A Song of Declaration...No Matter What Comes...God Is On The Throne!

  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2024
  • Everything is changing...and changing rapidly. We experience joy and sorrow, victories and defeats. Things we have been certain of...shake. People we thought we knew... reveal a different side and we are left wondering what has happened and where can we put our trust. I have been there too many times to count. And this is what I have found to be true and trustworthy...God is faithful in His love and grace and He is on the Throne. He is never moved by the winds of adversity and His plan is not able to be shaken or thwarted.
    Every morning, God's steadfast love can be found and His mercies are new and they are there to greet us as we rise, In every day His faithfulness is known and most certainly in the days and times when we are not aware...He remains. We do have an adversary who seeks to steal, kill and destroy, YET we have the power of Almighty God in Christ who came as our Strong Defense and Provider of Life and Life Abundantly!
    In the beginning was God and He is and shall ever be. God is on His Throne and it is in Him that we can put our trust: yesterday, today and surely forevermore.
    This new song, "God is on the Throne," was being sung in and through my wife years ago and as she began to sing it to the Lord, I went to the piano and played along with her and the rest of the song was born in that moment. It is a powerful and eternally true declaration of faith and as you listen again and again...let the certainty of this Reality - that God is on the Throne - fill you with the strength required to endure all the seasons of this life.
    Yes...at times it seems that there is much that rises up against us, But...if God is for us (and He is) who or what can be against us?
    It is my delight to introduce this expression and declaration for all to hear...now and forevermore...God is on the Throne!
    In Christ Alone,
    Psalmist Chad
    written through psalmist chad & pastor janna
    Jesus is the Key
    God is on the Throne
    My allegiance
    To Him I pledge alone
    No matter what may come my way
    I will say
    God is on the Throne
    My allegiance
    To Him I pledge alone
    No matter what may come my way
    I will say
    God is on the Throne
    God is on the Throne
    God is on the Throne
    God is on the Throne
    I will say
    God is on the Throne
    God is on the Throne
    God is on the Throne
    I will say
    The earth will shake
    And the seas will roar
    In Jesus Christ
    I am secure
    Standing on the Rock
    The winds may blow
    As the night grows longs
    But I will stand
    And sing Your Song
    Surrender all…
    To You I do belong
    God is on the Throne
    God is on the Throne
    God is on the Throne
    I will say
    God is on the Throne
    God is on the Throne
    God is on the Throne
    I will say
    God is on the Throne
    written through psalmist chad & pastor janna
    Jesus is the Key

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