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INTO1's【ONE能频道】Special Edition— INTO1's Special Photo Behind The Scenes
#INTO1 🌐#INTchannel
【INTO1📷Special Photo Behind The Scenes✨】
Every moment of wantonly is INTO1. The last INT channel, let's uncover the story behind the photo shoot together!
zhlédnutí: 20 770


INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP57(Final)-INTO1 Concert VCR Shooting Full Record
zhlédnutí 30KPřed rokem
#INTO1 🌐#INTchannel 【INTO1📸INTO1演唱会VCR拍摄全记录】 解锁了一份拍摄于2021年的时光礼物🎁少年们在镜头前专注认真,用心构筑每一个画面,而在待机准备时又“打闹逗趣”不断😄户外开启羽毛大战、被飞镖激发奇奇怪怪的胜负欲、伴着吉他带来不一样的《我们一起闯》...这份礼物将INTO1告别限定演唱会上和你们见面,敬请查收~ 【INTO1📷Concert VCR Shooting Full Record✨】 INTO1 are serious and concentrated in front of the camera, carefully crafting each image, yet on the sidelines they are continuously joking, getting motivated by darts to win or l...
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP56-INTO1's Graduate Magazine Behind The Scenes
zhlédnutí 13KPřed rokem
#INTO1 🌐#INTchannel 【INTO1📷最后一次团体杂志拍摄花絮大放送✨】 阳光倾洒绿草如茵,克莱因蓝装点青春底色,那些搞怪打闹的片段无一不透露着最好的青春模样🎨和INTO1一起解锁更多片场瞬间,在最后的时间里肆意欢笑吧~ 【INTO1📷Graduate Magazine Behind The Scenes✨】 INTO1's Graduate Magazine backstage footage is coming! Klein blue adorns the green grass. Everything is the best of youth. Unlock more moments from the shoot with INTO1! #INTO1_Wonderland
INTO1's【《走向前 发光吧》告别纪录】EP04-INTO1's Japan Fanmeeting Memo
zhlédnutí 22KPřed rokem
#INTO1 🌐 #INTO1走向前发光吧告别纪录 【✨EP04·日本见面会篇✨】 第二站海外行程来到日本,少年们打卡线下展览好奇心满满,在现场合影留念后凑在一起DIY专属姓名挂件,随后有条不紊的彩排、后台开启中日语友好交流现场,只为呈现出最温馨圆满的舞台[抱一抱]当熟悉的音乐再度响起,和INTO1一起重回见面会现场,收藏珍贵回忆吧~ 【✨EP04·Japan Fanmeeting Memo✨】 The second overseas schedule came to Japan! They visited the exhibition, took pictures with the supporting costumes, and then made their name pendants together. Take a trip back to the fanmeeting w...
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP55-INTO1's "没有拥抱的合照" & "I Hate Goodbyes" Behind The Scenes
zhlédnutí 15KPřed rokem
#INTO1 🌐#INTchannel 【INTO1📸《没有拥抱的合照》&《I Hate Goodbyes》拍摄花絮】 #ONE能频道 新歌拍摄幕后欢乐多,少年们两两拍摄“没有拥抱的合照”,比出花样逗趣pose,奇奇怪怪的默契增加了~穿上华丽正装拍摄告别大片,拍摄后认真check每一个细节,保证将自己最好的一面呈现给大家~还有更多欢乐瞬间,一起边听新歌边解锁INTO1的有趣灵魂吧! 【INTO1📸"没有拥抱的合照" & "I Hate Goodbyes" Behind The Scenes】 There was a lot of fun behind the scenes with the new song shoot coming! As the members posed for "a duo photo without hugging" and did some funny p...
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP54-INTO1's 2022 "Weibo Night" Behind The Scenes
zhlédnutí 17KPřed rokem
#INTO1 🌐#INTchannel 【INTO1🕺微博之夜幕后花絮】 休息区上演各式小剧场,卫生间、服装间和走廊也变成新型练习室,轮番迎接了不同小组的新歌练习,群体效应 1!领奖前的一段起范式台词朗诵和随机舞蹈更是再添精彩与乐趣。一起解锁INTO1更多台上台下珍贵瞬间,期待再次与少年们梅奔相见吧~ 【INTO1🕺2022 "Weibo Night" Behind The Scenes】 Follow the lens to see what's happening backstage with INTO1. An intense rehearsal for the new song dance stage, and the last group appearance on the red carpet. INTO1's Wonderland party is still goin...
zhlédnutí 85KPřed rokem
#INTO1 🌐#INTO1_IHateGoodbyes 【✨INTO1《I Hate Goodbyes》特别影像上线!】 限定的时光铭刻不限定的回忆,每一帧画面记录下真实的欢笑与汗水,在启程前细数金子般闪耀的时刻。特别影像上线,挥手say goodbye,就像初遇时那样笑开怀💜💙 【✨INTO1 "I Hate Goodbyes" Special Video now online!】 Each frame records the genuine laughter and perspiration of a brief moment. The Don't Say Goodbye Song "I Hate Goodbyes" from INTO1's Graduate Album "GROWN UP" Special Video Online! #INTO1就这样长大告别季 #INTO...
INTO1's【《走向前 发光吧》告别纪录】EP03-INTO1's Thailand Concert Memo
zhlédnutí 41KPřed rokem
#INTO1 🌐 #INTO1走向前发光吧告别纪录 【✨EP03·泰国演唱会篇✨】 伴随热情欢呼,泰国之旅正式开启🔛落地曼谷后不约而同诉说逛夜市、品美食的心愿,在线下展览制作手印模型和独一无二签名墙,连开两天的演唱会更是把气氛拉至高点,泰语介绍、新歌首唱都成为最珍贵且独家的记忆。一起跟随INTO1的视角回顾第一站海外演出吧~ 【✨EP03·Thailand Concert Memo✨】 Here's a behind-the-scenes look at INTO1's Thailand concert! They has presented their best stage performance and responded to the enthusiastic support from overseas INsiders! There was laughter and relu...
INTO1's【《走向前 发光吧》告别纪录】EP02-INTO1's Memory of The Island
zhlédnutí 21KPřed rokem
#INTO1 🌐 #INTO1走向前发光吧告别纪录 【✨EP02·海花岛篇(下)✨】 那些初舞台的记忆与当下的景象交汇重叠着,不同于旧日的内敛青涩,再度演绎之时,满满回忆基础上又多了几分因熟悉而产生的相互打趣。一边调侃伙伴们今时不同往日、飞速进步的中文,一边模仿还原口头禅和风格独特的自我介绍,一起聆听少年们讲述时光在每个人身上留下的变化吧~ 【✨EP02·Memory of The Island (Part 2)✨】 INTO1 reenacted their first stage debut, While teasing his mates about their rapidly improving Chinese, and mimicked their self-introduction from back then. Let's listen to INTO1 discuss...
INTO1's【《走向前 发光吧》告别纪录】EP01-INTO1's Memory of The Island
zhlédnutí 31KPřed rokem
#INTO1 🌐 #INTO1走向前发光吧告别纪录 【✨EP01·海花岛篇(上)✨】 再次踏进曾并肩前行的地方,看着沿途熟悉的风景,幕幕往事浮现在眼前。少年们重返“梦开始的地方”难掩激动,跟随记忆寻找那年的宿舍,日夜练习、充满汗水与泪水的教室和每个小小角落,唤醒一段段珍贵回忆🥹3月27日起每周一,跟随INTO1的镜头,留存每段关于“告别”的记忆~ 【✨EP01·Memory of The Island (Part 1)✨】 INTO1's Memory of the Island is coming! Follow the memory of those years in the dorms, classes, and every sweaty and teary nook where we practiced day and night, recalling priceless m...
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP53-INTO1's "苏州零伍壹音乐会" Behind The Scenes
zhlédnutí 17KPřed rokem
#INTO1 🌐#INTchannel 【INTO1🕺"苏州零伍壹音乐会"幕后花絮】 彩排间隙开启演技大比拼,气泡音教学和充斥着可爱的编小辫现场也是趣味多多。演出前各自发挥想象,DIY独一无二的演出服,音乐会圆满结束后一一诉说首演心情,激动与兴奋再次涌上心头。一起跟随镜头回顾那天更多欢乐与温情时刻吧~ 【INTO1🕺"苏州零伍壹音乐会" Behind The Scenes】 In the rehearsals, there was not only an acting competition between the actors, but also a cute live of braiding braids. Let's follow the camera to unlock more joyful and heartwarming moments with INTO1~ #INT...
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP52-INTO1's "BumBuBum" Dance Video Behind The Scenes
zhlédnutí 21KPřed rokem
#INTO1 🌐#INTchannel 【INTO1🎇更酷的世界 舞蹈版MV幕后花絮】 #ONE能频道 排练时绝对认真专注,练习间隙也是真·活泼好动!不仅上演了模仿秀,还有沉浸在哭戏中忽略一切干扰的演员,和看热闹给予锐评的众多“评委”,和成员们一起在欢笑声中“BumBuBum”吧~ 【INTO1🎇 "BumBuBum" Dance Video Behind The Scenes】 The Future Song "BumBuBum" Dance Video Behind The Scenes from INTO1's Graduate Album "GROWN UP" is Online! Witness the birth of the "BumBuBum" dance video with the laughter of INTO1 and their immersive per...
INTO1-《BumBuBum》Dance Video
zhlédnutí 195KPřed rokem
#INTO1 🌐#INTO1就这样长大告别季 穿过风暴,踏过万里,向着天空,一路前进。凝结了很多回忆的时刻,融入了少年们的满满心意,就这样带着无惧挑战的勇气,探索无穷的更酷宇宙吧! INTO1告别团专《就这样长大》 INTO1’S WONDERLAND结 启程未来曲《更酷的世界》舞蹈版MV已上线! The Future Song "BumBuBum" Dance Video from INTO1's Graduate Album "GROWN UP" is Online! There are many memorable moments of INTO1 hidden in the song, so please continue to explore a better future with courage without fear of challenges! INTO1's G...
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP51-INTO1's 《GROWN UP》MV Behind The Scenes
zhlédnutí 17KPřed rokem
#INTO1 🌐#INTchannel 【INTO1🎇就这样长大MV幕后花絮】 #ONE能频道 成员们不仅对拍摄道具永远保持好奇心,一个人的"奇怪行为"也会迅速带偏一群人~但当看到少年们扬起绚丽纸花、围绕篝火共赏同一片烟花、在夜色中肆意奔跑时,不舍之感还是会涌上心头。一起来观看欢乐与感动并存的《就这样长大》MV幕后花絮吧! 【INTO1🎇"GROWN UP" MV Behind The Scenes】 The Hit Song "GROWN UP" MV Behind The Scenes from INTO1's Graduate Album "GROWN UP" is Online! Come and watch INTO1's joyful and touching "GROWN UP" MV behind-the-scenes! #INTO1_Wonderland
zhlédnutí 305KPřed rokem
#INTO1 🌐#INTO1就这样长大告别季 在少年并肩前行的世界里,风和灯光都有了具体的轮廓,成长与蜕变贯穿着我们全部的故事。继续笑吧,跑吧,所有的情绪都将慢慢流淌、熠熠发光。继续冲吧,闯吧,闯荡更多承载梦想的地方。 INTO1告别团专《就这样长大》 INTO1’S WONDERLAND结 主打曲《就这样长大》 MV上线,少年们以梦为马,不忘初心,奔赴未来~ The Hit Song "GROWN UP" MV from INTO1's Graduate Album "GROWN UP" is Online! Growth and transformation run throughout INTO1's story. Spring breezes and light outline their dreams~ INTO1's Graduate Album "GROWN UP" #...
INTO1-《GROWN UP》Teaser·2
zhlédnutí 6KPřed rokem
INTO1-《GROWN UP》Teaser·2
zhlédnutí 9KPřed rokem
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP50-INTO1's Team Building Special · 4
zhlédnutí 16KPřed rokem
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP50-INTO1's Team Building Special · 4
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP49-INTO1's Team Building Special · 3
zhlédnutí 16KPřed rokem
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP49-INTO1's Team Building Special · 3
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP48-INTO1's "2022微博音乐盛典" Behind The Scenes
zhlédnutí 14KPřed rokem
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP48-INTO1's "2022微博音乐盛典" Behind The Scenes
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP47-INTO1's Team Building Special · 2
zhlédnutí 19KPřed rokem
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP47-INTO1's Team Building Special · 2
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP46-INTO1's "2023海南省春节联欢晚会" Behind The Scenes
zhlédnutí 18KPřed rokem
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP46-INTO1's "2023海南省春节联欢晚会" Behind The Scenes
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP45-INTO1's Team Building Special · 1
zhlédnutí 21KPřed rokem
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP45-INTO1's Team Building Special · 1
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP44-INTO1's "2023网络视听年度盛典" Behind The Scenes
zhlédnutí 19KPřed rokem
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP44-INTO1's "2023网络视听年度盛典" Behind The Scenes
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP43-INTO1's Henan TV "2023河南卫视奇遇新年夜" Behind The Scenes
zhlédnutí 16KPřed rokem
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP43-INTO1's Henan TV "2023河南卫视奇遇新年夜" Behind The Scenes
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP42-INTO1's Baidu "沸点元宇宙之夜" Behind The Scenes
zhlédnutí 11KPřed rokem
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP42-INTO1's Baidu "沸点元宇宙之夜" Behind The Scenes
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP41-INTO1's "拾光之夜"Behind The Scenes
zhlédnutí 12KPřed rokem
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP41-INTO1's "拾光之夜"Behind The Scenes
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP40-INTO1's “JiangsuTV 2023跨年演唱会” Behind The Scenes
zhlédnutí 15KPřed rokem
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP40-INTO1's “JiangsuTV 2023跨年演唱会” Behind The Scenes
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP39-INTO1's Chinese New Year Special
zhlédnutí 19KPřed rokem
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP39-INTO1's Chinese New Year Special
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP38-INTO1's Kuaishou "老铁联欢晚会" Behind The Scenes
zhlédnutí 13KPřed rokem
INTO1's【ONE能频道】EP38-INTO1's Kuaishou "老铁联欢晚会" Behind The Scenes


  • @szerch1726
    @szerch1726 Před dnem

    Is it their last episode?

  • @heaven7880
    @heaven7880 Před dnem

    Miss you into1 😢

  • @Yingkae25life
    @Yingkae25life Před dnem

    miss Into1❤❤😢

  • @user-yw3zi1qy4n
    @user-yw3zi1qy4n Před 2 dny


  • @user-kk8xq1qw9u
    @user-kk8xq1qw9u Před 6 dny


  • @user-kk8xq1qw9u
    @user-kk8xq1qw9u Před 6 dny


  • @eggpotateu1208
    @eggpotateu1208 Před 9 dny


  • @machiietun9920
    @machiietun9920 Před 10 dny


  • @sfhasky1532
    @sfhasky1532 Před 12 dny

    กลับมาฟังก็คือ น้ำตาไหล🥲 คิดถึงพวกเขาจังง

  • @lunalitaluna4125
    @lunalitaluna4125 Před 14 dny

    Hey ! i still missing you guys :)

  • @airfryer893
    @airfryer893 Před 21 dnem

    oh how i miss them 😭😭😭😭😭

  • @phairinnaewla9006
    @phairinnaewla9006 Před 22 dny


  • @user-uy7id1lv9k
    @user-uy7id1lv9k Před 23 dny

    มาฟังหน้าหนาว อบอุ่นเกินน😂

  • @zenawang8627
    @zenawang8627 Před 23 dny

    Daniel looks sooo happy when he was dancing😄😄😂lilD was smiling the whole time😂丹妮儿也太嗨了吧🥰好可爱😍一个人的party😂🤣

  • @user-fohviiouf
    @user-fohviiouf Před měsícem


  • @JJennie56
    @JJennie56 Před měsícem

    2024 miss you into1❤

  • @fleurskoobi
    @fleurskoobi Před měsícem


  • @user-qr8wj2to3t
    @user-qr8wj2to3t Před měsícem


  • @V1ctorique
    @V1ctorique Před měsícem


  • @loucasablanca3771
    @loucasablanca3771 Před měsícem


  • @IGirlDiaries670
    @IGirlDiaries670 Před 2 měsíci

    break the skyyy...

  • @Hoangyenwifi
    @Hoangyenwifi Před 2 měsíci

    Tiểu Vũ giỏi quá❤

  • @praevatingtong5779
    @praevatingtong5779 Před 2 měsíci

    Miss you

  • @machiietun9920
    @machiietun9920 Před 2 měsíci


  • @joannetsai5278
    @joannetsai5278 Před 2 měsíci


  • @bottomsky
    @bottomsky Před 2 měsíci

    Lin Mo 💛 💛 💛 💛

  • @bottomsky
    @bottomsky Před 2 měsíci

    Lin Mo 💛 💛 💛 💛

  • @nanine9604
    @nanine9604 Před 2 měsíci

    คิดถึงอีกแล้ว คิดถึงมากๆๆๆๆๆๆเลย แปปๆผ่านไปปีกว่าแล้วหรอที่พวกแกแยกย้าย เป็นยังไงบ้าง ทางนี้คิดถึงทุกวันเลย ฟังเพลงพวกแกเสมอ ขอบคุณนะที่มาสร้างรอยยิ้มและความทรงจำอันสวยงามเหล่านี้ไว้ คิดถึงนะINTO1อยากบอกทุกวันเลย🥹

  • @ann4nr
    @ann4nr Před 2 měsíci

    sampe sekarang masih sedih banget lohhh😭love you guys🤟

  • @pornsawankhongsuksai2016
    @pornsawankhongsuksai2016 Před 2 měsíci

    คิดถึงINTO1ระยะเวลา2ปีถึงจะไม่ได้นานเเต่มีความหมายมาก เป็นวงเเรกที่พอเเยกย้ายทำให้นี่ร้องไห้ได้ เเล้วยิ่งฟังเพลง+ดูMVไปด้วยร้องไห้×10ไปอีก

  • @WhatABozoVibe
    @WhatABozoVibe Před 2 měsíci


  • @WhatABozoVibe
    @WhatABozoVibe Před 2 měsíci

    Miss them all 😭

  • @happynaress
    @happynaress Před 2 měsíci

    Happy 3rd anniversary boys!💖

  • @tranleuyenphuong6386
    @tranleuyenphuong6386 Před 2 měsíci

    1 year later and I'm here to say I still miss them a lot 🥲 Wish my boys are the best!

  • @tamlannguyenle7261
    @tamlannguyenle7261 Před 2 měsíci


  • @pakhwanhating6121
    @pakhwanhating6121 Před 2 měsíci


  • @khushijaiswal1916
    @khushijaiswal1916 Před 3 měsíci

    Santa ❤❤❤❤

  • @trcng
    @trcng Před 3 měsíci

    Love for INTO1 <3

  • @user-xt3cu9jw9g
    @user-xt3cu9jw9g Před 3 měsíci

    Into1 i miss you verymuch😭😭

  • @kris.007
    @kris.007 Před 3 měsíci

    This group was so neglected on the international side. Which is so incredibly sad because they only happened because of international votes. I hate how all of INTO1 went. So much potential wasted. 😭

  • @cassandragalvan1180
    @cassandragalvan1180 Před 3 měsíci

    into1 balance song and then we can 🥫 🥫

  • @psychedelicacynical
    @psychedelicacynical Před 3 měsíci

    why am I getting so much nostalgia now 🥺 miss our into1 boys after seeing liuyu, mika and nine at the Chuang Asia finale a few days ago

  • @weiwei7977
    @weiwei7977 Před 3 měsíci

    Mika ❤

  • @pasineetungnamkam1715
    @pasineetungnamkam1715 Před 3 měsíci

    คิดถึงค่ะ คิดถึง คิดถึง คิดถึง คิดถึง คิดถึง คนเราตายเพราะความคิดถึงได้มั้ยคะ เรากำลังจะตายเพราะคิดถึง หายใจเข้าออกมีแต่ความคิดถึง คนอื่นเดินหน้าไปถึงไหนต่อไหนกันแล้ว เรายังติดอยู่ปี2021อยู่เลยค่ะ😢

    • @user-ly1cl6dw9e
      @user-ly1cl6dw9e Před 2 měsíci


  • @04txwanmekhchay49
    @04txwanmekhchay49 Před 3 měsíci


  • @iuyzl314
    @iuyzl314 Před 3 měsíci

    Dear OLDBUTGOLD_INTO1, I have lived happily, had more experiences, and not stand any band else; I am scared to face The Graduation like ours once again. Although we have to grow up, I hope that both INTO1 and Insiders can live at that moment more times. Love my youth

  • @iuyzl314
    @iuyzl314 Před 3 měsíci

    After 1 year, I'm braver to listen the song again, I miss them ...

    @INTO1ONLY Před 3 měsíci

    Time flies just so fast and 1year feel like yesterday

  • @nywzhizhang
    @nywzhizhang Před 3 měsíci

    linmo suits this concept. he killed it!

  • @nywzhizhang
    @nywzhizhang Před 3 měsíci

    linmo took the high note while flying. i cant 😭