Yin Qi Music
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Handel's Messiah 韩德尔神剧弥赛亚
Yin Qi Choir Presents Handel's Messiah Complete.
音契圣乐团呈献韩德尔神剧弥赛亚 三部分完整演出
Recorded Live 现场录制:
(SAT) 29th July 2023, 7:30pm
The Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
Caeleb Tee - Conductor
郑联晨 指挥
Chew Shi Yun - Soprano
周诗韵 女高音
YiLing Chaing - Alto
钟依玲 女低音
Okawa Tan - Tenor
陈大川 男高音
Yin Qi Festival Choir and Orchestra
KjCMC Choir
00:00:18 Overture 序曲
00:03:45 Recit. - Comfort ye my people 你们要安慰我的百姓
00:06:57 Air - Ev'ry valley shall be exalted 一切山洼都要填满
00:10:28 Chorus - And the glory of the Lord 耶和华的荣耀
00:13:07 Recit. - Thus saith the Lord 万军之耶和华如此说
00:14:29 Air - But who may abide the day of His coming? 他来的日子谁能当得起呢?
00:18:57 Chorus - And he shall purify 他必要洁净
00:21:29 Recit. - Behold, a virgin shall conceive 必有童女怀孕生子
00:21:54 Air+Ch - O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion 传报好信息给锡安
00:27:06 Recit. - For behold, darkness shall cover the earth 看哪,黑暗遮盖大地
00:29:28 Air - The people that walked in darkness 在黑暗中行走的百姓
00:32:55 Chorus - For unto us a child is born 因有一婴孩为我们而生
00:37:43 Pifa - Pastoral Symphony 田园交响曲
00:40:35 Recit. - There were shepherds abiding in the fields 野地里有牧羊的人
00:40:50 Recit. - And lo, the angel of the Lord 有主的使者
00:41:09 Recit. - And the angel said unto them 那天使对他们说
00:41:46 Recit. - And suddenly there was with the angel 忽然有同那天使
00:42:03 Chorus - Glory to God in the highest 在至高之处荣耀归与神
00:44:13 Air - Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion 锡安的民哪,应当大大喜乐
00:48:59 Recit. - Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened 那时瞎子的眼必睁开
00:49:31 Air - He shall feed his flock 他必牧养自己的羊群
00:55:37 Chorus - His yoke is easy 他的轭是容易的
00:58:30 Chorus - Behold the Lamb of God 看哪,神的羔羊
01:01:45 Air - He was despised and rejected of men 他被藐视,被人厌弃
01:12:04 Chorus - Surely he hath borne our griefs 他诚然担当我们的忧患
01:13:46 Chorus - And with his stripes we are healed 因他受的鞭伤我们得医治
01:15:37 Chorus - All we like sheep have gone astray 我们都如羊走迷
01:19:50 Recit. - All they that see him laugh him to scorn 凡看见他的都嗤笑他
01:20:31 Chorus - He trusted in God 他把自己交托耶和华
01:22:39 Recit. - Thy rebuke hath broken his heart 辱骂伤破了他的心
01:24:44 Air - Behold and see if there be any sorrow 你们要观看、有像这临到他的痛苦没有
01:26:50 Recit. - He was cut off 他被夺去
01:27:11 Air - But thou didst not leave his soul in hell 但你必不将他的灵魂撇在阴间
01:29:43 Chorus - Lift up your heads, O ye gates 众城门哪,你们要抬起头来
01:32:40 Recit. - Unto which of the angels 所有的天使
01:33:00 Chorus - Let all the angels of God worship Him 神的使者都要拜他
01:34:30 Air - Thou art gone up on high 你已经升上高天
01:37:37 Chorus - The Lord gave the word 主发命令
01:38:51 Air - How beautiful are the feet 他们的脚踪何等佳美
01:41:35 Chorus - Their sound is gone out 他们的声音传遍天下
01:43:00 Air - Why do the nations so furiously rage together? 外邦为什么争闹?
01:45:45 Chorus - Let us break their bonds asunder 我们要挣开他们的捆绑
01:47:19 Recit. - He that dwelleth in heaven 那坐在天上的
01:47:33 Air - Thou shalt break them 你必打破他们
01:49:35 Chorus - Hallelujah 哈利路亚
01:53:53 Air - I know that my Redeemer liveth 我知道我的救赎主活着
02:00:59 Chorus - Since by man came death 死既是因一人而来
02:02:56 Recit. - Behold, I tell you a mystery 我如今把一件奥秘的事告诉你们
02:03:35 Air - The trumpet shall sound 因号筒要响
02:12:25 Recit. - Then shall be brought to pass 就应验了
02:12:48 Duet - O death, where is thy sting? 死阿,你的毒钩在那里
02:14:06 Chorus - But thanks be to God 感谢神
02:17:10 Air - If God be for us 神若帮助我们
02:22:57 Chorus - Worthy is the Lamb - Amen 羔羊配得 - 阿门
zhlédnutí: 605


音契圣乐传播中心 - 三十周年回顾
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Upcoming Concert: Handel's Messiah - Complete 韩德尔神剧弥赛亚
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Date 日期:[SAT] 29 July 2023 Time 时间:7:30pm - 10:00pm Venue 地点:KL & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall 吉隆坡暨雪兰莪中华大会堂 Caeleb Tee - Conductor Chew Shi Yun - Soprano YiLing Chaing - Alto Okawa Tan - Tenor Chi Hoe Mak - Bass Yin Qi Festival Choir and Orchestra featuring KjCMC Choir See you there! 约定您! Tickets: www.cloudjoi.com/shows/handels-messiah-complete 早鸟票优惠只限五月份,数额有限,售完为止。
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