Joel Leong
Joel Leong
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John MacArthur: The Gospel According to Jesus, Singapore
John MacArthur came to Singapore in the 90s and shared his new book, "The Gospel According to Jesus."
I have converted from VHS tape to Mp4 video. The video quality is not good but I hope you can enjoy his sermon.
zhlédnutí: 51 702



  • @ClammyTutani
    @ClammyTutani Před 8 dny

    Will always be grateful for his insights

  • @Bertha2418
    @Bertha2418 Před 19 dny

    I became a Christian got married to a Christian man and he was a joke of a Christian man. We divorced.

  • @eliarr9093
    @eliarr9093 Před měsícem

    Wow. So this man has always been that sharp huh? Amazing!

  • @user-vf8np5fb3l
    @user-vf8np5fb3l Před 2 měsíci


  • @beverleystewart570
    @beverleystewart570 Před 3 měsíci

    Excellent! One of the very few who know understand the Words of God ❤ Greetings from NZ 🇳🇿

  • @bradleycrouser
    @bradleycrouser Před 4 měsíci

    MacArthur is easily the greatest living theologian. Actually, one of the greatest in 2000 years!

  • @AnHebrewChild
    @AnHebrewChild Před 4 měsíci

    For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be given; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away. *But* those mine enemies, _which would not that I should reign (as Lord) over them,_ bring hither, and slay them before me. [] Luk19:27 Let's read that again. JESUS: As for those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.

  • @davidparker7108
    @davidparker7108 Před 8 měsíci

    You shall know them by their fruits....and man is MacArthurs fruit rotten!

    • @davidparker7108
      @davidparker7108 Před 5 měsíci

      @SlaveofChrist1521 because he's not trusting in Christ alone. Conditional salvation

    • @davidparker7108
      @davidparker7108 Před 5 měsíci

      @SlaveofChrist1521 he's a Calvinist. They don't believe that

  • @timothymcdonald7407
    @timothymcdonald7407 Před 8 měsíci

    Saint Johnny has been a filthy arrogant little man right from the git go.

  • @frankspedaliere4627
    @frankspedaliere4627 Před 8 měsíci

    Your Fake prophet

  • @user-ic2ly5yp9h
    @user-ic2ly5yp9h Před 8 měsíci

    Thank you father for John macarthur his doctrine is the right Jesus

  • @christologisch
    @christologisch Před 11 měsíci

    Does no one else see the obvious contradiction in his presentation? At the beginning he tells of a number of people who clearly lived a Christian life and then fell away and later MacArthur says that you don't know a Christian by where he has walked but by a transformed life....

    • @christologisch
      @christologisch Před 5 měsíci

      @SlaveofChrist1521 please consider the context of 1Joh 2,19. John is not generally saying that if someone supposedly falls away from the faith, he is showing that he was never born again. Proponents of eternal salvation, among whom I count myself, use this verse as evidence. I have also done so in the past. But John is talking about a very special group of people: Antichrists. In 1Joh 2,19, the word "us" refers to the apostolic circle to which John belonged. This is shown by the direct contrast to "you" in the following verse 20. This we/you contrast appears for the first time in the prologue itself (1 John 1:1-3) and once again clearly in 1 John 4:4-6. In the latter passage, the "they" (1 John 4:5) refers to the antichrists, just as in 1 John 2:19. So the false prophets had withdrawn from the apostolic community, which probably means that they had once been part of the Palestinian community. Jerusalem and Judea had long had direct apostolic influence and authority. But roots like these could lend their teachings an aura of respectability that could have a dangerous effect on the readership to which they had come. In this respect, these people had something in common with the lawgivers of Acts 15:1, for the advocates of the law also came to Antioch from Judea. The Jerusalem council denied any connection with them (Acts 15:24), just as John does in 1Joh 2,19.

    • @Lizzysheart777
      @Lizzysheart777 Před měsícem

      I don't think that was a contradiction. I think it was spot on. A true conversion transforms a life through and through.

    • @christologisch
      @christologisch Před měsícem

      ​@@Lizzysheart777 A logical contradiction is not a matter of personal opinion. How is it not a contradiction?

    • @Lizzysheart777
      @Lizzysheart777 Před měsícem

      @@christologisch I gave my answer.

  • @davidirvin8885
    @davidirvin8885 Před rokem

    Though ive had the book since it came out and have listened to a multitude of Johns sermons, this is the first time i have heard it preached. Bits and pieces occasionally, but not the whole message of it. Thanks for your work in presenting this to us. The reverse image is i guess from the process you used to get it in this form. But, honestly, the little video tricks could have been left out. They can be distracting to folks i believe and break the train of thoughts if they arent already somewhat familiar with the teachings. Other presenters have received similar comments for inserting background music to sermons. Let the sermons and the Holy Spirit do the work is the best policy.

  • @statesrights01
    @statesrights01 Před rokem

    Loved this!

  • @jerrylanglois7892
    @jerrylanglois7892 Před rokem

    '' the gospel according to jesus '' ? No jesus left not one written word, everything '' jesus said '' was said by people who never knew him, and he had no eyewitnesses, so the gospel according to jesus is from other folks, not jesus. I love exposing what christianity is really big lie, one big guilt trip and fear tactic.

  • @makz2809
    @makz2809 Před rokem

    Thank you so much for sharing this video!

  • @profetadosecxxi
    @profetadosecxxi Před rokem

    No way that's John MacArthur 😮😮😮

  • @mrnoedahl
    @mrnoedahl Před rokem

    That book really transformed my life and my understanding of the gospel.

  • @MG-hg1sq
    @MG-hg1sq Před rokem

    1.cor 15,1-4 : 15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

  • @elizabethroszoha2561

    Those who bear good 🙂fruit 🍉🍌🍎🍏are the true believers. We grow spiritually through the trials and tribulations in this fallen 🌏world. Excellent message Brother John. Your one of the very few i trust to be a genuine preacher. Most are false these days.

  • @ponderosalofts6851
    @ponderosalofts6851 Před rokem

    Thanks for sharing! Love the message of the Gospel according to Jesus!

    @VYMQGSOH Před rokem

    Related to 15:31 in this video; I didn't come to Christ because I wanted to be saved from hell or go to heaven, or that I wanted any benefits, happiness, money, etc. I was pure evil, I couldn't be righteous and loving without Christ. I needed Christ to change me and make me like Him. Pastors thought I was ridiculous. Told my friends and family that I was basically crazy for thinking I don't need to be saved from hell and I needed Christ to change me. Because the pastors and preachers just kept saying we had to just believe and read to John 3;16, that just a prayer and confession was all I needed and then would expect me to just to find satisfaction and rejoice I'm saved. But Christ did change me drastically in ways I couldn't. I see the fruit now of the Holy Spirit from the change He made in me that only He can in a human.

    • @michaal105
      @michaal105 Před rokem

      Do you recognise now that you needed to be saved from God's wrath - which would send you to hell - because of your sins, and are you now grateful for this?

  • @mobelue
    @mobelue Před rokem

    Old MacArthur. Even Jan liked!

  • @pblogger9065
    @pblogger9065 Před rokem

    If god is so obvious and powerful, why do people need to proselytize?

    • @michaal105
      @michaal105 Před rokem

      People refuse to come to God because they don't want their evil deeds to be exposed and they don't want to turn from them. They reject God and suppress the knowledge of His existence. The gospel is powerful to convert the soul, and that's why Christians proselytise.

    • @pblogger9065
      @pblogger9065 Před rokem

      @@michaal105 Refuse? When the evidence is so weak? When some of us have read the bible and Augustine and Aquinas and found no compelling reason to believe? Evil deeds? Are you saying believers don;t commit evil deeds? Like the Inquisition? Or raping children and covering it up? The gospels are many stories that often contradict one another and demonstrate many inconsistencies. Why should they convert someone to believe in the supernatural?

    • @michaal105
      @michaal105 Před rokem

      ​@@pblogger9065 First of all, you are clearly biased. It shows through your words. And second of all, you call the evidence weak and yet there are others who weren't Christian who encountered evidence and found it to be compellingly strong to the point where they converted. I know because I'm one of them. So what I want to make clear to you is that there are significant pieces of evidence that show Jesus rose from the dead (which you might have known had you actually looked before the evidence instead of decidedly saying it's weak before looking) and that God is real.

  • @GMans-World
    @GMans-World Před rokem

    Thank you Jesus and Thank you

  • @oliviaedralin1436
    @oliviaedralin1436 Před rokem

    Wow. So awesome!! Thank you for sharing this ! He’s my favorite pastor ❤

  • @nmartini22
    @nmartini22 Před rokem

    Wonderful sermon by J-Mac!!.....teachers of the Word like him are desperately needed

  • @charmainebruington3922

    God Bless Pastor John MacArthur truth spoken

  • @AF0172
    @AF0172 Před rokem

    John MacArthur is thankful that he is all-knowing and chosen to lead Christianity. Who knew???

    • @michaal105
      @michaal105 Před rokem

      Who on Earth told you John Macarthur was chosen to lead Christianity? I doubt John did. The person who was chosen by God to lead Christianity is Jesus.

  • @alrite52
    @alrite52 Před rokem

    thank you for the video! and I thank God for Pastor John!!

  • @truthjusticeliberty4all494

    Starting around 48:50 minutes in I think of the lead singer of A perfect circle who has a song titled Judith who had the same experience and I think he is angry at God due to something Jesus never said.

  • @truthjusticeliberty4all494

    If we had the strict laws like Singapore we wouldn't be in half the shape we are in!!!

  • @randyd9805
    @randyd9805 Před rokem

    This is a VERY subtle false doctrine that MacArthur is teaching and it's done much harm. Stating that if you are not a disciple you are not a "true Christian" and that all believers must "endure to the end" is heresy. It is a subtle form of adding works to the gospel message of grace alone. The same applies to the Lordship controversy. Jesus Christ IS LORD, but it is not our efforts to make Him the Lord of our lives that make a person born again. We are only saved when we understand the gospel that Jesus Christ who IS THE LORD, meaning He is God in the flesh, shed His innocent blood on the cross for our sins and rose bodily from the dead. This is salvation by grace through faith ALONE, not of works lest any many should boast.

    • @truthjusticeliberty4all494
      @truthjusticeliberty4all494 Před rokem

      There is absolutely nothing subtle about it whatever. Maybe you should really listen to it again carefully and if you still believe he is a false teacher then please prove it through scripture. Thanks Randy

    • @randyd9805
      @randyd9805 Před rokem

      ​@@truthjusticeliberty4all494 I listened to it carefully and I know what he teaches. I didn't learn about him or his teachings from this video. His problem is he has wholeheartedly accepted the heresies of Calvinism and I don't use the word heresies lightly. Calvin was perhaps one of the single biggest heretics ever to infect Christendom. There never has been in all of history any person who has "endured or persevered to the end." Even more of a perversion is the heretical teaching of limited atonement. Those are SERIOUS perversions of scripture. There never has been or ever will be a person who has totally surrendered to the Lordship of Christ either to get saved or after. If you make those criteria a necessity for salvation you have perverted the message of grace. It is subtle because it sounds reasonable that one would make Jesus The Lord of their life and really be a dedicated disciple at salvation and then "persevere or endure to the end." John MacArthur repeatedly states verses about discipleship as necessary for salvation. It simply is not true. When you listen to him keep what I'm saying in mind. MacArthur, whether he admits it or not, adds works to the gospel of the grace of God which CLEARLY means that man has zero merits in his own salvation. It is faith in the blood atonement of Christ that saves a man. If you even halfway know the Bible you should know this is true. If you don't know already that you can only be saved by faith in the shed blood of the "Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" then you are not saved yourself. The New Testament is clear as a bell that many Christians sin after salvation and even states unequivocally that a believer's sin will be chastised by God (Hebrews 12) even to the taking of the believer's life prematurely in at least several places in the NT. If you don't know what verses I'm talking about I question if you even read the Bible because you dead sure ought to know what I'm talking about. This DOES NOT fit in with MacArthur's false teaching of Lordship salvation. Being a disciple of Christ in no way, shape, or form proves whether or not a person is saved, PERIOD. Salvation is one thing, discipleship and surrendering your life to the Lordship of Christ is a completely separate thing. I've already said this, but I will say it again. The people MacArthur is talking about at the beginning of this video were NEVER at any time born again. They were "tares among the wheat."

    • @truthjusticeliberty4all494
      @truthjusticeliberty4all494 Před rokem

      @@randyd9805 Randy we don't do the persevering or enduring in our own strength. True Christians have the Holy Spirit who enables believers to persevere and endure to the end.

    • @randyd9805
      @randyd9805 Před rokem

      ​@@truthjusticeliberty4all494 You don't understand the doctrine of salvation. Perseverance is 100% false doctrine as well as all 5 of the other main points of Calvinism. It has nothing to do with salvation in the least. What you said is the first time I've heard a Calvinist ever say such a thing and I'm sure there are those even among Calvinist that would argue that point. It is a cop out because you know in your heart that salvation is all a work of God and not ANY of human effort. You are stating emphatically that the Holy Spirit is helping you endure to the end. There is no such teaching anywhere in the entire Bible. Does the Holy Spirit make it possible to live a holy life? Yes, but this is sanctification, not salvation. When you got born again and were regenerated by the Spirit you were made a new creature in Christ. God gave you eternal life at that very moment and made you a totally new creation. There is nothing future that you have to do to maintain your salvation. It was settled the moment you trusted Christ for salvation. If you are truly a child of God by faith in Christ you are as certain to go to heaven now as you would be if you lived to be a thousand years old. You can never lose it because it is solely based on the work of Christ, not any of our own righteousness or efforts. You are not now persevering to the end and you never will either. It is utter folly to think you do.

    • @michaal105
      @michaal105 Před rokem

      You do have to endure to the end in the sense that you HAVE TO continue believing in Jesus.

  • @randyd9805
    @randyd9805 Před rokem

    MacArthur and evidently most, if not all Calvinists equate being saved with being a disciple. He clearly and with no mistake about it states very much thinks all believers WILL automatically be dedicated disciples of the Lord or they're not really saved. He is not only wrong, but he is also in gross error. It would be wonderful if every believer became a sold-out extremely dedicated disciple willing to sell out and do anything and everything the Lord wants of them. MacArthur and anyone else who thinks this way is WAY off base, not even close to the truth. I do believe salvation changes a person, but clearly, the examples he gives in this message were never Christians to start with. Make no mistake about it no real believer in Christ who has really been born again becomes an atheist or starts worshipping Budha or some other false religion. That person "went out from us because they WERE NOT OF US". Being a believer in Christ who is really born again is NOT the same thing as being a sold-out dedicated disciple of Christ. That is false teaching and it does great harm IMHO. I do believe MacArthur is right about the liquor store owner who owned 26 liquor stores and was living in adultery being a false convert. I don't believe for even a split second that man was saved. If he were really saved God would have severely chastened him if not outright killed him for his sins. That is VERY biblical btw and it's quite clear in the Bible. I do believe salvation should produce a real change in a believer, but I also believe the carnal nature is VERY, VERY strong and we also have a powerful enemy called Satan. Most believers never really become dedicated disciples. MacArthur is seriously wrong on this.

    • @RHEvans
      @RHEvans Před rokem

      Randy D: "Being a believer in Christ who is really born again is NOT the same thing as being a dedicated disciple of Christ." Defend that position from Scripture.

    • @truthjusticeliberty4all494
      @truthjusticeliberty4all494 Před rokem

      Dear Randy please don't take what I'm saying to you the wrong way because I am going through a time of struggling with getting my harmony and fellowship back with the Lord. Please try and read a booklet by Jay E. Adams called Godliness through discipline except don't do what I did. That is read it 3 times and then not apply to my life what I read! Take care my friend.

    • @randyd9805
      @randyd9805 Před rokem

      ​@@RHEvans Defend it from scripture? Have you read the gospels? I mean ever? Have you read the rest of the New Testament as well? Being saved or born again is one thing and being a "mathetes, disciple, or learner" from a "Didaskalos, Master or Teacher, referring to Christ as the Teacher of the disciples or learners is quite another thing entirely. That is a totally separate thing from the doctrines which tell a person how to be saved or born again into the family of God. I find it hard to believe, if you are a believer yourself, that you don't know this. The Bible is replete with plenty of proof. Salvation is by grace through faith and not so much as a single verse in the entire Bible contradicts that ALL IMPORTANT principle. Getting born into God's family is the "gift of God" and it's "not of works lest any man should boast." Being a truly dedicated disciple may just cost your life as a martyr and involves much study as well as sometimes great sacrifice including death. Getting born again is free, a gift by grace + nothing. (Ephesians 2:8,9 and Titus 3:5,6) Being a disciple takes great sacrifice and serious effort to please God in all things and do whatever He wants you to do regardless of the cost. If you don't see the crystal clear difference no amount of anything I can say will convince you one way or the other. NEVER, not a single time, does Christ ever tell His disciples that they must be disciples in order to be saved or stay saved. Here is one example and it took me all of a few seconds to find it. Is this a criterion for either being saved or staying saved? I'm almost certain MacArthur would say yes. I say NO!!!!!!!! Btw, after reading this are YOU really a disciple? I doubt it. Luke 14:26, 27 " If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple." Believe me, I've been a born-again child of God since 1977 and these verses still challenge me, but I know they're not conditions of my salvation which was settled when I believed in Christ one Sunday, April 3, 1977. I was saved all those years ago and I'm only saved today because of God's grace and mercy.

    • @aaronjames7266
      @aaronjames7266 Před rokem


    • @toddanderson4686
      @toddanderson4686 Před 7 měsíci

      Really?? So you are going to Christ what a Real Disciple(Christian) is. If you don't take up your Cross and FOLLOW me, you CAN’T be my Disciple(Christian) what you are espouse is Adding Christ to your Life and there be No Change. MacArthur is Speaking to you!

  • @paulellis2559
    @paulellis2559 Před rokem

    Thank you Joel. I believe had John's book years ago. It was good to get a refresher.

  • @clarademars8062
    @clarademars8062 Před rokem

    SO YOUNG looking in this one, and handsome as ever 😊💜🙏

  • @georgegaiennie3747
    @georgegaiennie3747 Před rokem

    This is a beautiful, powerful message.

  • @k_oliver
    @k_oliver Před rokem

    Anyone know what church in SG is this?

  • @reynaldoperez7285
    @reynaldoperez7285 Před 2 lety

    TRUE SALVATION 101 CHRISTIANITY is not a RELIGION it is a person. It is the LORD JESUS CHRIST , HE IS THE WAY. TO GO TO HEAVEN ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS BELIEVE IN HIM, WHO HE IS AND WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR YOU. IT IS THE GIFT OF GOD. YOU CAN'T EARN IT, YOU CAN'T PAY FOR IT, AND YOU CAN'T BE GOOD ENOUGH TO GET IT, AND NO ONE ELSE CAN GIVE IT TO YOU. BELIEVE AND YOU WILL BE SAVED. WHOEVER CALLS UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED. JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD. JESUS IS GOD . GOD IS TRIUNE. THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLYSPIRIT. THE ONE TRUE GOD. HE WAS CRUCIFIED, BURRIED, AND HE ROSE FROM THE GRAVE ON THE 3RD DAY. THIS IS YOUR TICKET TO HEAVEN IF YOU BELIEVE. IF YOU BELIEVE YOU WILL BE BORN AGAIN. ONLY 2 TYPES OF PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD. BELIEVERS AND NONBELIEVERS. YOU CAN KNOW THAT YOU HAVE ETERNAL LIFE IF YOU BELIEVE. IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE YOU WILL KNOW THAT YOU ARE GOING TO DIE IN YOUR SINS. King James Bible BUT AS MANY AS RECEIVED HIM, TO THEM GAVE HE POWER TO BECOME THE SONS OF GOD, EVEN TO THEM THAT BELIEVE ON HIS NAME: JESUS IS THE NARROW WAY. HE PAID IT ALL. THERE IS NO MIDDLE GROUND. HE IS YOUR SALVATION AND THERE CANNOT BE ANYTHING ADDED TO HIM FOR SALVATION. DO NOT TRUST IN ANYTHING BUT HIM He came to save sinners. OUR WORKS ARE AS FILTHY RAGS. KING JAMES BIBLE. ACTS. 8 34And the eunuch answered Philip, and said, I pray thee, of whom speaketh the prophet this? of himself, or of some other man? 35Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and PREACHED unto him JESUS. 36And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; WHAT DOTH HINDER ME TO BE BAPTIZED? 37And Philip said, IF THOU BELIEVES WITH ALL THINE HEART, THOU MAYEST. AND HE ANSWERED AND SAID, I BELIEVE THAT JESUS CHRIST IS THE SON OF GOD. 38And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him.. ITS ALL ABOUT BELIEVING. THATS ALL YOU GOT TO DO TO BE SAVED. HOW EVER AFTER YOU ARE SAVED YOUR CHRISTIAN LIFE BEGINS. YOU ARE A NEW CREATION IN CHRIST ALL THINGS HAVE BECOME NEW. WALK IN THE SPIRIT AND YOU WILL NOT FULFILL THE DESIRES OF THE FLESH. (NO THERE IS NO FREE TICKET TO SIN) BUT IF ANYONE SINS HE HAS AN ADVOCATE CHRIST JESUS. IT IS NOT OF WORKS. Most important verses in the Bible. 1 John 5:5 Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. 9We accept human testimony, but God’s testimony is greater because it is the testimony of God, which he has given about his son. 10Whoever believes in the Son of God accepts this testimony. Whoever does not believe God has made him out to be a liar, because they have not believed the testimony God has given about his Son. 11And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD.

  • @DavidFuentes123
    @DavidFuentes123 Před 2 lety

    Looking back almost 40 years ago in 1980 when I went to Grace Community and met Pastor John MacArthur, there was a really stuck up fellow that gave me a bad impression of Grace Church. It made me go with the wrong doctrines instead of staying with Pastor John Mac. I truly regret it. But it’s been 5 years now that I have been with Grace Community and with the teaching of Pastor John Mac and I can tell it has really change my beliefs a 100%. Sound doctrine, great teaching, great example, and salvation certainty.

  • @brianbannon6746
    @brianbannon6746 Před 2 lety

    Romans 1:16; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4; Ephesians 1:13; 1 Thessalonians 4:14

  • @donclowers7666
    @donclowers7666 Před 2 lety

    I loved this book and found it really helpful.

  • @sailorflight-deck7052

    Was just wondering how many people believe that we are closer to the Rapture than we think? I am not a date setter that's for sure-- but seeing the worlds currents events and the speed of how everything is moving I have to say that i get so excited one minute and so scared the next...One day our Lord and Saviour is coming back..I hold onto that promise! God Bless you all and keep strong in the Faith ..Ephesians Ch.2 vrse 8..For by graced are ye saved through Faith and that not of yourselves,,it is the gift of God

  • @theresa42213
    @theresa42213 Před 2 lety

    oh WOW! l love old Johnny Mac videos! THANKS for this! l dont know why l haven't seen i before. l just discovered the man after covid ...cuz he wouldn't close his church. Best preacher l ever heard ...well him, and Sproul. :D

  • @kerolosmalak9232
    @kerolosmalak9232 Před 2 lety


  • @kerolosmalak9232
    @kerolosmalak9232 Před 2 lety

    Did anyone notice this before?.. This man's pronounciation is the most perfect at all!!!.. You can hear and understand him even when playback speed ×2. And I think it would be right at ×4 too!!!

  • @kerolosmalak9232
    @kerolosmalak9232 Před 2 lety


  • @FrMoody
    @FrMoody Před 3 lety

    He misrepresents truth.

    • @michaelsamuel1069
      @michaelsamuel1069 Před 2 lety

      What???????!!!! Can you preach the Gospel of YAHSHUA HAMASHIACH better, mate????????? SILLY!!! You should qualify your "TONGUE"!! You are a Papist I'm sure! You PERVERT the Gospel of YAHSHUA HAMASHIACH for a SURETY, mate with your superfluous innuendos and paganistic doctrines that aren't sourced from the Bible!

    • @aaronjames7266
      @aaronjames7266 Před rokem

      ​@@SH-zz2efhe does, actually. He teaches the Lordship salvation heresy, and is a staunch Calvinist, which is also heresy. As a former calvinistic lordshipper myself, I'm telling you, it's all heresy, very well polished and seductive heresy.

    • @wyattsmith563
      @wyattsmith563 Před 5 měsíci

      There is no other salvation then repentance and a willingness to follow The Lord Jesus Christ at no matter the cost..if not then you came on your terms not His...and that is very serious..I hope and pray you come to the truth!

  • @joyceholmgren2528
    @joyceholmgren2528 Před 3 lety

    Mr. Leong, I see you haven't posted anything since this, and I wonder where you have gone? I hope you will come back & continue. See this great work you've already done? I am so thankful to hear & watch this video. I see that many others have commented the same. Please pick up the gauntlet again. You did a great thing. Thank you again. 🙏🏼

  • @marlak1104
    @marlak1104 Před 3 lety

    Excellent video. Sound quality is A+. Video quality not bad either. Wish there were many more videos of Johnny Mac's earlier sermons.