Sarah Barnard
Sarah Barnard
  • 5
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Harding Scenics Project Video Production
Created Fall 2018
zhlédnutí: 33


Bisons for Christ Advertisement Spring 2019
zhlédnutí 35Před 5 lety
Created as an advertisement for Bisons for Christ.
Claudia Loves to Read
zhlédnutí 32Před 5 lety
Created for an extra credit assignment for Video Production, Fall 2018.
Dear John: A Short Film about Emotional Abuse
zhlédnutí 174KPřed 5 lety
This video is meant as a short film/PSA about emotional abuse. The film follows Audrey and John as John begins to emotionally abuse Audrey in small controlling ways and eventually moves to full-on yelling and accusing. Cast: Allie Scott as Audrey Garrett Smith as John Special thanks to Garrett Smith and family for allowing us the use of their apartment.
Ana Quintero: Designer
zhlédnutí 55Před 5 lety
Ana Quintero: Designer


  • @rhondawalker2020
    @rhondawalker2020 Před 21 hodinou

    I was married to two abusive husbands. Then I learned about abusive marriages much too late. I'm free now and I'm learning how to be happy 😊. You're never more lonely than being married to an abusive, self-centered person! "Once you know you go!" "Get out and stay out." HG Tudor!

  • @deborahwyndham-lewis5188

    I’m glad she left the washing up in the sink

  • @GradKat
    @GradKat Před 10 dny

    My ex spent half his life sulking, I swear. If I disagreed with his opinion of something (anything - a book, a movie) that was construed as “criticism” and he wouldn’t speak to me. He was rude to me all the time - called me vile names on occasion - but hypersensitive when it came to his own feelings. I think if you find you are having to walk on eggshells around your partner in order to keep the peace that is ALWAYS a sign you need to get out.

  • @kimberlyrobinson3992
    @kimberlyrobinson3992 Před 2 měsíci

    The message that Audrey finally got is correct - that’s not love. But, here’s the thing: she shouldn’t have been living with a guy she wasn’t married to, in the first place. People these days, especially young people, jump into relationships and go from zero to sixty in a heartbeat. Setting aside my personal view that it’s morally wrong, it’s practically unwise, as well. A good relationship takes time to build. You have to get to know the other person and they have to get to know you. People who are abusers, particularly guys, come across as very attractive, at first. They seem like Prince Charming but it’s an act. You have to be around a guy long enough for that mask to slip and it always does, eventually. What I said may seem like victim-blaming but I’m not because Audrey didn’t deserve the way she was treated. I’m just saying that if you walk around a bad neighborhood at night with a Gucci bag, you’re a lot more likely to get mugged than if you don’t do those things. It’s about making wise choices. I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s when it seemed like women were on an unstoppable forward path towards equality in all areas. But, the young women I see now seem so insecure. I went to an all girls school and I can’t imagine even the most timid classmate of mine taking crap like that from a man past the first time he yelled at her. I don’t know what’s going with how girls are raised these days. We have to teach girls to have respect for themselves and not to be afraid to cut things off if their gut is telling them something is wrong.

    • @GradKat
      @GradKat Před 10 dny

      But how much worse would it have been if she had been married to him? Do you think he’d have treated her better if he’d been her husband? She would have then had to go through all the angst of a divorce. I don’t know why you think living together before marriage is relevant in cases like this; many wives have suffered behind closed doors.

  • @KL-zg7lu
    @KL-zg7lu Před 2 měsíci

    Beware of someone ranting bible verses at you religious covert narcissists (NPD). They fly off the handle when you express normal discontent.

  • @izzyveleaguez2079
    @izzyveleaguez2079 Před 3 měsíci

    tryna my good best sm Ivr start doing the same he’s has did to me I screamed and pitched a wall sm

  • @izzyveleaguez2079
    @izzyveleaguez2079 Před 3 měsíci

    I’ve been in that’s position so many lots times

  • @cahmelllaurente4160
    @cahmelllaurente4160 Před 6 měsíci

    1 Corinthians 13:4-8

  • @sharong8841
    @sharong8841 Před 8 měsíci

    I have lived this life for years, but I finally escaped in February.

  • @AlfieAlpaca
    @AlfieAlpaca Před 10 měsíci

    Funny how people think it’s unacceptable in a romantic relationship but necessary in a parent-child relationship.

  • @peachyyp5126
    @peachyyp5126 Před 11 měsíci

    This is light weight compared to what happened to me lol

  • @tiffanysquire3838
    @tiffanysquire3838 Před 11 měsíci

    Here’s what I am hearing. People say I should have been with a model, I’m not saying that you’re not pretty just that people expected me to be with a model. Let’s see, also was praying for my boyfriend before his surgery and he proceeded to say, thanks for praying for me but you pray to long and I really didn’t want that because I had gotten myself calmed down and I didn’t need you to pray to make me go back to make me anxious oh and if you said Heavenly Father one more time, I think He knows what His name is. Tired of crying and tired of these type of comments.

  • @ennardmarelys
    @ennardmarelys Před rokem

    Almost 100% of what the boyfriend says is what my mom says. Jesus....

  • @BrokeButLaughing
    @BrokeButLaughing Před rokem

    What if the girl is the one doing this stuff

  • @karyn1091
    @karyn1091 Před rokem

    It's been 5 years that my last relationship ended. He felt unhappy that I retained some of my "protective wall" even after 2+ years. I erroneously opened up to him. He became emotionally and mentally abusive by throwimg my vunerabilities in my face after I opened up to him. I am also to blame. I should have left him as soon as I realized that I fell in love with his "representative".

  • @metalicangel05
    @metalicangel05 Před rokem

    I’m living this right now and it’s draining me 😢

  • @thewise2443
    @thewise2443 Před rokem

    This was great 👏🏽!

  • @adinashaina9977
    @adinashaina9977 Před rokem

    narcissistic abuse - run away "dear john, good bye"

  • @cockatootledo
    @cockatootledo Před rokem

    No matter how much I show you i try to love you you still don't care. HEAR THIS EVERYDAY

  • @michelemurphy3541
    @michelemurphy3541 Před rokem

    If you watch this short on abuse and reframe every sentence his character says, as in him as first person…you will understand what this abuse is and just how nutty it is that abusers think they can pull it off~because they do for so long by exploiting the manners, the kindness, the niceness and the logic of their target. When you reframe the abuser’s dialogue as them speaking about themselves, they tell on themselves. If you are ever questioning this type of crazy making, try it. Reframe their words…‘ you just don’t care!!!!’ To, ‘I just don’t care!!!’. They don’t care. They are sneaky liars and they target you on purpose because you are bright and offer up the supply they compulsively need.

  • @vibebliss1515
    @vibebliss1515 Před 2 lety

    Why is it that more percentage of men do emotional and physical abuse to women???

  • @nastasiasteele4535
    @nastasiasteele4535 Před 2 lety

    Going through this shit right now…

  • @joanngarcia2308
    @joanngarcia2308 Před 2 lety

    This is mild compared to my story. So proud she got out

  • @orionash7067
    @orionash7067 Před 2 lety

    The acting is terrible lol especially the guy

  • @tomwikum7001
    @tomwikum7001 Před 2 lety

    I have delt with this for a while myself. My mother is a meth user. And my grandparents keep bringing her back into the house after all the hell she put me through since I was 8. When me and my brother both say we dont want her back, they guilt me and my brother to allow her back in. I'm through. I'm gonna save myself soon.

  • @ChrysWhite77
    @ChrysWhite77 Před 2 lety

    I wonder how many men will admit to on the receiving end of this type of abuse? Or do they even know when or if they are? I know when we talk about any kind of domestic abuse the male is usually portrayed as the abuser but they can also be the victim. Just saying

  • @goodvibesandhealing
    @goodvibesandhealing Před 2 lety

    “I’m yelling because you don’t care and that’s frustrating” oh my god. Wow. I’ve heard that so many times it’s unreal.

  • @trishazechel8402
    @trishazechel8402 Před 2 lety

    She used the best wisdom by reading and understanding 1 Corinthians 13 :4-8

  • @lostgarden9545
    @lostgarden9545 Před 2 lety

    a lot of crap behavior stems from insecurity. a lot of toxic people are insecure and it shows in this short film too. be sure to look for the signs and stay safe out there!

  • @malhamaulkubra4437
    @malhamaulkubra4437 Před 2 lety

    It's all BS. It's in fact about lack of education.

  • @MrRaposaum
    @MrRaposaum Před 2 lety

    I know that a lot of feminists (man and woman a like) will disagree a lot with what I'll say now but... let's go. The behavior that this guy is showing is most common in women (not saying that MOST women acts like this! but it is more common to see it in woman). Now, when it is the case of the woman being overly jealous (yes, there is justifiable jealousy, but the film obviously depicts one that is unreasonable and destructive), IF the man is patient, caring and reasonable, he can turn it around and at some point they both can fix it... assuming of course that in the woman is willing to try to make a change. When it is a man being hysterical in this fashion, he puts the woman in despair. And I don't blame the women who can't handle guys like this... No woman should. Yes it is his fault. He should act like a reasonable man. Which is not to say that men doesn't get unreasonable too. Some more, some less, same as women... some times for the same reason but (and this is the main point), not in the same way. When that happens, it is women who have the way to pull the breaks and make us be more considerate in our words and actions. And it's also truth that it only works if the man in question lets himself be affected by her words and actions. My point is that this is something that will happen in every relationship (some with less intensity or less frequency, but inevitably someone will say or ask something unreasonable or unfair), but men are more mentally equipped to handle women's nonsense while women are more mentally equipped to handle men's nonsense. If a man is being unreasonable in a feminine way or if a woman is being unreasonable on a masculine way, what you see is a drama that never reaches a solution. And to every woman that pushes the idea that men should be more sensitive: Sure, I get it. I cry in movies/books, I like drama stories and also a romantic movie from time to time... but if a man goes overboard, he becomes like this character on the film and, if your partner is a guy like this, you'll feel as insecure and unprotected as ever. There'll be no fulfillment coming from your relationship. If you don't like the archetypical "tough guy" type, then fine... but I recommend to find a man that at least seems like he can be tough when it counts.

  • @cross2833
    @cross2833 Před 2 lety

    This makes it look so easy to just walk out. If only..

  • @abriannacobarris9671
    @abriannacobarris9671 Před 2 lety

    Story of my life but with my family .

  • @ayarikiyo2178
    @ayarikiyo2178 Před 2 lety

    I wish I knew about this sooner.

  • @christopherthomas8421

    Can we PLEASE BREAK THE STEREOTYPE that its always the MALE doing this. In my life I have 100% been on the other side. I have always acted like the “woman” in these videos while in real life its the my ex’s that act like the “guys” in these videos. I don’t know if this is support for me and others like me or if its just more gaslighting because the “guy always is wrong, the bad guy” Damn it!

  • @christopherthomas8421

    2:38 that moment breaks my heart. I have Been there litteraly been there done that. But just for her to gaslight me.

  • @janemerante
    @janemerante Před 2 lety

    Sometimes the mental abuse doesn't end when a relationship stop. Especially when there is kids involved. I still go through that out of my relationship and it drains you so much that you don't know what to do of your life anymore. You'll just try to stay strong so your kids don't suffer because of the situation

  • @macempress165
    @macempress165 Před 2 lety

    This is amazing! My wife and I founded a domestic abuse ministry 13 years ago that uses a short scenario for each theme on our entitlement compass (based on the Duluth wheels). This is a great tool both for the Overcomers and Beyond Belief groups! Ever think of shooting the other 9 themes?

  • @constancegomez351
    @constancegomez351 Před 2 lety

    Volume is low

  • @MayaRaimondo
    @MayaRaimondo Před 2 lety

    I … am… floored. I am not alone. I am not crazy. Thank you, Sara.♥️🙏🏼

  • @exodus_gaming5282
    @exodus_gaming5282 Před 2 lety

    True, this isn’t love

  • @YumegakaMurakumo
    @YumegakaMurakumo Před 2 lety

    Excellent short film. The use of Grace of Divine Love 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Something my poor mother would angrily state concerning my dad going into one of his signature temper tantrums. If I wasn't around she'd get it. And since I'm no longer around, I know she's getting the full brunt of it. The ending was great. When dealing with a narc, keep it simple. 3 words and that's it.

  • @MiriamHernandez-cv7em

    I’m going through the same ,I’m trying to seek help or help myself to get away from such a monster.Any tips or suggestions would help out , Thank you 🙏

    • @khadijahkash9588
      @khadijahkash9588 Před 2 měsíci's been 2years? Did you find the help you wanted or you are stuck?

  • @bmc5075
    @bmc5075 Před 2 lety

    When he says he does everything for you yet you have no family and friends or healthcare job near because he wanted you to move Now with a new baby and no family friends or job

  • @Lorenaldzma90
    @Lorenaldzma90 Před 2 lety

    I am going through this now. I dint know how much more I can take. Since we have 4 kids. He uses that into his advantage because I didn't have a father growing up. He tells me "so you don't put kids to have a father"😔 I just realized. Like it hit me a 2 years ago. I tried leaving and found out I was pregnant and my family forced me to come to him. They said they would help him take me children away. I may just commit suicide. It's my only option and I get to make it. No one else makes that option for me. 😔💔

  • @listentologic
    @listentologic Před 2 lety

    This ain't emotional abuse. This girl is nuts! She manifests drama when there isn't any.

  • @re-birthevolution9336

    Funny enough this kind of behaviour is more typical of females but on media is always portrait the other way around... Male abuse seems to be totally fine! They got us all fooled!

  • @saintessa
    @saintessa Před 2 lety

    Excellent acting on conveying something like this.

  • @TheTreeOctopus
    @TheTreeOctopus Před 2 lety

    Let me guess....haven't watched movie yet but it will be man abusing usual!!!! Edit: yes it is!!! Why aren't these videos ever about woman abusing man!!!! Go out with a borderline ffs!!!!!

  • @bradmyers7109
    @bradmyers7109 Před 2 lety

    This is the perfect example of what do when you are getting physical and mental abuse . LEAVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Listen to the COUNTLESS testimonies of survivors on this. They left. Do not tell the person you are leaving . Just leave.