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  • @LordHypnos4
    @LordHypnos4 Před 21 dnem +4

    You would definitely want to cast hammer of light first because that gives you 15% haste going into divine hammers and the reduced cooldowns on your builders would help you extend the shake the heavens buff quite a while it would actually be interesting to see how long you could extend shake for.
    Also as an aside if you're comparing the damage of Templar strikes vs crusading strike you'd also have to add in your auto attack damage to Templar strikes to see how it fully measures up. Based on the damage breakdown you showed picking Templar strikes actually accounted for about 8.5% of your damage putting it above judgement. Again only factoring in the auto attack damage because if you pick crusading strikes your auto attack damage goes away and it's all crusader strikes in your damage breakdown for anyone reading this and wondering why I'm combining the two

  • @Hoodrych24
    @Hoodrych24 Před 21 dnem +3

    Would have loved to see you play with Judge jury executioner. That new talent is absolutely cracked now with the recent changes and seems like it will be amazing for 4-5 target packs like mist.

  • @jonoxis
    @jonoxis Před 4 dny +1

    @ZucoWoW Hey :) Can you help me understand something? How does the new mastery in regards to the judgment part work exactly? I've heard somewhere that the effect with the extra holy damage can only occur on the primary target, even though it doesn't say that.
    So if you have 3 targets and you cast judgement (with the talent so that it does hit up to 3 targets) and it hits all 3, do all 3 have a chance to proc the extra effect from the new mastery or just the primary target hit by judgment?

  • @yuzeo0o
    @yuzeo0o Před 21 dnem +1

    Just a thought here, maybe run the divine hammer with a single target build Templar + crusade + ES, open with jugement, crusade, excution sentence, woa, hammer of light, build up 5 holy power, pop up divine hammer with the haste buff of crusade, then build holy power.

  • @cc66bb44
    @cc66bb44 Před 15 dny +2

    hmmm enh shamn does get a 30s cd double barrier totem

  • @richiepipes8960
    @richiepipes8960 Před 21 dnem +4

    Real question...Dk or ret?

    • @ZucoWoW
      @ZucoWoW Před 21 dnem +3

      ooooo, prob DK for me

  • @dewkong_
    @dewkong_ Před 21 dnem +1

    Now I want to play Ret... Waiting to see how Enh rework ends up

  • @RaduStancu
    @RaduStancu Před 21 dnem +2

    hmm the design of divine hammer could solve some issues with breath of syndragosa. 10-15 seconds is way more acceptable of a duration in a raid boss scenario compared to 40s, although they don't probably want abilities to feel samey

    • @ZucoWoW
      @ZucoWoW Před 21 dnem +3

      If they straight up copied how Divine Hammer works and made Breath of Sindragosa the same, it would make Breath 1000% better than it is right now.

  • @mieciubimber9404
    @mieciubimber9404 Před 21 dnem +2

    I want to see fury warrior ^^ (slayer)

  • @asasdsaasda
    @asasdsaasda Před 21 dnem +1

    Hey Zuco, its seems that majority of specs are M+ ready but do you think the expansion will change the god meta? do we have a chance to add more aspects in top tier or just SP/Mage as usual?

    • @ZucoWoW
      @ZucoWoW Před 21 dnem +1

      Yes I think the meta will shift. For a couple reasons.
      1. Hero talents. We simply don't 100% know what specs are going to be more powerful than others, but from my testing, the old meta specs aren't doing any better than lots of other classes.
      There are a bunch of new specs getting "Aug-like" effects. Lightsmith paladin is pumping some serious damage and healing. The Pres Evoker Hero trees can pump some ridiculous damage. Guardian Druid off healing and personal sustain with the Elune Tree is bonkers.
      2. Blizzard is changing how mobs interact with kicks/CC and Vengeance DH lost their 2x Sigils of Misery/Silence. In Dragonflight, CCing enemies is just as strong as kicking them. In fact it's been stronger. Aoe Silence lasts for 10+ seconds and than the pack is dead. Kicks weren't providing the same length of CC duration as AoE CC was, but they are becoming equal in the War Within.
      I'm sure we will see some version of the "god comp", but Veng DH got hit really hard with the sigil changes, and Shadow Priest damage is pretty mid in my testing right now.

    • @Proverb.
      @Proverb. Před 21 dnem

      Not unless damage profiles change. Reason you want Aug currently is that it allows you to beat levels of keys no other class can with it's defensive support. Dragonflight M+ is all about surviving, no one is ever pressed about doing enough damage to beat the timer right now like it had been in the past.
      So if Aug is locked that makes Mage auto locked because of AI. Aug's buff scales off intellect. The 3rd dps slot and both tank and healer are the only 3 that can shift in an Aug meta.

  • @sadza18
    @sadza18 Před 20 dny +2

    hey Zuco! pls pls pls do the UH DK, u only did frost :(

    • @ZucoWoW
      @ZucoWoW Před 20 dny +3

      Yep, it's coming tomorrow :)

  • @Proverb.
    @Proverb. Před 21 dnem

    Aint no way I'm going back to using a 2min CD on Ret xD no idea why they added this talent lol. But hey if you like it then great!

  • @attinger117
    @attinger117 Před 21 dnem

    Templar looks broken as hell. It already had a defensive node and they added a second defensive node that in total grants you like 20% HP shield and 20% Hp heal on a 30 second cooldown. How high was blizzard to give that to an already tanky dps spec.

  • @jennifurx6176
    @jennifurx6176 Před 14 dny

    We lost ret aura …

  • @derrickhead
    @derrickhead Před 14 dny

    as much as i wanna be happy for ret im mostly a pvper so this dont mean shit for pvp because like 90% of our moves are nerfed by like 20 25 % its crazy even our crap healing and forthe love of the lord i hope we get more pvp talents but whats the range on hammer of light doe ? and istill wish our horse had the knock back effect like prot pallies or removes all snares atleast or like herald of the sun we got like a slow which would be really good for pvp but yea i dont like when people over hype ret its like they tryna get us nerfed and we aint even gone talk about how that arcane mage been bassically topping the charts this whole time lol

  • @BlastHeart96
    @BlastHeart96 Před 19 dny +1

    With the Hunter rework, Shaman might be the definitively weakest class defensively.

  • @Thorkou
    @Thorkou Před 21 dnem +2

    current Ret on live is amazing..... beta ret is worrying me. I was going Ret in tww but idk, loosing the talent that made our auto attacks become crusading strike is lame, I really enjoyed it.... I just hope with all the new stuff we don't get button bloat... also still not a fan of ret getting a skill like frost dk's bos....... I hope it doesn't become meta it might kill my enjoyment for Ret.. like breath did for frost dk...

    • @Blazen1x
      @Blazen1x Před 21 dnem +2

      It's not replaced at all, it's still there, Templar Strikes is just an alternative to Crusading Strikes for those who wish

    • @ZucoWoW
      @ZucoWoW Před 21 dnem +1

      Yeah, you didn't lose the free Crusading Strikes auto's... I just took the casting version because I wanted an extra button to press to generate HP during my Divine Hammer window.

    • @Aragashia
      @Aragashia Před 21 dnem +3

      You're not getting any additional buttons to press on your Retribution Paladin, there's no additional bloat. Your Hero talents interact with existing abilities by either replacing (Word of Glory -> Eternal Flame) or temporarily converting (Wake of Ashes -> Hammer of Light) their associated skill. Divine Hammer replaces Consecration when selected, and is a choice node with Consecrated Blade.
      I REALLY don't like Divine Hammer. It's clunky and effectively disables 3-4 of your other abilities for its duration (worst case being Hammer of Light). In addition to that, it considerably narrows down your build options.

    • @Thorkou
      @Thorkou Před 21 dnem +1

      @@Aragashia I was playing the build in the vid minus the hero talents on beta and yeah divine hammer basically making ur divine storm and temp strike a detriment to press aswell as also feeling clunky isnt fun but its not as bad as I thought though. i'm gonna level to 80 on beta and see the full scope of it before I decide.

    • @Thorkou
      @Thorkou Před 21 dnem +1

      @@ZucoWoW I'm playing around with it in the beta, honestly its not bad just feels clunky with divine hammer and the casted version of crusading strikes, its not a bad clunky just more of weird clunky. might fun if blizzard tunes it more and adjust it more to feel less clunky