Brian McLaren Interview with Shane Claiborne and Tony Campolo

  • čas přidán 14. 10. 2024
  • Brian McLaren talks with Shane and Tony about his new book, "Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road? Christian Identity in a Multi-Faith World."

Komentáře • 39

  • @annagokieli1497
    @annagokieli1497 Před 6 lety +5

    This is the best most enlightened Christian dialog that I have ever heard. What a blessing !!!!

  • @doublefieldli
    @doublefieldli Před 10 lety +3

    Thank you for the video.! nice and I hope to see more.

  • @friarrodneyburnap4336
    @friarrodneyburnap4336 Před 5 lety +4

    Preach against sin, tell people to repent, preach about Hell...
    The most loving thing you can preach to a non-Christian is to Turner or burn . . .outside of salvation, a sandwich or some food is a is a temporary thing. . .their real need is to know about the Law of God, Law to the Proud and Grace to the Humble...
    The problem I have with Shane's message.. is he never preaches on sin, and repentance... Social justice in itself is not even Christianity... You can feed a starving person, but if they don't repent and put their faith in Jesus like you would a parachute if you where going to jump out of an airplane, you can't just look at the parachute you have to put it on...Put on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved...
    You might get a full belly but if you're not saved when you die you're going to go to hell, Jesus preached more about how then he did heaven. . . And you're not promised tomorrow you don't know when your life will end. Repent, preach the gospel of salvation . . . Good works is as filthy rags outside of Christ, it earns no favor with might fill an empty belly if they have no food but if they die in their sins they will split Hell wide open. . .John 3:16

    • @johntobey1558
      @johntobey1558 Před 2 lety

      Social Justice alone is a false gospel. It states that Economic disparity, the conspicuous consumption and greed that causes it is the only reason that Christ has not returned yet to Jerusalem. That is neo- Marxism smd nor Christisnity. Shane Clairton and the Black liberatiinists like Erc Mason are false teachers. We need to confess our own sin and be reconciled directly to Christ ourselves and them bring that renewal into everything we do, Because Christ us actively making all things new

    • @janetownley
      @janetownley Před 2 lety +1

      This is exactly their point - you have an obsession with getting “saved”, getting “in” while others are kept “out” - rather than actually doing what Jesus said. Your theology is lazy - you only want a stamp of approval.

  • @lynnmorrison4173
    @lynnmorrison4173 Před 5 lety +4

    These guys have taken the word humble bragging to a whole new level. Smooth talkers who could persuade those without the indwelling Holy Spirit to be taken in.We need a spirit of discernment and a close walk of fellowship with our Lord and Saviour,Jesus Christ to keep us from deception. Feel sorry for the young guy.

    • @childofgod1226
      @childofgod1226 Před 5 lety +3

      Isn’t the deception caused by people making comments like yours?

    • @angelgirldebbiejo
      @angelgirldebbiejo Před 5 lety +2

      @@childofgod1226 for reals but they have coverings
      over their eyes........they are not they can't see how off base they really are

    • @janetownley
      @janetownley Před 2 lety +1

      So @Lynn Morrison thinks that none of the millions of us who agree with these guys have the Holy Spirit - Nope, ONLY HER

  • @friarrodneyburnap4336
    @friarrodneyburnap4336 Před 4 lety +3

    The sad thing is we have all sinned, and broken God's law the 10 commandments, and because of that we go around and feel the brokenness of our because we have broken God's law we have gone away from him...the Wages of sin is death...we have a broken relationship with God...but God loves us so much he became a man, and took our punishment on himself for us...but because Jesus is God in the Flesh...death couldn't hold him in the grave and he conquered sin death and the grave for us...and if you will repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus like you would a Parachute if you where going to jump out of a airplane you will be can't just look at the Parachute you have to put it on...Put on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved...
    Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, and 1 Timothy 1:9-10 Jude 1:7
    .It is an abomination that leads to reprobate mind....
    Abomination (Bible) ... An abomination in English is that which is exceptionally loathsome, hateful, sinful, wicked, or vile. The term shiqquts is translated abomination by almost all translations of the Bible.
    The phrase “reprobate mind” is found in Romans 1:28 in reference to those whom God has rejected as godless and wicked. They “suppress the truth by their wickedness,” and it is upon these people that the wrath of God rests (Romans 1:18). The Greek word translated “reprobate” in the New Testament is adokimos, which means literally “unapproved, that is, rejected; by implication, worthless (literally or morally
    Progressive Christianity is an approach to theChristian faith that is influenced by post-liberalism and postmodernism and: proclaims Jesus of Nazareth as Christ, Savior, and Lord; emphasizes the Way and teachings of Jesus, not merely His person; emphasizes God's immanence not merely God's transcendence; leans toward ...
    This is not Christianity...
    This is liberalism wrapped in christianese, they are not Christian... Jesus preached against sin, the flesh and the devil...
    Be aware this is not what Jesus taught...he wasn't a Progressive. . .anything, he was Emmanuel, God in the Flesh...
    The Wages of Sin is still death, for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God...
    Now you need to repent of your sins, then put your faith in Jesus like you would a parachute if you where going to jump out of an airplane, you can't just look at the parachute, you have to put it on...put on the Lord Jesus Christ by faith and you will be saved . . .

    • @johntobey1558
      @johntobey1558 Před 2 lety

      Excellent repudiation of this high heresy. This is a plan amd simple re-articulatiin of the Social Gospel which was very popular from 1915-1920's and was being taught at Princeton Theological Seminary 100 years ago. Now it is going through a resurgence with Dr.Jemar Tisby with his book: the Color of Compromise and it advocates for post-foundationalist , post- modern, post critical theory, post-Evsngelicalism. This is also a false gospel that attempted to legitimize tge race riots of 2020. It is a false gospel just like tge Black Liberation Theology of James Cone the inspired tge New Black Psnther movement and the Transgender activist movement tgat attempts to redefine gender and family, by waging war on the traditional nuclear family.

  • @friarrodneyburnap4336
    @friarrodneyburnap4336 Před 5 lety +2

    You folks on this video never talked once about Salvation, Sin Repentance and Hell if you don't get saved...yes feed people but also speak to he gospel of salvation . . .Romans 10:14-17

    • @janetownley
      @janetownley Před 2 lety +1

      They’re not so interested in your lazy, un-loving “stamp of approval” Christianity.

  • @natersart6854
    @natersart6854 Před 9 lety +3

    I found it really obnoxious how Tony kept talking about the "young generation" and "young people." We shouldn't be a separated like that. 9 years old or 90, we are all the body. In Christ, spiritual maturity is the only thing that holds water, and that's for leadership and mentoring not to lay claim to a movement. The issue is that it alienates everyone else when a certain group is designated as the task force for the kingdom. God's not doing a "young person thing", He is just moving people, some of them are even elderly. classifying it as generation specific cheapens what God is up to and makes it gimmicky.

    • @calum66
      @calum66 Před 9 lety

      Naters Art I really don't see anything "obnoxious" in anything Tony Campolo has to say.

    • @natersart6854
      @natersart6854 Před 9 lety +2

      that's fine, i don't suppose most would...what bothers me has nothing to do with WHAT he's saying. (i'm sure what ever he's saying is fine.) i'm bothered by WHY he's saying anything at all. He clearly views himself as being outdated and of a generation that is some how less relevant, so he's trying to reach and inspire the "young people" by speaking "their" language about issues that "they" care about. this is actually an issue i have with the church as a whole. we try so hard to be something that we think people want or need instead of being who we are. we just end up coming across fake and pretentious. what the world needs, what we all need, is the church to be authentic and genuine, more like the people Tony is interviewing. all in all it's really not that important, i was just lamenting.

    • @lhgriffin
      @lhgriffin Před 9 lety

      Naters Art I recently posted on my Facebook the following
      ~ BE Thinking ~
      Stop talking about being authentic and just BE authentic.
      The very act of trying to be authentic, means you are not.
      ~Lo G ~
      I hate the consistently pushed idea that there is this great divide
      between Young and even Middle aged people. Maybe that is one of the
      biggest problems, maybe we need to share ideas, and concepts better
      between the generations. How about the wisdom of age and experience
      energized by youthful utopian big picture thinking and desire to BE
      active in making a change in the world to make the world a better place?
      Just a thought.

    • @natersart6854
      @natersart6854 Před 9 lety

      Loren Griffin well said. i'm realizing more and more how many unhealthy assumptions, understanding, and social roles we live with and totally accept as normal and okay.

  • @kevinrombouts3027
    @kevinrombouts3027 Před 5 měsíci

    I admire Brian McLaren and his work but I'm not sure he had a good grasp of the Israel/Palestine issue in particular the history there. I don't see it like the whites in the ISA vs the Mative Americans.

  • @Nallanyesmar
    @Nallanyesmar Před 9 lety +1

    Preaching the red letters of the NT is to basically be a Kingdom Aged Christian and not a Grace Aged Pauline Christian.

    • @friarrodneyburnap4336
      @friarrodneyburnap4336 Před 5 lety

      Sola Scriptura"
      But you have to judge your circumstances first before you can make a decision what is the right way to go...
      Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, and 1 Timothy 1:9-10, Jude 1:7, Matthew 19:4-6 and Mark 10:6-9

  • @friarrodneyburnap4336
    @friarrodneyburnap4336 Před 5 lety +1

    "Sola Scriptura"
    But you have to judge your circumstances first before you can make a decision what is the right way to go...
    Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, and 1 Timothy 1:9-10, Jude 1:7, Matthew 19:4-6 and Mark 10:6-9
    All these verses are New Testament, verses, how many of them have to be saying something is a sin . . .before you will preach against it, and tell people to repent of it...
    Romans 6:23 King James Version (KJV)
    23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
    P.S. You don't ask the World, to Judge the Church, mankind out side of Christ love their sins, they love their pornography, they're drinking, their if you ask the World what they think of the church, the church is everything, the world hates . . .or they would come to the light so their sins can be exposed, and they can repent of them . . .and get their hearts right before God . . .instead you preach about what the world thinks of the church as it is a good thing. . .sin will keep you out of heaven, you will ever know when you will have to stand before God and give an account . . .repent of your sins, because the Wages of sin is death . . .in a devil's hell, but the free gift of God is eternal life with Christ in heaven...for all eternity. . .
    Preach the Gospel of Salvation to everyone...then preach about works of righteousness . . . But you need to get saved to be righteous, before your good works matters before a holy and righteous God. . . because self righteousness is as filthy rags . . .

  • @danieljdeleon873
    @danieljdeleon873 Před 8 lety +2

    Justice is Love? That's true. Sounds Christian enough. Why don't we talk about the doctrine of salvation and see what Brian McLaren has to say about that.

    • @KNYHT.FIRE-1
      @KNYHT.FIRE-1 Před 7 lety +2

      Brian says that as long as he's been a Christian he's "Still not sure we have the gospel right yet." Really Brian? Did you never read 1 COR 15:3-4?
      "3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
      4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures."
      There you go: straightforward, simple, clear truth.
      OH! That's right, Emergent people think that anyone who is convinced that they have the truth are arrogant and presumption! Oh, well . . . I tried . . .

    • @childofgod1226
      @childofgod1226 Před 5 lety

      Why is there such an inherent need to prove each other wrong and cause strive? Why can’t we just love each other?

    • @angelgirldebbiejo
      @angelgirldebbiejo Před 5 lety

      @@childofgod1226 Christians can't do that....not in their blood.....

    • @childofgod1226
      @childofgod1226 Před 5 lety

      Angel Shining God is love, He resides in us so why aren’t we loving each other...

  • @anthonybarber3872
    @anthonybarber3872 Před 3 lety

    We couldn't save the planet even if that was the mission of the church. We are called to be good stewards but we cannot save the planet.

    • @janetownley
      @janetownley Před 2 lety +1

      Well we need to TRY, and maybe we can. Who made you the prophet of doom?

  • @richardlemon3250
    @richardlemon3250 Před 5 lety

    The whole bible is spirit breathed.We are to believe the whole word. Watch what you say about Israel, it's the apple of God's eye. I support ministries that feed the poor. As individuals we are to live like Jesus. God has ordained Government to protect the people. We live in a broken world because of sin.When Jesus returns he will restore the kingdom of God to the earth.

  • @andrelefebvre5453
    @andrelefebvre5453 Před 9 lety +1

    I am truly inspired by Shane, and Brian and Tony. However, in the case of Brian's take on the Middle-East, he is dangerously wrong in his assertions and conclusions regarding the history of the Palestinian humanitarian crisis. He forgets thousands of years of Israeli presence in that region, as well as the role of many countries in Europe who tried to take over the land to rule over it, pinning one ethnicity against the other in exchange of land and support. using the term genocide, and referring to Native Americans further blurs his exposition of the situation. His heart is in the right place, but what he is saying can only mislead people through a skewed, "domesticated' and erroneous reading of the history, and create volatile responses to the actual threats against Israel, which have little to do with the Palestinians in crisis.
    This region has always been at war, so it's useless trying to assign blame and point fingers. However, in the case of Gaza, as well as the horror of the Palestinians refugee camps that exist outside of Israel, on Arab lands, it reveals the truth that the hope of most Arabs was, and remains, the total annihilation of Israel, for the sake of a predominant Arab population. Add to this the multi-headed beast of jihad, and the trillions of dollars diverted from the suffering populations toward armaments and military campaigns, and it is clear that blaming Israel for the situation is quite a case of scapegoating.
    This being said, there are appalling living conditions for Palestinians, and it is gut-wrenching to see how they live in an open-air prison, due to the need for Israel to curb terrorist attacks and bombings in civilian populations. I would rather that there be a focus based on facts and actions taken to bring reconciliation without demanding concessions beyond reason. The lands and homes lost by Palestinians who were told to leave by their own leaders, who hoped to destroy the Jews and invite their people back to their possessions, that part of the story is terrible for sure. But isn't it time they realize it's not going to happen, that they were mislead in their hopes by their own leaders?
    But hope is what keeps people strong in the midst of catastrophes, although in this case, it may be time for Palestinians to demand from their leaders that they stop bringing war on their territories by continuing to posture themselves as freedom-fighters, when in fact, so many of these leaders live privileged lives and waste fortunes on their own plans instead of feeding and providing better lives for their citizens.
    Just a note of caution to Brian, who may never read this...

  • @patrickc3419
    @patrickc3419 Před 3 lety

    Stay away. 2 false teachers. (Along with McLarens son who is living in open rebellion against God)