of hell.

    • @secularhumanist8662
      @secularhumanist8662 Před 5 lety +1

      @General Guile let that be a warning. The way Christianity behaved during the dark ages is how islame behaves now. Only Christianity developed, got enlightened. islame is nowhere near enlightenment. As Kelly Hill says, islame wants to destroy anything that isn't islamist. It doesn't matter if you're Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Atheïst, straight, gay whatever...everything that is not islamic has to be annihilated. That's why people start (finally) reacting. Katie Hopkins is one of them. And she does a damn good job. To get informed about the ideology you so seem to embrace, I have actually read a couple of Surahs. They're disturbing. They're mostly talk about destroying anything that is not islamic, how to destroy anything that is not islamic and why that is justified over and over again. No one in their right mind, and no one who wants to live for that matter, supports islame. My deepest, deepest disrespect for this dangerous ideology that pollutes the minds of so many humans. Oh yeah, and I'm done with islamists threatening me with beheading because I'm gay. And I'm done with islamists threatening that Sikh guy who used to meditate in the communal library just because his belief system is different from yours. I'm sick of islamists threatening my jewish friends who don't trust to wear their kippahs in the streets of my town, I'm sick of islamists harassing young women in the streets. Want more? I'm done with people whose minds are so polluted that they are convinced that killing over 3000 people at once is okay. Or kill hundreds in India, Thailand, Philippines, Middle-East, Africa, Europe, Russia etc. etc etc. etc.

  • @prashantjohnmichael
    @prashantjohnmichael Před 5 lety +53

    She's so cool. Taking back the authentic British identity that is so lovely.

  • @louisbarbisan8471
    @louisbarbisan8471 Před 5 lety +26

    As a Canadian, I can listen to you every days of the year just because you make sense.
    I wonder why you aren't thinking in running for prime minister of England, you have the logic, you have the stamina, and you have the most important thing that not many people have, is the truth within you. If you run for that office, I'll move to England. Will allways be your voter friend.

  • @johnstroud3448
    @johnstroud3448 Před 5 lety +16

    A brave ans absolutely HONEST young woman, bless you Katie

  • @williamlipsett5772
    @williamlipsett5772 Před 5 lety +12

    Thank you for being there for us Katie , Love you girl please stay with us

  • @catmar1944
    @catmar1944 Před 5 lety +6

    [" Katie you are a heroine, a straight talker, I am so grateful that you are on our side. Thank you for being you and speaking out. "]

  • @danieljones-tg9oe
    @danieljones-tg9oe Před 5 lety +15

    There is hope for us all with the wonderful Katie out there fighting for our freedoms.

  • @Awibrahor
    @Awibrahor Před 5 lety +9

    Katie Hopkins is my favourite stand-up comedian. Like the best of them, she speaks great truths in a most entertaining way. She uplifts the spirit in dark times.

    • @Somchai007
      @Somchai007 Před rokem

      I don't see her as a comedian..She coats her speeches with humour, but her message is dead serious....

  • @annelieswallace237
    @annelieswallace237 Před 5 lety +59

    England My England. D.H. Lawrence lamented industrialisation. It seems trivial compaired to what's happening now. I am wheeping.

  • @michaelinglis956
    @michaelinglis956 Před 5 lety +9

    Great to see a patriotic Briton. who will not be silenced.

  • @meerfisch
    @meerfisch Před 5 lety +14

    Well said Katie. Keep it coming!

  • @vasarelly37
    @vasarelly37 Před 5 lety +101

    God bless you!
    God bless Christian Europe!

    • @angelakparkinson1809
      @angelakparkinson1809 Před 5 lety +2

      It's thanks to religion that people are at war with each other.

    • @angelakparkinson1809
      @angelakparkinson1809 Před 5 lety

      @General Guile Yes, how misguided we are, well most anyway. Religion kills, destroys and separates us, but it may work for a few. I don't need it. Too much hypocrisy.

    • @madwhitehare3635
      @madwhitehare3635 Před 5 lety

      General Guile ...What nonsense ... whomever you are referring to certainly weren’t Christians....

    • @madwhitehare3635
      @madwhitehare3635 Před 5 lety

      Angela Kearsley ....please don’t group Christians under the big ‘R’.
      Do lots of reading and research before you slap your big ole paintbrush over everybody.

    • @angelakparkinson1809
      @angelakparkinson1809 Před 5 lety

      @@madwhitehare3635 Still religion, want nothing to do with any religion of any kind.

  • @theresatruelove644
    @theresatruelove644 Před 5 lety +17

    Katy i just love the way you always speak the truth

  • @944gemma
    @944gemma Před 5 lety +8

    Katie, you are an amazing woman. I so admire you. Stay on it. Keep up your great work.

  • @41bmc
    @41bmc Před 5 lety +105

    Love Katie, she's tough as nails and funny as hell.

  • @canadiangirl5159
    @canadiangirl5159 Před 5 lety +168


    • @BenMcrea61
      @BenMcrea61 Před 5 lety +2

      Canadian Girl Scottish and English are still part of the same country - the UK - along with Welsh and Northern Irish. Scotland had a referendum in 2014 and chose to be a region of the UK, not a country. England is not a country, it doesn’t even have a devolved government.

    • @BenMcrea61
      @BenMcrea61 Před 5 lety +4

      Rumblefish and...we had a referendum in 2014 in Scotland. What was the purpose of that referendum? if in 1707 Scotland and England united to form a new country, Great Britain, when did that country split up again. I seem to have missed that. I seem to remember that having been given the chance of splitting that country up in 2014 we voted against it.

    • @soeffingwhat
      @soeffingwhat Před 5 lety +2

      @Rumblefish and Ben McCrea, stop arguing you two. I'll put it this way, England, Scotland and Wales are 3 separate countries (I'll leave Northern Ireland out for the mo as I'm referring to the 3 that are connected by land by haring the same Island mass together) but are not sovereign. However they come together as part of the United Kingdom as a Sovereign Country (or sovereign nation, if you like) but if the UK were to go, they'd be 3 individual non-sovereign countries that share the same "Island". Some may disagree with some of that but that's how I see it.

    • @soeffingwhat
      @soeffingwhat Před 5 lety +2

      @@BenMcrea61 The Government is in Westminster is the UK because, if you think about it, the UK essentially comes from England in the first place. They have sections that look after ongoings in England but essentially its all "British", not just English. Out of interest, why do you think the UK should break up? What would come of that?

    • @BenMcrea61
      @BenMcrea61 Před 5 lety

      soeffingwhat To all you English/British folks who don’t really know what you are. Do you know that people living in the North of Britain (Scots) will not buy anything in a supermarket or shop that says English or Made in England. Remember that before you buy Scottish Whisky or Scottish Salmon or Scottish Irn Bru etc.

  • @gipsyrosek1935
    @gipsyrosek1935 Před 5 lety +6

    Well done Katie! I’m with you all the way! You are an inspiration

  • @timd4688
    @timd4688 Před 5 lety +16

    Thank you Katie for your articulation, leadership and untiring effort to resist the insidious, evil invasion of your country.

  • @rambo7866
    @rambo7866 Před 5 lety +8

    with you all the way Katie,spread the words.

  • @damaz03
    @damaz03 Před 5 lety +20

    Hello Katie, hope you read this, for me, your the Don.. Tell it how it is and I have admired that in you for as long as I've known you. Whatever the critics say, believe me when I say the vast majority are completely behind you. A top top lady from Johnny 👍🏻. I'll even throw in a kiss xx

  • @BVA663
    @BVA663 Před 5 lety +2

    Thankyou Katie for being our voice. It’s so sad what is happening in the uk. We are being treated like second class citizens in our own country. Who drove the uk in this terrible direction

  • @MicaBuzz
    @MicaBuzz Před 5 lety +18

    Loveyou Katie!! You tel[ it like it IS!! Pity they bleeped out your words!!

  • @jazzye6493
    @jazzye6493 Před 5 lety +51

    I love Katie. She should become Prime Minister.

  • @jamesmcleesh2688
    @jamesmcleesh2688 Před 5 lety +2

    Thank you Katie We the true British are ALL with you. From an old soldier who fought for Great Britain and will still fight for and die for my country.

  • @patriciadaly6938
    @patriciadaly6938 Před 5 lety +16

    Gone are the days in Salford when Granny used to leave the door open all day for us to visit.
    Gone are the days when us kids could go to the park for hours on our own.
    Gone are the days of England no more.

  • @fabkev2198
    @fabkev2198 Před 5 lety +14

    Totally fab Katie 🇬🇧🇬🇧

  • @mikecornell5018
    @mikecornell5018 Před 5 lety +7

    I LOVE THIS WOMAN!! Once she fixes Britain she needs to come to the United States!

  • @damonopera4760
    @damonopera4760 Před 5 lety +2

    New Zealand Maori here! Make Britain Great again Katie!!!!

  • @steveellis9288
    @steveellis9288 Před 5 lety +8

    Kate, why are there so few of us with the guts to speak the truths? your courage is infectious thank you.

  • @marekborek6390
    @marekborek6390 Před 5 lety +8

    I love her speech. She is brave, confident, witty and she knows what she is talking about. Leep up fighting and God bless you.

  • @eddiebarnett2217
    @eddiebarnett2217 Před 5 lety +21

    Ok I want to take Katie out to dinner and a lovely evening stroll in the beautiful, peaceful and Christian poland!!! I love Poland!!!

  • @secularhumanist8662
    @secularhumanist8662 Před 5 lety +37

    Hahahaha, "you'll get your mosque the day we can build a cathedral in Dubai". That's fckuing BRILLIANT.

    • @mahler71
      @mahler71 Před 4 lety +1

      Well we've built them everywhere else

  • @karlosvulture7707
    @karlosvulture7707 Před 5 lety +7

    Wonderful speaking, truly wonderful!!!

  • @dreamer541
    @dreamer541 Před 5 lety +8

    GOD I LOVE THIS WOMAN!!! People listen, listen to what she said, time to fight back...

  • @cablemanfortv6400
    @cablemanfortv6400 Před 5 lety +5


  • @KubeEducation
    @KubeEducation Před 5 lety +1

    Enjoyed this immensely and her comments are spot on for us folks in the US.

  • @DWHalse
    @DWHalse Před 5 lety +3

    Millions in the US are for women like you. Keep it up Katie which I’m sure you will!

  • @stoney139
    @stoney139 Před 5 lety +1

    I am an American, and I hope that the British people who care will heed Katie’s advice and rise up to save their country. Time is short!!

  • @jackjackson545
    @jackjackson545 Před 5 lety +6

    Katie, Hold off the European Commission totalitarians.

  • @ArthurDentsTowel
    @ArthurDentsTowel Před 5 lety +8

    Moving to Poland.

  • @darsiruysenaar9523
    @darsiruysenaar9523 Před 5 lety +8

    Poland came to Britain’s aid before... might be time for them to come over again...?

    • @Rob-cy8xc
      @Rob-cy8xc Před 4 lety

      darsi ruysenaar I respect Poland but don't move the narrative. Million people died for your freedom just the the UK. Don't forget it

  • @Paul-lm1eq
    @Paul-lm1eq Před 5 lety +1

    Say what you like about Katie Hopkins.. She's bang on the money when it comes to speaking the truth we're all forced to be silent about.. GO KATIE

  • @MayIPleaseAskYou
    @MayIPleaseAskYou Před 5 lety +2


  • @chaz2wells
    @chaz2wells Před 5 lety +47

    Top woman

  • @leeb7924
    @leeb7924 Před 5 lety +7

    Keep it up. We need 10 more like you. There's about 5 names on my list that without we are doomed your in there. Definitely ranking 4 though. Still love ya.

  • @MajorWolfgangHochstetter
    @MajorWolfgangHochstetter Před 5 lety +40

    I love Katie. If she ever comes to Orlando she can stay at my house!

  • @johnwilliamson5191
    @johnwilliamson5191 Před 5 lety +6

    Nothing more attractive than a smart conservative woman. Cheers from the U.S.

    • @people8516
      @people8516 Před 5 lety +1

      John Williamson So fantastic! They are a rare breed unfortunately.

  • @darrengrimmer8541
    @darrengrimmer8541 Před 5 lety +2

    How can our politicians watch this and not be ashamed of their actions in what they are doing??????????

  • @jamesemery7278
    @jamesemery7278 Před 5 lety +2

    Katie, I love what you say, you are speaking on a public platform what many people think in this country of ours, it’s a damn shame that the people who have a vested interest in keeping down the so called ordinary people will always try to silence any voice of truth and reason such as yours, I like many I suspect am coming to the end of my time here and I have to admit I’m glad that I have seen what my country was like and won’t be around to see what it will become, this new generation being brainwashed from birth into beliefs and twisted truths designed to make it easier for them to be controlled by a government and its agencies into towing the party line like lemmings. Katie I salute you, keep up the good work, you are a “great Britain “ xxx

  • @wendythompson5455
    @wendythompson5455 Před 5 lety +12

    love you katie.

  • @kenebanks4226
    @kenebanks4226 Před 5 lety +14

    I believe their are probably about 200 + who died at Grenfell Tower. I'd always thought that. My question is who are those who cover it up & why are they allowed to get away with it!

  • @scottsmith282
    @scottsmith282 Před 5 lety +10

    dear Katie we have your back, super job 'as ALWAYS!!!!!!!

  • @johnkennedy8795
    @johnkennedy8795 Před 5 lety +3

    Few years ago I wasn't keen on Katie but now I eat my Hat,She just says what we are thinking,

  • @karenstrong8546
    @karenstrong8546 Před 5 lety +24

    I totally agree with Katie.."Trump will take 2020" and I believe in a landslide victory

    • @crus1n
      @crus1n Před 5 lety

      I hope so too.

  • @tgwcl6194
    @tgwcl6194 Před 5 lety +16

    Church and world are in existential crisis. Start serving Our Lady Mary. Pray daily the Holy Rosary and wear the Brown Scapular, She asked. Our Lady is not a McDonalds. Pray with humility, trust and patience please. God bless!

    • @Pushyhog
      @Pushyhog Před 5 lety

      TGWCL : i think god wants you to fight, its time to fight for your country. He sees the uk. If voting doesn’t start up you will be fighting. The human will go off and blow up pretty soon.

    • @jaricot1056
      @jaricot1056 Před 5 lety

      Yes, yes, yes! Amen. Our Lady of Walsingham pray for us.

  • @Ardoyne10
    @Ardoyne10 Před 5 lety +8


  • @MickeyMouse-fz6zy
    @MickeyMouse-fz6zy Před 5 lety +10


  • @tommasogrieco6409
    @tommasogrieco6409 Před 5 lety +5


  • @johnobrien8398
    @johnobrien8398 Před 5 lety +7

    The voice of the nation that’s starting to fight back

  • @allenperdue7723
    @allenperdue7723 Před 3 lety +1

    Katie for Prime Minister! Absolutely spot on!

  • @kevin1233803
    @kevin1233803 Před 5 lety +1

    I'm from Slovenia and I totally agree with Katie and support the Traditional Britain Group. We need to stop this madness in Europe, our oldest and dearest continent intent, filled with history, culture and many memories. I'm really scared about the future and safety in OUR own countries. Wish there was a group that would connect all citizens of Europe not just small groups in each country because together we are stronger and therefore could achieve more.

  • @ThePainterr
    @ThePainterr Před 5 lety +21

    Katie for Prime Minister!

    • @watto3535
      @watto3535 Před 5 lety +1

      She'd be better than the present one.

  • @islandfeverexpat1154
    @islandfeverexpat1154 Před 5 lety +12

    Love this woman!

  • @mickeyduke1910
    @mickeyduke1910 Před 5 lety +1

    So much love from New York. Letting you all know how much America loves Katie Hopkins. Smart, insightful and hotter than a $2 pistol! Never stop Katie... Go hard!

  • @ericaj.m.1780
    @ericaj.m.1780 Před 5 lety +15

    Fantastic 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

  • @jamesr1703
    @jamesr1703 Před 4 lety +2

    I like Katie, because she is involved in American politics too. I especially liked her jab against Maxine Waters.

  • @maxwar2967
    @maxwar2967 Před 5 lety +1

    No one can stop this woman, brave , strong and confined which are really rarw in women these days

  • @larrypark6113
    @larrypark6113 Před 5 lety +5


  • @jameslynch5716
    @jameslynch5716 Před 5 lety +9

    A women with BALLS.

  • @loveasmr5336
    @loveasmr5336 Před 5 lety +15

    Where can you get to hear and see Katie live next? I would love to see her.

  • @kelvynrogers9813
    @kelvynrogers9813 Před 5 lety +15

    Katie to run the country

  • @JAY1892
    @JAY1892 Před 5 lety +8

    MEGA! Make England Great Again.

  • @stefant6258
    @stefant6258 Před 5 lety +2

    Superb delivery of what the majority in this Great Britain think.

  • @guruprasadf07
    @guruprasadf07 Před rokem +1

    For the record I am an Indian who was born in an Indian Steel Town whose foundation was laid by the British. I grew up reading old school children's novels written by famous British novelists of the early 20th Century like Enid Blyton, Arthur Conan Doyle.
    I feel disturbed by what is going on.
    BTW to the British people, the name of the town I grew up was Burnpur,West Bengal, India. The name of the steel plant was Indian Iron & Steel Company now it is known as Indian Steel plant.
    Also, checkout Kulti SteelWorks which is if memory serves correctly was the oldest or the second oldest steel plant in India.
    Also checkout the railway junction called Asansol which is railway station that serves the town of Burnpur.

  • @people8516
    @people8516 Před 5 lety +1

    Love her for speaking the truth! The only people that hate her are the types of people she is talking about!

  • @thomasbeattie2257
    @thomasbeattie2257 Před 5 lety +3

    You really need to stand for parliament Katie!!

  • @andreas1989
    @andreas1989 Před 4 lety +1

    Love for Katie from sweden 💕💕💕🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇸🇪

  • @raymondpomfret4214
    @raymondpomfret4214 Před 5 lety +3

    Katie my love you should be prime minister ,then we would have a chance of reversing the demise of our once great country !!!

  • @normakasday738
    @normakasday738 Před 5 lety +2

    We need more KATIE'S!

  • @SavingGraceTV
    @SavingGraceTV Před 4 lety +1

    Fascism arrives as your friend.
    It will restore your honor,
    make you feel proud,
    protect your house,
    give you a job,
    clean up the neighborhood,
    remind you of how great you once were,clear out the venal and the corrupt,
    remove anything you feel is unlike you…

  • @paulwarren6316
    @paulwarren6316 Před 5 lety +3

    A long time ago, the English started staying out of churches. Churches started being converted to mosques. You did nothing. Not your concern you said. Liberal mindedness did not provide for illogical application of faith to pursue a way of life. So everything became accommodated. Today you see what Kate is talking about. I think it's too late. The English have lost a common core that can bring them together.

  • @fortuner123
    @fortuner123 Před 4 lety +1

    Superb Katie. With great respect. You are a gem.

  • @CdA_Native
    @CdA_Native Před 4 lety +2

    Jeez.....ya gotta love this woman!

  • @concong4183
    @concong4183 Před 5 lety +3

    Love you, Katie.