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Kinesiology at Absolute Well Being with Breanna Iwaszko
A Brief Kinesiology Consultation conducted by Breanna Iwaszko at Absolute Well Being with Amanda Lawrence as client. Kinesiology is a complementary health modality that can help you to identify and resolve the cause of imbalances and problems with vitality. Originally presented on Channel 31. Filmed in 2006, presented as part of a pilot program aired on Channel 31 in 2007. Filmed and directed by Mystical Guides P/L.
Kinesiology (kin-easy-ology) or muscle testing, is a technique for getting direct feedback from the body. It has the unique ability to isolate critical emotionally charged memories from the past. These may be things that have long since slipped from conscious memory, or they may be our interpretations of things that happened in the past they might be real or imagined. Billions of signals are sent from muscles to the brain at any given time regarding position, tension and movement. These signals are being continually monitored and the muscle response adjusted accordingly without any conscious awareness. This is how we stand without falling over, move to pick up objects, blink our eyes or walk automatically.
In muscle testing the muscle is being monitored for its resistance or feel as it attempts to lock up against a repeatedly applied test pressure. While you may consciously decide to lock up a muscle, it is your subconscious that decides just how this is to be done. Without stress, a muscle will lock. Under stress, a muscle will unlock. You will be familiar with the feeling of going weak at the knees on hearing bad news. Muscle testing works in a similar way but is capable of identifying far more subtle levels of stress.
Dis-ease or pain is more than just something that happens to you at random, and much more than the result of poor diet, genetics or bacterias. The recipe for illness, pain, and difficulties in life, includes specific imbalances on ALL human levels: emotions, spirit, energy, personality, psychology and experiences to name a few, as well as genetics, chemistry, nutrition and physiology. All of these levels together power the way your body functions and the way your life takes shape.
These levels operate in complex, symbiotic relationships that make each of us uniquely what we are, so when there is pain or illness, ALL of them play their part in creating it. Each of them will unbalance in certain ways to produce different parts of the problem. Your brain and nervous system knows which level did what, why, to what degree and how, so the information is there. Medicine and other therapies cannot access this information. They try to standardise us for convenience and treat one or two levels by force, usually out of context to the other levels, and causing even more imbalances as well as hit and miss results.
If 10 people have the same symptom, that symptom has been created in 10 completely different ways. Logically the treatment should be as unique as the person. Kinesiology, directly & accurately, addresses each of these levels as uniquely as they were created. This is the key to wellbeing. Only Kinesiology can identify and specifically correct each unbalanced level internally, naturally and in context to other levels for true healing and wellbeing. Even more fascinating is the way Kinesiology uses your own body ie: muscle testing, as the tool and biofeedback mechanism to tailor make corrections for each imbalance so each persons experience of Kinesiology is completely different.
zhlédnutí: 688 323




    @stroydont The homeopathic vial could be placed anywhere, & would more accurately be placed next to the cheek and the parotid gland, relating to the digestive system. It is placed on the stomach for convenience, as I need both hands for muscle testing most of the time. Regarding vibration, everything everywhere has an impact on the body at all times. In the example shown, I am asking the body a question -specifically how does cheese impact you. I could ask that question of any vial or substance


    @stroydont The homeopathic vial could be placed anywhere, & would more accurately be placed next to the cheek and the parotid gland, relating to the digestive system. It is placed on the stomach for convenience, as I need both hands for muscle testing most of the time. Regarding vibration, everything everywhere has an impact on the body at all times. In the example shown, I am asking the body a question -specifically how does cheese impact you. I could ask that question of any vial or substance


    @stroydont The homeopathic vial could be placed anywhere, & would more accurately be placed next to the cheek and the parotid gland, relating to the digestive system. It is placed on the stomach for convenience, as I need both hands for muscle testing most of the time. Regarding vibration, everything everywhere has an impact on the body at all times. In the example shown, I am asking the body a question -specifically how does cheese impact you. I could ask that question of any vial or substance.


    @tropicalcrush Exactly!


    @28gbb Well, that's one way to look at it - and would certainly be at the extreem end of the spectrum. However, have you ever had intestinal cramps and wondered why you couldn't get rid of them? Or felt worried about something that you knew shouldn't be bothering you? Well, these are also both examples of your brain and body not being in ideal communication, although on the mild end of the spectrum. In this instance you can continue to survive in your world, but would you be thriving?


    @cul10043601 It comes down to a time factor basically. I run a busy practice in Melbourne's northern suburbs, teach kinesiology two weekends a month and also have 3 kids! I would love to do more videos, and it is certainly in my scope of things on the 'to do' list, however it will likely be a while before I get to it. Thanks for your support though :-)

  • @DrAdamSimmons
    @DrAdamSimmons Před 12 lety

    Quick couple of questions having seen a few nutrition response videos. Why does the homeopathic vial need to be placed on the stomach area? And as the 'energy' of the vial content must be strong enough to be able to penetrate the glass and the clothes, why do all the vials that sit near the patient's head (or on the shelves) not affect the body as well? Cheers.

  • @tropicalcrush
    @tropicalcrush Před 13 lety

    Dont be so close minded....it looks a bit thin but there is some energy and muscle work in there. If you havent studied a discipline please.... SHUT your hole. Thanks.

  • @28gbb
    @28gbb Před 13 lety

    "First of all we need to make sure your brain and body are communicating with each other" uh...if they weren't she would be a quadriplegic


    @catman1cheese Sorry, I have no idea.


    @EpicWinJamie Interestingly there is no claim in the video of this being scientific. However, do some research and you may be surprised at what you find, re: scientific backing.


    @WazaUk I agree. Just imagine what people in the future will think of our tax system!!!!!


    @josuedinho98 There are many different forms of Kinesiology, in fact if you do your research you will come up with many, many, many different and varied options apart from the limited one you are currently studying. I would encourage you to become widely researched about what options exist for people out their in the world, as being closed minded is a very limited state of being.


    @28gbb If the placebo affect is all that a person gets out of a kinesiology session and they walk away feeling better about themselves, their lives and their purpose is that really a bad thing? I don't believe that the placebo affect has anything to do with Kinesiology, but then, I guess there is no way for me to prove that... In the meantime, I feel at peace knowing that many people feel better as a result of Kinesiology.

  • @28gbb
    @28gbb Před 13 lety

    Nice lady, I dont want to critisize her, but the only value this service has is relaxation. A lot of the "science" is bunk, but the placebo affect can really help people to relax for what it is worth.

  • @josuedinho98
    @josuedinho98 Před 13 lety

    Kinesiology undergrad here working towards becoming a Physical Therapist, Why are you calling this pseudoscience quackery kinsieiology?

  • @lightbluehaze
    @lightbluehaze Před 13 lety

    this stuff looks crazy like there is the wierd energy side of it that i think is useless but there is also a real doctor in there asking questions and asesing the proplem from first look this looks dum but i cant judge on what i have not trirded it does remind me of a jipse telling your future but first asking you question

  • @Speedois
    @Speedois Před 13 lety

    I am pretty open minded but I did actually say WTF out loud while watching this, I've seen some weird stuff but this is just insane.

  • @david102994
    @david102994 Před 14 lety

    this is relaxing ....relaxing bullshit but still relaxing


    @JAYMZACHILLES Thankyou for your comment. Longer videos and full sessions is actually on my scope to do. I feel it would be informative to see a whole session from a general public perspective, as well as a student kinesiologist perspective. Thanks for watching.


    @JAYMZACHILLES Thankyou for your comment. Longer videos and full sessions is actually on my scope to do. I feel it would be informative to see a whole session from a general public perspective, as well as a student kinesiologist perspective. Thanks for watching.


    @abellaclan5 What a wonderful compliment! I am sure that there are some fabulous Kinesiologists in your local area - why don't you look them up... A trip to Australia for a Kinesiology session would be a long, long round trip!!!! Good luck :-)

  • @abellaclan5
    @abellaclan5 Před 14 lety

    Ah, wish you were a little closer (like in the US)...would stop in!


    Thanks for your comment. A lot of people find having a Kinesiology Balance relaxing too :-)

  • @smurfarooney2003
    @smurfarooney2003 Před 14 lety

    i find this vid incredibly relaxing


    Just as one would seek another GP if they did not like what they had been told. Thank you for your continued interest in Kinesiology.


    I do not need to project my own expectations onto my clients. My own confidence in my ability as a Kinesiologist allows my clients to have confidence in their own personal healing process. My opinion is that if a person was to see a Kinesiologist and wonder about whether it is working or not, it would be advantageous to see another practitioner as, for whatever reason, there is not a good practitioner/client match there.


    Is it possible that sometimes it doesnt work? Sure. Have you ever been to the doctor and been unhappy with the answers or results that you have gained there? I know I have. Usually I deal with this situation by seeking a second opinion! I have personally witnessed profound changes in people who have spent years trying to resolve their own personal problems (some physical, some emotional, some mental, etc) using various different allopathic and complementary health modalities with no success.


    I guess at this point we are discussing scepticism. I do not have any scientific evidence to offer you as science is not my level of interest or expertise. My evidence would be based on 11 years of practical experience, running a successful Kinesiology practice in Melbourne, Australia where I have had the absolute privilege of being a part of the life journey/health recovery of hundreds of clients.


    If it tested up as an allergy I would send my client to a specialist to have medical allergy testing completed. Anything less than this would be grossly incompetent. Thank you for watching.


    and take up a very small storage space. For arguments sake, if I was to explore the demonstrated session further I would definitely be testing many other vials that I have, as well as procedures that I understand within the human body to narrow down the specific problem for that person at that point in time. Kinesiology is often an exercise is exploration. Good, ethical practitioners understand the importance of other health modalities and refer their clients on if/when necessary.


    so how would I store all the different types of cheese in a hygienic fashion maintaining the purity of the sample and observing health regulations at the same time. And if I did decide to go to all that trouble, would it be worth my while to do so, replacing stock continuously, for the one client per year that happens to have sensitivity to cheese? Homoeopathic test vials have an indefinite shelf life, do not require any special conditions in order to maintain the integrity of the sample,


    that it would be completely irresponsible for any practitioner to a simple muscle test, pluck a vial from a box and pronounce that a person is allergic to cheese and should never eat it again! As to the different types of cheese (or any food for that matter) available it is purely an exercise in practicality that has Kinesiologists all over the world using homoeopathic vials for testing purposes. I dont have a fridge in my treatment room (not enough space),


    Perhaps it is as simple as too much cheese is being eaten, or perhaps not enough. As you can see, there are so many possible options to consider (what about liver function, gall bladder function, stomach function, spleen function, pancreas function all of these have to do with the digestion of such a food)


    as well as the different components of cheese which may include dairy (as you mention), but could also include colours, preservatives, additives, storage packaging or even freshness of the product. It could potentially have something to do with the bodys ability to digest cheese, or even just protein. Perhaps it has to do with the sugar component of cheese. Or the time of day the cheese is eaten. Or perhaps the other food/drink it is eaten with (food combining).


    In a full length, professional consultation I would not allow the session to be so limited as to make a broad statement about the dietary implications of eating cheese. That being said, assuming that cheese did test up (via the method shown on the video) in a client session, I would certainly explore the situation more thoroughly. As you correctly mention, there are a number of different types of cheese available,


    There are a couple of fundamental concepts that must be understood about the short video I have presented. This short presentation is designed to be a very simple overview of what might happen in a typical kinesiology consultation with a professional Kinesiologist. In my clinic I take a very thorough client history, which includes information about diet and lifestyle as well as habits, behaviours, stressors and anything else that is relevant to the clients particular goals.

  • @stonetop
    @stonetop Před 14 lety

    @ABSOLUTEWELLBEING So then it does drop below what one would expect from random chance? How could it be demonstrated that an applied kinesiology practitioner like yourself is actually detecting the bodies reaction to a given substance, and are not just projecting your own expectations onto the patient?

  • @NGC6144
    @NGC6144 Před 14 lety

    Does this homeopathic cheese vial test for all cheese varieties or does one need separate vials for limburger, cheddar, gouda, swiss, cheez wiz processed cheese, etc.? If it is good for all cheeses then is it not picking up on a more fundamental constituent in cheese, namely dairy? Couldn't it be if she had milk on say, her favorite breakfast cereal like Lucky Charms or Captain Crunch that is making her sad and not necessarily cheese?


    Well trained Kinesiologists understand this, and would never participate in a double blind process such as switching vials or trying to guess which is the right one. Thank you for watching the video, I wish you well on your journey.


    If, however, only one of us knows what is being muscle tested (either I keep it a secret from my client, or the client does not tell me what is being muscle tested) the accuracy drops to around 50% (again, actual studies may show different results). When both the practitioner and the client do not know what is being muscle tested (blind bag, or double blind type process) the accuracy drops to around 10%.


    There are no hidden elements in professional Kinesiology. I know what I am muscle testing, my client knows what I am muscle testing and from this perspective the accuracy of muscle testing could be said to be close to 100% (actual studies may show different results).


    In 11 years of professional Kinesiology consultations I have never once felt the 'urge' to do this kind of 'psychic' testing. Instead I prefer to spend my time, and my energy, helping my clients achieve profound life changes. Trust is an enormous part of any healing process, and if you are in a state of mis-trust before you even begin healing, you have to wonder how much benefit you are going to get out of the process anyway.


    The thing to understand about therapeutic Kinesiology is that it is not a magic trick, or some form of psychic development or understanding. Muscle testing is only as good as the clear intentions of both the practitioner and the client. My question would be, why on earth would one want to waste their time trying to establish which vial has the actual homeopathic vibration of cheese?

  • @stonetop
    @stonetop Před 14 lety

    @ABSOLUTEWELLBEING So if you observed a reaction relating to the cheese then if we replaced the vial of known homeopathic cheese with an unmarked bottle then you would be able to observe the same reaction? Let's say we tried ten vials, two of which were homeopathic cheese, then you would be able to (within the expected margin of error) determine which vial was cheese?


    Yes, I am using homeopahic vials in the session. I find that these are a very accurate, and fast, way to identify many different facets of imbalance. Using the actual substances would be much more accurate, and ideal when working with digestive issues directly - however in this session the vial that tested was part of a bigger balance. Thanks for watching.

  • @stonetop
    @stonetop Před 14 lety

    homeopathic vials?


    Thankyou for watching - I'm glad that you found it interesting. I am very passionate about Kinesiology and the potential to impact the world in a positive way... enjoy!

  • @TattyBye
    @TattyBye Před 15 lety

    Very interesting, Thanks for the video.


    PKP is only one modality of kinesiology, although it happens to be the main one that I use in my clinical practice. Your observations are correct, this video is designed to be a quick overview of a kinesiology balance, to give a short impression of what one might expect to experience when attending a kinesiology session in person. Thank you for your comment.