Child Psychiatry Access Network - Northeast Texas
Child Psychiatry Access Network - Northeast Texas
  • 51
  • 13 084
Why Improving Access to Mental Health Care is an Ethical Imperative
* Discuss the rates of occurrence for common mental health disorders in youth.
* Recall the rates for common mental health disorders in pre- and post-partum women.
* Summarize the negative outcomes and ethical concerns that may result when youth and pre- and post-partum women are unable to access mental health care.
* Identify the favorable outcomes that may result for youth and women pre- and post-partum when their primary care physicians engage in collaborative care models with mental health experts.
zhlédnutí: 60


OCD Assessment and Treatment in Primary Care
zhlédnutí 99Před měsícem
Objectives: • Review a case of pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) • Describe the signs and symptoms of OCD • Differentiate OCD from other psychiatric conditions • Review the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5th edition (DSM-5) criteria for OCD • Discuss screening instruments for patients with OCD • Summarize the pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic management of OCD
Handling a Mental Health Crisis in Pediatric Primary Care
zhlédnutí 543Před 2 měsíci
Objectives: * Define a mental health concern vs. mental health emergency * Assess for Levels of Care (911, vs. parent transport vs. mobile crisis outreach team [MCOT]) * Develop a Mental Health Crisis Plan for primary care clinics * Disseminate information to parents/caregivers
24 hrs, 10 mins, & 48 seconds: The Impact of the Circadian Sleep Wake Cycle on the Pediatric Patient
zhlédnutí 22Před 3 měsíci
Objectives: * Identify and compare circadian rhythms in infants, children, adolescents and adults * Examine epidemiology and clinical presentations of sleep problems in children and adolescents * Discuss different possibilities for relationship between sleep and other medical and mental disorders * Identify sleep hygiene and related guidelines * Discuss the evidence-based treatment options for ...
Click Here: How Internet Use and Social Media Affect Children's Mental Health
zhlédnutí 246Před 4 měsíci
Objectives: * Describe the effects of social media and internet usage on children and teens. * Apply strategies to improve healthy browsing habits. * Communicate practical ways for parents to monitor and encourage safe internet usage.
Out-of-Control-Kids - How to Advise Parents
zhlédnutí 33Před 5 měsíci
Objectives: * Describe the various causes of challenging or disruptive behaviors. * Describe the best approach to addressing these concerns with caregivers. * Demonstrate various parenting interventions shown to be effective for challenging or disruptive behavioral patterns. * Formulate a structured approach to assess and address challenging or disruptive behavior, when to refer, and assemble l...
CPAN CME Horses and Zebras Distinguishing Between PTSD and Psychosis in Children & Teens 20240212
zhlédnutí 42Před 6 měsíci
Objectives: * Identify the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Schizophrenia * Identify the prevalence rates of PTSD and childhood-onset schizophrenia (COS) * Discuss appropriate screening practices for PTSD and COS in medical settings * Discuss available evidence-based interventions for PTSD and COS to make appropriate referrals
Managing Anger and Aggression in Children and Adolescents
zhlédnutí 284Před 7 měsíci
Objectives: * Define and compare clinical terminology related to anger and aggression in children and adolescents. * Describe the etiology of anger and aggression as it pertains to different diagnostic classifications. * Determine methods for intervention specific to the care settings and age groups of children and adolescents dealing with anger and aggression * Apply gained knowledge of the id...
Suicide Intervention & Prevention in the Primary Care Setting
zhlédnutí 29Před 8 měsíci
Objectives: * Analyze suicide data and statistics with a focus on trends in the youth population. * Discuss risk and protective factors for suicide. * Summarize suicide screening recommendations for youth. * Prepare clinicians for utilizing the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale to assess youth suicide risk. * Discuss steps involved in developing a Suicide Safety Plan.
The Mole Hill that Became a Mountain: Addressing Child & Adolescent Mental Health Early
zhlédnutí 149Před 9 měsíci
Objectives: * Describe the prevalence of mental disorders in children/adolescents to understand the importance of addressing them early. * Describe the different options to consider when addressing mental health in children/adolescents in the primary care setting to prevent development into more severe problems. * Provide examples of screening tools that PCPs can use to help assess for mental d...
CPAN CME Trauma Assessment & Diagnosis in Pediatric Primary Care 20231023 115933 Meeting Recording
zhlédnutí 76Před 10 měsíci
Objectives: * Recognize the tenants of a trauma-informed approach to pediatrics * Describe prevalence, symptom presentation, and risk factors for common pediatric traumas * Differentiate between adjustment, acute, and traumatic stress reactions in pediatric patients * Restate the rationale for screening and intervention for traumatic stress in primary care * Incorporate anticipatory and prevent...
Handling a Mental Health Crisis in Pediatric Primary Care
zhlédnutí 51Před 11 měsíci
Objectives: * Define a mental health concern vs. mental health emergency *Assess for Levels of Care (911, vs parent transport, vs Mobile Crisis Outreach Team [MCOT]) * Develop a Mental Health Crisis Plan for Primary Care Clinics * Disseminate information to Parents/Caregivers
CPAN CME Recognizing and Treating Eating Disorders in Primary Care 20230828 115753 Meeting Recordi
zhlédnutí 50Před rokem
Objectives: * Provide background of eating disorders and identify clinical symptoms. * Discuss assessment and diagnosis process. * Identify varying levels of care. * Discuss treatment interventions: psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy. * Discuss psychoeducation for patients and caretakers.
Managing Temper Tantrums & Explosive Anger in Pediatric Primary Care
zhlédnutí 167Před rokem
Objectives: • Describe why children have temper tantrums/anger outbursts • Explain how to advise parents of children who have temper tantrums/anger outbursts • Develop awareness of resources that may help children with temper tantrums/anger outbursts • Examine best medication treatment options when first line treatments fail
Managing Complex ADHD in Pediatric Primary Care
zhlédnutí 160Před rokem
Objectives: * Develop a systematic approach to evaluation of ADHD that ultimately will assist in the treatment of complex ADHD * List at least two potential side effects of first line ADHD treatments and at least two potential treatment options * Identify at least two comorbid disorders and their impact on initial treatment options
Suicide Assessment & Safety Planning in Pediatric Primary Care
zhlédnutí 110Před rokem
Suicide Assessment & Safety Planning in Pediatric Primary Care
Click Here: How Internet Use & Social Media Affect Children's Mental Health
zhlédnutí 106Před rokem
Click Here: How Internet Use & Social Media Affect Children's Mental Health
Autism Eligibility & School Services
zhlédnutí 84Před rokem
Autism Eligibility & School Services
Disordered & Intuitive Eating in Youth
zhlédnutí 32Před rokem
Disordered & Intuitive Eating in Youth
CPAN CME Compassion Fatigue in Primary Care 20221010 115724 Meeting Recording
zhlédnutí 31Před rokem
CPAN CME Compassion Fatigue in Primary Care 20221010 115724 Meeting Recording
Nobody is Getting Any Sleep: Childhood Sleep Problems
zhlédnutí 53Před rokem
Nobody is Getting Any Sleep: Childhood Sleep Problems
When Children Refuse School
zhlédnutí 50Před rokem
When Children Refuse School
CPAN CME Clinical Pearls in Primary Care: t ADHD in Children & Adolescents
zhlédnutí 297Před 2 lety
CPAN CME Clinical Pearls in Primary Care: t ADHD in Children & Adolescents
Managing Temper Tantrums & Explosive Anger
zhlédnutí 245Před 2 lety
Managing Temper Tantrums & Explosive Anger
The Holistic Approach to the Psychiatric Patient
zhlédnutí 71Před 2 lety
The Holistic Approach to the Psychiatric Patient
CPAN CME Horses and Zebras: Distinguishing Between PTSD and Psychosis in Children & Teens
zhlédnutí 81Před 2 lety
CPAN CME Horses and Zebras: Distinguishing Between PTSD and Psychosis in Children & Teens
CPAN CME Clinical Pearls in Primary Care Depression & Anxiety in Children and Adolescents 2022050
zhlédnutí 184Před 2 lety
CPAN CME Clinical Pearls in Primary Care Depression & Anxiety in Children and Adolescents 2022050
Navigating the Difference Between Psychological and Neuropsychological Testing
zhlédnutí 233Před 2 lety
Navigating the Difference Between Psychological and Neuropsychological Testing
Click Here: How Internet Use & Social Media Affect Children
zhlédnutí 59Před 2 lety
Click Here: How Internet Use & Social Media Affect Children
Managing Complex ADHD: When ADHD Isn’t So Simple
zhlédnutí 118Před 2 lety
Managing Complex ADHD: When ADHD Isn’t So Simple


  • @cizfranainedres9028
    @cizfranainedres9028 Před 3 měsíci

    How did they managed to let the doctor go on with a busted mic like that.

  • @lilcompletlyaveragepatpat1497


  • @OliveHay
    @OliveHay Před 8 měsíci

    I cannot thank you enough for this research! There isn't enough out there, and there are thousands in not hundreds of thousands which need help.

  • @Basstroutfishing
    @Basstroutfishing Před 10 měsíci

    Upspeak, vocal fry, filler words “right” “uh” “um” ..

  • @launacasey6513
    @launacasey6513 Před 10 měsíci

    I can't take off 10 days a month from work, so it's a struggle dealing with people during this time. I end up feeling super aggressive and nasty towards others and myself. But I keep it all inside - which saves me from getting an assault charge.

    • @OliveHay
      @OliveHay Před 8 měsíci

      I'm exactly the same, but feel like taking it out on myself! There seems to be no escape!

  • @thomaswoodward9514
    @thomaswoodward9514 Před 11 měsíci


  • @zurioutlaw
    @zurioutlaw Před rokem

    Great vid!

  • @debraannette1273
    @debraannette1273 Před rokem

    It would be great if the slides and handouts were available with the recording...

  • @kprudhomme9287
    @kprudhomme9287 Před rokem

    Very informative

  • @zacharycummings7155

    Keep making great videos. YT ranking services - ᵖʳᵒᵐᵒˢᵐ .

  • @___________________1

    Understand what psychiatry is , is a byproduct of the holocaust . Stop pushing it on our children

  • @Saint.questions
    @Saint.questions Před rokem

    Wow.. how does this not have more views!!! This is awesome thank you!

  • @DutchiesMomma
    @DutchiesMomma Před rokem

    My body image has nothing to do with my eating disorder. I was punished as a child with lack of food. It’s a learned behavior of “punishment“

  • @andrewc.2952
    @andrewc.2952 Před 2 lety

    As a patient and hopefully a future care provider (I love studying trauma and mental health), when it comes to relapses, I think it's about approaching it from not necessarily finding weakness, but rather something like "What were you experiencing that made things more difficult that day? Did you have some things happening that made you just say I can't deal?" And help to restructure things so that they can know and be mindful about triggers and things like may be they were not sleeping well that week or they wore themselves out at work so you look at it from a point of "Here's what set things off and here's what I can try to do to prevent or find alternative healthy options. Because I've learned that once your brain has established a pattern and a habit, trying to just stop that is like derailing your mental train. Instead, just change tracks. Btw I love y'all, you're my people. I'm a Texan born and raised. 😸 I'm so happy to have found your channel and I would love to get in touch and work with y'all in some capacity or another.

  • @cyborglawpolice
    @cyborglawpolice Před 2 lety

    The Holy Spirit brings God's promises to mind when we need them most. We can have victory over Satan's schemes by filling our minds with the truth of the Bible. Here are 10 verses to remember as you face the battles ahead. Ephesians 6:10-11 "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes." 2 Thessalonians 3:3 "But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one." 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 1 Peter 5:8-9 "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings." James 4:7 "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." Romans 8:37-39 "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[a] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Colossians 1:13-14 "For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins." John 16:33 "I [Jesus] have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #PlanetEarth #SpaceVisionExpert #SpaceIntelligence #AlienBrain #ParallelVisionExpert #HighComprehensiveIQ #JesseBowe Earth #TrapDangerAwareness #SpaceTrappingAwareness #AlienDangerAwareness #CyberPoliceExpertise: #GreekMythology #MythicalPower #JesseBowe #Magical #Fascinating #HighBrainIQScience #MythicalAwareness #MythicalIntelligence #MythicalPowersMASTERED #MythicalAliensExpertise #MustNotBeHarmFul #JesseBowe #AstronomyIntelligence #AstrologyIntelligence #Martian #Gargoyle #HighComprehensiveAlienBrainIQ #ComprehensionAwareness #SpaceDecontaminating #PlanetDecontaminating #HydrationDecontaminatingAwareness #SpacePlanetDecontaminationExpertise #SpaceDecontaminatingHighBrainIQ #ZombieScientistExpert #DecontaminationIntelligence #SpaceHazardAwareness #JesseBowe #VertebraeDecontaminatingExpert #HealthyClimateExpert #HealthyAlienMating #AlienProperMatingExpert #AlienMatingIntelligence #ClimatePlantationIntelligence #ClimateVarietyPlantation #TreeVarietyClimateGrowth #HealthyClimateGrowthAwareness #ClimateLawIntelligence #GardeningLawsAwareness #JesseBowe #GroundClimateIntelligence #ClimateExpertiseAwareness #Scientific #LaboratoryStudies #HealthyPlanetClimate #ClimatePlantationDefense #HighClimateComprehensiveBrainIQ #Martian #PlanetEarth #MartianIntelligence #TerrorCrimeIntelligence #TerrorIntentions #TerrorCriminalConduct #TerrorAwareness #TerrorAnalysis #TerrorismPrevention #AntiTerrorism #TerrorismAwareness #HighBrainIQComprehension #RetreatingTheEnemyIntelligence #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #AntiDemonicSociety #CivilizedSociety #ProfessionalLawEnforcment #CivilianSafetyIntelligence #PedestrianSafetyAwareness #AlienSpeciesSafetySAwareness #PublicSafetyTactics #CountryTerrorAwareness #CountryTerrorPrevention #DestructionAwareness #DestructionPreventionAmericanSociety #CivilSociety #CivilPolitics #CIA #CentralIntelligenceAgency #IllegalCrimePrevention #CriminalIntentions #GuiltyIntentions #DeadlyIntentions #Awareness #CorruptionPreventionAmerica #ConvictConductivity #InmateConduct #BetrayalIntentions #PrisonIncarceration #PrisonConfinement #CriminalIdentification #Alien #Awareness #FinancialFraud #IllegalBrandingAwareness #IllegalManufacturingCrimeAwareness #IllegalBrandManufacturing #IllegalCashManufacturing #IllegalCoinManufacturing #CIA #FBI #ProfessionalLawEnforcement #SuspectIdenificationIntelligenceExpert #USA #GravitationalSurgicalIntelligence #JesseBowe #GravityScientificIntelligence #Nasa #SpaceSatelliteIntelligence #Awareness #GravitationalSurgeonExpertise #HighComprehensiveBrainIQ #SurgicalToysIntelligence #LegalizedSurgeon #CertifiedSurgeon #ProfessionalSurgeons #CertifiedSurgeons #LegalSurgeons #SanitarySurgicalOperations #SanitaryUtensils #HealthySurgery[] #UrinaryTract #UrinaryTractSurgicalExpertise #ProperBowelMovement #BowelMovementIntelligence #BowelMovementOperation #HighComprehensiveBrainIQ #BowelMovementSurgery #PreventingParalysisAwareness #ParalysisPreventionIntelligence #AlienGenderIdentificationExpert #SurgicalExpertise #AbdominalFatDissectionIntelligence #Experienced #FemalePatient #Accuracy #Affective #Efficient #MalePatient #Precise #Precision #Psychedelic #JesseBowe #MusculoskeletalSystemSurgeon #SurgicalSurgeon #OrthopedicSurgicalExpertise #MaleAlienBoneStructure #FemaleAlienBoneStructure #ExpertProperBoneStructureAwareness #ComprehensiveAccuracyIQ #Expertise #JesseBowe #LegalSurgeon #CertifiedSurgicalOperations #PotionCreatorMartian #PotionIntelligence #SpellRitualsIntelligence #CastingSpellsHighComprehensiveBrainIQ #WitchCraftExpert #VoodooExpert #AntiDemonicPotion #AngelProtectionPotion #AlienMutantInstantHealPotion #ConvolutionOfBrocaFailure #BrocaAreaDysfunction #MotorCortexFailure #NoPersonalSelfCare #SpiritualDeathObsession #SpiritualAwareness #PuppetDispossession #SpiritualDispossession #SpiritualPossessionPrevention #RealmOfSouls #SpiritualManeuveringAwareness #SpiritRemovalIntelligence #DemonSkinRemoval #ClothingSpiritRemoval #DemonSlayerExpert #AntiDevil #AntiOmen #AntiEvil #AntiDemonic #AntiSatanist #DemonicCombiningAwareness #Lucifer #DemonicToysAwareness #MentalDemonicConsciousDangerAwareness #MentalConsciousDemonicAttackerAwareness #DemonicConsciousnessAwareness #HaloAngel #DemonicSkinRemovalAwareness #InsideWallDemonicAwareness #OmenPresenceAwareness #SpiritualPresenceAwareness #DemonicPresenceAwareness #GhostAwareness #GhostPresenceAwareness #ParanormalAwareness #ParanormalExpert #AlienDeathAwareness #LivingDeadAwareness #ZombieSlayerAwareness #SelflessCare #DeadFleshIntelligence #MorgueAutopsyIntelligence #DysfunctionalToxicImmune #BrainDeadAwareness #PuppetAwareness #IrresponsiveCerebellum #ComprehensiveIQ #Martian #Accurate #Affective #Efficiency

  • @WalkWithGraceThisEra
    @WalkWithGraceThisEra Před 2 lety

    Drew Schmitt with his psychometrically valid finger on the pulse!