Linda's Joy from Garden & Kitchen
Linda's Joy from Garden & Kitchen
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猕猴桃母树全面开花, 公树没动静 The female kiwi plant is blooming but the Male kiwi has no flowers at all
zhlédnutí 44Před měsícem
I propagated kiwi from cuttings 5 years ago. The female tree became blooming from last year but there are no flowers from the male plant. 五年前用纸条扦插了你猴桃, 公母各一枝, 种在花盆中, 冬天公树折腰了, 第二年又扦插了一公枝。 母枝去年开始开花, 今年满树都是花, 非常漂亮, 可惜共树一点动静都没有。 希望在明年。
Grow Chayote step 3 - 跟我同步种佛手瓜吧#3 - 移栽
zhlédnutí 155Před měsícem
please refer to I usually plant the chayote outside in the second week of May when the temperature is over 10 degree in the evening. i would dig a hole of about 60x60x80 CM, put some cow manure, composed soil and add some organic fertilizer there. Cover it if the temperature drops below 10 degree at night. 今天我在原来的位置移栽佛手瓜, 这次没挖坑, 用了个直径60 厘米的圈往上堆泥土。
Grow chayote step 2 - 跟我同步种佛手瓜吧#2
zhlédnutí 2,8KPřed 3 měsíci
After one week, put some top soil in the box. If the roots are healthy, you can add some top soil or plant the chayote in a bigger pot, like 2 or 3 gallon pot. it is still cold in Vancouver so leave them indoor, in a place where there are sun light. Water them once a week. If it is too dry, water every 4 days. 一周左右就可以看到根长出来。 我给它们加些土让它们生更多的根, 大概两周后移到大点的花盆, 放在向阳的地方。 注意不要淋太多水, 每星期或4天一次就行。 如果苗长得太高就...
Grow chayote squash step by step #1 germination 跟我同步种佛手瓜吧 #1 育苗
zhlédnutí 330Před 4 měsíci
Today is Feb 18, 2024. It is time to grow chayote. Some of my friends asked me to show how to grow them step by step. I will try to post once a week and hope you can benefit from my sharing. 今天是二月十八日, 是时候育佛手瓜苗了。有朋友建议我分享每一步骤, 跟我同步种植佛手瓜。 希望对有需要的菜友有帮助
Best time to repot and fertilizer jujube 入冬前给枣树换盆施肥
zhlédnutí 171Před 8 měsíci
I harvested this Autumn Beauty jujube by the end of September. Now it is the best time to repot and fertilize it. Cannot wait to see the outcome next year. 这棵枣树在九月底摘果, 现在是10月份的第二个周末, 已经落叶了, 老师说是时候给果树换盆施肥了。 今天换到一个大桶并施了一些有机肥, 期待明年大丰收。 入冬前给盆栽枣树换盆施肥 # jujube #北美 枣树 盆栽
Happy Birthday to Kitten
zhlédnutí 28Před 8 měsíci
We welcomed Kitten and her mom to our family when she was 4 weeks old. Now she is 1 year old already.
Light Cheese Cake 轻乳酪蛋糕
zhlédnutí 223Před 11 měsíci
Light Cheese Cake 轻乳酪蛋糕
Collect seeds of Shepherd's Purse 收集荠菜种子
zhlédnutí 56Před rokem
Collect seeds of Shepherd's Purse 收集荠菜种子
西红柿室内育苗 Start Tomato Seeds Indoor
zhlédnutí 23Před rokem
西红柿室内育苗 Start Tomato Seeds Indoor
砍瓜丝瓜催芽三天成功 Germinate Tromboncino and loofah seeds successfully in 3 days
zhlédnutí 66Před rokem
砍瓜丝瓜催芽三天成功 Germinate Tromboncino and loofah seeds successfully in 3 days
苦瓜室内育苗, 两天完成催芽 Germinate bitter melon seeds in 2 days
zhlédnutí 119Před rokem
苦瓜室内育苗, 两天完成催芽 Germinate bitter melon seeds in 2 days
Homemade Rice Rolls 家乡粉卷/猪肠粉/猪肠碌
zhlédnutí 309Před rokem
Homemade Rice Rolls 家乡粉卷/猪肠粉/猪肠碌
在家磨米浆做肠粉 Making Homemade Rice Rolls from Rice and Water
zhlédnutí 21KPřed rokem
在家磨米浆做肠粉 Making Homemade Rice Rolls from Rice and Water
16 weeks old kitten is so naughty/ 16周大的小猫好调皮
zhlédnutí 37Před rokem
16 weeks old kitten is so naughty/ 16周大的小猫好调皮
Perfect Cast Iron Poached Egg in 2 minutes 铸铁锅两分钟煮荷包蛋
zhlédnutí 44Před rokem
Perfect Cast Iron Poached Egg in 2 minutes 铸铁锅两分钟煮荷包蛋
蔗糖椰汁年糕 Rice cake with coconut milk 新年快乐!
zhlédnutí 59Před rokem
蔗糖椰汁年糕 Rice cake with coconut milk 新年快乐!
Kitten’s first visit to the vet
zhlédnutí 23Před rokem
Kitten’s first visit to the vet
Kitten watching mom playing
zhlédnutí 49Před rokem
Kitten watching mom playing
Chayote recipes 怎样煮佛手瓜
zhlédnutí 23Před rokem
Chayote recipes 怎样煮佛手瓜
Six-week-old kitten playing with mom
zhlédnutí 62Před rokem
Six-week-old kitten playing with mom
1 month old kitten with mom 满月的小猫与14个月大的猫妈妈
zhlédnutí 22Před rokem
1 month old kitten with mom 满月的小猫与14个月大的猫妈妈
Queen of the Night Cactus Propagation from cuttings 昙花扦插分享
zhlédnutí 26Před rokem
Queen of the Night Cactus Propagation from cuttings 昙花扦插分享
Grow winter melon without trellis 种冬瓜懒人法-没搭架子
zhlédnutí 63Před rokem
Grow winter melon without trellis 种冬瓜懒人法-没搭架子
Experiment of planting yam 用桶种山药试验
zhlédnutí 272Před rokem
Experiment of planting yam 用桶种山药试验
Propagate golden figs in March 100% successful 今年三月份扦插黄色无花果,百分百成功
zhlédnutí 40Před rokem
Propagate golden figs in March 100% successful 今年三月份扦插黄色无花果,百分百成功
Grow green onions from seeds to seeds 用种籽种香葱到收集种籽
zhlédnutí 16Před rokem
Grow green onions from seeds to seeds 用种籽种香葱到收集种籽
I grow thornless chayotes in a compost bin 今年在堆肥桶种无刺佛手瓜
zhlédnutí 56Před rokem
I grow thornless chayotes in a compost bin 今年在堆肥桶种无刺佛手瓜
Homemade Matcha ice cream 在家做抹茶冰淇淋
zhlédnutí 13Před rokem
Homemade Matcha ice cream 在家做抹茶冰淇淋
September 4, 2022
zhlédnutí 2Před rokem
September 4, 2022
