La Civiltà Cattolica
La Civiltà Cattolica
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Daniele Mencarelli: "Il rapporto del poeta con la parola è un corpo a corpo"
Venerdì 21 giugno 2024 , "La Civiltà Cattolica" ha organizzato l’evento "Senza parole non è mondo. L’universo narrativo di Daniele Mencarelli".
Mencarelli, poeta e narratore romano, e autore tra le altre cose di «La casa degli sguardi» e «Tutto chiede salvezza», ha risposto alle sollecitazioni di Chiara Peri (ricercatrice IPRS - Istituto psicoanalitico per le ricerche sociali) e p. Claudio Zonta S.I., scrittore de "La Civiltà Cattolica".
Nei testi narrativi di Daniele Mencarelli sembra chiaro che la poesia «viene prima». Qual è per Mencarelli il rapporto tra poesia e parola? Quanto la parola, anche quella poetica, è capace di descrivere davvero fino in fondo alcune realtà esistenziali?
zhlédnutí: 289


«Senza parole non è mondo». L'universo narrativo di Daniele Mencarelli
zhlédnutí 511Před měsícem
Venerdì 21 giugno 2024 presso la sede de "La Civiltà Cattolica" si è tenuto l’evento "Senza parole non è mondo. L’universo narrativo di Daniele Mencarelli". Daniele Mencarelli, scrittore romano, partendo dalla propria esperienza personale, attraversa, con parola acuminata e intrisa di pietas, la sofferenza e l’anelito di vita di coloro che vengono segnati dagli eventi della storia. L'autore ha ...
Francesco Petrarca tra medioevo e modernità
zhlédnutí 48Před měsícem
Fonte: 60642783 È stato un poeta, uno scrittore e un umanista italiano la cui figura giganteggia ancora oggi, a 650 anni dalla sua morte, nel vastissimo panorama della letteratura prodotta in oltre sei secoli. Stiamo parlando di Francesco Petrarca, uno dei maggiori poeti del XIV secolo, nonché il precursore dell’umanesimo. Poe...
Arte, tra passato e presente. Episodio 8: Bill Viola e le acque primordiali
zhlédnutí 38Před 2 měsíci
Fonte: 60423507 L’elemento che qualifica maggiormente la sua arte, e ne fa una realtà classica al di là del tempo, è il fatto che si occupa dell’uomo, del suo mondo e delle ansie per la vita. E lo fa attraverso una telecamera con cui si immerge sotto la superficie delle apparenze e cerca di penetra...
Arte, tra passato e presente. Episodio 7: Raffaello e le tesi di Martin Lutero
zhlédnutí 30Před 2 měsíci
Fonte: 60362114 Sono due personaggi contemporanei i cui destini sembrano essere incrociati sin dall’anno della loro nascita: il 1483. Entrambe figure di spicco rispettivamente del Rinascimento e della Riforma protestante, hanno influenzato profondamente la cultura e la società del loro tempo. Si...
Arte, tra passato e presente. Episodio 6: Mark Rothko e la scoperta della luce che ci colpisce
zhlédnutí 87Před 3 měsíci
Fonte: 60292709 È tra le figure più note e amate dell’arte contemporanea. Le sue macchie di colore e i suoi contrasti cromatici, rappresentati su tele grandi fino a rasentare i tre metri di altezza, invitano l’osservatore ad entrare dentro l’opera e a vivere la stessa emozione ed...
Arte, tra passato e presente. Episodio 5: Caravaggio e la peste
zhlédnutí 27Před 3 měsíci
Fonte: 60215402 Venne definito il "pittore maledetto" ma se questo mito fu alimentato anche dai biografi contemporanei, oggi difficilmente si può qualificare così chi ha dipinto tante tele e pale d’altare, rivoluzionando lo stile devozionistico del tempo. Stiamo parlando di Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. A...
Arte, tra passato e presente. Episodio 4: Joseph Beuys e l’essere umano
zhlédnutí 39Před 3 měsíci
Fonte: 60139336 Il tema centrale delle sue opere è l’essere umano. Un essere malato, in senso fisico e sociale. Ed è per questo che con la sua arte ha voluto analizzare l’uomo, il suo sviluppo, il suo processo di coscienza e infine il complesso del contesto sociale in cui è inserito. All’opera di Josep...
Arte, tra passato e presente. Episodio 3: Luca Signorelli e la nascita della psicanalisi
zhlédnutí 61Před 3 měsíci
Fonte: 60049196 Il suo capolavoro, Il Giudizio universale custodito nel Duomo di Orvieto, ha lasciato un segno nella genesi della psicanalisi. Gli affreschi della Cappella Nova o di san Brizio, infatti, ispirarono un visitatore d’eccezione, il futuro padre della scienza psicanalitica, ...
Arte, tra passato e presente. Episodio 2: Edward Hopper, un'acuta sensazione di attesa
zhlédnutí 61Před 3 měsíci
Fonte: 59933429 È stato definito il pittore della solitudine, ma anche del paesaggio industriale e metropolitano americano, che fa da sfondo agli anni della grande depressione. Tuttavia, l’elemento che sembra permeare tutti i suoi lavori è una dimensione di ascolto. All’opera di Edward Ho...
Arte, tra passato e presente. Episodio 1: Piero della Francesca e la maternità
zhlédnutí 39Před 4 měsíci
Fonte: 59618636 Nel 1889, quando la storia dell’arte ha aperto gli occhi verso le periferie, fu riscoperta una delle più importanti opere di Piero Della Francesca: La Madonna del Parto. Era in un avanzato stato di degrado, con la parte superiore della tenda recisa, tuttavia l'opera conservava an...
Arte, tra passato e presente - Trailer
zhlédnutí 39Před 4 měsíci
Fonte: 59618632 L’arte è considerata uno specchio delle condizioni sociali, politiche ed economiche di un'epoca. Attraverso le loro opere, gli artisti hanno da sempre contribuito ad alimentare il dibattito attorno a determinati argomenti. Ma le loro opere possono rappresentare ancora uno stimolo per una riflessione sulle tematiche di ...
Podcast | Gli scrittori e la guerra. Episodio 2: Malaparte e Fenoglio
zhlédnutí 134Před rokem
Nell’episodio precedente abbiamo parlato di come la guerra sia ispiratrice di letteratura, di quali strumenti possiede lo scrittore per raccontare l’esperienza umana nel contesto bellico, della poesia quale mezzo per descrivere la tragedia e della parola come resistenza. Ora è il momento di andare più a fondo nelle opere di due scrittori italiani che hanno vissuto e raccontato la guerra: Curzio...
Podcast | Gli scrittori e la guerra. Episodio 1: La parola come resistenza
zhlédnutí 136Před rokem
Source: Nella sua monumentale Estetica, Hegel individuava nella guerra un’occasione favorevole per la letteratura, soprattutto per quella epica. Al narratore, infatti, la guerra offre uno scenario grande e drammatico e le vicende personali di uomini che in questo sfondo si stagliano a tinte forti o deboli, a seconda dei casi. Tuttavia nel pri...
Podcast | Umorismo e vita cristiana. Episodio 3: La terapia dello humour
zhlédnutí 144Před rokem
In questa serie dedicata all’Umorismo abbiamo indagato sulle origini e sui meccanismi biologici che lo caratterizzano. Ci siamo chiesti se lo humour possa essere considerato un aspetto importante della vita spirituale e se anche Dio possa avere un suo senso dell’umorismo. Ma c’è un ultimo aspetto su cui occorre soffermarsi per completare il nostro viaggio nello humour: l’utilizzo terapeutico e ...
Podcast | Umorismo e vita cristiana. Episodio 2: Dio ride?
zhlédnutí 139Před rokem
Podcast | Umorismo e vita cristiana. Episodio 2: Dio ride?
Antonio Spadaro on Pope Francis, Literature and Catholic Imagination
zhlédnutí 1KPřed rokem
Antonio Spadaro on Pope Francis, Literature and Catholic Imagination
Podcast | Umorismo e vita cristiana. Episodio 1: Perché ridiamo?
zhlédnutí 444Před rokem
Podcast | Umorismo e vita cristiana. Episodio 1: Perché ridiamo?
Podcast | Universo - Episodio 4: Lo sfruttamento delle risorse spaziali
zhlédnutí 86Před rokem
Podcast | Universo - Episodio 4: Lo sfruttamento delle risorse spaziali
Podcast | Universo - Episodio 3: Dialogo tra scienza e religione
zhlédnutí 239Před rokem
Podcast | Universo - Episodio 3: Dialogo tra scienza e religione
Chiyuma Elliott and the "Technology of the Incarnation"
zhlédnutí 378Před rokem
Chiyuma Elliott and the "Technology of the Incarnation"
Podcast | Universo - Episodio 2: Vita, spazio e tempo
zhlédnutí 188Před rokem
Podcast | Universo - Episodio 2: Vita, spazio e tempo
Podcast | Universo - Episodio 1: Dio gioca a dadi?
zhlédnutí 325Před rokem
Podcast | Universo - Episodio 1: Dio gioca a dadi?
Cardinal Tolentino: "Poetic words can heal the world's wounds"
zhlédnutí 1,1KPřed rokem
Cardinal Tolentino: "Poetic words can heal the world's wounds"
Martin Scorsese, "My search for Jesus continues..." in conversation with Antonio Spadaro
zhlédnutí 21KPřed rokem
Martin Scorsese, "My search for Jesus continues..." in conversation with Antonio Spadaro
Una nuova esperienza di lettura e di ascolto | La Civiltà Cattolica
zhlédnutí 931Před rokem
Una nuova esperienza di lettura e di ascolto | La Civiltà Cattolica
Papa Francesco e la Cina. Con il cardinale Luis Antonio Tagle e p. Antonio Spadaro SJ
zhlédnutí 1,1KPřed rokem
Papa Francesco e la Cina. Con il cardinale Luis Antonio Tagle e p. Antonio Spadaro SJ
I'm scared of Jumping | La Civiltà Cattolica
zhlédnutí 335Před rokem
I'm scared of Jumping | La Civiltà Cattolica
What's the Answer to this Question? | La Civiltà Cattolica
zhlédnutí 249Před rokem
What's the Answer to this Question? | La Civiltà Cattolica
The beauty of Easter | La Civiltà Cattolica
zhlédnutí 201Před rokem
The beauty of Easter | La Civiltà Cattolica


  • @NandKumar-qq3xk
    @NandKumar-qq3xk Před 5 dny

    Our powerfull wepons is helpfull how ours society in fevours of Hunger of superiority saw for thes desaster are fraindly event ?

  • @NandKumar-qq3xk
    @NandKumar-qq3xk Před 5 dny

    Store more for selfe security of essentials with foods is first priority personal iff ? Must have return your gaine freely frome anothers, have you duse to return theme's as per was they simpal farmers" justification before recovery duse first must" leagal and is law and silent order"

  • @NandKumar-qq3xk
    @NandKumar-qq3xk Před 5 dny

    Soo that's Heaven is crowedless why ?

  • @NandKumar-qq3xk
    @NandKumar-qq3xk Před 5 dny

    My stomatch and hungry feell myselfe or anothers ? Provide food your stomatch for mouth whoo ? Only my Hand " hand is of whoos ? Only my Body with atteched hands" whoo will active ? Another ? Is matter of every one have thems personal Stomatch and hunger butt ? Easily get foods for my body's how ? It is medioum of Bargaining is Vallue of service is money form, God energy into convertable medium ? Finding coine forme is ? Suspicious marketing and medioum of personal hunger and responsible transfer to anothers, So that Hrishi Wroote theme's Books in Jungal with selfe dependent foods needs for"

  • @NandKumar-qq3xk
    @NandKumar-qq3xk Před 5 dny

    Comprison of myselfe is Higher highest even have running track even is as per rull and award" if it is on play Ground" why not God seeing Soule level weener are whoo ? And personal withought outer saw butt personal survay and correction personaly must or forgooten culture against only visual weener butt Body honor Soule for excercise ?

  • @NandKumar-qq3xk
    @NandKumar-qq3xk Před 5 dny

    Earth is place of performance whoo ever Athelatics to factory workers" prist to civilion are ato product life's forme Humal higher place comprasion rest lifes cycles" so Place of Power king if humans are will doo what ?

  • @NandKumar-qq3xk
    @NandKumar-qq3xk Před 5 dny

    Hooly Almighty Creator Father is Nobel to Powerfull with mercyfull even have childhood mistake doings teens must" Butt Learning with all are geting more nobele relations and gathring among" fraindly"

  • @stelitajauod7848
    @stelitajauod7848 Před měsícem

    Thank you Cardinal Tagle light of the Holy Spirit you shared us deeply and sincere to the Lord to hear your Divine Holy words gift to us . I was really enlightened increase love and wisdom, fruits of Holy Spirit. You are the instrument of the Lord. Praying you thank you Jesus you sent your son to learn more to love Jesus🙏❤️🙏❤️

  • @nenitaemilio5584
    @nenitaemilio5584 Před měsícem

    Now watching the explanation of our dear Cardinal Tagle of the Frutelli Tutti, is inspiring to the credit of the pope, but on the personal thinking of the pope is otherwise, confusing, and even being said as heretic! I pray that, he be in his right mind! Should he be, still qualified head of our Universal Church, with his old age? DEAR GOD, WE ASK OF YOUR LOVE AND MERCY!

  • @nenitaemilio5584
    @nenitaemilio5584 Před měsícem

    Speaking of vatican 2, what is the one religion, one government, one currency, which is being targetted by ni other than pope francis, together with his partners! It has been said, there are some freemasons among the cardinals in the vatican who are supporters of the pope! And in that connection, what is that pachamama displayed in the vatucan garden, by the pope, looking so devilish, whuch I have watched in videos of bloggers in their tv channels!

  • @perseomediterraneo
    @perseomediterraneo Před měsícem

    Che bel cercatore! Grazie per aver condiviso questo incontro: un saluto a tutti los caminantes del alma.

  • @bernardkennedy5436
    @bernardkennedy5436 Před 3 měsíci

    Wonderful lecture. Affirmation of poetry and literature.

  • @Zain94336
    @Zain94336 Před 4 měsíci

    Let the white washing begin. jesus isn't some white boy

  • @sflv8755
    @sflv8755 Před 5 měsíci

    Ehi, what's all this silence here, Rob? We miss you!!! I hope everything's fine with you. God bless!

  • @fabiomussoni6979
    @fabiomussoni6979 Před 6 měsíci


  • @mariosimone5437
    @mariosimone5437 Před 8 měsíci

    Semplicemente un grande padre per tutta la chiesa come lo ha definito papa Francesco

  • @AyoOdimayo
    @AyoOdimayo Před 10 měsíci

    🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:00 🎙️ The conversation begins with Martin Scorsese reflecting on Pope Francis' recent speech and his unique approach. 01:21 🌍 Martin Scorsese emphasizes that the audience for this discussion consists of poets, writers, and creative individuals from various parts of the world, not journalists. 04:06 📚 Scorsese shares his background and the impact of a priest, Father Francis Principe, who influenced his early life and love for storytelling. 08:13 🌆 Scorsese describes his upbringing in a challenging New York neighborhood and the strong influence of his family's values. 14:10 🎓 Scorsese discusses his educational journey, from Cathedral College to New York University, and the realization that being a priest wasn't his calling. 16:18 📽️ Scorsese talks about his early passion for cinema and storytelling, explaining the significance of images and stories in his life. 19:52 🎥 Scorsese recalls his desire to make a film about Jesus in the 1960s and how seeing Pasolini's "The Gospel According to Matthew" influenced his approach. 23:29 💬 Scorsese explains the meaning behind his film "The Last Temptation of Christ" and how it aimed to present a more relatable and human Jesus to the audience. 26:34 🕊️ Jesus, as depicted in the Bible, associated with people who were considered outcasts, like tax collectors and prostitutes. 27:31 📽️ Martin Scorsese aimed to portray a Jesus who resonated with those struggling with addiction and despair, as seen in "The Last Temptation of Christ." 28:29 🎬 Martin Scorsese's film "Silence" was a continuation of his exploration of Jesus but faced difficulties and delays. 30:05 🙏 The film "Silence" prompted a journey of understanding, with Scorsese attempting to grasp the complexities of faith, culture, and humanity. 32:42 📝 The making of "Silence" was a lengthy and challenging process, involving various producers and script revisions. 35:47 🇹🇼 The filming of "Silence" in Taiwan was a demanding experience, but it had a significant impact on the entire crew. 37:28 🤔 Martin Scorsese doesn't entirely agree with the idea that denying God can lead to becoming a true Christian, emphasizing the importance of embracing the mystery. 41:09 💥 Martin Scorsese discusses the depiction of violence in his films, connecting it to the human condition and the need to understand and confront it. 44:45 🙌 Scorsese believes that we must acknowledge our capacity for violence and work to overcome it instead of distancing ourselves from it. 49:19 🙏 The transubstantiation in church should resonate in the streets and homes, leading to personal responsibility and change. 50:55 🤔 Martin Scorsese shares a story about an older man who prayed for strength to steal more, reflecting the desperation of some people in life. 51:26 ⚖️ Scorsese emphasizes the importance of the laity outside the church to engage with concepts of justice and mercy, questioning why mercy shouldn't come before justice. 52:57 🙏 Scorsese discusses how rejection and denial in his life were forms of grace, giving him the opportunity to start anew and sharing a profound experience of resurrection. 56:39 📽️ Scorsese links his films like Mean Streets, Raging Bull, Casino, and more to his exploration of themes involving love, violence, and the depth of understanding of humanity. 58:45 🌟 Scorsese emphasizes that his films aren't just about gangsters, but they explore the complexity of human nature and dismissive judgments about a swath of humanity. Made with HARPA AI

  • @user-ps2xr5ij1w
    @user-ps2xr5ij1w Před 10 měsíci

    Simpatico con moderazione

  • @tishkerrville8942
    @tishkerrville8942 Před 10 měsíci

    That priest is 👿

  • @enriconauen9019
    @enriconauen9019 Před 11 měsíci

    Hallo Spadora spiegaci qualcosa sui vaccini,

  • @thumbprintn2413
    @thumbprintn2413 Před 11 měsíci

    tuff crowd

  • @MarcoSilesio
    @MarcoSilesio Před 11 měsíci


  • @jansproull9206
    @jansproull9206 Před 11 měsíci

    As a film, Scorsese's Silence gets better with every re-watch! In this CZcams he speaks eloquently as a director and Jesus follower about the immediacy of Christ and the tests we all face in our daily relationships for accessing the presence of infinite love and acting accordingly. As I'd summarize it, "soul school" --- not precisely a Catholic doctrine but true nonetheless. When my daughter during high school went on weekends to a big urban R.C. Life Teen --- we're not Catholic but the cute boys were there from all the parochial schools, so three proms --- they paraphrased a great song: "We want to be lambs that roar, we want to be eagles that soar, we want to be truth, we want to be life, we want to be Jesus to the world." (The teens changed "need" to "want," also "salt" and "light" to "truth" and "life." Or maybe I just remember it that way because it better fits my experience of Jesus🥰) Really looking forward to Scorsese's KOTFM (the book's profoundly moving), followed by this upcoming Jesus film from the directorial master of our time.

  • @francobernardini1752

    I wonder why bergoglio, paglia, fernandez, spadaro, martin, peixoto and anyone like them make me vomit.

  • @chrisobrien6254
    @chrisobrien6254 Před rokem

    I wonder what Jesus would think of “The Wolf Of Wall Street”, “Good Fellas”, and “Taxi Driver”😂😂😂 More like Jesus is searching for Scorsese 😂

    • @michaelleyvas3935
      @michaelleyvas3935 Před 5 měsíci

      There's no cinematic way those films could be told any other way

    • @chrisobrien6254
      @chrisobrien6254 Před 5 měsíci

      @@michaelleyvas3935 that’s totally fair. I was half kidding I guess, but it’s interesting that almost all of his films contain intense vulgarity, violence and sex content, yet he claims to be “searching for Jesus”. I think he may need to look a little harder 🤪

    • @ignatiusjackson235
      @ignatiusjackson235 Před 5 měsíci

      ​@@chrisobrien6254 Real life contains a lot of "intense vulgarity, violence, and sex content." So too does the Bible. I suggest you read it sometime.

    • @chrisobrien6254
      @chrisobrien6254 Před 5 měsíci

      @@ignatiusjackson235 yeah I understand that, I really do. But it just seems to me that he has had a lot of unnecessary sex and vulgarity in his movies, such as “Wolf of Wallstreet”. I just don’t think we needed to see all those sex scenes in that film

    • @ignatiusjackson235
      @ignatiusjackson235 Před 5 měsíci

      ​@@chrisobrien6254 If it's not for you, then it's not for you. The essential theme of The Wolf of Wall Street is, much like that of Goodfellas, to explore the motivations of the main character(s) and thus realize why somebody would be drawn to that sinful existence. If you fail to present the allure of that lifestyle, then everything falls apart and you'll never be able to drag anybody back over the line, so to speak. All the films of Martin Scorsese "smell like the sheep." Is there a danger in that? Possibly. Do people have impure thoughts to Michelangelo's work on the ceiling of the Sistene Chapel? I bet. People are weird. That doesn't strike the grace out of either work. What makes films like Goodfellas and The Wolf of Wall Street so great is that they drag you through the mud in order to show you the result of that type of life. Moreover, particularly in the closing scene of the Wolf of Wall Street, they warn us about how easily we can fall into the trappings of pride.

  • @carolinafine8050
    @carolinafine8050 Před rokem

    Spadaro seems more in love with Francis than with Christ

  • @fabiodamico9488
    @fabiodamico9488 Před rokem

    Seguace di Ario

  • @francescalonghitano

    Questo prete non è cattolico , perché hanno cambiato il vangelo lui insieme a Bergoglio ai cardinali ,la loro religione la fratellanza universale , perché non dice la verità che sono tutti massoni eretici , apostati

  • @mymalobo
    @mymalobo Před rokem

    An inspiring man of God uplifted during these disturbing time of ours on this earth + bye and lots of love to all viewers.

  • @mymalobo
    @mymalobo Před rokem

    Alleluia! God bless all the Cardinals and clergy around the world + a msg from Kolkata India

  • @mymalobo
    @mymalobo Před rokem

    His smiling face keeps us also happy and smiling God bless and protect this dear one of ours. Bye

  • @mymalobo
    @mymalobo Před rokem

    Alleluia! What a pleasure and a blessing for us believing Cs to have Cardinal Louis Antonio Tagle with us together with al the other Louis in the world to be active and alive to do God's will on earth so that ss it was in the begining is now and ever shall be Amen

  • @thomasmc7752
    @thomasmc7752 Před rokem

    "Incomplete and open thinking" sounds like not coming to any conclusions. And too clever for common sense

  • @CRAEager
    @CRAEager Před rokem

    Wonderful! Grazie.

  • @raffaellafdf
    @raffaellafdf Před rokem


  • @ivanconnolly7332
    @ivanconnolly7332 Před rokem

    Glorifying the Mafia is a fast track to Jesus?

    • @sutterkane5716
      @sutterkane5716 Před rokem

      Those movies dont glorify the mafia, and if you think they do it says far more about you than the movies.

    • @Wilkins325
      @Wilkins325 Před rokem

      GoodFellas is not at all a glorification of the mafia.

    • @SX1995able
      @SX1995able Před 10 měsíci

      Pay attention to how all of his mob characters end up beaten,tortured or killed. His whole point is saying these characters are trash and get what they deserve

  • @zairapadovan4017
    @zairapadovan4017 Před rokem

    La poesia e le arti umanistiche sono importanti non solo per la ricostruzione della Chiesa ma del mondo intero

  • @zairapadovan4017
    @zairapadovan4017 Před rokem

    Non c’è niente da aggiungere dopo aver sentito parlare il Cardinale Tolentino

  • @_exnova_
    @_exnova_ Před rokem

    Nella genesi ci sono un po' di cretinate. Dire che il modello di big bang coincide con quanto detto nella genesi significa vedere nella bibbia un po' quello che si vuole vedere. Le frasi su Einstein sono fuorvianti. Egli assolutamente non credeva nel dio cattolico, anzi, sosteneva che la bibbia era una raccolta di favolette per bambini piccoli. Vedremo le prossime puntate. Buona fortuna per la serie

  • @scooterlibbie
    @scooterlibbie Před rokem

    Scorsese good. Christianity bad. Any questions?

    • @michaal105
      @michaal105 Před rokem

      The exact opposite.

    • @frankcafarella3400
      @frankcafarella3400 Před rokem

      They're both good. God permeates all light and shadow. The creator is transcendent. Looking into the darkness can bring us closer to the light. In fact, it's necessary.

    • @scooterlibbie
      @scooterlibbie Před rokem

      Meh not really

    • @frankcafarella3400
      @frankcafarella3400 Před rokem

      @@scooterlibbie Very insightful.

    • @Antony72312
      @Antony72312 Před rokem

      No questions, genius 🥱

  • @savedbygrace8337
    @savedbygrace8337 Před rokem

    Matthew 15:9 “But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men


    Martin Scorsese, keep SEARCHING, LIAR!!!

  • @byWilliamJMeyer
    @byWilliamJMeyer Před rokem

    Hello-- thank you for this conversation. Around 17:00 minutes I think Fr. Spadaro says Scorsese's script has been posted on the La Civiltà Cattolica website? However, I am having trouble locating this document-- could you perhaps add a direct link in the video description to help guide us? Thank you.

    • @civcatt
      @civcatt Před rokem

      Yes. You can read it here

    • @byWilliamJMeyer
      @byWilliamJMeyer Před rokem

      @@civcatt Thank you.

    • @sahararussel5436
      @sahararussel5436 Před rokem


    • @zachc.4042
      @zachc.4042 Před rokem

      Thanks for the link. So, it looks like it's a short documentary and not a narrative feature as the news articles seem to imply. Looking forward to it though!

  • @hopaideia
    @hopaideia Před rokem

    In the daily forge, with the Grace of God, overcoming our fallen nature.

  • @thomassimmons1950
    @thomassimmons1950 Před rokem

    As a student of Scorcese, I've thought for years, that all his best films are stories of failed Christs. From Taxi Driver, to Mean Streets, to King of Comedy, Raging Bull and beyond; this theme became an epiphany for me after Last Temptation. His wisdom and artistry has been a balm in Gilead for me. Thank you for this, and... Vaya con Dios!!!

    • @Bicicletasaladas
      @Bicicletasaladas Před rokem

      And the Old Testament is full of stories of people not fully realising the type of our Lord Jesus Christ. The binding of Isaac as a shadow of Jesus' sacrifice (Isaac wasn't a child but a man of 26 y/o), Joseph, Moses, Samson... You are right that Scorsese continues this with some of his characters. Blessings!

    • @thomassimmons1950
      @thomassimmons1950 Před rokem

      @@Bicicletasaladas Back atcha!

  • @focuspulling
    @focuspulling Před rokem

    Such a great interview! I'm really looking forward to his next exploration of the life of Jesus. And the analogy to Walt Whitman's poetry, "I contain multitudes," really hits home!

  • @eblandon
    @eblandon Před rokem

    Complimenti. Mi trovo felice per il vostro aggiornamento. In bocca lupo.

  • @MrRanaboldo
    @MrRanaboldo Před rokem

    Thank you, Antonio Spadaro, for this conversation, a true “master class”: and one that every New Yorker, every reader of serious literature, every film buff and young film maker - and surely every Christian! - should love. :)

  • @jcjs33
    @jcjs33 Před rokem

    i go with 'blessing to be rejected and despised but not 'grace to be rejected and despised' a way if i express and another person has a 'strong intense response such as anger , or laughter or crying , then , the expression from myself gave them an orgasm in the form of anger, laughter or crying etc...blessing to be...and blessing to be x y or z...OMski

  • @jcjs33
    @jcjs33 Před rokem

    grace gives harmony and wisdom to a grateful spirit renewing itself on goodwill extended...OMski