Tiny Technical Tutorials
Tiny Technical Tutorials
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AWS Project – Building a React App with Amplify, Cognito, and CI/CD with GitHub | AWS Tutorial
In this hands-on tutorial, I’ll show you how to build a simple React app (a quiz app) using AWS Amplify and Cognito. We’ll also see how to set up continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) using GitHub. By the time you’re done, you’ll have a fully-functioning application you can share with the world, on a real-live Amplify URL.
🌟🌟 GitHub repo for code and commands: github.com/tinytechnicaltutorials/amplify-cognito-quiz
🤓 For diagramming and checklists in this video, I used Eraser.io. Check them out! www.eraser.io/
🤓 For another fun project that uses Cognito, Amplify, Lambda, API Gateway and DynamoDB, check out this other video: czcams.com/video/zuKu0VFiwas/video.html
If you’re interested in getting AWS certifications, check out these full courses. They include lots of hands-on demos, quizzes and full practice exams. Use FRIENDS10 for a 10% discount!
• AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner: academy.zerotomastery.io/a/aff_n20ghyn4/external?affcode=441520_lm7gzk-d
• AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate: academy.zerotomastery.io/a/aff_464yrtnn/external?affcode=441520_lm7gzk-d
00:00 - Previewing the completed React app that uses Amplify and Cognito
00:28 - How much will this cost?
02:16 - Setting up our to-do checklist and diagram in Eraser.io
03:23 - Setting up the environment and installing the Amplify CLI
03:35 - The GitHub repo to get all the code and commands for this video
03:58 - Using the amplify configure command with the Amplify CLI
06:16 - Creating the access key ID and secret access key for amplify-dev IAM user
07:56 - Creating a new React app from VS Code
08:30 - Using the amplify init command to initialize the Amplify project
10:49 - Adding authentication to the React app using Cognito
12:31 - Validating the Cognito user pool was successfully created
12:52 - Adding the aws-amplify/ui-react libraries for the Cognito sign-in UI
14:02 - Running the React app to register for an account and log in using Cognito
15:37 - Reviewing the code that enables Cognito authentication from the React app
16:47 - Adding functionality and styling for the quiz
18:40 - Create a new GitHub repository and push local code to it
22:20 - Setting up Amplify hosting and CI/CI from GitHub
24:51 - Creatin a new service role for Amplify Hosting
26:24 - Testing our final React application hosted in Amplify
26:56 - Testing continuous integration continuous deployment (CI/CD) with a GitHub commit
29:04 - IMPORTANT! Deleting your resources
zhlédnutí: 7 633


Build Your Own HTTP Server from Scratch | CodeCrafters Challenge
zhlédnutí 2,6KPřed 2 měsíci
One of the best ways to learn a technology is to build it from the ground up. That’s the premise of CodeCrafters, which offers a catalog of challenges to build popular tools and technologies from scratch (think things like Docker, Git, Redis, a DNS server, etc.). 🌟 CodeCrafters Affiliate Link 🌟 Sign up here: app.codecrafters.io/join?via=tinytechnicaltutorials In this video, I’ll walk you throug...
Build a Serverless Email Marketing Application in 30 Minutes! | AWS Project Step-by-Step Tutorial
zhlédnutí 7KPřed 2 měsíci
The best way to learn AWS is to actually BUILD something with it! Build something that uses several AWS services, and get all the pieces to work together. In this hands-on tutorial, I’ll walk you through how to design and build a simple serverless email marketing application from scratch. When we're done, our system will send emails on a schedule, grabbing HTML email templates and a list of con...
How to Get Unlimited AWS Job Interview/Certification Practice Questions with the Help of ChatGPT
zhlédnutí 2,6KPřed 3 měsíci
When you’re interviewing for an AWS role (or, for that matter, studying for a certification exam), it can be really helpful to prepare with practice questions. There are lots of online resources out there, but in this video, I’ll show you how to get unlimited practice questions, while also gamifying things and having a little bit of fun. In this hands-on tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a ...
Amazon/AWS EC2 Pricing Simply Explained | On-Demand, Spot, Reserved, Savings Plans
zhlédnutí 4,1KPřed 3 měsíci
When it comes to pricing for Amazon EC2 instances (virtual machines), there’s no shortage of options. In this video, I break down the details and do a side-by-side comparison of On-Demand, Spot, Reserved Instances and Savings Plans (EC2, Compute and SageMaker). After reviewing the theory together, I’ll take you out to the AWS Console for a hands-on demo on how to get started with each. 🤓 TIP: I...
AWS Beginners - 5 Tips You MUST Know | Cloud Computing for Beginners
zhlédnutí 3,9KPřed 3 měsíci
When you first start with AWS, it can be a little overwhelming-SO many things to learn and remember. There are hundreds of services, and thousands of ways to do things, but all that will come in time. In this video, I’ll walk you through five simple things you can do right now to set yourself up for success. 🌟 LINKS TO OTHER RELEVANT VIDEOS 🌟 • Cost Explorer and Your Bill: czcams.com/video/xTIR...
10 AWS Cloud Portfolio Projects to Build Your Skills and Resume/CV | AWS Tutorials
zhlédnutí 7KPřed 4 měsíci
A question I get a lot is, “What kind of project should I build for AWS?” It’s one thing to know the basics of EC2 or S3 or DynamoDB, but how do you pull everything together into something that actually works? AND something that you could show a potential employer. In this video, I point you to 10 projects that are exactly that. 🌟 AWS PROJECTS 🌟 ▶️ PROJECT 1: A ride-sharing app for unicorns (Wi...
Basics of Amazon CloudWatch and CloudWatch Metrics | AWS Tutorials for Beginners
zhlédnutí 13KPřed 5 měsíci
Amazon CloudWatch is the ultimate tool for monitoring and managing your resources in AWS. From metrics to logs, alarms to dashboards, there are lots of ways to collect and view data about your environment. In this short video, I’ll provide an overview of CloudWatch, how metrics work (including basic vs. detailed monitoring, and standard vs. high resolution). Then we dive into the AWS Console fo...
AWS Project: Build a Game with a Continuous Deployment Pipeline from GitHub to S3 | AWS Tutorial
zhlédnutí 8KPřed 5 měsíci
AWS CodePipeline automates building, testing and deploying your projects. Just choose where your code lives, say where you want it to be deployed to, and-MAGIC!-CodePipeline makes it happen. In this hands-on tutorial, we’ll build a simple memory card game (using memes, no less!) using HTML, JavaScript and CSS. The code will live in GitHub (you can fork the repo provided). We’ll then create and ...
Amazon Bedrock Tutorial - Model Access, Playgrounds, APIs and Fine-Tuning | AWS Generative AI
zhlédnutí 8KPřed 6 měsíci
Amazon has joined the generative AI race with its offering of Amazon Bedrock. With Bedrock, you get access to multiple models (from companies like AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, Stability AI, and Amazon itself with the Titan models), and you can also create custom models by fine-tuning on your own data. And as you would expect from Amazon, enterprise-level security, privacy, governance and monit...
AWS Project: Build a Resume/CV on AWS, Step-by-Step Tutorial to Help You Get Hired
zhlédnutí 16KPřed 6 měsíci
People often ask me what AWS projects they can build to put on their resume/CV, and how to showcase their AWS skills to potential employers. Well, how about actually building the resume itself on AWS? That’s what we’ll do in this video! In a hands-on tutorial, I’ll walk you through how to build a simple resume/CV that uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript (with a little help from ChatGPT). Then we’ll u...
AWS Portfolio Project: Build an End-to-End Web Application with 7 Services | Step-by-Step Tutorial
zhlédnutí 55KPřed 6 měsíci
When you’re new to AWS, it can be difficult to wrap your head around ALL the services available, and how they actually fit together to build a working application. Or maybe you're just looking for a more robust project you can put on your resume? Well, you've come to the right place! That’s what we’re tackling in this video! (I also have another AWS project video that you might enjoy here: czca...
How to Set Up AWS IAM Identity Center and AWS Organizations | AWS Tutorial for Beginners
zhlédnutí 17KPřed 6 měsíci
In a previous video (czcams.com/video/gpquYmcpZpo/video.html), we reviewed the theory behind AWS IAM Identity Center-what it is and why you’d use it. In this video, we get into a hands-on tutorial to set it up and use it. In the demo, we see how to enable IAM Identity Center, which will simultaneously create an AWS Organization for us (assuming you don’t already have one). Then we choose our id...
What is AWS IAM Identity Center? Explained for Beginners (the theory)
zhlédnutí 11KPřed 6 měsíci
If you’ve tried to create an IAM user in AWS lately, you’ve surely seen the messages and recommendations about using IAM Identity Center. But what exactly is it, and how does it differ from “regular” IAM? In this short explainer video, I’ll overview what IAM Identity Center is (formerly called AWS Single Sign-On, or SSO), why you’d use it, and how it differs from IAM. I also briefly touch on AW...
Deploy a Web Application Using Elastic Beanstalk (New Version of UI) | AWS Tutorial for Beginners
zhlédnutí 29KPřed 7 měsíci
Elastic Beanstalk is Amazon’s “platform as a service” solution, allowing you to “just write code,” and then Elastic Beanstalk does all the work of setting up and maintaining the underlying infrastructures (EC2 instances, load balancers, auto-scaling groups and more). In this hands-on tutorial, we’ll deploy a sample Python web application (built-in with Elastic Beanstalk), setting up an applicat...
New CLF-C02 Certification! AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner | First Look, Tips, Prepare and Save $$
zhlédnutí 4,1KPřed 7 měsíci
New CLF-C02 Certification! AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner | First Look, Tips, Prepare and Save $$
Create and Delete an AWS CloudFormation Stack | Step-by-Step Tutorial for Beginners
zhlédnutí 8KPřed 8 měsíci
Create and Delete an AWS CloudFormation Stack | Step-by-Step Tutorial for Beginners
Create an Animated GIF or Meme Using Microsoft PowerPoint
zhlédnutí 483Před 8 měsíci
Create an Animated GIF or Meme Using Microsoft PowerPoint
Beginner’s Guide to AWS Security - @CloudSecurityPodcast
zhlédnutí 4KPřed 8 měsíci
Beginner’s Guide to AWS Security - @CloudSecurityPodcast
VPC Peering in AWS | Hands-On Tutorial for Beginners in Cloud Computing
zhlédnutí 19KPřed 9 měsíci
VPC Peering in AWS | Hands-On Tutorial for Beginners in Cloud Computing
Command Line with Blinking Cursor Animation Effect in PowerPoint | Green and Black Computer Console
zhlédnutí 1,7KPřed 9 měsíci
Command Line with Blinking Cursor Animation Effect in PowerPoint | Green and Black Computer Console
AWS Amplify in Plain English | Getting Started Tutorial for Beginners
zhlédnutí 38KPřed 9 měsíci
AWS Amplify in Plain English | Getting Started Tutorial for Beginners
Create a ChatGPT Plugin from Scratch | Step-by-Step Tutorial
zhlédnutí 7KPřed 11 měsíci
Create a ChatGPT Plugin from Scratch | Step-by-Step Tutorial
Create an Amazon CloudFront Distribution and Website | Step-by-Step AWS CDN Tutorial for Beginners
zhlédnutí 29KPřed 11 měsíci
Create an Amazon CloudFront Distribution and Website | Step-by-Step AWS CDN Tutorial for Beginners
Using Amazon Rekognition for Celebrity Face Recognition and Comparison
zhlédnutí 1,8KPřed 11 měsíci
Using Amazon Rekognition for Celebrity Face Recognition and Comparison
Automatically Update Data in a Textbox in Excel | Dynamic Textboxes
zhlédnutí 3,6KPřed rokem
Automatically Update Data in a Textbox in Excel | Dynamic Textboxes
Automatically Start and Stop EC2 Instances with AWS Instance Scheduler
zhlédnutí 15KPřed rokem
Automatically Start and Stop EC2 Instances with AWS Instance Scheduler
PowerPoint Swipe Effect Inside a Laptop/Tablet/Phone Screen | Step by Step Tutorial
zhlédnutí 1,1KPřed rokem
PowerPoint Swipe Effect Inside a Laptop/Tablet/Phone Screen | Step by Step Tutorial
Basics of CodeStar, Code Pipeline, CodeBuild, Cloud9, CodeCommit, CodeDeploy | AWS for Beginners
zhlédnutí 10KPřed rokem
Basics of CodeStar, Code Pipeline, CodeBuild, Cloud9, CodeCommit, CodeDeploy | AWS for Beginners
How to Estimate AWS Costs with the AWS Pricing Calculator | Tutorial for Beginners
zhlédnutí 22KPřed rokem
How to Estimate AWS Costs with the AWS Pricing Calculator | Tutorial for Beginners


  • @rtabaldo1
    @rtabaldo1 Před 9 hodinami


  • @MagdalenaPizarroOrtega
    @MagdalenaPizarroOrtega Před 10 hodinami

    Thanks for your video! It was all very clear! Maybe you could help me with an issue? I am working with a SPA, and following your tutorial i am able to navigate on my site. But, if I refresh on another path different from the home "/", i get the 403 error. At one point i opened my bucket to public access, and because of the configuration of the application (i created it with nextjs), i was able to fix it and enter the site on any path (for example /contact). But i don't like the idea of having my bucket publicly available, i would like to allow access only from cloudfront. Any ideas on how to solve it?

  • @universal4334
    @universal4334 Před 11 hodinami

    Does LB maintain instance IP's in Target and will forward them in Roundrobin, right ? If yes, what if a new instance added to that target due to scaling how does it behaves ?

  • @xavieralmonte5404
    @xavieralmonte5404 Před 18 hodinami

    Great video! Are you open to doing a full video on completing some of these projects?

  • @GavinKimpson
    @GavinKimpson Před 22 hodinami

    these are brilliant! you have another sub :)

  • @carlaramos94
    @carlaramos94 Před dnem


  • @anil4695
    @anil4695 Před dnem

    Is this AWS SSO service free or chargeable

  • @seeker1602
    @seeker1602 Před dnem

    This was brilliant... Thanks.

  • @regilearn2138
    @regilearn2138 Před dnem

    I am new to AWS and react, I got a task that upload a file to S3 bucket to using serverless Lambda function, would appreciate if you can guide me on this. What are the area I should focus. any video on this.

  • @krishmotla6470
    @krishmotla6470 Před 2 dny

    It is giving me the error mentioned below . """ error: 'wildrydes-site/' does not have a commit checked out fatal: adding files failed """ Can you please help me with the same?

  • @ericcaelestis
    @ericcaelestis Před 2 dny

    I just want to say that 2024, the CORS enabling will not be available when POST is selected, you should be clicking one directory up, that should be the "/"

  • @ronh8391
    @ronh8391 Před 2 dny

    Thank you!😀

  • @PauloMerson
    @PauloMerson Před 2 dny

    Great video! 👏👏👏 Strictly speaking, AWS lambda has the benefit of automatic *horizontal* scalability (or elasticity), so it's (auto)scaling *out/in*. It's not vertical scalability (scaling up/down). Also important is to mention the challenges (not necessarily disadvantages), such as cold starts, which you experienced in the demo after the first upload. Special kudos for reminding us to delete resources at the end of your videos! 🙏

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      @PauloMerson - Special kudos to YOU for taking the time to add this comment! 💪🔥🤓 Really appreciate it, and it's all true!

  • @bennyblanka3925
    @bennyblanka3925 Před 2 dny

    Hello great video! For the first example, how do you total the number of hours worked in the week?

  • @Bursuc23
    @Bursuc23 Před 2 dny

    AcrGIS requires an business mail in order to create a "free tier" account.

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      Oh, interesting! I wonder if they changed that recently. I'll look into it. Thanks for the heads-up! 🙏🤓

  • @prathamarc2401
    @prathamarc2401 Před 2 dny

    it may not make much of a difference but you forgot to blur out your address at 1:53. just a heads up.

  • @ditihalommusi66
    @ditihalommusi66 Před 3 dny

    This saved me hours of Letter writing, Thank you soo much for sharing

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      Yes, Mail Merge is such a time-saver! I'm so glad the video helped. Thanks for the nice comment! 🙏🌟

  • @MattPhelps76
    @MattPhelps76 Před 3 dny

    Great tutorial but unfortunately Amplify displays a white blank page instead of my webpage. All zipping was done as specified and there is no error but just a blank page.

  • @gaurimanish2594
    @gaurimanish2594 Před 3 dny

    By how many ways of authentication we can connect and rds with sql server in Ssms?

  • @uzenoff
    @uzenoff Před 3 dny

    I struggled with advancing all slides - you hit the important step I was missing exactly. Thank you!

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      Yay!!! I'm so glad it helped. Thanks for supporting the channel, and for such a nice comment! 🙏🌟

  • @vamsit8334
    @vamsit8334 Před 3 dny

    Fantabulous presentation...ur really having exceptional teaching talent and indeed great teacher ❤

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      So kind of you!! Thanks for supporting the channel, and for such a nice comment! 🙏🌟

  • @monindersingh2565
    @monindersingh2565 Před 3 dny

    thank you 😊

  • @davegrundgeiger9063

    This is exactly what I was looking for, perfect level of detail, and very clear.

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      Yay!!! I'm so glad it helped. Thanks for supporting the channel, and for such a nice comment! 🙏🌟

  • @chrisdietrich1533
    @chrisdietrich1533 Před 3 dny

    Great content!

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      Yay!!! I'm so glad it helped. Thanks for supporting the channel, and for such a nice comment! 🙏🌟

  • @dog1337
    @dog1337 Před 4 dny

    This helped me so much

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      Yay!!! I'm so glad it helped. Thanks for supporting the channel, and for such a nice comment! 🙏🌟

  • @ds5375
    @ds5375 Před 4 dny

    For those of you trying to "delete" a domain, from the console, which is not permitted (greyed out delete button). First navigate to the domain instance, go to users > user, then scroll down to the bottom of the page, hit edit > delete user. Go back to the domain tab > domain instance > edit > delete.

  • @shivangchaturvedi237

    Wonderful. Thanks for make this so simple

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      Yay!!! I'm so glad it helped. Thanks for supporting the channel, and for such a nice comment! 🙏🌟

  • @AlbertoOnWheels
    @AlbertoOnWheels Před 5 dny

    Best CIDR explanation ever!

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      Yay!!! I'm so glad it helped. Thanks for supporting the channel, and for such a nice comment! 🙏🌟

  • @myoomotwani
    @myoomotwani Před 5 dny

    Thanks fo the videos. It helped me understand the concepts of CIDR I have a doubt though. While creating a VPC, there is no constraints aws is imposing on what CIDR we can select. So, what if multiple customers choose to have CIDR in same range? Who gets to create resources in that range. Again , thanks in advance!!

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      Hi Mayank! 👋 I'm so glad the video helped. 😊 As far as addressing and overlap, AWS VPCs are isolated from each other, even across different accounts. This means that each AWS customer can define their VPCs using any CIDR block they choose, including those already used by another customer in a different VPC, even if those VPCs are in the same AWS region. So even if you choose the same range as another customer, there won't be any conflicts. Hope that helps! 😊

  • @myoomotwani
    @myoomotwani Před 6 dny

    good video covering basics. Thank you!!

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      Yay! I'm so glad it helped. Thanks for supporting the channel, and for such a nice comment! 🙏🌟

  • @tycoonpraise
    @tycoonpraise Před 6 dny

    @TinyTechinicalTutorials I really appreciate this video, thank you so much I seem yo be getting a 403 error for the generated signed url Any solutions?

  • @yusefalimam130
    @yusefalimam130 Před 6 dny

    This is incredible! Thank you so much for doing these. You open doors for so many others when you share this kind of information and take the time to present it thoughtfully

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      Awwww...what a nice comment!! I'm so glad it helps. Thanks for watching! 🙏🌟

  • @Jeekster72
    @Jeekster72 Před 6 dny

    Thanks a lot!

  • @kvprathyush99
    @kvprathyush99 Před 6 dny

    There is a new update to AWS amplify, after following all the steps till "Creating a new app for hosting in AWS amplify" section. I am not able to deploy the app. It is shown deployment failed. How to solve this, Anybody help please.

  • @ankitagarwal6014
    @ankitagarwal6014 Před 7 dny

    What if my instances scale in and out? will it still maintain the stickiness?

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      Hi Ankit! 👋 Sorry for the delayed response. If you're still looking for an answer, maybe this will help? SCALING OUT (Adding Instances) -New Instances: When new instances are added to the pool due to scaling out, they start receiving new traffic. However, existing sessions (those already stickied to other instances) are not affected. Only new sessions can be directed to the new instances. -Sticky Sessions: Existing sticky sessions will continue to route to the same instances they were initially directed to, unless those instances are terminated or fail. SCALING IN (REMOVING INSTANCES) -Removing Instances: When instances are removed from the pool due to scaling in, this can affect sticky sessions. If an instance that is handling sticky sessions is terminated: --The sessions that were stickied to that instance will be interrupted. --The next time the client sends a request, the load balancer will select a new instance based on the current load balancing algorithm, and a new sticky session will start with the new instance. -Session Persistence: The key point is that sticky sessions do not migrate. If the instance to which they are stickied is removed, those sessions do not maintain their state but are rather reset and will need to re-establish on a new instance.

  • @charishmapriyachitimireddi9839

    I am very glad to learn Cloud formation stack creation and deleting very easily and clearly through your video

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      I'm so glad it helped! Thanks for supporting the channel, and for such a nice comment! 🙏🌟

  • @Jeekster72
    @Jeekster72 Před 7 dny


  • @rodenmcmiles
    @rodenmcmiles Před 7 dny

    AWS have also changed the Amplify interface so you don't configure the role as part of the initial setup. However, within the app, under App settings -> General settings, you can configure the service role after creating the app. I wouldn't have noticed this without your video walkthrough. My service role was automatically set to AdministratorAccess, which had AdministratorAccess permissions, and resulted in failed deployments. This required changing the role to AmplifyConsoleServiceRole (with the AdministratorAccess-Amplify policy) to fix this issue.

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      Thanks for taking the time to post this, @rodenmcmiles! 🙏🤓💪 It's true...AWS is constantly changing their UI, which makes it hard to keep up. Really appreciate you taking the time to share the new details!

    • @Confooosion
      @Confooosion Před 2 dny

      @rodenmcmiles This absolutely worked, so thank you much! Sidenote in case anyone runs into this issue I experience that Roden didn't experience: When going to General settings to set the service role, Amplify service was as already prefilled so I clicked save. After it saved I realized in the summary page of General Settings, The service role was empty so I selected a different service role, saved and then clicked edit again and selected the Amplify service role and that made it save. The summary page reflected it to. Deployment was successful after

  • @tihagopenoncello8951

    thanks for the tips. and for having subtitles in Spanish for other languages

  • @bikdigdaddy
    @bikdigdaddy Před 7 dny

    amazing video

  • @user-ee7nw2kn6u
    @user-ee7nw2kn6u Před 8 dny

    i mean couldnt u technically just buy a domain name and use a random hosting service.

  • @myoomotwani
    @myoomotwani Před 8 dny

    Good explanation,,Thank you. !!

  • @lennonbenedictjansuy9256

    I am completely confused and felt like I am in a deep slumber learning ECS task definitions but then your videos comes out in my search query. Now everything makes sense and I will be able to continue my CI/CD journey with AWS ECS. Thank you TTT!

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      YAY!!! Comments like this make it all worth it! I'm so glad this woke you from your slumber! 😅🥰

  • @manee427
    @manee427 Před 8 dny


  • @ronh8391
    @ronh8391 Před 8 dny

    Great tutorial! I am learning AWS and am actually in need of a resume site/page. Keep up the great work!

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      WOOHOO!!! Strong work! 💪 Thanks for supporting the channel, and for such a nice comment! 🙏🌟

    • @ronh8391
      @ronh8391 Před 2 dny

      @@TinyTechnicalTutorials Thanks to YOU for providing such great tutorials. Git ‘er done. 😁

  • @somarble
    @somarble Před 8 dny

    AWS has deleted S3 bucket again (

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      Hi Yuri! 👋 Check out the note in the description for an updated link that should work (it's my own S3 bucket so should be good).

  • @marioauditore571
    @marioauditore571 Před 9 dny

    Great walktrough and straightforward. thank you :)

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      Oh, I'm so glad!! Thanks for supporting the channel, and for such a nice comment! 🙏🌟

  • @aakeelr
    @aakeelr Před 9 dny

    Superb content. Create a few more please with wider scope and invocation of more services. Thanks.

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      Thanks so much, Aakeel! 🥰 And yes, I definitely want to expand this series of projects. Thanks for the up-vote! 🤓👍

  • @aakeelr
    @aakeelr Před 9 dny

    Phenomenal. Great learner tutorial

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      Oh, I'm so glad!! Thanks for supporting the channel, and for such a nice comment! 🙏🌟

  • @mexhele
    @mexhele Před 9 dny

    Thank you! Super helpful

    • @TinyTechnicalTutorials
      @TinyTechnicalTutorials Před 2 dny

      Oh, I'm so glad!! Thanks for supporting the channel, and for such a nice comment! 🙏🌟