Specialist Sorensen
Specialist Sorensen
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  • @HappyBlueLake-lh7iv
    @HappyBlueLake-lh7iv Před 5 hodinami

    I need one for ged

  • @jaygee1267
    @jaygee1267 Před 8 dny

    You states RWE 3 is the worst, and means you were not eligible, Actually RE3 means you ARE eligible, with WAIVERS. RE4 is the Worst.

  • @money313868
    @money313868 Před 11 dny

    I joined the bevy at 17. Bottom line dicked around for in trouble for just being a idiot nothing major. They do have me a re4. What are the chances of joining anywhere else?

  • @ligmasack9038
    @ligmasack9038 Před 23 dny

    Fun Fact: The Military isn't worth it as long as they are using D.E.I. and the rest of the "Woke Agenda" to determine Promotions (including the Libturd Agenda); it's not worth it.

  • @TylerMire
    @TylerMire Před 25 dny

    I just completed BCT as a prior service Navy nco. My experience was basically the same as the rest of the trainees but I did get my own room.

    • @TylerMire
      @TylerMire Před 25 dny

      I heard stories from drills of other companies who said their prior service ncos got post passes on weekends and were mostly left alone. My drills and CO were really strict and tough with me in contrast. I did get my phone in my room every night

  • @Jsbenrksuznbfja
    @Jsbenrksuznbfja Před 25 dny

    I have to find a way to get a birth certificate

  • @pimppanda3165
    @pimppanda3165 Před 27 dny

    I got discharged from the navy during boot camp with a RE-4 I wanna re enlist into another branch but idk if I can 😞

    • @jcorral.1104
      @jcorral.1104 Před 21 dnem

      same, what can we do?? im trying to go back in

    • @pimppanda3165
      @pimppanda3165 Před 21 dnem

      @@jcorral.1104 I talked to my recruiter he said the only way in is to change the RE code but the air force told me I can get a waiver possibly but I would have to wait a couple of years

  • @krisleal5350
    @krisleal5350 Před 29 dny

    I was kicked for popping hot. Have a OTH BAD CONDUCT RE4, I retained a lawyer. And hopefully with upgrade my discharge, my goal is to get back into the military. My lawyer said it’s possible with a waiver.

  • @krisleal5350
    @krisleal5350 Před 29 dny

    so how did everything go, are you in the military ? RE3 isnt the worse bud, RE4 is! youll be good. Good luck.

  • @ssrtss7
    @ssrtss7 Před měsícem

    Earned a re-3 back when I was 18 during bct in early 00's. Definitely have regretted it, but still became a law enforcement officer on the west coast 8 years later at 26. Stay out of trouble, continue your education, and stay fit. It is not an end all.

  • @RiskyTGW
    @RiskyTGW Před měsícem

    4 years ago i tried and kept bugging my recruiter for the national guard but he eventually stopped contacting me. I did give up. But now 4 years later i have a recruiter who is helping me out to get through. Ssg Mitchell. Hes taking the extra steps. Im 33 now but im ready for this and i cant wait

  • @looneytunes0024
    @looneytunes0024 Před měsícem

    I got a waiver back in 2019 for the Marines because I have a plate in my head. It took 1 year, but it was easy. Not ALL waivers are impossible...

  • @heymoe1179
    @heymoe1179 Před měsícem

    Recruiters today just give you websites to figure it out on your own. They are there basically to act as a notary to witness you signing.

  • @JZa-p5d
    @JZa-p5d Před měsícem

    When they need people like national emergency they drafted anyone don’t matter what

  • @JZa-p5d
    @JZa-p5d Před měsícem

    GED waiver

  • @JZa-p5d
    @JZa-p5d Před měsícem

    I just turned 43

  • @JZa-p5d
    @JZa-p5d Před měsícem

    Icompliance with most of the thing except with my age

  • @JZa-p5d
    @JZa-p5d Před měsícem

    Instead of help me, they turn me down, so I totally lost hope in the army.

  • @JZa-p5d
    @JZa-p5d Před měsícem

    Instead of help me, they turn me down, so I totally lost hope in the army.

  • @JZa-p5d
    @JZa-p5d Před měsícem

    But seems like I can’t find nobody helping me

  • @JZa-p5d
    @JZa-p5d Před měsícem

    I am interesting

  • @JZa-p5d
    @JZa-p5d Před měsícem

    They don’t going to find ppl. Like that, the only ones who’s are very selective is USMC

  • @JZa-p5d
    @JZa-p5d Před měsícem

    I need age waiver and I am working to get my GED. Done

  • @User27315
    @User27315 Před měsícem

    I’m trying to get into the coast guard I failed my hearing test 3 times I have no prior hearing problems and honestly don’t even know how I failed. Does anyone know what’s most likely going to happen? I’m very anxious about weather I’m going to get approved or not

  • @donaldcampbell7608
    @donaldcampbell7608 Před měsícem

    I'm 18 rn, trying to join the military. A peanut allergy is what's stopping me the most.

  • @echohunter4199
    @echohunter4199 Před měsícem

    Ah, you’re talking about the Army National Guard which is quite a bit different than the Regular Army. I spent 8 years stuck in USAREC (Active Army Recruiting Command) as a recruiter and I got my V7 qualification which is Ops/Guidance Counselor and I spent 12 months working at LA Rctg Bn in the S3 shops as the Bn Waiver Tech where I processed all types of waivers. UR 350-6 covers all waivers and what’s required for those waivers. On the Active Army side it’s fairly simple for the recruiter to submit a waiver, if it’s a med waiver then it may need some more med records or some medical test or scan from a civilian doctor that will help the Army Med Command be able to make their decision. But be well aware of this; most of the recruiters that work in S3 can be lazy and care less but about 1/3 of the waiver staff actually gives a damn. I was able to get same day waivers approved because I picked up the phone and talked with the applicants recruiter or station commander and told them exactly what I needed it and if I got it in time, I could get him enlisted. Some of us worked hard to help recruiters since many are located hours away from MEPS and it takes a LOT of time to drive back and forth and that takes away time from looking for new prospects. After a couple months the S3 waiver techs will be able to tell when a waiver is likely to be approved or denied no matter what and the tech can advise the recruiter or whoever asks. Qualification standards are always evolving, USAREC sends out messages to make immediate changes for waivers and it’s usually for the better but, the average field recruiter is completely unaware of these daily messages so they don’t know that a prospect that was unqualified a month ago is now able to submit a waiver and hopefully enlist. Those messages are on the USAREC homepage but you’ll need your CAC card access to see them, they used to be open to the public until about 6 years ago. Dependency waivers (wife and number of kids) are the ones that almost never get approved so try and find a way for the prospect to get an advance promotion to qualify as per AR 601-210 Ch. 2. The person that is the most critical,part of a waiver processing is the Company 1SG, he’s able to call S3 any time he wants and get a status check on people in his pipeline and kick some ass if things aren’t getting a response. The good 1SG’s would call me about twice a week and politely inquire and ask for any advice I can provide to get it approved or speed up the process, the S3 shop will talk with DA waiver techs who’re often career recruiters as well and many of those 1SG’s probably know some of those people and sometimes I’ll tell that good 1SG who I spoke with and here’s their phone number so he can catch up with an old buddy and while he’s at it, inquire about his waivers. Because of my actions, I made more enlistments happen that would otherwise fall through. If we don’t deliver on what we told an applicant then as we waste time waiting on a waiver, the applicant may lose interest or his girlfriend will convince him to stay or anything else you can imagine, it’s just how we are as humans. I know GENESIS is a pure pain but there’s always a way to work within its limits and go forward, and if you’re a recruiter, don’t be afraid to do some digging and be resourceful, don’t throw your hands up and quit. A station commander can call S3 and get some updates but some S3 shops may be run by a Dick and he/she won’t entertain calls from anyone but CLT leadership members. If that’s the case, make a friend in the S3 shop, chances are that the SC worked with someone in that shop beforehand and are good friends, little things like that will help. If you’ve heard of the 20/80 rule about who does the actual work in any organization, it’s very accurate, I’ve never seen so many lazy people in my life! One guy just sat in his cubicle checking his investments online while the phone is constantly ringing but the NCOIC didn’t care. And never assume a damn thing when it comes to your applicant, ask the hard questions so you hear the direct answer. Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups! I later returned to the Infantry and later retired, USAREC back then was hell, too many mentally challenged leaders, just unreal. We often worked from 0830-2200 daily and at least half a day on Saturday. And we’d often talk with some prospects after work hours if they return a call or something. We’d never call people past 2100-2130, it’s always counterproductive to do that. Now for national guard recruiting, that’s a different beast. National guard uses the MEPS for the physical and ASVAB but that’s about it, they don’t share our waiver system/network and use their own. So it may be the national guard recruiter that’s the bottleneck in the waiver process or something else, hell if I know. I hope all my babbling helped explain some things, recruiters do care about each prospect they work with, we don’t approach just everyone, I’d choose people I’d share a foxhole with (in 26 years I only dug 2 foxholes, lol.) since who wants to talk with some arrogant momma’s boy? I enjoyed helping good people get a job they want and something way more interesting than working at some factory or some job people hate but do it for the money to survive. A good sense of humor and the ability to actually care for people is important if you plan on being a recruiter, you can’t fake genuine concern. I wish all of you well and do great things in your life!

  • @traviscayse5992
    @traviscayse5992 Před měsícem

    Bro, 11B E7 Readiness NCO here with 24 yrs. You are smarter on this than most of my counterparts. I really hope you decide to commission one day.

  • @dpaelliott
    @dpaelliott Před měsícem

    Going the extra mile for someone who is not qualified is illegal.

  • @GothamiteYT
    @GothamiteYT Před měsícem

    I really want USMC OCS, but I’m weaning off Zoloft and I’m not looking forward to the hoops I’m gonna have to jump through for this

  • @user-is7up6ln6m
    @user-is7up6ln6m Před měsícem

    You are right try different services navy marines coast guard Air Force

  • @dannydinh2281
    @dannydinh2281 Před měsícem

    im joining the reserves or thinking bout it . will i qualify for bah?

  • @RummyRed999
    @RummyRed999 Před měsícem

    Was living on the east coast and needed a waiver for Re 3 code like you were saying in the last video. Those recruiters said I’d have to wait a full year to even start the reenlistment process. Moved to Georgia and just went to the recruiter and she’s already talking about starting the waiver within the next two weeks! Your recruiter definitely decides if they want to help

  • @randallmcgrath9345
    @randallmcgrath9345 Před měsícem

    I like your vibe man. You come across as transparent and cool.

  • @The_Texas_Welder
    @The_Texas_Welder Před měsícem

    thank you

  • @The_Texas_Welder
    @The_Texas_Welder Před měsícem

    I really want to get back into the Corps. I had about 9 days left of boot left at MCRDSD back in 2021 and made a bad comment I shouldn't have and still regret it.

  • @darrenwilliams4990
    @darrenwilliams4990 Před 2 měsíci

    Anyone know what are RE3 E is ?

  • @savage_uchiha2162
    @savage_uchiha2162 Před 2 měsíci

    Does anyone know if it’s possible to join today with 4 dependents as a married man

    • @EmeraldGhost-
      @EmeraldGhost- Před 7 dny

      lol I know you can’t join with that many kids and if your single lol found that out today smh. So stupid I told the recruiter I don’t have custody of my children the mom does and only two live with me said I couldn’t even go reserves cause I technically have 4 so stupid

  • @anthonyreyes9189
    @anthonyreyes9189 Před 2 měsíci

    Bro I remember you from target, you were the LP there. I just passed my test. About to take my physical and get a tattoo waiver.

  • @lefthookouchmcarm4520
    @lefthookouchmcarm4520 Před 2 měsíci

    I met a lot of ASVAB waivers in the Corps 😂

  • @falsealias2046
    @falsealias2046 Před 2 měsíci

    I tried to get in for 14 years what was held back by a bullshit medical waiver. I said bullshit because it was a non-issue but MEPS decided to give me an impossible task to get the waiver. I recently started talking to the National Guard and when I told the recruiter the story he got really frustrated. “ we are in a recruitment crisis and they keep tossing perfectly acceptable candidates over non-issues and claiming we’re not doing our best to meet our quota’s!”

  • @milehigh-familyman641
    @milehigh-familyman641 Před 2 měsíci

    Great video! This is what was keeping me up at night. I leave in a few months for Colorado guard. So do you recommend bringing original documents or can I get by with just copies?

  • @allenjames4808
    @allenjames4808 Před 3 měsíci

    I probably should’ve found this video first. Age limit opened to just before your 42nd birthday in Oct ‘23 for AF/SF & Navy. I found this out during Xmas and waited till January. My AF recruiter was hardly ever in office and not very responsive during our texts, but in person seemed to be interested in getting me in. My situation was/is kind of dire, since I have only a GED and haven’t built any kind of career. I’m fit from Martial Arts and dancing and scored 94 on ASVAB. I began to see more & more how I could benefit from the brotherhood & discipline in the military to take advantage of my capabilities. My recruiter couldn’t get me to MEPS till about 3 weeks before my birthday in May, and 2 medical waivers made sure I ran out of time. I then applied to my next option of Army Reserve, which after a month got rejected for same 2 medical visits. Wish I knew to pick the recruiter who was down to make it happen and not lazy like my first one.

  • @nativedisciple2452
    @nativedisciple2452 Před 3 měsíci

    I’m 30 with missing and bad teeth and my recruiter is going out of his way to work with me

  • @richardthompson2969
    @richardthompson2969 Před 3 měsíci

    RE: 3 isn’t that big of a deal… it’s the sep code.

  • @titois2255
    @titois2255 Před 3 měsíci

    It is not that hard. Just go to another recruiter. I needed 6 waivers, got approved and now it was their turn to chase me around to sign a contract.

    • @EmeraldGhost-
      @EmeraldGhost- Před 7 dny

      How many recruiters did you try if you don’t mind me asking? Also did you try ones in different cities or ?? That’s what I’m thinking cause I got told today I can’t do reserves cause I have too many dependents being a single parent 😒 even though they would be well taken care of if given the chance..

    • @titois2255
      @titois2255 Před 7 dny

      @@EmeraldGhost-I tried only one army recruiter who put in the work.

    • @EmeraldGhost-
      @EmeraldGhost- Před 7 dny

      @@titois2255sweet I haven’t met that one willing yet but I possibly might have

  • @WealthConquering
    @WealthConquering Před 3 měsíci

    I throw every waiver up. I’ve never turned someone away for any problem. Not once. Let the waiver authority DQ them… that’s not my job. Any recruiter who tells someone they won’t work with them, is a shitty recruiter

  • @Devin7Eleven
    @Devin7Eleven Před 3 měsíci

    A kid who had sought help with depression can’t join but a man with a warped perception of reality who thinks he is a woman can enlist no problem. What the hell

  • @GoliathGamesYt
    @GoliathGamesYt Před 3 měsíci

    Can you rejoin if you have an re-4?

    • @brimith
      @brimith Před 2 měsíci

      i’m trying to figure that out myself

  • @NgJackal1990
    @NgJackal1990 Před 3 měsíci

    We're going to have another major war in the next 8 years and you want to be in the military? Good luck and God help you.

  • @15blackfox
    @15blackfox Před 4 měsíci

    I had a general discharge with code re-3 for performance issues, from the National Guard. I was going through a tough time; I was 22 years old and felt like I had nobody to turn to or no true direction in life. I always regretted that decision of letting it all go. I never thought they would ever let me reenlist at all, and that question of if they would let me back in always stirred in mind for up to 10 years until one day I looked up what an re-3 code meant. A few months ago, I started talking to a recruiter and he said there was a way to get back in, it would just take a while with waivers and what not. And boy, was it a process. There were moments that I doubted that my waivers were going to get approved, but my recruiter always reassured me and had my back. Here I am 7 months later reenlisted and going back to basic training this summer. I hope you're all doing well out there.

    • @dougyd1231
      @dougyd1231 Před 3 měsíci

      i’m in the same boat been years. i was dropped in 2017 from usmc with re3 code and have been fighting back and forth with recruiters that keep giving up on me. i’ve kept trying and trying and hopefully i can get back in, if u don’t mind me asking what state/city ur enlisting out of? i’m from boston where it’s almost impossible to get back in with an re3

    • @neilparedes-chavez1688
      @neilparedes-chavez1688 Před 2 měsíci

      @@dougyd1231 he said in this video, California. Pay attention to detail. I got an Honorable DC with 10 years of all active duty in the army. I neve joined in the NG or Reserves, that's for the weak ones. I'm one of the lucky ones, only because I put up with all the BS and persistent regardless of the situation I was in. Thank God I was so strong and I made it out with Honorable DC. Now, I'm reaping the benefits. I'm retiring in 5 years with Dept of Energy as a cvil servant with good pensions and I'm still receiving my sc disability benefits at 100%. I should be living the good life when I retire in Thailand. my retirement money goes farther there. Thank God, I made the right the decisions while I was in the army for 10 years.