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  • @amanderik
    @amanderik Před 6 dny

    1:31:00 Future Iraq war cheerleader and abiding neocon Frum gets taken apart trying to use tendentious questioning.

  • @ToadalSimplicity
    @ToadalSimplicity Před 13 dny

    Chomsky is such a treasure. I think one of the hardest parts about listening to his talks or reading his books is how many interesting thought tangents they take you on. People need more leisure time to properly sit with and contemplate the sorts of ideas that challenge our current status quo. Maybe that’s why the idea of the 40 hour work week is so sticky. It offers us enough of a reprieve to not revolt like was done in the earlier parts of the Industrial Revolution, but not enough to truly reflect on better ways of organizing our societies.

  • @bh2382
    @bh2382 Před 2 měsíci

    The rise of trump & other recent demagogues invalidates so much of what Chomsky is arguing here. The last 20 years have clearly demonstrated that when people are given control of their own media they will immediately isolate themselves in narcissistic echo chambers which make them hostile not just to new information, but to any form of dissent - even in the form of simple facts. "The People" as Chomsky refers to them in these talks have proven to be as fundamentally ineducable & behaved exactly as irrationally as the aristocratic voices of history warned they would - much worse in fact.

    • @TS0333
      @TS0333 Před 2 měsíci

      Don't you think this proves his argument. The distrust in media (or lack there of) was manipulated by these demigods to rise to power.

  • @timothywise9731
    @timothywise9731 Před 3 měsíci

    Noam Chomsky doesn’t know the difference between a democracy and a republic…how on earth did he earn a degree being so ignorant?

  • @johnshea9814
    @johnshea9814 Před 5 měsíci

    Now, I think I know what you tried to say to me How you suffered for your sanity How you tried to set them free They would not listen, they're not listening still Perhaps they never will

  • @anatolwegner9096
    @anatolwegner9096 Před 5 měsíci

    As relevant as 35 years ago

  • @123JumpingJacks
    @123JumpingJacks Před 8 měsíci

    How does chomsky account for the present day social media not present during his original study?

    • @stevenhines5550
      @stevenhines5550 Před 8 měsíci

      Can you be more specific?

    • @matheusfronza9409
      @matheusfronza9409 Před 8 měsíci

      I don’t know how Chomsky accounts for it, but I believe that social media functions pretty much under the same propaganda model proposed by him and Dr. Hermann in their book manufacturing consent

    • @bilinguru
      @bilinguru Před měsícem

      Chomsky sees the potential benefits of Social Media, including democratizing access to information, as an organizational tool, as a means to amplify the voices of the marginalized and its ability to connect people gloibally, but he is highly critical of its tendency to push people into opinion bubbles ad echo chambers, its ominous surveillance capabilities and erosion of privacy, its dominance bya few corporate and/or government interests , the spread of misinformation and that Algorithms prioritize content that maximizes engagement, often leading to the spread of sensationalist and polarizing material. In short, he accounts for it and nails it.

  • @permanentmigraine
    @permanentmigraine Před 8 měsíci

    You still cannot find any major coverage of the mission of peace boat attack, amazing

  • @purplesam-do5lb
    @purplesam-do5lb Před rokem

    Reverse synthesis. Went in one . Physiological

  • @johnshaw8228
    @johnshaw8228 Před rokem

    Coming soon is the 22nd anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001. Starting in September 1997 I had detailed explicit intelligence on the attacks. Over a period of four years, I told no fewer than 100 people what was coming, where, how, when and by whom they would be executed. That number takes in 14 people in Stuart, Florida and vicinity.The last pre 9-11 warning was an anonymous phone call to some law enforcement number in Fort Pierce, Florida the night of September 10, 2001. That call, along with many other forewarnings, was concealed from public knowledge. What was the most repeated lie in most all forms of media after the attacks? The deception was reiterated many times in newspapers, magazines, TV talk shows, corporate news outlets, radio talk shows, and from the highest offices in the land. The propaganda continued for fully a year. They insisted numerously that nobody knew those attacks were going to happen. It was certain, they said, that nobody told anybody anything, and that nobody could have predicted what happened. They conceal the facts and propound the lies. That is how they manufacture public opinion. Corporate media are all complicit in the deceptions. The next time you say that nobody tells you what to think, that you form your own opinions and think for yourself, you might want to reconsider the sources of information from which your thoughts and opinions are derived.

  • @bucketiii7581
    @bucketiii7581 Před 2 lety

    Why oh why did I ever enter the comment section?

  • @fufufempoelbeq9849
    @fufufempoelbeq9849 Před 2 lety


  • @jjabrams4597
    @jjabrams4597 Před 2 lety

    Keep Alberta strong and retarded.

  • @AzraelCame2nite
    @AzraelCame2nite Před 2 lety

    My second time listening to this. Such brilliance.

    • @JoBlogz
      @JoBlogz Před 2 lety

      can you note the different broad topics he covers?

    • @Picnuts
      @Picnuts Před 10 měsíci

      ​@@JoBlogz this is not meant for you. This is not the dark web Club this is the WWW club. And it's still available if you choose it. Thank you bye.

  • @ToddWright2
    @ToddWright2 Před 2 lety

    Thanks for this. I have the Massey lectures from some source(Unwelcome Guests??) and this is much easier than spinning CDs.

  • @mgmanagementgroup3260

  • @PhongNguyen-ky5hc
    @PhongNguyen-ky5hc Před 3 lety

    A cooler tittle “Chomsky: use your illusions”

  • @Eoin_D
    @Eoin_D Před 3 lety

    True question. All jokes aside, is there anyone smarter than Noam?

    • @AxiomaticAssumptions
      @AxiomaticAssumptions Před rokem

      I'm a sucker for Ernest Becker's denial of death and worm at the core, I like how he tries to simplify his system and tie so many things into fear of death. I don't know about smarter but smart in his own way, hard to distinguish what intelligence is

    • @bilinguru
      @bilinguru Před měsícem

      It depends how you define intelligence, but what is certain is that there isn't anyone more informed.

  • @upsty6499
    @upsty6499 Před 3 lety

    Funny that we weren't set up to be a democracy as Chomsky states, I always wonder if anyone else sees this? We're a Republic so Government is suppose to be just essential and it's government by laws. The founder father's thought democracy was Tyrannical and should never be

  • @michaelrch
    @michaelrch Před 3 lety

    Thanks for the upload. Chomsky at his best.

  • @stefanapgwyllam6092
    @stefanapgwyllam6092 Před 3 lety

    Chomsky supports the Biden profit machine and the thought control over the people by the main stream media who are part of the same kleptocracy. Its amazing how he supports those he likes despite the fact they are doing the same as those he does not like. Corruption is corruption from what ever side.

    • @jrshield7793
      @jrshield7793 Před 3 lety

      Nothing you said is accurate. The only thing that Chomsky conveyed on the subject of Biden was that it was necessary to remove the 'malignancy' (Trump) and given the current political system in the United States, the two-party duopaly (that represent different factions of the 'business party'). Chomsky has never voiced optimism or confidence that a Biden presidency would produce anything other than more of the same policies. In this regard, Chomsky merely held out hope that Biden might take some steps on climate and (less likely) cut down on micro militarism. Ahh, you thought no one was paying attention 🙂 !! If you can prove otherwise I will happily acknowledge that I was wrong.

  • @arcanondrum6543
    @arcanondrum6543 Před 4 lety

    Very foreboding lesson right here: 2:25:15

  • @perlefisker
    @perlefisker Před 4 lety

    This is an amazing lecture! Thank you very much for sharing it...though the Sunday didn't become less gloomy after these four hours :-/

  • @Daniel-us8vk
    @Daniel-us8vk Před 4 lety


  • @user-ziztnm
    @user-ziztnm Před 4 lety

    no one: chom: ITS THE EXACT OPPOSITE

  • @MrGillWindowsil
    @MrGillWindowsil Před 4 lety

    Hey I’m

  • @AudioPervert1
    @AudioPervert1 Před 4 lety

    Hearing this to sleep ... Not getting any sleep offcourse

  • @strategiemarketing-busines8578

    🔎 Salut, découvre un partenariat unique pour tes vidéos youtube: Webtalk Webtalk est un réseau social évolué, qui te permet d’avoir un total contrôle sur ton compte, tes post & la visibilité de ces derniers. Mais également paie ses membres pour: leur présence, activité, interaction & les recommandations jusqu’à 5 niveaux. Webtalk va surpasser tous les réseaux sociaux, plus d’infos:

  • @tylermerlin8320
    @tylermerlin8320 Před 4 lety

    Seems like the only good question asked was from the last reporter. Every other one comes off as an attempt to justify being offended.

  • @bennyrodriguez8788
    @bennyrodriguez8788 Před 4 lety


  • @ColonialPuppet
    @ColonialPuppet Před 4 lety

    Steve Reich is the composer of the opening music if anyone’s wondering

    • @Eoin_D
      @Eoin_D Před 3 lety

      Nobody is 🤣 ps respect for knowing Can anyone imagine if everyone had the same consciousness as Noam and his ilk I, myself, am somewhat of a hypocrit, as my life is somewhzy good but I would love to be able to have No's courage

    • @snatcherofpeachs
      @snatcherofpeachs Před 3 lety

      it's a nice piece of music. thanks.

    • @chesteranand8845
      @chesteranand8845 Před 8 měsíci

      But which piece

    • @ColonialPuppet
      @ColonialPuppet Před 8 měsíci

      @@chesteranand8845 It's called, 'Variations for Winds, Strings, Keyboards''

    • @apolloforabetterfuture4814
      @apolloforabetterfuture4814 Před 5 měsíci

      Reich is a total genius

  • @villesaari2640
    @villesaari2640 Před 4 lety

    A bit ironic that you can get this as a PDF book from the CIA library:

  • @luizhenriquemoraismazzucco4526

    cara ainda hoje falei isso

  • @matchlessmoviesinfo
    @matchlessmoviesinfo Před 4 lety

    The kind, compassion, wisdom, coming from Noam is what we, Americans, seem to have forgotten. If we want to truly love ourselves and our country and defeat the ugly, cruelty of Trump, we need to remember the values of humanity,

    • @solidaritytime3650
      @solidaritytime3650 Před 4 lety

      Trump is different from the string of 20th century war criminal presidents only insofar as he is more flagrant in his abuse of the globe and domestic minorities for "national interests" those being, as Chomsky explains, the interests of private capital. Trump is not an abberation. He is the logical product of a fundamentally destructive system.

    • @0xcc32sys_err4
      @0xcc32sys_err4 Před 3 lety

      @@solidaritytime3650 very well said

    • @solidaritytime3650
      @solidaritytime3650 Před 3 lety

      @@0xcc32sys_err4 thank you. I'm useless, but not for long

  • @transistor.1014
    @transistor.1014 Před 4 lety


  • @tigerstyle4505
    @tigerstyle4505 Před 4 lety

    I really wish all the vanguardist Messiah types who love calling anything outside of their program "liberalism" would listen to this (especially the first part) and realize how similar they are to that current of liberals lol The idea that the people are too fickle, erratic and ignorant to manage anything so some elite class of people must guide or do everything on their behalf while claiming to represent them regardless of what the people actually want. Where hyper-individualism quickly turns into solipsism, borderline delusion and a fictional/dishonest version of the individual making it hopelessly incapable of anything but being theory, that kind of hyper-collectivist, uniform, and incomplete view of the situation and people create new chains that leave us no better off, just differently enslaved. We're social animals by nature so individuals tend towards collective living/endeavors but we can't ignore the fact that collectives are made up of individuals and that no one program can ever represent us all. Any solution that doesn't recognize that both the collective and the individual are central and fails to view them as they are or can reasonably be and not in some broad, reshaped, ideological version of the two is doomed, in my opinion, to fail and/or do incredible harm. I'll never understand why people have such an issue with Chomsky. No one is perfect, but ya also can't call him dishonest or utopian. Unlike his many detractors be they the David Frums of the world, political or business elites, other reactionary elements or ideologues historical revisionists. ✊👊✌♥A///E

  • @kenw.simpson1007
    @kenw.simpson1007 Před 4 lety

    Chomsky left his principles behind with the CIA because he is indeed a CIA asset - pretending to be on your side. He is not. The old creep claimed 9/11 was not a conspiracy by the Israeli and US governments - when obviously it was. Why? Because Chomsky's Alma mater MIT - the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - produced the inept and fake video - of planes flying into and ludicrously through the steel and concrete walls of the W T C - a physical impossibility. There were no planes - no Islamic militants and no Osama Bin Laden. The Israelis set thermite demolition charges months beforehand to synchronize when detonated with the Imaginary aircraft. There was an Israeli TV crew om hand to record the catastrophe even before it happened. Chomsky sold out. The perpetrators were George W Bush - Condoleezza Rice - Dick Cheney - Donald Rumsfeld - Ehud Barak and Benjamin Netanyahu. They should all be charged with treason - and the genocide of the Americans who were either burned alive or had to jump - some in tandem - holding hands - to their deaths below.

    • @sycamoreknox9419
      @sycamoreknox9419 Před 4 lety

      Ken W. Simpson, you are so correct. also the Pentagon- No aluminum/composite plastic passenger airplane makes a circular hole through three heavily reinforced concrete rings at the Pentagon. 86 cameras trained on the place were confiscated by the FBI that day. And to this day not one photo or still frame has been shown of the impossible passenger airplane crashing into one of the most heavily guarded properties on the planet.

    • @obfuscated3090
      @obfuscated3090 Před 4 lety

      How did the many witnesses see aircraft? Why would my NYC childhood friends who witnessed the attacks hallucinate them? The preference for (exotic) conspiracy theory is very comforting because, like superstition, it offers explanations for a much more frightening random world. BTW if it were a conspiracy (certainly possible) what's cheaper and easier? Concealing work requiring internal demolition and at least a hundred workers one of whom would talk sooner or later, or funding expendable Wahabi kamikazes? If it's a conspiracy the aircraft were the perfect method leaving no one to interrogate. I consider the "exotic" conspiracy theories as disinformation for the technically ignorant who know nothing about aircraft (I spend my life working on them) or construction. A fueled airliner is perfect for what was done. The WTC was built on the cheap and aircraft today weigh far more than the little WWII bomber that drilled the Empire State building. The ignorant are too easily impressed by concrete and steel. Any tradesman who has run a cutting torch or worked demolition knows better. Conspiracy or not, the aircraft were an ideal method! They required far fewer personnel than demolition, consumed most of those leaving leadership untouched, and most importantly require almost no logistics. Logistics for demolition inevitably leave trails. OTOH exotic explanations are perfect disinfo because they have two key advantages. They're exciting and appeal to the ignorant masses while being easy to discredit before the millions who understand construction and aircraft. Paying a few superstitionist fanatics is dirt cheap, easy, and requires zero local logistics. No trucks full of equipment, no chemical or purchase trail for explosives, no local workers requiring disposal and no local hit men who themselves require disposal! Like the Lufthansa heist, the only way to secure after the fact is killing the players. Kamikazes kill themselves. The airliner method by contrast is SUPERIOR for conspiracy. It only requires one or a very few people in the know. The rest can be chumps of which there is an inexhaustible supply. Influencer plants idea with martyrdom-seeking whackjobs who eagerly run with the ball and identify with the idea. Who would be more secure? Wahabi kamikazes or paid professionals who know they are a liability after the fact?

  • @ernstraedecker6174
    @ernstraedecker6174 Před 4 lety

    1:32:05 So there are three kinds of bloodbaths: [1] benign bloodbaths (the ones nobody cares about) [2] constructive bloodbaths (the ones we like) [3] nefarious bloodbaths (the ones our enemies do)

  • @merlepatterson
    @merlepatterson Před 5 lety

    The "owner class" is a result of sequentially skimmed and sequestered prosperity via the fiat monetary system of credit and interest and away from those known as the "working class" who are the ones who actually create 'value' within a society. One can be guaranteed that it wasn't a handful of wealthy individuals which built the freeways, cars, refrigerators, light bulbs, computers, and homes. And they definitely don't plow the fields and grow the food which feed the whole of society. The 'value' is always created by the working class and thus, it is truly the laborer who is the rightful "owner" within society and is rightfully deserving of the prosperity for his works and the fruits of his labor. When a society is successfully convinced that "It does not own itself" but for the existence of the few within the "owner class" via their political and media sycophants which decide who is deserving of meritorious prosperity, then that is when Noam Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent" becomes less informative and more prophetic.

    • @BodilessVoice
      @BodilessVoice Před 5 lety

      And that time is now.

    • @moodist1er
      @moodist1er Před 4 lety

      The "fiat" monetary practices are corporate welfare but that's not how they get their money. They get their fortunes by stealing the value out of resources and labor.

  • @mck1972
    @mck1972 Před 5 lety

    Tin Foil Hat Wearers, Rejoice! Your hero, Noam Chomsky, is here with more of his paranoid conspiracy theories about, ' Illusions ', and, ' thought control '! SMH

    • @mapleglazedsocialist6995
      @mapleglazedsocialist6995 Před 5 lety

      @M CK Yeah I’m sure you’ve read manufacturing consent... you know wrote up a good critique of his work, right? Oh wait no you just call it a conspiracy theory even when Chomsky literally addresses this by saying “how do the elites control General Electric? There is no need for a conspiracy there, it is simply a systematic analysis.” Do you have an actual critique? No? Okay then...

    • @mck1972
      @mck1972 Před 5 lety

      @@mapleglazedsocialist6995 , ((SIGH)) OK, Junior, time you got a reality check here: I myself am a former Fraud Investigator; I worked on Criminal Prosecutions, and presented evidence in Court-Things that Chomsky has NEVER done! And I actually am familiar with a good amount of Chomsky’s work, including not only, ‘ M.C. ‘, but also, ‘ How the World Works ‘, which discusses such topics as how Chomsky views the Nuremburg Trials, and the Reagan Administrations interventions into Central America during the 1980’s, as well as, ‘ 9-11: Was there an Alternative ‘. The common denominators in all Chomsky’s work is that he exploits 20/20 Hindsight in areas that he has NEVER actually worked in himself-Which is EVERYTHING outside Linguistics! For example, where was Chomsky, with his brilliant analysis of what led to 9-11, BEFORE 9-11??? Oh Yeah! BEFORE 9-11 Chomsky was totally oblivious to the danger, and he only saw it clearly AFTER the fact! SMH Now getting back to, ‘ M.C. ‘, there is not a shred of data in that book that would be accepted as legitimate evidence in any Court in this country (Just like with everything else Chomsky has ever written). -Why? Because Chomsky has ZERO concept of the key difference between merely reciting his own biased, cherry-picked facts, vs any true understanding of what his facts actually prove! Which in Chomsky’s case, is NOTHING! So hopefully this helps open your eyes.

    • @mapleglazedsocialist6995
      @mapleglazedsocialist6995 Před 5 lety

      @M CK Yeah most law enforcement professionals refer to judicial proceedings as “court-things”... you crack me up because you obviously are lying 🤥 😂 What was there to see before 9/11? Who was criticizing the state/media RESPONSE to the terrorist attack before the attack took place? Seriously? Are you this stupid? Haha Please follow the logic of responding to an event before the event took place... by the way idiot that book was an extended publication of the essay collection he published in November of 2001... Having a collection of essays completed and published in less than two months of the attacks making clear his position that he still holds to this day. Tell me one person who was writing about 9/11 BEFORE it happened? So, since you apparently have a full critique of Chomsky and his work, why don’t you illustrate for me an example of him being intellectually dishonest, cherry picking facts or post-hoc rationalizing? I know you lack familiarity with Chomsky’s work for precisely the reason that he is almost always writing/speaking about CURRENT issues that the population can effect. He grounds out his positions in both philosophy and history. I know you’re a completely indoctrinated actor so all you can hear is “CONSPIRACY! CONSPIRACY!” but hopefully this will actually open your eyes. Btw anyone who claims to have read manufacturing consent and claims to still think it’s a conspiracy theory is either lying or has serious deficiencies in comprehension of the English language.

    • @mck1972
      @mck1972 Před 5 lety

      @@mapleglazedsocialist6995 , (SIGH) I will try & bring you back to reality-Again-But pls pay closer attention this time: You misunderstood my statement about Court: What I said was, “ I have worked on Criminal Prosecutions, and presented evidence in Court (Hyphen: Which Means That These Are) Things that Chomsky has never done! So if this was not clear to you, then you should have asked. NEXT- You also misunderstood my point about 9/11: I was referring to Chomsky’s criticisms of the previous U.S. Policies which (he believes) contributed to the attacks. But if you actually believe that a Linguistics Professor, with ZERO Real World Experience in Government, Military, International Affairs, Law, or National Security, could possibly have anything credible to say about what the U.S response to 9/11 should have been, then it’s YOU that needs to have your IQ checked! NEXT- Another point you need to grasp is that Hindsight includes everything that has already happened, whether ten years ago, or ten minutes ago. Meaning that when Chomsky writes/speaks about what you all, ‘ Current Events ‘, he STILL has the advantage of critiquing policies that others already enacted and were responsible for-NOT Chomsky! NEXT- ‘ Manufacturing Consent ‘, proposes a model. In this work, Chomsky recites data, which HE THINKS supports his Model. But NO data in this work meets any minimum level of Credibility needed for legitimate evidence. So if THIS was not clear to you before, then hopefully it is now. NEXT- Now I did say that Chomsky cherry-picks facts, and because you asked so nicely, I will give an example: Here is a vid of Chomsky claiming that, ‘ The Military is Misunderstood ‘, in which he starts by reciting cases where the Government has initiated research into products that ultimately found their way into the consumer market. However, Chomsky uses these lone facts by themselves to make the outrageous assertion that the U.S. Military exists to, ‘ Beat People Up ‘, which is completely preposterous!

    • @alzahid5972
      @alzahid5972 Před 5 lety

      On a serious note, he has basically been saying what led to 911 and the making of ISIS since 1960- yes he did- its his main work- criticizing American Imperialism.

  • @matthewo2261
    @matthewo2261 Před 5 lety

    The popularity of chompsky is due to the fact that people don't trust media and chompsky through historical facts explains the truth which exonerates our distrust.

  • @beehivecity
    @beehivecity Před 5 lety

    david frum gets owned at 1:29:58

  • @markmoretti9122
    @markmoretti9122 Před 5 lety

    How stupid do Peter Worthington and David Frum sound here with history proving Chomsky right.

    • @arcanondrum6543
      @arcanondrum6543 Před 4 lety

      I'm not familiar with Peter the prick but Frum was never about insight. Frum pushed propaganda that he hoped would stick, he was paid for his time.

  • @howeyhanley3947
    @howeyhanley3947 Před 5 lety

    1st citizen of the world Chomsky

  • @eyesofpicasso
    @eyesofpicasso Před 5 lety

    essential listening, especially for us new generations who are addicted to media

    • @solidaritytime3650
      @solidaritytime3650 Před 4 lety

      Man, I have met WAY FEWER woke boomers than woke millennials and zoomers. I think this holds value for all of us, but especially so for the boomers.

  • @thekaiser4333
    @thekaiser4333 Před 5 lety

    How are Canadian journalists distinguished?

  • @carlovincetti1352
    @carlovincetti1352 Před 5 lety

    Noam may say a word or two here and there I have never heard before. Listening to what he is saying with intent, can be well understood by most people. Swallowing it is difficult for some. My introduction to Noam was refreshing giving reassurance to my thoughts. The closes to Noam in alternative media I think I've ever heard could only be "Democracy Now" on public tv and radio for non-biased news.

    • @nonameslb
      @nonameslb Před 5 lety


    • @moodist1er
      @moodist1er Před 3 lety

      @@nonameslb the gray zone is trash, so is democracy now.

    • @nonameslb
      @nonameslb Před 3 lety

      @@moodist1er what is good for you?Fox news?Grayzone is amazing.

    • @VoodooDangerbird
      @VoodooDangerbird Před 5 měsíci

      Breaking Points… at times…🔮

  • @carlovincetti1352
    @carlovincetti1352 Před 5 lety

    "Responsible for the corpses "they" have produced" Who the fuck took the first corpse?.

  • @MrSatoriSan_0
    @MrSatoriSan_0 Před 5 lety

    Good God, the professor is so eloquent and articulate I have to run dictionary searches every 3 minutes~~ There's very little redundancy in his words, he says just enough to get the point across. So amazing~

    • @DowntownsUptown
      @DowntownsUptown Před 5 lety

      Welcome to the club! Electronic books are terrific with Chomsky; built in dictionaries! ;)

  • @johnmiller7453
    @johnmiller7453 Před 6 lety

    I already knew thought control was a done deal. I just talk to anyone I meet to know that. I think I was taught a bunch of lies about humans. If as Chomsky states telling the truth to the American people makes a different then why don't I see it? For everything he can point to as an improvement I can point to something worse. Lets just take the deal with most Americans basically ignoring climate change, maybe the biggest threat to life on earth we've ever faced, even if they/we give LIP SERVICE to decrying the fact that we aren't doing enough. I think he's wrong. It's bread and circuses all around. Antinatalism FTW