The Poke-in-the-Eye Devotional
The Poke-in-the-Eye Devotional
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The Simplest Way to Avoid Sexual Sin
This is the most radical way to stay pure.
zhlédnutí: 11


How to Avoid a Meaningless Life
zhlédnutí 9Před 2 hodinami
Simply do this. #ThePokeInTheEyeDevotional stevepsanchez
Funerals are Better Than Parties
zhlédnutí 8Před 4 hodinami
Find out why… #ThePokeInTheEyeDevotional stevepsanchez
The Miserable Rich
zhlédnutí 10Před 7 hodinami
Money buys a lot…except contentment. #ThePokeInTheEyeDevotional stevepsanchez
zhlédnutí 35Před 9 hodinami
Instead of reacting, reviling, and rampaging against people blinded by Satan, more could be accomplished in our country and in our souls if we did this. #ThePokeInTheEyeDevotional stevepsanchez
Solid Rock Bible Church Sermon: VICTORY AND TEMPTATION (Mark 1:9-13)
zhlédnutí 8Před 12 hodinami
At the height of King Jesus’ coronation, he’s then whisked into the wilderness to be tested to see if he’s worthy of kingship. Mountains and Vallie’s are the essence of the Christian life. share/v/VbAcCn8EipXo2P8i/?mibextid=WC7FNe
zhlédnutí 19Před 12 hodinami
Most believers would stop preaching immediately if the authorities commanded them: “not to teach in this name.” (Acts 5:28) #ThePokeInTheEyeDevotional stevepsanchez
zhlédnutí 15Před 16 hodinami
When Christians say “God said,” or “God told me” we need to graciously and patiently listen and try not to roll our eyes. #ThePokeInTheEyeDevotional stevepsanchez
An Introduction to Solid Rock Bible Church!
zhlédnutí 16Před 16 hodinami
An Introduction to Solid Rock Bible Church! Hi! I’m Pastor Steve and I want to tell you a little bit about our awesome church! Contact me if you need counsel or prayer: 512.516.5801 We are located at the Community Resource Center: 206 S. Hwy 281 (next to Dairy Queen) Services: 10:30 A.M. Our website:
Sinful Saints Sharing Salvation?
zhlédnutí 14Před 16 hodinami
Some obedient, sinful-saint preached imperfectly the perfect Word of God to you, correct? And God saw fit to open your heart to respond. #ThePokeInTheEyeDevotional CZcams:
Your Cross is the Best Cross
zhlédnutí 10Před 19 hodinami
The burdens you bear are perfect for you. #ThePokeInTheEyeDevotional stevepsanchez
zhlédnutí 6Před 21 hodinou
Where you are now may not be where you’ll be tomorrow, but Jesus will be with you. #ThePokeInTheEyeDevotional stevepsanchez
Are you weak in your faith?
zhlédnutí 16Před dnem
Are you afraid you might lose your faith due to unbelief or sin? #ThePokeInTheEyeDevotional stevepsanchez
zhlédnutí 14Před dnem
Jesus works the night shift using the shadows of our distress for his glory, and for ministry to others. #ThePokeInTheEyeDevotional stevepsanchez
Solid Rock Bible Church Sunday Sermon-“GOD USES CRAZY PEOPLE (to get His Word out!)” Mark 1:1-8
zhlédnutí 18Před dnem
(Note: The camera mysteriously moved without notice, so, no full graphics.) God uses strange people to get his word out, have you noticed? There are many different ways that God has to get his message across, and many creative strategies, including using colorful people to do it. How do feel about Christians who present the message of Jesus a little creatively? What is your first reaction to so...
Are you under a curse?
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Are you under a curse?
zhlédnutí 14Před dnem
This is how to know if you are really saved!
zhlédnutí 25Před 14 dny
This is how to know if you are really saved!
zhlédnutí 14Před 14 dny
Crushing Catastrophes Create Christian Character
zhlédnutí 18Před 14 dny
Crushing Catastrophes Create Christian Character
The End of America? What Christians should do
zhlédnutí 39Před 14 dny
The End of America? What Christians should do
Solid Rock Bible Church Sermon: NEW SERIES: “Moving Thru Mark” (Mark 1:1)
zhlédnutí 7Před 14 dny
Solid Rock Bible Church Sermon: NEW SERIES: “Moving Thru Mark” (Mark 1:1)
God is NEVER Mentioned in Esther
zhlédnutí 18Před 14 dny
God is NEVER Mentioned in Esther
Kickin’ Butt in the Name of the Lord!
zhlédnutí 20Před 14 dny
Kickin’ Butt in the Name of the Lord!
When African Killer Bees Fly Up Your Nose
zhlédnutí 7Před 14 dny
When African Killer Bees Fly Up Your Nose
What To Do When Your World Caves In
zhlédnutí 18Před 21 dnem
What To Do When Your World Caves In
Talk About TOM CRUISE All You Want!
zhlédnutí 34Před 21 dnem
Talk About TOM CRUISE All You Want!
zhlédnutí 14Před 21 dnem
zhlédnutí 13Před 21 dnem
Walk This Way
zhlédnutí 12Před 21 dnem
Walk This Way


  • @thomas94305
    @thomas94305 Před 15 hodinami

    The message and format are great! Get rid of the baseball cap and wear a shirt you'd wear when at church.

  • @Silver77cyn
    @Silver77cyn Před 2 dny

    Ray making baseless assumptions, as if they were fact.

  • @lisakurimski8587
    @lisakurimski8587 Před 3 dny

    AMEN, AMEN, & AMEN!!!!

  • @Robbie-vu6pl
    @Robbie-vu6pl Před 4 dny

    The Good news is simply = 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Bible Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you-unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, Repent = (in the Greek) The true meaning of Repentance in the Greek is (Metanoia) "A CHANGE OF MIND" from unbelief to belief NOT repent of your sins to be saved nowhere in the Bible does it say repent to be saved. Repentance does not mean turning from sin. Repentance is a change of mind about who Jesus is, what He has done for you, and about sin and it leads to a turning away from sin. That change of mind that you have will lead to a change of action. A repentant heart does not want to live a wicked life anymore. It has new desires, and it goes in a different direction. It turns from sin. Acts 3:19 “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” Jonah 3:10 proves that turning away from evil ways is “work “and not Bible repentance Jonah 3:9-10, “Who can tell if God will turn and repent, and turn away from his fierce anger, that we perish not? And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.” TRUST and believe by FAITH in GOD'S FREE GRACE in the FINISH WORK (his work not ours!) of the CROSS John 19:30.... THAT’S THE GOSPEL = SIMPLE

  • @DougRenz
    @DougRenz Před 5 dny


  • @funtimefoxy6699
    @funtimefoxy6699 Před 5 dny

    The reality show "Forged in Fire" can serve as a pretty good metaphor for faith. When you're stuck in a furnace and then pounded against an anvil, you can emerge a beautiful sword. It's a pretty bad analogy - but the best I can do on short notice.

  • @snowholland2784
    @snowholland2784 Před 6 dny


  • @snowholland2784
    @snowholland2784 Před 7 dny

    That was GooooooD! I love the punch at the end! ❤

  • @lisakurimski8587
    @lisakurimski8587 Před 7 dny

    I love this!!!! God bless you all! ❤ AMEN & AMEN!!!!

  • @NickGagnon-u1v
    @NickGagnon-u1v Před 10 dny

    Such a terrible guy.

  • @snowholland2784
    @snowholland2784 Před 14 dny

    ❤ that’s a good one!!

  • @matthewtimms5254
    @matthewtimms5254 Před 17 dny

    mauro biglino literal bible

  • @maryjackson2567
    @maryjackson2567 Před 20 dny


  • @n4679827
    @n4679827 Před 22 dny

    Besides, if one is moved to accept Jesus' free gift of salvation and follow Him by going out and communicating this, a soul or more will be kept from the true Enemy. This is a true prize of great worth!

  • @lisakurimski8587
    @lisakurimski8587 Před 25 dny


  • @lisakurimski8587
    @lisakurimski8587 Před 25 dny


  • @user-lc4ui5jz9l
    @user-lc4ui5jz9l Před 27 dny

    PHI 4:12-13

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 Před 29 dny

    what is our response to you believe in OSAS....and should one leave a second marriage, if the first one ended in divorce...

  • @davidkurimski6122
    @davidkurimski6122 Před měsícem

    I get a lot from sermons. Mostly convicted of my imperfect nature. God willing I will improve and finish the race well.

  • @user-ud9og6qm9h
    @user-ud9og6qm9h Před měsícem

    The fear of man brings a snare!! Live for His glory alone. Pray for holy boldness. Great word preacher!!!

  • @boredman1890
    @boredman1890 Před měsícem

    Romans 14 was about doubtful disputes. This was in reference to fasting, diet and the ceremonials. This is wrong

  • @gregcox6165
    @gregcox6165 Před měsícem

    We are under the New Covenant, God’s Law written in the heart. You can’t have the Law in the heart and ignore or deny it, or claim it’s for someone else.

  • @MrKevinStraub
    @MrKevinStraub Před měsícem

    This is false teaching. The verse is not talking about the 7th day sabbath, but about the festal sabbaths of the sanctuary system, which was done away at the cross, fulfilled in Christ, just the same as were the animal sacrifices. There were those who were still keeping the feast days. It took time for them to understand that the old system was done away. None of the ten commandments were done away. The symbolic system was written by human hand and placed in the side of the ark containing the stone tables written by God. These are two entirely different laws. The 10 are immutable as the throne of God. This man doesn't know what he's talking about and if he does not get straightened out, he will be on side with the beast and its image. Jesus is not the Sabbath, He is Lord of the Sabbath (Luke 6:5). He never did away with it! Else He would not have told His disciples to pray that when the Roman armies were about to besiege Jerusalem that their flight would not be in the winter or ON THE SABBATH (Matt. 24:20). He wasn't talking about Sunday. Sunday wasn't a thing until centuries later, under Constantine. The Sabbath commandment is obviously not about resting in Jesus; it is about keeping the 7th day holy and not engaging in secular work on that day. Let's just take it as it reads, shall we? Ex. 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 20:9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 20:10 But the seventh day [is] the sabbath of the LORD thy God: [in it] thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that [is] within thy gates: 20:11 For [in] six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them [is], and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. The reason for keeping the sabbath, as it is written in the sabbath commandment, is not given as that we should rest in God from our works as though salvific. That is true in a secondary sense, but in the law itself the reason given is because we are to stay anchored to the fact that God is the Creator of all things, including us. "For" in six days..., i.e., "Because" in six days.... The Lord blessed and made holy the seventh day, not the first. Woe be to any man or woman that teaches another sabbath, for he would be teaching another god. (See the first commandment.) Rev. 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here [are] they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. Rev. 22:12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward [is] with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 22:13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. 22:14 Blessed [are] they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. Matt. 15:9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching [for] doctrines the commandments of men. I pray that "poke in the eye" man gets some better reading glasses and repents of this grave sin of teaching for commandments the doctrines of men.

  • @javierdiaz1910
    @javierdiaz1910 Před měsícem

    The context of that verse in Romans is about Feasts, fasting, and ceremonial Sabbaths. Romans 14:1-4 You are Neglecting the conflict between Jews(newly converted who observed all ceremonial laws vs un practicing Jews) and Gentiles alike. They argue whether or not they should abide to previous ceremonial laws but Paul goes into detail about weakness in faith. Please do not misinterpret a few verses to justify your choice of transgressing the 4th commandment. Furthermore, Jesus gave a summary of the Decalogue by saying “Love your God with all your heart”, which points to the first table, and “Love your neighbor as yourself”, which points to the second table. You see, this is in harmony with the word of God because when you read Revelation(The revelation or manifestation of Jesus Christ himself to John) years after his resurrection, Jesus says “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭14‬:‭12‬ ‭ If the commandments didn’t matter, Jesus would not have reiterated that point. Lastly, it is irrational and incoherent to think that 9 out of the 10 commandments are active, and one was excluded.

  • @ronbilyard8806
    @ronbilyard8806 Před měsícem

    God‘s law cannot be changed! Period!

  • @gracehsieh7115
    @gracehsieh7115 Před měsícem

    The Fourth commandment just like the rest Exodus are God's moral law.

  • @gracehsieh7115
    @gracehsieh7115 Před měsícem

    Sabbath will be kept in the new heavens and new earth. " For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain. 23 And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord. "- Isaiah 66: 22.23

  • @BigBangAttack-mt6pz
    @BigBangAttack-mt6pz Před měsícem

    "You will not surely die"

  • @ramonaandrei6396
    @ramonaandrei6396 Před měsícem

    The Sabbath is so important, that God's day of rest, Saturday, as it is since creation of this world, it will be a sign, a mark in the end of times. True obedience to God means keeping His commandments and having the faith of Jesus Christ, just like it is writen in the book of Revelation. Beware of whom you choose: you choose God and obey Him because you love Him, or, you do what you please, and keep what you are comfortable with from what He says. There will be laws made by humans to profane the day of rest and also make a new one, but God says: Keep my Sabbath, remember it and keep it holy! Whom do you worship in the day of worship ? God or yourself? You have been warned and you will more be! Don't let this grow cold on you. Your eternal salvation is at risk. Bow down to God, for angels and all the world does this.

  • @robertbaker231
    @robertbaker231 Před měsícem

    Nice little twisting of Scripture your a professional

  • @lisakurimski8587
    @lisakurimski8587 Před měsícem

    Amen! God bless!

  • @brianvell
    @brianvell Před měsícem

    Oh look, it's banana man.

  • @wayneandrews1022
    @wayneandrews1022 Před měsícem


  • @user-lc4ui5jz9l
    @user-lc4ui5jz9l Před měsícem

    Very good Pastor. Thank you

    • @PokeInTheEyeDevotional
      @PokeInTheEyeDevotional Před měsícem

      You’re welcome!

    • @desertvineyard
      @desertvineyard Před měsícem


    • @user-lc4ui5jz9l
      @user-lc4ui5jz9l Před měsícem

      @desertvineyard I'm sure you are a busy person and you certainly don't owe me anything, but if you could please provide some details. I thought it was a good message.

    • @desertvineyard
      @desertvineyard Před měsícem

      @@user-lc4ui5jz9l Read the Bible on your own. Do not trust nobody on such issues. Start with the fact, that Sabbath was keept not by the jews, but Adam and Eve, Seth, Noah, Abraham, Izaak, Jacob. Then it is writren, that we will keep God's Sabbath on the new earth

    • @PokeInTheEyeDevotional
      @PokeInTheEyeDevotional Před měsícem

      @@user-lc4ui5jz9lHow may I help you?

  • @valinorean4816
    @valinorean4816 Před měsícem

    Hi! As someone from a Soviet culture (now an immigrant in the USA) I believe that the resurrection was staged by the Romans, as explained in a popular book where I'm from - "The Gospel of Afranius"; like many others, I read it in childhood and never thought about this question again - until coming to the USA and noticing a stark contrast in the discussion of this question. What's wrong with that explanation?? I'm confused, what am I missing here?..

  • @lisakurimski8587
    @lisakurimski8587 Před měsícem

    Absolutely. Amen!

  • @lisakurimski8587
    @lisakurimski8587 Před měsícem

    Absolutely. Amen!

  • @trishanoren2437
    @trishanoren2437 Před měsícem

    Thank you Ray!!!😍 When we understand that LIFE was LOST in the Garden (their personal Spiritual Relationship was broken) that easily explains why Jesus came To earth to give us Second Birth…to REconnect the world back to His Father!!! this Truth does away with man-made religious denominations and all excuses about how good we are…we are born in sin and our Spirit’s must be Transformed by the born again experience…John 3:3!!!!!! It Is Just That Simple!!!!! Praying this world chooses Life in Christ sooo they will be Rapture/HeavenBound!!!!!! ⚓️⚓️⚓️ ⚓️

  • @user-lc4ui5jz9l
    @user-lc4ui5jz9l Před měsícem

    This speaks to me personally. Thank you. My favorite verse is: PHI 4:12-13 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret to being content in any and every situation. Whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

  • @lisakurimski8587
    @lisakurimski8587 Před měsícem

    Prayers! That church will never be the same without you. 🙏❤

  • @davidkurimski6122
    @davidkurimski6122 Před měsícem

    It difficult to search our own intentions. I ask God to remove my selfishness and provide me with more of His direction and will.

  • @Mchristine120
    @Mchristine120 Před měsícem

    Amennnn, soyez richement béni 🙏🏻🕊🇨🇭

  • @user-lc4ui5jz9l
    @user-lc4ui5jz9l Před 2 měsíci

    That isn't what I wanted to hear Pastor. So thank you for saying it.

  • @MatthewCostantinoDC
    @MatthewCostantinoDC Před 2 měsíci


  • @jimkraft9445
    @jimkraft9445 Před 2 měsíci

    But you miss use the word repent. Jesus told the Pharisees, "unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. What did He mean? Unless they believed He was their Messiah, they would not be saved. So, what does repent for salvation mean? It means to go from unbelief to belief. It is the Greek word, metanoia. It simply means to change your mind, and BELIEVE on Jesus for the free gift of everlasting life. Romans 6:23.The gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus finished work on the cross plus nothing. IF you have accepted Jesus free gift of eternal life, you have repented. You accepted the free gift. You changed your mind about how to be saved forever. First Corinthians 15:1-4 is the only gospel that saves sinners which we all are. James 2:10. If you have offended in one point, you are guilty of the whole law. So yes, if you have looked at a woman with lust in your heart, you are condemned to hell forever. But God sent His only Son to pay for all the sins of everyone in the world. First John 2:2. Colossians 2:13. He has forgiven us ALL trespasses. Past, present, and future sins we have not even thought of yet. Romans 4:5-8.

  • @robg_
    @robg_ Před 2 měsíci

    There are over six hundred individual commandments in the Mosaic Law, and breaking just one of them one time renders a person guilty. No one but Jesus ever kept the Law perfectly. True the Law cannot justify; it can only condemn. We can only be declared righteous "faith apart from works"(Romans 3:28), and that faith must rest in the only Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ: "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved"(Acts 4:12) To continue to attempt to earn a place heaven through the WORKS of the LAW is to ignore the sacrifice of Christ: "If righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing! (Galatians 2:21) the most important message here apart from law which does not save us is faith and trust in Jesus Christ saving Grace on the blood the finished work of the cross (John 19:30). Christians no matter how hard you try you will sin in the flesh (old nature or old man) BUT the Holy Spirit (the new man) will help us walk in the Spirit daily if we choose to, If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.! (1 John 1:8-10)

    • @k.bkeller2471
      @k.bkeller2471 Před 5 dny


  • @j316min
    @j316min Před 2 měsíci

    Amen- good word, Pastor!

  • @stevemcelmury4618
    @stevemcelmury4618 Před 2 měsíci

    Sweet story... thank you!

  • @claudettepersent8137
    @claudettepersent8137 Před 2 měsíci

    Jesus Christ❤

  • @user-lc4ui5jz9l
    @user-lc4ui5jz9l Před 2 měsíci

    Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. Matthew 16:24.