Oban & The Isles Airports
Oban & The Isles Airports
  • 1
  • 12 969
Oban & The Isles Airports
Oban Airport, on Scotland's stunning West Coast, has some of the best views of any airport. There's also a relaxed and friendly atmosphere that makes waiting for your flight to Coll, Colonsay, Tiree or Islay a real pleasure.
You can take off for a day's sight-seeing and enjoy a spot of island hopping with a day trip -- or longer visit -- to the islands of Coll, Colonsay, Tiree or Islay (typical flight times are just 30 minutes). Or, if you'd prefer to see it all in one go, you can enjoy a bird's eye view of the West Coast and Isles on a special sight-seeing flight.
See: www.obanandtheislesairports.com for further details
zhlédnutí: 12 969
