Cross to Crown Ministries
Cross to Crown Ministries
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Teacher, Are You Using the Law Lawfully?
zhlédnutí 218Před 4 měsíci
Teacher, Are You Using the Law Lawfully?
Jesus Gives Commands, Not Advice
zhlédnutí 145Před 4 měsíci
Jesus Gives Commands, Not Advice
Where does "Jesus" appear in the Old Testament
zhlédnutí 172Před 4 měsíci
Where does "Jesus" appear in the Old Testament
Has Jesus opened your mind to understand the Scriptures?
zhlédnutí 189Před 4 měsíci
Has Jesus opened your mind to understand the Scriptures?
New Covenant Theology: Are We Under the Ten Commandments?
zhlédnutí 284Před 4 měsíci
New Covenant Theology: Are We Under the Ten Commandments?
Suppose the Old Covenant is still in force: good or bad news?
zhlédnutí 417Před 4 měsíci
Suppose the Old Covenant is still in force: good or bad news?
"Faith alone" and "grace alone" must not make us think that righteousness is a side issue for God.
zhlédnutí 242Před 4 měsíci
"Faith alone" and "grace alone" must not make us think that righteousness is a side issue for God.
Free Form Friday: accomplish something, refuse to argue, name your blessings
zhlédnutí 367Před 7 měsíci
Free Form Friday: accomplish something, refuse to argue, name your blessings
“The End of the Age” and the Fall of Jerusalem (Matthew 24)
zhlédnutí 1,7KPřed 7 měsíci
“The End of the Age” and the Fall of Jerusalem (Matthew 24)
Battles of Angels and Men (Daniel 10-12)
zhlédnutí 909Před 7 měsíci
Battles of Angels and Men (Daniel 10-12)
70 Weeks and 70 AD (Daniel 9)
zhlédnutí 2,3KPřed 7 měsíci
70 Weeks and 70 AD (Daniel 9)
The Temple’s Destruction Was Connected to the End (Daniel 8)
zhlédnutí 1,8KPřed 7 měsíci
The Temple’s Destruction Was Connected to the End (Daniel 8)
Free Form Friday: Enjoying 2024, thanks Edgar, answered prayers, taking care of our bodies
zhlédnutí 279Před 8 měsíci
Free Form Friday: Enjoying 2024, thanks Edgar, answered prayers, taking care of our bodies
Son of Man Coming in the Clouds of Heaven (Daniel 7)
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Son of Man Coming in the Clouds of Heaven (Daniel 7)
God’s Kingdom Is Filling the Earth (Daniel 2)
zhlédnutí 1KPřed 8 měsíci
God’s Kingdom Is Filling the Earth (Daniel 2)
The Prince of Peace Is On His Throne (Isa. 9, Matt. 4)
zhlédnutí 913Před 8 měsíci
The Prince of Peace Is On His Throne (Isa. 9, Matt. 4)
Concluding Luke
zhlédnutí 63Před 11 měsíci
Concluding Luke
The Gospel of the Old Testament 3 (Luke 24:13-27)
zhlédnutí 43Před 11 měsíci
The Gospel of the Old Testament 3 (Luke 24:13-27)
The Gospel of the Old Testament-Part 2 (Luke 24:44-48)
zhlédnutí 51Před 11 měsíci
The Gospel of the Old Testament-Part 2 (Luke 24:44-48)
The Gospel of the Old Testament 2 (Luke 24:13-35)
zhlédnutí 47Před 11 měsíci
The Gospel of the Old Testament 2 (Luke 24:13-35)
The Gospel of the Old Testament-Part 1 (Luke 24:44-47)
zhlédnutí 61Před 11 měsíci
The Gospel of the Old Testament-Part 1 (Luke 24:44-47)
He is risen (Luke 24)
zhlédnutí 19Před 11 měsíci
He is risen (Luke 24)
Reactions to the Death of Jesus (Luke 23:47-56)
zhlédnutí 2Před 11 měsíci
Reactions to the Death of Jesus (Luke 23:47-56)
He Breathed His Last (Luke 23:44-46)
zhlédnutí 51Před 11 měsíci
He Breathed His Last (Luke 23:44-46)
Christ Crucified Cont. (Luke 23:34b-43)
zhlédnutí 2Před 11 měsíci
Christ Crucified Cont. (Luke 23:34b-43)
Christ crucified (Luke 23:32-34a)
zhlédnutí 7Před 11 měsíci
Christ crucified (Luke 23:32-34a)
Weep for Yourselves and For Your Children (Luke 23:27-31)
zhlédnutí 99Před 11 měsíci
Weep for Yourselves and For Your Children (Luke 23:27-31)
Christ's Humiliation (Luke 23:26)
zhlédnutí 8Před 11 měsíci
Christ's Humiliation (Luke 23:26)
The Messiah for the Murderer (Luke 23:1-25)
zhlédnutí 3Před 11 měsíci
The Messiah for the Murderer (Luke 23:1-25)


  • @louisnese8902
    @louisnese8902 Před 8 hodinami

    They never read as so-called Christians show me a letter written to the Christians Christianized by the blood of Christ there are none! They read the scriptures as saints sanctified by the blood of Messiah. Look at almost all of the letters to the congregation's (churches) most if not all say to the saints of (then city or town) also Yeshua/aka Jesus never called his followers Christians, Yeshua/aka Jesus called them apostles or disciples (students). And the reason it says all Israel will be saved is because all who come to Yeshua/aka Jesus are Israel. There is no Jew or Greek slave or free. Note that Paul says you were once Gentiles 1 Corinthians 12:1-3 1Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. 2Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led. 3Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. There is no gate for the gentiles Israel is YAH'S/aka God's nation made up of all nations If you are in Yeshua/aka Jesus then you are not a Jew, gentile, Greek, slave or free but you are Israel YAH'S /aka God's chosen people. Hope this helps someone thank you.

  • @LarryLarpwell
    @LarryLarpwell Před 11 hodinami

    the endless self examination and debates based on very little instruction because it was written for jews to get through until Christ came and got them not meant for expansive megachurches and online "ministries"... the guys who taught futurism, now teach preterism mixed with law, like Steve Gregg are a theological nightmare, and a version of that is happening in real time here... endless old white guys pushing their pet doctrines with maximum self righteousness. Generally Doug's NC theology is a far superior interpretation, however that isn't accounting for the past 200+ years of total theological horror. As a full preterist, I'm 100% convinced that Evangelicalism is how you lost America, not lack of culture war engagement.

  • @neilkearns536
    @neilkearns536 Před 16 hodinami

    The equating "it is one and the same" is assumed to be to being uncovered. However, I propose a better understanding is that is is equating to being "dishonoured". So a woman having her head uncovered has a dishonoured head just as does the woman whose head is shaven. It is not the uncovered head that is the same as being shaven, but rather the situation pf being dishonoured. So Paul can then say the woman has a choice in church to hide her glory ( her hair) .. she can cover her head or she can cut off her hair. Both are acceptable ways of covering her glory. However Paul in his one and the same argument is acknowledging and pointing out that a woman would not in practice choose the head shaving option because of yhe embarrasment it causes her. Soshe is left with only the optopn of covering her hezd during cotporste prayer/prophesy.

  • @neilkearns536
    @neilkearns536 Před 16 hodinami

    The semen speculation is rubbish exegesis.

    • @neilkearns536
      @neilkearns536 Před 16 hodinami

      It is complete nonsense and extreme eisegesis.

    • @neilkearns536
      @neilkearns536 Před 16 hodinami

      Look to the text and Paul's actual and integrated argument for understanding.

  • @neilkearns536
    @neilkearns536 Před 16 hodinami

    I agree the theory regarding angels being Roman messengers is a better speculation However, it is still soeculation from outside the text and so outside Pauls logical, integrated and coherent argument. Possibly better is to consider the relation to the creation passage Psalm 8 from which Paul seems to be using the terms honour and glory. Because Paul also explains Genesis 1 and 2 then he seems to be integrating these with Psalm 8. Angels is also a preeminent word in the Septuagint of Psalm 8. There is also another facet of the text that is missed in ALL the English transllations. There is no inherent reason why "because of the angels" has to be part of the sentence that comes before it. .It could quite properly be part of the following sentence.

    • @neilkearns536
      @neilkearns536 Před 16 hodinami

      Psalm 8 is about the order of creation and reality .. which 1 cor 11 is about ... the head of man is Christ etc.

  • @neilkearns536
    @neilkearns536 Před 17 hodinami

    "Her hair is a covering" I S NOT the same greek word used in " to cover" from esrlier verses. That is, thr word "covering" hete is a very poor and misleading and confusing translation. A possible better translation is "adornment/decoration". This fits better with her hair being her glory and the mans long hair being unattractive.

  • @neilkearns536
    @neilkearns536 Před 17 hodinami

    The parallel to chapter elevens "praying or prophesying" is the discussion of praying(tongues ... maybe without interpretation) and prophesy in chapter 14. These 2, prayer and prophesy are a shorthand way of referring to "speaking" in church of chapter 14. Chapter 14 is clearly the gathered church. Chapter 11s discussion of prayer and prophesy is likely the same situation. Now chapter14 explicitly forbids women individually speaking in the assembly. So we are left with that chapter 11 prayer or prophesy is referring to being in the gathered church during this prayer and prophesy. Yes women do/should participate in corporate prayer and prophesy but not orally and overtly.. ie not leading. Also to be noted in chapter 11 is the reference to the gathering "to eat". It is possible that chapter 11 is referencing 2 types of gathering ... for prayer/prophesy and another for eating. The head covering instructions may thus only apply to the prayer/prophesy meeting.

  • @rogerhales9966
    @rogerhales9966 Před 19 hodinami

    You dont believe sound doctrine,,nor do you believe Paul Paul wrote a letter to the thesolonians,,the letter arrived to the thesolonians,,the thesolonians opened their letter from Paul,,it said From Paul Unto the church of thesolonians WE thesolonians shall not all sleep But WE thesolonians shall all be changed You say none of the thesolonians were changed,,AND ALL THE THESSALONIANS SLEEP,,,, ,, THE THESSALONIANS READ AND BELIEVED THEIR LETTER FROM PAUL,,,THE THESSALONIANS KNEW THEY WOULD NOT ALL SLEEP BUT THEY WOULD ALL BE CHANGED,,SOME WOULD SLEEP,,AND SOME WOULD BE ALIVE AND REMAINING, TILL THE COMING OF THE LORD,,THOSE THESSALONIANS SLEEPING IN CHRIST COULD NOT MEET THE LORD IN THE AIR WITHOUT THOSE THESSALONIANS THAT WERE ALIVE AND REMAINING !!! YOU DONT BELIEVE PAUL,NOR GOD

  • @danielg7868
    @danielg7868 Před 22 hodinami

    From what I've seen, churches look at elders as kinda "super spiritual" but they're just living the Christian life as we're called to. The fact of the matter is that every man should be qualified to be an elder (except maybe the ability to teach) because that's the calling Jesus has made for us all.

  • @N81999
    @N81999 Před dnem

    While I can see some theological disagreement I would have with ya I have a lot I wpuld agree with and I really appreciate how you give as honest of a reading of Scripture as you can. I hold to a form of Theonomy and thought it was cool how you went through passages that seem to challenge New Covenant Theology. People rarely want to challenge their views especially their uncommon views so I think its awesome how you do that. Do you think one day you could do a more overt hermeneutics series so in addition to you having examples of you walking through a passage we can have more prescriptive teaching on how you study?

  • @Kenn-rb7gq
    @Kenn-rb7gq Před dnem

    Thanks brother 😊

  • @Michael-cz8hr
    @Michael-cz8hr Před dnem

    Brother thank you for being faithful to the clear text. It is MUCH harder to put into practice the commands of God than to read books and ponder.

  • @smileywolf
    @smileywolf Před dnem

    I remember all the grasshoppers on our little 2 acre property in North Texas in spring hoping all over the place so tiny.

  • @LawofChristMinistries

    good study

  • @LawofChristMinistries

    most folks ( I was one of them) read more books about the Bible rather than reading the Bible itself

  • @LawofChristMinistries

    Christianity- Gospel of Jesus, and godliness

  • @LawofChristMinistries

    not even the words of Doug goodin ? lol

  • @dalelouis4652
    @dalelouis4652 Před 2 dny

    You are teaching us to read the text for what it says and then you contradict what it says? Titus 1:2 "before the ages of time began" didn't time begin at creation? so wouldn't Paul mean before that? Sorry if I misunderstood your comment. Let me say again about "time", it is a physical part of creation, God is outside of time, seeing all of it at once. It's hard to understand but must be considered.

    • @CrossToCrownLive
      @CrossToCrownLive Před 2 dny

      “Began” is not in the Greek text. It reads, “before times of the ages.” How am I contradicting it? As for “time,” the Scripture doesn’t define it or speak of God’s relation to it? How would you define it, and what does it mean to be “outside” of it?

  • @indo3052
    @indo3052 Před 2 dny

    I think you are misunderstanding Paul. Without context, you will place him into the lawless category. There’s so many contradictions . Paul says do we notify the law through faith God forbid we establish the law.. you say, no we are not under the law. Paul says all scripture is good for instruction. You say no I am not under the law. John says sin is transgression against the law, you say no that’s not my definition of sin. First, John says if you abide in Christ, you walk as he walked , you say no he taught differently than what he is keeping. Romans 8:7 says the carnal mind cannot submit to God‘s law, yet you say we should walk in the spirit. Yet Paul says the law spiritual and those that walk in the spirit adhere to his law. You say we are in the new covent. Yet in Hebrews eight, which is many years after it says it’s ready to vanish meaning it hasn’t happened yet. I can go on and on and on about contradictions with mainstream Christianity. Let’s not even get into all the prophecy in the old testament about animal sacrifices for sin atonement the kingdom. And that he will gather all nations to his holy mountain for burnt offerings.. Interesting that James doesn’t know everything was nailed to the cross in acts 21 when instructing Paul. Would’ve been a great time for Paul to let everybody know that it was nailed to the cross yet he didn’t.. he goes and does this to prove that hes not teaching against the law. In acts 15, four Commandments are given to gentiles when coming into the faith and these commandments are directly from the law. This is another contradiction.. the only way you could make sense of this is to say they are just suggestions. Because it contradicts with your understanding of Colossians too, because it says no strangled meats. Drinking blood.. wait a minute I thought we can eat and drink whatever we want.? Acts 15 is post cross. Another contradiction. I can go on and on and on on contradictions with your understanding of scripture. But I think it all boils down to is you not being able to separate Judaism versus God’s law. The term works of the law that Paul is referring to is not God’s law. It is in regards to oral Talmudic traditions of men. As we see outlined in Galatians two when rebuking Peter. The law doesn’t permit such behavior..

  • @blackbear1958
    @blackbear1958 Před 2 dny

    I suggest that the remnant were those that were waiting for Christ to come back for them, to take them into the heavenly Mountain Zion. Then the wrath of God was poured out on the unbelieving Israel during the first Jewish/Roman War starting in 66AD till Jerusalems destruction in 70AD. It was a spiritual experience for those Saints who anticipated Christs return for them in that generation to enter the 2nd Exodus from the earth into the Heavenly realm. It was a physical experience of the curses promised by Moses and Jesus, upon the rebels who did not believe that Jesus was the Prophet promised to come by Moses. The Romans armies destroyed them completely.

  • @BetterThanGold2
    @BetterThanGold2 Před 3 dny

    Agree with most. Thanks man. One thing..Golden age is past! We now wait for the 3rd advent, the 2nd Resurrection 🙏

  • @danielg7868
    @danielg7868 Před 3 dny

    For "life if the mothers cases" the industry just gives up on the baby. My wife had an ectopic pregnancy (baby in the fallopian tube). There was no interest in trying to save the baby, just abort it. We were going to take the prolife route by leaving the fetus in the tube until it burst which would kill the baby but then my wife would've had to been rushed to the hospital. Thank the Lord that it ended up not being a baby but rather just a mass of cells (apparently that happens). Dr. said if conception had been in the womb my wife would've had a miscarriage but the pregnancy went on longer because her body couldn't recognize the pregnancy since the baby wasn't where it was supposed to be. So then we felt clear to terminate the "pregnancy" since it really wasn't a baby anyway. What frustrated us was that if it had been a baby, no doctor (even prolife) would try to move the baby out of the fallopian tube.

  • @Kenn-rb7gq
    @Kenn-rb7gq Před 3 dny

    Thanks brother!!! I'm back at work so unfortunately I can't attend these live, but I'll watch them when they're posted...

  • @dubyag4124
    @dubyag4124 Před 3 dny

    I love your approach brother. The understanding that no systematic framework will capture the meaning of the text as well as the text itself. And re: the text, what a reminder! The point of “salvation” as we might say is not salvation but godliness: to be like God. so we can be with Him in His presence.

  • @breadoflife2075
    @breadoflife2075 Před 4 dny

    Is the book of Ruth a picture of Ruth being Gentile Bride for Jesus?

  • @barryweeks6229
    @barryweeks6229 Před 4 dny

    Thanks! This was very interesting and helpful! I've been wanting to understand the difference between the two.

  • @mikeheath8318
    @mikeheath8318 Před 4 dny

    Now I have watched it. It is so simple. Your explanations of how things deviated are short and clear. The resistance to this simple and Biblical form of church government is something I don’t really understand.

  • @dominiclapinta8537
    @dominiclapinta8537 Před 4 dny

    I've noticed that the places that have less strife and debate, that don't have the five points of systematic debate, seem to have a great manifestation of the power of the kingdom in full effect. Muslims are turning to Jesus and more people are coming to saving faith instead of systematic faith.

  • @N81999
    @N81999 Před 4 dny

    Florida guy here we already have a six week ban but its nothing to get excited about due to back story. We had a republican super majority and when actual abolitionist came with an abolition bill Desantes board told the aboltionist said do you you guys want a 6 week ban or (I think) a 12 week ban? The abolitionist told them they wanted an actual full abortion ban then Desantes folks went with 6 week. Also while Trump has made a big deal about send abortion back to the states he has actively leaned in to influence some states to have the weak compromises in new state laws. I think there are pro life reasons to vote for him but its important to see how truly awful he is on abortion his platform is pro exception and he is making his platform the new republican party. He better at least come through on the mass deportations for other reasons in addition to illegal immigrants are actually able to vote and they vote for pro abortion democrats.

  • @decay-154
    @decay-154 Před 4 dny

    Great video , good to see someone on the INet who has not been brainwashed with the Darby coolaid . They are too blind too see Messiah is cut off AFTER the 69th week . Jesus preached for three and a half years and when he died he confirmed The New Covenant with MANY . Every sunday we quote 1st Corinthians 11:25 " This cup is The New Covenant in my blood" or Matthew 26:28 " This is the blood of The New Covenant poured out for MANY for the forgiveness of sins" . It was Messiah who caused The sacrifice and drink offering to cease not The Antichrist . This is confirmed in Hebrews 10:5-10 . Verse 9 Messiah set aside sacrific and offering to do the will of The Father . The Septuagint translation of Daniel is very clear . Its all about Messiah and Messiah using "the people of the Prince to destroy city and sanctuary just as God used Nebuchadnezzar to destroy Jerusalem and Solomons Temple in 586 BC . When the writers of the New Testament quote Old Testament scripture they use The Septuagint translation 80 % and the Doctored Masoretic Translation only 20% of the time .

  • @andrewasmann2167
    @andrewasmann2167 Před 4 dny

    I believe you have to properly study this particular prophecy because there is more to it than the eye meets. I believe 70 Weeks is the literal 490 years when you align it with the Sabbath of Years and Jubilee concepts. There will be equal times allocated for peace and tribulations over 7 years before the Lord comes. NO rapture before tribulations but the Church will be taken up at the Lord's coming (Mathew 24: 12, 22, 31).

    • @decay-154
      @decay-154 Před 4 dny

      Messiah is crucified AFTER the 69th and Confirms The New Covenant in the n=middle of the 70th week . There is nothing about The Antichrist . Hebrews 10: 5-10 confirms Jesus took away the sacrifice and offering not some Future Antichrist . I reccoment you read the Septuagint Translation of Daniel 9: 24-27 .

  • @blond7899
    @blond7899 Před 5 dny

    Why should I be pro life?

  • @waynemccuen8213
    @waynemccuen8213 Před 5 dny

  • @user-jn2sr4pe5x
    @user-jn2sr4pe5x Před 6 dny

    I do believe you are correct on the " six weeks". 6 weeks TO SHORT

  • @marybethpatrick2303

    Jesus IS Israel

  • @soteriology400
    @soteriology400 Před 6 dny

    It is a covenant relationship between Jesus, and the bride, the house of Israel.

  • @kc-wk1kz
    @kc-wk1kz Před 6 dny

    Jesus can forgive the sin of any abortion involvement to anyone who is sorry and turns to Him. <3 All abortion, all nine months is sin, not a right, and all abortion should be outlawed nationwide. Torture and murder of post-born people is thankfully against the law, and the same law holds true [in fact, although apparently not on paper] for all preborn people, although society as a whole doesn't acknowledge this or enforce it. IVF should be totally outlawed completely. Some of these just formed people are implanted in the womb. But the greater majority of these embryos are destroyed or frozen indefinitely. This is 100% wrong. The current helpless innocent frozen human embryos, little images of God, should all be implanted in the womb, and this IVF thing should be totally stopped and outlawed immediately. ''Embryonic stem cell research'' needs to be outlawed as well; it too is abortion. The punishment for rapists and for those committing incest is not torture and murder, and it certainly is not the price the innocent preborn baby should be made to pay. Yes, the child is innocent and is 100% created in the image of God and has the God-given right to life too. There is info out there somewhere of doctors confirming that an abortion is not ever performed in the case of a true medical emergency [for example to save the life of the mother]. There is not even time to prepare for an abortion in a true medical emergency. Yes sometimes the doctor has to take drastic measures in a true medical emergency. But this is never with the intent to kill the baby for the sake of killing the baby; which is what abortion is. For example: If a baby is attached to the fallopian tube and the fallopian tube is about to rupture. This baby must be removed; the baby is not going to survive no matter what. If the fallopian tube ruptures this can be deadly for the mother. Swift medical intervention is necessary to save the life of the mother. But care is taken to whatever extent possible. Same if the mom is for example 21 wks along and has eclampsia and the baby needs to be delivered immediately, great medical care is given to both mother and baby the entire time. The baby is safely delivered, not aborted. Whether the baby survives or not, medical care is given to him or her in the hopes he/she lives. These practices to help both mother and baby in every kind of circumstance have been given for likely centuries; well before there were any so-called ''legal abortion laws''. Abortion does not have to be claimed to be ''legal'' in order to save the life of the mother in a true medical emergency. [+ btw everyone, sad to say that there is a recent article out there that says that abortion has INCREASED since the overturn of roe v wade. :( ] + i don't think that ''legalizing abortion'' is a ''decision'' for states or for anyone to make. Abortion is torture/murder so therefore it falls under the same law that is out there to protect post born people from these atrocities. Yes i agree that KH in the wh would not be good at all for anyone; post born or preborn. + Never would i vote for any such type. i vote prolife because it is THE issue because if a society isn't willing to protect its most precious helpless citizens (yes, citizens) then it has no leg to stand on imo. + i haven't forgotten that after three very good years of the Trump admin, he let it all go, all go, when he let the globalists completely take over and destroy this nation beginning in early 2020. + DT's ''warp speed'' was not good imo for many, many, many, many reasons, + it too involved aborted fetuses. I'm not saying that DT doesn't mean well, i think he likely does mean well. But really neither DT, nor anyone, is going to stop what these evil-doing one world order globalists are up to. But do not let this get anyone down, because if we choose to be in God's hands we for absolute certainty can and must keep trusting God no matter what. [Details in God's word the 66 books of the Holy Bible.] We each need to accept Jesus as Savior for forgiveness and salvation; it's the most important thing. And we need to tell others about this too. It's the Gospel, and Jesus tells us to tell others the Gospel. The Gospel is good news for our soul forever if we choose to turn to our almighty merciful triune God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ our Savior, and the Holy Spirit for forgiveness and salvation. We need to read God's word and follow God's guidance. He loves us and He wants what is best for us forever. <3 ]

  • @waynemccuen8213
    @waynemccuen8213 Před 7 dny

    The only draw back to voting for a 34 count felon, rapist, fraud, liar, dictator wanna be for life, womanizer, tax cheat, poor businessman, highly classified government documents thief, 25th ammendment violator, grifter, someone who wants to remove constitutional democracy as the rule of the USA, is, that, you cause America to become like those despots he looks up to, Putin, Kim Jung Un, etc. If you want to do something about abortion, well, don't employ the government to do your calling as a member in the Kingdom of God. Get out there and minister to the women of this fallen world, and its leader, Satan. You wanna vote, vote, but that IS NOT the calling of a Born Again follower of Jesus Christ . Sharing the Love of God, the creator of the universe and all that is in it. The Creator who loves the women who don't understand what God's plan is for her life. Help the young women who are on that path to understand being responsible and respectful to the image of God she is carrying and has a right to life. Don't ruin America by trying to change the law that the fallen sinners who don't understand God's purpose in their lives and don't care about life. The Magas will ruin way too much. You do the work of the Kingdom, not the work of the land. Don't let America be ruined by the despicable person who wants to be a dictator.

  • @commiehunter781
    @commiehunter781 Před 7 dny

    Im voting against trump. Trump will end the pro life movement by comprimising too much.

    • @klinx888
      @klinx888 Před 7 dny

      More so than Kamala? Doesn’t make much sense?

    • @commiehunter781
      @commiehunter781 Před 7 dny

      @@klinx888 I am voting third party. I don't vote for people who think it's okay to murder babies

    • @user-jn2sr4pe5x
      @user-jn2sr4pe5x Před 6 dny

      I believe you are sadly, badly misinformed

    • @user-jn2sr4pe5x
      @user-jn2sr4pe5x Před 6 dny

      Doug, LOVE your channel❤

    • @commiehunter781
      @commiehunter781 Před 6 dny

      @@klinx888 I changed my mind now. Voting trump. I don't care to much if Trump is personally pro choice. I care more about him calling pro life bills extreme in Arizona and Florida. Since he said he is voting no on Florida amendment 4 I will support him now.

  • @prestondunn1689
    @prestondunn1689 Před 7 dny

    Hey Doug and thanks again. I was actively involved in a pro-life movement. During that, a comment from a pro-life doctor concerning the exception for the mothers' life in danger. He said the effort by doctors should always be to save both lives. Although, in very rare instances, with our current technology, the baby doesn't live through the procedure. I think this makes sense. Moms' life or babys' life is my only exception at this time.

  • @gregmahler9506
    @gregmahler9506 Před 7 dny

    5:20 - amen, these days somehow we’ve twisted what Paul and the other apostles told us into everyone in the pew is evangelists and needs to get out and start preaching the word. And that’s just not what they told us to do.

  • @smileywolf
    @smileywolf Před 7 dny

    I think what's missing is people not really reading the whole Bible for themselves.

  • @soteriology400
    @soteriology400 Před 7 dny

    We all have an overseer/bishop in Paul.

    • @mikeheath8318
      @mikeheath8318 Před 4 dny

      As far as I know, Peter was an elder and so was John, but I have found no evidence that Paul being an elder.

    • @soteriology400
      @soteriology400 Před 4 dny

      @@mikeheath8318 Paul was overseeing churches, which is why he wrote more than one letter to the church of Thessalonica, Corinth, and in book of Acts it is recorded he was doing the same thing. I never stated anything about Paul being an elder. An elder has to do with maturity amongst a people. Elder and overseer are two different things.

    • @mikeheath8318
      @mikeheath8318 Před 3 dny

      @@soteriology400 Overseeing is a function, so is shepherding, but eldership is an office. The terms elder, shepherd and overseer are all used interchangeably for the office of elder in the NT, an office which clearly has two functions (watch Dough again). We all do overseeing and shepherding to some degree as parents, church members, club leaders etc., without it being an office.

    • @soteriology400
      @soteriology400 Před 3 dny

      @@mikeheath8318 Overseeing is over a local area, such as Thessalonica, or Corinth. Shepherding is over a flock of people, so Peter was actually shepherding the house of Israel, not Gentiles. Elder has to do with maturity. If you are going to make these interchangeable, good luck with that. You just created confusion.

  • @KriegWaters
    @KriegWaters Před 7 dny

    Re. the church with two elders that could teach and two elders who had other gifts, might that speak to their qualification as elders? Being able to teach is the main technical requirement, with all the others being character and experience related.

    • @CrossToCrownLive
      @CrossToCrownLive Před 7 dny

      True, however I’m not sure a 45-60 minute lecture is what Paul required. I’ve known many men who teach well, but not in the tradition “sermon” sense.

  • @firstcenturychristianity6864

    My observation is that anyone trying to make sense of a New Covenant leadership structure without an intimate understanding of a Melchizedek priesthood will always have issues with their structure. I’m curious what your perspective is on a five fold ministry structure which some point to Ephesians 4 as a model.

  • @busker153
    @busker153 Před 8 dny

    There is no church government structure. Jesus was abundantly clear when He described such structures in the secular world, and said, "It shall not be so among you." Jesus micromanages everyone in His kingdom.

  • @LawofChristMinistries

    good study

  • @LawofChristMinistries

    helpful for one of my papers lol

  • @danielg7868
    @danielg7868 Před 8 dny

    This is off topic but I trust your judgment over most other Christian leaders who are too busy doing theology as opposed to following Scripture: Is it Biblical to sing man made songs and use instruments? I have a background of exclusive Psalmity without instrumental music. I disagree with the view now, but have a hard to defending my position. Do you have a video on this topic?

  • @marybethpatrick2303

    IMO Babylon is a reference to Jerusalem. It has to be the same place as referenced in Revelation