Jessie Liang
Jessie Liang
  • 396
  • 594 114


舊金山 Excelsior 區週日街會活動|Sunday Streets SF in Excelsior neighborhood in July 2024
zhlédnutí 41Před měsícem
舊金山週日街會活動新一季已經從6月首先在田德隆區開始,7月在 Excelsior 社區舉行,旨在開放一個無車輛的活動空間,可以將孩童、長者、鄰居、商業以及社區組織連結在一起 Sunday Streets SF is back for a new season. The first Sunday Streets started in June in the Tenderloin neighborhood. July Sunday Streets was in the Excelsior neighborhood. The program transforms miles of city streets into car-free community spaces for kids, senior, businesses and organizations to connect, and...
2024 美國國慶日煙花|4th of July Fireworks 2024
zhlédnutí 24Před 2 měsíci
首次在山上看煙花慶祝美國國慶日,是在位於科羅拉多州近萬呎山上的 Vail 小鎮 My first time watching fireworks on a mountain nearly 10,000 feet above sea level to celebrate the Fourth of July was in the small town of Vail, Colorado.
舊金山交通局參與同志榮耀大遊行的古董 Muni 巴士|SFMTA's Vintage Muni Bus for Pride Parade 2024
zhlédnutí 52Před 2 měsíci
舊金山年度同志榮耀大遊行於週日6月30日舉行,舊金山交通局 SFMTA 將有一輛1975年製造的 Muni 巴士參與遊行,這是同事們在遊行前兩天,一起裝飾這輛1975年製造的巡遊巴士 The SFMTA's vintage Muni bus for the Pride Parade on Sunday, June 30, 2024 (20240627) #sanfrancisco #pridemonth #bus
KTSF 專訪:舊金山交通局最新預算、Muni 安全問題以及新項目|SFMTA shares about new budget, Muni safety and new projects
zhlédnutí 71Před 2 měsíci
訪談內容包括舊金山交通局 SFMTA 25-26財年預算,如何防止和報告在 Muni 發生的案件,以及一些項目的最新消息。 The interview covers the SFMTA's budget for FY 25-26, how to prevent and report crimes on Muni and project updates. (20240614) #sanfrancisco #transit #interview
舊金山東華醫院舉辦免費社區健康同樂日活動 慶祝成立125週年|Chinese Hospital 125 Anniversary Free Community Health Fair
zhlédnutí 171Před 3 měsíci
舊金山(三藩市)東華醫院慶祝建院125週年,5月18日星期六在華埠(中國城)舉辦免費社區健康同樂日活動,現場為大家提供健康及藥物資訊,骨質密度檢查,血壓及乙肝檢測等等,吸引很多家庭參與 In celebration of the Chinese Hospital 125 anniversary and AAPI Heritage Month, Chinese Hospital is holding a Free Community Health Fair at the Upper Plaza of Chinatown-Rose Pak Station on Saturday, May 18, 2024. (20240518) #sanfrancisco #chinatown #event
舊金山華埠夜市帶來人流 很多人打卡攝影 品嚐美食|San Francisco Chinatown Night Market May 2024
zhlédnutí 540Před 3 měsíci
舊金山(三藩市)華埠夜市 5 月 10 日再度登場,而且由原來的三個路段,擴展至五個路段,令都板街變得熱鬧非凡 Chinatown Night Market on Grant Avenue in San Francisco has extended to 5 blocks from 3 blocks starting May 2024. It's great to see a lot of foot traffic at night in Chinatown. (20240510) #sanfrancisco #chinatown #nightmarket
亞太裔傳統月 舊金山日落區為新壁畫揭幕並預期 L Taraval 更新工程今秋如期完工 | Unveiling new mural to celebrate Asian Heritage Month
zhlédnutí 79Před 4 měsíci
舊金山(三藩市)日落區位於22街夾 Taraval 與 Ulloa 街之間的新壁畫舉行揭幕儀式,慶祝亞太裔傳統月,並且預期 L Taraval 更新項目將於今年秋季完工,恢復 L 線輕軌列車運行 A mural unveiling event is held on 22nd Street between Taraval and Ulloa Streets in the Sunset District of San Francisco to celebrate Asian Heritage Month. The L Taraval Improvement Project is expected to be completed in Fall 2024. (20240504) #sanfrancisco #event #asianheritagemonth
2024 年日本大阪的櫻花|2024 Cherry blossom in Osaka, Japan
zhlédnutí 15Před 4 měsíci
今年4月中在大阪還能看到櫻花的一個尾巴 Catching the end of cherry blossom in mid-April in Osaka, Japan (20240415) #japan #sakura #spring
粵港美名伶閨秀大匯演 - 三藩市華埠大明星戲院上演粵劇:夢斷香消四十年 | Cantonese Opera at Great Star Theater in SF Chinatown
zhlédnutí 2,3KPřed 5 měsíci
舊金山(三藩市)華埠大明星戲院連續三天舉辦「粵港美名伶閨秀大匯演」,這是3月15日晚場上演的粵劇《夢斷香消四十年》,由香港演藝學院粵劇青年菁英演員傾情演出 Cantonese Opera was held at The Great Star Theater in San Francisco Chinatown on March 15, 2024. (20240315) #cantoneseopera #chineseculture #stageshow
舊金山華埠夜市從即日起每月舉行一次 幫助振興華埠經濟|San Francisco Chinatown Night Market
zhlédnutí 103Před 5 měsíci
為振興舊金山華埠經濟,帶動人流,華埠夜市從即日起每月逢第二個星期五在華埠都板街夾Sacramento與Jackson街之間舉行,時間是下午 5:30 至晚上 9:00. 3月8日的夜市人潮湧湧,部分熱門美食攤位擠滿了顧客,而且年輕人很多,希望以後會越辦越好 The crowd packed San Francisco Chinatown for food, arts, and performances on Friday night, March 8. The Chinatown Night Market has become a monthly activity starting this month and will be held on the 2nd Friday of the month on Grant Avenue between Sacramento Street a...
舊金山交通局員工乘坐觀光纜車參加農曆新年大巡遊|SFMTA (Muni) contingent to participate in the Lunar New Year Parade 2024
zhlédnutí 28Před 6 měsíci
舊金山年度農曆新年大巡遊於2月24日圓滿落幕,吸引數萬人潮在遊行路線的街道兩旁觀看,舊金山交通局今年也派出遊行隊伍,乘坐一輛觀光纜車參與巡遊,現場氛圍非常熱鬧有年味 Large crowds packed the downtown streets for the annual Lunar New Year Parade and festival. The SFMTA's contingent was on a cable car marching along the parade route. It was a fantastic and vibrant Lunar New Year festivity in the world. (20240224) #sanfrancisco #chinesenewyear #parade
KTSF 專訪:舊金山中央地鐵營運一週年 Muni 農曆新年優惠活動|SFMTA Central Subway one-year anniversary & Muni discount for LNY
zhlédnutí 99Před 6 měsíci
KTSF 專訪:舊金山中央地鐵營運一週年 Muni 農曆新年優惠活動|SFMTA Central Subway one-year anniversary & Muni discount for LNY
舞獅舞龍放炮竹 舊金山華人社區與政府官員共同慶祝農曆新年|Celebrating First Day of Lunar New Year in San Francisco Chinatown
zhlédnutí 314Před 6 měsíci
舞獅舞龍放炮竹 舊金山華人社區與政府官員共同慶祝農曆新年|Celebrating First Day of Lunar New Year in San Francisco Chinatown
舊金山華人社區正式啟動農曆新年慶祝活動|SF Chinese community Officially kicks off Lunar New Year celebrations
zhlédnutí 80Před 7 měsíci
舊金山華人社區正式啟動農曆新年慶祝活動|SF Chinese community Officially kicks off Lunar New Year celebrations
加拿大溫哥華2023年薑餅屋競賽作品展示|2023 Gingerbread Lane in Vancouver, Canada
zhlédnutí 34Před 8 měsíci
加拿大溫哥華2023年薑餅屋競賽作品展示|2023 Gingerbread Lane in Vancouver, Canada
聖誕季節來舊金山 一定要體驗有聖誕裝飾的觀光纜車|Riding a San Francisco cable car is a fun festivity to celebrate holidays
zhlédnutí 18Před 8 měsíci
聖誕季節來舊金山 一定要體驗有聖誕裝飾的觀光纜車|Riding a San Francisco cable car is a fun festivity to celebrate holidays
「墨西哥之夜」歌舞表演 觀眾上台互動最搞笑|Mexican Fiesta Entertainment at Cabo San Lucus, Mexico
zhlédnutí 26Před 8 měsíci
「墨西哥之夜」歌舞表演 觀眾上台互動最搞笑|Mexican Fiesta Entertainment at Cabo San Lucus, Mexico
舊金山交通局開始使用新的 MuniMobile 應用程式|SFMTA launches new MuniMobile 2 app to improve customer experience
zhlédnutí 92Před 8 měsíci
舊金山交通局開始使用新的 MuniMobile 應用程式|SFMTA launches new MuniMobile 2 app to improve customer experience
慶祝 2023 亞太經合會 舊金山海傍燃放煙花|Fireworks in San Francisco Embarcadero to celebrate APEC 2023
zhlédnutí 18Před 9 měsíci
慶祝 2023 亞太經合會 舊金山海傍燃放煙花|Fireworks in San Francisco Embarcadero to celebrate APEC 2023
KTSF 專訪:2023亞太經合會 APEC 舊金山登場 民眾需瞭解的出行資訊|How to get around in San Francisco during APEC 2023
zhlédnutí 51Před 9 měsíci
KTSF 專訪:2023亞太經合會 APEC 舊金山登場 民眾需瞭解的出行資訊|How to get around in San Francisco during APEC 2023
亞太經合會影響交通 舊金山交通局長籲民眾坐公車|Travelers in SF should expect impacts to travel and Muni service during APEC
zhlédnutí 49Před 10 měsíci
亞太經合會影響交通 舊金山交通局長籲民眾坐公車|Travelers in SF should expect impacts to travel and Muni service during APEC
摩洛哥瓦爾札札特的阿特拉斯影城之「角鬥士」場景|Gladiator's filming location, Atlas Studios in Ouarzazate, Morocco
zhlédnutí 52Před 10 měsíci
摩洛哥瓦爾札札特的阿特拉斯影城之「角鬥士」場景|Gladiator's filming location, Atlas Studios in Ouarzazate, Morocco
舊金山華埠中秋街會又來啦|2023 Chinatown Autumn Moon Festival
zhlédnutí 86Před 11 měsíci
舊金山華埠中秋街會又來啦|2023 Chinatown Autumn Moon Festival
舊金山首個日落區夜市人山人海 大獲成功|First San Francisco Sunset Night Market is packed with a huge crowd
zhlédnutí 290Před 11 měsíci
舊金山首個日落區夜市人山人海 大獲成功|First San Francisco Sunset Night Market is packed with a huge crowd
2023年舊金山列治文區中秋街會|2023 San Francisco Richmond District Autumn Moon Festival
zhlédnutí 134Před 11 měsíci
2023年舊金山列治文區中秋街會|2023 San Francisco Richmond District Autumn Moon Festival
2023 舊金山華埠防罪案之夜|Chinatown Night Out at Portsmouth Square in San Francisco
zhlédnutí 44Před 11 měsíci
2023 舊金山華埠防罪案之夜|Chinatown Night Out at Portsmouth Square in San Francisco
北加州淘金時期的古廟 雲林廟 | Chinese Temple, Weaverville Joss House built during Gold Rush
zhlédnutí 160Před rokem
北加州淘金時期的古廟 雲林廟 | Chinese Temple, Weaverville Joss House built during Gold Rush
北加州淘金時期的華人古廟 列聖宮 | Oroville Chinese Temple built during Gold Rush
zhlédnutí 103Před rokem
北加州淘金時期的華人古廟 列聖宮 | Oroville Chinese Temple built during Gold Rush


  • @ChineseHospitalSF
    @ChineseHospitalSF Před 3 měsíci

    We are thrilled to announce the resounding success of our 125th Anniversary Health Fair! Our heartfelt thanks go out to all the attendees, volunteers, and community partners who made this event truly memorable.

  • @user-ut6my2zc7m
    @user-ut6my2zc7m Před 3 měsíci


  • @hoiyuchung3298
    @hoiyuchung3298 Před 4 měsíci


  • @johnyun1385
    @johnyun1385 Před 5 měsíci

    they closed already so where i can find chris? i saw some of my friends in there but i lost contact with them a long time. thanks for reply!

    • @JessieLiang26
      @JessieLiang26 Před 4 měsíci

      it's sad to hear the club was closed. i can ask my friend where chris is, but not sure my friend knows either.

  • @sooyiaplee8182
    @sooyiaplee8182 Před 6 měsíci


  • @jonasweiss5817
    @jonasweiss5817 Před 10 měsíci

    Hi Kay!

  • @pochien9493
    @pochien9493 Před rokem


  • @blakecamwill
    @blakecamwill Před rokem

    寺廟內的一些橫幅上寫著“爺爺帝上”、“正第伍福炮”、"副第伍福炮 "。妳認爲地意思是什麽?

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Jessica and me both look great on your business and I more the you be are of a the

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Lynne is the only person who has the a way to for about get and I how the same way I have a will of you a the resource is a not no deal with you or the

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Valarie is a going the next step for you to and a few more birthdays tocome you will can get you one for you to use if and

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Doane and more I to birthdays back come the a years and of the of world to a be the

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Lucy is the a way conversion us me to a the a that of can be a the to place the the

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Arlene and I the more you in my be these two things days have a good will days to go to and the rest

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Melissa has a been few idea things to that you about can be do to the in a way that

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Lucy is a great resource that we are looking forward for a few days and we will can in a way to get a good and the I

  • @pollyliu8159
    @pollyliu8159 Před rokem


  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Lucy is the a one who that make get feel happy more and just you few long years days and I you you the be can always with

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    My grand ma, and we I all going same best we have are

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Jillian, and I we get you a copy good the my and a send

  • @user-qy6um7rt8e
    @user-qy6um7rt8e Před rokem


  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Robert called me to discuss my concerns regarding my job interview today and he said I will ka kr kt h hre2211

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Book no longer available on your website that may help the most case the best in your school and the

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Allah bless you apay saan cayo naginbitar conac laeng maminsan insan ibagam ken angelin you have been to very great health insurance company in this

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Noelle and more on your business card and more money for your email address to be a the one

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Jeannine your business or your life stay away or your home 8i0j or a

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    NBC News Hour has is a the largest online 😮game of all season games

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Jeannine to help out on CZcams ABC Phonics Song lyrics by going on your first song lyrics song and

  • @beatpirate8
    @beatpirate8 Před rokem

    I don’t know why no one covered this news. She is so important to knowing our history. Thank you so much Iris Chang.

  • @pollyliu8159
    @pollyliu8159 Před rokem


  • @pollyliu8159
    @pollyliu8159 Před rokem


  • @pollyliu8159
    @pollyliu8159 Před rokem

    WOOOW. RENO ...I 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 YOU REMUS 🍯🍯💕🍯💕💕😘💕😘💕😘😘💕💕😘💕😘😘💕💕😘💕😘 SOOO CHARMING BRILLIANT MIND-SET LOVELY REMUS 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖😘😘💕💕😘😘💕😘💕💕😘😘💕 I 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 YOU THE VERY HANDSOME PRINCE CHARMING REMUS... 💕 💕 💕 LOVE 💘 💕 💕💕💕💕💕💕 ALWAYS .

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Airport is a not place to resource a the time the and you in more to

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Salon is a the place to resource the a thing you that do are make help

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Jeannine and the I will no the God and the a will no and the I kids a the to see for the a of the to I am was same

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Jane and is days birthdays come get the and to and a care

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Talking about to and the how the kids kids of I a world

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Tequila and I the the you are in the going way place you am

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Lou and I the you will visual are and we I all the set thing way did have want know and to I the a to one

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Live and more I birthdays to up get a way the will is us you

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Calls and I more the be as you I call or email me if there you any other information you need me and

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Marjorie is a the resource place use and the kids and the I and are have a have to do and it all and

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Calls and I will be out of town on Monday for the you and I will be out of this house on Saturday night

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Illustration and more days birthdays to not the a big important and for and kids doctor

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Alyssa is going a be on first good go know school the the a days years then I

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Abra is not a good idea clue for most way

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Aaron is a going resource place the help up of a good great care system

  • @orciniayanuaria590
    @orciniayanuaria590 Před rokem

    Ana agpapanating Cayo agpaagas the a of and many a

  • @qimaguohai
    @qimaguohai Před rokem

    镜头转来转去 好晕阿

  • @anthonysnyder1152
    @anthonysnyder1152 Před rokem

    This is nice! Does the transfer to Powell from Union Square feel like a long walk or is it reasonable?

    • @JessieLiang26
      @JessieLiang26 Před rokem

      It's a long walk, but it's reasonable. The good thing is you can connect your route underground directly. It's convenient that no need to go up to the ground.