Cliff Lind Hjulskov
Cliff Lind Hjulskov
  • 19
  • 4 257
Kender du John? Han fortrød, at han sagde ja til CBDC / MitID
Kender du John? 🤔 Han fortrød, at han sagde ja til CBDC / MitID
Centralbanks digitale valutaer (Central Bank Digital Currencies)
Det vil påvirke os alle. Jeg kan ikke gentage, hvor kritisk det er at modsætte sig dette drakoniske system.
Følgerne af det på vores liv, vores børns liv og deres system vil være ødelæggende. Hvad videoen diskuterer er kun halvdelen af det.
Det er ikke en konspirationsteori. Systemet er allerede oppe at køre i Kina.
Hvis der er én sag, der burde opmuntre folk af enhver politisk fløj, race og religion. Er det dette.
Nej til at tillader CBDC. Centralbanks digitale valutaer.
Ignorer venligst ikke denne besked. Helt ærligt, hvis du lukker dette system ind, vil du fortryde det.
En stor tak til 'Johnny's Cash' skrevet og produceret af Richard D. Hall og animeret af Ross Broadstock. En enorm taknemmelighed til den, der spreder budskabet.
Stop verdens kontrol - for vores, vores børns og børnebørns fremtid.
Danske undertekster af - Gå For Friheden I Kærlighed Til Biologien 💚
Cliff, den Suveræne mand der kæmper for, at vi afskaffer Tyranniet, Slaveriet og Decentralisere alt til den enkelte. Intet menneske har retten til at begrænse et andet menneskes udfoldelse. Lad verden fungere på et frivilligt-købmands-princip, hvor du er fri til at købe/sælge/gøre præcis, som du ønsker uden at gøre skade.
[CC] med danske undertekster
Do you know John? He regretted saying yes to the CBDC app / MitID.
Central Bank Digital Currencies.
It will affect all of us. I can't reiterate how critical it is to oppose this draconian system.
The ramifications of it upon our lives, your children's lives and their system will be devastating. What the video discusses is only half of it.
It isn't a conspiracy theory. The system is already up and running in China.
If there is one cause that should galvanize people of every political wing, race and religion. It's this.
No two allow CBDCs.
Central Bank Digital Currencies.
Please do not ignore this message. Honestly, if you let this system in, you will regret it.
A huge thanks to 'Johnny's Cash' was written and produced by Richard D. Hall and Cartoons by Ross Broadstock. Enormous gratitude to the one who spreads the message.
Stop World Control - For Ours, Our Children's & Grandchildren's Future
Danish subtitles by - Go For Freedom In Love of Biology 💚
Cliff, the Sovereign man, I am fighting for us to abolish Tyranny, Slavery and Decentralize everything to the individual. No human being has the right to limit another human being's expression. Let the World operate on a voluntary-merchant principle where you are free to buy/sell/do precisely as you wish without doing harm.
zhlédnutí: 1 014


Aalborg For Friheden Lørdag 14 nov 2020
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Du er en vigtig del af løsningen for at stoppe galskaben! Til alle de mennesker, der undrer sig: "men HVORDAN overreagerede vi så meget - HVORDAN gik alle eksperterne så amok? Professor i psykologi Mattias Desmet forklarer, hvor vigtigt det er, at alle, der ser bedraget, utrætteligt fortsætter med at stille spørgsmål og fortælle Sandheden - for at undgå katastrofe, hvor drab bliver ærefuldt, fo...
MIB og Modstand Nord Demonstration Aalborg 8 Maj 2021 for Frihed
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Vi kæmper også for din Frihed til at vælge, selv når du mener det stik modsatte end os! Gå For Friheden I Kærlighed Til Biologien 💚 Det er den skønneste, livsbekræftende meddelelse i denne ødelæggende Plandemi Corona-tid. Denne forbrydelse skal stoppe og de ansvarlige skal rydde op og betale for deres bedrag imod menneskeheden. At de ansvarlige aldrig har lytte til os der ønskede en videnskabe...
5 Juni 2020 Gå for Friheden I kærlighed til Biologien
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Gå For Friheden I Kærlighed Til Biologien Jeg kan ikke forestille mig en større gave for menneskeheden end Friheden til at vælge. Når Friheder Går Væk - Går mit sunde immunforsvar i aktion! HVAD står i vejen for sundheden? Et ufuldstændigt livssyn hvor miljøet og universet er betragtet, som noget adskildt fra vores biologi. English version At vi ikke sætter pris på dette samspil er i virkelighe...
Stay strong and always speak the Truth about any situation; you can help save the future. M. Desmet
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You are an important part of the solution to stop the madness! Mass Formation Psychology For all the people who wonder: "but HOW did we over-react so much - HOW did all the experts go so crazy? Professor of Psychology Mattias Desmet explains how important it is that everyone who sees the deception tirelessly continues to ask questions and tell the Truth - to avoid disaster, where killing become...
Stay strong and always speak the Truth about any situation; you can help save the future! M. Desmet
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You are an important part of the solution to stop the madness! Mass Formation Psychology For all the people who wonder: "but HOW did we over-react so much - HOW did all the experts go so crazy? Professor of Psychology Mattias Desmet explains how important it is that everyone who sees the deception tirelessly continues to ask questions and tell the Truth - to avoid disaster, where killing become...
The Magnetic Human Issues - By Go For Freedom In Love of Biology
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After watching Not On The Beeb, The Zach and Gwen Interview - a story of extreme magnetism. So I asked the only logical question, what about me? Am I also magnetic, although I would never take Frankenstein Medicine. See for yourself see what I was quite intimidated by and ask your doctor questions. Find more information at Not On The Beeb
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This video is about Police Arrest Trafalgar Square Protest Human Rights 19th Sept 2020 -clean
Police Arrest Trafalgar Square Protest Human Rights 19th Sept 2020
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This video is about Police Arrest Trafalgar Square Protest Human Rights 19th Sept 2020
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Far & søn ude og Ro Kajak igen, skønt.
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En Blåmajseunges møde med det første vindue HD 1080p
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Under Overfladen Hotel Orpheus Giardini Naxos Sicily 2012
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Henning Bitsch


  • @scottthefunk
    @scottthefunk Před 3 lety


  • @rozcindylove4583
    @rozcindylove4583 Před 4 lety

    Thank you for recording this. Shame on them. It was a given. Who do you call when the police are assaulting someone. I hope he gets justice. I am beyond apalled. I no longer trust the police. Enough is enough of this brutality.

  • @Mavic_101
    @Mavic_101 Před 4 lety

    fucking dogs the lot of them

  • @thesilverphist6483
    @thesilverphist6483 Před 4 lety

    hyenas dragging off a gazelle

  • @hendrixblues2540
    @hendrixblues2540 Před 4 lety

    This is why they call them PIGS ! Oh and they are normally as thick as pig shit too.

  • @versewriter8123
    @versewriter8123 Před 4 lety

    No, last week’s was a different gentleman.

  • @simaj41
    @simaj41 Před 4 lety

    This is from last week.

  • @sirguyfawkes8702
    @sirguyfawkes8702 Před 4 lety

    UK police are thugs working for the scum elite