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瀕死經歷7+7:遊歷天堂 (完整版足本4小時) 下集 ( 粵語配音) (中文字幕)
耶穌說: 「應當歡喜快樂,因為你們在天上的賞賜是大的。」(太5:12)
「我又看見一個新天新地,因為先前的天地已經過去了,海也不再有了。我又看見聖城新耶路撒冷,由神那裡從天而降!我聽見有大聲音從寶座出來說:看哪!神的帳幕在人間。衪要與人同住,他們要作衪的子民。神要親自與他們同在,作他們的神 。神要擦去他們一切的眼淚,不再有死亡,也不再有悲哀、哭號、疼痛,因為以前的事都過去了。 」(啟示錄21:1-4)
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瀕死經歷7+7:遊歷天堂 (完整版足本4小時) 上集 ( 粵語配音) (中文字幕)
zhlédnutí 6KPřed rokem
全世界已經有數以千萬計的個案,瀕死經歷已經不再是稀奇的事了。美國每天都有近乎600個人有瀕死經歷,當中有超過九成以上的瀕死經歷個案者都成為基督徒。他們都異口同聲地說:「天堂是真的!地獄是真的!」而只有相信耶穌基督的救贖,才能真正到達天堂。 「你們得救是本乎恩,也因著信,這並不是出於自己,乃是神所賜的,也不是出於行為,免得有人自誇。」(以弗所書2:8-9) 從這裡我們可以清楚地明白到天堂的救恩乃是出自上帝的恩典,絕對不是靠佛家所說的,依靠自己有好行為就能得到的。 何人!只要當下信主,認罪悔改,接受神賜下的「聖靈」住在心裡,行上帝吩咐我們要走的光明之路,就可以得救了! 「敬畏神,謹守祂的誡命,這是人所當盡的本分。」(傳12:13) 「人子(耶穌)來不是要滅人的性命(靈魂),是要救人的性命(靈魂)。」(路9:56) 上天堂的道路本來只有一條。「你若口裡承認耶穌為主,心裡信神叫他從死裡復...
瀕死經歷7+7:遊歷天堂 (完整版足本4小時) 下集 ( 國語配音) (中文字幕)
zhlédnutí 2KPřed rokem
全世界已經有數以千萬計的個案,瀕死經歷已經不再是稀奇的事了。美國每天都有近乎600個人有瀕死經歷,當中有超過九成以上的瀕死經歷個案者都成為基督徒。他們都異口同聲地說:「天堂是真的!地獄是真的!」而只有相信耶穌基督的救贖,才能真正到達天堂。 「你們得救是本乎恩,也因著信,這並不是出於自己,乃是神所賜的,也不是出於行為,免得有人自誇。」(以弗所書2:8-9) 從這裡我們可以清楚地明白到天堂的救恩乃是出自上帝的恩典,絕對不是靠佛家所說的,依靠自己有好行為就能得到的。 何人!只要當下信主,認罪悔改,接受神賜下的「聖靈」住在心裡,行上帝吩咐我們要走的光明之路,就可以得救了! 「敬畏神,謹守祂的誡命,這是人所當盡的本分。」(傳12:13) 「人子(耶穌)來不是要滅人的性命(靈魂),是要救人的性命(靈魂)。」(路9:56) 上天堂的道路本來只有一條。「你若口裡承認耶穌為主,心裡信神叫他從死裡復...
瀕死經歷7+7:遊歷天堂 (完整版足本4小時) 上集 ( 國語配音) (中文字幕)
zhlédnutí 4,3KPřed rokem
全世界已經有數以千萬計的個案,瀕死經歷已經不再是稀奇的事了。美國每天都有近乎600個人有瀕死經歷,當中有超過九成以上的瀕死經歷個案者都成為基督徒。他們都異口同聲地說:「天堂是真的!地獄是真的!」而只有相信耶穌基督的救贖,才能真正到達天堂。 「你們得救是本乎恩,也因著信,這並不是出於自己,乃是神所賜的,也不是出於行為,免得有人自誇。」(以弗所書2:8-9) 從這裡我們可以清楚地明白到天堂的救恩乃是出自上帝的恩典,絕對不是靠佛家所說的,依靠自己有好行為就能得到的。 何人!只要當下信主,認罪悔改,接受神賜下的「聖靈」住在心裡,行上帝吩咐我們要走的光明之路,就可以得救了! 「敬畏神,謹守祂的誡命,這是人所當盡的本分。」(傳12:13) 「人子(耶穌)來不是要滅人的性命(靈魂),是要救人的性命(靈魂)。」(路9:56) 上天堂的道路本來只有一條。「你若口裡承認耶穌為主,心裡信神叫他從死裡復...
被提發生後,敵基督肆虐的大苦難時期 (粵語^中英字幕) The reign of the Anti Christ after Rapture (English / Chinese Subtitles)
zhlédnutí 12KPřed rokem 敵基督統治的大苦難時期!一位聾啞畫師把主耶穌給他的末世異象用3D動畫繪畫出來。 我們特地加上配音與配樂, 原創於 : faulk600 被提的經文: 我們現在照主的話告訴你們一件事:我們這活着還存留到主降臨的人,斷不能在那已經睡了的人之先。 因為主必親自從天降臨,有呼叫的聲音和天使長的聲音,又有神的號吹響;那在基督裏死了的人必先復活。 以後我們這活着還存留的人必和他們一同被提到雲裏,在空中與主相遇。這樣,我們就要和主永遠同在。(帖撒羅尼迦前書 4 : 15-17)
zhlédnutí 6KPřed rokem 1. 逾越節記念耶和華救贖以色列人出埃及,神的選民有什麼記號? 2. 神的選民出了埃及,為什麼要守逾越節? 3. 逾越節對我們新約信徒有什麼意義? 4. 耶穌在逾越節受難應驗了聖經那些經文? 5. 耶穌在逾越節的筵席為我們做了什麼? 6. 出埃及記中的滅命天使是誰?啟示錄中描述第四印騎在馬上名字叫作死的是誰? 7. 我們可以逾越末世大災難嗎? 參考文章: 逾越節晚餐-記念主耶穌的受難與拯救! 耶和華 上帝 所定的七個聖經中的節期-預表了主耶穌基督再來的重大啟示! 吹角節 - 耶穌基督再來的末世啟示
凱莉威廉斯 (歌手):天堂之旅《生命印記》作者 - 瀕死經歷7+7:遊歷天堂 - 在天堂中重遇已故的親友和祖父母,見到他們反老還童⋯⋯
zhlédnutí 2,1KPřed rokem 香港耶路撒冷 - 末世電視《瀕死經歷7+7:遊歷天堂》 全世界已經有數以千萬計的個案,瀕死經歷已經不再是稀奇的事了。美國每天都有近乎600個人有瀕死經歷,當中有超過九成以上的瀕死經歷個案者都成為基督徒。他們都異口同聲地說:「天堂是真的!地獄是真的!」而只有相信耶穌基督的救贖,才能真正到達天堂。 凱莉威廉斯是鄉搖音樂歌星 亨京威廉斯二代的女兒 亦即是經典歌星亨京威廉斯的孫女 2006年 當時凱莉正和她的姊姊 在前往祖父葬禮的途中 凱莉的車子失控 翻了幾個筋斗 當她們在等候救援的時候 凱莉失去了6品脫的血液 凱莉死了 我真的數不清楚 自己到底有多少地方受重傷 我深信這是個祝福 我現在開始明白箇中的意義 但是我太過年輕了 我在世上還有很多理想未達成 所以我對上帝說 主呀,我還未準備好現在死 在等候救護車來到的時候 有一個醫生來到現場 他們說:「不要把...
CERN"強子對撞機" 停動三年重啟!上帝粒子-暗黑物質開啟地獄大門?無底坑另度空間魔獸!外星生物之謎!末日核戰!CERN: EV!L-DARK MATTER DEM0N!C Dimensions!
zhlédnutí 14KPřed 2 lety
閱讀文章 : 大事件!CERN 停動3年,"大型強子對撞機"加速啟動!上帝粒子將打開地獄大門,開啟毀滅性蟲洞?暗黑物質召喚無底坑惡魔?哈米吉多頓末日預言的世界大戰!無底坑另度空間,陰間之門正在打開?! 2022年7月5日下午4點,歐洲核子研究中心將啟動其大型強子對撞機。它已經3年半沒有啟動了。有許多理論在流傳,這可以打開微小的量子黑洞。7月5日,他們將以13.6萬億電子伏特(13.6TeV)的速度啟動它,創造世界紀錄。 「第五位天使吹號,我就看見一個星從天落到地上,有無底坑的鑰匙賜給它。 它開了無底坑,便有煙從坑裏往上冒,好像大火爐的煙;日頭和天空都因這煙昏暗了。 有蝗蟲從煙中出來,飛到地上;有能力賜給牠們,好像地上蠍...
毒!納米膠粒被發現存在於主要品牌的膠樽水、甚至玻璃樽飲料之中!Tox!c Micro^plastics in bottled water!
zhlédnutí 3,4KPřed 2 lety
毒!納米膠粒被發現存在於主要品牌的膠樽水、甚至玻璃樽飲料之中!你可能在短期內喝完了一張信用卡般的塑膠微粒也不自知! 塑膠微粒可入侵血液和肺部,損害肝臟和腎臟,可導致癌症和其他因免疫系統損害而引發的疾病。 推薦影片,請點擊以下連結: 逆天而行的逆苗(逆苗獸印的七大證據) 逆天而行的逆苗-海量禁片已登錄RUMBLE 研究發現人體肺部含有微塑料!😰 近日有報導指在人體肺部里竟發現微塑料,來自工業廢物裡的微塑料,可存在人們日常食用的膠樽飲料、食物及呼吸的空氣、(Chemtr@!l) 空中化學毒物噴灑。
拒絕#666#$獸印$#|($逆喵$)|不惜代價|甚至被視為「非法」?REJECT Mark of the BEAST and willing to be "!llegal" for Christ?
zhlédnutí 11KPřed 2 lety
請務必要點擊下面連結看 : (逆天而行的逆苗) ( 觀看被噤的最新影片: ( @香港耶路撒冷|末世電視! 拒絕#666#$獸印$#|($逆喵$)|不惜代價|甚至被視為「非法」?REJECT Mark of the BEAST and willing to be "!llegal" for Christ?
波蘭修女 芬斯天娜 窺見地獄 警世見證:地獄是真的!我求主憐憫寬恕,赦免世人的罪,親愛的主耶穌,我寧願在地上受苦,直到世界末日,也不願有任何過犯得罪上帝,因而遭受永遠的酷刑!@香港耶路撒冷
zhlédnutí 15KPřed 2 lety
1936年,波蘭一位修女芬斯天娜曾經有到訪地獄的經歷。這是她親自寫下的見證:「今天,上帝差派一位天使引領我見到地獄深淵的異象。那裡滿處都是酷刑,是一個大得無法形容的刑場。以下,是我所見到的酷刑: 第一:在地獄裡,永遠和上帝隔絕。 第二:良知會永遠受到痛悔與自責。 第三:知道酷刑將會是永無止境的。 第四:地獄的火會直刺入靈魂,但不會摧毀靈魂,這是極大的痛苦,因為這火是上帝純而不雜的忿怒,所以靈魂被烈火焚燒。 第五:永無休止的極端漆黑,加上令人窒息的極端惡臭,即使在極端漆黑之中,魔鬼和受詛咒的靈魂仍然見到對方,所有的魔鬼,所有靈魂都見到對方,但是人的靈魂永遠不可以溝通,只聽到互相的慘叫聲,人要在孤獨中承受永遠的折磨。 第六:永遠都要和惡毒的撒但在一起。 第七:這是最恐怖的酷刑。上帝就是愛和光,如果和上帝隔絕了,剩下的是一個完全沒有愛和光的地方,因此靈魂對上帝產生憎恨,到處都是污言穢語、詛...
哈佛神經外科教授在嚴重腦膜炎昏迷中,腦部功能被毀滅情況下遊歷天堂的瀕死經歷!艾賓.亞歷山大博士 Eben Alexander @香港耶路撒冷
zhlédnutí 9KPřed 3 lety
美國哈佛醫學院著名神經外科醫生亞歷山大(Eben Alexander)在腦部功能被毀滅的瀕死狀態下遊歷天堂,並與已過世但未曾見過面的親生妹妹在天堂相遇。對於像他這樣一生致力於大腦研究的科學家而言,這些經歷顛覆了他在科學上的認知,但卻讓他相信,神與天堂確實是存在的... 天堂,一個光芒萬象,由黃金珠寶所建,有無法形容的美麗景色,充滿愛和歌聲的喜樂之地。香氣滿溢,天使處處。人會有永遠年青的新身體,感覺極度的快樂甜蜜。與去世的親友歡聚,與神同在,直至永遠...美國有超過 800萬 人曾經有「瀕死經歷」。他們在醫學上被證實死亡,後來「復活」人間。本節目請來當中14位全球矚目的瀕死經歷者,講述他們死而復生的真人真事。在「死亡」期間,有人上過天堂,也有人下過地獄... 另外,節目亦會分享幾個在異象中「到訪」過天堂的奇妙見證。當中包括銷量突破400萬冊「去過天堂90分鐘」的作者當尼.派普(Don ...
以色列總理 : 先給孩子植入666微芯片,追蹤社交距離!Israeli gov't wants to MICROCHIP KIDS for Tracking Social Distance
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基於Y0utube審查原因,請移玉步到我們的官方網站了解有關: 新冠 逆苗 的真相揭露!新冠 逆苗 就是 666 獸印嗎?For updated vide0s of M@rk 0f the Be@st V@xx!ine, ( Endtimes V@xx!ine Truth) pls click:
潛水被水母咬死,花花公子死而復活,從黑暗地獄走進天堂隧道!無神論者生前只顧玩樂,「死亡」期間,走過極端漆黑,窺見上帝榮光⋯艾仁麥以恩Ian McCormack @香港耶路撒冷
zhlédnutí 30KPřed 3 lety
天堂,一個光芒萬象,由黃金珠寶所建,有無法形容的美麗景色,充滿愛和歌聲的喜樂之地。香氣滿溢,天使處處。人會有永遠年青的新身體,感覺極度的快樂甜蜜。與去世的親友歡聚,與神同在,直至永遠...美國有超過 800萬 人曾經有「瀕死經歷」。他們在醫學上被證實死亡,後來「復活」人間。本節目請來當中14位全球矚目的瀕死經歷者,講述他們死而復生的真人真事。在「死亡」期間,有人上過天堂,也有人下過地獄... 另外,節目亦會分享幾個在異象中「到訪」過天堂的奇妙見證。當中包括銷量突破400萬冊「去過天堂90分鐘」的作者當尼.派普(Don Piper)。他描述自己通過十二度閘門,踏過黃金大道,進入天堂與主同享天國盛宴...同樣暢銷400萬冊的紐約時報暢銷書NO.1「真的有天堂」中的4歲瀕死男孩,寇頓.伯爾普(Colton Burpo),他在天堂遇見手腳有釘痕的耶穌,遇見與他從未見面,逝世多年的曾祖父,和在...
zhlédnutí 33KPřed 4 lety
末日經濟!銀行體系終必爆破?經濟大蕭條!英國脫歐,美債泡沫,全球股災,經濟大崩潰!共濟會啟動「新世界秩序」!@香港耶路撒冷 Shalom撒冷十字架 ✝️ 警告:史上最大的經濟崩潰!非現金交易與統一貨幣,為「新世界秩序」666獸印晶片鋪路! 「又 憑牠與聖徒爭戰,並且得勝;也把權柄賜給牠,制伏各族、各民、各方、各國。 凡住在地上、名字從創世以來沒有記在被殺之羔羊生命冊上的人,都要拜牠。」啟示錄13:7-8 「牠又叫眾人,無論大小、貧富、自主的、為奴的,都在右手上或是在額上受一個印記。 除了那受印記、有了獸名或有獸名數目的,都不得做買賣。 在這裏有智慧:凡有聰明的,可以算計獸的數目;因為這是人的數目,它的數目是六百六十六。」啟示錄13:16-18 「又有第三位天使接着他們,大聲說:「若有人拜獸和獸像,在額上或在手上受了印記, 這...
末日瘟疫: 啟示錄四封印! 滅命天使,馬不停蹄! 億萬人滅絕的末日預言?新冠肺炎⋯揭開災難序幕?從聖經看摩西與大衛,憑什麼方法制止瘟疫?
zhlédnutí 103KPřed 4 lety
末日瘟疫: 啟示錄四封印! 滅命天使,馬不停蹄! 億萬人滅絕的末日預言?新冠肺炎⋯揭開災難序幕?從聖經看摩西與大衛,憑什麼方法制止瘟疫?
zhlédnutí 73KPřed 4 lety
末日啟示錄,一"戲"呵成?! 災難大電影,如何預演聖經末日大預言?! @香港耶路撒冷
zhlédnutí 64KPřed 4 lety
末日啟示錄,一"戲"呵成?! 災難大電影,如何預演聖經末日大預言?! @香港耶路撒冷
非洲牧師死後三日奇蹟復活,親證天堂與地獄...領7900萬人信主,火焰佈道家-布永康(Reinhard Bonnke) 神蹟奇事!@香港耶路撒冷
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非洲牧師死後三日奇蹟復活,親證天堂與地獄...領7900萬人信主,火焰佈道家-布永康(Reinhard Bonnke) 神蹟奇事!@香港耶路撒冷
大冧市的七個徵兆出現!經濟大審判來臨!美國官員Ron Paul警告:速逃!@香港耶路撒冷
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大冧市的七個徵兆出現!經濟大審判來臨!美國官員Ron Paul警告:速逃!@香港耶路撒冷
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加州黃石大地震的毀滅性結局,將如巨大隕石撞擊帶來冰河時期!啟示錄 6:12@香港耶路撒冷
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加州黃石大地震的毀滅性結局,將如巨大隕石撞擊帶來冰河時期!啟示錄 6:12@香港耶路撒冷
巴黎聖母院大火,卡通片多年前早已預演?啟示錄九章:敵基督與無底坑! (I, Pet Goat II|Simpsons|Hunchback of Notre Dame)
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巴黎聖母院大火,卡通片多年前早已預演?啟示錄九章:敵基督與無底坑! (I, Pet Goat II|Simpsons|Hunchback of Notre Dame)
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耶穌基督受難:The Passion of the Christ Because of you 全因為祢(中英歌詞)
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耶穌基督受難:The Passion of the Christ Because of you 全因為祢(中英歌詞)
Is Jared Kushner the Jewish Messiah or Sudden Destruction is waiting ahead?
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Is Jared Kushner the Jewish Messiah or Sudden Destruction is waiting ahead?
敵基督即將現身?特朗普666女婿庫什納 神秘掌控美國實權!成中東盟約預言的關鍵人物!
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敵基督即將現身?特朗普666女婿庫什納 神秘掌控美國實權!成中東盟約預言的關鍵人物!
Hillsong Masonic Antichrist Altar-Transgender,Satanic Gay Parade! Hillsong 敵基督共濟會祭壇變性人演唱會(中文字幕)
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Hillsong Masonic Antichrist Altar-Transgender,Satanic Gay Parade! Hillsong 敵基督共濟會祭壇變性人演唱會(中文字幕)
天理難容!5500萬墮胎大屠殺!挪亞日子, 神觀看世界,見是敗壞了!@香港耶路撒冷
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天理難容!5500萬墮胎大屠殺!挪亞日子, 神觀看世界,見是敗壞了!@香港耶路撒冷
香港假教師說:「666獸印晶片,是陰謀論!垃圾!」 從聖經察驗何謂末世假教師!基督教復興教會 包德寧 牧師不叫童女們儆醒,反叫童女們倒頭大睡?!
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香港假教師說:「666獸印晶片,是陰謀論!垃圾!」 從聖經察驗何謂末世假教師!基督教復興教會 包德寧 牧師不叫童女們儆醒,反叫童女們倒頭大睡?!


  • @foxybuddy
    @foxybuddy Před 9 měsíci

    12:40 she said it's not our place to tell anyone how they should live, it's their journey...he said we can't change anybody...let's read Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus said to the 11 disciples: go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you....

  • @missflipz
    @missflipz Před rokem

    Truly disturbing. This is exactly what Altiyan Childs ‘X Factor Reveals Secret Religion’ exposes. He shows all the celebs, WHO, Fauci, Presidents New World Order, elites and their plans for new world where everyone will be forced to take the mark of the beast in his right hand or forehead. And the number of the beast is of a man. 666. Revelation 13: 14-18 😮 🙏 But Jesus said, let not your hearts be troubled or afraid 🕊️🙏

    • @missflipz
      @missflipz Před rokem

      .. and United Nations. All part of this illuminati Freemasonry occult worship 👿

  • @johngreene6780
    @johngreene6780 Před rokem

    Didn't take long for them to show their true colours. There demonic.

  • @johngreene6780
    @johngreene6780 Před rokem

    Music moves people, doesn't make it Christian

  • @Halalela25
    @Halalela25 Před rokem

    Yahweh backwards spell allah…the name of the creator is SoNINI Na NiNi like it up the name before you say anything what you find will open your eyes the devil and the ones who serve him have lied about so much things! By the way Eli Eli lama sabathini does not mean my god my god why has thou forsaken me…In isixhosa it means THIS THIS IS FOR Sabbathkeeps! The savior was speaking isixhosa which is a Bantu to language and we see the father speaking isixhosa in Daniel when he wrote on the wall mene, mene, tekel, upharsin that is isixhosa the Most High is show all truths!! He who has an ear let him hear!!

  • @vilhamdutch2962
    @vilhamdutch2962 Před rokem

    No one needs to be right with God to sing a song remember that!

  • @kate_fairchild_237
    @kate_fairchild_237 Před rokem


  • @mikaamlibmika-oq4tk

    The important in this world is your connection to God .. with your mind , heart and your soul.. God Is loving God . We are not holy we did mistakes but all we have to do is ask forgiveness and accept what we've done sin and ask to God for guidance. life is Precious and short , we must turn our hearts to God

  • @jojop6387
    @jojop6387 Před rokem

    Good lord, you people are either A. Schizophrenic or B. So blinded by your own self righteousness that you don’t realize how delusional you look. I’m not saying this to bash on religion in anyway, but wow you people need to take a step back and look at yourselves. For Christ’s sake, you are calling these people satanic because they empathize with and being awareness to the very real struggles of queer folk. Christians are always going on about loving one another and being compassionate, but when it comes time for the compassion, they use the Bible as a cudgel to silence, shame, and bully people they disagree with. Jesus would not have been so gross and condescending to people.

  • @mirjamabat
    @mirjamabat Před rokem

    So happy I don't believe in fluffy cloud man, just wanted to let everyone know that might feel alone in also not believing in dusty space bearded woman

  • @Madenthewest
    @Madenthewest Před rokem

    Wait what! Ok I won’t be listening to their music anymore. I hope that wasn’t a clip that was taken out of context

  • @RuuBjAh1
    @RuuBjAh1 Před rokem

    If you are going to spread this, at least be 100% truthful about this. The "church leaders" who led a Pride event in New Orleans were a church choir leader and one of the guys from his choir, both in Hillsong. Once the choir leader came out, he was forced to step down as choir leader and he eventually left the church. So, actually, though I personally find this despicable, Hillsong and you guys are on the same page there, with Brian Houston even making a statement on the website that they feel like gay people are welcome, but can't have leading positions in church.

  • @ronbal
    @ronbal Před rokem

    hillsong turns to hellsong united soon. perfect for all christians who are still giving money to those pastors wealth. jesus will not come back. open your eyes guys ;D

  • @pappybigs5663
    @pappybigs5663 Před rokem

    Does anyone know who it was speaking about "running away?" and the speaker talking about Israel?

  • @arteriesc.5572
    @arteriesc.5572 Před rokem

    My goodness, I am a Christian and I can't feel God's presence in them. All I can see in them is wordly inspired musics and money.

  • @JianKaruro0048
    @JianKaruro0048 Před rokem

    Super thumbs down for Hillsong 👎👎👎 One word for Hillsong : BAKERO!!!!!!!!!!! 👎👎👎

  • @raimiranda126
    @raimiranda126 Před rokem

    WT is that a GAY PRIDE PARADE?!? I CAN'T hardly believe they can do THIS and that abominable US FLAG. That's equivalent to STATOLATRY which originated fm worshipping Caesar

  • @raimiranda126
    @raimiranda126 Před rokem

    However the positives, you're CORRECT in saying that Jesus was with criminals? Idk about that, but with sinners tax collectors yes. He actually even ATE with them but yes He didn't participated or shared in their wicked ways

  • @raimiranda126
    @raimiranda126 Před rokem

    The Islamic God doesn't have a name. Allah is just an Arabic word for God. Please do your research. Even in our ARABIC Bibles, NOT the Islamic Quran, God is TRANSLATED as Allah. The ONLY difference between their Allah AND Our Allah is that our Allah/ELOHIM/GOD has a Name and its YHWH or transliterated, Jehovah as He Himself said on Isaiah 42:8 in the ORIGINAL Bible where He mentions His Name. On the other hand The God of Islam DOESN'T have a PERSONAL name, hence in their kalimah OR declaration of faith, TRANSLATED to the English it is said that There is no God but God and Muhammad is the prophet of God. NOTE they DIDN'T mentioned GOD's PERSONAL NAME unlike The GOD of us Jews and Messianics/ Christians. Deuteronomy 7:9 الهك هو الله الاله الامين الحافظ العهد والاحسان للذين يحبونه ويحفظون وصاياه الى الف جيل In Arabic [which unfortunately CONCEALS the Divine Name because of Jewish fables its too sacred to utter Titus 1:14 (then WHY would GOD introduce His Name to His people in the first place IF HE doesn't want it to be uttered?) ... anyhow, in Arabic the text quoted above reads ... alhak hu ALLAH alalah alamin alhafiz aleahd walahisan liladhin yuhibuwnah wayahfazun wasayah alaa alf jil. However, since Israel spoke Aramaic/ HEBREW the first NAME isn't the Word GOD or אלוהים BUT יהוה hence, it should be CORRECTLY translated BASED on its ORIGINAL as ... YHWH hu ALLAH alalah alamin alhafiz aleahd walahisan liladhin yuhibuwnah wayahfazun PLEASE Get your FACTS straight, so that other people should not judge us Christians as MISrepresenting OR twisting FACTS. Thank you and GOD Bless

    • @ree1515
      @ree1515 Před rokem

      Muhammad is a false prophet, he is satanic just like Gandhi and others big name. They never agree or believe that Jesus is God and Son of God, end of conversation. May God open your eyes.

    • @raimiranda126
      @raimiranda126 Před rokem

      @@ree1515Agreed Muhammad isn't a true prophet, HOWEVER how is their prophet even related to the OUR SUBJECT about the Word GOD in DIFFERENT languages? May you also be enlightened on what the subject is. Peace

  • @nativemom4992
    @nativemom4992 Před rokem

    There are many that will and have fallen

  • @Rose_budd
    @Rose_budd Před rokem

    Who's this preaching over it? David Wilkerson?

  • @servantsofthemessiah720

    This is Blasphemous on do many levels

  • @servantsofthemessiah720

    Pure wickedness talk about asking begging for Judgement

  • @servantsofthemessiah720

    This is so demonic Hillsong is wicked.

  • @benjirobledo5321
    @benjirobledo5321 Před rokem

    take it all always be a dope song tho... ouuuu si! jajaj

  • @mscocopiyal3112
    @mscocopiyal3112 Před rokem

    If CNN is interested in you, then you're not of Christ but of the world, plain and simple 🤷🏽‍♀️

  • @mariavonguadalupe2131

    Pro missa tridentina. Return to Tradition...🙏

  • @salt1984
    @salt1984 Před rokem

    Lord have mercy

  • @soulindub3319
    @soulindub3319 Před rokem

    i studied Hermeticism for years , to sum up Hermiticism , its just early spiritual theory. The one thing i can tell you is that it contains some truths on how the universe works . As above so below. To understand it imagine the branches of a tree and try imagining it's roots.., if you dig it enough you should understand more than i said

  • @histruth3157
    @histruth3157 Před rokem

    what an abomination, makes me want to tear my clothes and pour ash upon my head

  • @histruth3157
    @histruth3157 Před rokem

    we do not serve the same god, and it is not allah it is Al ah two seperate words

  • @cozz124
    @cozz124 Před rokem

    don't you love looking up your favorite game ost and seeing this pop up instead

  • @donnamaki2830
    @donnamaki2830 Před rokem

    Karl lense Teaching Heresy Wow

  • @matzesiegel9884
    @matzesiegel9884 Před rokem

    I think, this is fully taken out of context!

  • @domonkosrevay9423
    @domonkosrevay9423 Před rokem

    what the fuck is wrong with the people in this comment section jesus

  • @e11ionore79
    @e11ionore79 Před 2 lety


  • @cheryls3777
    @cheryls3777 Před 2 lety

    I ran to Yeshua and ran away from corrupt church!

  • @lonelyshpee7873
    @lonelyshpee7873 Před 2 lety

    How the fuck did I end up here? I was looking for the Ultrakill 6-1 OST.

  • @rinahana5448
    @rinahana5448 Před 2 lety

    My Church still using Hill song what should i do

  • @LogosAdventist7Day
    @LogosAdventist7Day Před 2 lety


  • @danagrace3911
    @danagrace3911 Před 2 lety

    This is scary!

  • @warrior5215
    @warrior5215 Před 2 lety


  • @warrior5215
    @warrior5215 Před 2 lety

    Arab Christians call God Allah, because this means simply God in Arabic, from the word Ilah, in Hebrew Eloah. But Arab Christian don't accept the Muslim Allah as God, but as an evil entity, a false Allah. I went to an Arab church once and I told the Lebanese pastor that I went to some Mosques in the past, and he said: "My son, never go there, it's the path to Hell."

  • @lruss240
    @lruss240 Před 2 lety

    And this is why hill song will fall!

  • @diyallthings
    @diyallthings Před 2 lety

    2 Thessalonians 2:11 scares me . And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

  • @jeanklarencecomillo7523

    Thank you for this video

  • @jeanklarencecomillo7523

    I use to like their music for almost a year, we use some of their, song specially their worship songs. Thank you for making this and exposing it does made me realize, why there are christian who doesn't really want to deal with their sin, and does not discern, their iniquity this people are proud poor soul may God help who were decieved by this false teaching.

  • @brendaesaenz
    @brendaesaenz Před 2 lety

    Just wow. The lengths churches will go to see multitudes and of course money. What a shame

  • @chichiuyau2250
    @chichiuyau2250 Před 2 lety

    All the Cristian just argue with the word of Bible the don't give love and poor and help the other people need help I try ask the church help they did nothing just only say Jesus is excellent just use the word and I feel like excuses for responding me and never give the truth help

  • @elena.t3251
    @elena.t3251 Před 2 lety

    😭😭😭😭 Ich bin froh der christlichen Orthodoxen Kirche anzugehören. This is not a church. This is a concert

    • @veganfoodsforsoul3843
      @veganfoodsforsoul3843 Před 2 lety

      Es ist verrückt, was passiert in dieser Welt und Gesellschaft. God bless you.