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315.- Blasphemies On The Horizon. TV Program # 315. Voice Of The Eternal Gospel. Pr. Raphael Perez, Pr. Michael Martin & Patrick Jones. It was viewed on Christian Television Program
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314 - Deceptions & Abominations
zhlédnutí 252Před měsícem
Voice of the Eternal Gospel. Pr. Raphael Perez, Pr. Michael Martin & Patrick Jones. It was originally aired on Christian Television Network.
313 - The Prophetic Mystery
zhlédnutí 142Před 3 měsíci
Voice of the Eternal Gospel. Pr. Raphael Perez, Pr. Michael Martin & Patrick Jones. It was originally aired on Christian Television Network.
312 - The Beast Out of Dry Land
zhlédnutí 360Před 4 měsíci
312 - The Beast Out of Dry Land Voice of the Eternal Gospel. Pr. Raphael Perez, Pr. Michael Martin & Patrick Jones. It was originally aired on Christian Television Network.
311 - Behold Your House Is Left Unto You Desolate
zhlédnutí 131Před 4 měsíci
311 - Behold Your House Is Left Unto You Desolate Voice of the Eternal Gospel. Pr. Raphael Perez, Pr. Michael Martin & Patrick Jones. It was originally aired on Christian Television Network.
310 - The Voice That Crieth In The Wilderness
zhlédnutí 115Před 5 měsíci
310 - The Voice That Crieth In The Wilderness Voice of the Eternal Gospel. Pr. Raphael Perez, Pr. Michael Martin & Patrick Jones. It was originally aired on Christian Television Network.
309 - The Elijah Message
zhlédnutí 290Před 5 měsíci
309 - The Elijah Message Voice of the Eternal Gospel. Pr. Raphael Perez, Pr. Michael Martin & Patrick Jones. It was originally aired on Christian Television Network.
308 - Is Sunday a Biblical Day of Worship?
zhlédnutí 127Před 5 měsíci
308 - Is Sunday a Biblical Day of Worship?
307 - Building on a Solid Foundation
zhlédnutí 97Před 6 měsíci
307 - Building on a Solid Foundation
305 - Meat in Due Season
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305 - Meat in Due Season
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The Everlasting Gospel / Newspaper Ad
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The Everlasting Gospel / Newspaper Ad
304 - What happens when Michael stands up?
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304 - What happens when Michael stands up?
303 - The Work of Christ In The Heavenly Sanctuary
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303 - The Work of Christ In The Heavenly Sanctuary
302 - The Great Awakening
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302 - The Great Awakening
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  • @John_Six
    @John_Six Před 5 dny

    5:58 2 Corinthians 5: 20 "Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, *as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead,* be ye reconciled to God." 8:24 John 20: 21 Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” 22 And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 *If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you withhold forgiveness from any, it is withheld.”* 2 Corinthians 2:20 "To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it *in the person of Christ;"* St. Alphonsus Liguori isn't saying they *are* God. Stop twisting his words like you twist the scriptures. Also, Psalm 51 was in the old covenant. Guess what they did in the old covenant to have their sins forgiven? That's right, they went to the priests. That was a horrible example to prove you don't need a priest. Interestingly enough, verse 7 prefigured baptismal regeneration. 23:42 Give the book, chapter and verse where it says, "Sunday is the mark of the beast."

  • @John_Six
    @John_Six Před 6 dny

    Why are you adding words to the book of Revelation that are not there? Revelation 22: 18 _"I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book,"_ All of your personal interpretations are based on two things, speculation and Ellen White. I have a copy of the newspaper that you promote and have refuted all of the errors in it with the bible and actual history. It's just like Raphael said, "When you repeat a lie all the time you will find a lot of foolish people that believe those lies." 17:12 Is a perfect example that shows how ignorant all of you are as to what the catholic church teaches. Can any of you cite a council or dogma that says catholics confess their sins to Mary? Thanks. 19:29 At what age did you go to seminary and for how long were you there? I have a hard time believing a man that makes this claim yet is so ignorant as to what the church actually teaches. 22:27 Worship to Mary, Paul, Peter and Joseph? Absolutely hilarious! Thanks for showing me that you really don't know anything about the catholic church. You were probably 12 when you went to seminary weren't you? Definitely not going for the priesthood. 24:26 Show me from the bible and the bible only where it says we are to go by "the bible and the bible only." 26:26 The catholic church doesn't teach the pre tribulation rapture. That was invented by protestants in the late 1800s. Around the same time your protestant denomination was invented.

  • @bobsmalls1860
    @bobsmalls1860 Před 28 dny


  • @davehorner4579
    @davehorner4579 Před měsícem

    I love this channel

  • @theearlyandlatterrainminis276

    The best speaker ❤

  • @vivianallen3234
    @vivianallen3234 Před měsícem

    Unfortunately , I did not learn very much about the seven last plagues. Sigh!

  • @bobsmalls1860
    @bobsmalls1860 Před měsícem


  • @John_Six
    @John_Six Před 3 měsíci

    You add a lot of your own words to the book of Revelation that are not in Revelation. Revelation 22: 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 15:55 You claim that the catholic church persecuted and got rid of 50 million to 100 million people yet there wasn't that many people in the catholic nations of Europe during the middle ages. One of the most populated cities was Paris and that barely had 200 thousand people living in it. Your math doesn't add up because you have no credible source from any credible historian. 23:37 the reformers didn't believe in keeping the sabbath either. they rightly pointed out that we are not Jews and we worship on Sunday as Christians.

  • @upwardlook8682
    @upwardlook8682 Před 3 měsíci

    Surely am blessed. Which denomination is this?

  • @larrybedouin2921
    @larrybedouin2921 Před 4 měsíci

    And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. {Revelation 17:15} The seven headed beast of Revelation 17: The seven heads are symbolic of seven kingdoms, starting with the beast of Daniel chapter 7 1st < Babylon 2nd < Medo-Persia 3rd < Greece 4th < Pagan Rome 5th < Papal Rome; the little horn ("that was" & "is not" & "yet is") 6th < "one is" ^ The woman that rides the beast is in captivity at the time of John's vision, AFTER receiving the deadly wound from the (atheist) beast from the bottomless pit [Rev 11:7]. This is the beast of THE TIME of John's vision IN THE WILDERNESS. (Meaning that John is in the wilderness in his vision and not physical on Patmos, and he sees a beast that would come up from out of this wilderness. Read Job 38:26.) The 7th < "is not yet come" At the time of John's vision *in the wilderness* this head of the beast was yet to come; this is *the beast from out of the earth* [Rev 13:11]; (And he shall exercise all of the power of the first beast...) when this beast will speak like a dragon. This beast must continue a short time, as per the others before him. I believe by the testimony of Jesus, that we are now living in that "short time". The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. {Revelation 17:8} :11...even he is the eighth, AND IS OF THE SEVEN, and ascends out of the bottomless pit and goes into perdition. --There are seven heads at the time of John's vision, five kings/heads/beast are fallen, so this eighth is of the seven kingdoms...."that was"...."and is not"...."yet is" AND received a deadly wound; AND his deadly wound was healed. This wound is the loss of her (the woman/church that rides the beast.) temporal sword (also her captivity), which is the earthly secular world kingdom. This is the image of the beast (that great city), who like Babylon of antiquity, who thinks to usurp church and state craft. The number eight is a metaphor for the resurrection. The eighth is resurrected from a former head of the seven; the 5th head that received a deadly wound. (When he shall go into perdition: this will be the final dispensation of this beast with seven heads, that is a metaphor for satan.) Jesus; (The resurrection; Jn 11:25) Ἰησοῦς/Iēsous = 888 by counting the letter values of the Greek transliteration; I(10), E(8), S(200), O(70), U(400), S(200). In antiquity the mountain was not only a metaphor for a kingdom, but it was also symbolic of the head of a (river) dragon that was symbolic of a river that flows out from a mountain, after the spring thaw and overflowing its banks, spreading out in the form of the dragon's tail. The color is scarlet because it is symbolic of the blood of the saints of the Lord. A woman in prophecy is always a metaphor for a church, in this case (Jezebel) it is the fallen temple of God. The false prophet, a lamb (Christ like) with two horns, and/but will speak like a dragon (a wolf in sheep's clothing), will be the beast (from out of the earth ... the USA) that will make an image unto the first beast from out of the sea, who received a deadly wound and his deadly wound was healed. The two horns are a metaphor for two (equal) kingdoms in one, church and state craft. Medo-Persia also is expressed as having two horns [Dan 8:3], but one was higher, (Persia) and eventually usurps the other. This is the image of the first beast from out of the sea (Papal Rome). Once the wall of separation of church and state is lost, then will the second beast from out of the earth become the image of the first beast, who claims the authority of both church and state. Even so, come Lord Jesus. Amen.

  • @bobsmalls1860
    @bobsmalls1860 Před 4 měsíci

    Get Ready

  • @John_Six
    @John_Six Před 4 měsíci

    At 16:30 that image that says, " _In XIII century was established the most terrible of all the engines the papacy_ " Then it goes on to mislead the viewer into thinking that it " _mangled millions of martyrs_ " Can you give the scholarly citation on the " _millions_ " of deaths because " _The Great Controversy Pg. 59-60_ " does not give us any. Where *exactly* does Ellen White get that number from? At 19:52 you say that Baal was the sun god. That is not historically accurate and the source of that misinformation comes from Alexander Hislop's " _The Two Babylons_ " Hislop was not and has never been considered a credible source for studies on ancient religions. First I will refute your claim that Baal was the sun god with the scriptures that you cite. The context of 1 Kings 18 is that there was a famine because there was no *rain.* They were looking for water. Baal was the storm god. Baal couldn't provide anything. God provided water in the end because he is the true God. The drought is a direct challenge by God to Baal's influence as the storm god of rain, dew, and fertility in Canaan and Phoenicia. At 23:21 Michael adds words to the scriptures that are not there. It does not say "sun god" it says Baal. Here is what Alexander Hislop says on page 88 of his book " _The Two Babylons_ " " _It was an essential principle of the Babylonian system, that the Sun or Baal was the one only God_ ." And here is what one of your frequently quoted source says, " _In Ugaritic and Hebrew, Baal’s epithet as the _*_storm god_*_ was He Who Rides on the Clouds_ " - Encyclopedia Britannica Now your other source could also be Ralph Woodrow's book titled " _Babylon Mystery Religion_ " on page 10 he writes " _Since Nimrod was believed to be the sun-god or Baal, fire was considered as his earthly representation_ ." and on page 175 we see where he gets his information from. It says, " _Hislop, Alexander. The Two Babylons. New York: Loizeaux Brothers. 1959 (first published 1853)_ ." Let's see what Ralph Woodrow says on his official page about his own book and Hislop's book. " _My original book had some valuable information in it. But it also contained certain teachings that were made popular in a book written many years ago, THE TWO BABYLONS, by Alexander Hislop. This book claims that the very religion of ancient Babylon, under the leadership of Nimrod and his wife, was later disguised with Christian-sounding names, becoming the Roman Catholic Church. Proof for this is sought by citing numerous similarities in paganism. The problem with this method is this: in many cases there is no connection_ . _By this method, one could take virtually anything and do the same-even the “golden arches” at McDonald’s! The Encyclopedia Americana (article: “Arch”) says the use of arches was known in Babylon as early as 2020 B.C. Since Babylon was called “the golden city” (Isa. 14:4), can there be any doubt about the origin of the golden arches? As silly as this is, this is the type of proof that has been offered over and over about pagan origins._ _By this method, atheists have long sought to discredit the Bible and Christianity altogether-not just the Roman Catholic Church._ _By this method, one could condemn Protestant and evangelical denominations like the Assemblies of God, Baptist, Church of Christ, Lutheran, Methodist, Nazarene, etc. Basic things like prayer,_ _and kneeling in prayer, would have to be rejected, because pagans knelt and prayed to their gods. Water baptism would have to be rejected, for pagans had numerous rites involving water, etc._ _By this method, the BIBLE itself would need to be rejected as pagan. All of the following practices or beliefs mentioned in the Bible, were also known among pagans-raising hands in worship,_ _taking off shoes on holy ground, a holy mountain, a holy place in a temple, offering sacrifices without blemish, a sacred ark, city of refuge, bringing forth water from a rock, laws written on stone,_ _fire appearing on a person’s head, horses of fire, the offering of first fruits, tithes, etc._ _By this method, the LORD himself would be pagan. The woman called Mystery Babylon had a cup in her hand; the Lord has a cup in his hand (Psa. 75:8). Pagan kings sat on thrones and wore_ _crowns; the Lord sits on a throne and wears a crown (Rev. 1:4; 14:14). Pagans worshipped the sun; the Lord is the “Sun of righteousness” (Mal. 4:2). Pagan gods were likened to stars; the Lord is_ _called “the bright and morning star” (Rev. 22:16). Pagan gods had temples dedicated to them; the Lord has a Temple (Rev. 7:15). Pagan gods were pictured with wings; the Lord is pictured with_ _wings (Psa.91:4)._ " Oh and as a bonus I find it interesting that Alexander Hislop notes that the Lord's day is not on Saturday. It is on page 95 of " _The Two Babylons_ " when he is speaking on the "paganism of Easter" and quotes Socrates. " _Those who inhabit the princely city of Rome fast together before Easter three weeks, excepting the Saturday and Lord's-day_ ." Then on page 131 he even claims that Rome celebrates Easter on Dies Saturni to worship Saturn on Saturday and not on the Lord's day because we worship fire. " _The worship of the cross of fire on Good Friday explains at once the anomaly otherwise so perplexing, that Christ should be buried on Thursday, and rise from the dead on Saturday If the festival of Holy Week be really, as its rites declare, one of the old festivals of Saturn, the Babylonian fire-god, who, though an infernal god, was yet Phoroneus, the great "Deliverer," it is altogether natural that the god of the Papal idolatry, though called by Christ's name, should rise from the dead on his own day -- the Dies Saturni, or "Saturn's day." The above account referred to the ceremonies as witnessed by the authoress in 1817 and 1818. It would seem that some change has taken place since then, caused probably by the very attention called by her to the gross anomaly mentioned above; for Count Vlodaisky, formerly a Roman Catholic priest, who visited Rome in 1845, has informed me that in that year the resurrection took place, not at mid-day, but at nine o'clock on the evening of Saturday. This may have been intended to make the inconsistency between Roman practice and Scriptural fact appear somewhat less glaring. Still the fact remains, that the resurrection of Christ, as celebrated at Rome, takes place, not on His own day -- "The Lord's day"--but--on the day of Saturn, the god of fire!_ " Hislop was confused but, here is what he is referring to. “ _There are no liturgical celebrations in the Church on Saturday. In the Middle Ages, an erroneous interpretation led to anticipating the Easter Vigil, the “Mother of all vigils”, to early on Holy Saturday morning. Pope Pius XII in 1951 and in 1955 reestablished the ancient order through Dominicae Resurrectionis, which was then put into the new Missal in 1970. In this most holy night, the “Church waits, keeps vigil for the resurrection of Christ and the celebration of the sacraments_ ." Would you agree with Hislop and say that Saturday is Dies Saturni and the fire god Saturn is worshipped on that day?

  • @John_Six
    @John_Six Před 4 měsíci

    20:50 You didn't understand what they told you if they said that you must remain faithful to the church. First, you can't separate the church and Christ. Christ is the Head and the church is the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12, Romans 2:4-5, Ephesians 1:22-23, Colossians 1:24). If you are not faithful to the church then you are not faithful to Christ. If you are faithful to Christ then you are faithful to the church. If you are faithful to the church then you are faithful to Christ. Let's see what ministers are supposed to be to the church. 1 Corinthians 4:1 This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful. 15 For though you have countless guides in Christ, you do not have many fathers. For I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel. 16 I urge you, then, be imitators of me. 17 That is why I sent you Timothy, my beloved and faithful child in the Lord, to remind you of my ways in Christ, as I teach them everywhere in every church. We are ALL called to be faithful to Christ and His church. This is from the Code of Canon Law PART I. THE CHRISTIAN FAITHFUL TITLE I. THE OBLIGATIONS AND RIGHTS OF ALL THE CHRISTIAN FAITHFUL (Cann. 208 - 223) Can. 208 From their rebirth in Christ, there exists among all the Christian faithful a true equality regarding dignity and action by which they all cooperate in the building up of the Body of Christ according to each one’s own condition and function. Can. 209 §1. The Christian faithful, even in their own manner of acting, are always obliged to maintain communion with the Church. §2. With great diligence they are to fulfill the duties which they owe to the universal Church and the particular church to which they belong according to the prescripts of the law. Can. 210 All the Christian faithful must direct their efforts to lead a holy life and to promote the growth of the Church and its continual sanctification, according to their own condition. Can. 211 All the Christian faithful have the duty and right to work so that the divine message of salvation more and more reaches all people in every age and in every land. Can. 212 §1. Conscious of their own responsibility, the Christian faithful are bound to follow with Christian obedience those things which the sacred pastors, inasmuch as they represent Christ, declare as teachers of the faith or establish as rulers of the Church.

  • @bobsmalls1860
    @bobsmalls1860 Před 4 měsíci


  • @John_Six
    @John_Six Před 4 měsíci

    Matthew 5:17 in context is speaking of the whole "Law." The books of Moses were called the "Law." Read Luke 24 if you don't believe me. 44 "Then he said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the LAW OF MOSES and the Prophets and the Psalms MUST BE FULFILLED.” Is it a coincidence that Matthew 5:17 says, "but to fulfill them" and Luke 24:44 says, "must be fulfilled.” The latter is speaking of the Law of Moses having to be fulfilled. How do we know Christ wasn't only speaking of the 10 commandments in Matthew 5:17? All you have to do is read verse 31 of Matthew 5. Where is divorce in the 10 commandments? Luke 24:44 Then he said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” Matthew 5:17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. So, which one was supposed to be fulfilled? Was it the Law of Moses or the 10 commandments? Now which laws did the scribes and Pharisees keep to try and preserve their righteousness? Matthew 5:20 For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. As for H.F. Thomas Chancellor of Cardinal Gibbons Nov 11, 1895 letter, I can't take that and dissect it because I need the full letter for context. Do all of us a favor and publish the entire letter. The Catholic Record of London, Ontario, Sept 1, 1923 is another example of taking things out of context. You only depicted a portion of the text. The complete text is found on page 4. There was a problem that arose between the traditional protestants and Judaizer protestants in that specific area because they were going to open the pools on Saturday due to the excessive heat. The writer says that protestants who worship on Sunday have a problem explaining how we are to worship on Sunday because they abide by Sola Scriptura and do not believe that the church has any authority. The Judaizer protestants believed the same. The writer explains how Jesus gave the authority to bind and loose to men and not to a book. Finally, the writings of a lay person are not binding on any catholic. This newspaper has no authority and was only for informational purposes. The Catholic Record was an independent newspaper. It was not officially published by the catholic church. At 25:47 that is the funniest thing that I have read yet. "Pope Constantine." Give me the source for this information. The popes during the reign of Constantine from his conversion (c. 312) until his death (337) were: Miltiades (311-314) Silvester I (313-335) Mark (336) Julius I (337-352) There was a Pope Constantine in the eighth century, but he was not the emperor. Also, it was never called Sunday because they didn't speak English during the time of Constantine. It was called Kyriake in Greek, and Dominicus in Latin. Let's look at a source from the first century. 2 centuries before Constantine even existed. Didache (first century), 14 But every Kyriake (even the [Day] of the Lord) [kata kyriake de kyriou] gather yourselves together, and break bread, and give thanksgiving after having confessed your transgressions, that your sacrifice may be pure. But let no one that is at variance with his fellow come together with you, until they be reconciled, that your sacrifice may not be profaned. For this is that which was spoken by the Lord: In every place and time offer to me a pure sacrifice; for I am a great King, says the Lord, and my name is wonderful among the nations. (Didache, chap. 14) Let's see what Ignatius of Antioch, a disciple of John, said in his epistle to the Magnesians (100 AD) Chapter 9. Let us live with Christ If, therefore, those who were brought up in the ancient order of things have come to the possession of a new hope, no longer observing the Sabbath, but living in the observance of the Lord's Day, on which also our life has sprung up again by Him and by His death - whom some deny, by which mystery we have obtained faith, and therefore endure, that we may be found the disciples of Jesus Christ, our only Master - how shall we be able to live apart from Him, whose disciples the prophets themselves in the Spirit did wait for Him as their Teacher? And therefore He whom they rightly waited for, having come, raised them from the dead. Matthew 27:52 Let's look at the word "Sunday" in Spanish. Etymology of Domingo- From a shortening of Late Latin diēs Dominicus (“Sunday”, literally “day of the Lord”). Lastly, I can quote the Encyclopedia Britannica too Article on "Sunday" from the official website states, "The practice of Christians gathering together for worship on Sunday dates back to apostolic times"

    • @voiceoftheeternalgospel2685
      @voiceoftheeternalgospel2685 Před 4 měsíci

      Blessings my brother, thank you for your comment and for watching our episode! You’re quite right in your deduction of the “law of Moses” being the one that Jesus fulfilled, meaning He ended it. Done away with. For this reason we no longer are binded by the custom, traditions, and sacrificial offerings that were before necessary. However in Matthew, Jesus does make reference to principles relating to the 10 Commandments. Matthew 5:19 Gives an introduction to the “Commandments” calling us to do, and teach them. He proceeds to explain the Commandments in greater depth, going beyond the law of Moses presenting truths such as being guilty of murder not only by action but by intent. Superseding the declaration “eye for eye” and replacing that old law, with the Divine instruction of being “good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.” On the Sermon of the Mount, Jesus eloquently presents Himself as the fulfillment of two laws, the end of the ceremonial and the embodiment of the Divine. In other words, Jesus, through a perfect life fulfilled the requirements by being a perfect Sacrifice, worthy as atonement before the Divine Law and concluding the ceremonial. The statement and response made by Chancellor can be found online, it is a Catholic document and not ours, in fact there exist numerous statements from almost all Christian denominations that affirm Saturday as the true day of worship. You can take a look at some here, with the sources listed for further study online. facebook.com/notes/nazarene-messianic-hebrew-congregation/modern-and-historic-statements-about-the-sabbath/250797141706599/?locale=hi_IN&wtsid=rdr_08MizJ3fElTja6efI&_rdr (Here is the context for the quote asked www.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.8_06663_2342/1 this is the original paper from the Catholic Record 1923, with the cited quote on page 4 highlighted in this link: lifemoreabundantpa.com/skin/frontend/default/lma_theme/images/media/PDF/Refs/The_Catholic_Record.pdf ) At 25:47, good catch, indeed Constatine was not a pope but an Emperor, specifically Constantine I “(died 337), a convert to Christianity, introduced the first civil legislation concerning Sunday in 321, when he decreed that all work should cease on that day..” (Encyclopedia Britannica) We apologize for the titular error. The word “Sunday” comes from Latin, the law of Constantine in 321 was called the law of “diēs sōlis” or literally the Day of the Sun. This was the common reference to the day up until November 3, 383AD when Rome changed the word from Dies Solis to Dies Domincus, after “Domini” meaning Lord, or “Lord’s day.” This change is visible in the romantic languages (Spanish, Italian, French etc) but not in the germanic languages such as English, German, or Dutch who hold the original translation as Sun’s day. Changing the name does not change the truth, Mark 2:27 states Jesus being “Lord of the Sabbath” which no one argues is referring to Saturday. In reference to the second part of your comment, I believe we’ve made clear our stance regarding outside Biblical sources. In all sincerity it would be wrong to assume there does not exist sources or letters of antiquity that do not promote Sunday. There are in fact sources that claim the veracity of Sunday, as well as Saturday, also Friday, and many other opposing views. In the sea of opposing, contradicting evidences, we have the “sure Word of prophecy” that God lovingly gave us so we wouldn’t have to be confused. His Word is enough for us, and in it, Sunday plays no role. The question then remains, does the Bible not contain sufficient information as to worship? What will you believe, Word of God or word of man? We invite you to stay tuned to our channel as we’re in the process of uploading more episodes that go more into depth on this matter, may God bless you and yours…

    • @John_Six
      @John_Six Před 4 měsíci

      @@voiceoftheeternalgospel2685I appreciate your response. As a teacher you have a responsibility to guide people into the truth and not let them go astray. So, the discussion here is that you say Matthew 5: 17 means that we are to keep the 10 commandments, but the rest of the laws of Moses are done away with. My position is that in this specific verse the “law” is referring to the 10 commandments AND the laws of Moses. Since it is referring to the 10 commandments AND the Laws of Moses you should keep all the old law because you use this verse as your proof of Sabbath keeping. First, we need to understand who Jesus was speaking to. He was speaking to the Jews and saying that they must keep the whole law in Matthew 5:18 until everything is fulfilled. The gospel of Matthew is written for the Jews. That is why there are things in this gospel that Gentiles would not understand. For example, Matthew calls it Sermon on the Mount, yet Luke calls it Sermon on the plain. The “Mount” is a reference to Mt. Sinai which is important for the Jews. Matthew is showing the Jews that Jesus is the new Moses and has come to give us the new law which is also important. Are the 10 commandments a part of the “Law” yes, or no? If you were to ask a Jew in those times if they kept the “law,” what do you think they would say? Do you think they would say “Yes I keep the 10 commandments” or “Yes I keep the Law of Moses?” A Jew in those times would not separate them because the Law referred to both. That is why verse 20 is telling us that it is hard to be more righteous than a scribe or Pharisee because these two kept the whole law. The old law was hard to keep because of all the “jots and tittles” referred to in verse 18. The law in Matthew 5: 17 was not only referring to the decalogue, but to all the law. You say, “ _However in Matthew, Jesus does make reference to principles relating to the 10 Commandments. Matthew 5: 19 Gives an introduction to the “Commandments” calling us to do, and teach them. He proceeds to explain the Commandments in greater depth, going beyond the law of Moses presenting truths such as being guilty of murder not only by action but by intent. Superseding the declaration “eye for eye” and replacing that old law, with the Divine instruction of being “good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.” On the Sermon of the Mount, Jesus eloquently presents Himself as the fulfillment of two laws, the end of the ceremonial and the embodiment of the Divine. In other words, Jesus, through a perfect life fulfilled the requirements by being a perfect Sacrifice, worthy as atonement before the Divine Law and concluding the ceremonial_ .” First and foremost, there are no two laws for the Jews. There is only the law. Give me the book, chapter, and verse where it says there are two laws for the Jews. You also added a lot of words to Matthew 5 that are not there. Do you not abide by Sola Scriptura or “bible alone?” For example, you said “ _On the Sermon of the Mount, Jesus eloquently presents Himself as the fulfillment of two laws, the end of the ceremonial and the embodiment of the Divine. In other words, Jesus, through a perfect life fulfilled the requirements by being a perfect Sacrifice, worthy as atonement before the Divine Law and concluding the ceremonial_ .” None of this is written in Matthew 5. And of course Jesus is making a reference to the decalogue, but He is also making a reference to the other laws of Moses when He brings up divorce and “an eye for an eye.” That is how we know that the “law” He speaks of in Matthew 5: 17 is not only the decalogue, but also the laws of Moses. You said in the video at 12:43 that, “ _we know it’s referring to the 10 commandments because it mentioned 2 of the 10 commandments_ .” The problem with this is that you stopped reading so you left out context. If you would have kept on reading it speaks of divorce and divorce is not in the decalogue, but is found in Deuteronomy 24. An “eye for an eye” was not a part of the decalogue either. That is found in Exodus 21. That is how we know He was referring to the whole law and not just the 10 commandments. Now knowing that Jesus was speaking of the whole law to the Jews in verse 17, why do you not keep the rest of the laws like the Jews as Matthew 5: 18 says, “not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law.” You cannot be taken seriously when you give a Facebook post as your source. I need the source for the original letter of the Chancellor not a partial quote from a Facebook page. I tried finding it online from official catholic sources and I cannot find it. You made the claim so the burden of proof is on you to provide it. This clearly shows that you have not read the letter either and do not know the context of it. As for other Christian denominations, “ _affirming Saturday as the true day of worship_ ,” they have nothing to do with my beliefs. They can write whatever they want. I am not bound to their writings. I can use that same argument on you. There are Christian denominations that affirm that the true day of worship is Sunday. I will even use the father of protestants Martin Luther: “ _In his 1535 “Lectures on Genesis,” Luther remarked more fully: “In our time there arose in Moravia a foolish kind of people, the Sabbatarians, who maintain that the Sabbath must be observed after the fashion of the Jews. Perhaps they will insist on circumcision also, for a like reason_ .” “ _From Luther’s Small and Large Catechism: “Isaiah too declares in chapter 66:23 that the seventh day, or, as I call it, Moses’ adaptation of it, will cease at the time of the messiah when true sanctification and the word of God will appear richly. He says that there will be one Sabbath after another and one new moon after another, that is, that all will be sheer Sabbath, and there will no longer be any particular seventh day with six days in between. For the sanctifying or the word of God will enjoy full scope daily and abundantly, and every day will be a Sabbath_ .” In Luther’s commentary on Galatians he says, “ _The Apostle Paul knew what the false apostles were teaching the Galatians: The observance of days, and months, and times, and years. The Jews had been obliged to keep holy the Sabbath Day, the new moons, the feast of the passover, the feast of tabernacles, and other feasts. The false apostles constrained the Galatians to observe these Jewish feasts under threat of damnation. Paul hastens to tell the Galatians that they were exchanging their Christian liberty for the weak and beggarly elements of the world_ .” You say, “ _The word “Sunday” comes from Latin, the law of Constantine in 321 was called the law of “diēs sōlis” or literally the Day of the Sun. This was the common reference to the day up until November 3, 383AD when Rome changed the word from Dies Solis to Dies Domincus, after “Domini” meaning Lord, or “Lord’s day_ .” “Diēs sōlis” was not the common reference for Christians because most Christians spoke Greek. This is why the gospels, epistles, early church writings and even apocryphal works are in Greek. I can cite many of those works that show the difference between the Sabbath and the Lord’s Day. They are not the same day. If the Sabbath is hallowed and highlighted as the most important commandment according to your prophetess, then how can you change the name of something holy without God’s permission? Where does the bible explicitly say that the name of the Sabbath has been changed to the Lord’s day? You say, “ _Mark 2: 27 states Jesus being “Lord of the Sabbath” which no one argues is referring to Saturday_ .” Nobody is arguing that Mark 2: 27-28 means Sunday. That is a straw man argument. However, this verse does not say that the name of the Sabbath has been changed from “Sabbath” to the “Lord’s Day.” Give me the verse where the Sabbath is explicitly called the Lord’s Day. Jesus is the Lord of every single day not only the Sabbath. That doesn’t make Tuesday or Thursday the Lord’s Day. If Mark 2: 27 is your argument then Mark would have written Lord’s Day instead of Sabbath for the rest of his gospel. You say, “ _In all sincerity it would be wrong to assume there does not exist sources or letters of antiquity that do not promote Sunday. There are in fact sources that claim the veracity of Sunday, as well as Saturday, also Friday, and many other opposing views_ .” I would like to read some early church writings from the 1st-4th centuries that promote keeping the Sabbath. Can you point to any? You say, “ _In the sea of opposing, contradicting evidences, we have the “sure Word of prophecy” that God lovingly gave us so we wouldn’t have to be confused. His Word is enough for us, and in it, Sunday plays no role_ .” Give me the book, chapter and verse where we find, “Word of prophecy” or as your prophetess actually calls it, the “Spirit of prophecy.” When you say, “ _His Word is enough for us_ ” are you referring to the book or the Logos? If you say book then give me verse that says this. If you say Logos then you are essentially saying that the day our Lord resurrected plays no role. You say, “ _The question then remains, does the Bible not contain sufficient information as to worship? What will you believe, Word of God or word of man_ ?” Do you not believe the word of Ellen White? Is she not a “man” like you and I? You contradict yourself with this question when you read from Ellen White's writings. Seventh Day Adventism interests me because it keeps me firm in my faith. It pushes me to learn more when accusations or straw man arguments are made against my faith. 1 Peter 3:15 Peace of Christ to you.

    • @John_Six
      @John_Six Před 4 měsíci

      @@voiceoftheeternalgospel2685You say, " _Blessings my brother, thank you for your comment and for watching our episode_ !" I will be a frequent viewer of your episodes if time permits and God wills it.

    • @voiceoftheeternalgospel2685
      @voiceoftheeternalgospel2685 Před 4 měsíci

      @@John_Six My brother, thank you for your time and answering back, you made here a few questions and petitions I intend to address and answer. Before going in I do wish to remind you that these episodes are published to share the truth of the Bible, what we have uncovered under prayerful study. This does not mean everyone will agree with us, nor does it mean we expect anyone to believe us without controversy, are hope is that everyone with doubts and questions go to God and what He says, not even what we say. I commend you for doing what others might not, which is doing your own research, further study, and our advice as a ministry is to receive instruction from above with an open mind, whatever you hear in our episodes, in your church, in the news, from science, prove or disprove all things with the Scripture. (1 Thessalonians 5:21) 1st Point. The “Law” for the Jews included Moses’s law and the Decalogue, however God did not place them at equal proportion. (Remember the Jews were taught by corrupted Pharisees to believe other things as part of the law that were not even written in the Commandments or the Law of Moses) God does make this distinction. (Deuteronomy 31:24-26) Moses writes the law in a book, put outside of the ark, serving as witness against Israel. Compare with Deuteronomy 10:3-5, where God writes Himself the 10 Commandments on the tablets placed inside of the ark. Jesus also makes the distinction (Matthew 5:27-28; John 13:34) Giving new commands that supersede the law of Moses, making the difference between what the Jews had learned and what He is teaching as new. Paul himself alludes to this in 2 Corinthians 3:6-11 The glorification that existed in the ministry of condemnation and death, overshadowed by the ministry of Spirit and righteousness. The key thing to understand here is that, before Jesus’ sacrifice, the condemnation of breaking the Ten Commandments, or sin, was inescapable. The condemnation of sin still stands today, (Romans 6:23) but we now have the opportunity, a gift, to escape the condemnation through faith in the Sacrifice that offers forgiveness. The condemnation of Moses law was crafted as dependent on Jesus future sacrifice, if Jesus would not have died, all previous sacrifices would have had no value. In the death of Jesus, He gave meaning to every animal sacrifice of the past and every prayer of repentance of the future. It’s important to note that the old and new covenant both surround the death of Jesus and both include the 10 Commandments. (Exodus 24:7 ; 2 Kings 23:21 ; Explain the relation between the book of the covenant (first covenant) in its relation to feasts and ordinances that were necessary in their day. Hebrews 8:7 makes the transfer from old to new. The following verses in Hebrews quote Jeremiah 31:31-34 the New covenant promising forgiveness of sin and the 10 Commandments written in the heart) In Matthew 5, and the Sermon of the Mount in general, Jesus is teaching the Jews that shortly their views would have to change, that they could now be forgiven in prayer and not by bloodshed, that the good news would reach all nations etc. To consider the Law of God and Moses’ law as inseparable would mean that; either we are required today to keep both, or keep none. Both options are clearly condemned in the Bible. (Hebrews 9; Romans 6-8) Although Matthew 5:17 Jesus refers to “all the law”, in other words Jesus fulfilling both laws, there does exist a distinction of both. There did not exist two laws in Jewish mentality but Jesus needed to teach them the difference. Teaching them and all future Christians, that one was done away with the other one continues to exist now and forever. To put it simply, we can be free from the condemnation of the Law but never from obedience to the Law. If you’re forgiven a crime in court, you are made free of the consequence but you still need to obey after being forgiven. (1 John 2:1-5) In reference to the letter, if you go back I did post the link for the letter from its original source (after the Facebook post) which I’ll site here: (Here is the context for the quote asked www.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.8_06663_2342/1 this is the original paper from the Catholic Record 1923, with the cited quote on page 4 highlighted in this link: lifemoreabundantpa.com/skin/frontend/default/lma_theme/images/media/PDF/Refs/The_Catholic_Record.pdf ) If you look at the facebook post I appreciated that every quote had its source listed so you could use it to look up the entire document online. Although you’re correct that writings from other leaders do not pertain to you, and shouldn’t, the list includes statements from Catholic authorities. Also remember that anyone can read our comments and exchange, and they might belong to any Protestant faith and could benefit from reading their respective denominations comments on the Sabbath. Luther was a powerful reformer but regrettably at the time during the dark ages, the truth about Saturday was not understood or accepted by anyone. This was during a time of Papal supremacy in which bibles in common language were not readily distributed, and truths were darkened. We recommend these episodes on the subject of Sunday and Saturday. czcams.com/video/BVhFweQkzZs/video.htmlfeature=shared czcams.com/video/cAxQReCIdn0/video.htmlfeature=shared czcams.com/video/pd2YcFKnplA/video.htmlfeature=shared About Sunday as a name, looking at history we’ll notice the days of week were always plagued with roots of paganism. From ancient greeks which inspired the romans in latin. Even now Saturday comes from day of Saturn. The word Sabbath has transcended the ages meaning simply “Rest”. God did not give any day a name with exception of Sabbath. The Jews simply referred to days as “first, second, third etc” ending on Sabbath as the seventh. Paganism came up with the names for days, and always attributed the first day with the Sun or sun god. From the Babylonians to the Romans. Putting this aside, why would Sabbath and the Lord’s day be different? The term “Lord’s day” is found only once in the Bible. Honestly ask yourself, if Jesus said He was “Lord of the Sabbath”. What would the “Lord’s day” refer to. The answer is obvious biblically and logically. On top of this, every time Sunday is referred to in the Bible it is called “the first day of the week” John himself says it twice (John 20:1;19) So when John says in Revelation, the Lord’s day, was he talking about Sunday or the first day? Where is there biblical evidence of the Lord’s day being Sunday? What verse or chapter? You asked for early writings from the 1st-4th century that support Sabbath keeping, well Acts was written in the first century and includes many references to Sabbath service. Statements outside of the Bible are not relevant to us, the point I was making is that anything outside of the Bible which is infallible, can be erroneous and give proof of things we know not to be truth. ( www.sabbathtruth.com/sabbath-history/sabbath-through-the-centuries/id/3rd-century#history) “Word of prophecy” - (2 Peter 1:19; Revelation 1:3; Revelation 22:18) “Spirit of prophecy” - (Revelation 19:10; 2 Peter 1:21) The reason we don’t give the day our Lord resurrected importance, is because the Bible doesn’t either. If there is a verse that does highlight its important role, we are curious to read it. When we say His Word is enough for us we are referring to the 66 books of the Bible, Old and New Testament. We believe the Bible contains all the knowledge necessary to be saved, you don’t need any other book to be saved. You don’t need Ellen White to be saved, she is not the way or truth or life. We read her words because we love and agree with the God she serves, because she does not present any anti-biblical however I could never read her books again and be saved. However if I do not read or obey the Bible, I will be lost. If I practice a theory or doctrine that is not from the Bible, I will be lost. Here are verses that talk to the importance of the Bible, God’s Word , and how we don’t need to add to it or take from it, we only need to understand it. (Deut 4:2, Proverbs 30:6; Psalm 89:34; Galatians 1:8; Matthew 22:29; Colossians 2; Psalm 19:7-14; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; Revelation 22:18-19) We are happy to have you with us and listen whenever you are able, are intention is not to instigate arguments or debates, but to share with others what the Bible says. If you have any more comments or points to share on other videos or episodes, we welcome you to do so and we’ll try to respond in the best and shortest time possible, that we can shun contention and embrace a respectful exchange. Let your faith be rooted and grounded in God and His Word, and then your convictions will be immovable. I advise you to take all of your doubts or arguments in prayer to God and continue to do your own research and study without rest. Be open to what the Lord wants to tell you, maybe we don’t have all the truth, maybe you don’t, we can both learn and correct our mistakes. I believe we both want to serve God and do what’s right in His eyes, I hope we can both make it to Heaven, I do, may the Lord be with you in your continual studies! Maranatha!

  • @kathyjohnson8304
    @kathyjohnson8304 Před 5 měsíci

    Thank you for this forum Messengers. You bring awareness and clarity to God's Truth ✝️ 🕊

  • @bobsmalls1860
    @bobsmalls1860 Před 5 měsíci


  • @deavenalajenio6777
    @deavenalajenio6777 Před 5 měsíci


  • @paulinalopex2118
    @paulinalopex2118 Před 5 měsíci


  • @wabrhumedia5066
    @wabrhumedia5066 Před 6 měsíci


  • @bjhutson1901
    @bjhutson1901 Před 10 měsíci

    The seat of the false prophet

  • @flickaJay
    @flickaJay Před 10 měsíci

    Wonderfully insightful !!!

  • @flickaJay
    @flickaJay Před 10 měsíci

    This is wonderful to learn.

  • @flickaJay
    @flickaJay Před 10 měsíci

    Thank you for this.

  • @maryangwenyi2358
    @maryangwenyi2358 Před 11 měsíci

    Powerful teaching. May our God bless you Pr as you connect to God's word.

  • @animelech6004
    @animelech6004 Před rokem

    You criticizing believers in Christ !. Y'all are not christian organization !. Walter Martin, did research on your beliefs !. You are occultist. Tell me do you take the bread and wine ? (symbolic ) ..... you claim the Sabbath is Saturday ,.. do you not remember what the Pharisees approaching Jesus Christ and chastising about Jesus disciples eating as they went, it was Sabbath, Jesus Christ told them man wasn't created for the Sabbath, Sabbath was created for man !. And Jesus Christ proclaim, ( I am the Sabbath ) ! .... scripture also says do not debate on unprofitable issues ! Of what isn't right to eat or holding of festival day's !..... In Christ Avimelech

  • @hisrighteousnessbyhisfaith7235

    DO YOU NOT KNOW? 1COR. 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. 1:9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any [man] preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. AND EVERY PASTOR THAT USES AND TEACHES FROM A NEW KING JAMES BIBLE IS PREACHING A NEW GOSPEL.

  • @kathyjohnson8304
    @kathyjohnson8304 Před rokem

    Amen 🙏🏽

  • @edithdotson7603
    @edithdotson7603 Před rokem

    It is certain that perception and reality are often blended or completely distorted today. With the multiplication of deception by the minute, we must be guarded in what we receive as truth on every level and in every branch of life. A solid understanding of Sacred Scriptures is our only safeguard as is advocated in the chapter by the same title in the God-given book, the Great Controversy. A review of that chapter may be timely. Thank you, Pastor Grosboll, for the thought provoking message.

  • @edithdotson7603
    @edithdotson7603 Před rokem

    If we don't do what God has said, we will do what Satan wants. Help us Holy Trio!

  • @edithdotson7603
    @edithdotson7603 Před rokem

    Many today have no real understanding of authentic Seventh-day Adventism. There has indeed been a falling away from what we once believed. We need to heed the admonition of the Prophet which he recorded in Jeremiah 6:16. Thank you Pastor Gresham, for this bold and courageous lesson. May the Lord bless you to be faithful.

  • @jimjames6472
    @jimjames6472 Před rokem

    I'm so happy to find you online Pastor Perez. I feel like I came to my hometown.

  • @macksministry3587
    @macksministry3587 Před rokem

    What Union or Conferences does the Voice of The Eternal Gospel identify with as Seventh Day Adventist


    Can I get these in Spanish?

    • @voiceoftheeternalgospel2685
      @voiceoftheeternalgospel2685 Před měsícem

      We are in the planning process of translating the episodes to Spanish using AI technology. We are waiting for the Lord to give the green light and provide the funds for the transcription and the voice clone translation to Spanish. In the meantime, we do have a Spanish CZcams Chanel you are welcome to visit. Search by: "La Voz del Evangelio Eterno" and look for our Logo. Blessing to you. Maranatha!

  • @attilathegod
    @attilathegod Před rokem


  • @theaussie1844
    @theaussie1844 Před rokem

    In your first quote of EGW 'a word to a little flock' I find no reference to the beast nor to Joseph Smith or Daniel 11? please explain!!!

  • @marcywilson207
    @marcywilson207 Před rokem

    The shepherd who took Cyrus home met his wife who had delivered a still born child, whose body was delivered to the king's servant as evidence that Cyrus was dead.

  • @mayeerahbrits9160
    @mayeerahbrits9160 Před rokem

    People in that church, where this very good preacher is surving the congregation, must understand to keep the children quietly , so the holy spiret can do His work in peoples hearts. Pls.

  • @mayeerahbrits9160
    @mayeerahbrits9160 Před rokem


  • @mayeerahbrits9160
    @mayeerahbrits9160 Před rokem

    Bla bla bla. Im an SDA for 28 years, and i know now what's realy inportant to listen to. For example : what makes the 5 virgins wise. So tell us something about the trumpets.... Only 1 ons this panel know something about it, and the other two talk so much, you woud think thy are the wise one's.... 🙄

  • @3angels.Rev.14
    @3angels.Rev.14 Před rokem

    why this pastor so fat? he does not follow the health reform? or he is sick?

  • @3angels.Rev.14
    @3angels.Rev.14 Před rokem

    why this pastor so fat? he does not follow the health reform? or he is sick?

  • @NoSundayLawComing
    @NoSundayLawComing Před rokem

    According to Adventism, Satan is going to appear on this earth and masquerade as Jesus, in order to convince the world to pass Sunday laws. *Satan is going to mimic Jesus* in certain places of the earth and somehow convince the entire world to start worshipping on Sunday and kill those keeping the Sabbath. Stop for a moment and consider how ludicrous this truly is. Ask yourself, what Christian is going to believe a Christ who wants to kill people for going to church on Saturday? Christ Himself said, "For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them." (Luke 9:56) Who is going to believe a fake Christ that directly contradicts the words the real Christ spoke in the Bible? Christ would not even allow Peter to use his sword in self-defense. Can you imagine Christ ordering people to be murdered for worshipping Him on the Sabbath? What Christian is going to be foolish enough to believe a Christ who wants to kill people for no better reason than that they go to church on Saturday? The Bible clearly says Satan is a murderer (see John 8:44). Who is going to believe a Christ that wants to murder certain Christians? One would have to look far and wide to find a single Christian that is delusional enough to believe Christ is a murderer. If Satan made an appearance touting a "murder the Sabbath-keepers" plan, and tried to implement it world-wide, the entire world would rise up against him and crucify him. Why would Satan attempt something so self-defeating as passing a Sunday law? He is doing just fine now! The world is rapidly becoming post-Christian. Pagan, New Age, and occult religions are experiencing a tremendous surge in popularity. Secularism, materialism, and sensualism are eating out the heart of Christianity. Over recent decades, in most Western nations, Christianity has been losing members in droves. Why are Seventh-day Adventists looking into the future for persecution? Christians are already suffering record numbers of persecutions throughout the world. *With all the success Satan is currently enjoying, persecuting Christians and leading people away from Christianity, why would he want to establish laws enforcing a traditional Christian practice upon the world?* If he did so, he would be turning people's attention back towards Christianity, forcing people to spend time contemplating God and His law. He would be fighting his own best interests. The SDA end-time scenario simply makes no sense.

  • @mayeerahbrits9160
    @mayeerahbrits9160 Před rokem

    This was a very good sermon. Thank you

  • @mayeerahbrits9160
    @mayeerahbrits9160 Před rokem

    ... I just can not get a feeling for this "group surmons"... A person like maurice Berry is suppose to be the group leader. And the others are suppose to answer questions.... I hear a lot of talk.... but not according to the knowledge that matters.... Im oldschool enough to see truth for what it is now... Mayeerah from South Africa...

  • @mayeerahbrits9160
    @mayeerahbrits9160 Před rokem

    Very very awesome presentation... Thank you...

  • @mayeerahbrits9160
    @mayeerahbrits9160 Před rokem

    Excellent excellent explanation of a very very heard topic. Thank God for light on his truths. Thank God... 😥😥😥

  • @leraymond777
    @leraymond777 Před rokem

    Thank you for this good message.

  • @niceguy9518
    @niceguy9518 Před rokem

    How do I get ahold of Maurice Berry??!

  • @JoseConcepcion
    @JoseConcepcion Před rokem
