• 48
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All About Chinese in Australia 澳洲华人的“美味”数据
华裔笑星黄玮婷(Jennifer Wong)通过包饺子的方式呈现了一些有关澳大利亚华人的小知识。一起来看看这些“美味”的数据吧!
One of Australia's best-loved celebrities, Jennifer Wong explored the key findings of the Australia Talks National Survey 2019.
zhlédnutí: 207


BBC News: Hong Kong Internet Impacted by China's National Security Law
zhlédnutí 243Před 4 lety
What has been changed since China's National Security Law imposed in Hong Kong? The programme was first aired on 9 Aug 2020.
Anyang - Tales from Modern China Episode 1
zhlédnutí 904Před 5 lety
First aired on BBC on 3 Jun 2017.
Chinese young people see iconic 'tank man' image
zhlédnutí 122KPřed 5 lety
It is one of the most iconic photographs of the 20th century: an unidentified man stopping the advance of a convoy of tanks through Tiananmen Square. Thirty years after the government's crackdown on students who filled the square demanding democratic reform, many young students today have never seen the photo. Those who have seen it are reluctant to discuss it in public. Textbooks do not mentio...
Overseas Chinese still fear to talke about Tiananmen Protest after 30 years
zhlédnutí 247Před 5 lety
Chinese in Australia are still too fearful to show their faces to talk about Tiananmen Protest. It highlights the sensitive nature of the bloody crackdown in Beijing's Tiananmen Square, where the Chinese army opened fire on tens of thousands of students on June 4, 1989. When the Tiananmen massacre happened, more than 40,000 Chinese students were given permanent humanitarian visas in Australia. ...
中国军人三十年后追述六四 Tiananmen Square massacre still remembered by Chinese soldier
zhlédnutí 2,5KPřed 5 lety
2019年6月4日是天安门广场大屠杀(俗称六四)的三十周年纪念日。在中国,这场亲民主运动的血腥镇压已被从历史中抹去,但亲眼目睹那场席卷北京的动荡的人却依然铭记于心。 前中国人民解放军士兵李晓明就是其中一员。他说他从来没有开过一枪,但仍对6月4日坦克开进天安门广场造成手无寸铁的学生和平民伤亡深感内疚。 2002年,李晓明第一次向外界讲述他的故事。他被认为是第一个对中国共产党的六四镇压公开作证的士兵。 The 4th of June 2019 marks the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre - a bloody crackdown on a pro-democracy movement erased from history in China, but still remembered by the people w...
Tiananmen Mothers in the 30th Anniversary
zhlédnutí 3KPřed 5 lety
讲好中国故事的背后 Behind 'tell China's story well' (2019)
zhlédnutí 857Před 5 lety
当2016年中国中央电视台(CCTV)的国际版块被重新包装为CGTN推出时,中国国家主席习近平敦促CGTN “讲好中国故事”,“传播好中国声音”。这番话语被解读为中国政府的野心,即全新确立一个以中国为核心的全球媒体平台,同时将挑战自由民主作为其理想中的发展和政治架构。随着中国的影响力在世界范围内不断扩张,一些西方国家则不断退却。 When the international arm of China Central Television (CCTV) news rebranded and became CGTN in 2016, Chinese President Xi Jinping urged the media organisation in a congratulatory letter to "tell China stories well" and spread Chin...
Surveillance China (2018) 中国监控摄像头遍布全国
zhlédnutí 4,8KPřed 6 lety
Video surveillance is common in China. By 2020, China wants to set up a system that will allow the government to digitally scan its citizens in order to punish or reward their behavior. Mathias Bölinger of Deutsche Welle reports from Shenzhen China on 6 Jul 2018. 中国正在利用人工智能无死角监控全中国。目前已经安装有1.76亿枚摄像头,今后三年这个数字还会翻三倍。配合人脸识别技术,警方能够迅速鉴别画面中每一个人的身份。 不过不是每一个人都安心被监控。德国之声记者 Mathias Bölinger 2018年7月6日从深圳发来的报道
Two guys dance like nobody watching 两男广场舞独霸一方
zhlédnutí 161KPřed 8 lety
Two guys dance like nobody watching 两男广场舞独霸一方
Two guys dance smash dancing aunties 两男广场舞秒杀大妈
zhlédnutí 5KPřed 8 lety
Two guys dance smash dancing aunties 两男广场舞秒杀大妈
Chinese busker got on a national TV 街头二胡牛人刘美园 《神话》
zhlédnutí 36KPřed 8 lety
Erhu, 'Chinese violin' is his life. His street busking performance has gone viral in China. This humble and talent young man comes from a rural poor family, but he and his younger sister have traveled and busked around the country in order to raise money to support their ill parents. 贫困农家子弟刘美园2014年1月登上央视音乐频道表演《神话》。相关报道
2015黄金周北京京广澳高速大堵车 Astonishing traffic jam in Beijing
zhlédnutí 5KPřed 8 lety
Aerial view of cars returning to Beijing after the Golden Week 2015
习近平车队在美国被访民截停 Xi Jinping encounters with petitioners in US
zhlédnutí 64KPřed 8 lety
正在华盛顿对美国进行国事访问的中国国家主席习近平和夫人彭丽媛9月25日中午在前往美国国务院参加招待午宴途中,其专车遭到来自北京、上海、湖南和河北等地中国访民的拦截。 9月25日下午1点10分左右,习近平的车队经过华盛顿18街与E街交叉口,当两辆凯迪拉克轿车出现时,多名高呼“习近平,见访民”等口号的访民冲过去,将前面一辆凯迪拉克拦下,北京访民李焕君和上海访民葛丽芳随即钻到后面一辆加长凯迪拉克的车底,将车拦截下来。习近平当时正好坐在那辆车里。据悉,葛丽芳和李焕君看到了习近平,习近平与访民对视几秒钟。随后,警察冲过去将李焕君和葛丽芳带到警戒线以外,并当场释放,习近平的车也随即离开。 另外,9月25日下午1时37分左右,彭丽媛的车队经过21街与C街交叉口,又有四名访民冲出封锁线,其中马永田堵到彭丽媛的车,这个车被堵到人行道并且撞到马路牙子,随后车开走,马永田则被警察拘捕。
中国为什么要阅兵 Why is China showing military might now
zhlédnutí 270Před 9 lety
中国为什么要阅兵 Why is China showing military might now
工会反对中澳自由贸易协定 Union opposes China-Australia free trade deal
zhlédnutí 300Před 9 lety
工会反对中澳自由贸易协定 Union opposes China-Australia free trade deal
Tigers attack a bear in Shanghai Wildlife Park 上海野生动物园老虎咬死黑熊
zhlédnutí 12KPřed 9 lety
Tigers attack a bear in Shanghai Wildlife Park 上海野生动物园老虎咬死黑熊
长江沉船家属请愿遭驱赶 Police expel peace protest of victim's relatives in Shanghai
zhlédnutí 401Před 9 lety
长江沉船家属请愿遭驱赶 Police expel peace protest of victim's relatives in Shanghai
Victims' relatives protests near Chinese sunk ship 东方之星沉船家属和平抗议
zhlédnutí 666Před 9 lety
Victims' relatives protests near Chinese sunk ship 东方之星沉船家属和平抗议
Baby taste lemon, so cute! 宝宝尝柠檬
zhlédnutí 230KPřed 10 lety
Baby taste lemon, so cute! 宝宝尝柠檬
Australia's Remote Islands (2013) Ep 3 Norfolk Island
zhlédnutí 126KPřed 11 lety
Australia's Remote Islands (2013) Ep 3 Norfolk Island
Australia's Remote Islands (2013) Ep 2 Macquarie Island
zhlédnutí 78KPřed 11 lety
Australia's Remote Islands (2013) Ep 2 Macquarie Island
Australia's Remote Islands (2013) Ep1 Lord Howe Island
zhlédnutí 182KPřed 11 lety
Australia's Remote Islands (2013) Ep1 Lord Howe Island
科举 Chinese Imperial Examinations - Ep5 - 穷途末路
zhlédnutí 3,3KPřed 11 lety
科举 Chinese Imperial Examinations - Ep5 - 穷途末路
科举 Chinese Imperial Examinations - Ep4 - 道高一尺
zhlédnutí 4,1KPřed 11 lety
科举 Chinese Imperial Examinations - Ep4 - 道高一尺
科举 Chinese Imperial Examinations - Ep3 - 学优则仕
zhlédnutí 3,4KPřed 11 lety
科举 Chinese Imperial Examinations - Ep3 - 学优则仕
科举 Chinese Imperial Examinations - Ep1 - 隋唐烟雨
zhlédnutí 9KPřed 11 lety
科举 Chinese Imperial Examinations - Ep1 - 隋唐烟雨
公益中国:同性恋亲友会 (2013) PFLAG China
zhlédnutí 20KPřed 11 lety
公益中国:同性恋亲友会 (2013) PFLAG China


  • @jb7287
    @jb7287 Před 11 dny

    So beautiful its beyond description !! ABSOLUTELY stunning craftsmanship and pride of craft !! Its unbelievable. Cheers to all of the crafts people involved !!

  • @onionrangerduck7024
    @onionrangerduck7024 Před 2 měsíci

    What a bloody privileged hypocrite this reporter is. He knows the situation, he knows the risks, but he didn't care, he just want to record all the faces and prove to the buddy back home that the story is true. 😅 Of course almost no one would answer them, the big camera is right there. Don't act like "this is his job". What, a reporter can't report with only audio recording? 😅

  • @suecollins8199
    @suecollins8199 Před 2 měsíci

    Shearwater (mutton birds) breed on the Bass Strait Island of Cape Barren.😊

  • @hogancheung7981
    @hogancheung7981 Před 2 měsíci


  • @mramogus1032
    @mramogus1032 Před 3 měsíci

    Litterally 1984.

  • @manneianevski
    @manneianevski Před 3 měsíci

    How, HOW to tell to this woman that her kid has been killed... because a little fucktard wanted FAME???? Nothing can comfort those people. All what they have left in their heart is room for this pain and to live with it. This is truly heartbreaking and those things should never happen. I wish I could do something to comfort them, but it is something beyond my power. All I can do is remotely feel and absorb their pain, cry for them, praying for them to overcome this, even tho I don't even know how I would do this myself. I refuse to let hate getting the worse out of me. That's what the other psycho wants, as long as he gets attention. I'd rather remember and think about Jun Lin, even if it is every 2 years like I do now. I have been depressed lately, and now, thinking of Jun Lin, I can not let myself feeling miserable, at least by respect for him. I didn't know him, we weren't friends or close, but his death impacted me so much that I wish I would have been there to prevent it to happen. Please, let there be a divine justice in this. I believe in karma, but still hope that something will rescale all the pain and loss that this story have brought. Truly heartbreaking. All my prayers, compassion, affection, care and respect to these people. We do care.

  • @rodderickjames-bp5rp
    @rodderickjames-bp5rp Před 3 měsíci


  • @Lord_of_the_Pies
    @Lord_of_the_Pies Před 3 měsíci

    It's no different from americans. Most Young Americans can't even name states that are in their union. Has nothing to do with them being arrested or the government not allowing them to know, people are just ignorant

  • @andrewattenboroughtwothumb4697

    I have ancestors from north folk island and Pitcairn Island and related to the hms bounty

  • @TomMorrison-cc6xw
    @TomMorrison-cc6xw Před 3 měsíci

    Just exquisite! I assume the lighting is better in the completed project. The international team working on the restoration is appropriate, since the design & some of the execution in 1722 + was also international. The priest died before it was completed, which is a shame, but as someone else pointed out, he probably wouldn't have been allowed to see it anyway.

  • @LaChicaPlastica
    @LaChicaPlastica Před 4 měsíci

    Absolutely breathtaking beauty. 💜💜💜

  • @cbcdesign001
    @cbcdesign001 Před 4 měsíci

    Resolution 360, waste of time bothering to show us the gardens at this abysmal resolution.

  • @YangShuLin
    @YangShuLin Před 5 měsíci


  • @ymngan5348
    @ymngan5348 Před 5 měsíci


  • @jetgorgon269
    @jetgorgon269 Před 5 měsíci

    I visited the Forbidden City when I was studying in China in 1984. I most remember a bldg with very dirty windows that housed clocks of every description. We could not enter, but just marvelled at what we could see. So glad so many things have been restored and so happy that these precious items were not destroyed in the revolution.

  • @monicajimenez5820
    @monicajimenez5820 Před 5 měsíci

    No tiene traduccion

  • @ooooo000ooooo
    @ooooo000ooooo Před 6 měsíci

    The last question was so unneccesary and hurtful. Obviously it was so much worse that there was a video and he died brutally. The interviewer just wanted to provoke them for a reaction and showed no empathy

  • @MrEric2cu
    @MrEric2cu Před 6 měsíci

    I'm simply speechless. The level of detail, craftsmanship, and intricacy of the entire forbidden city is unexplainable when attempting to describe it to one that's never seen it. Of course seeing it in person would be beyond magical, but being able to watch this program took me back 200 years. The embroidery

  • @edgarkhachatryan
    @edgarkhachatryan Před 6 měsíci

    I got the link of the website of that mf*ing video, but don’t know how to report it. Help me to get it removed from the internet, it’s not okay having it still online and circulating.

    • @rositamariposita9573
      @rositamariposita9573 Před 11 dny

      You have all my respect and support. I want that video removed for ever. R.I.P Jun Lin 🕊🕯

  • @Natthapongm
    @Natthapongm Před 8 měsíci

    So Amazing and thank you for the video me me wow ! after we are waiting for secret room inside the forbidden city 🏙️ thank you so much 👍🙏🙏

  • @user-ng2nu8xv1x
    @user-ng2nu8xv1x Před 8 měsíci


  • @user-ng2nu8xv1x
    @user-ng2nu8xv1x Před 8 měsíci


  • @user-ng2nu8xv1x
    @user-ng2nu8xv1x Před 8 měsíci


  • @user-ng2nu8xv1x
    @user-ng2nu8xv1x Před 8 měsíci

    乾隆帝が意地悪をして交流を一度切っちゃったけど。 私が繋げて交流を続けた国が在るよ❗ 太より。

  • @user-ng2nu8xv1x
    @user-ng2nu8xv1x Před 8 měsíci

    今は日本で転生したから、まだ戻ってないけど。 元気ですか❓️

  • @user-ng2nu8xv1x
    @user-ng2nu8xv1x Před 8 měsíci

    宮廷で胡麻が手に入ると、胡麻団子を作って食べていた人が居たよ。 外からジーって見てたら、手招きしてくれて、胡麻団子を私の両手にのせてくれて、お食べって😊 自宅にも胡麻団子を届けてくれたよ🎵

  • @user-ng2nu8xv1x
    @user-ng2nu8xv1x Před 8 měsíci

    水晶の名前の部屋も私の家🏠️だし。 オルゴールだけを置いていた、オルゴール部屋も。 水晶って部屋は、兄と過ごした部屋だからね。

  • @user-ng2nu8xv1x
    @user-ng2nu8xv1x Před 8 měsíci


  • @user-ng2nu8xv1x
    @user-ng2nu8xv1x Před 8 měsíci

    藤の花の部屋は、私が住んでた部屋で、毎年、ニスを塗ってたよ。 ニス臭くて、窓を開けていた❗ 懐かしい😂

  • @slh950
    @slh950 Před 8 měsíci

    yet to see any "garden" here

  • @martinclayton7260
    @martinclayton7260 Před 9 měsíci

    Wow, its gorgeous. Wish i could spend some time there.

  • @HarmlessPranks105
    @HarmlessPranks105 Před 9 měsíci

    I live in Beijing as a foreign student and I’ve been the Forbidden City, to imagine that something like this was built in 1420 with no technology is mind blowing. The names of the architects have been lost to time but the work they did will forever live on.

  • @anvisharma3563
    @anvisharma3563 Před 9 měsíci


  • @SistonaCeciliaPingal
    @SistonaCeciliaPingal Před 10 měsíci

    Nice sharing lovely to see them dancing new friend

  • @saskiafarias2117
    @saskiafarias2117 Před 11 měsíci

    Absolutamente encantador! ❤ Arte única! Cheia de detalhes ricos e de profundo dom divino! Não devem se extinguir e passado à futuras gerações! Quanta beleza e história na Cidade Proibida! Agradeço particularmente a equipe e ao documentário! Uma verdadeira riqueza que posso contemplar! ❤

  • @charliekezza
    @charliekezza Před 11 měsíci

    So glad I wasn't the one taking down the ceiling murals

  • @zameera6785
    @zameera6785 Před 11 měsíci

    To create the glory of imperials of china, how much blood of people were spent on???

  • @gayeinggs5179
    @gayeinggs5179 Před 11 měsíci

    The Chinese are very very clever

  • @jiheelee3175
    @jiheelee3175 Před 11 měsíci

    快行動吧,韓國頭號通緝的恐怖份子。髮廊賣淫 e.t

  • @izharfatima5295
    @izharfatima5295 Před 11 měsíci

    Indeed it looks beautiful,but still they are not able to see that the pride given to them by the luxuries enduring regime was nothing but " eternal slaves" who try to be triumphant in the dillusion of selected servants for their own exceptional skills whereas the declared majesty/symbol of god saviour of its children enjoying the fruits of their labor. Which they are not even allow to know about it forget about having a look at it. Undoubtedly, preservation work to its original has created an opportunity for the massive devastating challenge of saving environment through changing standards.

  • @cherylkurucz8852
    @cherylkurucz8852 Před 11 měsíci


  • @climbeverest
    @climbeverest Před 11 měsíci

    Give it to China, lovely white people only care about money, and Butlers, become butlers to the British, you will all be happy

  • @climbeverest
    @climbeverest Před 11 měsíci

    Such beautiful fruits, I will be happy with them

  • @amandastubbs910
    @amandastubbs910 Před 11 měsíci

    Beautiful,Need to restore the soul building's and paints and woods to be Restore

    • @amandastubbs910
      @amandastubbs910 Před 11 měsíci

      Beautiful Craftsman designs... amazing Beautiful

  • @justynjonn
    @justynjonn Před 11 měsíci

    That Sorrell's got some.spunk!

  • @dcrelief
    @dcrelief Před rokem

    loved this.

  • @dannygreen5477
    @dannygreen5477 Před rokem

    I wonder how you get your insurance to cover that... "Yea we will pay you 20% of what it was worth and even tho you can't get any of the material again, here try with some plastic." Also, why wasn't it kept up? Since the rest of it is.. Why just one section left to rot?

  • @hatarismom
    @hatarismom Před rokem

    These amazing artisans who were found to be able to recreate things that their ancestors made hundreds of years ago and to make them identically the same, should now be able to create art for the world and be remunerated as they should be. They are amazing!

  • @bubblemum
    @bubblemum Před rokem

    At 27 minutes, did anyone else smile and say "Washi kozo!". I have been a Baumgartner fan for a few years now :)

  • @timfoinc.6879
    @timfoinc.6879 Před rokem

    Ancient Temple builders works!!