핏타민 Fitamin
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[Fitple] 향긋한 차 한 잔과 여유를 선물하는 이의 이야기 l 티 소믈리에 이현해
#핏타민 #핏플 #티소믈리에
건강하게 잘 사는 사람들의 이야기를 담은
핏타민 미니 다큐멘터리, 핏플
이야기의 네 번째 주인공으로
우리들에게 조금은 생소할 수 있는
티 소믈리에, 이현해 님을 만나고 왔습니다.
건강을 위해 커피보다는 차를 선택하는 분들이 점점 많아지고,
그만큼 차에 대한 관심도 높아지고 있는데요
저희와 함께 티 소믈리에 이현해 님이 들려주는
차와 건강에 대한 얘기, 들어보실까요?
지금 영상에서 확인해 보세요 🙏
건강에도 영감이 필요할 때, Fitple
🔗 핏타민 앱 다운로드 링크
핏타민과 함께 건강한 습관을 만들어 보세요!
zhlédnutí: 521


[핏타민] 부산 청년의날 행사 현장 스케치
zhlédnutí 344Před 7 měsíci
#킥더허들 #핏타민 #부산청년의날 안녕하세요. 매일 건강해지는 습관, 핏타민입니다 😊 9월 14일 부산 영화의 전당에서 진행됐던 부산 청년의 날 행사에 참여한 킥더허들, 그리고 핏타민의 모습을 공개합니다. 앞으로도 많은 관심 바랍니다 😆 🔗 핏타민 앱 다운로드 링크 fitamin.onelink.me/8EYA/as56raks 핏타민과 함께 건강한 습관을 만들어 보세요!
[핏타민] 핏타민 더현대서울 팝업스토어 현장 스케치
zhlédnutí 1,9KPřed 9 měsíci
#핏타민 #더현대서울 #덱스 #팝업스토어 안녕하세요. 매일 건강해지는 습관, 핏타민입니다 😊 8월 17일 오픈된 핏타민의 더현대서울 팝업스토어 현장을 여러분들께 소개합니다. 핏타민 팝업스토어는 8월 27일 일요일까지 운영되오니 많은 사랑 부탁드립니다 😘 🔗 핏타민 앱 다운로드 링크 fitamin.onelink.me/8EYA/as56raks 핏타민과 함께 건강한 습관을 만들어 보세요!
[Fitple] 신발을 사랑하는 남자, 그가 건강해야 하는 이유 l 와디의 신발장 와디
zhlédnutí 518Před 9 měsíci
#핏타민 #핏플 #와디 “매번 다른 사람들과 만나려고 노력하는 것 같아요. 그리고 그 속에서 영감을 얻기도 합니다.” 건강하게 잘 사는 사람들의 이야기를 담은 핏타민 미니 다큐멘터리, 핏플 이야기의 세 번째 주인공은 스니커 유튜브의 대표주자라 할 수 있는 유튜브 와디의 신발장의 와디, 고영대님입니다. 대중들에겐 유명한 스니커 마니아로 알려져 있지만 회사의 대표, 그리고 두 아이의 아버지이기도 한 와디님은 그 누구보다 바쁜 삶 속에 살고 계셨는데요! 과연, 와디님은 어떻게 바쁜 삶 속에서 지치지 않고 나아갈 수 있었을까요? 지금 영상에서 확인해 보세요 🙏 건강에도 영감이 필요할 때, Fitple 🔗 핏타민 앱 다운로드 링크 fitamin.onelink.me/8EYA/q6n0z8lz 핏타민과 함께 건강한 ...
[Fitple] 많은 이들에게 영감을 주는 그의 독백 l 원의 독백 임승원
zhlédnutí 1,9KPřed 10 měsíci
#핏타민 #핏플 #원의독백 "100살까지 100kg으로 사는 게 제 목표예요. 딱 깔끔하잖아요." 건강하게 잘 사는 사람들의 이야기를 담은 핏타민 미니 다큐멘터리, 핏플 두 번째로 만나볼 주인공은 본인의 생각이 담긴 독백으로 많은 이들에게 영감을 주는 남자, 유튜브 원의 독백의 임승원님입니다. 오늘은 독백이 아닌 인터뷰로서 임승원님은 우리에게 어떤 영감을 줄 수 있을까요? 지금, 영상에서 확인해 보세요 ☺️ 건강에도 영감이 필요할 때, Fitple 🔗 핏타민 앱 다운로드 링크 fitamin.onelink.me/8EYA/q6n0z8lz 핏타민과 함께 건강한 습관을 만들어 보세요!
[Fitple] 엉덩이 체력이 중요한 영상쟁이들의 하루 l NERDULT
zhlédnutí 774Před 10 měsíci
#핏타민 #핏플 #너덜트 “건강이란 그런 것 같아요. 나 자신을 속이지 않고 ‘나 지금 건강해!‘라고 말할 수 있는 것.” 건강하게 잘 사는 사람들의 이야기를 담은 핏타민 미니 다큐멘터리, 핏플 첫 번째 주인공은 현실 고증 100%! 극사실주의 상황극 콘텐츠로 많은 사랑을 받고 있는 유튜브 채널 너덜트의 유현규, 전상협, 임재형님이에요. 콘텐츠 제작, 영상 촬영, 편집 등 창작과 제작을 하는 직종은 정신적, 육체적 스트레스를 많이 받기로 유명하기에 당연히 너덜트도 ‘건강’과는 거리가 멀어 보이는데요. 그들도 자신의 건강을 위해 일상 속에서 꾸준히 하고 있는 ⌜습관⌟이 있을까요? 지금, 영상에서 확인해 보세요 ☺️ 건강에도 영감이 필요할 때, Fitple 🔗 핏타민 앱 다운로드 링크 fitamin.one...
건강하게 잘 사는 사람들의 이야기 l 건강에도 '영감'이 필요할 때, Fitple Teaser
zhlédnutí 683Před 10 měsíci
#핏타민 #핏플 #fitple 잘 산다는 건 무엇일까요? 방법은 각자 다르겠지만 건강은 언제나 필수 조건이겠죠. 핏플은 핏타민 브랜드의 미니 다큐멘터리입니다. 건강하게 잘 사는 사람들의 이야기를 들어볼거예요. 별거 아닌 이야기에 영감을 받고 또 새로운 시작이 될 수 있으니까요. 잘 산다는 것, 그 시작은 언제나 건강이니까. 건강에도 영감이 필요할 때, Fitple 🔗 핏타민 앱 다운로드 링크 fitamin.onelink.me/8EYA/q6n0z8lz 핏타민과 함께 건강한 습관을 만들어 보세요!
‘그래서 ‘핏타민‘이 뭐예요?’ l 핏타민 사람들의 이야기, Fitory Ep.01
zhlédnutí 957Před 10 měsíci
#핏타민 #핏토리 #Fitory '그래서 핏타민이 뭐예요? 안녕하세요. 매일 건강해지는 습관, 핏타민입니다. 핏타민은 모두가 ‘스스로 건강해지는 삶‘을 만들자는 비젼 아래 약사가 1대1로 맞춤영양제를 소분하는 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. 최근 핏타민 앱에서는 대대적인 업데이트를 진행했는데요. 어떤 부분들이 업데이트가 됐는지, 그렇게 된 배경은 무엇이었는지, 그리고 우리는 왜 ‘습관 형성’에 대해 집중하게 됐었는지 지금, 여러분께 소개해 드리겠습니다. 핏타민 사람들의 이야기, Fitory 🔗 핏타민 앱 다운로드 링크 fitamin.onelink.me/8EYA/as56raks 핏타민과 함께 건강한 습관을 만들어 보세요!
최종 우승자 그리고 그 뒷이야기 I MBTI 인사이드 에필로그
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최종 우승자 그리고 그 뒷이야기 I MBTI 인사이드 에필로그
Is your MBTI type likeable? MBTI Inside, final episode
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Is your MBTI type likeable? MBTI Inside, final episode
“Ps” are always on edge when they’re around “Js”… I MBTI Inside, EP.5
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“Ps” are always on edge when they’re around “Js”… I MBTI Inside, EP.5
“Ts” always get into scuffles, “Fs” I MBTI Inside, EP.4
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“Ts” always get into scuffles, “Fs” I MBTI Inside, EP.4
What happens when you put emotional “F” types in the same room? I MBTI Inside, EP.3
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What happens when you put emotional “F” types in the same room? I MBTI Inside, EP.3
Realists and dreamers! Could S and N really be that different? I MBTI Inside, EP.2
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Realists and dreamers! Could S and N really be that different? I MBTI Inside, EP.2
What happens if you put 16 different MBTI types in one room? I MBTI Inside, EP.1
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What happens if you put 16 different MBTI types in one room? I MBTI Inside, EP.1
사람을 MBTI로 나눌 수 있나? | MBTI 인사이드 메인 예고편
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사람을 MBTI로 나눌 수 있나? | MBTI 인사이드 메인 예고편
16인 출연진 최초 공개 l MBTI 인사이드 티져 영상
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16인 출연진 최초 공개 l MBTI 인사이드 티져 영상


  • @shakiraelle113
    @shakiraelle113 Před 8 hodinami

    from 18:00 to 18:40, as an ISFP, I felt that tension so bad in the room. Us ISFPs can appear a little intimidating and closed off but, well myself, I actually love talking, I just hate being in the spotlight and having to be the first one to talk. I felt so bad for the INFJ though he genuinely looked like he meant well.

  • @Studyk-135
    @Studyk-135 Před 22 hodinami

    Omg, I want to be with "E"s, because they have friendly atmosphere, but I'm an INFP😅👉🏻👈🏻

  • @KY-xz9yb
    @KY-xz9yb Před dnem

    17:08 the way all the Ts were like why are you crying is so funny loll Also the way one F starts crying and the others follows omgg lmao

  • @KY-xz9yb
    @KY-xz9yb Před 3 dny

    The ISTP is insanely attractive to me, and it seems like she's oblivious to those that like her. I just find 40:34 the way ISFJ just goes to sit with ISFP so cute ISTJ disliking ISFJ is almost a red flag, considering the position that ISFJ was in. ISTJ did that without knowing whether ISFJ would get likes or not, and if she didnt get likes she would of broken down more. Even if she truly feels uncomfortable, I feel actually voting against her is a huge personality flaw

  • @KY-xz9yb
    @KY-xz9yb Před 3 dny

    i felt that the ISFJ crying was maybe not only about worrying about not having presence, but also that the only friend she made there and voted for in the first round, didnt vote back for her and then through the missions she was getting along with another girl really well. i feel it could be partly jealousy but ofc im not her mbti so i dont really know

  • @jinnayah9452
    @jinnayah9452 Před 3 dny

    Waahh this episode really touched my heart 😢❤!!!

  • @KY-xz9yb
    @KY-xz9yb Před 3 dny

    I feel in a way, this is not only a reality show but also an experiment. And thinking of it in that way, this experiment would have been more accurate if the participants are all the same gender and heterosexual (so that affection by looks wouldnt affect the results) . I could definitely see women power coming together here

  • @KY-xz9yb
    @KY-xz9yb Před 3 dny

    48:35 and the way she went to hug her e counterpart is soo cute

  • @KY-xz9yb
    @KY-xz9yb Před 3 dny

    Also I struggled to understand how the INTP guy got all the N to play but not when it was all I's

  • @KY-xz9yb
    @KY-xz9yb Před 3 dny

    29:58 it seems like the infp likes intp

  • @KY-xz9yb
    @KY-xz9yb Před 4 dny

    isfp and infp are so cute

  • @intanzahra5024
    @intanzahra5024 Před 4 dny

    imm ISFP💗💗💗 im withh youu isfp ,whathever u say its truee, kamu mewakilkan aku haha

  • @KY-xz9yb
    @KY-xz9yb Před 4 dny

    just a feeling but the E seemed to make the I room more "E" And the I made the E room just a tiny bit more quieter

  • @KY-xz9yb
    @KY-xz9yb Před 4 dny

    I can't help but realize how the I room instantly filled with smiles when the E came in. As an "I", it makes me want to lead this way even if it means faking to be an E

  • @KY-xz9yb
    @KY-xz9yb Před 4 dny

    Also is it just me or that one girl looks like Chungha

  • @KY-xz9yb
    @KY-xz9yb Před 4 dny

    Just an I taking notes on social situations. I-side, awkwardly almost forced the "I"s to play board games. It felt like the INTP guy was caring too much about whether or not someone wanted to play and that giving them that choice just made it weird I think. E-side, everything felt natural and almost necessary" and the way they really acted out their jokes made it that much better. Another difference is that with board games, the focus of the people was on the game itself. While for the E group, they seemed to prefer just talking about stories and sharing one by one. That female ISTJ is not "T" at all. Getting frustrated over just not being able to turn on a stove feels very feeling>thinking to me. Whereas I feel, T would be in the problem-solving mindset, and really curious if its actually broken or finding out the way to open it. Funny how E sent the most E person, and I coincidentally sent the most I person! The way E instantly lit up the I room was amazing. and also the way "I" made the whole E room very "sensitive" to what they say whereas before it was like they didnt care what they said. Also the way INTP, who was trying to lead the I room by becoming the E instantly shut down when a true E arrived. I do the same honestly, I feel better leading quiet people. I think its partially because talkative ppl seem confident and that feels like leadership

  • @hnisk9392
    @hnisk9392 Před 4 dny

    Please save my baby chodan there😂

  • @lvrljen
    @lvrljen Před 5 dny

    Sry but that intp guy is really annoying

  • @jjm3128
    @jjm3128 Před 6 dny

    E들 자기소개 시작하니까 영상 소리 줄여야하는게 실화냐.,.

  • @Miro_zer0
    @Miro_zer0 Před 6 dny

    14:35 "i really hope they dont show these conversations" 😭

  • @nezptune
    @nezptune Před 6 dny

    I’m intp 💪💪💪💪

  • @zainizzath9013
    @zainizzath9013 Před 7 dny

    People saying intp to be the most introverted had always been a weird notion to me as an intp (i had always thought of myself as either intp or entp but there is just a huuuugeee gap in character in peoples stereotypes of both which made it hard for me to decide) But this assured me, INTPs are capable of being the extrovert when necessary. When situation calls for it i too goof around to lighten the mood or to remove the awkwardness…. Quite reassuring 😌

  • @bacKagainst.ThewaLl

    다깐다 저분 하… 일절만 하면 되는데 계속 뭐하나 꽂히면 그칠줄 모르시니까.. 영상 보는 내내 저분이 말하면 뭔가 불편해지는 느낌…

  • @zngzngzng
    @zngzngzng Před 8 dny

    I am an ENTP myself and I'm telling yall, ENTJ here was definitely an ENTP! I literally saw myself in him. I have many ENTJ friends-and some crushes- and this man is no ENTJ!!! Also, I liked ENTP woman as a person but no... Either she doesn't fit stereotypes or she is just not an ENTP.

  • @user-xv9nq4qo4s
    @user-xv9nq4qo4s Před 9 dny

    Fの人はFのチームの空気を見て幸せな気持ちになるだろうし Tの人はTのチームの空気が共感的で興味深いものになると思う

  • @Leoneelmesee
    @Leoneelmesee Před 9 dny

    We want another episodes with another people 😫🔥

  • @weebtf7022
    @weebtf7022 Před 10 dny

    As an INTP I'm in love with INFP. I can relate INTP and INFP alot. Just like INTP of this show said in previous ep. that he can relate INFP's speech and then votes for INFP, becoz even i did feel the same as INTP (And maybe because I'm an INTP at the end of the day)

  • @SabrinaJefford
    @SabrinaJefford Před 11 dny

    INFP was overwhelmed when she first discovered that she was among the 'Top 3 Most Likeable MBTI Type' partly due to knowing that she hadn't made any effort to make herself likeable in front of others at all. Through all episodes, she was simply being her own, authentic self. No acting and no pretending. INFP's high empathy shone through whenever they witness somebody in distress/struggle. They just spontaneously comfort and console the person in need of emotional support. INFP's dominant cognitive function is Introverted Feeling (Fi). Thus, it makes so much sense why they are highly empathetic towards others despite being an introvert. - an INFP -

  • @loverlee6336
    @loverlee6336 Před 12 dny

    At 18:33 the infj was getting awkward and uncomfortable for that period of silence is so me 😭

  • @ohmychrstne
    @ohmychrstne Před 13 dny

    the intro song was so calming, what's the title?

    • @ohmychrstne
      @ohmychrstne Před 13 dny

      Found it lol La routa Di Un Luna Park - Will You Dance with Me Remake version by Lalinea, Semo, Silke

  • @Jemiscool123ABC
    @Jemiscool123ABC Před 14 dny

    As an estp I would probably go crazy in here lmaoo

  • @laiza9792
    @laiza9792 Před 14 dny

    54:02 i have never related to something so much before ✨❤️

  • @tuluii
    @tuluii Před 14 dny


  • @renahime_
    @renahime_ Před 15 dny

    interesting how the INTP and ISTP were the most talkative out of the introverted bunch despite both having inf Fe.

  • @laiza9792
    @laiza9792 Před 15 dny

    The istp making thoes car noises was so accurate 😭✋

  • @kylachooi7330
    @kylachooi7330 Před 15 dny

    Whenever I did mbti tests, I always get either Isfp-t or enfj-t

  • @NevertahnProduction
    @NevertahnProduction Před 16 dny

    I love how the ESTJ immediately sets some Te-Si order by organising the shoes. Never change <3

  • @Nonexistent244
    @Nonexistent244 Před 16 dny

    Entp being the most introvert extrovert there 😂

  • @Nonexistent244
    @Nonexistent244 Před 16 dny

    Entp just sitting on the ground and taking everything in is just so me 😂

  • @Rin_305
    @Rin_305 Před 17 dny

    I really want to live with other 15 fellow introverts if possible The atmosphere is really comfy and nice to live in and talk with each other

  • @coconutpuff4924
    @coconutpuff4924 Před 17 dny

    37:47, I completely relate!

  • @user-ey8gm3cr2r
    @user-ey8gm3cr2r Před 17 dny

    저도 ENFJ인데 고민 들었을때 소름 돋았어요 공감하고 고민이 해결되지않아도 간접적으로 위로받았습니다

  • @asahi7910
    @asahi7910 Před 17 dny

    Do Intp Can they leave their homes???

  • @melmiluci
    @melmiluci Před 17 dny

    Why is this like cinema quality?

  • @alecs5396
    @alecs5396 Před 18 dny

    INTP and all, I still think he was acting kinda rude - INTP

  • @waathathsarani5677
    @waathathsarani5677 Před 18 dny

    im sorry but the entj seems misstyped😅....he looks like an estp or esfp

  • @coconutpuff4924
    @coconutpuff4924 Před 18 dny

    24:16 true!

  • @coconutpuff4924
    @coconutpuff4924 Před 18 dny

    20:15 I completely agree!

  • @cuteHobi
    @cuteHobi Před 18 dny

    I like the way an E lead all conservation, refresh all I and all I listen to him and laugh without disturbing.

  • @coconutpuff4924
    @coconutpuff4924 Před 18 dny

    44:11 I completely agree.