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Torjus og Tom Kjetil Tørstad fra Ryfoss har en felles lidenskap med mye glede. Den ene har noen tiår med erfaring, mens den andre har spilt torader i kun to år. Felleskapet de to har, bortsett fra familiebånd, er den unike spillegleden og store musikaliteten de viser med sitt toraderspill. Torjus forteller at han begynte å spille torader for to år siden og har øvd flere timer hver eneste dag si...
Marianne Granheim TRØYFLAT. -Tevlingsleiar Hilmestemnet 2024
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Hilmestemnet 2024 i Valdres går mot slutten, og det er gratis å oppleve den gnistrande avslutninga under kappleikane. Fredag ​​12. juli er det kappleik for deltakarane på Norges største sommarkurs i folkemusikk og -dans for ungdom i Trykkeriet på Fagernes. Laurdag 13. juli skal dei vaksne konkurrere på same stad. Tevlingsleiar Marianne Granheim Trøyflat fortel meir i videointervjuet over. Progr...
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Øyvind Kårstad- Båtskardet 6. juli 2024.
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Om det er sommer eller vinter spiller ikke så stor rolle for Øyvind Kårstad i Skrautvål. Vinterstid går det i "110" på brett nedover fjell og li, og om sommeren går det nesten like fort oppover bratte fjellveggen med joggesko på beina. Uansett så har han en ryggsekk med seg som gir frihet uforglemmelige naturopplevelser. Greia er at Øyvind er en glimrende hangglider- og paragliderpilot, og jo h...
Fjellfolk. - Marius Haugaløkken, Gjendesheim.
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Ministeren, politikeren og ordføreren om skihopping og energi


  • @Oyvind88
    @Oyvind88 Před 2 dny

    Flott video og intervju😎

  • @meretesandanger2496
    @meretesandanger2496 Před 15 dny

    Hei Kristen. Det er mange år siden.

  • @brother_dana
    @brother_dana Před měsícem


  • @Nanna2426
    @Nanna2426 Před 2 měsíci

    Hi Soffía María We are your sisters Lillian and Susan from Iceland We love you and with you contact US because We miss you ❤️❤️

  • @npantano1846
    @npantano1846 Před 3 měsíci

    Det viktigaste med glidvalla är att man borstar bort allt 😅😆😉

  • @npantano1846
    @npantano1846 Před 3 měsíci

    Meningen med glidvalla är alltså att man ska borsta så mycket att den försvinner från belaget 🤣 Helst ska den kosta som champagne med. Rent lurendrejeri

  • @linbelejacobsen5037
    @linbelejacobsen5037 Před 4 měsíci

    Så utrolig kult!! #vanlifenorge

  • @kriss12loverap
    @kriss12loverap Před 4 měsíci

    det eneste man kan forvente er forvandring

  • @havardskjeldebrekke1964
    @havardskjeldebrekke1964 Před 4 měsíci

    Alt for mange viltpåkjørsler- folk kjører som villmenn. Fart dreper

  • @havardskjeldebrekke1964
    @havardskjeldebrekke1964 Před 4 měsíci

    Politiet har startet etterforskning av dyreovergrepsforumet ZV, som er et nettverk for dem med seksuell interesse for dyr, skriber NTB. - Vi kan ikke si så mye om etterforskningen nå i den innledende fasen, men vi jobber med å kartlegge hvilke personer som er tilknyttet nettverket og hvilke roller de har eller har hatt, sier politiadvokat A. S. ved Trøndelag politidistrikt til Nidaros. Avisen skrev i februar at 260 personer er medlemmer på den norske delen av verdens største nettforum for seksuelle overgrep mot dyr. Som følge av saken anmeldte både NOAH og Dyrevernalliansen norske medlemmer på forumet - og nå har politiet startet etterforskning. Øvre strafferamme for brudd på dyrevelferdsloven er tre års fengsel. Det er ulovlig å utføre seksuelle overgrep mot dyr, men besittelse av dyreovergrepsmateriale er i dag lovlig. HERREGUD - DETTE MÅ REGJERINGEN ENDRE LOVVERKET PÅ I DAG!

  • @oddebassen22561941
    @oddebassen22561941 Před 4 měsíci

    Dette nailet du, Viljar!! Da får vi bare håpe at TV2 og NRK er sitt ansvar bevisst, for her er det våknet ett reporter-talent av de sjeldne!! ;) Artig å se!! ;)

  • @1123817
    @1123817 Před 4 měsíci

    For en tulling av løgner....

  • @NikolayMashenko-yy1om
    @NikolayMashenko-yy1om Před 5 měsíci

    🎉🎉У меня 2 паспорта (РФ и Украины) + ВНЖ в Норвегии. Я украинец и полон сил и здоровья))) Но Свидетелей Иеговы не призывают на войну, а суды Украина всегда проигрывает, при попытках призвать наших братьев (Церковь то американская, поэтому руки коротки что-то сделать))) Для получения документов в РФ, а затем и в Норвегии я 1). Сначала уехал из ЛНР в Воронеж. 2). Потом, как Свидетель Иеговы из РФ, после запрета СИ в РФ, получил убежище в Норвегии (до войны). Моральную поддержку мне (и не только))) оказало наше русскоговорящее Собрание Осло. А все несогласные с этим украинцы с одним паспортом, у кого я брал уроки языка, были депортированы из Норвегии в Украину или РФ. Не спасло их и то, что стали инвалидами, защищая права других, о чем писали СМИ. Ну, не надо им было идти на пикеты и в полицию, и заявлять, что американскую церковь никто не пресследует в Украине (все события были до войны) и то, что отказ от украинского гражданства не влечет его потерю. Это же решать не им, а UDI))) А за донос на русское Собрание депорт каждого! А я прекрасно живу, с семьей, на юге, в Фредрикстаде, чего и всем желаю))). Да, и у меня не временная защита,а полноценное убежище, т.к. из РФ приехал.🎉.❤🎉....

  • @NikolayMashenko-yy1om
    @NikolayMashenko-yy1om Před 5 měsíci

    🎉🎉У меня 2 паспорта (РФ и Украины) + ВНЖ в Норвегии. Я украинец и полон сил и здоровья))) Но Свидетелей Иеговы не призывают на войну, а суды Украина всегда проигрывает, при попытках призвать наших братьев (Церковь то американская, поэтому руки коротки что-то сделать))) Для получения документов в РФ, а затем и в Норвегии я 1). Сначала уехал из ЛНР в Воронеж. 2). Потом, как Свидетель Иеговы из РФ, после запрета СИ в РФ, получил убежище в Норвегии (до войны). Моральную поддержку мне (и не только))) оказало наше русскоговорящее Собрание Осло. А все несогласные с этим украинцы с одним паспортом, у кого я брал уроки языка, были депортированы из Норвегии в Украину или РФ. Не спасло их и то, что стали инвалидами, защищая права других, о чем писали СМИ. Ну, не надо им было идти на пикеты и в полицию, и заявлять, что американскую церковь никто не пресследует в Украине (все события были до войны) и то, что отказ от украинского гражданства не влечет его потерю. Это же решать не им, а UDI))) А за донос на русское Собрание депорт каждого! А я прекрасно живу, с семьей, на юге, в Фредрикстаде, чего и всем желаю))). Да, и у меня не временная защита,а полноценное убежище, т.к. из РФ приехал.🎉.😂❤..

  • @NikolayMashenko-yy1om
    @NikolayMashenko-yy1om Před 5 měsíci

    У меня 2 паспорта (РФ и Украины) + ВНЖ в Норвегии. Я украинец и полон сил и здоровья))) Но Свидетелей Иеговы не призывают на войну, а суды Украина всегда проигрывает, при попытках призвать наших братьев (Церковь то американская, поэтому руки коротки что-то сделать))) Для получения документов в РФ, а затем и в Норвегии я 1). Сначала уехал из ЛНР в Воронеж. 2). Потом, как Свидетель Иеговы из РФ, после запрета СИ в РФ, получил убежище в Норвегии (до войны). Моральную поддержку мне (и не только))) оказало наше русскоговорящее Собрание Осло. А все несогласные с этим украинцы с одним паспортом, у кого я брал уроки языка, были депортированы из Норвегии в Украину или РФ. Не спасло их и то, что стали инвалидами, защищая права других, о чем писали СМИ. Ну, не надо им было идти на пикеты и в полицию, и заявлять, что американскую церковь никто не пресследует в Украине (все события были до войны) и то, что отказ от украинского гражданства не влечет его потерю. Это же решать не им, а UDI))) А за донос на русское Собрание депорт каждого! А я прекрасно живу, с семьей, на юге, в Фредрикстаде, чего и всем желаю))). Да, и у меня не временная защита,а полноценное убежище, т.к. из РФ приехал.😂❤

  • @NikolayMashenko-yy1om
    @NikolayMashenko-yy1om Před 5 měsíci

    У меня 2 паспорта (РФ и Украины) + ВНЖ в Норвегии. Я украинец и полон сил и здоровья))) Но Свидетелей Иеговы не призывают на войну, а суды Украина всегда проигрывает, при попытках призвать наших братьев (Церковь то американская, поэтому руки коротки что-то сделать))) Для получения документов в РФ, а затем и в Норвегии я 1). Сначала уехал из ЛНР в Воронеж. 2). Потом, как Свидетель Иеговы из РФ, после запрета СИ в РФ, получил убежище в Норвегии (до войны). Моральную поддержку мне (и не только))) оказало наше русскоговорящее Собрание Осло. А все несогласные с этим украинцы с одним паспортом, у кого я брал уроки языка, были депортированы из Норвегии в Украину или РФ. Не спасло их и то, что стали инвалидами, защищая права других, о чем писали СМИ. Ну, не надо им было идти на пикеты и в полицию, и заявлять, что американскую церковь никто не пресследует в Украине (все события были до войны) и то, что отказ от украинского гражданства не влечет его потерю. Это же решать не им, а UDI))) А за донос на русское Собрание депорт каждого! А я прекрасно живу, с семьей, на юге, в Фредрикстаде, чего и всем желаю))). Да, и у меня не временная защита,а полноценное убежище, т.к. из РФ приехал.

  • @alexandranilsson6265
    @alexandranilsson6265 Před 5 měsíci

    Spennende! Takk! 😀

  • @DGR233
    @DGR233 Před 6 měsíci

    The Valdres style is so unique. I love it. Jan is a legend. I bought a CD of his music a little while ago. The descriptions of the tunes, their origins and a bit about his backstory were very nice to read. I like his shirt in this clip too.

  • @magnitoman
    @magnitoman Před 6 měsíci

    Terje var min musikk lærer på Lillegården Skole!

  • @pierreolsson588
    @pierreolsson588 Před 6 měsíci

    Bästa glidvalla genomgången jag sett, topp, tack för detta, guld värt för mig som precis börjat gå från flour till flourfritt 👍

  • @alexandranilsson6265
    @alexandranilsson6265 Před 6 měsíci

    FANTASTISKT!!!! Tusen tack för videon!!! 🤩

  • @huoltoukko
    @huoltoukko Před 7 měsíci

    Is it possible to turn on the subtitles to English, this is interesting topic but cannot understand Norway at all.

  • @Fake-simeonpanda
    @Fake-simeonpanda Před 9 měsíci

    Fantastisk! Var så heldig at jeg hadde Reidun som lærer for 100år siden😄

  • @edamundson743
    @edamundson743 Před 10 měsíci

    Helt fantastisk! Min tipoldemors pike navn var Thon og stammer fra Etnedal. Kansje vi er slekt?

  • @Tuetunes
    @Tuetunes Před 10 měsíci

    Beautiful tune. Lovely tone from the Hohner Corso. Thank you.

  • @Emeraldtreemusic
    @Emeraldtreemusic Před 10 měsíci

    Fantastiskt underbart fint!!❤

  • @pollypocket1208
    @pollypocket1208 Před 10 měsíci

    Heidal is a lovely place.

  • @thefiskefaen4393
    @thefiskefaen4393 Před 11 měsíci


  • @RockHardRiffs
    @RockHardRiffs Před rokem


  • @Dinkymaster7
    @Dinkymaster7 Před rokem

    En flott ferge som fortsatt er reserve på sambandet! Mannskapet husker jeg også, veldig hyggelig.

  • @AnacesardaLuz26daLuz77

    César 🌨️🌨️🌨️🌨️❄️❄️❄️☃️🌬️❄️

  • @TheNialz
    @TheNialz Před rokem


  • @metteholtheeriksen7826

    Ser på NRK 1 nå. Bekkebakkane, alt fra begynnelsen. God påske 2023.

  • @kinggarb73
    @kinggarb73 Před rokem

    Skulle skifte wire til skovlan på en av de små fræseran. Jæ la dritt, må vist demontere hele ski ten

  • @Flex-xm6ce
    @Flex-xm6ce Před rokem


  • @svendwillumsen6256
    @svendwillumsen6256 Před rokem

    Skulle gjerne ha hatt vidunderlige skjønne og nyyyyydeligste Emilie som min kjæreste og elskerinne. Ha hatt flere fullbyrdede samleier med henne i sengen hennes. Elsker og begjærer himmelske skjønne Emilie.

  • @criticalcoreshock
    @criticalcoreshock Před rokem

    Vaffel Huset Har funnet sitt nye vert

  • @BBBBBBBVvbvvvv
    @BBBBBBBVvbvvvv Před rokem

    I only speak Ukrainian. I am using google translator. Therefore, please excuse me if the translation is bad! I am from Western Ukraine. I am a nurse and I save lives. I live now in Germany. I need a lawyer to file, with other disabled citizens of Ukraine, a lawsuit against Norway. My husband, a Ukrainian (oil worker, human rights activist) became disabled as a result of his defense of the rights of other people (Norwegian and Russian media for 9 years). My husband fought corruption in the Russian oil giant, which was headed by the founder of the 6th Directorate of the FSB and the ex-Chancellor of Germany. My husband defended the rights of disabled people and Ukrainians in Norway against Russian-speaking citizens of this NATO country. The Norwegians took my disabled husband to Moscow AFTER: anti-war pickets of my husband in the Russian Federation, his defense of the rights of Ukrainians in Norway, the issuance of documents to my husband by the Norwegian Red Cross for his close relatives (Polish servicemen repressed by the Russians), sentencing his defender to prison (in married to a citizen of Finland for 25 years) in Belarus, who reported the crime of the Norwegians against the Ukrainians and was recognized as a Political prisoner. My husband and his lawyer warned the Norwegians about the coming war, but they did not believe him. The husband was kidnapped and the war began. And after the war began, the Norwegians do NOT admit their mistakes! Unlike the Swedes, the Norwegians DO NOT LIKE to admit their mistakes even when the Chechen refugees deported by the Norwegians were killed in the Russian Federation (Norwegian media).hfrfss

  • @BBBBBBBVvbvvvv
    @BBBBBBBVvbvvvv Před rokem

    I only speak Ukrainian. I am using google translator. Therefore, please excuse me if the translation is bad! I am from Western Ukraine. I am a nurse and I save lives. I live now in Germany. I need a lawyer to file, with other disabled citizens of Ukraine, a lawsuit against Norway. My husband, a Ukrainian (oil worker, human rights activist) became disabled as a result of his defense of the rights of other people (Norwegian and Russian media for 9 years). My husband fought corruption in the Russian oil giant, which was headed by the founder of the 6th Directorate of the FSB and the ex-Chancellor of Germany. My husband defended the rights of disabled people and Ukrainians in Norway against Russian-speaking citizens of this NATO country. The Norwegians took my disabled husband to Moscow AFTER: anti-war pickets of my husband in the Russian Federation, his defense of the rights of Ukrainians in Norway, the issuance of documents to my husband by the Norwegian Red Cross for his close relatives (Polish servicemen repressed by the Russians), sentencing his defender to prison (in married to a citizen of Finland for 25 years) in Belarus, who reported the crime of the Norwegians against the Ukrainians and was recognized as a Political prisoner. My husband and his lawyer warned the Norwegians about the coming war, but they did not believe him. The husband was kidnapped and the war began. And after the war began, the Norwegians do NOT admit their mistakes! Unlike the Swedes, the Norwegians DO NOT LIKE to admit their mistakes even when the Chechen refugees deported by the Norwegians were killed in the Russian Federation (Norwegian media).hfrgde

  • @BBBBBBBVvbvvvv
    @BBBBBBBVvbvvvv Před rokem

    I only speak Ukrainian. I am using google translator. Therefore, please excuse me if the translation is bad! I am from Western Ukraine. I am a nurse and I save lives. I live now in Germany. I need a lawyer to file, with other disabled citizens of Ukraine, a lawsuit against Norway. My husband, a Ukrainian (oil worker, human rights activist) became disabled as a result of his defense of the rights of other people (Norwegian and Russian media for 9 years). My husband fought corruption in the Russian oil giant, which was headed by the founder of the 6th Directorate of the FSB and the ex-Chancellor of Germany. My husband defended the rights of disabled people and Ukrainians in Norway against Russian-speaking citizens of this NATO country. The Norwegians took my disabled husband to Moscow AFTER: anti-war pickets of my husband in the Russian Federation, his defense of the rights of Ukrainians in Norway, the issuance of documents to my husband by the Norwegian Red Cross for his close relatives (Polish servicemen repressed by the Russians), sentencing his defender to prison (in married to a citizen of Finland for 25 years) in Belarus, who reported the crime of the Norwegians against the Ukrainians and was recognized as a Political prisoner. My husband and his lawyer warned the Norwegians about the coming war, but they did not believe him. The husband was kidnapped and the war began. And after the war began, the Norwegians do NOT admit their mistakes! Unlike the Swedes, the Norwegians DO NOT LIKE to admit their mistakes even when the Chechen refugees deported by the Norwegians were killed in the Russian Federation (Norwegian media).hfrggds

  • @kai2k5
    @kai2k5 Před rokem

    Elsker Brønnøysund! <3

  • @mirekbiek534
    @mirekbiek534 Před rokem

    Vakker sang.

  • @IgorBogdanov-rc2ql
    @IgorBogdanov-rc2ql Před rokem

    I only speak Ukrainian. I am using google translator. Therefore, please excuse me if the translation is bad! I am from Western Ukraine. I am a nurse and I save lives. I live now in Germany. I need a lawyer to file, with other disabled citizens of Ukraine, a lawsuit against Norway. My husband, a Ukrainian (oil worker, human rights activist) became disabled as a result of his defense of the rights of other people (Norwegian and Russian media for 9 years). My husband fought corruption in the Russian oil giant, which was headed by the founder of the 6th Directorate of the FSB and the ex-Chancellor of Germany. My husband defended the rights of disabled people and Ukrainians in Norway against Russian-speaking citizens of this NATO country. The Norwegians took my disabled husband to Moscow AFTER: anti-war pickets of my husband in the Russian Federation, his defense of the rights of Ukrainians in Norway, the issuance of documents to my husband by the Norwegian Red Cross for his close relatives (Polish servicemen repressed by the Russians), sentencing his defender to prison (in married to a citizen of Finland for 25 years) in Belarus, who reported the crime of the Norwegians against the Ukrainians and was recognized as a Political prisoner. My husband and his lawyer warned the Norwegians about the coming war, but they did not believe him. The husband was kidnapped and the war began. And after the war began, the Norwegians do NOT admit their mistakes! Unlike the Swedes, the Norwegians DO NOT LIKE to admit their mistakes even when the Chechen refugees deported by the Norwegians were killed in the Russian Federation (Norwegian media).

    • @IgorBogdanov-rc2ql
      @IgorBogdanov-rc2ql Před rokem

      "It is proven that they were sent to be tortured." The Norwegian "Helsinki Committee" works to identify and document human rights violations in Europe. They kept a close eye on Russia and Chechnya and followed the asylum procedure on several occasions. Senior adviser Lene Wetteland is saddened that two asylum seekers who called for attention to their danger are now dead. “It is proven that Norway sent people to be tortured. They came to Norway for protection and were sent back to be tortured. It is forbidden to Norway under several conventions,” she says, and continues: “I am angry that the Norwegian authorities do not listen to us. It's very sad that we can't get through to them. It's a big system that really needs to be overhauled." Julie Wilhelmsen is a senior fellow at the Norwegian Institute for Foreign Policy. (NUPI) and wrote her doctoral dissertation on the wars in Chechnya. She is critical of the fact that the Norwegian judicial and immigration authorities did not believe the information provided to them by the human rights organization Memorial: “I am very dissatisfied and shocked. Not least because political circles are aware of the human rights situation in Russia and Chechnya. We know that there are violations of the most basic human rights, such as the right to life and not to be tortured. I am shocked that in Norway there is a practice of sending people back to their deaths. There is some kind of error in the system,” Wilhelmsen says. At the same time that Memorial's warnings were not accepted by the Norwegian immigration authorities in 2012, Erna Solberg nominated the organization for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  • @da9el1
    @da9el1 Před rokem

    Fuck Aasland! Landssviker!

  • @BBBBBBBVvbvvvv
    @BBBBBBBVvbvvvv Před rokem

    Let the Norwegians (from a NATO country) tell how they abducted (from Norway back to Ukraine) in handcuffs (without a trial and an interpreter) those disabled citizens of Ukraine (political scientists and human rights activists), who fought corruption in Ukraine, and in Norway organized free language courses for Russian speakers. /// We are talking about those kind Norwegians who forcibly separated the families of Ukrainians (kidnapping members of their families - fighters against corruption with disabilities, whom the family has not seen for 3 years, because the Norwegians prevent their reunification). /// Crimes in the NATO country against disabled Ukrainians (participants in anti-corruption pickets of Ukrainian human rights activists in Norway) were committed by those Norwegians who condemn the voluntary relocation of Ukrainians to the Russian Federation WITHOUT separating their families. /// Citizens of Ukraine filed collective applications with the ECHR and The Hague crime of Norwegians against Ukrainians. Ctizens of Ukraine (political scientists who teach the language to refugees in Norway) announced the abduction by Norwegians of Ukrainians with disabilities (human rights activists) and the crime of Norwegians against Ukrainians - participants in pickets of Ukrainians (disabled) in a NATO country, who defended their right not to be repressed in Norway for their human rights activities ..

  • @IuriiBylo
    @IuriiBylo Před rokem

    Vang i Valdress. Norge. Let the Norwegians (from a NATO country) tell how they abducted (from Norway back to Ukraine) in handcuffs (without a trial and an interpreter) those disabled citizens of Ukraine (political scientists and human rights activists), who fought corruption in Ukraine, and in Norway organized free language courses for Russian speakers. /// We are talking about those kind Norwegians who forcibly separated the families of Ukrainians (kidnapping members of their families - fighters against corruption with disabilities, whom the family has not seen for 3 years, because the Norwegians prevent their reunification). /// Crimes in the NATO country against disabled Ukrainians (participants in anti-corruption pickets of Ukrainian human rights activists in Norway) were committed by those Norwegians who condemn the voluntary relocation of Ukrainians to the Russian Federation WITHOUT separating their families. /// Citizens of Ukraine filed collective applications with the ECHR and The Hague crime of Norwegians against Ukrainians. Ctizens of Ukraine (political scientists who teach the language to refugees in Norway) announced the abduction by Norwegians of Ukrainians with disabilities (human rights activists) and the crime of Norwegians against Ukrainians - participants in pickets of Ukrainians (disabled) in a NATO country, who defended their right not to be repressed in Norway for their human rights activities .. X

  • @IgorBogdanov-rc2ql
    @IgorBogdanov-rc2ql Před rokem

    Vang i Valdress. Norge. Let the Norwegians (from a NATO country) tell how they abducted (from Norway back to Ukraine) in handcuffs (without a trial and an interpreter) those disabled citizens of Ukraine (political scientists and human rights activists), who fought corruption in Ukraine, and in Norway organized free language courses for Russian speakers. /// We are talking about those kind Norwegians who forcibly separated the families of Ukrainians (kidnapping members of their families - fighters against corruption with disabilities, whom the family has not seen for 3 years, because the Norwegians prevent their reunification). /// Crimes in the NATO country against disabled Ukrainians (participants in anti-corruption pickets of Ukrainian human rights activists in Norway) were committed by those Norwegians who condemn the voluntary relocation of Ukrainians to the Russian Federation WITHOUT separating their families. /// Citizens of Ukraine filed collective applications with the ECHR and The Hague crime of Norwegians against Ukrainians. Ctizens of Ukraine (political scientists who teach the language to refugees in Norway) announced the abduction by Norwegians of Ukrainians with disabilities (human rights activists) and the crime of Norwegians against Ukrainians - participants in pickets of Ukrainians (disabled) in a NATO country, who defended their right not to be repressed in Norway for their human rights activities .. ..

    • @IgorBogdanov-rc2ql
      @IgorBogdanov-rc2ql Před rokem

      “I called him a political prostitute, now that he started taking big money from Putin. However, sex workers in my area protested that I no longer use this phrase ...” What do you think about the reliability of this characterization of one of the foreigners leading the NK The RN that Tom Lantos, chairman of the US Congressional Foreign Affairs Committee, gave him?

    • @IgorBogdanov-rc2ql
      @IgorBogdanov-rc2ql Před rokem

      "It is proven that they were sent to be tortured." The Norwegian "Helsinki Committee" works to identify and document human rights violations in Europe. They kept a close eye on Russia and Chechnya and followed the asylum procedure on several occasions. Senior adviser Lene Wetteland is saddened that two asylum seekers who called for attention to their danger are now dead. “It is proven that Norway sent people to be tortured. They came to Norway for protection and were sent back to be tortured. It is forbidden to Norway under several conventions,” she says, and continues: “I am angry that the Norwegian authorities do not listen to us. It's very sad that we can't get through to them. It's a big system that really needs to be overhauled." Julie Wilhelmsen is a senior fellow at the Norwegian Institute for Foreign Policy. (NUPI) and wrote her doctoral dissertation on the wars in Chechnya. She is critical of the fact that the Norwegian judicial and immigration authorities did not believe the information provided to them by the human rights organization Memorial: “I am very dissatisfied and shocked. Not least because political circles are aware of the human rights situation in Russia and Chechnya. We know that there are violations of the most basic human rights, such as the right to life and not to be tortured. I am shocked that in Norway there is a practice of sending people back to their deaths. There is some kind of error in the system,” Wilhelmsen says. At the same time that Memorial's warnings were not accepted by the Norwegian immigration authorities in 2012, Erna Solberg nominated the organization for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  • @bluenovacorgi8230
    @bluenovacorgi8230 Před rokem

    I love wardruna, i dont find many interviews of him speaking his own langauge so this is great ! I love the lanuage n want to learn it myself so i can sing along to wardruna