Marcos Morgan
Marcos Morgan
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BASIC SLAM-seq analysis explained. From raw data to HALF-LIFE values in four simple steps.
Thanks for watching the channel!
In this video, I show you how to obtain mRNA half-life values from SLAM-seq data. We cover how to obtain SLAM-seq data, download the genomic sequences and annotation. We then obtain conversion values using the Slamdunk pipeline. After combining all conversion values from different samples, we use this data to fit an exponential decay model that will allow us to estimate the half-life of any mRNA.
00:00 Intro
00:14 Downloading SLAM-seq data
01:10 Downloading fastq genomic reference
01:38 Downloading the annotation data
02:54 Downloading Slumdunk
03:16 Slumdunk metadata
03:47 Running Slumdunk
04:05 Conversion rate results
04:38 Downloading data from Biomart
05:05 Merging conversion rate files
06:23 Fitting the exponential decay model
07:32 Estimating half-life values
08:40 Outro
Link to SLAM-seq manuscript
Link to UCSC genome browser
Link to Slamdunk repo
Line of code to run Slumdunk with the data obtained.
Code to get data from Biomart
ensembl = useEnsembl(biomart="ensembl")
mart= useDataset("mmusculus_gene_ensembl", useMart("ensembl"))
symbols_mRNA = getBM(attributes=c("mgi_symbol", "ensembl_transcript_id"), mart=mart)
write.table(symbols_mRNA, "../data/symbols_mRNA.csv", sep=",",
row.names = F, col.names = F, quote = F)
Code to obtain a combined table with conversion values
metadata = read.csv2("../data/sampleInfo_final.tsv",
header = T, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = F) %%
rename(sample = name) %% rowwise() %%
mutate(file = paste("../results/slamdunk/count/utrs/", sample, "_trimmed.fq_slamdunk_mapped_filtered_tcount.tsv", sep = "")) %%
select(file, sample, condition, time)
conversion = data.frame(file=character(), mRNA=character(),
for(i in c(1:nrow(metadata))){
file = read.table(as.character(metadata[i,"file"]), stringsAsFactors = F,
skip = 1, header = T, sep="\t") %%
dplyr::select(Name, ConversionRate) %% rowwise() %%
rename(conversion = ConversionRate) %%
mutate(mRNA = unlist(strsplit(Name, "_utr3_"))[1]) %% rowwise() %%
mutate(mRNA = unlist(strsplit(mRNA, "\\."))[1]) %%
dplyr::select(-Name) %% unique() %%
mutate(file = as.character(metadata[i,"file"]))
conversion = bind_rows(conversion, file)
full_table = conversion %% left_join(metadata) %% dplyr::select(-file)
symbols_mRNA = read.csv2("../data/symbols_mRNA.csv",
sep=",", header = F, stringsAsFactors = F) %%
rename(symbol=V1, mRNA=V2)
full_table_symbols = full_table %% left_join(symbols_mRNA) %%
dplyr::select(-mRNA) %% unique() %% filter(! %%
group_by(sample, condition, time, symbol) %%
mutate(conversion = max(conversion)) %% unique() %% ungroup()
normalized = full_table_symbols %% group_by(symbol, condition, time) %%
mutate(mean = mean(conversion)) %% ungroup() %%
group_by(symbol, condition) %% mutate(max = max(mean)) %% ungroup() %%
filter(max != 0) %% rowwise() %% mutate(nomalized = conversion/max) %%
write.table(normalized, "../views/normalized.csv")
saveRDS(normalized, "../views/normalized.rds")
Code to fit the exponential decay model and estimate half-life values
normalized = readRDS("../views/normalized.rds")
nested_normalized = normalized %%
dplyr::select(condition, time, symbol, nomalized) %%
group_by(symbol, condition) %% nest()
test = function(df){
nls(nomalized ~ exp(-k * time), start = list(k = 0.01), data=df)}
test_possibly = possibly(test, NULL)
nested_normalized = nested_normalized %%
mutate(z = map(data, test_possibly))
hl_fun = function(z){
tryCatch({hl = log(2)/summary(z)$coefficients[1, 1]
R_fun = function(z){
tryCatch({R = z$m$deviance()
nested_normalized_ = nested_normalized %%
rowwise() %% mutate(hl = hl_fun(z), R = R_fun(z)) %% dplyr::select(-data, -z)
zhlédnutí: 15


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  • @ShaimaaGamalGahin
    @ShaimaaGamalGahin Před měsícem

    can you do a survival analysis with microarray data tutorial?

    • @MorganMarcos
      @MorganMarcos Před měsícem

      Hi, Shaimaa. Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, I am not very familiar with survival analysis.

  • @ivanmorgan958
    @ivanmorgan958 Před 2 měsíci

    love this

  • @ericramos5530
    @ericramos5530 Před 2 měsíci

    keep up the good work man, this content is great :D, and more because it's free. Thanks a lot.

    • @MorganMarcos
      @MorganMarcos Před 2 měsíci

      Thanks Eric for the comment. I really appreciate it and I am glad you are finding these tutorials useful.

  • @timothyongaba1962
    @timothyongaba1962 Před 2 měsíci

    Hi Marco. I am totally new to snakemake and I am finding your tutorials resourceful. I am, however, struggling to keep up with the background music. Could it possibly be lowered in future tutorials. Otherwise, great work. Also, do you have something on the use of "expand" with wildcards?

    • @MorganMarcos
      @MorganMarcos Před 2 měsíci

      Hi Timothy, I am glad you are finding the tutorials helpful. Thanks for the feedback on the music. I will remove it at least for most of the videos in the future. Check the following video for "expand" with wildcards :

  • @delfinmorgan6387
    @delfinmorgan6387 Před 2 měsíci

    Saludos desde Salto.

  • @muungani
    @muungani Před 6 měsíci

    Hey Marcos, will this work with quarto as well?

    • @MorganMarcos
      @MorganMarcos Před 6 měsíci

      Hi @muungani, I have never tried this with Quatro. Still, it is possible that it would work according to the following quote from the Quatro website: "Like R Markdown, Quarto uses knitr to execute R code and is therefore able to render most existing Rmd files without modification." Please let me know how it goes. Best, Marcos.

  • @loveforbioinfo
    @loveforbioinfo Před 6 měsíci

    Hi. I was wondering how you're able to get snakemake on your Rstudio terminal? In my Rstudio I just see python code with >>> even though i loaded reticulate package. yours seems to have snakemake and then all output in green and yellow colors. How did you establish the python environment on R?

    • @MorganMarcos
      @MorganMarcos Před 6 měsíci

      Hi, great question! The good news is that you do not need the reticulate package to open a terminal. You do not even need to be in a Python environment to run Snakemake. You can run Snakemake directly on your terminal. To open a terminal in RStudio, go to Code> Terminal > Open New Terminal at File Location. Let me know if you still need help.

  • @ivanmorgan958
    @ivanmorgan958 Před 6 měsíci

    Good stuff

  • @ivanmorgan958
    @ivanmorgan958 Před 6 měsíci


  • @MarcosFacha
    @MarcosFacha Před 9 měsíci

    Te llamas igual que yo hola

  • @Ali_Hassan12345
    @Ali_Hassan12345 Před 9 měsíci

    nice video, great explanation

    • @MorganMarcos
      @MorganMarcos Před 9 měsíci

      Thanks! I am glad you found the video helpful.

  • @gustavotoyota
    @gustavotoyota Před 11 měsíci

    Great video. I don't know what bioinformatics is but sounds cool

    • @MorganMarcos
      @MorganMarcos Před 11 měsíci

      Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed watching the video.

  • @Eunakria
    @Eunakria Před 11 měsíci

    as someone whose work has nothing to do with bioinformatics, I don't understand how I ended up at this video, but I am fascinated and transfixed

    • @MorganMarcos
      @MorganMarcos Před 11 měsíci

      LOL. Maybe I should cut down a little bit on the video editing side.

  • @ivanmorgan958
    @ivanmorgan958 Před 11 měsíci

    Love this!

  • @ivanmorgan958
    @ivanmorgan958 Před 11 měsíci

    Love this 🎉

    • @MorganMarcos
      @MorganMarcos Před 11 měsíci

      Thanks! I am glad you enjoyed the video.

  • @arturocdb
    @arturocdb Před rokem

    great video, very useful, thank you so much Marcos!

    • @MorganMarcos
      @MorganMarcos Před rokem

      Thanks! I am glad you found the tutorial useful.

  • @gradientO
    @gradientO Před rokem

    mads mikkelsen learning r

  • @andrealang3393
    @andrealang3393 Před rokem

    ❤️ "Promo SM"

    • @MorganMarcos
      @MorganMarcos Před rokem

      Thanks, Andrea. Smakemake is such a great tool, I believe it should be more widely used. Just trying to help with that here.

  • @rnacollaborativeseminarser5993

    Thanks for adding us to your list of great science-related channels! We host seminars every other Wednesday and are sponsored by the RNA Society.

    • @MorganMarcos
      @MorganMarcos Před rokem

      Sure. I am glad your channel is doing great. The place to go for RNA biology in CZcams.

  • @mrillig
    @mrillig Před rokem

    Thanks for the mention!

    • @MorganMarcos
      @MorganMarcos Před rokem

      Your channel is great. I wish more professors would share their experience as you do. I am trying to start a channel myself very much inspired by yours.