The Batraa Numerology
The Batraa Numerology
  • 1 014
  • 2 823 858
The Myth of Tara and Her Lunar Love: A Tale of Jupiter and the Moon!
Embark on an enchanting journey into the captivating narrative of Tara, the wife of Jupiter, and her profound affection for the moon. Immerse yourself in this rich tapestry of mythology, where every twist and turn will captivate your imagination and leave you utterly mesmerized.
Ankit Batra
Numerologist & Vastu Consultant
Ankitbatra#legendarytales #celestialromance #divinecouple #moonlove #jupiterstale #mythicaljourneys #goddessoftara #cosmicconnection #lunaraffection #mysticaladventures..
zhlédnutí: 140


Harness the Power of Vayo Mantra to Rekindle Your Relationship !
zhlédnutí 347Před 2 hodinami
If you're facing challenges communicating in your relationship, why not experiment with the Vayo mantra? It could help remove barriers to communication and foster a deeper connection with your partner. Ankit Batra Numerologist & Vastu Consultant Ankitbatra relationshipcommunication #relationshipgoals #spiritualconnection #harmoniousvibes #partnershipgrowth #emotionalhealing #coupletherapy #rela...
Unlock Your Potential: Mastering Personal Year 4's Responsibilities !
zhlédnutí 305Před 4 hodinami
As we welcome the arrival of Personal Year Four, prepare yourself for a journey characterized by diligence, commitment, and accountability. This pivotal year presents us with challenges that serve to fortify our resolve and shape our character. Embrace the opportunity to cultivate resilience and determination as we navigate the path ahead. Keep your head held high and your shoulders squared, re...
The Fickle Nature of 5 Born Person: Communication, Jealousy, and Greed !
zhlédnutí 435Před 7 hodinami
Have you ever encountered individuals with a mercurial disposition? While they may exude charisma and charm, their propensity for jealousy and greed can ultimately lead to their undoing. Beware of engaging in communication that mirrors the unpredictability of being seated at the fifth position during a wedding ceremony. Consistency and reliability are key virtues in fostering meaningful connect...
Boost Your Client Attraction with Lucaas Taaso Chanting !
zhlédnutí 479Před 9 hodinami
Seeking to draw clients effortlessly, regardless of your location? Consider incorporating the potent mantra "Lucaas Taaso" into your practice. This ancient invocation has the ability to manifest success and abundance in your business endeavors. Simply repeat "Lucaas Taaso" with intention and conviction, and witness as your client base expands and flourishes. Allow the transformative power of th...
Embrace Creativity and Expansion in Personal Year 3: Avoid Signing Guarantees !
zhlédnutí 388Před 12 hodinami
Entering into Personal Year 3 marks the beginning of an exhilarating phase characterized by opportunities for personal growth, boundless creativity, and continuous learning. Embrace the excitement of this transformative period, as it presents a canvas ripe for exploration and expansion. However, amidst the thrill of new endeavors, exercise caution when committing to agreements or contracts that...
The Powerful Traits of Number 5 | Discover Your Birth Number !
zhlédnutí 473Před 14 hodinami
Discover the mysteries held within the enigmatic number 5! Governed by the planet Mercury and often referred to as the Prince, this number exudes intelligence and versatility. If your birthday falls on the 5th, 14th, or 23rd of any month, this is your birth number, offering unique insights into your destiny. Delve into the realm of numerology to uncover what lies ahead for individuals blessed w...
The Impact of Paytm's Logo on Its Controversies and Success !
zhlédnutí 463Před 16 hodinami
Diving into the influential realm of color psychology within branding: analyzing how Paytm's strategic decision to adopt a blue logo could have influenced its ability to thrive during the challenges posed by the COVID pandemic and navigate recent controversies. Ankit Batra Numerologist & Vastu Consultant Ankitbatra PaytmSuccess #ControversyAnalysis #ScandalImpact #LogoChoice #BrandIdentity #COV...
Discover Your Personal Year: What to Expect in Year 1 !
zhlédnutí 309Před 19 hodinami
Calling all enthusiasts of numerology! If your personal year aligns with the number 1, brace yourself for a year brimming with fresh starts and abundant opportunities. Now is the perfect moment to launch that business venture, acquire that dream car, or even embark on the journey of marriage. Embrace your role as the number 1 and seize the reins, forging ahead confidently to carve out your path...
How to Discover Your Perfect Match: Finding the Opposite Number for Number 4 in Numerology !
zhlédnutí 713Před 21 hodinou
How to Discover Your Perfect Match: Finding the Opposite Number for Number 4 in Numerology !
Logo Transformation Success Stories: Boosting Business with Professional Design!
zhlédnutí 290Před dnem
Logo Transformation Success Stories: Boosting Business with Professional Design!
The Power of the Number 4: How it Affects Your Family and Relationships!
zhlédnutí 542Před dnem
The Power of the Number 4: How it Affects Your Family and Relationships!
Logo Transformation Success Stories: Boosting Business with Professional Design!
zhlédnutí 385Před 14 dny
Logo Transformation Success Stories: Boosting Business with Professional Design!
The Power of Number 4: A Look at How this Digit Shapes Successful People and Media Influence!
zhlédnutí 646Před 14 dny
The Power of Number 4: A Look at How this Digit Shapes Successful People and Media Influence!
Numerology Insights: Birth Number 7's Guide to Commercial Success Ritual for the Year Ahead!
zhlédnutí 741Před 14 dny
Numerology Insights: Birth Number 7's Guide to Commercial Success Ritual for the Year Ahead!
Mahindra's New Logo Revamp: A Silver M for a Premium Touch | XUV Logo Change!
zhlédnutí 303Před 14 dny
Mahindra's New Logo Revamp: A Silver M for a Premium Touch | XUV Logo Change!
Discover the Powerful Personality Traits and Yearly Forecast of No.4!
zhlédnutí 351Před 14 dny
Discover the Powerful Personality Traits and Yearly Forecast of No.4!
Unprofitable Unicorn: The Truth Behind Byju's Logo Change!
zhlédnutí 674Před 14 dny
Unprofitable Unicorn: The Truth Behind Byju's Logo Change!
Discovering the Health and Relationship Traits of Number 3 - Ruler of Dev planet!
zhlédnutí 564Před 21 dnem
Discovering the Health and Relationship Traits of Number 3 - Ruler of Dev planet!
The Power of Human-Based Logos in Branding & Promotion of Company!
zhlédnutí 679Před 21 dnem
The Power of Human-Based Logos in Branding & Promotion of Company!
3 Mantras for a Healthy and Productive Year | Fitness, Focus & Procrastination Tips!
zhlédnutí 709Před 21 dnem
3 Mantras for a Healthy and Productive Year | Fitness, Focus & Procrastination Tips!
Maximize Your Networking with a Golden Visit Card & Expert Logo Designing!
zhlédnutí 493Před 21 dnem
Maximize Your Networking with a Golden Visit Card & Expert Logo Designing!
The Power of Number 3: How Famous Personalities Use Their Words to Inspire and Influence!
zhlédnutí 771Před 21 dnem
The Power of Number 3: How Famous Personalities Use Their Words to Inspire and Influence!
Remedy to grow fashion and clothing industry by choice of colour cards!
zhlédnutí 555Před 28 dny
Remedy to grow fashion and clothing industry by choice of colour cards!
Friend or Foe? Uncovering the Power of Energy and its Impact on Our Lives!
zhlédnutí 665Před 28 dny
Friend or Foe? Uncovering the Power of Energy and its Impact on Our Lives!
Discover Your Lucky Color Based on Your Birth Date!
zhlédnutí 991Před 28 dny
Discover Your Lucky Color Based on Your Birth Date!
Optimize Your Visiting Card: The Importance of Including a Logo!
zhlédnutí 290Před měsícem
Optimize Your Visiting Card: The Importance of Including a Logo!
Scientific Logo desiging premium workshop
zhlédnutí 1,6KPřed měsícem
Scientific Logo desiging premium workshop
Know Your Numerology: What to Expect During the Years of 2024 and 2025 for No. 2!
zhlédnutí 855Před měsícem
Know Your Numerology: What to Expect During the Years of 2024 and 2025 for No. 2!
Magical Sugar Jar Ritual: Transform Your Life with This Powerful Ritual!
zhlédnutí 1,9KPřed měsícem
Magical Sugar Jar Ritual: Transform Your Life with This Powerful Ritual!
