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How can I understand so much about this?
Because I come from experience.
I have been subjected to abuse when I was a child. And I’ve struggled with self acceptance my whole life.
And I have dedicated my life and practically all of my time to learn more and to communicate this in the most symbolic and simplistic way possible as to my capability.
And all the videos here. Which are not do polished or rehearsed.
As I just want to communicate in authenticity like a human being actually is without any form of filter or editing.
Like you are IRL!
Much of my music I do is all one takes and I just choose to accept whatever it became and I release it.
For myself but also as a gift to a superficial society that suffers their own stupidity. All in technological intellect but lacking of intelligence.
Please come to Love!
Come to a greater understanding and the world will not be so God damn heavy and dense to live in. We create everything!
Everything is a product of our subconscious mind that makes for our perception as we project and reflect. That’s life. With everything up in it.
From the food to the music to the forest to the atmosphere. It’s all us. We are nature.
We are the universe. We are God.
Having a unique human experience that is experiencing itself.
All in tension and fear. Or in relaxation and love. Depending on the context in relation to an emotional and mature understanding.
Morality. Integrity.
Two feet on the ground but allowing for one to step outside the circle of integrity for a sense of humor. Just to make a point and losen things up a bit.
In a tensed ego driven society that fails to acknowledge itself due to the misconception of authenticity.
Which is soul.
Not a pee pee or a gina.
For God’s sake.
Grow up. All you sick ”adults” just agreeing with whatever in complete idiocracy.
You should not say anything about something you don’t know anything about.
I don’t talk about car repairs. I don’t know shit about it. I can read a book but I still need practice. Like experiencing it myself.
Not by watching someone else??????????
I would still not have that experience.
And I say that because I remain and strive to be humble in life. You know!
That experience! The human one…
The material, theoretical and academical superiority will not accept the soul and spirit as the ultimate reality because that demands for their structure which is an idea with great investment to fall.
They would have to give up their foundation of lies. So just kill ’em.
Come to truth. Starve them.
Everything is energy.
Sexual identity is nowhere to be found in the entire universe.
It’s all like leaning down to meet the child at their level blowing cigarette smoke in their face telling them to love and cherish themselves. As an adult! Mature enough to smoke. Who knows all about life and what is healthy.
I don’t need a book to read up on humility to see thru that bullshit.
You don’t believe in soul, in God. Well, goodbye we have nothing to talk about.
Unless you are willing to know the truth of your being? All else will forever be a lie.
Lie a little = Hurt a little
Lie a lot = Hurt a lot
Be true = Feel the pain of a devious world
That hurts very much!
You can help out as you come to God. Don’t bother with any religion. Just acknowledge God as real and we are good to go.
As you will be in a relationship to deepen with yourself in authenticity.
= Keepin’ it real
Saying HI to someone doesn't mean something sexual. But in many peoples mind it has become that because soceity has a sexual foundation coming from a sexual identity.
A root disease in the family tree of souls.
Oprah talked about a book she loved called 'The seat of the soul'.
Please don't take that literally! It's not located there.
zhlédnutí: 33


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