The Disappearance of Jay Slater

  • čas přidán 23. 06. 2024
  • From the perspective of Statement Analysis --
  • Zábava

Komentáře • 399

  • @CaitrionaW
    @CaitrionaW Před 6 dny +24

    I think the answer to this is with the two men Jay stayed with the night of the rave. If he had had enough of the rave he could have simply gone back to his digs to crash and straighten up, and there was no mention of an after party having been proposed. He went there, with those guys for a reason and though it all seemed like a good idea at the time I think that by morning he knew that he needed to leave. I’m guessing no one offered to run him to his accommodation so he decided to take the bus/walk. Nor did anyone offer to phone him a taxi. Either way he headed off, and fast if the lady who saw him leaving is to believed. This suggests to me he wanted out of there, away from those two guys and to put distance between himself and them. Maybe something unpleasant happened in the hours between 0300 and 0730, who knows? Maybe he stole something and wanted out of there asap, maybe drugs were bought or sold, maybe something sexual happened, but for one reason or another Jay obviously felt he couldn’t rely on these two or go back to the house once the bus had left and needed to get moving. This may be why he didn’t stick to the main road. Maybe he thought that at some point these guys would come looking for him, again, it’s just a thought. We have all been young, and no one makes the wisest choices when they’re loaded up on booze and pills, but I think the gaining distance from these guys is significant. I believe these men may have come looking for Jay later in the day and found him. They might be the people photographed or seen near the church and if so I think they took him and that from that point on Jay was in trouble. They had a hire car by all accounts and Jay could well be anywhere. Don’t @ me with ‘amateur detective stuff’ I’m just a mum, with her head full of ‘what would it be like to have a son go missing’ ideas, and a recollection of what it is to be young.

    • @myhi892
      @myhi892 Před 3 dny +7

      These are my exact thoughts.

    • @lynny1977
      @lynny1977 Před dnem +3

      Well, I’m hearing I don’t know if it’s the truth, but I’m just saying what I’m hearing, that the two men had this Rolex in the car so I’m wondering if Jay has tried to make a quick getaway with the watch thinking that these guys were asleep or something and they’ve caught up with him, who knows

  • @paulmortal7611
    @paulmortal7611 Před 6 dny +86

    Last year I took my teenage son to the town where Jay was partying. It's like the wild west. Totally lawless. I was raised in Newcastle Upon Tyne and i know how to party but playa de las Americas is like being in ‘Grand Theft Auto’. Lord knows what he has been involved in.

    • @engste678
      @engste678 Před 6 dny +8

      Sounds like it. Met the wrong people..

    • @someoneusa
      @someoneusa Před 6 dny +3


    • @WarrickHunt
      @WarrickHunt Před 6 dny +57

      Paul I’m from Newcastle aswell worked as a dj in many of our underground rave scene dj in kiss affinity ikon hanger 13 the boat all over. I went to Tenerife few years ago and we where getting pills of youngsters selling them just like how Lucy and her mates look one of the lads even had a hat on saying MR DUST wey a bet you can tell what we where buying of him. All the people we bought stuff of where English kids somethings going on with Lucy and her whole crew if you see her instagram she’s having 13 holiday in the past six months to festivals and rave events all over Europe if that doesn’t tell you what she’s up to I don’t know what does

    • @someoneusa
      @someoneusa Před 6 dny +12

      @@WarrickHunt It's crystal clear to those of us in or familiar with the scene. I think most people can pick up substances were involved but not to what extent. Ending up with randoms at festivals is part of the experience, even if you're not supplying, something very specific to raves/festivals. Your average person going out to a club sticks to their crew. At festivals everyone is looked at as family-ish.

    • @WarrickHunt
      @WarrickHunt Před 6 dny

      @@someoneusa this Lucy is deffo more then just a flyer girl or trying to get you in to the bar this is what she apperently was doing for four months in Tenerife in 2023 the life style she has is deffo not from wages from doing that job
      Every person trying to get us in there bars asking us if we wanted pills or cocaine all young English lads and lasses lads thinking there gangsters and lasses up there own arses who love themselves it was laughable. As some of us where connected with local dealers in Newcastle and seing these youngsters just being open and asking anyone one was mental

  • @teresev1435
    @teresev1435 Před 6 dny +15

    I like to look at the statement from the position of the pronouns.
    I have come on holiday
    I was tired from the weekend.
    I left alone earlier than everyone else because
    I was tired from the weekend.
    I woke up to a phone call.
    He was lost in the mountains.
    He wasn’t aware of his surroundings.
    He desperately needed a drink.
    His phone was on 1%.
    He had met two people on Sunday night and left with them to go to their apartment.
    Their apartment was miles from civilization and in a secluded spot…
    He left at 8am.
    His last location was…
    He has no water.
    He has no coat/suitable clothing.
    I was looking in the middle of the night.
    We are all so worried.
    We just want him home.
    To me it looks like it’s all about her in the beginning; she distances herself completely from Jay. She looked for him all night, she’s the hero, she did everything right and he’s done everything wrong.
    It seems like she judges and blames him for the bind and she sees it that he’s gotten himself into this bind-being missing-she points out how he himself went wrong at every turn
    and then she becomes a sympathetic group of “we …”. We ‘just’ want him home.
    Very, very manipulative girl here.
    Peter, if you or one of your people reads this: do I see a shift in referential index here? My grasp of that concept isn’t the best, but it seems to me she stays mostly in the past and then speaks in present tense.
    Am I right?

  • @SerendipitousSynchronicity

    Bugger. I missed your live again.
    Keep fighting the good fight Peter 🌷

  • @skye1088
    @skye1088 Před 5 dny +20

    Interesting that you mentioned Faucis expression of dupers delight, Matt Hancock (the UK health secretary in 2020) was exactly the same

  • @janedoh123
    @janedoh123 Před 6 dny +21

    Lucy has more holidays than Judith Chalmers

  • @lisabowie4040
    @lisabowie4040 Před 6 dny +17

    I'm in Britain and been WAITING on you or pat brown to discuss this ..thanks so much x

  • @LizzieMc
    @LizzieMc Před 4 dny +8

    I love your channel Peter, especially Madeline McCann analysis . You are amazing👏🇬🇧

  • @SeaShoreAnnie
    @SeaShoreAnnie Před 6 dny +37

    I don’t believe Lucy is guilty of being involved in causing physical harm to Jay but her language appeared to me to be showing that her first priority was self preservation rather than concern for her friends immediate welfare.
    Did she say to Jay “Stay there, I’m coming to get you?” Then what changed her mind? She did not go & get him, she phoned the police. A thought she had resulted in her not going to find her friend who was distressed.
    Personally, I would have driven up there & if I couldn’t find him then I would call the police. She then set up a Go Fund me so was her priority creating a story & money? I don’t know. Annie

    • @kaelen7331
      @kaelen7331 Před 6 dny +4

      I would have called the police and driven there.

    • @jesclifford88
      @jesclifford88 Před 6 dny +8

      Exactly. It’s common knowledge on the streets of Tenerife that she’s a big time drug peddler so I’d say she has a vested interest in finding him before contacting police, if what she says is true…it’s not been verified that she spoke to him and she’s left things out so I’m starting to believe the story of him selling drugs and losing the bag , which has ended up in him being set up by her and dealers and her making up a load of crap to cover it all, while collecting the missed money.

    • @janedoh123
      @janedoh123 Před 6 dny +4

      She’s been saying about the Spanish police “they don’t even speak English “ so how can she claim that she called 911 and reported him missing in the morning after she spoke to him (allegedly) and she said that they told her that they were going to send a helicopter up but she said she spoke to local people where he last was and they didn’t hear any helicopters
      so she speaks fluent Spanish
      Then they kept putting the phone down on her so she got a taxi to the police station!
      She can’t keep her story straight

    • @janedoh123
      @janedoh123 Před 6 dny

      She’s been saying about the Spanish police “they don’t even speak English “ so how can she claim that she called 911 and reported him missing in the morning after she spoke to him (allegedly) and she said that they told her that they were going to send a helicopter up but she said she spoke to local people where he last was and they didn’t hear any helicopters
      so she speaks fluent Spanish
      Then they kept putting the phone down on her so she got a taxi to the police station!
      She can’t keep her story straight

    • @janedoh123
      @janedoh123 Před 6 dny +4

      @@jesclifford88i think it might’ve not quite gone down like that but she obviously has some setup going on in Tenerife and she enrolled jay he looked out of his head on the videos of that night yeah I think he’s lost something and she’s not gonna give the money over to cover the loss
      And she ain’t gonna trust jay to earn it back so he collateral damage and she’s done the go fund me to cover the losses
      At say £20 a thing that’s 600 to make a 30k debt no? Sounds like she’s saving her own skin but she’s outing herself

  • @siobhanmcneenan3253
    @siobhanmcneenan3253 Před 6 dny +13

    Thank you Peter. Love this channel. Greetings from Ireland

  • @lotusflower8
    @lotusflower8 Před 6 dny +26

    Thanks so much, Peter. I appreciate your insight.
    Just an aside... I don't use my real name when I'm on social media. It's a matter of privacy, and it feels safer.

    • @SeaShoreAnnie
      @SeaShoreAnnie Před 6 dny +11

      I think that’s a wise decision. These days the internet can be a very dangerous place & I think any steps to protect yourself can only be a good thing. I use my middle name only & always have done. I think we can all see that there are some real crazies who lurk in comments & they can get nasty at the simplest disagreement. They clearly haven’t learned that disagreements are normal & actually very healthy when used in the right way.

    • @PeterHyatt
      @PeterHyatt  Před 6 dny +9

      I was only referring to analysts. You’ll notice that several are usually present for the live videos. They all use their real names and work in a team setting on law enforcement cases.
      It’s fine that you don’t.

    • @lotusflower8
      @lotusflower8 Před 6 dny +4

      Oh, of course, as in a professional capacity.
      I've heard you mention it each livestram, and I misunderstood the meaning.
      Thank you for your response and clarification.

  • @dewebdal6419
    @dewebdal6419 Před 6 dny +34

    With his 1% he could have sent his exact location and wait there for help to come

    • @WarrickHunt
      @WarrickHunt Před 6 dny +15

      And a snap chat video of a 360 of his surroundings

    • @badinfluence3814
      @badinfluence3814 Před 6 dny +4

      He could have done, but that he didn't doesn't mean anything at all.

    • @kezzokav5905
      @kezzokav5905 Před 6 dny +7

      Why are you expecting him to be coherent enough to problem solve like that? He had been raving for days, had minimum sleep, was very likely dehydrated before setting off on the journey, and was likely still under the influence when he thought walking 10 hours would be a good idea.

    • @janedoh123
      @janedoh123 Před 6 dny +2

      That’s what made me think it was odd he sent a screenshot of his location ( only reason I could think that a screenshot would be sent whist on 1% is to edit it to take out the metadata and the time and date from the screenshot) she didn’t even explain why he phoned her she didn’t say he wanted me to get help to find him and the half finished sentence about go back to where you were and I will come and get you! Well he didn’t know where that was but obviously Lucy knew where it was or how could she offer to get him if he went off with two friends that she didn’t know or where it was

    • @WarrickHunt
      @WarrickHunt Před 6 dny +9

      @@janedoh123 exactly i said this from start plus she said she found the house from jays snap chat photo of the stairs and plant pot lol he didn’t know where he had been or where he was so how did she know the house was in the town it was

  • @janedoh123
    @janedoh123 Před 6 dny +17

    Notice that the location screenshot from jay to Lucy is not showing up as him in the contact circle showboat on the map
    Obviously this was not a live location but it is not showing the time and date or network and battery life which would be there on a screenshot if you took a screenshot of your location
    Try it out yourself
    Why would he have time to crop it all out on 1%
    She also tells ( me anyway) that she knows where ( or is unknowingly revealing that she knew the people who he went with) to pick him up from and told him to go back there even though she asked for his location and it shows he’s in the middle of a field almost).
    She is up to her neck in this and she is trying to save her own life potentially

    • @tallula5164
      @tallula5164 Před 5 dny +7

      it truly makes me believe the police investigating are corrupt, as lucy’s phone exposed alot of her inconstancies. they can access the sound information of her call with jay and see what was said, they can see that she called him and not her calling him, they can see her location for months previously and see when she left the rave and where she went, see that her evidence provided for jays location is missing the battery percentage at the top and doesn’t even look like his phone took the screenshot. even see her involvement with dealing drugs. like???

    • @alextomlinson
      @alextomlinson Před 3 dny

      @@tallula5164it’s possible that Brad knows what has happened

  • @StephanieSoressi
    @StephanieSoressi Před 5 dny +8

    His phone was 1%? Did he tell her that? I have never had a phone that would not shut down before it reached 1%, and that charge certainly would not last for their conversation, so she is lying or he lied to her.
    The Go Fund Me makes me wonder if he has gone into hiding so they can run a scam, but otherwise, for some reason her statement reminds me of the guy whose football buddies died in his backyard, drugs having made them pass out when outside in winter. Maybe I am just picking up on a guilty knowledge kind of thing.
    I never realized how much deception goes on; I never even used to wonder if I was being lied to, and therefore have been quite vulnerable, trusting untrustworthy people. I do believe you have even helped me be safer in the world. I cannot thank you enough for that.

  • @userJ1J123
    @userJ1J123 Před 6 dny +48

    So glad you said that about the mother. She's clearly grieving and is terrified of discovering that her son has died. Awful people online trolling her is disgusting.

    • @donnaharlow4608
      @donnaharlow4608 Před 6 dny +3

      Absolutely shocking, some of the comments are sickening. Whatever she does she’s damned

    • @userJ1J123
      @userJ1J123 Před 6 dny +3

      @@donnaharlow4608 Exactly. She's a distraught mother. Leave her alone.

    • @zarasmith2377
      @zarasmith2377 Před 6 dny


    • @fozzydare7987
      @fozzydare7987 Před 6 dny


  • @martieboutens5131
    @martieboutens5131 Před 2 dny +7

    hopfully you read this comment, there is a new (strange late info) interview with a friend of Jay Slater who after 12 days suddenly tells in a interview that he recieved snapshots from Jay after he was missing the first night..hopefully you want to analyze that interview
    Thank you

  • @EvilGia1
    @EvilGia1 Před 6 dny +9

    A friend of mine went missing on the island of madeira around the same time of year. Same weather and simular landscape. It never even made local news. He was never found and they never found his body. Upon doing some research i was amazed to find out how many tourists go missing from accidents usually falling off the cliffs and going into the sea every year and are just never found. Very sad but happens very regularly unfortunately.

    • @em9316
      @em9316 Před 3 dny +3

      Sorry to hear that happened to your friend.
      After Michael Mosley I notice there has been recent reporting in the media about other missing tourist in the Greek islands. It must happen all the time but was never extensively reported until it was someone “news worthy”.

  • @ethers666
    @ethers666 Před 6 dny +13

    None of that storytelling needed to be on the GFM page. Just that he had gone missing and the reason she wanted to raise the funds, eg. For help to search for the family to fly out, to pay for flyers or posters to be printed, yet she chose to highlight her own movements in that night.

    • @wattage2007
      @wattage2007 Před 6 dny +5

      Indeed. Getting her alibi straight from the word go.

  • @susan-hp5id
    @susan-hp5id Před 5 dny +8

    Why did we have to read Lucy's alibi before we found out a man is missing? What is her first priority? Herself.

    • @pooooornopigeon
      @pooooornopigeon Před 5 dny +2


    • @susan-hp5id
      @susan-hp5id Před 5 dny +2

      @@pooooornopigeon IF she was a true friend, she'd tell LE everything so there'd be the best chance of finding him. Reminds me of Sebastian's mom and dad, leaving out details in order to cover themselves. Lots of fig leaves.

  • @markvega5036
    @markvega5036 Před 6 dny +47

    I cant believe how he's being presented as an angel when he's a thug. Nor do I get why his mother needs £30k from a Go Fund me. Its not like the police charge for the search.

    • @janedoh123
      @janedoh123 Před 6 dny +15

      No Lucy started the go fund me the mother wasn’t even mentioned in the post, i think Lucy jumped on the bandwagon for what the money was for and there’s conflicting information on the length of time he was missing and i don’t understand why she’s not been interviewed at length by the police
      The mother was in the police station yesterday for 8 hours ( the mother said that) to update her on the search 8 hours sounds more like for an official interview otherwise she would be getting updates from the police at her residence in Tenerife

    • @blu4085
      @blu4085 Před 6 dny +6

      None of searchers or police force or any volunteers can be paid. This is not the U.S.

    • @kezzokav5905
      @kezzokav5905 Před 6 dny +5

      I don't see anyone painting him as an 'angel'. It's the complete opposite. Does a previous conviction mean that he deserved to die?

    • @Queen_-gg5jn
      @Queen_-gg5jn Před 6 dny

      ​@@janedoh123wtf you on about!!!!

    • @Queen_-gg5jn
      @Queen_-gg5jn Před 6 dny +1

      P off .

  • @CTID
    @CTID Před 6 dny +7

    How does she know he left with 2 ppl if she had already left? Red flag..

  • @WarrickHunt
    @WarrickHunt Před 6 dny +10

    The thing that sticks out to me is where she says she was tired from the weekend looking at her instagram reel she looks like she’s a hard party animal still dancing away in Ibiza sunset parties . It’s not something she would not be used to being up all night and day partying

  • @danidh7654
    @danidh7654 Před 6 dny +24

    What if Jay overdosed and the ''friends'' got scared of being accused of his death because they supplied the drgs and therefore got rid of him. Like Joran van der sloot probably did with Nathalie Holloway on Aruba.

    • @FredaFlynn2008
      @FredaFlynn2008 Před 6 dny +3

      I’m suspicious of those two guys he went with and whether he was drugged and was confused. I mean plenty of men have been drugged with GHB by a stranger unknowingly and either killed or s*xually assaulted. I think Jay must have been under the influence of some kind of drug to have said he’d missed the bus, when in fact it hadn’t left yet, and then deciding to walk back to his hotel. No phone battery, no water and then walking the wrong way. Why on earth he went anywhere with two guys he’d only just met and leaving his friends behind is beyond me. I find it even more strange that from what I gather one was aged 40 and not anywhere near Jays age or his group of friends - just why would he have even considered going with them unless he was under the influence of something as he’d already fallen on the dance floor with a video that was released today. I’m putting my money on those guys having something to do with this and they’d get away with it by letting Jay wander off in the wooded landscape. They definitely need to be questioned further.
      They say their flight was pre booked and not booked just because Jay vanished but predators plan in advance and could have only been there knowing about the festival and preying on vulnerable kids. I don’t like the sound of those guys at all.

    • @EdzashedFudwinkle
      @EdzashedFudwinkle Před 6 dny

      ​@@FredaFlynn2008both guys have spoken with police and are now back in the Uk

    • @LWD60
      @LWD60 Před 5 dny

      Have they checked all around the festival site or just the alleged walk back route ?

    • @squirrel7t7
      @squirrel7t7 Před 5 dny

      He was spotted twice at the bus stop at around the time Lucy said he made the call the morning after the festival. He asked a local what time the bus was due

  • @lucieconnolly3994
    @lucieconnolly3994 Před 4 dny +7

    Apparently Lucy Law had visited Tenerife 17 times this year.? I think the Spanish police know there is more to this than a missing person.

    • @CrimeAuditors
      @CrimeAuditors Před 4 dny

      17 times?!

    • @WilfTompkins5546
      @WilfTompkins5546 Před 4 dny +1

      Perhaps Lucy has made contacts and is a fixer arranger. I did'nt know about Tenerife but an island in Thailand Khao tao has bad things happen to younger people scuba diving and drugs.

    • @sambobrooklyn316
      @sambobrooklyn316 Před 2 dny +2

      @@CrimeAuditors yeah it was all on her Facebook until she took it all down.

  • @terihaynes-yf9jb
    @terihaynes-yf9jb Před 6 dny +11

    Lucy is attempting to remove any accountability. What would a young man want to hang with two old men? The story doesn't add up.

    • @blu4085
      @blu4085 Před 6 dny +1

      Has their age been confirmed`? Cos it would make sense they are plenty older if they stayed in Masca. They were not there for a rave party.

    • @meep_04
      @meep_04 Před 5 dny +1

      while it seems unlikely that he’d leave his friends for two strangers, we was probably heavily intoxicated by alcohol and drugs. it’s not unheard of for people do it on party holidays, however niave it is.

  • @carlyqualters39
    @carlyqualters39 Před 6 dny +13

    I believe Lucy and Brad left Jay alone. I don’t know if you have watched the videos of Jay at the festival and saw how wasted he was. I believe the 2 men were strangers who helped Jay when they discovered he was on his own and possibly in a mess. I find it very suspicious how Brad is not mentioned even tho he was supposedly still with Jay when Lucy left ‘alone’. There’s some voice notes from Brads Mum I would love to see your view on those especially because Lucy claimed to be the last person to speak to Jay on the phone but then Rachel, Brads Mum, claims he was the last to speak to him.

  • @cravenmoorehead8
    @cravenmoorehead8 Před 6 dny +65

    If you're talking about Peter Faulding in the Nicola Bulley case, i think your description of him is wrong. He was up against the Police who did him wrong. They didn't tell him to stay away from the media which is what they would normally do so he went ahead and gave an update. Peter has had to put in complaints to the Chief commissioner etc because of the way he was treated.

    • @SoundSista222
      @SoundSista222 Před 6 dny +22

      💯 and the fact they smeered his reputation and did not include him in inquest was apauling. If I were the Spanish I'd want Lancashire police to stay away from this one too.

    • @cravenmoorehead8
      @cravenmoorehead8 Před 6 dny +13

      @SunflowerPower22 Yes, very appalling. Peter has only ever done the right thing and has on many occasion worked on cases for free. The Police have since apologised for the way he was treated on this case and Peter would be within his right to sue them but probably out of respect to Nicola and the family, he probably won't.

    • @unbearabull
      @unbearabull Před 6 dny +9

      Peter was done dirty.
      Poor guy. Didn't deserve that.

    • @anaseijas3923
      @anaseijas3923 Před 6 dny

      Oh FFS shut up, the man was a shameless idiot 😂

    • @TriTr-gk8bo
      @TriTr-gk8bo Před 6 dny +9

      He should've known to keep his mouth shut to the press for crying out loud. He caused more media speculation and theories than there ever was. Is it you?

  • @aliharris5369
    @aliharris5369 Před 6 dny +9

    "Lucy Mae Law" - so many red flags. Why did she have to "attend?" you go voluntary. to any of these festivals unless u r working there. She is covering herself & establishing an alibi by saying she left alone-uneccesary to say-something happened just then. Internal conflict. His battery gone flat with 1% no water etc....prior Lucy what happened then?

  • @cmtx3195
    @cmtx3195 Před 5 dny +16

    22:40 "A psychic isn't an innocuous person with an opinion, but someone, often with a personality disorder, who believes himself to be more special than anyone else and is predatory in nature " that was brilliant Peter, thanks 😁

  • @MichaelGarland
    @MichaelGarland Před 6 dny +9

    When doing serious harm to others expect reprisals,lay very low for a long time. There is a dark under belly in Tenerife where many would readily accept an envelope to disappear someone without a second thought to fund habits,lifestyle.

  • @eireannhughes5254
    @eireannhughes5254 Před 5 dny +3

    Really really interesting perspective Peter I learned a lot! Thankyou!

  • @sarahwynn6486
    @sarahwynn6486 Před 6 dny +11

    Why does Lucy say she rang 911 ?? She’s been to Spain numerous times . The emergency number in Spain is 112 even I know that and I’ve only been once in my life .

  • @snoozygirl468
    @snoozygirl468 Před 5 dny +4

    It struck me as odd that Jay’s mum didn’t say Lucy’s name or refer to her as Jay’s friend. She talks about the call the ‘ last person he made contact with’. Her volume lowers and her voice almost trails off too. Struck me that she didn’t see Lucy as a close friend or didn’t know her well or didn’t like her. Seemed very distancing language to me.

  • @user-ob5jk6wz6w
    @user-ob5jk6wz6w Před 6 dny +15

    Just a thought,,, what if he was running from someone and in too much of hurry to get out of sight, hence not waiting for the bus in open space .... Just a thought!!.

    • @PeterHyatt
      @PeterHyatt  Před 6 dny +4

      Possible scenario

    • @user-ob5jk6wz6w
      @user-ob5jk6wz6w Před 6 dny

      From Dawn Wilson

    • @blu4085
      @blu4085 Před 6 dny

      Please, take a look at a video from Masca, the road to and from Santiago del Teide until Buenavista. The chances of him running anywhere along that mountain road after a whole weekend of partying, i don't think so. Not even healthy hikers will RUN up that road. Bikers will bike but RUN..with a hangover from the whole weekend?..naah..he would have run 10 meters at the most steep uphill. . I would post a link here but content creators are not keen on that, and it is very difficult here to explain where he was last seen; ( he spoke with my friend Ofelia who is the owner of the shop next to the bus stop. note not the only bus stop, but the LAST bus stop if you are on your way toward Buenavista from Santiago del Teide where the bus turns around on a loop route., asking her for the bus time, apparently. Later she saw him WALKING when she was on the way to Buenavista herself and she though, oh the dude is walking in the wrong direction..however, he did not walk in to NOTHING. He walked ALONG THE ROAD(only one road) in order for her to be able to make such an observation. If you go off that road, you down in to ravines and more ravines. UP from the road you would not even want to try because it's all straight horizontal cliff. Why would someone walk in to ravines without houses in a state of thirst with no tel charge? Nah..
      Still the best thing to do is to "take a drive" to Masca via a video. I assure you all that will clear up a lot like..naah..that did not happen.

  • @CristyB66
    @CristyB66 Před 6 dny +2

    Yep, I see an exhausted mother who is thinking 'no, not again', because her son always causes trouble. I am sorry for her.

  • @geraldinebyrne8560
    @geraldinebyrne8560 Před 6 dny +12

    The timeline is wrong Lucy says she had a call from Jay at 8.30am who was lost without water and phone about to die However the woman from the village saw Jay at 8.50am walking through the village Something is amiss

    • @jesclifford88
      @jesclifford88 Před 6 dny +1

      He’s also been caught on camera in the evening of the Monday in a town a couple of miles away 🤔 seems he had many chances to get help, charge his phone etc but hasn’t. His instagram has also been accessed 🤷🏼‍♀️

    • @kezzokav5905
      @kezzokav5905 Před 6 dny +1

      @@jesclifford88 According to who?

    • @wattage2007
      @wattage2007 Před 6 dny

      @@kezzokav5905 The family claimed his accounts have been "hacked." Very convenient.

  • @CH-ck2si
    @CH-ck2si Před 6 dny +2

    Yes, these are beneficial! I love watching them, and learning, and I want to take formal training!

  • @BassBoss101
    @BassBoss101 Před dnem +1

    Peter you were right again! There's footage of a beach fight involving Jay with Lucy the night before he dissapeared. The GoFundMe should cover the cost of the stolen Rolex. I'd swear there's duping delight in that Mother's face!

  • @carlyqualters39
    @carlyqualters39 Před 6 dny +17

    Also how can Lucy give a statement about who Jay left with if she wasn’t there?

    • @blu4085
      @blu4085 Před 6 dny +5

      Maybe he had time to tell her an extended story on the 1% ??
      The whole story is a load of 💩

  • @EvilGia1
    @EvilGia1 Před 6 dny +5

    On a side note i feel covid and lockdown has changed society forever as a whole and not for the better. People are struggling, mental health is poor, people are angry and i see it spilling out onto social media which im guilty of myself at times. Even crimes are getting worse and more women are committing violent crimes than ever before. The world we currently live in is so negative and hateful and were so desensitised to violance and death. The the future of society truly scares me...

    • @PeterHyatt
      @PeterHyatt  Před 6 dny +6

      Hang in there. I think things will improve.

    • @sambobrooklyn316
      @sambobrooklyn316 Před 3 dny +4

      Unfortunately too many people fell for the COVID jabs and now regret their life choice.

  • @Bobbibouchersmumwasright

    Peters techniques have changed my view on the world… not failed me yet..

    • @Camille_Anderson
      @Camille_Anderson Před 21 hodinou

      I agree! But just don't say that Peter is "the devil!!" Lol! Love the name! 🤣🤣👏👏

  • @annegavin5920
    @annegavin5920 Před 6 dny +7

    I think Lucy knew these people she got away but Jay didn't!????

  • @JamesJohnAgar
    @JamesJohnAgar Před 6 dny +12

    Maybe you/someone can clarify, did she already know Jay before leaving the UK as a friend/how close they were or did she meet Jay in Tenerife and then become so called friends? Because to me it looks like she is trying to distance herself & perhaps she may have set him up possibly lead him to Tenerife or even stitch him up at the festival, I can't imagine wanting to leave early if you went all that way for a festival/gig?
    That would be my first question, but with other cases like this their are more questions than answers!

    • @twinmum2600
      @twinmum2600 Před 6 dny +1

      In the UK it's been reported that they went on the holiday together along with another friend.

    • @JamesJohnAgar
      @JamesJohnAgar Před 6 dny

      @@twinmum2600 so who is the other friend since their has been no mention of this other friend in the mainstream media?
      The father is now blaming police & doesn’t believe the police’s theory that he walked off and got lost?

    • @Natasha-gf9gh
      @Natasha-gf9gh Před 6 dny +1

      They met at Creamfields in the UK, last year or the year before, so they did already know each other.

  • @Vandal_Savage
    @Vandal_Savage Před 6 dny +7

    Thanks for the upload. Was wondering about the mothers position regarding her sons behaviour.

  • @dawnysdennumber10
    @dawnysdennumber10 Před 6 dny +14

    He and a group of 7 others, chased and stabbed a young lad 2 yrs ago. Amazingly the lad survived and they all escaped a prison sentence. He was involved with drugs too.

    • @EvilGia1
      @EvilGia1 Před 6 dny +2

      They attacked the boy with a machete

  • @janedoh123
    @janedoh123 Před 6 dny +8

    Lucy’s gone very quiet now anyone else notice that?

    • @millop596
      @millop596 Před 6 dny +3

      Tbh, I’m not surprised. She’s been battered online. She’s probs been told to keep a low profile.

    • @EdzashedFudwinkle
      @EdzashedFudwinkle Před 6 dny +3

      ​@@millop596what by her Bosses

  • @SomewhereOverTheRainbow2023

    There is also a cultural angle here. I think for you as an American it is not as clear cut to try and translate British peoples emotions and body language.

    • @frockabyebabyshabbychic2611
      @frockabyebabyshabbychic2611 Před 6 dny +6

      I fully agree. An English person does not use the English language in the same way an American does- in fact the way language is used varies from county to county. We also are culturally different.

  • @victoriacoomber9899
    @victoriacoomber9899 Před 6 dny +4

    I personally think you need to take into consideration of slight language /dialect differences. I live not very far from where Jay and his family are from. The term 'Baby' for a child is very frequently used, regardless of the age of the person. For example I'm 41 and my 76 year old Mother still calls me her 'baby', as I'm her youngest child. As for the Go Fund Me post, we also need to take into consideration that Lucy is a 19 year old, she has been out partying, most probably very little sleep, or food and an excess of alcohol or possible other substances. She has found herself in a situation that nobody would want to be in, so her thought processing ability under the extreme stress and most possible guilt of thinking what if she didn't leave him, isn't going to be perfect. That is a huge undertaking for anyone, let alone a 19 year old, on what sounds like their first foreign holiday without any parents. As far as I am aware, Jay's mother has stated that the money raised so far is still being held for the time being and that so far they have funded the flights and accommodation themselves. However nobody knows how long this nightmare is going to last, plus then the costs or repatriation of the body if the worst has happened. These days, especially over here, Go Fund Me accounts are made for so many reasons, and very frequently. Personally I'm giving Lucy the benefit of the doubt, she is a 19 year old girl, going through absolute hell, on what should have been a holiday of a lifetime. She was most probably thinking of any way that she could help the family, and this was her way of doing it.

    • @Softcurles
      @Softcurles Před 4 dny +2

      You are correct about local dialect. Term baby is used for the youngest child even when a pensioner in the north of England 😊

    • @amandacarter7740
      @amandacarter7740 Před dnem +2

      YOUR SPOT ON! Im 65 years old the youngest of 9 and all my siblings still say to each other "have you seen the baby lately?"😂

    • @Softcurles
      @Softcurles Před dnem +1

      @@amandacarter7740 🤣🤣

  • @curtisbainbridge727
    @curtisbainbridge727 Před 6 dny +8

    He did find her, have you seen his podcast, he made the police aware on the first day he identified a target, the police said the target was negative, however he was 100% it was a target. If the police had allowed his team to dive she would have been found on his first day. I can send you the podcast if you want

    • @squirrel7t7
      @squirrel7t7 Před 5 dny

      He did not find her body. A member of the public found her floating in the river and he RECOVERED her body. If police used the language target was negative it means they did search the spot he identified. Bodies move in water. Do you remember him saying weeks before she was found that he was sure she wasn't in that river? On live TV??

  • @NicolaHouse-vn4em
    @NicolaHouse-vn4em Před 5 dny +4

    What is your read on her tv interview? where she has her back to the camera?

  • @ethers666
    @ethers666 Před 2 dny +4

    I wonder if anyone has seen the latest TV interview with Brad, it seems there were things he said that hadn't been reported, that he recieved a snap chat from Jay saying he was sliding down the mountain.

    • @sambobrooklyn316
      @sambobrooklyn316 Před 2 dny +3

      @@ethers666 the plot thickens, I did notice he looked very happy about it all.

    • @ethers666
      @ethers666 Před 2 dny +1

      @sambobrooklyn316 Yes, I didn't see any worry about his friend at all.

  • @Dabmonger
    @Dabmonger Před 6 dny +8

    I've just noticed that apparently at 9.04am on the Monday the Police in Tenerife were alerted, and Jay’s friend Lucy contacted the British Embassy. From a phone call where a friend has apparently just missed a bus (it seems though that the next bus was at 10am, and maybe he'd just missed the earlier one), got scratched by a cactus, was in a secluded area (even though he'd just missed a bus and had been staying with two guys) and had apparently gotten lost, would most people phone the Police and contact the British Embassy right away? I know however that he said to Lucy that he'd been walking for 30 mins, or something like that, and was thirsty. I mean, he may well just sober up and reorientate himself, or bump into a road or tourist. I'm just wondering how she was able to evaluate the situation as being so serious? I'm NOT trying to be conspiratorial, but I'm just trying to evaluate the whole picture.
    And why didn't Lucy take a taxi to the area immediately. Why was she searching in the dark?!

    • @tallula5164
      @tallula5164 Před 5 dny +6

      I believe, as this video notices, Lucy’s focus is self protection and therefore is concealing information. I believe the fact she chose to escalate to police immediately and not go to the physical location of Jay, shows she knew of a greater danger he was in and would endanger her aswell by going there. Likley of criminal nature

    • @Dabmonger
      @Dabmonger Před 5 dny +2

      I suppose it's all about percentages. Is there more chance than average of criminal activity (other than taking drugs), sure. Can we know what happened? Not at all. Not finding him near the road or near a trail does make this rather mysterious.
      This case is getting a lot of traction just like the Nicola Bulley case. A Scottish guy went missing while camping with friends last year, and there was very little in the media. Don't know whether it's because he was Scot going missing in Scotland, or whether it's because he was neither middle class in a nice part of England nor a guy with a dodgy present or past.

    • @kezzokav5905
      @kezzokav5905 Před 5 dny +1

      In fairness, there was so much coverage about the doctor who got lost in Greece and died from dehydration so maybe she realised how dangerous it was for him to be out there.

    • @Dabmonger
      @Dabmonger Před 5 dny +4

      Yeah, that could well have crossed her mind. I myself though would've taken a taxi immediately to the area, whether I phoned for help or not.

    • @kezzokav5905
      @kezzokav5905 Před 5 dny

      @@Dabmonger I read in a paper article that she had done that striaght afterwards and spoke to the 2 men. She found their apartment by the steps seen in J's Snapchat post. So much misinformation flying around though so maybe that's not true.

  • @annegavin5920
    @annegavin5920 Před 6 dny +4

    She feels guilty because she could have helped Jay more she confronted a dangerous situation and subsequently scarpered asap and left Jay behind to face the music

  • @SomewhereOverTheRainbow2023

    The mother encouraged Jay to go on this holiday as she said so herself in the interview.

    • @harpsailorharp6716gg
      @harpsailorharp6716gg Před 6 dny +1

      a normal mother would tho

    • @sarahwynn6486
      @sarahwynn6486 Před 6 dny +3

      Yeah but others say he needed persuading

    • @jesclifford88
      @jesclifford88 Před 6 dny +4

      @@sarahwynn6486you’d only need persuading if you were going to be doing something other than a simple holiday, like maybe drug dealing.

    • @kezzokav5905
      @kezzokav5905 Před 6 dny +1

      @@jesclifford88 Not every human being is the same, sometimes people are not keen to go on holidays for various reasons. It's not a black and white conclusion.

  • @heatherstrigens258
    @heatherstrigens258 Před 6 dny +1

    Good morning Mr. Hyatt ☀️ -
    I haven’t seen your channel for some months now, no particular reason for it, but I was looking forward to seeing you again.
    The subject matter here is certainly compelling and interesting, and I was (still am) determined to understand your perspective. The stylistically unpolished vibe is actually in a way refreshing, and I like it. Right now I’m having trouble deciding how to present my criticism in a constructive if not positive manner. So - here it is; because I’ve not been following the channel, or the story, I am having a hard time following & understanding what you’re referring to and I don’t mind going back to inform myself, but this is a continuation from the previous videos. That’s quite a project.
    I wonder if you’ve considered an editor, and I’m not saying having someone completely revamp your entire video(s). Just a general overview presented to you as guidelines and options that you yourself, and only yourself, apply.
    This is just a thought and I would be so disappointed if the entire feel of your work would change, so please, please understand the intention behind my (rather long - sorry) comment.
    Make this a fantastic day! 🕊️

    • @blu4085
      @blu4085 Před 6 dny

      There is only one previous video on this subject. The disappearance happened a week ago.

    • @SeaShoreAnnie
      @SeaShoreAnnie Před 5 dny +4

      I think an editor would completely ruin the thing most of us come to Mr Hyatt’s channel for which is Statement Analysis spoken authentically & freely.

  • @stefdoe8410
    @stefdoe8410 Před 6 dny +4

    I think people need to lay off the mother. Lucy clearly knows more great point, if she left a rave at 8 p.m., how did she know he left with 2 males if she was in her apartment.

  • @cathrionagriffin1902
    @cathrionagriffin1902 Před 6 dny +2

    Another great video!

  • @LACEY_D
    @LACEY_D Před 6 dny +24

    I’ve heard he was involved in a machete attack in 21 could be why he’s missing

    • @FontaineDerby
      @FontaineDerby Před 6 dny +12

      Jay Slater, 18, of Fountains Way, ACCRINGTON - 18 month community order with 25 days rehabilitation activities and 150 hours unpaid work. Convicted of s18 wounding with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm and violent disorder in August 2023, when he was aged 18. He is now 19.
      Tom Hilton, who was 17 at the time of the attack, suffered a head injury so serious his skull was exposed, and wounds to his shoulders and legs in the attack close to the Old Paper Mill in Hermitage Street, Rishton, in August 2021.
      The Daily Record: Eight thugs who split boy's head open with machete dodge jail
      The teens were slapped with community service after attacking Tom Hilton, who was 17 at the time, with a machete, an axe and a golf club.
      By Rachel Smith Eve Beattie
      19 JUN 2024
      Please compare pictures of the convicted Jay Slater in the Lancashire Post article: Eight handed community and rehabilitation orders over attack 4th August 2023, with any other pictures of missing Jay. It is the same person.
      Tom Hilton, the victim, was jailed for 14 months, disqualified from driving for 25 months and must sit an extended re-test if he wants his licence back. He pled guilty to attempted burglary, theft of a motor vehicle and dangerous driving. Before conviction for these offences, he had 14 convictions for 28 offences.
      The court also heard that on committing these offences on February 12, Hilton was in breach of two community orders which had been imposed on him, one just three days earlier and one in November 2021 which was a two-year order.
      Recorder Timothy Hannam KC said: “You have an awful record for someone of your age.
      “You’ve had a great many chances to change your ways but these offences are so serious that only a custodial sentence is appropriate.
      “This was a prolonged period of bad driving being chased by police. The speeds were terrifyingly high in built up areas. You were lucky the streets were relatively empty."
      Source: Lancashire Telegraph - Rishton teen jailed for stealing car and taking police on 70mph chase
      30th March 2023

    • @WarrickHunt
      @WarrickHunt Před 6 dny

      Fucking bore off man the whole of CZcams has heard about it we don’t need to keep hearing it that’s old news

    • @dmgsoultogetherness6667
      @dmgsoultogetherness6667 Před 6 dny +2

      3yrs later in another country the same time he there on holiday reaching

    • @scrubthesurface
      @scrubthesurface Před 6 dny +9

      Why are the media covering up his past when it could have something to do with it. He almost killed someone's son

    • @CelticSaint
      @CelticSaint Před 6 dny

      @@scrubthesurface Imagine information like a hose pipe with water flowing through it. The media is a big foot pressing down on the pipe allowing only a certain amount of water to pass. They control the narrative and therefore control what people think/believe. 90% of people believe the main stream media without question. It is very powerful.

  • @QuarkTheMagnificent
    @QuarkTheMagnificent Před 6 dny +7

    Peter - there is talk of a great sum of money being owed - could the fundraiser be to service that debt? Something of a 'planned' prank/disappearance for as long as it took? Could his violent past have caught up with him and he ran into his victim or friends of his victim by chance? Could this Lucy in any way be 'connected' to the victim or his friends and might it have been some kind of honey trap to deliver him into their hands. Just a few crazy thoughts and probably completely off-beam.

  • @siobhanmcneenan3253
    @siobhanmcneenan3253 Před 6 dny +3

    Do not trust anyone when you are on holidays
    You dont know anyone and then you bring trouble on yourself

  • @mikeysaint4368
    @mikeysaint4368 Před 2 dny +2

    There are houses and cabins miles from civilisation, but not apartments. If you live in an apartment, then you live in a building (or buildings) with other apartment dwellers, and where there are apartments there is an infrastructure - roads, paths, utilities, and probably somewhere for those people to shop and get petrol/gas. Also, how was she privy to this information? Did these "people" simply state "Hey, we live in an apartment, miles from civilisation"? That would be a very off-putting statement coming from strangers.

  • @aliharris5369
    @aliharris5369 Před 6 dny +3

    Go Fund Me - nothing is said about who or what that funding is for & she must be accountable with public money

  • @midgeymidge9403
    @midgeymidge9403 Před 18 hodinami +1

    I cannot agree more with Peter with regard to his opinion on 'psychics'. I would go further and say these con artists should be prosecuted for preying on grieving and otherwise vulnerable people.

  • @AlicinChristensen
    @AlicinChristensen Před 6 dny +2

    Enjoy your analysis and look forward to each video -- thank you!

  • @user-gi2sl7lu3u
    @user-gi2sl7lu3u Před 5 dny +2

    I did 12 years in forensic mental health nursing. I saw trauma every single day. I became immune to it. In my normal day to day life, I had people say that I had a swinging brick for a heart because I didn’t react like others around me to trauma. No panic, just calm and logical in my thoughts. People misread me

  • @naturalworld7619
    @naturalworld7619 Před dnem +1

    Greetings from Ireland Peter. I find your videos very educational as I’ve always been very interest in human behavior and I have been following you for a few years.
    Would you mind if I shared this particular video on Facebook please?

  • @XeroFriction
    @XeroFriction Před 5 dny +2

    "I left alone, earlier than everyone else."
    Lucy may have left alone, but connected with someone or others after 'leaving alone.' She left - alone. But, did she remain alone?
    And who, and how many, is 'everyone else?' Is this everyone else as in EVERYONE? Every single other person at the festival? Surely not. Did nobody leave before Lucy? Not a single person at the festival left before Lucy? Surely somebody did.
    Since she is declaring she left, alone, before everyone else, it seems to suggest she has some folks in mind - specific folks.
    Is Lucy leaving 'alone' simply Lucy leaving first? Only to later be joined by everyone else? 2 minutes later? 2 hours later?
    Who and how many is this 'everyone else?'
    Because I was 'tired,' she said. Being tired is an almost daily response to the question: "Hey. What's wrong? You ok?" ... "Yeah. I'm just tired." ... When, in fact, the person is not ok at all because, say, he is worried or mad.
    I'd love to hear any thoughts.

  • @kezzokav5905
    @kezzokav5905 Před 6 dny +4

    Yeeeeh another Peter Hyatt video!! This makes me happy :)

  • @lorraine.bernardettehoole7743

    I'm wondering if they were involved in dealing drugs, and this would be something Lucy would be afraid to admit, especially in a foreign country where the police are going to crack down and she may end up in a Spanish Prison

  • @BedCrimeStories
    @BedCrimeStories Před 5 dny +1

    I learn so much from you. Would love to have a live conversation with you one of these days on my channel.

  • @Legendlarge
    @Legendlarge Před 4 dny +2

    its very interesting watching your videos, do you think we will receive more statements from Lucy, family or other parties involved. There has also been a lot of speculation his friend brad had spoken to him the morning prior to him going missing. Does anyone have any receipts on brad?

  • @cathyhughes6054
    @cathyhughes6054 Před 2 dny +1

    I really think the go fund me page going up straight away caused a lot of suspicion in this case .Thats why people are judging this family. All i can say is God love them they must be utterly devastated. I just pray their son Jay is found ❤

  • @blu4085
    @blu4085 Před 6 dny +3

    I think the mother may be trying to white wash her son a bit with the word baby also, considering his past. She want's her pure lovely little baby boy back , the one that never caused any trouble.

  • @65cavern
    @65cavern Před 5 dny +1

    Hi, Peter
    What do you think of the 25/50/25 principle in her (Lucy) statement

  • @siobhanmcneenan3253
    @siobhanmcneenan3253 Před 6 dny +11

    Searchers are only human too. I am sceptical of Jay Slater after reading bout his evil history on yt

  • @donnaharlow4608
    @donnaharlow4608 Před 6 dny +7

    I can’t help but want to give Jays mum a voice. The comments I’ve read today are off the scale cruel.
    If she stays away from the search because it’s safest, she’s wrong,if she stays at the Airbnb she’s heartless. She’s scamming the go fund me and then why hasn’t she set one up? It’s constant. She’s damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t

    • @Richard_Straker
      @Richard_Straker Před 6 dny

      Those sorts of comments are left by a small proportion of terminally online losers and conspiracist edgelords. Just disregard them.

    • @pooooornopigeon
      @pooooornopigeon Před 5 dny


    • @donnaharlow4608
      @donnaharlow4608 Před 5 dny

      @@pooooornopigeon ?

    • @pooooornopigeon
      @pooooornopigeon Před 5 dny

      @@donnaharlow4608 Try wondering why a gofundme was set up almost immediately ? Also what a coincidence Lucy allegedly set up a £15K gofundme for Ryan Cooney and then he popped up having been beaten up etc...... Hmmmmmm

    • @pooooornopigeon
      @pooooornopigeon Před 5 dny +1

      @@donnaharlow4608 I did reply but it was deleted, use your critical thinking skills, it smells fishier than my socks.

  • @ForkCandle123
    @ForkCandle123 Před 6 dny +6

    I can't / won't comment on the mother or on Lucy. But Jay having bought cigarettes early in the morning but no water from the shop was strange... Especially with him apparently soon afterwards embarking on a long trek. I don't know if there was any one else involved or not, though. That will still all be being investigated by those on the ground.

    • @Richard_Straker
      @Richard_Straker Před 6 dny

      He's very likely a simpleton hedonist who regularly made appalling decisions prior to this final one.

    • @blu4085
      @blu4085 Před 6 dny +2

      He could have drank ten gallons of water from the tap in the house.( Best quality water on the whole island) He could also have returned to the house after finding out he had another hour and a half to wait. Why didn't he? Was he asked to leave the house? And Ofelia whom he asked for the bus time, actually owns the shop right by the bus stop, he could have gotten plenty to drink there, sit down in the shadow and just wait for the bus.

    • @Richard_Straker
      @Richard_Straker Před 6 dny

      @@blu4085 - Yeah, but he didn’t because he was a young fool buzzing off his tits on gear. There’s no Grand Conspiracy, just another unremarkable death of a teenage hedonist. Good luck finding the carcass in such a vast space.

  • @cricticalthinking
    @cricticalthinking Před 5 dny +2

    Why would you leave early without making sure your friends were OK and safe?
    By saying that his phone was only on 1% is she trying to convey that her conversation with Jay was very short and therfore would not contain much information that would be of use?
    Another point about the 1% phone charge . Given his lost in rural setting a phone would use a lot of power trying to establish a signal and even at 2 or 3% based on the health of the battery would quickly go dead upon initiation of a phone call, seconds rather than minutes. Did he contact the police did she?

  • @michaeljones1445
    @michaeljones1445 Před 6 dny +9

    So the story has changed from that he went to an Apartment to party, and missed a bus at 10am, to that he went for a walk in the mountains....called his friend at 830am, then his mum flew out at 9am.....a whole hour before he missed the bus...makes absolutely no sense.....the mother didn't shed a single tear, I'd be a snotty mess.

    • @WarrickHunt
      @WarrickHunt Před 6 dny

      The mother received a call tuesday morning 2am saying to come out from Spanish police what I want to know is when did she find out her son was missing surely Lucy contacted a family member I would have been out there the same day not the day after

  • @Toni-dj9ue
    @Toni-dj9ue Před 6 dny

    Jay was probably still under the influence and dehydrated when he made the decision to walk back to his accommodation. He would have become disoriented and confused due to being dehydrated, then possibly fallen. Injury and dehydration have probably caused his death.
    Dr Michael Mosely died in similar cicumstances in Greece. He was an intelligent competent person and not under the ifluence.
    Thanks again Peter for your always interesting and informative videos. You always give food for thought.

  • @diquadhumungersaur492
    @diquadhumungersaur492 Před 3 dny +2

    the go fund me was cashed in at £36k

  • @heatherstrigens258
    @heatherstrigens258 Před 6 dny +1

    Me again - I just posted a comment suggesting a bit of an edit here and there. After returning to the video, which is about ending, I immediately found a big, clear example of my critique. When you’re responding to comments I’m very interested to hear what you have to say, but although I want to, I cannot read what you’re responding to, because it’s not on the screen. It’s so frustrating. Yes I could pause you and search through the comments, but I’m not just sitting here. I’m doing the things that need doing. I get frustrated. What are you doing? You are far too intelligent and seemingly thorough to miss this. I’m sorry I sound annoyed. But I am annoyed.
    I still really like and respect you and your work. And I sure hope that your hard core fans are gentle.

    • @teresev1435
      @teresev1435 Před 6 dny +3

      Heather, I don’t know if this is the issue, maybe I’m wrong.
      This post you made is in the “comments” section.
      When Peter is “live,” there is a section titled “live chat,” that’s where they’re working from and typing back and forth, not here in the comments section.
      You may have to goof around to find it. You should be able to toggle between “live chat” and “comments.” You should see two dots in the box-it’s hard to explain without being in the room with you.
      Maybe pull up a CZcams on how to participate in a live chat on CZcams?
      Anyway, stay in “live chat” during the live video as that’s where Peter is working from.
      Maybe I’m confused and don’t understand why you’re frustrated.
      These live sessions should be fun.
      I hope this helps🙂

  • @WarrickHunt
    @WarrickHunt Před 6 dny +5

    Peter serious question and for anyone else in law or policing do you think the police will be investigating her Lucy behind the scenes as the search is going on . Do you think there investigators will be looking at this statement in go fund me aswell ?

    • @PeterHyatt
      @PeterHyatt  Před 6 dny +9

      Yes, to both.

    • @WarrickHunt
      @WarrickHunt Před 6 dny +3

      @@PeterHyatt thanks for the reply. I think this is what most people won’t realise that everything people think about what she’s said won’t be going unnoticed by police .
      When she said she went home early ALONE surely the police have asked and where is home what time did you arrive home and checked cctv or with reception etc. it’s been 7 days surely by now if she was up to anything the police would have pulled her in and have they verified she was telling truth about going home early etc we just don’t know

    • @WarrickHunt
      @WarrickHunt Před 6 dny +5

      @@PeterHyatt if I was a police officer I would be looking at her pattern of travel bank details looking in to how she affords all the travel she does getting her phone records etc etc they are more then likely doing the same. She might not be involved in him going missing but she’s definitely hiding something else about herself to not get in serious trouble over something totally unrelated

    • @jesclifford88
      @jesclifford88 Před 6 dny +3

      @@WarrickHuntshe peddles drugs according to the word on the streets 😅

    • @EdzashedFudwinkle
      @EdzashedFudwinkle Před 6 dny +1

      ​@@WarrickHuntI believe her phone has clues as to what's happened.
      As of her phoning 911 and not 112, that's sus AF also.

  • @springchicken893
    @springchicken893 Před 6 dny +4

    Maybe he is somewhere hiding and is embarrassed to come out after he caused so much aggravation.

    • @blu4085
      @blu4085 Před 6 dny +1

      My husband and i have been thinking of that possibility also, that he is hiding somewhere, and the story will develop as from when he makes an appearance again. ( Nobody can hide forever in Tenerife. It's an Island after all. Many have tried, it never works out in a finite space surrounded by a huge body of water. ) I gather that Jay is not the type to want to stay inside and live and "invisible" life either.

  • @reallythere
    @reallythere Před 6 dny +1

    I missed the live. I meant to say this reminded me of young Kiely Rodney, who was found in her submerged vehicule in Truckee. She had been abandoned by her girlfriend, while intoxicated, and in the company of unknowned individuals.

  • @em9316
    @em9316 Před 3 dny +1

    I think whatever has happened to him is no more than an accident but that Lucy and perhaps his mother are being disingenuous about the reason he was there and what he was doing. The public have picked up on something being “off” , but perhaps that is being extrapolated into more than it actually is with all these wild theories we are seeing about gangland hits etc.

  • @rumplestiltskin1511
    @rumplestiltskin1511 Před 15 hodinami

    If my memory serves me, I thought the police had told him there was no need to search the area where her body went on to be found. And he also said in an interview that his equipment wouldn’t be able to locate a body in the rushes ( where she was found) because of all the bulrushes etc that go there.

  • @seanmwh
    @seanmwh Před 3 dny +1

    I think the bits she is leaving out is the drug taking which is understandable, maybe she gave him some drugs and feels she can’t say that to the cops. It’s awful I don’t think people are being fair with this poor mum people are wishing this poor young guy dead, and are fixated on there theories despite the evidence. Maybe Lucy has been involved in knocking out drugs which most don’t have a problem with but on obviously with what has happened to Jay if she admits that she might get arrested she is only a youngster herself, it’s not as if it is going to help the guy now

  • @lynny1977
    @lynny1977 Před dnem +1

    Can we get your thoughts next on Brad‘s interview?

  • @WarrickHunt
    @WarrickHunt Před 5 dny +1

    Does anybody know the exact time and date the go fund me was set up please

  • @marniep4332
    @marniep4332 Před 19 hodinami

    My feeling is that he has been disappeared somewhere high up in the mountains & may never be found.

  • @tallula5164
    @tallula5164 Před 5 dny +1

    Jay slater has a public instagram account constantly showing his drug use back to 2021 with his group of road man friends. even prior to his involvement with gangs and his violent offence, his mum would of known about him using drugs at 16. which fits what you say about the struggle with him and his mum

  • @IWTBF
    @IWTBF Před 4 dny +2

    25:09 the lad is a wrongen who done harm to people before

  • @WilfTompkins5546
    @WilfTompkins5546 Před 4 dny +1

    How did Lucy know Jay left with two men if she left earlier. Lucy certainly has more to tell. Words are everything. I wonder what is her background. Thankyou.

  • @aliharris5369
    @aliharris5369 Před 6 dny +2

    The Spanish Police know the area,language & are very thorough- they also appear to know "Lucy" but have no time for her, although they have interviewed her. If Jay was in Masca he could have gone just 1.5 hours to Santiago de Teide just 1.5 hours down Masca main road. Lucy is known to the Spanish Police.

    • @janedoh123
      @janedoh123 Před 6 dny

      @@aliharris5369 I’m curious about this any link to the information please

  • @protect_our_children
    @protect_our_children Před 2 dny

    This lad has clearly gone on holiday and tried to act gangster and told people he got away with attempted murder. Someone showed him what real murderers do, and how to get away with it.

  • @diquadhumungersaur492
    @diquadhumungersaur492 Před 3 dny +1

    we are basically domesticated livestock.

  • @UberFubar75
    @UberFubar75 Před 6 dny +3

    Knowing the drug world as I do from past experience, I think there was probably a fight and Lucy has ran. Judging from your analysis, Peter, I think violence took place and she knows this and bounced as soon as it kicked off!

    • @PeterHyatt
      @PeterHyatt  Před 6 dny +2

      It’s possible.

    • @onewomanandherdog5219
      @onewomanandherdog5219 Před 4 dny

      Maybe she made herself scarce when the 2 guys arrived and that's why she goes to such great pains to say she left because she was tired?

  • @chelletic6787
    @chelletic6787 Před 6 dny +3

    the lady he met and had asked when the bus was due , why didn’t he ask her for help ?

    • @kezzokav5905
      @kezzokav5905 Před 6 dny +2

      Cuz he'd been raving fro 3 days straight. He was hardly coherent enough to problem solve or be proactive with his safety.

    • @blu4085
      @blu4085 Před 6 dny +2

      It would have been a fantastic idea, I know Ofelia, and she for sure would have helped.

  • @suzannewhyman
    @suzannewhyman Před 6 dny +2

    Why does Lucy write she has come to attend and not she came and attended? Is this distancing? Disassociation?

    • @randomhumanoidblob4506
      @randomhumanoidblob4506 Před 3 dny

      There's no nice way to say this, but they're all functionally illiterate. People who are unfamiliar with written language will adopt their impression of "proper" and it appears as this over-worded cod-formal because their familiarity with written language is fairly restricted to legalese in some form. Not necessarily criminal - think of contracts, leases etc. They don't employ written language (beyond the abomination which is text-speak) so their statements tend to follow the over-complicated form which we differentiate from ordinary written communication. It's the modern version of copying the posh people to try and hide the fact we're plebs, but to anyone already familiar it just stands out even more.
      And I feel like an arsehole saying it cos I think it's very easily explained by sheltered urban kid having no idea that tipping out into a volcanic scrub landscape at altitude is a whole other bunny from tipping out in their usual urban environment. He was ignorant of the dangers not only of the terrain but also his own reserves, how depleted they would be and how fast that can get you in trouble. I really don't mean it unkindly but I doubt he had any idea that altitude, exposure, dehydration and all the rest were even a thing. I hope the poor kid decided to try and shelter from what would have been blistering sun and wind-chill, say under an overhang or crevice and his BP floored. At least it would be quick.