Iceland Close-Up
Iceland Close-Up
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冰岛语给大家拜年🎆 | 冰岛语 | Icelandic | 北欧小语种
📕小红书:冰岛特写Iceland Close-Up
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♥ 更详细的关于冰岛四季信息,包括冰岛四季的天气特点,四季穿衣,每个季节对旅游产生的优缺点等。看这一篇就够了
♥ 这里是冰岛旅游超级实用指南,包括了所有冰岛旅游须知。你也可以下载指南PDF版本,随后阅读
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冰岛圣诞特辑🎄 ∣ 独特又熟悉的冰岛圣诞习俗🎅
zhlédnutí 135Před 2 lety
🌈冰岛特写 📕小红书:冰岛特写Iceland Close-Up 📘Facebook: lufang.icelandcloseup 📺B站:冰岛特写 你知道什么是冰岛人口中常说的Jólastress圣诞焦虑吗? 为什么冰岛各家各户的窗台上都有一盏一样的圣诞电灯? 冰岛13个圣诞老人最常出没的地方是哪里? 冰岛又有哪些好玩好逛的圣诞集市? 内容全在视频里啦! 📺冰岛那些让人啼笑皆非的事儿 QJ1d-Fk4/video.html 📺挑战冰岛语 📺冰岛蓝湖冬夏Vlog: ♥ 更详细的关于冰岛四季信息,包括冰岛四季的天气特点,四...
冰岛7大震撼人心的瀑布💦🌈 | 7 Impressive Waterfalls in Iceland
zhlédnutí 253Před 2 lety
🌈冰岛特写 🛍 网店 Online shop: 📕小红书:冰岛特写Iceland Close-Up 📘Facebook: lufang.icelandcloseup 📺BILIBILI:冰岛特写 English below 💦斯瓦蒂瀑布 Svartifoss 📍坐标:瓦特纳冰川国家公园 斯瓦蒂瀑布是瓦特纳冰川国家公园里最亮眼的景点之一 哈尔格林姆斯教堂的设计灵感就源于这个瀑布周围的玄武石柱 💦亨吉瀑布 Hengifoss 📍坐标:冰岛东部 亨吉瀑布高128米,是冰岛第三高的瀑布 这里也是冰岛东部地区最热门的徒步线路之一 💦格兰尼瀑布 Glanni 📍坐标:冰岛西部 格兰尼瀑布是诺鲁尔河流的一部分,此河流也是最出名的鲑鱼垂钓河之一 当地人相信这里是精灵和巨怪...
秋末冬初的冰岛慢生活☕️ 📖 | Life in Iceland | OCTOBER VLOG
zhlédnutí 91Před 2 lety
🌈冰岛特写 📕小红书:冰岛特写Iceland Close-Up 📘Facebook: lufang.icelandcloseup 📺B站:冰岛特写 这个视频记录了这几个月以来的生活碎片。 雷克雅未克9月末的时候已经下雪了。虽然冰岛的冬天很长,但是每年夏季过后的第一次初雪还是让我激动不已,脑子里第一个想起来的歌就是 “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas“。 休息在家的午后没有比看看新买的书最惬意的事情了。这是一本老舍的散文集,看着封皮就很治愈。让我特别想家。 在工作上从8月份以来就特别的忙。现在有了孩子,白天要利用好一切时间,有效率高质量的完成工作。下了班就要好好和孩子享受亲子时光。 赶上天气好的休息日,我会带着宝宝到附近的公园里去转转。有的时候就只有我和宝宝,有...
冰岛火山还在喷发!?🌋 | Active Icelandic Volcano Unleashes Lava Flow
zhlédnutí 81Před 2 lety
🌈冰岛特写 📕小红书:冰岛特写Iceland Close-Up 📘Facebook: lufang.icelandcloseup 📺B站:冰岛特写 English below 简直太壮观了! 冰岛现在就有一座正在喷发的火山! 你听说了吗?自从今年3月24号以来,冰岛的一座火山已持续喷发数月。而且,离首都雷克雅未克非常近! 不管是徒步还是乘坐直升机都可以到达。已有成千上万的游客近距离的观赏了火山喷发的壮观现场。 科学家们说,火山喷发可能会持续很长一段时间。其他同类的火山喷发曾持续过几年甚至几十年。因此,下次你来冰岛时,可能有机会看到现场的火山喷发哦! 你想亲临火山现场吗?请在评论中告诉我吧! 💌 更多关于冰岛的旅游资讯: ♥ 更详细的关于冰岛四季信息,包括冰岛四季的天气特点,四季穿衣,每个季节对旅游产生的优缺点等。...
冰岛焦糖色的秋天 🍂 | Autumn Look in Iceland 🍁
zhlédnutí 142Před 2 lety
🌈冰岛特写 📕小红书:冰岛特写Iceland Close-Up 📘Facebook: lufang.icelandcloseup 📺B站:冰岛特写 冰岛目前的天气渐渐转凉,时不时的就是大风下雨好几天。 身边很多人包括自己也都因此得了感冒。 趁着这几天天气还不错,赶快去公园里拍下美丽的冰岛城市秋景。 冰岛的秋天很短暂,秋景也很短。 一夜狂风就能把美丽的红叶全部吹散,所以在冰岛赏秋要及时。 视频里我来到了Hafnarfjordur的精灵公园,这里是赏秋的好地方。 大家最喜欢哪个季节呢? 📺冰岛那些让人啼笑皆非的事儿 QJ1d-Fk4/video.html 📺挑战冰岛语 📺冰岛蓝湖冬夏Vlog: czc...
zhlédnutí 248Před 3 lety
🌈冰岛特写 📕小红书:冰岛特写Iceland Close-Up 📘Facebook: lufang.icelandcloseup 📺B站:冰岛特写 English below 冰岛的瀑布数不胜数 有大有小 无论网红的还是小众的 都能给游客带来惊喜 有些瀑布甚至在很多好莱坞影视剧里出现过 今天的视频里给大家介绍冰岛最出名的5个瀑布 分别是: 📍 斯科加瀑布 Skógafoss 📍 塞里雅兰瀑布 Seljalandsfoss 📍 黄金瀑布 Gullfoss 📍 众神瀑布 Goðafoss 📍 黛提瀑布 Dettifoss 🌈 带有以上瀑布的冰岛旅行团: 🔹冰岛南岸贵宾迷你巴士游不仅带你参观斯科加瀑布和塞里雅兰瀑布,还有南海岸其他令人赞叹的自然景观:
冰岛的鲁冰花开啦🌷 | Lupines in full bloom in Iceland🌈
zhlédnutí 524Před 3 lety
🌈冰岛特写 📕小红书:冰岛特写Iceland Close-Up 📘Facebook: lufang.icelandcloseup 📺B站:冰岛特写 English below: 每年的6、7月份是冰岛的鲁冰花季, 无论自驾到哪裡, 城市还是乡村, 大片的鲁冰花处处可见。 视频中大家可以看到两个不同的地方, ❣️一个在雷克雅未克附近的Vifilsstaðavatn, 也是我平时最喜欢的徒步地点, 这里有山、有水、有鱼、有鸟。 由于远离光污染, 冬季也是追极光的最佳地点。 ❣️还有一个就是西南部Reykholt的一条徒步路线。 路线很隐蔽,徒步时没看到一个人。 周边景点还有著名的Krauma温泉 和Snorri Sturluson博物馆, Snorri Sturluson 是冰岛中世纪最伟大的文学家。 你也想来冰岛看...
冰岛慢生活☕️ | 三四月Vlog 🌱 | Iceland Vlog
zhlédnutí 217Před 3 lety
🌈冰岛特写 📕小红书:冰岛特写Iceland Close-Up 📘Facebook: lufang.icelandcloseup 📺B站:冰岛特写 终于度过了漫长的冰岛冬季 迎来了日不落的春天 虽然温度还停留在10度以下 但日照时长足以让你一天当两天用 环岛的日子马上就要到啦 期待! 视频中是冰岛三四月份的生活记录 期待冰岛夏天的到来! 📺冰岛那些让人啼笑皆非的事儿 QJ1d-Fk4/video.html 📺挑战冰岛语 📺冰岛蓝湖冬夏Vlog: ♥ 更详细的关于冰岛四季信息,包括冰岛四季的天气特点,四季穿衣,每个季节对...
冰岛哪几个温泉最美?♨️ | Beautiful Hot Springs In Iceland 🩱
zhlédnutí 248Před 3 lety
🌈冰岛特写 📕小红书:冰岛特写Iceland Close-Up 📘Facebook: lufang.icelandcloseup 📺B站:冰岛特写 冰岛哪几个温泉最美? 今天来跟大家分享我心中的冰岛最美温泉,一共5个。 由于冰岛地热资源丰富,所以温泉随处可见。 有些温泉由于水温过高,虽然不能浸泡,但这也挡不住它迷人的外观。 除了外国游客们心中的热门温泉外, 在冰岛几乎每个town也都会有至少一个游泳温泉中心。 很多冰岛家庭也会购买温泉池放在自家的院子里或度假屋。 泡温泉这么疗愈的事儿,有谁不喜欢呢! ♨️参加当地带温泉的旅行团: 🔹黄金圈 蓝湖温泉小团一日游(含蓝湖门票)带你畅快淋漓的游览冰岛黄金圈的所有热门景点,随后尽情享受梦幻般的蓝湖温泉体验
冰岛蓝湖冬夏Vlog♨️💦 | Iceland Blue Lagoon
zhlédnutí 279Před 3 lety
🌈冰岛特写 📕小红书:冰岛特写Iceland Close-Up 📘Facebook: lufang.icelandcloseup 📺B站:冰岛特写 虽然冰岛的温泉众多,但蓝湖依然是我温泉中的此生挚爱。 梦幻般的蓝色湖水和疗愈的天然温泉,绝对给你带来此生难忘的体验。 在冰岛定居这么久已经去过很多次蓝湖了,但每一次依然激动不已,新鲜感十足。 视频中大家可以看到蓝湖冬夏两季的样子。 ‼️这里给大家提个醒,泡蓝湖时如果是大晴天,一定不要忘记涂防晒。晴天时由于紫外线和水面反光造成的双面辐射,再加上蓝湖里又没有太多可以遮挡的地方,即使浸泡时间短,在晴空万里的大太阳天气也会非常容易晒伤。 ♨️参加当地蓝湖旅行团: 🔹黄金圈 蓝湖温泉小团一日游(含蓝湖门票)带你畅快淋漓的游览冰岛黄金圈的所有热门景点,随后尽情享受梦幻般的蓝湖温泉...
7 FUN Things About Iceland 🤣
zhlédnutí 183Před 3 lety
Today I'm going to share with you some of the fun things about Iceland. You may have already seen many magnificent Iceland ongoing volcanic eruption videos. Or you may have already seen photos of magic northern lights, beautiful midnight sun, or dreamy Blue Lagoon hot spring. Indeed Iceland has a unique and stunning landscape for us to admire, but what about some fascinating Icelandic culture? ...
冰岛那些让人啼笑皆非的事儿🤣 Fun Facts About Iceland
zhlédnutí 627Před 3 lety
冰岛有很多好玩有趣的故事 有些让我这个”外人”实在难以理解 但在冰岛住的时间长了 也就习惯了 甚至也入乡随俗了 视频里给大家总结了7个关于冰岛好玩又好笑的事儿 内容全在视频里啦 你觉得哪个最有趣 下面留言告诉我吧! 📺 冰岛人如何在飘雪的4月迎接夏天 ♥ 更详细的关于冰岛四季信息,包括冰岛四季的天气特点,四季穿衣,每个季节对旅游产生的优缺点等。看这一篇就够了 ♥ 这里是冰岛旅游超级实用指南,包括了所有冰岛旅游须知。你也可以下载指南PDF版本,随后阅读 ♥ 浏览我们精选的一日游旅游项目:cn.i...
Best Time to Visit Iceland | Weather in Iceland | 冰岛最佳旅游时间🧳🛫
zhlédnutí 154Před 3 lety
冰岛最佳旅游季节是什么? 冰岛哪个季节能给游客带来最完美的旅游体验? 这其实取决于游客对冰岛之行有哪些期待。 想见证奇幻的北极光,体验天然冰洞的冒险之旅,感受最原汁原味的冰岛,就冬天来冰岛旅游。 想享受舒适的温度,目睹迷人的午夜阳光,让一天变成两天,就夏天来冰岛旅游。 但是不管什么季节,冰岛的每一个季节都能给你惊喜。 ♥ 更详细的关于冰岛四季信息,包括冰岛四季的天气特点,四季穿衣,每个季节对旅游产生的优缺点等。看这一篇就够了 ♥ 这里是冰岛旅游超级实用指南,包括了所有冰岛旅游须知。你也可以下载指南PDF版本,随后阅读 ♥ 浏览我们精选的一日游旅游项目:cn.iceland...
夏天也可以去冰洞?🧊🐳| 雷克雅未克的冰洞体验Vlog | Ice Cave in Reykjavík 🧊🐳
zhlédnutí 101Před 3 lety
在雷克雅未克也能参观冰洞吗? 可以!珍珠楼博物馆Perlan就满足了你的愿望。 珍珠楼馆内建有100米长的人造冰洞隧道,由350吨重的冰川雪建造而成。 让你在室内就可以体验到冰洞的神秘感。 隧道出来后便是冰川展,可以学到很多关于古老冰川与冰岛地质学的知识。 除此之外,珍珠楼还设有极光展,水生物展和地质学展等。 非常适合在冰岛旅游时间有限,或者带有儿童的游客参观。 ♥ 更多关于冰岛四季指南,包括冰岛四季的天气特点,四季穿衣,每个季节对旅游产生的优缺点等。看这一篇就够了 ♥ 这里是冰岛旅游超级实用指南,包括了所有冰岛旅游须知。你也可以下载指南PDF版本,随后阅读 ♥ 浏览我们...
冰岛的春天和你想象中的一样吗?🌱☃️| How does spring in Iceland look like? 🌱☃️
zhlédnutí 230Před 3 lety
冰岛的春天和你想象中的一样吗?🌱☃️| How does spring in Iceland look like? 🌱☃️
冰岛旅游博主的幕后花絮🎬| Bloopers🤣 | Behind the Scenes
zhlédnutí 66Před 3 lety
冰岛旅游博主的幕后花絮🎬| Bloopers🤣 | Behind the Scenes
Iceland Vlog | 冰岛日常Vlog ☕️ | 冰岛首都地区一、二月的街景🦆 | 工作💻带娃👶两不误
zhlédnutí 130Před 3 lety
Iceland Vlog | 冰岛日常Vlog ☕️ | 冰岛首都地区一、二月的街景🦆 | 工作💻带娃👶两不误
Facts About Iceland Volcanic Eruption🌋
zhlédnutí 180Před 3 lety
Facts About Iceland Volcanic Eruption🌋
8个冰岛火山喷发的小知识 🇮🇸🌋
zhlédnutí 284Před 3 lety
8个冰岛火山喷发的小知识 🇮🇸🌋
Iceland Vlog | 和我一起庆祝复活节 初夏节
zhlédnutí 205Před 5 lety
Iceland Vlog | 和我一起庆祝复活节 初夏节
zhlédnutí 5KPřed 5 lety
How to Pronounce Icelandic Places (Language Challenge)
zhlédnutí 10KPřed 5 lety
How to Pronounce Icelandic Places (Language Challenge)
Sunset at Midnight in Iceland - 4K Time-lapse!
zhlédnutí 26KPřed 5 lety
Sunset at Midnight in Iceland - 4K Time-lapse!
Cold First Day of Summer… This is How It’s Celebrated
zhlédnutí 1,7KPřed 6 lety
Cold First Day of Summer… This is How It’s Celebrated
Goðafoss的秘密: 冰岛众神瀑布
zhlédnutí 938Před 6 lety
Goðafoss的秘密: 冰岛众神瀑布
Secrets of Goðafoss: Waterfall of the Gods in Iceland
zhlédnutí 3,6KPřed 6 lety
Secrets of Goðafoss: Waterfall of the Gods in Iceland
zhlédnutí 2,4KPřed 7 lety
Picking Wild Blueberries in Iceland
zhlédnutí 4,2KPřed 7 lety
Picking Wild Blueberries in Iceland
About Iceland Close-Up
zhlédnutí 1,1KPřed 7 lety
About Iceland Close-Up


  • @rocsu7472
    @rocsu7472 Před 5 měsíci

    B 站冰岛语发音最标准的中国人 👍👍👍

  • @dex.9122
    @dex.9122 Před 6 měsíci

    no time, vid stops instantly

  • @stevenisidore5094
    @stevenisidore5094 Před rokem

    Living conditions there are uneasy ever summer and winter because during summer there is no darkness and that makes it difficult to sleep. During winter there is no sunlight and that makes it difficult to stay awake.

  • @numoherisson1656
    @numoherisson1656 Před rokem

    You're an excellent teacher! Really enjoyed watching this video, and will be checking out others. I like listening to Icelandic, but some of those consonants (like ll) seem just about impossible for non-native speakers.

  • @aswathyvinod7546
    @aswathyvinod7546 Před rokem

    Iceland looks like Ooty

  • @joelwong1239
    @joelwong1239 Před rokem

    0:20 Magnificent Sunset!

  • @joelwong1239
    @joelwong1239 Před rokem

    June 21, Iceland: Sunset: 12.58am Sunrise: 1.29am (Based on timeanddate)

  • @omgtrans7740
    @omgtrans7740 Před rokem

    Dear @Iceland Close-Up We are from Indonesia. We understand that you are the copyright holder of Iceland Close-Up CZcams. @TRANS7 (TV Station in Indonesia) would like to include your video in our tv program called "OMG". We will include your Channel username in the show. If you agree to provide us with permission, please reply this message. Sincerely, Content Research at News Trans7

  • @tsoekmanyiu8580
    @tsoekmanyiu8580 Před rokem

    你的冰岛魯冰很美 我送上我在澳洲拍攝的 拍攝地點:cunderdin - Western Australia 背景音樂:特別委托city of Perth band 演奏「天上的星星不說話,地上的娃娃想媽媽」 顯示較少

  • @CellarDoorx06
    @CellarDoorx06 Před rokem

    She is so unbelievably pretty! Man, that would absolutely throw me off...Waking up not knowing if its night or day! 😅

  • @user-gs5wi1mr1t
    @user-gs5wi1mr1t Před rokem

    English) Do you know this truth? 1. The clouds of the sky from all over the world are coming down to the earth more and more every day. 2. The sun and moon in the sky are super moon and super sun every day. 3. If you look closely at the sunrise and sunset, you can see the pink sky. 4. The chemical components of Chemtrail are spraying like crazy in the sky around the world. 5. If you look closely at the moon now, the moon is rotating. Yeshua is coming very soon. - Yeshua Coming -

  • @irulanam2274
    @irulanam2274 Před rokem

    so fresh..... the best from the nature..... nice 👍👍👍

  • @milk_chocolate.-.
    @milk_chocolate.-. Před rokem

    SCIENCE LESSON so earth is on it's axis meaning when it during the day the south pole is in it's night, and the night it's still dark, north pole during the day is not dark, but at night it is, take that here, iceland is closer to the peak of the axios meaning it's gonna be mostly light, with barely any darkness, except for the shadow of the clouds, the earth is rotating meaning that when it's spinning the sun appears to be moving (we already knew that) which is why sunset is so short in the video, well it was timelapsed, but is why it never really became the shadow we know called the night (yes the night is a shadow of the earth)

  • @nickjangid4060
    @nickjangid4060 Před 2 lety

    What if we don't sleep ? 😨

  • @lexluth89
    @lexluth89 Před 2 lety

    I clicked on this video just to see how Hafnarfjörður was pronounced lmao That town will always hold a special place in my heart ❤️ cause that was where I was lucky enough to see the northern lights for the very first time this past March and it is one experience that I will always cherish for the rest of my life.

  • @burgessleung1318
    @burgessleung1318 Před 2 lety


  • @shimronnetia
    @shimronnetia Před 2 lety

    so she is out at night

  • @userxsjksls
    @userxsjksls Před 2 lety

    This is so cool

  • @askmyselfwhy8234
    @askmyselfwhy8234 Před 2 lety


  • @ireshterdalkar4402
    @ireshterdalkar4402 Před 2 lety


  • @jasperchicka5626
    @jasperchicka5626 Před 2 lety


  • @jasperchicka5626
    @jasperchicka5626 Před 2 lety


  • @swnts.
    @swnts. Před 2 lety

    Who came up with the name eyjafjallajökull anyway

  • @1World1Humanity
    @1World1Humanity Před 2 lety

    Thanks for sharing your video. There probably are not too many Asians living in Iceland. Do you experience discrimination living in Iceland as an Asian?

    • @Icelandcloseup
      @Icelandcloseup Před 2 lety

      Thanks for the comment🙂. I have lived in Iceland for more than eight years now and have studied and worked in Iceland, but from my experience, I have not experienced discrimination from locals as a Chinese living in Iceland. Icelanders are friendly and pretty open-minded. They are often fascinated by different cultures and people's different backgrounds. At least, this is how I feel about it. 🙂

    • @1World1Humanity
      @1World1Humanity Před 2 lety

      @@Icelandcloseup - That is good to know. It may be because the Asian population and influence is so unnoticeable that this makes them interesting to the Icelanders. Best of luck to you and thanks for sharing your Icelandic experience with us!

  • @ireshterdalkar4402
    @ireshterdalkar4402 Před 2 lety

    Iceland is my ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @AnshuKumar-js2mv
    @AnshuKumar-js2mv Před 2 lety

    Such an amazing experience too feel...

  • @user-oh7ud7ke9f
    @user-oh7ud7ke9f Před 2 lety


  • @kdramalovers3813
    @kdramalovers3813 Před 2 lety

    In Africa the sun rise n set at 6 o’clock. Normal time

  • @livli7668
    @livli7668 Před 2 lety


  • @johnseklecki2175
    @johnseklecki2175 Před 2 lety

    Amazing. Would like to vacation there some time. Looks pretty fuckin cool

  • @SakilAhmed-dj3ov
    @SakilAhmed-dj3ov Před 2 lety

    I never experienced such thing. 😑 I wish I could someday. 😕😕

  • @DanielsUKT
    @DanielsUKT Před 2 lety

    I want to see midnight sun for myself in the future

  • @heronhillgaurd6538
    @heronhillgaurd6538 Před 3 lety

    Did they sleep

  • @felixolorunfemi3698
    @felixolorunfemi3698 Před 3 lety

    I I'm really impressed seeing this. I pray to God for me to be there once in my life time before I die.

  • @aprilberkah7282
    @aprilberkah7282 Před 3 lety

    Good morning, everytime!

  • @x0rby580
    @x0rby580 Před 3 lety

    You're not wrong about being excited about good weather, I got to work in my t-shirt today for about an hour and it was sooooo nice 😂

  • @eddaqueen
    @eddaqueen Před 3 lety

    Ö這個字,土耳其語有耶~發音跟冰島語一樣,像嘔吐🤮,🤣🤣 土耳其人唸r也會有一種sh的音耶

    • @Icelandcloseup
      @Icelandcloseup Před 3 lety


  • @eddaqueen
    @eddaqueen Před 3 lety


    • @Icelandcloseup
      @Icelandcloseup Před 3 lety


  • @TheGprinziv
    @TheGprinziv Před 3 lety

    So I'm teaching English in Korea and we have an upcoming unit on Iceland and wanted to practice my pronunciation of the locations and I'm just blown away by anyone who can speak three languages so friggin' fluently, much less three so different languages. Thanks for this!

    • @Icelandcloseup
      @Icelandcloseup Před 3 lety

      Thank you! Icelandic is for sure a challenge for me to learn, especially grammar.🙂.

  • @bigdaddyjoe2819
    @bigdaddyjoe2819 Před 3 lety

    Thanks for the views!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @luanl8269
    @luanl8269 Před 3 lety

    Very cool here in brasil allways 11 to 13 sun light

  • @acrosscanada7159
    @acrosscanada7159 Před 3 lety

    Your accent sounds a bit of middle east at some point XD

  • @tommyvercettygt
    @tommyvercettygt Před 3 lety

    you could basically do any night work by sleeping in the afternoon and not miss the day

    • @Icelandcloseup
      @Icelandcloseup Před 3 lety

      That's right! Time in summer in Iceland can be stretched a lot longer if you have the energy🙂 .

  • @user-pr9vi4ze4j
    @user-pr9vi4ze4j Před 3 lety

    我试着读了一段,嘴要废了………… Blóðið sem streymir í æðum mínum er blóð Francis Drake, vondi drekinn í Höfunum sjö, og blóð drottins Íslands, Inge Anas.

  • @thelovelyone1582
    @thelovelyone1582 Před 3 lety

    It would have been cool had you put in the time like 1 a.m. to am so for it

  • @_ChetanJoshi
    @_ChetanJoshi Před 3 lety

    I have experience off midnight sun in my dreams.

  • @trojanpony
    @trojanpony Před 3 lety

    I agree the pronunciation is relatively easy, after enough practice with the sounds that are unique to Icelandic. The vocabulary is quite literal and the pronunciation rules are very consistent. It’s the grammar with all the irregular declensions that makes it such a scary language to learn. Apparently even native Icelanders often mess up their declensions. 😰

    • @Icelandcloseup
      @Icelandcloseup Před 3 lety

      Agree! Icelandic grammar is for sure a challenge🙂.

  • @SuperSirry
    @SuperSirry Před 3 lety

    Nothing because I’m Icelandic XD

  • @maseklau
    @maseklau Před 3 lety

    Thank you for these videos. I teach Chinese students here in Shanghai and we're learning about Iceland. Your videos are perfect because I can show in Chinese and English! 谢谢!

    • @Icelandcloseup
      @Icelandcloseup Před 3 lety

      That's great! Thank you for showing my videos to your students! :)

  • @ylchen77
    @ylchen77 Před 3 lety

    I rearranged the order just for my understanding --- Húsið manns tekur 500 ( menn ). In spoken language , adverb is used so commonly , and apparently, adv seems to be used with prepositional phrase in Icelandic language. In English , He jumped out . s+v+adv . He jumped out of bed . out of bed is a prepositional phrase , functions adv here. ( how) I wonder out of bed is preposition +preposition +object (noun) or adv+preposition + noun ?