Komentáře •

  • @KurtFaustyn
    @KurtFaustyn Před 3 měsíci +111

    As a Christian myself we don’t claim Lio, he is misusing the Lord’s words, and not following the commandments, hatred is not justifable, he needs to focus on the Lord, and not Peaches an overgrown child.

    • @PuppyRia
      @PuppyRia Před 3 měsíci +21

      YESS 100% agree as another Christian

    • @Jynxxx5
      @Jynxxx5 Před 3 měsíci +20

      Not a Christian much anymore but still hold the beliefs but yes, agreed!

    • @sylviathegreat
      @sylviathegreat Před 3 měsíci +13

      im agnostic but id wrather he focus on anyone BUT his "daughter" so i agree
      plus i think it would probably improve him

    • @starry-p
      @starry-p Před 3 měsíci +6

      He’s a heretic basically!

    • @crazycatzg3481
      @crazycatzg3481 Před 3 měsíci +10

      As a Christian, i never realize how incorrectly misuse and hypocritical he is to use the verses until now, can’t believe i didn’t know the signs sooner

  • @Louis-ty6li
    @Louis-ty6li Před 3 měsíci +39

    "Peaches isn't responsible for her actions because she was groomed." So fucking insidious. So people aren't responsible for harmful actions they don't realize are harmful? Are victims of sexual harassment suddenly not victims of sexual harassment if their harasser didn't realize it's harassment? Look, I'm sympathetic to someone not realizing they're hurting people because that harm has been normalized to them, but that doesn't mean that they _didn't harm anyone_ and should be exempt from consequences.
    She, and everyone else in that group chat, normalized sexual conversation between adults and minors. Grooming doesn't always happen in private between individuals. Communities can groom children; Parents telling their child that sexual attention from an adult isn't a big deal, and their discomfort is an overreaction, are contributing to grooming. They may not have had predatory intent, nor individually exploited that child, but they played a role in normalizing exploitation.

  • @Weisenberg952
    @Weisenberg952 Před 3 měsíci +27

    Lio: “I’ll handle the situation”
    “Oh yeah cuz you handled everything so fucking well so far, haven’t you?”
    - Steve Haines

    • @venusswirls
      @venusswirls Před 3 měsíci +6

      HONESTLY, and he kept throwing slurs around and kept saying “sorry” but he didn’t sound sorry when saying them in the moment 😭

  • @portabellashroom
    @portabellashroom Před 3 měsíci +28

    Food is spicy
    It's also a term to describe NSFW content
    And I sure as hell don't think people used AMINO of all places to talk to minors about FOOD

    • @ceasarcatsalad14
      @ceasarcatsalad14 Před 3 měsíci +17

      It doesn't help that the next question asked Peaches about them having sex.
      This gives further evidence that the conversation was sexual in nature

  • @sumpthinphishy6036
    @sumpthinphishy6036 Před 3 měsíci +55

    I Heard peaches is now going but He/They and as a trans man myself I have to say that the timing of this seems to be rather coincidental- it seems to me like they are only doing this to further victimize themselves😒 like- “oh noooo don’t cancel me I’m trans”
    They are grasping at whatever they can possibly latch on to do they can avoid taking accountability and it’s infuriating if this is the case

    • @doghugs6840
      @doghugs6840 Před 3 měsíci +10

      as another trans man, i thought the same. its another thing with their grown ass age. idk why but its jus real sketch when people 20+ are suddenly trans with no signs during puberty. let alone 25+ when the brain is fully developed

    • @Jynxxx5
      @Jynxxx5 Před 3 měsíci +11

      Honestly don’t like accusing people of using different pronouns/being trans as a way to hide but yeah, it sadly seems that way. It’s so sudden and I have not seen any sign of them wanting to experiment. It took me a while before I decided I was she/they.

    • @syndicate_ash
      @syndicate_ash Před 3 měsíci

      as a trans man as well, i can safety say Peaches is NOT welcome into our community, we don't claim abusive ableists like her.

  • @mv9653
    @mv9653 Před 3 měsíci +55

    People who were called out in senate for objectively less than Peaches:
    -Dallsmick, who thought he had already called out a predator being friends with a member of TCP but Suzy forgot he did, so he was essentially canceled off the platform for a misunderstanding.
    -Veritas, for doxing in a video that is no longer up. (Otherwise, he’s just Lio Jr. for his Peaches obsession.)
    -Conundrum, for having a bad take on a situation that wasn’t his business.
    -Chaos55T, for mistakenly believing that JAR pushed someone to suicide when many people from that community believed that, but more because they didn’t want to talk to Lio and had their roommate act as a go-between.
    -CallMeNil, for hurting themself and talking about it online. (Ironically, Peaches was particularly nasty to Nil about this.)
    -Craftify, for making a sex joke about Lio.

    • @Timidogbumpstudio
      @Timidogbumpstudio Před 3 měsíci +10

      And spoctor for deleting pictures of his girlfriend when he was a kid which timeline wise either made him early 18s or late 17s when the picture deleting happened so all thats left was he was a bit of a meanie

    • @ceasarcatsalad14
      @ceasarcatsalad14 Před 3 měsíci +4

      The Chaos55T one is false, chaos made the claim Jar killed their friend who turned out didn't exist, then pushed false grooming claims on him when called out

    • @mv9653
      @mv9653 Před 3 měsíci +1

      @@ceasarcatsalad14not sure why it didn’t show up when I originally posted it, but LakaMokoLaka has a video proving Chaos did not make that rumor up and that the DA ranting community believed it for years. You can see Laka explain the whole thing in his video on Brokenxmuse. Skip to the CEOauthor section.

  • @mv9653
    @mv9653 Před 3 měsíci +26

    Even when I appreciated the work Lio did, back when I thought he was actually a father figure to Jordyn and Opal, I never felt comfortable with how much Lio favored Peaches, but he is really saying the quiet part out loud.

  • @abelm1846
    @abelm1846 Před 3 měsíci +59

    Keep in mind, Lio is a married man and is obsessed with another adult woman. Also doing weird ddgl shit with Peaches. Extra weird is Peaches was caught drawing loli/shota porn with her other ex she was acting cutesy with but swore they weren't together with. Suss red flags everywhere. Lio's wife should run.

    • @abelm1846
      @abelm1846 Před 3 měsíci +16

      Also at this point I'm sure Peaches can just cry on command. These croc tears

    • @davey_boy94
      @davey_boy94 Před 3 měsíci +25

      Sadly, it seems like his wife is complacent in his strange obsessions. This is after hearing Jordyn's testimony of the daily goings on at Lio's house. Did you also know they have a shit ton of cats? Like close to 25? And the weirdest part is that it's not Lio's wife who's the crazy cat lady. It's him!

    • @Cocobean257
      @Cocobean257 Před 3 měsíci +7

      Hold up, Peaches did WHAT

    • @abelm1846
      @abelm1846 Před 3 měsíci +8

      @@Cocobean257 in the fruit cake server Peaches was drawing her sona as a naked loli with her online boyfriend as a shota. It also proves Peaches was cheating on her SO when she swore she isn't like that. She's so obviouly into ddgl and age regression play. She also absolutely knew the ages of the people she did sexual rp and content with. Because she remembers one being 15 years old. But now claims she forgot becaues of trauma. FYI, her grooming story is also underfire because it's almost word for word plagiarized from illymation. Most likely why she deleted the video a year ago.

    • @Cocobean257
      @Cocobean257 Před 3 měsíci +7

      @@abelm1846 OMG, if the plagiarizing accusation is true then Peaches is deplorable. Who the fuck plagiarizes someone’s traumatic experience?’

  • @Juu_ichi
    @Juu_ichi Před 3 měsíci +27

    the fruit that moral grandstand over drawings, people's mishandling, etc. ended up being creepy towards minors?
    reset the clock
    but holy this is disgusting to see someone defend this behavior

    • @abelm1846
      @abelm1846 Před 3 měsíci +3

      He defends it because he himself is creepy towards minors. wtf is a 40 year old man doing "adopting" girls online and verbally abusing teens/tweens in the senate. He's so obsessive over kids, even finding irl info about them and shit. Like who's that interested in children online?

  • @davey_boy94
    @davey_boy94 Před 3 měsíci +37

    Gotta love that vie for sympathy when he puts up the voice clip of Peaches crying like a baby. 🙄 Mr. Samurai cannot possibly respond to all the claims against him because he is the ultimate opportunist and will only speak if he already feels like he has the upper hand in some way. That's why he's picking and choosing and of course we have the classic double standard and hand-waving for his friends. What a joke.

  • @longsnoutpug7248
    @longsnoutpug7248 Před 3 měsíci +17

    Peaches should cry into shot glasses,those are some SWEEEEETass cocktails of cry me a river cuisine 🤩🥃👌✨

  • @NaturesxMockery
    @NaturesxMockery Před 3 měsíci +5

    Lio: ☝🤓
    Peaches: 🍼👶

  • @showerlacroix
    @showerlacroix Před 3 měsíci +24

    as an nb person, finding out peaches Suddenly has revealed his new gender identity, i feel so fuckin justified in calling lio and them PlagueMoth-lite. call me nostradamus. the weakest and most transparent shields to justify deflection from criticism is all they have left lol. how convenient that lio’s golden child favoritism can now actually help him deflect from more valid criticism about him being so weird about young vulnerable women vs any other gender. 🤪 how could he now!!!

    • @showerlacroix
      @showerlacroix Před 3 měsíci +10

      love your streams xzae- great job calling out Lio and his only friends; Strawman, False Equivalence, and Character Assassination

    • @abelm1846
      @abelm1846 Před 3 měsíci +14

      He literally can't because he calls Peaches she and daughter. So does the rest of the senate server. If they get their panties in a twist if someone with crit misgenders them then I'm calling it out. Peaches has used mental health, abuse stories and now the lgbt as a shield against their shitty behavior. I wouldn't let them take advantage of the lgbt and shut it down.

    • @showerlacroix
      @showerlacroix Před 3 měsíci +3

      godspeed!! truly nothing weirder than Peaches revealing his gender change before DFEing when they easily could’ve and should’ve just logged off and lived their life a bit and shared that shit when/if they ever came back. truly can’t believe lio is still calling peaches his daughter??? like man if the senate server is going to actively misgender peaches idek what to say about that lol! other than Yikes

    • @Queenofobscurepairings
      @Queenofobscurepairings Před 3 měsíci +1

      I think peaches is saying He, as they feel OH LGBT+ never gets called out when their being toxic, and eveyone loves them,. SO AM A HE NOW! you know am right!
      Am not saying they all do, but you know their certain group of them who do play their LGBT card in drama and some how get off cuz of that.

  • @TrishaElric7
    @TrishaElric7 Před 3 měsíci +25

    1:11:00 honestly I think you really nailed it on the head there. I’ve been reading the comments on his videos and I’ve noticed he will not engage with anyone willing to step up to him at an equal level, reverting to trying to discredit what was said and callling said person ‘weirdo’ ‘creep’ or ‘dork’. He hid it for a time, but Lio is clearly a man who peaked in high school and is chasing that high.

    • @abelm1846
      @abelm1846 Před 3 měsíci +2

      I don't think Lio ever peeked. He comes off as the greasy basement dweller that was caught sniffing panties in the girls locker room and was beaten up daily. So now he bullies teenagers in his 40's because he's creepy.

    • @princessjughead
      @princessjughead Před 16 dny

      ​@@abelm1846 WHAAAT 😭😭

  • @roseface4442
    @roseface4442 Před 3 měsíci +16

    I remember first watching your peaches video and it really resonated with me. From then on, I was hoping that more people would realize how absolutely robbed you were because of the art community and, that peaches and Lioconvoy would someday get the exact same treatment to them back and honestly that day is closer than I thought lol

  • @Howdidtheyfindus
    @Howdidtheyfindus Před 3 měsíci +23

    Missed this sadly. Just clicked on, this better be lio and peaches downfall

  • @StrawberryCocoaPowder
    @StrawberryCocoaPowder Před 3 měsíci +37

    I hope no one comes after me for this in the replies but Peaches apparently goes by he/they now. Regardless Peaches is so cringe

    • @mv9653
      @mv9653 Před 3 měsíci +23

      Even as a fellow he/they myself, the timing of this feels like Peaches is pulling a Chelsea Hart (if you know, you know.)

    • @StrawberryCocoaPowder
      @StrawberryCocoaPowder Před 3 měsíci +2

      @@mv9653 who is Chelsea hart?

    • @abelm1846
      @abelm1846 Před 3 měsíci +30

      @@mv9653 Oh I def know what you mean. Just add another victim card for them to collect. "I can't be held accountable for my shitty behavior. I'm trans now"

    • @Aixatem
      @Aixatem Před 3 měsíci +12

      ​@@abelm1846 peaches is collecting trauma and sensitive topics to victimize themselves, like Pokémon cards atp

    • @angelicvanity
      @angelicvanity Před 3 měsíci

      i believe you, but where did you get this information from?

  • @angelicvanity
    @angelicvanity Před 3 měsíci +21

    Her crying was so FUNNYYYY easily the highlight of the stream
    By the way, Lio entertaining the hypothetical that he and peachshowart were in a relationship following that up with "why would that even matter" (coming from a man almost twice their age and claiming to be their "father") is hilarious considering there's been leaked dms of peaches boasting that Lio scolded his wife like a child and forced her to apologize to Peaches because she felt like Peaches was a homewrecker.
    Oh yeah but why would anyone ever assume peaches and lio are in a weird relationship, clearly we are the weirdos. his wife needs to get out of there as soon as possible

  • @NaturesxMockery
    @NaturesxMockery Před 3 měsíci +4

    Funny how Peaches can have memory issues but Rosa couldn't.

  • @PatchworkHeart
    @PatchworkHeart Před 3 měsíci +21

    Apologies for missing the stream- my health has been spiraling kinda hard. But I appreciate this and you continuing to platform everyone involved that was affected by Lio and Eren's behavior.

    • @fishyles
      @fishyles Před 3 měsíci +5

      we love you patch, take time for yourself, and remember to drink plenty of water.

  • @eeveewolf123
    @eeveewolf123 Před 3 měsíci +7

    From the start i always had a bad feeling about lio

  • @Timidogbumpstudio
    @Timidogbumpstudio Před 3 měsíci +33

    That ending XD why is lio so scared of feds isn’t he supposed to be working with them? Ya know getting the people he covers locked up?

    • @KurtFaustyn
      @KurtFaustyn Před 3 měsíci +8

      Mamamax 2.0 atp.

    • @MilDarty
      @MilDarty Před 3 měsíci +9

      He doesn't work with them, He's scared OF ME. because i've been after this fool since he basically threatened me (former law enforcement) because i've actually gotten people locked up for their actions and have proof for that, So...

    • @Timidogbumpstudio
      @Timidogbumpstudio Před 3 měsíci +3

      @@MilDarty oh really? Thats good to know i just thought you know with his line of work. Ya know wanting to put disgusting people behind bars its so funny to me that hes afraid of cops

    • @ceasarcatsalad14
      @ceasarcatsalad14 Před 3 měsíci +4

      ​@@MilDartyCan lio be arrested for lying about him working with law enforcement?
      I'm asking because I know impersonation is a crime but does lio violate any law similar to that?

    • @hiroshiyitama2888
      @hiroshiyitama2888 Před 2 měsíci

      I’m pretty sure most of the people he “covers” are just mentally disabled people who struggle to defend themselves or explain things super coherently at a quick pace. He “covers” these people by just pulling them into a call and berating them until they leave or he just gets bored. I have literally never seen him not do it this way.

  • @ghostyexespooky
    @ghostyexespooky Před 3 měsíci +14

    Aw gee I wish I could conveniently forget, all my past actions and harm that I've caused other individuals out there, on the internet, during a time in which I'm being called out for my toxic behavior.

  • @obscuredtitan2841
    @obscuredtitan2841 Před 3 měsíci +9

    I think this whole ordeal is such a complete mess. Even if Crystal Flame did some wrong doings (which is a bit of a stretch, even when Queen Serafina talked to her and trusted Crystal's judgment when discussing it in Cope and Seethe's live stream. Sera was clearly perplexed by the mess, and I can't blame her), Lio also had his own wrong doings to answer. It's gonna take more than just saying you're sorry to make up for it.
    Asides from it, It didn't have to come to this. I wanted some actual accountability done, not cancellation. But they chose this, and I can't stand by Lio and Eren anymore.

  • @TrishaElric7
    @TrishaElric7 Před 3 měsíci +25

    Sliding in to catch TF up after work, im HERE for this update~
    Also, 40:28 best reaction to the news, but a warning for headphones users 😅

    • @PrinceXzae
      @PrinceXzae Před 3 měsíci +7


  • @avephax
    @avephax Před 3 měsíci +14

    The Peach has truly fallen today.
    Also Puar Supremacy

  • @doodler16
    @doodler16 Před 3 měsíci +12

    2:44:32 badass advice fr!! Sometimes guys you gotta stick it to the man.

  • @AshteriskWorks
    @AshteriskWorks Před 3 měsíci +13

    wow she really just nuked everything
    didn't she participate in running Sonic93 off of YT? cause if so this is hilarious

  • @unstablemexican88
    @unstablemexican88 Před 3 měsíci +11

    i wish people did fortnite dance videos over peaches crying. that would be funny

  • @webbedharbor7823
    @webbedharbor7823 Před 3 měsíci +12

    Smoking that peach pack 🗣️

  • @okaycoyote689
    @okaycoyote689 Před 3 měsíci +7

    Me before all of this: Yeah the dogpiling was a bit much. He didn't need 5000 videos on him.
    Me now: The cats should've piled on too.
    I hope Eren gets genuine help but uh 🎉🎉🎉 YIPPEE!!!!!

  • @Timidogbumpstudio
    @Timidogbumpstudio Před 3 měsíci +11

    Heres a list of people known to be apart of the fck server (might not be all)
    Nessy monster
    Mr madlibs
    Miss zizi
    Toby majestic
    Thenames junkie
    Fusha butters
    Just a robot (so when he made the spoctor video…)
    Hopeless peaches (we know)
    Teddy that draws
    Manga kamen
    Mimi diggz
    Toasty vanilla(of course)
    Ls mark (most surprising)
    Ben the looney
    One man show ofd
    Chaos 55T
    Doodletones (kumo didn’t mention her at the start)
    Spoctor (hasn’t been confirmed but he was the first to point out toastys antics so either he was here or this wasn’t the only toasty server)
    (So yeah all these people likely know)

    • @SelenoPrince
      @SelenoPrince Před 3 měsíci +2

      there are some that are innocent like dumbsville bc he never participated in that group and some of them were minors

    • @Timidogbumpstudio
      @Timidogbumpstudio Před 3 měsíci +1

      @@SelenoPrince yes its just a list of people but .. i hate to break it to you if he was in the server and didnt call it out he’s complicit

    • @SelenoPrince
      @SelenoPrince Před 3 měsíci +1

      @@Timidogbumpstudio agreed. but then again he did say that he never participated ie “joined”, was just invited. i could be wrong tho

    • @Timidogbumpstudio
      @Timidogbumpstudio Před 3 měsíci +2

      @@SelenoPrince id agree but he’s a adult in a server were bad stuff happened to minors in that situation unless he left instantly after joining he knows what happened, so I’m hesitant to say anyone involved is really innocent like right now we can’t really just blanket say this persons innocent.
      Keep in mind we don’t have the server logs and again literally everyone should know at least of the situation (since its a commentary server there was likely evidence to help write lists (since slimurses age was said a lot its pretty likely it was on there)
      Granted its innocent until proven guilty so if you believe hes innocent thats ok im just hesitant to say he is

    • @ceasarcatsalad14
      @ceasarcatsalad14 Před 3 měsíci +6

      Lsmark was literal a child when he was in that server
      Also he was being actively groomed by cosmodore and forced into silence already
      It isn't surprising, he was a victim to another grooming situation

  • @sanamoon3245
    @sanamoon3245 Před 3 měsíci +22

    A stream from Xzae leaves you in a great mood for the rest of the day! Seriously got the YT notification when leaving school, now I'm going to be in a great mood all day 😆🍿
    Also accidentally skipped ahead but as an atheist, we don't want him! Send him to the aliens or something. 🙄🖐 (I'm having a kick because people are going "As an 'Insert religious belief here', we don't want him here. Send his animal crossing hands to so-and-so" 😭)

    • @a.j.1647
      @a.j.1647 Před 3 měsíci +6

      As a member of the animal crossing community. we humble do not accept Lio into our ranks. Please send him to the Hell Divers. The democracy can shape him into shape.

  • @LatterDayPup
    @LatterDayPup Před 3 měsíci +13

    All I think when I hear Peaches crying is this czcams.com/video/0J_B-2DQF0w/video.htmlfeature=shared

  • @VicMeep
    @VicMeep Před 3 měsíci +3

    14:19 Months ago I was window shopping and put those dragon balls on my wishlist while struggling to find the blue black star Dragon Balls from GT. I found em yesterday and I'm totally planning on buying them, hopefully for my birthday.
    Rip to that legend 😢 also this hopeless peaches thing is so out of left field, I always thought she was a good person wanting to help people.

  • @imthatfurry
    @imthatfurry Před 3 měsíci +7

    Just started watching this but it appears her YT channel is gone

  • @chesecak3
    @chesecak3 Před 3 měsíci +4

    " UR WRONG 😡 "

  • @4vtw
    @4vtw Před 3 měsíci +8

    all these acc people need to get a job so i can actually understand their mic quality

  • @GlassMelon
    @GlassMelon Před 3 měsíci +2

    I know you’re not the oldest in the art commentary “community “ but you’re maturing so fast that it doesn’t matter. Keep up the good work.

  • @princkleminckle1159
    @princkleminckle1159 Před 3 měsíci +6

    9:32 what breed :0

    • @PrinceXzae
      @PrinceXzae Před 3 měsíci +9

      she’s a tabby just like her sister

    • @hir6666
      @hir6666 Před 3 měsíci

      @@PrinceXzaeAww, cute !!

  • @Lovendino411
    @Lovendino411 Před 3 měsíci +17

    I am tired of people using their upbringing to shield from criticisms. I'm also tired of these internet vigilantism stuff and their justifications on why they do it.
    Bunch of hypocrites, really. I've unsubscribed from all of them long ago, specifically when I got recommended a vid from you.
    Lots of good points, streams are entertaining (I hope i can catch one one day, but VODs are still nice), I like the vibe over all.

  • @NaturesxMockery
    @NaturesxMockery Před 3 měsíci +2

    So glad Peaches is gone. They were coddled and protected for far too long and now they can get off their condescending ass and go get help for that vile "mean girl" attitude.

  • @starry-p
    @starry-p Před 3 měsíci +4

    I missed the stream 😔

  • @Mercifxl
    @Mercifxl Před 3 měsíci +3

    I love your laugh man

  • @redballoon9007
    @redballoon9007 Před dnem

    “I say this in the nicest way possible”
    Bro says after saying he didn’t care about what Peaches was going through.
    (I’m not defending Peaches…AT ALL. I just found this one moment a little contradictory.)

    • @PrinceXzae
      @PrinceXzae Před 21 hodinou

      i dont have to care to be nice dumbass

  • @okaywhynot4728
    @okaywhynot4728 Před 2 měsíci

    39:45 when he gets the news that they deleted their channel 💀💀💀

  • @appleseeds4065
    @appleseeds4065 Před 3 měsíci +1

    Damn i missed another one...

  • @dutchrevolutionary
    @dutchrevolutionary Před 3 měsíci

    Thoughts on TND?