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  • @732ReviewCrew
    @732ReviewCrew Před 7 měsíci +9

    As we get used to our white board addition, we noticed we have to make it a little more legible for viewers somehow.
    This will be done for future episodes past 4x05!
    We also identified the cord making the static and it has been removed from use :)

    • @naynay3710
      @naynay3710 Před 7 měsíci

      Legible would be nice... 😝

  • @pretentiousn3rd
    @pretentiousn3rd Před 7 měsíci +17

    Yessss you guys have finally met Marco Inaros.....and that's all I think I can say without spoiling anything 🤐 I will say though the actor who plays him Keon Alexander is absolutely incredible

    • @dallesamllhals9161
      @dallesamllhals9161 Před 7 měsíci +1

      Yeah, yeah SO pretty and a silver tounge too....DAMN IT I don't like Marco...sry'!

  • @kirkdarling4120
    @kirkdarling4120 Před 7 měsíci +6

    The reason Murtry is after Lucia is because Coop had incriminated Lucia in the discussion Murtry had eavesdropped on.
    Naomi was firing the PDCs remotely, but those are heavy rounds from a personnel point of view.
    Belters have saved both Earth and Mars, but the Inners haven't changed. The events on Ilus prove that Marco was right.
    Proto-Miller is flipping switches, apparently at random.
    If Holden can whip Mutry...Amos would sweep up Ilus with him.
    That last wide-vista scene between Holden and Mutry should clue you in to the genre for this season.
    Mike: "Marco gave off real edgy vibes like, 'I will be the blade in the dark...'" That will come back on you, Mike.
    Your discussions are great.

  • @LeeCarlson
    @LeeCarlson Před 7 měsíci +4

    This just reminds us of Camina Drummer telling Naomi, "Now I know why you don't have to carry a gun." The railgun is a spinal mount, however, the PDCs have a variable rate of fire and a 30mm tungsten round will do as much damage to a human target as ... say ... dropping an elevator on one.

  • @KingApeiron
    @KingApeiron Před 7 měsíci +4

    Avasarala has been afraid of a war between the Belt and the Inners since Season 1... She told her grandson as much 3 seasons ago...

  • @hoos3014
    @hoos3014 Před 7 měsíci +8

    All I can say is Mikey's tin foil was cooking again today 👨‍🍳🔥

  • @Dene181
    @Dene181 Před 7 měsíci +3

    The fact that Marco Inaros just talked them out of killing him is actually pretty impressive, he just makes so much sense, damn it. Love the reactions! 👌

    • @732ReviewCrew
      @732ReviewCrew Před 7 měsíci +2

      They did say that Marco was a very good talker, and when they let him talk it really came to shine. He is so convincing

  • @Metro498
    @Metro498 Před 7 měsíci +3

    27:42 Drummer wants to build a future for the Belt. She told Fred Johnson she followed him to Tycho Station because he wanted build something better.

  • @TheInvestigator
    @TheInvestigator Před 7 měsíci +2

    2 things I'd like to point out that are a little behind-the-scenes.
    1 - Bobbie is in this season so they could retain the actress for the show.
    2 - How cool was that final 'show-down' between Holden and Marty? Just the camera work where Holden is walking toward Murphy gives off a real 'Wild West' vibe...of course on purpose.

    • @732ReviewCrew
      @732ReviewCrew Před 7 měsíci +1

      The final showdown was awesome!
      And good to know, we love Bobbie even if she isn't a book character!

  • @corgiluver9718
    @corgiluver9718 Před 7 měsíci +2

    Great discussion. Hard to say more about Marco without spoilers but enjoyed all your theories. Loved Holden punching Murty at the end and Naomi's firing the PDCs remotely, but the highlights of the episode were the interactions b/w Ashford, Drummer, & Marco. And LOL, Mikey, you write like a doctor...illegible.

    • @732ReviewCrew
      @732ReviewCrew Před 7 měsíci +1


  • @remliqa
    @remliqa Před 7 měsíci +2

    15:44 No, that is just the standard point defense cannon firing there.

  • @wagnarokkr
    @wagnarokkr Před 7 měsíci +3

    15:43 that's a PDC, they're scary enough on their own. in the Expanse tabletop RPG book there's a little sidebar about interactions between ship-scale weapons and people, and it basically says that a person getting hit with any ship-mounted weapon is just instantly erased

    • @JimMcTavish
      @JimMcTavish Před 7 měsíci +1

      RIP Shed :(

    • @732ReviewCrew
      @732ReviewCrew Před 7 měsíci

      Rip Shed 🫡

    • @charlie7mason
      @charlie7mason Před 7 měsíci

      We actually get to see it in the show in the last season as well. Like body shot effects.

  • @jamesholland5761
    @jamesholland5761 Před 7 měsíci +3

    Great reaction!
    Mikey hit on something!🤔
    Drummer voting to spare Marco was disappointing! But I understand why she did, but damn!
    Looking forward to the next one!

  • @garethneller8239
    @garethneller8239 Před 7 měsíci +1

    With Mars It's not just that they're not at war, they have always been dedicated above all else to terraform the planet "a united goal to turn a lifeless rock into a garden"
    But now they don't need to because of the ring gates so they lack purpose.

  • @wagnarokkr
    @wagnarokkr Před 7 měsíci +3

    18:47 you're going to start to notice that Marco is very much a "dark side" version of Holden

    • @remliqa
      @remliqa Před 7 měsíci

      More like Holden is someone Marco pretended he could be.

  • @LeeCarlson
    @LeeCarlson Před 7 měsíci +3

    You can't just "Turn a ship around" when you are in orbit, which is the reason that he can get away with flipping Murtry off saying "We have radio silence."

    • @732ReviewCrew
      @732ReviewCrew Před 7 měsíci

      And it's glorious!!

    • @Nyx_2142
      @Nyx_2142 Před 7 měsíci

      Technically, you can. It just requires a shit ton of fuel to do so. Modern rockets can't, or at least it's a waste of millions of dollars to do so and you'd have little to no useful delta-v to continue a mission after I'd you were even capable of it in the first place.
      But in The Expanse it takes months to even get to the Ring, it takes months more to get to Ilus (All under continuous acceleration, usually) So while their ship would theoretically be able to, they are likely on strict fuel rationing for maneuvers and such with little to no supply lines to them.

  • @scottlescard6154
    @scottlescard6154 Před 7 měsíci +1

    Two things. "Space Dragon" is Miller "flipping switches" as he said back in ep2. And I have to asy that it was great insight about the belter in season 1 cought with stealth component's might have been one of Marco's people.

  • @VSisR
    @VSisR Před 7 měsíci

    The exchanges between Inaros and Drummer/Ashford are foreshadowing and absolutely brilliant. And they show us one of the big dilemmas in human civilization: almost everyone has (from his point of view) very valid points to act as they do.

  • @tomaszmankowski9103
    @tomaszmankowski9103 Před 7 měsíci +2

    OK, this time the discussion was surprisingly insightful and outlandishly crazy. I cannot say what is what. Obviously.
    Mars is dying? Perhaps too early to say it, but there is a mortal disease infecting the planet. Collectivist state where enourmour resources, generations of effort and things such personal freedom are sacrificed for the one purpose the entire state has - turning a lifeless rock into a garden suddenly finds itself without its purpose. Add to that massive military resources and huge unemployment and we have vast, vast resources to start a war. Or a dozen. Or a 1300+ if necessary...
    Marco Inaros. I have a problem saying anything because it will be a spoiler. I will only admitt I've just enjoyed how he uses words in this episode. Such a dangerous character.
    Holden's Wild West sheriff moment. Season 4 is partially a western and we finally have the lawman taking down the villain. Still he is just a part of the problem because the research mission which arrived with Murtry is being protected by quite numerous and well armed force.
    Rocinante on the planet. It is the second time when we see how powerful this warship is when we measure it against a planetary threat. This ship is comparable to... a strategic weapon from our time thanks to advanced nuclear missiles. Even its defensive weapons - the PDCs which we've seen taking down missiles and minor space warships - are very scary on a planet. 40 mm cannon can fire a single tungsten round and it will be devastating to anything on the surface. At least to anything built by humans.
    Take care!

    • @732ReviewCrew
      @732ReviewCrew Před 7 měsíci +1

      The rocinante is the strongest man made thing on the new planet! With it technically everyone would have to listen to the crew if they felt necessary.
      Love your comments as always. Can't wait for more wild west expanse!

  • @blackgirlcouchreviews
    @blackgirlcouchreviews Před 7 měsíci +3

    Mikey is adorkable ❤

  • @blackgirlcouchreviews
    @blackgirlcouchreviews Před 7 měsíci +3

    Naomi uses violence last so yes it’s interesting this entire time she could have annihilated Morty but didn’t choose force until the last minute.

  • @LeeCarlson
    @LeeCarlson Před 7 měsíci +2

    I tend to see the parallel of Mars ideology slipping with Russia following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

  • @nicodetorenwachter227
    @nicodetorenwachter227 Před 7 měsíci +1

    Refreshing to hear someone not completely hate Murphy #MurtryDidNothingWrong
    Also, love the whiteboard to keep more structure in the post-episode discussion. Keep it going! =)

    • @732ReviewCrew
      @732ReviewCrew Před 7 měsíci

      Hes just doing his job! He wasn't wrong yet even though we thought he was about the bombing.

    • @Nyx_2142
      @Nyx_2142 Před 7 měsíci

      Expanse fans when they justify imperialism and murder (with a dose of genocidal motivation)

  • @DaxRaider
    @DaxRaider Před 7 měsíci +3

    you guys should have already known that the women was in on it.
    the three belters that got shot planning to kill murty who exploded the ship talked to her last episode like "you was in on it, we in one boat" and so one xD seems i missed that :)

  • @LeeCarlson
    @LeeCarlson Před 7 měsíci +1

    Did you happen to notice that when Bobby grabbed the front of her nephew's jumpsuit and pinned him against the wall, her fist full of fabric was at her eye-level, even though her nephew is a head shorter than she is?

  • @davidbergfors6820
    @davidbergfors6820 Před 7 měsíci

    15:33 that's not the railgun, that is a PDC, they look so small in space, but really they are massive!
    Interesting that Mikey remembered the stolen stealth tech from season one! would this show really remember that?
    Joe, this HAS to be hard to keep quiet about what you know!

  • @elvisibra
    @elvisibra Před 7 měsíci +4

    It is not "a new railgun". It is standard PDC (40 mm CIWS type cannon). All Military ships have those..

    • @anthonydakhin4225
      @anthonydakhin4225 Před 7 měsíci +2

      It may be useful to point out that Roci's railgun is keel-mounted, meaning it fires alongside of the hull - exclusively in the same direction Roci is headed

    • @seafodder6129
      @seafodder6129 Před 7 měsíci

      Indeed. In contrast, the railgun is a relatively large, fixed weapon mounted longitudinally on the ship so aiming requires the whole ship to be pointed at the target. Think 30mm chain gun on an A-10 Warthog (except with a much larger projectile and a _much_ slower rate of fire. Like a bolt action rifle compared to a, well, chain gun).

    • @elvisibra
      @elvisibra Před 7 měsíci +2

      @@anthonydakhin4225 Yes. For those who don't know it, it is a good info. Other than that "keel mounted" can if needs be, face backwards or sideways, cause ships in expanse are built like subs (closed interior, keel is around interior structure, not on one side of it), but yeah, due to compared to space distances and velocities, very low velocities of slugs, railguns primarily shoot forward, anything else diminishes already low velocities of slugs. As for Roci's railgun, well it is extremely weak, only 10km/s velocity (weakest standard-factory ship mounted railguns are from 10× to 100× that) because Roci is not factory made for factory railgun, so this extra light aftermarket will "have to do" (Holden DIY Fast and Furious style tuning, which is complete waste of time and money, unless you are "the main character, cause these PDC tungsten rounds, 40mm, 1kg, have same mass as this Roci railgun slug, only they have approx half velocity, which is not that much difference overall).
      And then, even if Roci being "light" (about 2.5K to 2.8K tonnes, due to size, type construction, and presumed with up to 50% use of titanium (instead of all steel) which is 40% lighter than steel, still that "railgun recoil" from 1kg slug fired at 10km/s would be like 0.4 or 4cm (gotta do math to know which of those two), and even if slug i.e. Payload with additional material that gets fully expended during fire, and serve as conductor, gets heated, turnes into plasma and serves for creation of Magnetic Field Tunnel (instead of physical artilley tube) around railgun rails, has mass of 10kg, still recoil would be 4cm to 40cm..
      Seems that no matter how realistic (for everyone else), "Good Guy and Main Character" special set of rules and shenanigans still exist in rather heavy form.

    • @732ReviewCrew
      @732ReviewCrew Před 7 měsíci +1

      Woops! Thanks for the clarifications

    • @elvisibra
      @elvisibra Před 7 měsíci +1

      @@732ReviewCrew No problem. Either way, PDC (point defense cannon) is same as our CIWS (close in weapons system), used for defense mostly (sometimes for offense), only in the Expamse, instead of 20mm and 30mm, those guns are 40mm + rounds made of tungsten i.e. larger and heavier (more powerful), but obviously, guns have to be larger if they will shoot 33% to 100% larger caliber, and they are larger, about 4 meters long (4×1 Bobbie in the shipyard stamding below one of these Martian PDCs).

  • @richb313
    @richb313 Před 7 měsíci +2

    Marco you have already identified is important so are the heat sources.

  • @berniezenis4876
    @berniezenis4876 Před 7 měsíci +1

    Some belters have a wisdom that Inners don't have. Or at least that's the feeling that I've got over the course of the series.

    • @732ReviewCrew
      @732ReviewCrew Před 7 měsíci +1

      Maybe it comes from having more life experiences and a harder life, no basic assistance and living on a station/ship ?

  • @robertcartier5088
    @robertcartier5088 Před 7 měsíci +2

    In response to Joe's inquiry about metrics...
    _"to the tits"_ : Unrelated to cup size, this rather crude expression of vertical depth is used to illustrate how deeply one is standing in it -- "it" being whatever subject is being discussed, good or bad. Similar to _"Up to here"_ while holding one's hand at a certain level, but is also meant to convey an extra bit of a 'don't give a shit' attitude by the use of an unexpected, rude sexual reference.
    If the person whose tits are being used as the vertical metric is a young and heathy woman, the implication is that it's a lot. But, alternatively, if the person happens to be old and decrepit, then it might mean, _not much at all_ since not all tits are quite as lofty, given how long gravity has been at work. In such a case, an up-to-the-ankles metaphor would likely be more useful.
    - From the most recent edition of The Hitchhiker's Guide To Writing Dumb Shit In The Comments Section To Feed The Algorithm

    • @732ReviewCrew
      @732ReviewCrew Před 7 měsíci +2

      LOL thank you. This got a good laugh out of all of us

    • @robertcartier5088
      @robertcartier5088 Před 7 měsíci +2

      @@732ReviewCrew Good! Then my work is done, here! ;-]

    • @732ReviewCrew
      @732ReviewCrew Před 7 měsíci +2

      The ending part was the best. Love the recent edition!

  • @dallesamllhals9161
    @dallesamllhals9161 Před 7 měsíci +1

    8:52 ANd thé terraforming project doing well 😕 with 1300 "holes" to new cool places.
    Tempting even for a Mars-dweller/national/fanatic?
    15:30 I'm pretty sure Roci's a bit above: 5.56 or7.62. Brrrrrrrrrrh!(What a "cuTe" Medic) Oh, multi barrel 40 mils..yup that'll do as PDC aka Personal Defence Weapons(tee-hee)

    • @Nyx_2142
      @Nyx_2142 Před 7 měsíci

      Oh god. You are one of THOSE people type their barely coherent ramblings with "cutesy" bullshit from Tumblr. Wonder if you are a Cayde-6 alternate account or if I just happen to stumble upon different chucklefucks like you too often.

  • @akellerhouse83
    @akellerhouse83 Před 7 měsíci +1

    I always felt like Marco was the space Jesus. He looks like Jesus and everything. Lol

    • @dallesamllhals9161
      @dallesamllhals9161 Před 7 měsíci

      So Jesus wasn't a Dick and it was just the ones that followed?
      What does that make Muhammad?

    • @akellerhouse83
      @akellerhouse83 Před 7 měsíci

      @dallesamllhals9161 I was joking. There's no such thing as space Jesus...

    • @dallesamllhals9161
      @dallesamllhals9161 Před 7 měsíci

      @@akellerhouse83 OMG and NO Flying Spaghetti Monster? WTF

    • @akellerhouse83
      @akellerhouse83 Před 7 měsíci

      @@dallesamllhals9161 I know. It's crazy.

    • @dallesamllhals9161
      @dallesamllhals9161 Před 7 měsíci

      @@akellerhouse83 ..what is, Religion?

  • @allycat2186
    @allycat2186 Před 7 měsíci +2

    Its the pdcs. Just not in space

  • @KingApeiron
    @KingApeiron Před 7 měsíci +1

    Mercury is in the microwave SMH