Microsoft Ruined Windows

  • čas přidán 9. 09. 2024
  • Stop leaving yourself vulnerable to data breaches. Go to my sponsor to get a 14-day free trial and see if any of your data has been exposed.
    Microsoft is ruining Windows. It just keeps getting worse. Whether it be their insistence on AI and cloud garbage, or just a general sense of incompetence, I can’t help but feel like the operating system has seen better days.
    Normally I wouldn’t care too much, big tech ruins another thing, whatever.
    But the problem is Microsoft has such a dominant market share that you can’t really escape them.
    I guess unless you use a Mac or something I don’t know.

Komentáře • 3,9K

  • @knowledgehusk
    @knowledgehusk  Před měsícem +97

    Stop leaving yourself vulnerable to data breaches. Go to my sponsor to get a 14-day free trial and see if any of your data has
    been exposed.

  • @TechGamesAU
    @TechGamesAU Před měsícem +3899

    Regarding W10 being the ‘last windows’, this wasn’t just a comment from an employee, it was in actual official MS marketing. Their advert video stated ‘your kids will use windows 10 and their kids will use it too’, implying multiple generations of people will use W10.

    • @funbunlol101
      @funbunlol101 Před měsícem +224

      Didn't they say the same thing about windows xp? Although xp is still very much in use

    • @Big-Chungus21
      @Big-Chungus21 Před měsícem +416

      Sounds like they wanted Windows 10 to be similar to MacOS X, which only got small, subtle improvements between updates, but the overall design stayed the same. Would have been nice.

    • @starleaf-luna
      @starleaf-luna Před měsícem +145

      it's true though, your kids' kids will also use Windows 10!
      ...if they don't switch to another OS, that is...
      I highly doubt they'd be running Windows 11, or 12, or whatever their next OS will be.

    • @thatonecookie242
      @thatonecookie242 Před měsícem +5

      commerical name?

    • @Sonic_The_Hedgedog_Reddit
      @Sonic_The_Hedgedog_Reddit Před měsícem +1

      ​@thatonecookie242 It think it's this one
      *Windows 10 - Your Kids Will Love It*

  • @ieatiron
    @ieatiron Před měsícem +902

    I see Windows as a toaster. When the toaster starts asking me to log in, starts taking my personal information, switching button placement, running commercials before letting me start the process, renaming functions that still does the exact same thing, hiding settings behind 7 button presses. All this, only to toast only one side. Then I'm getting a new toaster with a vengeance.

    • @christopher9727
      @christopher9727 Před měsícem

      Romans 6:23
      For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
      Come to Jesus Christ today
      Jesus Christ is only way to heaven
      Repent and follow him today seek his heart Jesus Christ can fill the emptiness he can fill the void
      Heaven and hell is real cone to the loving savior today
      Today is the day of salvation tomorrow might be to late come to the loving savior today
      John 3:16-21
      16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
      Mark 1.15
      15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
      2 Peter 3:9
      The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
      Hebrews 11:6
      6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

    • @Draknfyre
      @Draknfyre Před 29 dny +81

      You forgot one thing: Constantly tries to force you to use its own brand of bread (Edge) and will repeatedly try to throw away any other brand of bread you have in your kitchen and replace it with its own.

    • @dreamingflurry2729
      @dreamingflurry2729 Před 29 dny +18

      And what "other toaster" do you recommend? Because frankly if you say Linux, then I'll scream - loudly! Why? Because in theory Linux is great - in practice however it isn't especially not for a regular user, who uses his computer for work and gaming! If you are a programmer and/or software developer? Then Linux is the best, but most of us aren't! Hell, I have friends who are developers and they use Linux for work, but when they get home (most of them don't want remote work for some IMHO absurd reason, hell I'd kill for a job I can do from home!) they boot up the windows-machine for gaming, netflix etc.!
      ps: Don't get me started on Mac-OS...blergh, if windows is bad, then this piece of trash is way worse!

    • @projectdeveloper9311
      @projectdeveloper9311 Před 29 dny

      @@dreamingflurry2729 Saying Linux is also kinda pointless because of the countless versions of Linux, which is both it's greatest strengh and weakness, sicne it's very hard for you to find some Linux user that uses a very specific version of that OS, and although there is some much more used, there's still a lot of variants.
      But yeah, we're definitely cornered into Windows for now, since Linux is barely compatible with softwares and Apple is too busy sucking their own dick to actually be useful to the average person that has more than two braincells

    • @gumpyoldbugger6944
      @gumpyoldbugger6944 Před 29 dny +7

      sounds horribly like the Talkie Toaster of Red Drawf.

  • @EquaTechnologies
    @EquaTechnologies Před 28 dny +151

    Fun fact: As of now, the market share of Windows 7 has increased from 2.95% to 3.04%, which is interesting.

    • @Hr1s7i
      @Hr1s7i Před 17 dny +12

      Still a better behaved OS than w11. Excluding the obnoxious PoS that is UAC, it's by far the most user oriented one of the bunch. I used to like w7 and w10 about so and so until the... 1809 update or something like that? Dunno, there was a big one which make w10 worse than it was before it. Gives me Windows XP SP2 to SP3 transition flashbacks and how that enshittified XP in one single go.
      And they dare to call those patches "major" and "feature". In all honesty, the functionality of the OS I use hasn't changed since around 2001 for me. I dunno what they think I'll benefit from, but if they haven't managed to make anything to pique my interest in 20+ years, they are doing something wrong.

    • @yungabilify
      @yungabilify Před 10 dny

      I would NOT use windows 7, it’s 100% backdoored by the NSA and leaked by hackers. Look up EternalBlue

    • @ishouldcomeupwithagoodname
      @ishouldcomeupwithagoodname Před 8 dny +2

      That's probably within the margin of error though

    • @EquaTechnologies
      @EquaTechnologies Před 8 dny


    • @ZaCloud-Animations___she-her
      @ZaCloud-Animations___she-her Před 7 dny +3

      It's probably WAY higher than that, actually. Most users won't have their old versions online due to security concerns, or if they do it'll be with HEAVY filtering & masking to where the OS may not be verifiable. Or even rocking modded versions.
      Many only use the modern OS's for going online or for certain apps/programs... But then use their trusty dusty Windows 7, XP, even 98 PCs for fun & work alike.
      And many businesses around the world still use XP or 7, but remain on local network only (both for security, & just plain not needing to go online).
      All those cases might not show up in the stats.
      I'll bet it's much higher than we think. 😎

  • @SuperLifestream
    @SuperLifestream Před měsícem +1975

    1) Create a product
    2) dominate the market
    3) make your product worse over time
    4) sell "upgrades" to make it better (back to the way it was)

    • @fattiger6957
      @fattiger6957 Před měsícem +196

      The old "intentionally design the lightbulb to have a short lifespan so customers have to keep buying more."

    • @electronix6898
      @electronix6898 Před měsícem +151

      Enshittification in a nutshell

    • @qchtohere8636
      @qchtohere8636 Před měsícem +74

      Pirating and OSS is the only way to future-proof computing. Screw the profit motive, proprietary components and IP law (especially for software), as long as these remain the standard, it'll never be "your PC", just a rented device.

    • @justanotheraccounthere2014
      @justanotheraccounthere2014 Před měsícem +27

      Congratulations. You have just described the most successful business model in IT and consumer electronics.

    • @SuperLifestream
      @SuperLifestream Před měsícem +11

      @fattiger6957 light bulb is one people quickly understand but doesn't actually meet this criteria. Old light bulbs were to last longer. It's like how they can say now "LED bulbs will never blow" the light it self doesn't but other parts break stop them working.

  • @Undeemiss
    @Undeemiss Před měsícem +474

    Windows 11 was actually the reason I started dual-booting Linux. ...It's also the reason I stopped dual-booting, because I quickly realized I had absolutely no desire to use Windows ever again.

    • @gdutfulkbhh7537
      @gdutfulkbhh7537 Před měsícem +5

      Which distro do you favour?

    • @fotnite_
      @fotnite_ Před 29 dny

      @@gdutfulkbhh7537 Different person, but I've grown to really like Fedora. I was using Arch Linux for ~3 years prior.

    • @indetermite
      @indetermite Před 29 dny

      @@gdutfulkbhh7537 I dunno about them. I'd recommend Mint to anyone wanting to jump the RMS Microsoft.

    • @PositivePowerPeter
      @PositivePowerPeter Před 29 dny +4


    • @OutLanderUSN
      @OutLanderUSN Před 28 dny +17

      It's so bad! All I want is to use my computer without it fighting me every step of the way.

  • @xtfgrw
    @xtfgrw Před 24 dny +126

    Kind of disturbing how parallel this is to the housing market where nobody can afford to actually buy a house. "You will own nothing and you will be happy." seems to be the future that everyone in power wants for us.

    • @icantcomeupwithnames469
      @icantcomeupwithnames469 Před 23 dny +23

      Yeah, it's the logical endpoint of capitalism, endless rent-seeking.

    • @Hr1s7i
      @Hr1s7i Před 17 dny

      Hey, as long as they're included in the "you" part, I'm game.

    • @nicejungle
      @nicejungle Před 16 dny +1

      Everyone ? No, only people who are afraid of freedom
      Meanwhile, free people are using Linux

    • @FlushDesert22
      @FlushDesert22 Před 15 dny +5

      @@nicejungle I don't think you understand their comment.

    • @randomgamingin144p
      @randomgamingin144p Před 13 dny +2

      @@nicejungle they meant big tech companies and rich people

  • @Ren-bo7bj
    @Ren-bo7bj Před měsícem +688

    Modern tech: making 20 years ago seem like the best thing ever

    • @iamjustkiwi
      @iamjustkiwi Před měsícem +17

      The days of Diablo 2 LoD on windows XP. Ahh, nostalgia. Those were simpler times.

    • @JohnGardnerAlhadis
      @JohnGardnerAlhadis Před měsícem +37

      Enshittification is real.

    • @extremeencounter7458
      @extremeencounter7458 Před měsícem +3

      ⁠@@manitoba-op4jxWell yea, there’s a lot less backend loading going on when you boot up a computer from 15 fucking years ago. He’s got all kinds of startup programs, peripheral software, etc

    • @glasket_
      @glasket_ Před měsícem +7

      ​@@extremeencounter7458It's not even that, he's comparing two entirely different kernels. Linux is pretty well-known for fast boot times, while Windows is known for long cold-boot times. It's like saying an old Honda can drive an 1/8th of a mile faster than a Ferrari can drive a full mile.

    • @icantcomeupwithnames469
      @icantcomeupwithnames469 Před měsícem +5

      ​​@@glasket_Yeah, shortening the distance you need to drive lets you get there sooner even if your car is slower than a faster car taking a longer route. That's exactly the point manitoba was making.

  • @aphoxema
    @aphoxema Před měsícem +2205

    It only took 22 years but Microsoft finally convinced me to switch to Linux

    • @aphoxema
      @aphoxema Před měsícem +295

      But seriously, I have to fix problems constantly but Mint is fantastic, Proton really hauls now I can play almost every game I usually do without issue. You still need to get how computers work to use Linux but you don't have to be like an actual programmer anymore

    • @thabg007
      @thabg007 Před měsícem +23


    • @Leon_Portier
      @Leon_Portier Před měsícem +104

      Switched last year to Linux Mint as well. It does the things I need it to and plays all my games too!

    • @oOignignoktOo1
      @oOignignoktOo1 Před měsícem +30

      I ditched windows for arch on a laptop. Everything I want to do works great so far except I got issues with CUPS and my brother printer. The printer works but the alignment is way off for the printed pages.

    • @circleinforthecube5170
      @circleinforthecube5170 Před měsícem +10

      @@oOignignoktOo1 i thought Mooninites were too advanced for earth computers

  • @HackCausality
    @HackCausality Před měsícem +119

    Man I miss being excited about new versions of Windows. Remember how awesome Windows 95 was? How slick Windows XP seemed? How refined and focused Windows 7 was?

    • @distinctjackal9016
      @distinctjackal9016 Před 21 dnem +5

      Yep. The good old days😔

    • @roccociccone597
      @roccociccone597 Před 20 dny +6

      What happened to Me and Vista there mate.

    • @philbiker3
      @philbiker3 Před 19 dny +1

      LOL I thought Windows XP was horrendous the worst looking OS ever. The "Zune" skin made it useable. That blue and green that you couldn't change was abhorrent. Anyway, I was an OS/2 guy until I couldn't use it any more back in the day so I thought Win95 was a cobbled together mess. I don't mind Windows so much any more.

    • @philbiker3
      @philbiker3 Před 19 dny

      @@roccociccone597 I had good experience with Me, Vista, and 8. I loved 8.1. Vista worked great as the "home basic" version - it was very optimized for lower RAM computers, so worked like absolute lightning on faster PCs. I think the "full" version of Vista with all the multimedia and graphic stuff was where the mess was. My good experience with "Me" was specific - I had some old sampling sound hardware that didn't have proper W32 drivers so Me allowed me to use my old hardware for a few years that I otherwise would have had to abandon.

    • @rars0n
      @rars0n Před 19 dny +1

      @@philbiker3 You could change it, you just had to switch the theme. I believe the old 9x style was called "Classic Windows." But yeah, "slick" is the _last_ word I would have used to describe XP. I hated it so much that I stuck with 98 for several more years.

  • @mbunds
    @mbunds Před měsícem +804

    Ruined? Oh, they've barely begun. I never imagined a company would work so hard to make its product worse.

    • @AVdE10000
      @AVdE10000 Před měsícem +41

      I don't think they'll ever make an os as good as xp or 7 ever again

    • @DatSun.
      @DatSun. Před měsícem +4


    • @JeffreyPiatt
      @JeffreyPiatt Před měsícem

      They badly wanted to make the Android subsystem for Windows work but just having the Amazon store gimped the usefulness of the VM and Google refused to approve it for there app package with the play store. I Google also stabatoged windows Phone by preventing Microsoft from having a working CZcams app they kept blocking the one Microsoft made with the documented api because the api was missing the display ads function. So Microsoft reverted to a chromless and pocket Edge/IE shell and Google refused to code a complient app.

    • @mbunds
      @mbunds Před měsícem +2

      @@AVdE10000 Agreed.

    • @mbunds
      @mbunds Před měsícem +3

      @@DatSun. Nobody can argue with that!

  • @devkit0
    @devkit0 Před měsícem +911

    When they said "Windows 10 will be the last Windows," what they meant is that Windows 10 would be the last Windows that people would want to use.

    • @krabgrass
      @krabgrass Před měsícem +40

      Windows 11 was so garbage that when I rebuilt my gaming PC, my friend gave me a free version of Windows 10 he had and am never going back to janky ahh Windows 11.

    • @Winstounful
      @Winstounful Před měsícem +12

      10 is driving me mad. Looking forward for different alternatives.

    • @christopher9727
      @christopher9727 Před měsícem

      Jesus Christ is the only hope in this world no other gods will lead you to heaven
      There is no security or hope with out Jesus Christ in this world come and repent of all sins today
      Today is the day of salvation come to the loving savior Today repent and do not go to hell
      Come to Jesus Christ today
      Jesus Christ is only way to heaven
      Repent and follow him today seek his heart Jesus Christ can fill the emptiness he can fill the void
      Heaven and hell is real cone to the loving savior today
      Today is the day of salvation tomorrow might be to late come to the loving savior today
      Holy Spirit Can give you peace guidance and purpose and the Lord will
      John 3:16-21
      16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
      Mark 1.15
      15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
      2 Peter 3:9
      The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
      Hebrews 11:6
      6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

    • @archelonprime
      @archelonprime Před měsícem +15

      I tried Windows 11 on my laptop and despite not using it as much as my desktop that runs Windows 10, I got so fed up with the fucked up UI that I reinstalled Windows 10 on my laptop! Now I'm evaluating which variant/distro of Linux will work best for me.

    • @paper_gem
      @paper_gem Před měsícem +23

      Windows 10 is a stinker. I can't imagine how bad 11 is.

  • @davefaulkner6302
    @davefaulkner6302 Před 25 dny +28

    Why is my hardware 1000x faster today than 1995 and yet it's so much slower to do anything with Windows? This is what happens when the Marketing Dept takes over a company from the Engineering Dept -- advertising and spyware are inserted where real software utilities once were. GO LINUX !!

    • @iRelevant.47.system.boycott
      @iRelevant.47.system.boycott Před 11 dny +2

      There seems to be a conspiracy between MS and hardware manufacturers. A new OS, although in 'theory' able to run on your old, requires a new faster machine due to the added overheads in the new system.

    • @jcdesantis69
      @jcdesantis69 Před 2 dny +1

      All tech is getting worse for the user because it is not working for us. They are spending to much resources on make a spyware advertising system that we pay monthly for. No one wants this but them. Think of all the improvements and optimization they would be doing if they werent wasting all the resources to do this. Makes me sad and angry.

  • @Panimal98
    @Panimal98 Před měsícem +1954

    I hope they don't ruin doors, next. 😔

  • @krykry606
    @krykry606 Před měsícem +566

    The funniest thing about current state of Windows?
    The fact that users moving to Linux is actually worse than people pirating windows. It would really hurt their ecosystem.

    • @codeman99-dev
      @codeman99-dev Před měsícem +11

      It really wouldn't. Microsoft is already the largest corporate contributor to the Linux kernel. They have helped position Linux as the go-to cloud OS. They created WSL not to win back Linux devs... but rather to prepare more developers for cloud computing. And it's already worked.

    • @RoofusRoof19
      @RoofusRoof19 Před měsícem +95

      @@codeman99-dev cloud isnt the same thing as desktop, and the more people generally move out of the MS ecosystem the worse it is for them.

    • @woldemunster9244
      @woldemunster9244 Před měsícem +75

      I find your claims idiotic just because "cloud computing" isn't a real thing.
      They are called servers, hosting providers and anything but some esoteric buzzword that's been sold to computer illiterate investors. You can be a dev that goes to M$ seminars to listen corporate jargon and SSH into VM Linux for your coding projects, still you know only what your corporate overlord told you.
      (There isn't a single mention of "cloud" in this video about how Winblows is imploding as a daily driver)

    • @HksjJkdkd
      @HksjJkdkd Před měsícem

      ​@@codeman99-devEmbrace, Extend, Extinguish. Linux is the real stronghold against Microshit.

    • @sergeykish
      @sergeykish Před měsícem +24

      ​@@codeman99-devMicrosoft created WSL to stop migration to Linux native.

  • @SpottedHares
    @SpottedHares Před měsícem +121

    Microsoft seems to forget that we don’t want an operating system…. We want to just use our computer and every time we have to put even a little effort and be reminded we have an operating system is makes us hate that we have an operating system.

    • @tanawatjukmongkol2178
      @tanawatjukmongkol2178 Před 29 dny +20

      I think what you meant was "we don't want an OS that DOESN'T get in our way".

    • @OutLanderUSN
      @OutLanderUSN Před 28 dny +39

      I don't want to use an OS that fights me at every opportunity. I absolutely despise not being in control of what I'm using.

    • @jupiterapollo4985
      @jupiterapollo4985 Před 24 dny +9

      That fact that you used your computer to type this silly comment is evidence that the operating system is working correctly. I don't think you actually know what an operating system is, because without one you would be a lost puppy...

    • @tid418
      @tid418 Před 23 dny +7

      Microsoft is not concerned about what you want. Windows is meant to serve Microsoft's interests, not yours. Welcome to the Nadella era.

    • @tanawatjukmongkol2178
      @tanawatjukmongkol2178 Před 23 dny +2

      @@tid418 It has never been. Nadella or not.

  • @iclubsealz
    @iclubsealz Před měsícem +308

    My normie friends have been asking me how to install, “the Linux”. When people who only know how to turn on a computer and open a browser start asking about Linux, Microsoft has a problem.

    • @nikolatasev4948
      @nikolatasev4948 Před měsícem +66

      If they only want to turn the computer and open a browser, some user-friendly distro like Linux Mint is perfect.

    • @MyouKyuubi
      @MyouKyuubi Před 29 dny

      @@nikolatasev4948 To be fair, basically any distro aside from the DIY distro's will do just fine, if all you intend to use it for is browsing the web, lol.

    • @geofftottenperthcoys9944
      @geofftottenperthcoys9944 Před 22 dny

      No, when Linux achieves more than %5 installs then maybe.....

    • @MrHamletsghost
      @MrHamletsghost Před 21 dnem +18

      Oh, they have a huge problem. I'm getting the same thing from Non-techie friends. I never thought I'd see people like that adopt Linux over Windows or Mac.

    • @distinctjackal9016
      @distinctjackal9016 Před 21 dnem +11

      I agree. My dad, who despised me for using Linux, now says that Ubuntu is far better than the Win 11 is. (He has never used Ubuntu)

  • @bobowon5450
    @bobowon5450 Před měsícem +237

    what annoys me most is that I set up windows for businesses, for professional users, and now it's getting harder and harder to use because the way microsoft demands you use windows doesn't line up with how a lot of businesses use windows. It's a nightmare to stage a computer for a business that only uses local accounts.

    • @VashStarwind
      @VashStarwind Před měsícem +20

      They gotta forcefully harvest all that data! lmoa

    • @OutLanderUSN
      @OutLanderUSN Před 28 dny +16

      Push for Linux, if the software requirements allow.

    • @bobowon5450
      @bobowon5450 Před 28 dny +30

      @OutLanderUSN the pain is that for most businesses they legitimately could switch to linux with zero adjustment to their work flow, but no one can get around how scary linux is.
      Ive even seen an office switch entirely to chrome os desktops before entertaining linux even though chrome os is basically a kids toy as far as computers go

    • @OutLanderUSN
      @OutLanderUSN Před 28 dny +5

      @@bobowon5450 Oh I know. I wish desperately that I could push my company onto Linux, but I know there would be a ton of pushback. It's frustrating, to say the least.

    • @jonathananderson260
      @jonathananderson260 Před 27 dny

      @@bobowon5450 ironically chromeos IS a linux distribution

  • @Astrocicada
    @Astrocicada Před 26 dny +14

    I am among the minority who uses Linux. Security is not a product; it's a process.

  • @chrisalex82
    @chrisalex82 Před měsícem +1273

    Meanwhile a state in Germany voting to replace all gouvernement Windows PCs with Linux 🗿🗿🇪🇺
    edit : (Schleswig-Holstein)

    • @nolongeranobody869
      @nolongeranobody869 Před měsícem +16

      Thats what I was thinking

    • @falkkiwiben
      @falkkiwiben Před měsícem +168

      Knowing germany's relationship with digitalisation it will most likely go to shit, but I too like the idea

    • @chrisalex82
      @chrisalex82 Před měsícem +70

      @@falkkiwiben for precision it's only those 30000 pcs in gouvernement administration of Schleswig-Holstein not all of germany, but ye this may be complicated but I think they can pull it off

    • @BloodRider1914
      @BloodRider1914 Před měsícem +9

      That's such a German thing to do lol

    • @svon1
      @svon1 Před měsícem +41

      to be fair they are replacing Win98 :D

  • @BlumiTheGhost
    @BlumiTheGhost Před měsícem +347

    the craziest thing is that nowadays it's actually easier to set up Linux than to debloat Windows 11

    • @austinbaccus
      @austinbaccus Před měsícem +31

      Getting anything to run on Linux after setting it up is a pain though.
      I just tried Fedora, Ubuntu, and Mint for the first time two days ago to see what the fuss was about, and I didn't really like any of them. I'd rather de-bloat Win11.

    • @dabster291
      @dabster291 Před měsícem +39

      @@austinbaccus what were you trying to run?

    • @JuanFernandes-hj6rd
      @JuanFernandes-hj6rd Před měsícem

      @@austinbaccus CrossOver (paid software) will run almost anything windows you throw at it, and it's cheap (specially on cyver monday promotion).

    • @ilficherrimolori
      @ilficherrimolori Před měsícem +16

      @@austinbaccus I still have to find a program I need that doesn't run on Linux without much hassle, unless it's me trying to setup a poorly documented self-hosting thing but I guarantee 99.9999% of users are certainly not gonna even try what I tried there.

    • @arnox4554
      @arnox4554 Před měsícem

      @@austinbaccus For Windows programs, try Bottles. For Linux stability, use MX Linux. (Seriously, use it.)

  • @silicon212
    @silicon212 Před 19 dny +13

    In 1994, IBM released OS/2 Warp version 3. The intention was to make a run at the desktop OS market. From a technical standpoint, OS/2 was definitely a step above Windows. They had a golden opportunity - they had the ONLY 32-bit commercially available desktop OS from late 1994 until August 1995 when Microsoft released Windows 95. Which turned out to not be truly 32-bit, but more of a kludge of DOS/Win16 with 32 bit extensions. The big problem with IBM's approach was that they charged developers for a software developer kit (SDK), while Microsoft gave the Windows SDK away for free. Where do you think the developers went?

    • @ytivarg5371
      @ytivarg5371 Před 5 dny +3

      ibm could never get out of its own way

  • @EnigmaticGentleman
    @EnigmaticGentleman Před měsícem +106

    My 68 year old grandpa has asked me about installing Linux on his PC, granted my grandpa is slightly more tech savy than the average grandpa, but thats how shitty Windows is now.

    • @christopher9727
      @christopher9727 Před měsícem

      Romans 6:23
      For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
      Come to Jesus Christ today
      Jesus Christ is only way to heaven
      Repent and follow him today seek his heart Jesus Christ can fill the emptiness he can fill the void
      Heaven and hell is real cone to the loving savior today
      Today is the day of salvation tomorrow might be to late come to the loving savior today
      John 3:16-21
      16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
      Mark 1.15
      15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
      2 Peter 3:9
      The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
      Hebrews 11:6
      6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

    • @Starshine-z4d
      @Starshine-z4d Před měsícem +2

      I installed Ubuntu in the early 2010s on my family's laptop. My dad, the caveman that he is, didn't complain about it once. Meanwhile I think he chucked a computer with Vista installed on it out the back door. He still daily drives Windows for work and uses an Android phone at home, but I think if a man dumb enough to think that minimizing the web browser means you've shut the internet off could use Linux in 2011, someone's tech illiterate grandparents could use Linux in 2024. Especially if their needs are easily met and their habits aren't disrupted. Which, if you're only using a web browser, then everything should be good.

    • @MyouKyuubi
      @MyouKyuubi Před 29 dny +3

      @@Starshine-z4d A debian-based linux distro is perfect for not interrupting people's habits. :)

    • @damongambuti
      @damongambuti Před 12 dny +2

      based grandfather

    • @mernokimuvek
      @mernokimuvek Před 4 dny +1

      @@Starshine-z4d chucking out a computer should be a crime.

  • @ludvigkarle1743
    @ludvigkarle1743 Před měsícem +754

    I think a big part of why no one wants to use microsoft services is because they made us hate them with excessive suggestion. I will never use Edge in my entire life regardless of how good it may be. When they tried to force me to use edge is when i was filled with hatred and determination to do everything in my power to not use microsoft products... except windows because games (so far).

    • @MoonLitChild
      @MoonLitChild Před měsícem +69

      I could almost deal with the endless prodding to use their shit if it was good, but it's not. They don't know how to make *good* tech products anymore, that's why they're lagging behind everyone else. There was once a reason they were the go-to OS, but they're running on fumes and have been for a very, very long time. There's no reason for them to make another generation of Xbox due to the proliferation of PC gaming, and being the PC giant you'd think they'd have seen that writing on the wall for a while but they haven't. You just have an entire c-suite that is in complete denial about *why* they're dying this agonizing, slow death.

    • @arthurdefreitaseprecht2648
      @arthurdefreitaseprecht2648 Před měsícem +26

      Exactly, even if Edge was the best browser, I would not use it out of spite for changing the default browser multiple times when updating. Same with the OneDrive, office 365, and so on...

    • @thezipcreator
      @thezipcreator Před měsícem +26

      depends on what you play, but many many games work on Linux with Proton now. afaik, the main issue seems to be live service games with anticheat; some of those work fine (esp. ones with native Linux support), some of them don't. I don't really play those types of games so I've had basically no issues with getting Windows games running on Linux; even random indie games with 3 downloads from itch work fine
      maybe you could try it on a USB or something and see if games you play work fine

    • @lamlelamatsiliza8550
      @lamlelamatsiliza8550 Před měsícem

      ​​@@thezipcreator I have been using Linux since the start of this year thanks to a video that got me to join. It's be rather good thanks to steam, lutris and nobara. The only thing I have a problem with is trying to pirate games since I'm used to using firgirl repacks as the safest option.

    • @thechief00
      @thechief00 Před měsícem

      Edge is good for watching porn, but not much else.

  • @salaufer
    @salaufer Před 25 dny +12

    i think the most shocking thing about this is that 1 out of 1000 desktop computers are running freebsd

  • @TsoLIt
    @TsoLIt Před měsícem +235

    I think it's important to remember.
    Microsoft tried to make their gaming console always online, in like 2011. Everyone hated that. Now they have gamepass, and we're all somehow ok with it. I know this plays more into digital media ownership, but... they did pull it off, eventually.
    I don't want it either... I'd certainly be one of the many jumping to linux if microsoft did put a service fee on windows, but... I think they're EXACTLY the company stupid enough to do it.
    I see it more like... selling azure cloud compute to personal windows users for AI acceleration or something like that on a monthly subscription, then locking as many as possible features behind "well it needs an NPU to work and you don't have one"

    • @speed3414
      @speed3414 Před měsícem +8

      Gamepass is not the same as always online DRM, one is optional, the other one isn't

    • @neildees1761
      @neildees1761 Před měsícem +11

      I think that would be an incredible mistake. But, I too, see the writing on the wall. I'm about to make the switch over to Linux very soon. Apple and Microsoft have a pretty strong monopoly on pretty much every computer system, and people aren't willing to change OS's very often. So once you lose your costumers, they're very likely NEVER coming back.

    • @theeccentrictripper3863
      @theeccentrictripper3863 Před měsícem +4

      Tfw you were young and dumb and thought the Xbox One was a magical idea with absolutely no issues or problems.
      Wisdom hits like a freight train, looking back it's scary to think how down I was for being totally owned by Microsoft, and I worry younger folks still in that bright-eyed and bushy-tailed utopic mindset will embrace these new ideas with open arms. Only time will tell, but I just hope the folks 10 years younger or so than me are way more cynical than I was at the time.

    • @kylegonewild
      @kylegonewild Před měsícem +14

      @@speed3414 Yeah this is a very poor comparison. People *still* wouldn't flock to a console that required you to always be online. Xbox Game Pass is just Blockbuster's Game Pass but for digital titles. People are fine renting leisurely experiences if the deal is good enough, which Game Pass is *right now* but a lot of them are not okay with the *machine itself* being unable to function or be used without the internet.

    • @TsoLIt
      @TsoLIt Před měsícem +1

      ​@@kylegonewild I get your point, but specifically what I meant was to look at the xbox cloud part of gamepass.
      Sure this is right now an optional service, but eventually, if not soon, all the games are going to be offered like that. Or at least, that's what I believe the goal is.
      If you think about it, it solves a lot of issues for a game publisher. Piracy is much easier to control when nobody has access to the game files directly. Hardware RMAs can be consolidated to a datacenter with robust server hardware, instead of warranty fulfillments and requiring 20% of your inventory to be spare parts. Potential accessibility to your game is increased, and on hardware that can be renewed as quickly as PC hardware is upgraded. Reduces carbon footprint and e-waste.
      The disadvantages are all on the consumer side, and it's kinda clear that microsoft doesn't really give a fuck about the consumer that much when it comes to trying to sell their services now.

  • @AurediumRiptide
    @AurediumRiptide Před měsícem +409

    I've been running Linux for a good while now. But some time ago I won a machine with Windows that I kept around for a Lan party. So I booted it up and went through the setup. I got six or seven questions that basically boiled down to 'Do you allow us to spy upon you?' Needless to say it now no longer runs Windows.

    • @pixels_per_minute
      @pixels_per_minute Před měsícem +56

      I had to set up Windows 11 for a family member, and it was about 2 hours of attempting to turn off and uninstall all of the bs that it spent an hour setting up automatically.
      Never will I use that wretched OS again. Once Windows 10 reaches the end of its life, I'm switching fully over to Linux.

    • @d9zirable
      @d9zirable Před měsícem +3

      How often do you use the terminal

    • @AurediumRiptide
      @AurediumRiptide Před měsícem +26

      @@d9zirable Truth be told? Not that much. In the past every day use required a lot of terminal use. I still remember my eary days in early 2000's. Primarly because support for various hardware back then was....challanging. I am a fairly casual user so some things I do in terminal but most I just use the graphical interface for.
      I view to terminal or not as a personal choice. Thou sometimes you still must use terminal, it it getting pretty rare thou. Others just like to use terminal. Its more of a choice these days and less of a must.

    • @VulpesHilarianus
      @VulpesHilarianus Před měsícem

      @@pixels_per_minute Even if you don't use it as a daily driver, set up a Linux Mint or Pop! OS machine and browse a few major websites with it every once a while. The more the usage statistics change the more pressure there will be to support native Linux versions. Or at least create Linux compatible Electron launchers since actual native programs seem to have a trend of being replaced with "web apps" (blech).

    • @kennytheamazing
      @kennytheamazing Před měsícem +4

      Same, until recently I haven't had a windows machine in my home for over a decade. I've been on linux since 2008. Of course, I live in the terminal for my job, so it's very natural to me.
      I recently installed windows 11 on a computer I slapped together because it had some funky old hardware that I knew was going to work with windows, and I had no time to confirm if it worked on linux as well (it probably does.).
      I ran some "debloating" powershell scripts on it to strip it of many many functions and set a lot of settings to something more sane, but recently windows update has been "repairing" them to their defaults.
      I'll probably wipe the system and go with linux on that as well as soon as I can validate the funky driving sim hardware.

  • @MrDoboz
    @MrDoboz Před 22 dny +14

    what, you didn't get the memo that Adobe is junk? Any mindful graphics designer moved away from PS. In fact, Adobe being a dick (once again) was the last straw for my windows installation. I uninstalled PS and AI, then wondered for a minute: why should I even keep Windows? So I went ahead and installed Arch with KDE instead. It's not perfect. but it's not worse than windows, it's free, and isn't spying on me.

    • @Treznor.
      @Treznor. Před 4 dny

      Yes, they're very crappy company. You're kind of missing the point though; professionals are going to need professional grade software. I'm sorry but gimp or krita isn't it. Affinity suite maybe, but that's again another windows/mac only thing.

  • @JanetDax
    @JanetDax Před měsícem +436

    Onedrive is the bane of my existence. It interferes with gaming by constantly backing up files that shouldn't be touched during gameplay. Your files are moved and uploaded to MS servers, totally against your wishes. There is no "cloud", just servers that store your info with questionable privacy and security. If everything could be easily on Linux, Windows would die a well-deserved death.

    • @organicleaf
      @organicleaf Před měsícem +17

      why not just store your stuff on a harddrive? after a while you will forget that one drive even exists

    • @user-uz8is6sj5q
      @user-uz8is6sj5q Před měsícem +31

      One drive almost deleted my stuff bc it was trying to sync an outdated snapshot from my old pc

    • @pulanjuri1
      @pulanjuri1 Před měsícem +6

      Alot of things are easily on linux, its just that alot of people move on from the beginner distro phase to something more complicated

    • @circleinforthecube5170
      @circleinforthecube5170 Před měsícem +23

      i wouldn't say windows deserved to die, the operating system was good until 8, we could've been on seven for 20 years with little problems

    • @LegoDork
      @LegoDork Před měsícem +8

      @@circleinforthecube5170 I wanna go back Windows 95.

  • @stefmyt5062
    @stefmyt5062 Před měsícem +164

    Been using Linux on the desktop for 4 years now. Every time I'm forced to do tech support for a friend or family member and have to interact with Windows, I remember why I switched in the first place.

    • @MrHamletsghost
      @MrHamletsghost Před 21 dnem +6

      Even using Mac after years of using Windows will convince you what crap it is.

    • @roccociccone597
      @roccociccone597 Před 20 dny +12

      I switched my family to mint. And now they’re ok. Everything they do works and I don’t have to deal with Microsoft’s bs

    • @buttcube6085
      @buttcube6085 Před 20 dny

      Desktop Linux is worse than Windows Me, and it NEVER GETS BETTER. I was using KDE Plasma 5 and I added a widget to my desktop and the whole UI started bugging and became totally unusable. I had to go into terminal mode and manually remove the widget from the configuration in VIM. WHY.

    • @tobiusmanning7336
      @tobiusmanning7336 Před 17 dny +5

      @@MrHamletsghost Mac or Windows, both are crap lol

    • @amogus875
      @amogus875 Před 16 dny +2

      i use arch btw

  • @AndyCropperArt
    @AndyCropperArt Před 28 dny +10

    Enshittification - for the need to continually increase profits, barriers are often introduced, which people have to pay to get around. Advertising is introduced. Limits are imposed to what used to be free services. Apps that don't have increasing profits are closed down.
    It sucks.

  • @tjep2670
    @tjep2670 Před měsícem +205

    Microsoft changing to a subscription only system will kill it. I dont know how they could be stupid enough to think it will save them or make them money in any way.

    • @dh510
      @dh510 Před měsícem

      Microsoft is basically a printer company, but too stupid to realize it.
      The Windows operating system is the printer they sell at a loss to get people into buying their expensive ink, which is their other software and services.
      Imagine a printer company charging people a monthly fee just for their printer to work. In addition to the expensive ink.
      There would be riots in the streets!

    • @TheRatsintheWalls
      @TheRatsintheWalls Před měsícem +28

      I purchased Office for every machine I made until they switched to a subscription, and not once since.

    • @electronix6898
      @electronix6898 Před měsícem +60

      Because they're overestimating their reach in the desktop space. They think that because most people use Windows and they forced schools, corporations, and government entities to use their Microsoft products, then that can easily translate to forcing the average user to subscribing to an operating system.
      The problem is that if you push people hard enough, they will slowly latch to alternatives.

    • @dh510
      @dh510 Před měsícem

      @@tjep2670 Microsoft is basically a printer company, but too stupid to realize it.
      The Windows operating system is the printer they sell at a loss to get people into buying their expensive ink, which is their other software and services.
      Imagine a printer company charging people a monthly fee just for their printer to work. In addition to the expensive ink.
      There would be riots in the streets!

    • @henson2k
      @henson2k Před měsícem +14

      software boxes with real CDs are much nicer

  • @Chdonga
    @Chdonga Před měsícem +169

    Funny you mention this, because years ago when I finally uninstalled Chrome and switched to Firefox, like an obsessed orbiter who just noticed his Facebook egirl set her relationship status to single, I immediately got a popup from Edge trying to get me to transfer all my Chrome bookmarks to it

  • @Bananamann
    @Bananamann Před 28 dny +9

    In copilots defense, Microsoft stealing all of the code on GitHub (private or not) to train their ai makes it exceptionally good at coding.

    • @xtfgrw
      @xtfgrw Před 23 dny

      @@Bananamann intriguing point

    • @Erowens98
      @Erowens98 Před 12 dny

      Ive found that ChatGPT does a better job at coding. At least, for the Python/Matlab code i write as part of my workflow.
      Copilot can barely understand instructions somehow despite being based on the same LLM.

  • @aunulimansfield3277
    @aunulimansfield3277 Před měsícem +507

    Microsoft is why I use Linux

    • @ihategoogle-fr7zf
      @ihategoogle-fr7zf Před měsícem

      I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux,
      is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.
      Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component
      of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell
      utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
      Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day,
      without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU
      which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are
      not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
      There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a
      part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system
      that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run.
      The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself;
      it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is
      normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system
      is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux"
      distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

    • @tomas6621
      @tomas6621 Před měsícem +9

      I am glad i learnd how to use bash so i can migrate to linux somday.

    • @user-uz8is6sj5q
      @user-uz8is6sj5q Před měsícem +15

      Bash > powershell
      Pro tip if u download git it comes with a copy of bash that u can use in vs code

    • @gtPacheko
      @gtPacheko Před měsícem

      ​@@tomas6621 bash isn't really necessary for daily usage. But it can help you a lot.

    • @ihategoogle-fr7zf
      @ihategoogle-fr7zf Před měsícem

      @@tomas6621 you don't even need to know bash, just command then arguments, pipe puts the output of a command into another one and you can input a file into a command or append/overwrite a file with the output of a command using < and >> / >

  • @Tall_Order
    @Tall_Order Před měsícem +121

    Quote from video "I don't believe Microsoft is dumb enough to make windows a subscription service".
    Me: I'm going to remember this when it inevitably happens. lol

    • @MustraOrdo
      @MustraOrdo Před měsícem +7

      Commenting for eventual history making.

    • @francisquebachmann7375
      @francisquebachmann7375 Před měsícem +5

      Its gonna happen, and its not gonna stop with software. Logitech even started on planning to make a mouse that requires subscription. Better to hoard hardware as well. I would advice to avoid devices that requires battery to work because if the battery is dead that device will just be a paperweight. Collect devices that are wired and avoid wireless if possible.

    • @Tall_Order
      @Tall_Order Před měsícem +4

      @@francisquebachmann7375 I mostly stick with wired. But I do have a wireless mouse and keyboard i use for my entertainment pc, but they use common AA batteries, so I trust those at least.

    • @crazydude5825
      @crazydude5825 Před měsícem +4

      It already has with their Enterprise versions. In other words, the good ones. It's like $14 a month per license if you get them in bulk iirc.

    • @iRelevant.47.system.boycott
      @iRelevant.47.system.boycott Před 11 dny +2

      Inevitable. They're just waiting to get a better grip around the balls of their customers. Subscription is the 'new' thing. See it everywhere for SW.

  • @foibles1149
    @foibles1149 Před 27 dny +10

    The enshittification of Windows is the reason I switched to Linux

  • @Lea_LSD
    @Lea_LSD Před měsícem +109

    Linux Mint is what windows should've been: a better, safer, light and modern version of XP and 7. If anyone is reading this and considering Linux, give it a try, it's really easy to get going and there are plenty of tutorials if you run into any issue at all.

    • @ImmaFiringNoLazors
      @ImmaFiringNoLazors Před měsícem +12

      +1, linux isn't as difficult as people say it is, and giving Linux Mint a try is probably the best way to prove it. You don't even have to install it on your PC right away, you can just install it onto a pendrive and try it off of there!
      I'd also suggest elementary OS, if you're looking for something more MacOS-like! It was my gateway drug, and I can highly recommend it. :)
      I only ever boot into Windows for games with anticheat and VR nowadays, all of my work just gets done on Linux, and I barely even have to think about it~

    • @athemalive
      @athemalive Před měsícem

      Unless yo​u want to install some programs and configure stuff. @@ImmaFiringNoLazors

    • @sitton76
      @sitton76 Před měsícem +8

      Also going to +1 Mint, but specifically for the crowd using Windows who does everything through the browser. Or people who want a stable and easy experience and are willing to learn a few new tricks.(Not too many though, since Mint has many GUIs to abstract things that usually require the terminal)
      You can game on Mint, but as of the last time I used to it relied on older packages which was great for stability and security, not so so much for gaming performance, since switching from it to a more bleeding edge distro my gaming performance has gotten a lot better. Still a fantastic distro though.

    • @icantcomeupwithnames469
      @icantcomeupwithnames469 Před měsícem +2

      ​@@athemaliveNope, installing is dead simple with package managers and configuring is no different than on Windows.

    • @DreamFireNostalgia
      @DreamFireNostalgia Před měsícem +1

      My personal pc is being used as a test bed for just that. They even have a windows 7 aero theme for mint.

  • @dendostar5436
    @dendostar5436 Před měsícem +104

    Ah, Microsoft’s old enemy.

    • @Mario583a
      @Mario583a Před měsícem +12

      It hurt itself in its confusion.

    • @Elemblue2
      @Elemblue2 Před 26 dny

      @@Mario583a 11/10 reply

    • @xtfgrw
      @xtfgrw Před 24 dny +3

      more like.
      Their friend: their profits
      Their enemy: their userbase

    • @xtfgrw
      @xtfgrw Před 24 dny

      @@Elemblue2 Everyone please notice this subtle joke

    • @distinctjackal9016
      @distinctjackal9016 Před 21 dnem


  • @dybefapi8694
    @dybefapi8694 Před 17 dny +5

    "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy".

    • @nicejungle
      @nicejungle Před 16 dny +1

      only for mindless sheep
      meanwhile smart people are using linux

  • @vinnyandlin8510
    @vinnyandlin8510 Před měsícem +94

    I hate how when you have a pc that is compatible with Windows 11 that's running 10, they have a prompt on startup to "upgrade" to 11 that is automatically highlighted. I happened to misclick this prompt and it tried installing immediately. I could only delay the installation for a few months and couldn't back out of it. I fucking hate this operating system.

    • @Mario583a
      @Mario583a Před měsícem

      You do know that you can easily go back to Windows 10 via the initial 10-day timeframe of installation, don't you?
      But, no, apparently it's the principle with some... ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ

    • @vinnyandlin8510
      @vinnyandlin8510 Před měsícem +34

      @@Mario583a I was not aware of that until you said something about it. It's been several months since then, so I can't really do anything. Either way, fuck Microsoft

    • @icantcomeupwithnames469
      @icantcomeupwithnames469 Před měsícem +21

      ​@@Mario583aYes, it is the principle, and the hours of wasted time, electricity, and data.

    • @SlavTiger
      @SlavTiger Před měsícem +3

      Group policy to disable changing from version 10 22h2

    • @user-bkey
      @user-bkey Před měsícem +2

      i always make sure to pay extra attention when that screen shows up theyll never catch me with it

  • @josephsager9425
    @josephsager9425 Před měsícem +64

    I recently found out you can't uninstall Edge, which is insane, because Internet Explorer being pre-installed in Windows and unable to be uninstalled is what got Microsoft an anti-trust lawsuit.
    A bunch of threads online say you can't uninstall Edge because the OS requires it, but that's refuted by the talking point that Edge is built on Chromium.
    At the very least I should be able to Disable it like I'm able to Disable apps on my Android phone that can't be uninstalled.

    • @icantcomeupwithnames469
      @icantcomeupwithnames469 Před měsícem +4

      You should use a free (as in freedom) operating system that actually lets you do whatever even if it could break things, but how does Edge being built off of Chromium refute anything?

    • @dabster291
      @dabster291 Před měsícem

      @@icantcomeupwithnames469 It means that _any_ Chromium browser could slot in where Edge was (and work perfectly fine), thus implying that Edge itself isn't required.

    • @icantcomeupwithnames469
      @icantcomeupwithnames469 Před měsícem

      ​@@dabster291No, it doesn't mean that at all.

    • @dabster291
      @dabster291 Před měsícem

      ​@@icantcomeupwithnames469 Then how would edge be a dependency in a way where the dependency part can't be separated and packaged into it's own separate thing?

    • @icantcomeupwithnames469
      @icantcomeupwithnames469 Před měsícem +2

      ​@@dabster291...What? Dependencies having dependencies themselves doesn't make them no longer dependencies.
      Could they have built Windows to not depend on Edge? Sure, but that applies to any dependency for anything, making that also useless.
      You know what actually indicates they're greatly exaggerating how essential Edge is to the system? The fact you can uninstall it like anything else in the DMA-compliant versions of Windows.

  • @joeMW284
    @joeMW284 Před 17 dny +7

    Linux Mint, folks. Linux desktop market share hit another record this month. It's sitting where MacOS was for two decades.

  • @loganstrait7503
    @loganstrait7503 Před měsícem +134

    Why tf would copy, paste, and rename be in "more options"? Just boggles the mind.

    • @OutLanderUSN
      @OutLanderUSN Před 28 dny +27

      But they gave them little fancy icons at the top of the menu!

    • @loganstrait7503
      @loganstrait7503 Před 28 dny +10

      @@OutLanderUSN ☠️

    • @distinctjackal9016
      @distinctjackal9016 Před 21 dnem

      Well, then "Goodbye Windows" should be in the main option menu.

    • @cody.vagabond
      @cody.vagabond Před 19 dny

      You can restore old context menus from win10. I have a lot of those tweaks in my win11, making it very usable, but it's a bit harder to use the settings.
      (Cause they're still split up between control panel and normal settings application)

    • @corey7219
      @corey7219 Před 19 dny

      @@cody.vagabond shift + right click to bring up the old context menu in 11

  • @nazgulsenpai
    @nazgulsenpai Před měsícem +62

    Don't be worried. Just don't use Windows. Sure, it won't be frictionless but just leave. He doesn't love you and is never going to stop abusing you.

    • @drfleka
      @drfleka Před 27 dny +2

      Not everyone can do work on their phone or are jobless. What if I depend on Windows for my work and there is no alternative?

    • @minekush1138
      @minekush1138 Před 26 dny

      ​@@drfleka learn to comprehend comments better then learn how to use linux 😂 oh wait might be above what your brain can handle 😂id bet you cant use a android phone either

    • @Elemblue2
      @Elemblue2 Před 26 dny +2

      @@drfleka duel boot and find out

    • @nicejungle
      @nicejungle Před 16 dny

      windows is only useful for gaming.
      Professionals are using linux, and that's why every servers in the world are running linux

  • @TheGlitchyMario
    @TheGlitchyMario Před 5 dny +3

    Everything in this video is exactly why I switched to Linux and never looked back.

  • @Killerean
    @Killerean Před měsícem +121

    There is a reason why I switched to Linux when W11 dropped. After experiencing Linux, Windows is just unacceptable. Every computer I put Linux on is just faster, less cluttered and less infuriating to use. There is no spying and mysterious processes, no excessive RAM usage, no mysterious processor usage, nothing like that. And Mint for example comes with an office suite and a plethora of ways on how to adjust and modify it even without knowledge on how to code. And yes, the beginnings on a new operating system are tough, but that's the same thing as if today you had seen widows the first time in your life.

    • @earthboiproductions2407
      @earthboiproductions2407 Před měsícem +23

      Hard agree. I’ve been using Debian on my laptop and Xubuntu on my desktop and they’ve both been great. Everything just works, and I can customize it however I like.
      I even themed KDE Plasma on my Debian laptop to look almost exactly like Windows 7, frosted glass and all. Name of the theme is aerothemeplasma for those wondering.

    • @voltairethegoldflame9280
      @voltairethegoldflame9280 Před měsícem +15

      I also use Linux Mint on my PC now. I refuse to accept Windows 11.

    • @cerealmama3879
      @cerealmama3879 Před měsícem +10

      I didnt change to Linux, for now, because i bought a W10 pro licence (from a key page, was like 17$) because i trust in Windows when they say: W10 will be the last numeric Windows and the rest will are gona be updates) When Microsoft announced W11 i made a decision: when the support of w10 end i will change to Linux.
      I found a pc in the trash (in perfect conditions) with an e8600 and 2 gb of ram and this sh*t runs Mint! (Right now is my media player pc and have 8gb of ram)

    • @crazydude5825
      @crazydude5825 Před měsícem +12

      ​@@cerealmama3879It's really eyeopening just how bloated Windows is when you try linux for the first time and it runs like a dream.

    • @fillsbury8304
      @fillsbury8304 Před měsícem

      Well, you are using CZcams, a Google service with a sign in and everything. I'd say you don't care that much about spying.

  • @ninjaspiderking3175
    @ninjaspiderking3175 Před měsícem +46

    The exact day Microsoft tries making windows a subscription service I’m switching OS on the spot

    • @MyouKyuubi
      @MyouKyuubi Před 29 dny +2

      Yep, sounds good, do you have a USB flash drive with Linux Mint on it or something? It's smart to create one, and keep it ready, that way you can insta-swap OS the literal SECOND you've had enough of Microsofts BS. :)

    • @MrCool-lo3ls
      @MrCool-lo3ls Před 24 dny +3

      You can also try running linux in a Virtual Machine to familiarize yourself with it (and its software) before MS forces your hand.
      My breaking point was after a BSOD that forced me to reset my MS-password to roll back to an earlier update.

    • @ninjaspiderking3175
      @ninjaspiderking3175 Před 24 dny +2

      @@MrCool-lo3ls I should try that, it’s a great idea to be prepared

  • @sync.e
    @sync.e Před 21 dnem +4

    Microsoft and Adobe are going to team up and become the ultimate tech villain.

  • @jmtradbr
    @jmtradbr Před měsícem +36

    Windows 7 was the last OS Microsoft made for PCs. After that started all the touchscreen bs, mobile style apps and spyware. People only tolerate Windows 10 because Microsoft killed something on 7 they needed.

  • @mss490
    @mss490 Před měsícem +53

    One of the biggest reasons more people haven’t adopted Linux is purely convenience. If, let’s say MSI or ASUS, started making lines of prebuilts and laptops that ran something like ChimeraOS right out of the box, sold it as widely as they do their Windows machines, had demo kiosks, etc., it wouldn’t dethrone Windows overnight, but it sure as heck would see a leap in Linux users over time. Even moreso if other manufacturers dip their toes in as well. If you build it, they will come-it just hasn’t been ‘built’ yet.

    • @icantcomeupwithnames469
      @icantcomeupwithnames469 Před měsícem +16

      Yeah, because Microsoft pays them to include Windows. Who's going to do that for Linux?

    • @Roxor128
      @Roxor128 Před měsícem +23

      Valve using Linux as the OS for the Steam Deck has been having that effect already. A large chunk of the Linux usage in the Steam hardware survey is due to Steam Deck owners.

    • @NightmareRex6
      @NightmareRex6 Před měsícem +5

      my maoin problem is its near impossible to pirate linux versions of games :(.

    • @vylbird8014
      @vylbird8014 Před měsícem +7

      They could try, but the return costs would be awful - too many people who don't have the technical knowledge to even know what an OS is would immediately return the laptop when they realise it won't run MS office or whatever other software they are used to. Selling linux-preinstall only works if you keep the sales to the sorts of store frequented by the technologically inclined, and that is not where high sales figures will be found.

    • @SpottedHares
      @SpottedHares Před měsícem +8

      Linux is also super unfriendly, why do I need to browse forums looking for the system commands to enable the ability to have volume?

  • @Terra_
    @Terra_ Před měsícem +7

    it all went downhill from windows 7😭😭

    • @-Joyfull
      @-Joyfull Před 19 dny

      IMO, Windows8.1 and Windows10 are good. But Windows8 and Windows11 are failed experiments.

  • @FulfillMyWill
    @FulfillMyWill Před měsícem +141

    11:30 "What if in 10 years people will look back at Win11 as The Good Old Days"...
    Exactly what happened with Win10. It is an OS that started all this trash (telemetry/forced updates/tons of bloat/unintuitive settings app and so on) in the first place and people consider it "good".

    • @bradbradson4543
      @bradbradson4543 Před měsícem +8

      The thing is, windows 11 is trying to compete with Android and iOS. That's what all this is about

    • @Casavo
      @Casavo Před měsícem +48

      I agree 100%. I personally think win7 was the last real "good" win version.

    • @kolaysgames
      @kolaysgames Před měsícem +17

      @@Casavo and since win 7 was all about dealing with vista's backlash (it even says windows 6.1 instead of 7.0 in version number), the last bs-free truly innovative microsoft os was windows xp from over 20 years ago

    • @gamereactz
      @gamereactz Před měsícem

      I believe win11 is just fine been system admin and software developer for over 8 years and have tried mac.. I like Mac but no server or business infrastructure so every Mac was on some wack connections to windows or Linux servers..

    • @dabbinghitlersmemes1762
      @dabbinghitlersmemes1762 Před měsícem

      @@kolaysgames Vista had backlash because it needed a lot of hardware and broke drivers -- not because it hated the user the way 10 or 11 do. 7 is basically a rebadged Vista anyway.

  • @onihaiena6152
    @onihaiena6152 Před měsícem +150

    onedrive has genuinely hurt my brain because of how it truly feels like so much of my documents and files just aren't mine
    if i were to turn off onedrive almost my ENTIRE photo gallery disappears and i hate it, i want to get all that outta my computer while keeping my stuff

    • @organicleaf
      @organicleaf Před měsícem +17

      why not just store your stuff on a harddrive? after a while you will forget that one drive even exists

    • @thegaminghero2201
      @thegaminghero2201 Před měsícem +20

      I absolutely HATE one drive. It's caused endless problems for me, especially as a CSCI student, because often times one drive just doesn't allow programs to work so I have to move the files off of one drive to test them and if I make a program in one drive it can sometimes just break and I have to completely remake it all over again outside of it.

    • @Kevin-jb2pv
      @Kevin-jb2pv Před měsícem +18

      One drive has caused lost files and even my entire drive to get wiped _several fucking times,_ and yet Microsoft seems to think that I want to trust them with my data, anyways, and kept turning it the fuck back on with every other update.

    • @SuperTort0ise
      @SuperTort0ise Před měsícem +8

      ​@@Kevin-jb2pv first thing I do if I have to touch a windows machine is remove that piece of shit. Every time I ask "do you use OneDrive?" And get "what's that?/idk" out the fuckin thing it goes, I've lost shit to MS's bullshit too much.

    • @Kevin-jb2pv
      @Kevin-jb2pv Před měsícem

      ​@@organicleafbecause OneDrive likes to enable itself on updates without asking, then it "backs up" all your files from the My Documents files (photos, documents, etc...). This can cause major fucking problems if you have more data than what the free tier of one drive comes with, because it will upload them sequentially and then just start fucking overwriting existing files when it runs out of room. And if you are unlucky enough to have one drive force itself upon your system, but lucky enough to not have all your files wiped, then you can't just turn off one drive because then all those files will disappear from your folders. It doesn't upload a copy, it uploads your files then deletes them locally. It's a fucking joke that they even call it a "backup", because backing up your files implies that a second copy is being made to be stored somewhere else for safe keeping, but what they're doing instead is just hijacking your files, holding them hostage, and then making undoing one drive without wiping your data as stressful as diffusing a bomb. One wrong move and the whole fucking thing explodes. Almost like Microsoft is _intentionally_ putting people in a position where it's so dangerous to turn off their _wonderful new service_ that it's safer to just pony up the money, especially if you don't know what they're doing.
      Look it up, though, there was a gigantic fuckup they pushed in an unskippable update once where they forced One Drive to be turned on for everyone, but somehow they set it so that one many people's computers One Drive was marking _all files and folders on all hard drives_ to be synced to One Drive, and then doing what I said above: when they ran out of space, One Drive just started overwriting and deleting the oldest files, first. Back then, the free tier only came with something like 1-10GB of storage, and when you account for system and program files taking up way more than that, by default, what people woke up to was Windows just _deleting every single personal file on their PC's with absolutely no way to stop it._ The only way to stop your shit from being wiped was to hard stop the PC and then go in and back up your files from a different OS that wasn't Hell bent on destroying your data as soon as it was turned on. You would still lose some files, and this could only really recover anything that wasn't already deleted. There are also a lot of really wonky file flags in Windows for files that are synced to One Drive, and when I had this fucking issue Microsoft just flat out wouldn't let me unflag all these things and it took me *_fucking days_* to get this problem fixed. And, yes, I did wind up losing a bunch or shit, anyways, and YES, Microsoft still had the fucking audacity to try and turn One Drive the fuck back on just a couple weeks later... And it did almost the same thing. It didn't start deleting all my files, but it still went ahead and just flagged my whole PC to be synced to One Drive, which is a problem because now you suddenly have a bunch of files that look like they're sitting there on your hard drive, but in reality they are on an MS server, but you won't realize this until another program tries to open a file and can't because of read/write permissions or because you're not online.
      Tl;Dr: One drive is pushy, enables itself, and has a history of catastrophic bugs, and it will steal 100% your data if you don't catch it, and it will sometimes delete your data to punish you for your insolence if you try to stop it.

  • @VodShod
    @VodShod Před měsícem +18

    0:10 technically it was split into 2 one half happened in 2020 the other half in 2024

  • @zebare726
    @zebare726 Před měsícem +89

    No matter how many times Microsoft offers to upgrade my windows 10 to 11 for free, I will continue to say no.
    One of the many reasons is that my disc based programs such as Addobe 2020, have big problems working on Windows 11 and the newest addobe is a Drm subscription based version.

    • @Ballpython50001
      @Ballpython50001 Před měsícem +22

      This is exactly why I still use windows 10 instead of 11.
      It costs a lot of money to develop an operating system so why are they so desperate to give it away for free ?
      What kind of dystopian spyware do they want to put on my computer so badly ?

    • @Peannlui
      @Peannlui Před měsícem +2

      I kept saying no until the day Windows went ahead and installed 11 by itself. 💀

    • @Apotheosis01
      @Apotheosis01 Před měsícem


    • @thejaredwilcurt
      @thejaredwilcurt Před měsícem +3

      @@Peannlui Pro-tip: Always look up how to turn that shit off. IT professionals have legitimate needs for how to prevent automated OS updates. So there is always a way to stop it, you just need to look it up and follow the step.

    • @JayEyedWolf
      @JayEyedWolf Před měsícem +1

      ​@@PeannluiHappened to me too. I don't use that old laptop anymore now anyway (battery issues, mostly), but it was so frustrating when it just decided it was going to be win11 after I'd refused the update a dozen times.

  • @PirateCommando
    @PirateCommando Před měsícem +19

    Being forced into upgrading from 8.1 to 10 was something I never got over. 10 to 11, and I feel like a grizzled war vet asking what we even fight for.

    • @xtfgrw
      @xtfgrw Před 24 dny

      This may be the most overblown analogy I have seen in my life lol

  • @graon4880
    @graon4880 Před měsícem +5

    So you’re telling me that if I buy the hardware for a computer, I still have to pay money for a subscription for the right to run the hardware? Does Microsoft want my computer to be a giant paperweight.

    • @icantcomeupwithnames469
      @icantcomeupwithnames469 Před měsícem

      Nope, you can run the hardware all you want. I don't see how a subscription would be any more offensive than having to pay for a license. Just use Linux and avoid that anti-user nonsense entirely.

  • @Holammer
    @Holammer Před měsícem +42

    Funny thing about Recall is that they actually announced it, there must've been SOMEONE, heck... Even a bunch of people at Microsoft saying that's a very bad idea, but they still did! All that data is too tempting, so they rolled the dice, hoping it would slip by without too much attention.

    • @nicomoron001
      @nicomoron001 Před měsícem

      but why announce it at all then? couldn't they just sneak it into W11?

    • @Mario583a
      @Mario583a Před měsícem +6

      @@nicomoron001 Special chip is mandatory.
      CPU usage goes brrr....

    • @rosejasmin7842
      @rosejasmin7842 Před měsícem +3

      The thing is that the "Windows Recall" is pretty much an spyware version of an existing feature in Win7,its called "Recent Places"

    • @rosejasmin7842
      @rosejasmin7842 Před měsícem

      The thing is that the "Windows Recall" is pretty much an spyware version of an existing feature in Win7,its called "Recent Places"

    • @wintermute5974
      @wintermute5974 Před měsícem +2

      @@nicomoron001 Because the main point of recall was to hype up investors who had been successfully convinced that AI was going to be the next big thing. Not announcing it would have defeated the entire purpose of it.

  • @axmajpayne
    @axmajpayne Před měsícem +32

    One of the most annoying things about Edge is that Microsoft has made it so you can't even uninstall it. Even the workarounds to uninstall it through the command prompt don't work anymore. It also wants to start up along with Windows by default and just sit in the background with 10 different processes running and hogging resources unless you manually set it to not start on boot in your startup apps. It's literally unremovable bloatware. I'm just done with Microsoft at this point, While work may continue giving me Windows machines, I will never install Windows on one of my personal machines. I'm just going to move to Linux.

    • @Mario583a
      @Mario583a Před měsícem

      How is one supposed to install a browser if one removes the default? Browsers do not come in magazines nor stores anymore.

    • @TripNBallsGaming
      @TripNBallsGaming Před měsícem +8

      ​@@Mario583aObviously by downloading a different browser using the system default, then deleting the old browser when you have the new one. Do you not understand how to use a computer? Also, why are you so obsessed with defending Microsoft? You do realize that no matter how much you defend them they'll never act in your interest, right? Edge is good at getting Google Chrome, and beyond that there's basically no reason to use it.

    • @icantcomeupwithnames469
      @icantcomeupwithnames469 Před měsícem


    • @joshallen128
      @joshallen128 Před 27 dny

      What if you set your location to the European Union perhaps is will allow you to uninstall it

  • @PhatTony
    @PhatTony Před 9 dny +3

    Once I have to pay, I am gone. Once its all in the cloud, I am gone. In fact, I am planning my escape now.

  • @organicsatanic
    @organicsatanic Před měsícem +119

    I got a hand-me-down laptop with windows 11 on it preinstalled from a family member. I got fed up with it, wiped the machine, and installed linux mint within a month.

    • @crazydude5825
      @crazydude5825 Před měsícem

      ​@@manitoba-op4jx Yeah it's definitely the one I would recommend for a new user. There's reasons to use others, but Mint is simply the easiest for a casual user to wrap their mind around. Maybe Zorin too. I use Arch BTW.

    • @Firevine
      @Firevine Před měsícem +12

      I work in IT support for a government entity. One of our departments has a little too much ego and autonomy, and just buys all kinds of crap without conferring with IT. Anyway, they bought these ridiculous Alienware P51E's running insane specs. In. Sane. Specs.
      They run Windows 11 like absolute _trash_ . It's absurd how a system like this runs so slowly and so poorly with that OS. I had to jump through a million hoops to not have to deal with a Microsoft account to set them up.
      When yet ANOTHER one of these Alienwares crossed my desk the other day, I said to hell with it and imaged Windows 10 LTSC. Anything I do is instantaneous. Windows 10 was the worst OS I ever used until Windows 11 came out.

    • @danieltaylor4185
      @danieltaylor4185 Před měsícem +2

      @@Firevine That's not always the "Windows 10 Experience." I have a pretty beefy custom-built PC that runs 10, and it still hesitates and lags behind a lot. It seems to be a problem with Windows trying to update in the background, as turning it off helps sometimes. But, in my experience, Windows 10 is a temperamental OS at best. Meanwhile, I foolishly bought a PC with 11 pre-installed, with less than half the specs, and Windows 11 runs like a dream.
      Not that I even use that laptop anymore, as my daily driver is now an old, under-spec machine with Linux Mint on it. Windows 10 absolutely decimated the resources on it before I switched. I just don't appreciate how much of a privacy nightmare Windows is these days. Not that they've had an exemplary track record before, but at least back then the data mining incentives weren't staring you in the face every time you open the start menu.

    • @StarWarsExpert_
      @StarWarsExpert_ Před měsícem +2

      did you unbloat most of the pre installed windows shit, before you got fed up with it?

  • @bobvance-
    @bobvance- Před měsícem +157

    God damn dude. I hate the "WE NEED TO FINISH SETTING UP YOUR PC". It used to give me a panic attack because I thought that meant windows somehow got reset.
    Also, all of a sudden my laptop is running like shit because some process is taking up 30-50% of my CPU and I have no idea how to fix it, as it involves going through and finding the process ID to disable the blah blah blah.
    Thanks Microsoft. My $4000 laptop is almost a paperweight until I decide to factory reset my computer.

    • @notaulgoodman9732
      @notaulgoodman9732 Před měsícem +13

      good lord.. bloatmaxxing lol

      @SUCHMISH Před měsícem +9

      Or install adopt a Penguin...
      It's just a suggestion, you don't have to go through with it...

    • @DenisC-pr4jw
      @DenisC-pr4jw Před měsícem +8

      Everytime a Windows enter End of Life, it starts this cpu high usage, usually through windows update. Even reinstalling it won't fix, it will eventually start doing it again. Only installing the new version of Windows will make it stop. Or just disable the update service, what is not good, also, in latest windows it might reactivate itself.
      My windows went a bit far this time, it just bricked itself and couldn't boot. Reinstalled it and bricked itself again.
      Then I decided to install linux, to see if it may be a software or hardware. Linux is running as it should. Teste the hardware. Also fine. So I decided to not go back to Windows and stay in Linux.

    • @YoungMrBlue
      @YoungMrBlue Před 29 dny +16

      @@SUCHMISHLinux is definitely a good fallback plan but you have to make sure all your software will run on it first

    • @noticiasinmundicias
      @noticiasinmundicias Před 26 dny +3

      @@YoungMrBlue Most software (and like 99% of games) run on Linux now. And if they don't, set up a Virtual Machine. There's LOADS of tutorials for that on CZcams.

  • @BlueEyedVibeChecker
    @BlueEyedVibeChecker Před 25 dny +15

    Microsoft removed the Vista "Aero" theme from Windows 10, but re-added the Vista performance and called it Windows 11.

  • @Mcburger644
    @Mcburger644 Před měsícem +290

    Microsoft Ruined Everything*

  • @charmyzard
    @charmyzard Před měsícem +25

    So happy I jumped to Linux a few years ago.
    Feels like I fled a city that exploded into wild riots just after I left.

  • @pepsiman91
    @pepsiman91 Před 21 dnem +2

    Windows 7 was the last operating system where you're actually the Administrative user. I'm currently dancing around a windows automatic recovery bootloop because of a failed update. I cannot use ANY of the tools to fix it because they're locked behind my own password that doesn't work, the media creation tool can't do ANYTHING. The first opinion I mentioned planted the seed, but this issue that just randomly happened because an update failed has officially convinced me to switch my OS.

  • @williamhabberjam410
    @williamhabberjam410 Před měsícem +36

    I hate this push towards the cloud so much

    • @Compact-Disc_700mb
      @Compact-Disc_700mb Před 27 dny +6

      Yeah it sucks, just remember the cloud is just someone else's computer. Just use your own computer.

    • @aa-hj2fd
      @aa-hj2fd Před 26 dny +1

      And you lose control of your data in the long run, or it really becomes expensive to store your dafa or to access your data.

    • @nicejungle
      @nicejungle Před 16 dny

      this push is awesome. It's good for Linux

  • @Zippsterman
    @Zippsterman Před měsícem +31

    I got my first new laptop in many years recently. I was not able to startup my new computer and get it working without connecting it to the internet and linking a Microsoft account.
    I didn't have a Microsoft account. After trying and failing to bypass it for a while I made one to get the computer working, then immediately deleted and disconnected it.
    ...creating the Microsoft account also auto-created a McAfee account with my information and installed it on my new computer without my asking. Searching their website I found no option anywhere to delete it. I had to call their support, explain that an account was created with my information against my will, and insist about a dozen times that I want it and all my information deleted (after saying no to a half-dozen sales pitches) before they finally got rid of it.
    Icing on the cake - Microsoft deleted my Minecraft account I had since beta in 2010, and their only response was I had to buy it again at full price and not get any of my old stuff back. Screw them.

    • @Firevine
      @Firevine Před měsícem +9

      There is a bypass, but it's hard to find info for, info is outdated, it is NOT intuitive, and it is a massive headache for the average user. You have to do some magic trickery during that account process to run a few commands via command line, then the computer will reboot and have an option for not using a MS account. The average joe WILL NOT even consider this an option. It's so obtuse.

    • @Zippsterman
      @Zippsterman Před měsícem +1

      @@Firevine As somebody looking for such an absurd bypass, I couldn't find it at the time. It would have saved a whole bunch of account management BS that all the rest of it is trying to force you into

    • @joshallen128
      @joshallen128 Před 27 dny

      ​@@Firevinepay someone else to bypass it

    • @Firevine
      @Firevine Před 26 dny +2

      @@joshallen128 You miss the point entirely. How would the average user even know that the bypass is there when it's that much of a hassle? They'll press the button make the account and move on.

  • @CookyMonzta
    @CookyMonzta Před 27 dny +4

    12:40 Assume they WILL turn Windows into a subscription service, until they prove us wrong! 🤬

  • @LifeofSquidMann
    @LifeofSquidMann Před měsícem +79

    Waking up to find CoPilot installed on my machine, after an hour long update, which I did not consent to, was my breaking point. As soon as I get a bigger drive, I'm dual booting Linux and never looking back.

    • @motoryzen
      @motoryzen Před měsícem +12

      I respect the content of your frustration. Just realized and know the things I'm about to State up front or a fact of human nature
      Please remember that you didn't learn how to use Windows overnight nor over the course of a couple of weeks it took a good while to know the ins and outs of windows. As a result, please have the same patience for the Linux world as well as being patient with yourself and know that it's okay to take breaks and go back and forth between Linux and windows worlds... until you can 100% confirm that you can do everything and accomplish every task that you normally can in Windows in the Linux world of whatever Linux distribution you choose
      It is very wise of you to consider installing whatever Linux operating system into a separate Drive in your idea to dual boot because if Don set up correctly, this greatly pretty much nukes any and all chances that an idiotic Windows update gets pushed through and screws up your ability to boot into Linux AKA grub the Bootloader for Linux. I recommend that once you get that spare SSD or that second SSD that you want to put Linux into that first you disable fast startup AKA quick startup both within your graphical Windows desktop and your UEFI bios AKA quote press whatever key to enter setup"... also disable secure boot as that's proven to be another useless so-called feature that has been hacked more times than Joe Biden's lack of a brain. This will make ensuring your dual boot system working properly that much better
      Fox clone is what I recommend for doing system image backups as well as full drive clones and in fact the main developer a guy who goes by the username of Andy Mah is a very active Forum member on the site forums Linux who I encounter here and there throughout the the years he's been on that site helping many people with many issues of course including backing up and restoration problems
      Timeshift is to Linux as system restore is to Microsoft Windows but the only difference is time shift actually works but know that time shift is really not designed to be a full system backup solution but mainly just a way to get you back up booted into the Linux operating system without really any problems. Thus before you experiment on any individual update you don't understand or may not seem trustworthy or even messing with certain settings depending on what the settings are, I recommend you create a timeshift snapshot that targets a separate SSD and not leave the default setting as is which targets the same physical drive that the Linux operating system you choose is installed upon
      If you haven't already guessed know up front there will be a learning curve depending on your knowledge and how you perceive things and understand that under the hood there are some similarities but you should assume Windows is not Linux and Linux is not Windows as they work differently under the hood in the background. This is the core reasoning why so many Linux veterans often talk about practice using terminal commands it doesn't mean necessarily that you have to be a terminal expert to use a Linux operating system especially one such as Linux Mint but it is definitely quite helpful in your journey of learning how things work and helping you troubleshoot just about any problem
      Old EzeeLinuzx aka Joe Collins videos
      There are many other helpful Linux involved CZcams channels out there
      I won't say I know it all definitely I've only been using Linux as my daily driver 100% for just over four years now Linux Mint cinnamon in particular but I do know a bit about some bass scripting and I can tell you from enough experience that one particular softwate tool that could make your life very more entertained and very helped is ..... xdotool..... which in my opinion is core focus on automating certain keyboard key presses as well as Mouse movement and clicks. Long story short I'm still refining a bass script which when ran just like an executable Windows it will automate all the key presses and mouse movement and clicks on completely setting up my freshly installed Linux Mint PC downloading all the stuff I need to download installing setting up each and every individual program and game all in one Fell Swoop saving literally multiple days of work taking the span of maybe three or four hours tops worst case. Is this TDS to set up yes but well worth learning
      Feel welcome to ask me anything and I'll do my best to help. Cheers

    • @Elemblue2
      @Elemblue2 Před 26 dny

      A few days ago, edge re-installed itself, then turned itself on during startup, and said "Dont worry bro, we got your back. We downloaded all the data from your other browsers and sent it to ourselves for your convenience. Now you can use edge! Try out copilot! I makes using the internet easier!"
      What you mean is you just heisted my computer for information you were not supposed to freaking have. Not an issue for me, but I am pretty sure you just data robbed a billion people with that one.
      Oh copilot makes making the internet easier does it? "Alright copilot, tell me the different types of solar panels that exist sorted by release dates and technology type."
      Copilot has crashed.
      Copilot, tell me the exact value of money I would have total if I withdrew my rrsp every deposit and used it to pay my mortgage, and how much I would have if I didnt after 20 years.
      Copilot has crashed.
      Get out.

    • @funnyberries4017
      @funnyberries4017 Před 25 dny +3

      Dont bother with the dual boot and jump straight in.

    • @motoryzen
      @motoryzen Před 25 dny

      @@funnyberries4017 that is on wise as all you're doing is recommending a path of inevitable failure when that end-user gets frustrated who's known only Windows all his or her life and assumes Linux works like Windows. Get real. Baby steps make more sense and dual booting is set up properly meaning OneDrive from Windows and one drive for Linux and as well as beforehand ensuring that fast startup as well as secure boot are both disabled, is the wiser way to do it that way the end user who is still learning how the Linux works can play around in the Linux ocean ride on Shore for as long as he or she needs to and if he or she needs to take a break he or she can go right back to Windows very easily without any complications and this also ensures that chances are a stupid Windows update that gets forced down the line won't mess with grub. Setting this up is not complicated if you fall as simple instructions and do it right
      But just nuking your windows install when you don't have a clue how Linux Works under the hood is completely asinine

    • @armandoventura9043
      @armandoventura9043 Před 24 dny +4

      I had dual boot too, but Windows is not necessary unless you do specific things, in normal use Linux is more than enough

  • @OptimisticSturmmann142
    @OptimisticSturmmann142 Před měsícem +219

    What's with CZcamsrs setting thumbnails on fire?

    • @personzorz
      @personzorz Před měsícem +52

      Microsoft's fault

    • @parodysam
      @parodysam Před měsícem +11

      that’s just CZcams

    • @BirdRaiserE
      @BirdRaiserE Před měsícem +54

      We live in the age of discontent and everything burning down

    • @scaper12123
      @scaper12123 Před měsícem +12

      Did you click on this video? Yes? That is why. 😉

    • @dreemurchara
      @dreemurchara Před měsícem +6

      ​@@scaper12123 Not neccesarily. They could have clicked the video because of the title or because they follow the content creator. Don't make false assumptions.

  • @jovetj
    @jovetj Před 19 dny +5

    4:22 No, we can't agree on that. Windows 7 is excellent. Windows 10 is far worse than Windows 8 ever was. And it's not getting better at all.

  • @l0lLorenzol0l
    @l0lLorenzol0l Před měsícem +40

    12:58 People finally moving to Linux explains the drop, duh

    • @bco1981
      @bco1981 Před 28 dny +1

      Many that bought a new computer upgraded to windows 10...

    • @CrabSully
      @CrabSully Před 28 dny +1

      This being a significant enough blip is insane though.

  • @TheElusiveReality
    @TheElusiveReality Před měsícem +22

    we should not accept extremely obtrusive ads in a product that we already pay money for when we buy the PC as "not that bad"

    • @motoryzen
      @motoryzen Před měsícem +2

      I could not agree more and adding to your point if I'm going to pay to own a device I should have full control over it within safe legal means and that includes the manipulation of how my Hardware in what is supposed to be my PC runs including the data that is giving out. That's why I couldn't be happier I switched to Linux Mint over 4 years ago

  • @neetmur
    @neetmur Před 25 dny +3

    Switching to Linux was one of the best decisions I've made in recent memory.

  • @sthenzel
    @sthenzel Před měsícem +81

    Win10 already was kinda awful.
    Too much control by MS, not really customizable.
    I mean, not even being able to change screen colors to my liking or ungroup taskbar items?
    Win7 was the last great Windows, it offered nearly full user control.
    Mine looks and feels like Win95, and believe me - I have tried the other options.
    Our office laptops made the switch to Win10, then Win11 - atrocious! Visually and in ease of use.

    • @mksushi5754
      @mksushi5754 Před měsícem

      I agree, most of what say is true. However, you are able to ungroup Taskbar items in win 10 quite easily in Taskbar settings. It's the main reason I can make my desktop look like Vista.

    • @sthenzel
      @sthenzel Před měsícem

      @@mksushi5754 Not fully ungroup, different item of the same program still stuck together, and they could not be sorted.
      At least in Win10 a taskbar tool like 7TT was able to remedy that, but on our office laptops only approved software was allowed.

    • @talibong9518
      @talibong9518 Před měsícem +7

      Kinda awful? I'd say that's a massive understatement, Windows 10 is the worst OS ever made, everything people complain about in 11 started in 10. 7 was perfect and I hate everyone who took that free "upgrade" to 10 because if not for them, 7 would still be supported by modern software.

    • @talibong9518
      @talibong9518 Před měsícem

      @@mksushi5754 get retro bar then if you want a vista taskbar

    • @sthenzel
      @sthenzel Před měsícem +1

      @@talibong9518 You´re basically right, Win10 started the mess and it had the WIN11 basics in it already. I only tested 10 for a while on my gaming pc, but while it already sucked massively, there still were a few tweaks which could be implemented as mentioned above. Win11 really sucked from an operator standpoint already, but for a real user it´s a dumpster fire, you nearly don´t even own your pc anymore! Didn´t matter much on the company machine, that wasn´t mine anyway.
      My normal and the gaming pc run on 7, and they will continue to for a long time, I hope.

  • @MansakeLabsOfficial
    @MansakeLabsOfficial Před měsícem +129

    Linux user and gamer here to chime in some:
    Photoshop isn't even WINE compatible, if a graphic designer switched to Linux, they'd either have to use a much older version of Photoshop that _is_ WINE compatible, run it in a virtual machine, or leave Adobe's ecosystem entirely. Linux Bros™ keep talking about, and waiting for "The Year of the Linux Desktop", but my position is that the only way for something like that to happen, would be if Adobe made Linux versions of their software, or modified it to run on Linux through WINE. The latter of which is actually happening in the PC gaming space; a good example of this being "New Super Lucky's Tale", which displays an original graphic of a Steam Deck when you open the "Game Options" menu if the game detects that it's running on one. Developers of Windows only games will have Steam Deck / Linux specific changes listed in their patch notes.
    Linux is so much closer to being mainstream than it ever has, but that's only possible because of Valve's Proton _witchcraft_ and the Deck to make Windows software run on Linux the same way it runs on Windows, sometimes actually *better.*
    If you actually read through my whole spiel, you are a boss. \m/

    • @uniqueflowsnake
      @uniqueflowsnake Před měsícem +8

      praise gaben and linus

    • @qwertyiuwg4uwtwthn
      @qwertyiuwg4uwtwthn Před měsícem +3

      In the words of the undertaker "Never say never."

    • @MansakeLabsOfficial
      @MansakeLabsOfficial Před měsícem +2

      @@uniqueflowsnake Praise be! o7

    • @MansakeLabsOfficial
      @MansakeLabsOfficial Před měsícem

      @@qwertyiuwg4uwtwthn I try not to.

    • @mightza3781
      @mightza3781 Před měsícem +19

      Gabe saw the Windows Store as an ultimatum; that Microsoft was trying to do to Steam like what they did to Netscape. Steam machines, Proton, Steam Deck were all ways to mitigate the inevitable.

  • @wavelengthaudio
    @wavelengthaudio Před 13 dny +2

    Windows was never good. It was just what came installed on your computer

  • @abadyr_
    @abadyr_ Před měsícem +23

    Thank you Microsoft for actively promoting Linux distributions!

  • @Dsingis
    @Dsingis Před měsícem +110

    I forgot Windows 11 even exists, and I forgot, that Windows 10 will stop getting support at the end of 2025... Man, I don't want to switch to Windows 11, but I suppose if I can just install an uninstall-programm to uninstall all the bloatware crap Microsoft preinstalls nowdays, like I can with Windows 10, and change registry settings to get rid of annoying popups, then it won't be THAT much of a pain... I guess.

    • @yannickluecker3983
      @yannickluecker3983 Před měsícem +33

      Unless you're hardstuck with some programs for work purposes or play a bunch of Live Service games, I'd suggest a switchover to Linux. With the jump to 4.45% this month, we're like 90% of the way to the magical "too big to ignore" desktop market share where you'll start getting out of the chicken and egg problem for software compatibility.

    • @DawgBarkz
      @DawgBarkz Před měsícem

      yeah you've Win11Debloat available, is like scrubbing all their dirt hahaa

    • @organicleaf
      @organicleaf Před měsícem +23

      doesnt windows automaticly reinstall the "base apps"? i remember uninstalling skype and xbox stuff like multiple times just to see it reappear after an udpate or after booting it up again

    • @Code7Unltd
      @Code7Unltd Před měsícem +9

      The IoT Enterprise skew doesn't have any arbitrary requirements. There's a reason that pirates value the business packages and the LTSC editions...

    • @TheFaceSoap
      @TheFaceSoap Před měsícem

      ​​@@yannickluecker3983there are already tonnes of common apps you'd find on Windows for it and more to come I hope. the only reason I even have a partition with Windows on it these days is for my DAW because some VSTs won't work on Linux, but once I figure out how to do that...

  • @SirFaceFone
    @SirFaceFone Před 23 dny +2

    The US really should've went with their decision to split Windows from Microsoft in 2000.

  • @tek_lynx4225
    @tek_lynx4225 Před měsícem +57

    Yes they have. Core windows users still want the 2k\XP UI and a Large segment wants the AERO Vista\7 UI also, but M$ refuses to give a damn about what its customers want.

    • @thelakeman2538
      @thelakeman2538 Před měsícem +9

      Instead of going backwards MS should learn from MacOS and major linux DEs like KDE or Gnome, and give a consistent modern UI, instead of the inconsistent mess it is rn. Maybe offer more customizability instead of actively being hostile to projects that try to offer alternative UIs.

    • @icantcomeupwithnames469
      @icantcomeupwithnames469 Před měsícem +1

      What are you going to do, stop using Windows? The core Windows user doesn't care.

    • @AMDFan-s1y
      @AMDFan-s1y Před měsícem

      Windows is more modern nowadays. Getting it back to the old UI and Aero theme would be very weird.

    • @circleinforthecube5170
      @circleinforthecube5170 Před měsícem +19

      @@thelakeman2538 modern uis are incredibly boring, and they are going to be dated as hell in 5 years

    • @talibong9518
      @talibong9518 Před měsícem +5

      Blame the idiots that took the free upgrade to 10 instead of just staying on the superior 7

  • @HedgehogY2K
    @HedgehogY2K Před měsícem +36

    I had to the excruciating pleasure of finding out that you have to turn off bit locker in order to safely disable TPM or PTT. After that your laptop can finally be free of locking itself down for nothing and forcing you to look up your recovery, which is automatically created and used when you sign in your PC with a Microsoft account BY DE-F**KING-FAULT! Thanks for turning on bit locker AGAINST MY WILL!

    • @fidesius8316
      @fidesius8316 Před měsícem +8

      I just had an older user ask me about this exact problem regarding their home PC. I was deeply confused about how a home user ended up with BitLocker at all, much less got it enabled, since it used to be a professional/enterprise-only product. He had no idea what BitLocker or full disk encryption was, and was enraged that MSFT would enable it by default and potentially be bricking his PC over some stupid thing and taking all of his data into the crapper. He was lucky to have written down his recovery key and not lost the note. I showed him how to disable it and bade him good luck.
      I suppose MSFT doesn't care because their assumption is probably "You should be on OneDrive anyway, and then us bricking your PC and forcing you to replace the drive and Windows again won't be a problem!" Just unbelievable.

    • @HedgehogY2K
      @HedgehogY2K Před měsícem +1

      @@fidesius8316 They still assume that in 2024? Disgraceful. Hardware is all the rage and servers are now getting massive flack thanks to Ubisoft, so much in fact it caused an opportunity for legislation called "Stop Killing Games." If you could help out, either spread the word or sign the petition... That is if you're in Europe or if you have a Ubisoft account, yeah Ubisoft made sure it would be as difficult as possible to contact them and or go through this process, which is scummy all by itself and probably illegal to effectively block any kind of feedback and in case-the legislation that aims to save multiplayer games that rely on servers.

  • @monabuu
    @monabuu Před 20 dny +3

    I think there’s another reason why, at least in the corporate workstation world, windows has been the go-to for a long time, which you didn’t touch on: backwards compatibility. If you have a windows app that you haven’t updated since 1998, it’s very much possible that it will still just run. Edge still has an IE compatibility mode. And if someone follows “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” it’s corporate codebases.
    Meanwhile on macOS, apple just *decides* that a program is too old and intentionally stops it from running. And on Linux, a core library just decides to rewrite a core component and it breaks everything (which is why enterprise Linux distros run years-old libraries)

  • @DrAnimePhD
    @DrAnimePhD Před měsícem +23

    I’m so glad I moved to Mac and Linux last year. Happier than ever

  • @sterlinsilver
    @sterlinsilver Před měsícem +46

    I personally believe windows XP was the most user friendly os they ever made. I HATE using computers and yet somehow I can use it effortlessly. Windows 7 was their last "good" operating system. Windows 8 was hampered by their attempt at minimalism and everything after then has been a nightmare. I still use my 2008 windows xp computer because its just so useful still. (Not for the inyernet but for all my physical media)

    • @AMDFan-s1y
      @AMDFan-s1y Před měsícem +1

      Using a 23 year old OS in 2024 ain't good 💀 imagine the security risks. At least get Linux...

    • @brakosjacob8019
      @brakosjacob8019 Před měsícem +16

      ​@@AMDFan-s1yAs long as they're leaving it disconnected from the Internet it's not an issue

    • @SylveonMujigaeOfficial
      @SylveonMujigaeOfficial Před měsícem

      ⁠@@AMDFan-s1yThey said they aren’t connected to the Internet.

    • @trevinbeattie4888
      @trevinbeattie4888 Před měsícem +3

      XP is the only version of Windows I still use … in a virtual machine running on a Linux host. (Several VM’s actually, one for each Windows application so they don’t mess up each other’s configuration.)

    • @Roxor128
      @Roxor128 Před měsícem +4

      @@trevinbeattie4888 While horribly inefficient with disk usage, I still have to admire the simplicity of that solution!

  • @Kokuyous3ki
    @Kokuyous3ki Před 20 dny +2

    One funny little additional bonus to it is that the moment you use the same system for everything, as in Microsoft OS, Microsoft Browser, Microsoft everything, it means anyone hacking into MS gets all your stuff.

  • @ThechronocrosserII
    @ThechronocrosserII Před měsícem +39

    Listen, I've been working IT at a university for a few years and here's my experience with Windows:
    - Outlook can kiss my ass with how complicated it is. The AUDACITY of them to launch 'new' outlook with half ass features of the old one. i will give them credit, at least they are cleaning up the UI for Outlook.
    - Windows 11 is alright (except for the bloatware)
    - OneDrive can kiss my ass with how it's automatically enabled and starts downloading shit you never wanted on there.
    - Bing sucks. Just take me to reddit and not MS Community with their BS answers.
    - Edge is a great browser but, MS had to fuck it up with their altering of search results.
    - CAN YOU PLEASE just release one version of Outlook and Teams. Not this new/old shit that leaves my users confused and having to explain how it works and them asking to go back to old teams.
    - MECM, Azure, Intune, Active Directory, all the backend tools are PHENOMENAL for IT. Confusing as hell but, more than I can say for Apple devices.
    Thats about it. Honestly, their frontend services are too 'Microsoft' involved and they just need to focus on making a better and cohesive user experience. But corporations gotta corp.

    • @Code7Unltd
      @Code7Unltd Před měsícem

      Thunderbird is better than Outlook, and that's saying something.
      Those that work with LibreOffice seem to enjoy it better than Microsoft's offerings (in spite of Calc's learning curve).

    • @deerkaiser9983
      @deerkaiser9983 Před měsícem +5

      This. As much as I hate Windows and Microsoft Active Directory makes administration much much easier. Plus I'm a pentester so I have to thank AD for being so confusing because my job is essentially finding and exploiting its misconfigurations

    • @Firevine
      @Firevine Před měsícem +1

      I work in IT for government and we could easily have a full time employee just for problems with Outlook.

    • @FemboyCatGaming
      @FemboyCatGaming Před měsícem +1

      You dont need shit like Microsoft Active Directory on -nix devices like OSX or linux since group control has been baked into the OS since the UNIX days.

  • @organicsatanic
    @organicsatanic Před měsícem +30

    I only remember groove music because microsoft kept changing my default program for audio files away from vlc to groove music with each windows update for a good stretch of time

    • @devrim-oguz
      @devrim-oguz Před měsícem +8

      Yeah, and it was totally unusable. I would even prefer the Windows Media Player to that

    • @mrtechie6810
      @mrtechie6810 Před 29 dny

      I used Groove but then they unsupported it!

  • @RatreoTumips-ig8lg
    @RatreoTumips-ig8lg Před 5 dny

    I am an in house IT admin, in a company of about 100 computers. We use the full microsoft stack, and I managed to make W11 great with lot of tweaks, registry settings, scripts etc. Edge is the worse POS ever but with about 100 GPO settings, it's now sleek, fast, and have ublock automaticaly installed and configured.
    For my user's point of view, it "just works", they don't see the real face of windows with the contant ads and popups. Some of them knows and asks me to prepare their personnal computers too lol
    But cloud is coming FAST. most of the external companies pushes a lot to migrate on premises servers to the cloud. Since im in house, i am able to push back the "offers" and laugh at them, but lots of Small businesses trust their MSPs and sign into never ending renting contracts and licences. Once it's done it's nearly impossible to go back to on-premise. The MSP just won't allow it or invent a 6 figure price for it or something.

  • @TheXyxy2
    @TheXyxy2 Před měsícem +60

    The best thing Microsoft can do is create a new Windows XP for modern PC.

    • @NiekNooijens
      @NiekNooijens Před měsícem +15

      But with decent security.
      Seriously, XP trusted EVERYTHING.
      Put in a pendrive? Just execute autorun.exe! No way someone will abuse that....

    • @mmy2k48
      @mmy2k48 Před měsícem +2

      That'd be ideal, but it'd never happen despite it being pretty feasible. A lot of US government computers use a special version of Windows XP with all the security updates. I doubt they'd let Microsoft start selling it.

    • @Mario583a
      @Mario583a Před měsícem +5

      And people will go, 'Wait, wtf is this shitty fisher-price looking theme all over again'

    • @MustraOrdo
      @MustraOrdo Před měsícem +7

      ​@@Mario583a People change when trends shifts. Y2k, frutiger aero, and minimalism had their eras. It should be about time for another aesthetics for the 2020's.

    • @circleinforthecube5170
      @circleinforthecube5170 Před měsícem +4

      @@Mario583a yeah because those 4 complaints from 2002 represent the publics entire opinion on xp, its more good than bad on windows xp UI retrospective

  • @multigameplayer1001
    @multigameplayer1001 Před měsícem +21

    I moved to mint after getting a new hard drive, old machine still works.

  • @four-en-tee
    @four-en-tee Před 17 dny +2

    If the next Windows becomes a subscription service, i'm switching to Linux. Hell, I should've switched a while ago.

  • @Spencer-wc6ew
    @Spencer-wc6ew Před měsícem +43

    Just a reminder to gamers:
    Steam has a linux version. And it has a built in tool, called Proton, that can run Windows-only games in Linux. 95% of the time, it runs great without you doing anything.
    The Steam Deck uses it, so Valve has incentive to maintain it well.

    • @MyouKyuubi
      @MyouKyuubi Před 29 dny +13

      Proton is also open source, so that's additional incentive to move to linux, lol. Even if steam stops supporting it, for whatever reason, the linux community can just keep the ball rolling, indefinitely.

    • @vizionthing
      @vizionthing Před 25 dny +2

      It was always the thought of steam that stopped my move to Linux, but its been six months and everything has been fine, more than fine, my my boot drive is in a caddy, the widows caddy ...its not been touched I suspect that 4% is climbing every day

    • @xtfgrw
      @xtfgrw Před 23 dny +2

      @@Spencer-wc6ew guys Proton is REALLY good. I wish more people knew this. It works for a LOT of games.

    • @midnightwolfwarrior
      @midnightwolfwarrior Před 20 dny +1


    • @Starfloofle
      @Starfloofle Před 17 dny

      There are a teeny tiny handful of games that rely on some stupid fucking proprietary anti-cheat that don't work with linux, and some of them are important to me...
      Either way my win10 is stunlocked by the Sledgehammer until the day comes it starts being a nuisance, so that's tomorrow's problem not today's. At least for me.

  • @redsable6119
    @redsable6119 Před měsícem +40

    This is why I'll never upgrade from windows 10. Windows 11 also made a lot of hardware obsolete when it didn't need to be. I can't get win11 until I replace the motherboard in my computer I just built 4 years ago.

    • @Mario583a
      @Mario583a Před měsícem

      If only bad people did not exist to try to bruteforce their way into machines, just saiyan.....
      New tech comes with new features that the individual may or may not want like with more modern games. Computer hardware can only become stagnated for so long.

    • @AMDFan-s1y
      @AMDFan-s1y Před měsícem +5

      You will have security risks, also windows 11 is a bit more stable now with updates. And you should just use Linux for older incompatible hardware. And you should just use Linux.

    • @talibong9518
      @talibong9518 Před měsícem

      10 is even worse, you should have had that attitude with 7. You can install 11 if you want, it's extremely easy to bypass it's requirements, you don't need a new mobo at all, any PC with 10 can run 11.

    • @thewhitedragon4184
      @thewhitedragon4184 Před měsícem

      Yeah the new system requirements are "security checks" you can bypass so easily it's laughable

    • @0w3nn
      @0w3nn Před měsícem +2

      absolutely agree.

  • @TofuofLight
    @TofuofLight Před 24 dny +2

    I work at a government agency handling sensitive information and I kinda doubt the government wants to store that information at a private company’s cloud service. But then again…..

  • @3rdworldgarage450
    @3rdworldgarage450 Před měsícem +20

    I am planning to migrate to Linux Mint soon because I like owning what I use and don't want to have to rent my OS.

  • @Darth_Insidious
    @Darth_Insidious Před měsícem +23

    Ever since Windows 8 I've had to wrestle with the operating system to have it provide me the much more useful legacy menus. If I need to debug something with my audio or microphone, the Windows 10/11 menu is often useless, and the problem gets solved shortly after I rediscover how to get to the legacy sound control panel.

    • @Elemblue2
      @Elemblue2 Před 26 dny +1

      They are just really jealous of apple. What they dont understand, is that apple captured all the users willing to deal with apples BS. Windows does not have those users.

    • @Hr1s7i
      @Hr1s7i Před 17 dny

      In all honesty, the flashy facade of W10 is just there for show. The moment you need to touch anything more than an on/off mainstream feature, you get back to some sub menu in the control panel (which they try to hide from us by keeping it off the grid if you look for it, but is still there nontheless).

  • @unessential
    @unessential Před 19 dny +2

    I'm currently dual booting Windows 10 and Linux Mint but next PC will just be full Linux. I can't handle the ever increasing number of bugs and ads in Windows. Maybe if we could go back to actually paying for the OS in exchange for no more ads or user monetisation? I'd be cool with that!