Hong Kong Heritage Project
Hong Kong Heritage Project
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Memories of Central I 中環記憶
“Memories of Central” is a selection of oral history interviews from The Hong Kong Heritage Project archive for “City Impression@Central”, jointly organized by The Planning Department and HKHP in 2014.
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Our 10th Anniversary! | 本項目慶祝十周年!
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2017年是香港社會發展回顧項目成立的十週年。由最初蒐集中華電力有限公司和香港上海大酒店的歷史檔案開始,項目逐漸發展成一個香港人引以為榮的歷史寶庫,當中不但保存了香港人過去的生活面貌,還記錄了今天社會的民生百態。我們走訪了約500位來自社會各階層的市民,了解他們的個人故事,為過去的歲月留下一鱗半爪,從而啟迪年輕一代研究香港歷史的興趣。 我們衷心感謝政府的全力支持,以及一眾受訪者付出寶貴時間,與我們分享他們的個人經歷和精彩故事,充分展現香港人的活力和拼搏精神,這些都是激勵後來者前行的動力。 一系列爲不同受衆而設的周年紀念活動將會在2017年内展開,頭一炮「『廠』出新天:紅磡蛻變之旅」已於2月及3月舉行,反應踴躍。其它活動將陸續公佈,敬請留意。 The Hong Kong Heritage Project is celebrating its 10th anniversary in 20...
香港DNA 預告片 | Hong Kong DNA (Trailer)
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香港DNA 預告片 | Hong Kong DNA (Trailer)
香港DNA (首映版) I Hong Kong DNA (premiere version)
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「香港DNA」喻指香港人的特質和智慧。片中以衣、食、住、行為楔子,刻劃出香港人一直走來的道路,從中感受讓香港人引以為傲的香港精神,並寄望大家能把這份優良傳統傳承下去。 The “Hong Kong DNA” documentary programme explores our living heritage in the aspects of Clothing, Food, Shelter and Transport, in a bid to discover the wisdom of the people that makes Hong Kong tick. “Hong Kong DNA” is planned and produced by the Hong Kong Heritage Project and was launched on 11 November in Hon...
女童軍香港歷史章2016 - 徒置區舊情懷 | Girl Guides HK History Badge 2016 - Life in the Early Public Housing
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暑假時我們為女童軍舉辦了香港歷史章工作坊,一眾學員為大家創作了三個徙置大廈的小故事,展現戰後普羅大眾的生活和情懷。 這批初中女孩,沒有聽過「制水」,在課程開始前對香港歷史的印象也只有「南京條約」,經過兩節合共八個多小時密集式工作坊,包括美荷樓老居民帶領的導賞、觀看口述歷史片段、以及戲劇訓練後,自己著手創作劇本,並在美荷樓生活館這個盛載歷史氣息的空間排練演出,演繹普羅大眾的生活經歷和情懷,了解祖父母輩的所思所想。 Girl Guides who just earned their HK History Badge this summer put together three stories illustrating the lives and values of the generation who grew up in HK’s early public housing estate...
Message from HKHP Founder Sir Michael Kadoorie I 香港社會發展回顧項目創辦人 米高‧嘉道理爵士 的話
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Message from HKHP Founder Sir Michael Kadoorie I 香港社會發展回顧項目創辦人 米高‧嘉道理爵士 的話
Hong Kong Harbour Day to Night, 1950s | 海港日與夜,1950年代
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Cine-film footage donated by Elizabeth M. Ride to The Hong Kong Heritage Project archives. This film shows the frenetic activity around the Hong Kong Harbour. Footage was shot by Sir Lindsay Ride in the 1950s. 前香港大學校長賴廉士爵士1950年代拍攝的港口景緻和活動。 鳴謝賴廉士爵士女兒 Elizabeth M. Ride 女士捐贈影片。
Happy Valley Racecourse, 1950s | 1950年代的快活谷
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Cine-film footage donated by Elizabeth M. Ride to The Hong Kong Heritage Project archives. This video shows the Happy Valley Racecourse. It includes two races that occurred during the 1950s. All footage was shot by Sir Lindsay Ride in the 1950s. 前香港大學校長賴廉士爵士1950年代拍攝跑馬地快活谷賽馬。鳴謝賴廉士爵士女兒 Elizabeth M. Ride 女士捐贈影片。
Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival, 1950s I 香港端午節 1950年代
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Cine-film footage donated by Elizabeth M. Ride to The Hong Kong Heritage Project archives. This video shows the Dragon Boat Festival in the 1950s. It includes the race and those who were watching. All footage was shot by Sir Lindsay Ride in the 1950s. 1950年代端午節的龍舟比賽。片段由前港大校長賴廉士爵士(Sir Lindsay Ride) 拍攝。鳴謝賴廉士爵士女兒Elizabeth M. Ride 女士捐贈影片
The Hong Kong Waterfront, 1950s | 海岸民生, 1950年代
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Cine-film footage donated by Elizabeth M. Ride to The Hong Kong Heritage Project archives. This video shows the Hong Kong waterfront including the people who lived and worked on it. All footage was shot by Sir Lindsay Ride in the 1950s. 前港大校長賴廉士爵士(Sir Lindsay Ride) 於1950年代拍攝的香港海岸。鳴謝 賴廉士爵士女兒Elizabeth M. Ride女士捐贈影片
《農家樂》 | "A Happy Farmer"
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嘉道理農業輔助會和政府1950年代攝製影片在鄉村播放,鼓勵有需要的農民尋求協助。香港社會發展回顧項目檔案庫藏有影片旁白的錄音,並邀請香港城市大學創意媒體學院的學生合作,為這段旁白配上動畫,活現五十年代香港農村生活。 The Kadoorie Agricultural Aid Association and the Government jointly produced videos in the 1950s to encourage needy farmers to seek help. Having restored the audio reels housed in the HKHP archive, HKHP has engaged students from the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong ...
The Jewish Communities of Old Shanghai I上海猶太社群
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In the 1930s and 1940s, Shanghai was home to a diverse polyglot population, a mix races and linguistic groups.Making up a small yet visible number of the population, foreigners were often referred to as the Shanghailanders. Meet the foreign community of Shanghai in the pre-war years, including the Sephardi and Ashkenazi Jewish communities. 在1930和1940年代,上海聚集了不同種族和國家的人。雖然他們的人數不多,但卻不能被忽略。齊來認識一下戰前生...
「重拾都市回憶」口述歷史短片 | "Remembering Our Urban Legacies" Exhibition Oral History Video
zhlédnutí 4,4KPřed 10 lety
你我的經歷,編織成香港的故事。 「重拾都市回憶」口述歷史短片結集由香港浸會大學歷史系聯同拔萃男書院、協恩中學、瑪利諾修院學校及伊利沙伯中學學生進行的社區口述歷史訪談節錄,與您遊歷15個香港歷史地標,發掘獨有的回憶寶藏! 您可在此細聽香港市民的親身經歷,窺探尖沙咀半島酒店、九龍塘聖德肋撒堂、瑪利諾修院學校、旺角拔萃男書院、九龍城協恩中學、何文田九龍醫院、中電鐘樓、油麻地果欄等歷史地標不為人知的一面。 現在就打開香港市民的回憶匣子,「重拾都市回憶」! The Hong Kong Heritage Project (HKHP) worked in collaboration with the Hong Kong Baptist University's Department of History to collect hidden stories from around Hong Kong...
A Century in Business I 嘉道理家族在香港的投資
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TThe Hong Kong Heritage Project holds paper records, films and photographs as part of its archival collection that. chronicle the history of Kadoorie business interests and investments over the past one hundred years in Hong Kong and Shanghai. 香港社會發展回顧項目收藏了不少具有歷史價值的商業檔案、相片和影片。此片段精選了嘉道理家族過去的一百年在香港和上海的業務和投資。
Agricultural Life in Hong Kong, 1950s | 1950年代的香港農業
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Cine-film footage donated by Elizabeth M. Ride to The Hong Kong Heritage Project archives. Film depicts the agricultural lives of farmers in rural Hong Kong shot in the 1950s by Sir Lindsay Ride. 前香港大學校長賴廉士爵士1950年代拍攝了一系列香港風物的影片,此為鄉郊面貌和農民生活。 鳴謝賴廉士爵士女兒 Elizabeth M. Ride 女士捐贈影片。
Duck Herding in the New Territories, 1950s | 1950年代新界趕鴨仔
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Duck Herding in the New Territories, 1950s | 1950年代新界趕鴨仔
Hong Kong Street Scenes, 1950s | 1950年代香港街景
zhlédnutí 11KPřed 11 lety
Hong Kong Street Scenes, 1950s | 1950年代香港街景
Voices and History Hong Kong I 香 港歷 史 留 聲 (口 述 歷 史 研 討 會 及 工 作 坊)
zhlédnutí 251Před 11 lety
Voices and History Hong Kong I 香 港歷 史 留 聲 (口 述 歷 史 研 討 會 及 工 作 坊)
Our Tsim Sha Tsui - Past, Present and Future I 歲月流轉尖沙咀展覽
zhlédnutí 10KPřed 12 lety
Our Tsim Sha Tsui - Past, Present and Future I 歲月流轉尖沙咀展覽
Hong Kong History Bites - Hong Kong's Early History by Robert Nield I 香港的歷史 -香港早期的歷史
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Hong Kong History Bites - Hong Kong's Early History by Robert Nield I 香港的歷史 -香港早期的歷史
The Kadoorie Estate - A Short History I 嘉道理家族的物業
zhlédnutí 19KPřed 12 lety
The Kadoorie Estate - A Short History I 嘉道理家族的物業
嘉道理農業輔助會歷史 | The Kadoorie Agricultural Aid Association Documentary (1982)
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嘉道理農業輔助會歷史 | The Kadoorie Agricultural Aid Association Documentary (1982)
日治時期的香港 - 香港人的故事 I Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong and beyond: residents tell their stories
zhlédnutí 6KPřed 12 lety
日治時期的香港 - 香港人的故事 I Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong and beyond: residents tell their stories
我家故事 -- 圖畫版 I Our Home, Our History -- An Illustration"
zhlédnutí 939Před 12 lety
我家故事 圖畫版 I Our Home, Our History An Illustration"
嘉道理農業輔助會-口述見證 | The Kadoorie Agricultural Aid Association Oral Testimonies
zhlédnutí 767Před 12 lety
嘉道理農業輔助會-口述見證 | The Kadoorie Agricultural Aid Association Oral Testimonies
深水埗舊區照片存檔 I Saving Now For the Future -- Sham Shui Po
zhlédnutí 20KPřed 12 lety
深水埗舊區照片存檔 I Saving Now For the Future Sham Shui Po
The Kadoorie Legacy | 嘉道理家族百年旅途 (英文字幕)
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The Kadoorie Legacy | 嘉道理家族百年旅途 (英文字幕)
嘉道理家族百年旅途 | The Kadoorie Legacy (Chinese subtitles)
zhlédnutí 3,8KPřed 13 lety
嘉道理家族百年旅途 | The Kadoorie Legacy (Chinese subtitles)
西洋鏡看香港 | Western Windows, Eastern Skies (Chinese subtitles)
zhlédnutí 580Před 13 lety
西洋鏡看香港 | Western Windows, Eastern Skies (Chinese subtitles)
Western Windows, Eastern Skies I 西洋鏡看香港
zhlédnutí 232Před 13 lety
Western Windows, Eastern Skies I 西洋鏡看香港


  • @richardhalliwell4070
    @richardhalliwell4070 Před 3 měsíci

    I think the social and political organisation of hong kong in the early 19th century was far greater than Lord Palmerston could have imagined.

  • @chiwaipang3606
    @chiwaipang3606 Před rokem


  • @matthewyeung2663
    @matthewyeung2663 Před rokem


  • @TexpoKOALA
    @TexpoKOALA Před rokem

    nice vid, we're using this vid for our pre-task thx

  • @wangwang7060
    @wangwang7060 Před 2 lety


  • @timmaitland4617
    @timmaitland4617 Před 2 lety

    I recognise the names of a couple of the jockeys - Marcel Samarq and Jimmy Pote-Hunt. Both were contemporaries of my grandfather Hugh "Buffy" Maitland, who I think had retired as a jockey by 1953 or 4.

  • @johnngai9707
    @johnngai9707 Před 2 lety


  • @user-cz9sl6dz2l
    @user-cz9sl6dz2l Před 3 lety


  • @ytubeviewer1000
    @ytubeviewer1000 Před 3 lety

    2:28-2:32 The intersection of Western Street and Third Street, the building on the right still exists!

  • @yclawry1
    @yclawry1 Před 3 lety

    What a wonderful video. I can see the Happy Valley of those days and horses racing. What add precious to this video is it is color rather than B/W, that's not easy to have in those days

  • @dannyleungleung3815
    @dannyleungleung3815 Před 3 lety


  • @barbaraharding4416
    @barbaraharding4416 Před 3 lety

    thank you

  • @barbaraharding4416
    @barbaraharding4416 Před 3 lety

    this was the Hong Kong I remember as a small girl..in the first 30 seconds of my father's Jimmy's Kitchen sign..the famous pickled onions..

  • @aabb-zz9uw
    @aabb-zz9uw Před 4 lety

    This is why nobody likes Japan. Just ask anyone in Korea.

  • @pangrachel7903
    @pangrachel7903 Před 4 lety


  • @hugo9618
    @hugo9618 Před 4 lety

    Does he speak Cantonese?

  • @41Larryyy
    @41Larryyy Před 4 lety

    PLKWCC 2S報到

  • @anniepulgao6664
    @anniepulgao6664 Před 5 lety

    I like watching this video.

  • @jameswood6909
    @jameswood6909 Před 5 lety

    Dear Miss Ride: Graceful for Mr. Ride's colour recording of old Hong Kong which breaks mysterious of old b&w films. He's handsome and friendly. Was he a British or American?

  • @kankansleep
    @kankansleep Před 5 lety

    what is the name of the background music?

  • @vampirelfortunetelling

    Thanks so much for the contribution of your family towards Hong Kong in all these years

  • @glgdpeter
    @glgdpeter Před 6 lety

    A true Hongkonger!!

  • @canman5060
    @canman5060 Před 7 lety

    I remember Cherikoff restaurant.Not cheap but their food is great.I saw many White Russians in Hong Kong who dined there.

  • @canman5060
    @canman5060 Před 7 lety

    The Euro Asian Ho Tung and his wife.

  • @sammyfung2414
    @sammyfung2414 Před 7 lety

    very interested in those pictures fill with historical value awesome.

  • @albertdiner
    @albertdiner Před 7 lety

    Very interesting. China was the only place during wwII where one could enter without a visa. Many european jews survived by going to SHANGHAI. We jews are very grateful to the chinese people who saved so many families. WHOEVER SAVES ONE LIFE SAVES THE WORLD ENTIRE . I hope one day to see this musical, and i hope a cd recording of the songs is available. Thank you very much. G-d bless you.

  • @vanessaseedlui2018
    @vanessaseedlui2018 Před 8 lety

    Great clip

  • @canman5060
    @canman5060 Před 9 lety

    Great colour footage of 1950's Hong Kong.Thanks for sharing.

  • @marcusw168
    @marcusw168 Před 9 lety

    Although visas were not required for entrance to Shanghai, a document was a prerequisite for Jews wishing to leave Nazi Germany. It was Feng Shan Ho, Consul General of Republic of China in Vienna, who issued hundreds of visas to Jews wishing to leave Nazi occupied region. www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/biography/ho.html

    • @akalish22
      @akalish22 Před 8 lety

      +marco oe This may be true, but the Japanese consuls did this as well. Suguihara was one who became famous for it, but there were many others who risked their livelihood to issue travel visas. My father received one such document from a Japanese consul, so I should know! :)

    • @rogerfaint499
      @rogerfaint499 Před 7 lety

      "When the entire world closed its door against the Jews, there is only one exception - Shanghai." is the words inscribed on the walls of the Holocaust memorial in Vienna. All embassies had turned down the Jews for visas to leave Austria and the Chinese embassy was the only one that kept issuing visas, by the thousands (from 1938 to 1939) for Jews to flee to Shanghai.

    • @baltzlyn5769
      @baltzlyn5769 Před 7 lety

      This must be true rather than"may be true," even the Israeli prime minister visited Shanghai as his first stop during his official visit to China:-) The fact that the Japanese consul did the same doesn't contradict the historical fact that almost 30000 Jewish people arrived in Shanghai after receiving visas from the Chinese consul in Vienna. So there is no need to compare them:-)

  • @conscarcdr
    @conscarcdr Před 9 lety

    We could have done so much more...

  • @DvorahJoy_DachsieGuru

    I had Viennese relatives who were saved by being able to flee to Shanghai, they eventually settled in the Boston area.

  • @scram825
    @scram825 Před 10 lety

    I need help locating any living relative of Max Farber who fled to Shanghai. I found his grave marker.

  • @budgier6898
    @budgier6898 Před 10 lety

    Shots of my Father Edwin Ride (12 Nov 31-22 May 96)@1.10

    • @QED_
      @QED_ Před 8 lety

      At 1:10 . . .

    • @raymondkkng
      @raymondkkng Před 7 lety

      Miss Ride, Thanks for all the contributions your family have done for Hong Kong. Thankyou!

    • @pangrachel7903
      @pangrachel7903 Před 4 lety

      thank you for sharing the recording with us!

  • @berrychina84
    @berrychina84 Před 10 lety

    nice to find this vedio in youtube. my grandma told me I have an aunt who is Jew, but she speaks Shanghainese and works for Shanghai government. grandma says she is very smart.

  • @kamtsang515
    @kamtsang515 Před 10 lety

    kadori family have done a lot for hong kong , thank you kadori family !

  • @torontomommies
    @torontomommies Před 10 lety

    thank you very much!

  • @EyeOfScrutiny
    @EyeOfScrutiny Před 11 lety

    Great and interesting. Thanks. BTW, I believe the Dominican Republic let a lot of Jewish refugees in.

  • @alexleona9634
    @alexleona9634 Před 11 lety

    very educational == thank you for sharing.

  • @jjsmama401
    @jjsmama401 Před 11 lety

    Very interesting! My mom was born in Shanghai. Her parents fled Russia when it became communist. Then, they had to flee Shanghai in the 1940s.

  • @SSCherny
    @SSCherny Před 12 lety

    Palestine didn't exist in 722 BC.

  • @amyarizona
    @amyarizona Před 12 lety

    What a great video. I am proud to be a part of this family.