The Dispensations and the Rapture

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • This Bible study examines the various 'Dispensations' that are referred to in the Bible. In particular, the verse that broadly covers these is this:
    "That in THE DISPENSATION OF THE FULNESS OF TIMES he [i.e. God] might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:” (Ephesians 1:10)
    The video explains what the criteria represents for each dispensation, and the aspects God looks for in His people during each period. In this, the following criteria have been presented:
    • Those under God’s testing:
    • The Time Period (events):
    • Responsibility of God’s people:
    • Failure of God’s people:
    • God’s Judgment:
    The study looks closely at the dispensations of 'The Law' and of 'Grace' (i.e. the Age of the Church').
    The study also looks at the Tribulation period of 7-years, and how this becomes the final 'week' associated with Daniel's Seventy Weeks Prophecy as stated in Daniel 9:24 (KJV).
    The study also identifies how many days the Bible identifies between the:
    • End of the Tribulation to the Battle of Armageddon commencing;
    • The period that the Armageddon War lasts;
    • When Jesus Christ arrives at the Second Coming;
    • What occurs during the 965 day period between Christ's Second Coming and of Him commencing His Millennial Reign on Earth.
    Both Greg and I welcome any questions that you may have in relation to this study.
    You can contact Greg via his email at
    You can contact me via my website at
    Greg and I are praying that you do not remain "lukewarm" to this topic - but rather, post a comment below that expresses whether you are "HOT" (i.e. I totally agree with everything said" - or, "COLD" by commenting that you disagree with certain things presented and would like some clarification.
    We say that being either "COLD or "HOT" is vital in these matters. I say this to you because of the words of WARNING that Jesus Christ said in the verse below:
    "So then because thou art LUKEWARM, and NEITHER COLD nor HOT, I will SPUE [i.e. spew] THEE [i.e. thy name] OUT OF MY MOUTH [at the Judgement]." (Revelation 3:16)
    Greg and Alan

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