Jouli Hariri
Jouli Hariri
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What dating after healing is actually like (speed dating edition)
zhlédnutí 69Před 21 dnem
What dating after healing is actually like (speed dating edition)


  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před dnem

    80-92% of people fail to stick to their New Year’s resolutions every year, according to a study by the University of Scranton. That means, out of 100 people, only 8 stick to their resolutions throughout the year with 80 others failing by mid-February. Can people make changes? Of course! But change requires consistency. Like training your muscles at the gym, one session isn’t enough. Not even one month. Why do people fail? 🤔 Well, let’s see: 1. unrealistic goals 2. No planning 3. Lack of motivation 4. Old habits 5. Lack of immediate results 6. No accountability 7. External factors like kids or stress What do all these have in common? 💭 They all require you to do the inner work. If you want something, you can get it and you know if you put your head and heart into it, you can. But the inner work is hard. It’s hard to be consistent when you are your own enemy, bringing you down every step of the way. It’s hard confronting your own monsters and vulnerability that would shatter your ego if they were exposed. So let’s start simple, stop being an enemy to yourself. Be a friend and do the inner work.

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před 2 dny

    Part 63 / Plant your seeds 💐 If you’re a plant lover, I have great news! Plants can be therapeutic af! Horticultural therapy involves using gardening and plant-based activities to promote well-being and improve physical and mental health. 🧘🏼‍♀️ reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. Caring for plants also provides relaxation. 🚴‍♂️ Gardening activities can provide physical exercise with digging, planting, and weeding. 🧠 Engaging in structured gardening tasks can stimulate cognitive processes, reach new skills, and delay cognitive decline in the elderly. 🎍 it can be a creative outlet for expression! 🌈 a way to connect with nature and instill a sense of responsibility and purpose. Overall, horticultural therapy leverages the therapeutic aspects of gardening to promote holistic healing. Here’s one more excuse to buy more plants! (Thank me later) Also, this is not for me. Plants make me anxious, it’s good I remember to feed myself 😅

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před 3 dny

    Healing can feel boring. And when boredom enters the chat, toxicity can too 👀 If you haven’t experienced inner peace before, once you do, it feels wild and boring. I went from a life of chaos to birds and rainbows (not joking). I had entertainment from toxic people, now I only keep the healthy ones around! Peace feels good, but it takes time to get used to it! “But how can you know whether you’re bored or peaceful?” 😮‍💨 Boredom 1. Restlessness - You feel a constant urge to find something to do. 2. Lack of Engagement - Activities that usually interest you feel dull. 3. Negative Emotions - There might be an undercurrent of irritation, frustration, or emptiness. 4. Seeking Stimulation - You find yourself frequently looking for distractions. 🕊️Peacefulness 1. Calmness - You experience a sense of inner calm and tranquility. 2. Contentment - There is a feeling of satisfaction with the present moment. 3. Mindfulness - You are able to stay present and mindful. 4. Balanced Emotions - Your emotions feel balanced and stable. “Okay, but how do I check which one am I?” 1. Regularly pause and check in with yourself. 2. Journal. 3. Pay attention to your body's signals. 4. Note your emotional state throughout the day. If you turn out to be bored, then start searching for a new hobby or interest for your free time. Otherwise, embrace the peace!

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před 5 dny

    Part 62 / Exposure therapy 👀 As someone with anxiety (social too), this is one of my favorite tools that has helped my anxiety and fears. There are things out there we avoid doing cause it makes us anxious and scared. Even though we want to do these things (like being social or public speaking), our emotions or anxiety get in the way. Exposure therapy helps in healing by gradually and systematically exposing individuals to the situations, objects, or thoughts that trigger their anxiety or fear. Here’s how it works: 1. Desensitization: By repeatedly facing the feared object or situation in a safe environment (safety first!), the anxiety response diminishes as the brain learns that the trigger is not as dangerous. 2. Habituation: With repeated exposure, you become accustomed to the stimulus, reducing your overall fear response. 3. Reprogramming Beliefs: By confronting the fear, you can challenge and modify irrational beliefs. 4. Increased Control: Gradual exposure helps you feel more in control of your fear responses by learning coping mechanisms and gaining confidence. 5. Emotional Processing: Exposure allows individuals to process the emotions associated with their fears (like feeling good after a hangout when you thought you’d feel bad - why were you anxious at first?) The next time you’re anxious or scared, but it’s safe and it’s what you want, push yourself and get exposed! It might feel embarrassing, but with time, the anxiousness decreases and you gain a new skill. Trust me, I still feel stupid and shy filming, but no longer scared or anxious!

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před 7 dny

    Read more ⬇️ Yes, career choice can be influenced by trauma. People often find themselves drawn to professions that help them process, cope with, or give meaning to their traumatic experiences. Of course, our career choice can be influenced by so many factors, and trauma is one of them. An interesting find to discovering more about yourself and how you relate to your dream goals. 1. Freelancing, Writing, Remote work - you experienced trauma in particular settings (e.g., school or office) so you avoid careers that require similar environments and desire independence. 2. Military, Police, Lawyers - you were exposed to crime, violence, or witnessed parental abuse and mistreatment so you desire to protect others and ensure safety, possibly stemming from a feeling of vulnerability during your traumatic experience. 3. Extreme sports, Filmmaking, Travel journalism - you experienced trauma and tough situations that led to risk-taking behaviors due to a desensitization to fear or a desire to escape your past. 4. Artists, Writers, Musicians - you experienced childhood trauma which led you to seek outlets for expression and healing through creative careers in desire to heal and release. 5. TV, Leadership - you experienced feelings of inadequacy or low self-esteem from childhood trauma which leads to the desire of seeking validation and self-worth through professional success. 6. Social work, Counseling, Teaching - you experienced childhood abuse, instability, or neglect so you have a desire to understand and heal from your own psychological wounds, and to help others do the same. Recognizing the influence of trauma on career choices can help you understand yourself better, discover new things, and make more informed career choices. I personally love military work, yes I experienced parental abuse, and law enforcement is an interest of mine, but I chose this. I chose to help instead of protect. That’s how it can help make informed career choices.

  • @user-cr6lk7fj6v
    @user-cr6lk7fj6v Před 9 dny


  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před 10 dny

    Part 61 / Self-hypnosis 😮‍💨 Self-hypnosis or hypnosis is not magic. It is simply a process in which an individual uses self-induced techniques to enter a state of deep relaxation and focused attention. This state, similar to meditation, can help one bypass the conscious mind and access the subconscious mind (aka inner child) more easily to heal. Techniques of self-hypnosis: 🧘🏼‍♀️ Induction: to relax and focus the mind. ⏳ Deepening: to deepen the state of hypnosis. ❤️ Suggestion: Positive affirmations or suggestions are given to the subconscious mind to influence behavior, thoughts, or physical sensations. 🥱 Termination: Gradual return to normal consciousness Self-hypnosis can help healing by: ✨ reducing stress ✨ changing behavior by aligning with your subconscious mind ✨ addressing emotional issues and anxiety ✨ and sleeping better! How to do it? 1. Set the Environment - Find a quiet, comfortable place free from distractions. 2. Relaxation - Start with deep breathing exercises or muscle relaxation. Deepen your hypnosis by counting down or descending the stairs. 3. Focus - Use a focal point or a mental image to concentrate your mind. 4. Suggestion - Use positive affirmations tailored to your goals, such as "I am becoming healthier and more energetic every day." 5. Visualization - Picture a peaceful scene or visualize the desired outcome of your goals. 6. Awareness - Slowly bring yourself back to full consciousness, perhaps by counting up from one to five or ascending the stairs. The CIA has even experimented with self-hypnosis through the Gateway Process (that’s how I came across it the first time). Self-hypnosis may not work for everyone, and its effectiveness can vary based on individual factors and consistency. Through regular practice, it can contribute to better mental and physical health and a greater connection to your inner child.

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před 13 dny

    DO THE INNER WORK! ⬇️ We all complain, it’s normal, but when the complaining doesn’t stop and you’re not doing anything to change your situation, then do the inner work! The truth is, as you are in control of your life and your reality, any situation you have can be changed if you take the decision. Whether the decision is to leave, stay, try another strategy, or focus on personal growth, you need your own support and acceptance to take the decision. Hence, do the inner work and then take action. This way, you’re supporting yourself 100%. That’s healing. Now what is the inner work? It’s simply the work you put in to achieve personal long-term growth, emotional healing, and a deeper understanding and connection to yourself and your needs. It includes: 🧠 Practicing self-awareness (like talking to yourself) 🤬 Processing and healing emotions (like expressing and analyzing emotions) ☸️ Understanding and changing beliefs (like reprogramming belief system) 👧🏼 Healing and letting go of past trauma (like journaling or shadow work) 💕 Self-compassion and forgiveness (like talking to yourself and practicing acts of self-love) 💃🏼 Developing healthy coping mechanisms (like self-care routines, yoga, or girls night) 📚 Building strength and inner resilience (like education and learning new skills that aid towards your goals) Get to work.

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před 15 dny

    Part 60 / Get Up and Dance 💃🏼🕺 Andddd this is how I healed! Dance therapy is a type of expressive therapy that helps with supporting your mental and physical well-being through movement. Since our body and mind are connected to each other, expressing your emotions through movement allows you to release and let go. And as children, who doesn’t love to dance and just have a ball? Ask me, I got to live the dream of being in a 3-girl dance group like Destiny’s child, like Beyoncé! 🥹😂 Point is, get that ass shaking and just dance! Express your anger, happiness, sensuality, freedom, or anxiousness through dance! I’m always up for a dance battle with any one that volunteers.

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před 16 dny

    Changing your beliefs is not difficult. Now why would you want to change them? Because a lot of our beliefs can be limiting or opposing our values. For example, you might have a belief that you must be modest and quiet around strangers, but you value freedom and self-expression. Or you believe you should do everything on your own, no help, but you value connection and mutual support. Your beliefs, which are formed based on experiences, ideas, and family/society, can contradict your values and desires which will be confusing and difficult for you! Changing the old/negative belief to a new/positive belief can easily help you heal, achieve what you want, and align to your values. It’s like building a table. Each table represents a belief, and each belief has evidence (ideas, experiences, stories, opinions) which strengthen the belief (like legs on a table). Here are the steps: 1. Identify the belief and all supporting evidence you can gather. 2. Challenge the evidence and the belief (just cause something happened doesn’t mean it’s a rule) 3. Create the new, desired belief (a new table) 4. Keep adding and collecting evidence to support the new belief. 5. The bigger table prevails in your head, keep adding evidence to make the new belief stronger. That’s it. Weaken the old belief by questioning it, and strengthen the new belief by adding proof (and gathering it through healing and taking action). Let’s go to IKEA 🚗

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před 19 dny

    Part 59 / The Memory Lane 🚸 We are a collection of memories, experiences, and lessons. From the moment we come to this life, we are continuously learning and experiencing life as it comes. Just like a video game, our memories serve as milestones. Some are good, and some are bad. Taking a trip through our milestones is extremely beneficial during healing. Not only do memories show us our personal growth, turning points, and the lessons we have learned, it can help much more: 1. Reflecting on past experiences allows us to process our related emotions and release negative emotions 2. Re-examining memories can allow us to achieve closure by letting go and forgiving 3. Reconnecting with positive memories reinforces our identity, values, and strengths 4. Remembering good times can reduce anxiety and provide hope and joy 5. Reflecting on memories illustrates personal growth which can be empowering and reassuring in times of challenge Taking that trip can be a valuable tool to connect with your inner child and strengthen than relationship through shared experiences. I always do it. Take the trip with your inner child, recall and laugh together. Life is too short to keep crying about the bad experiences, we gotta laugh about the good ones too!

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před 21 dnem

    Healing can manifest in unusual ways. You can be having the worst breakdown of your life, and it would be just a part of the journey of releasing and learning! Healing is not easy, that’s why people avoid it. But hard work pays off and while suffering for a few months might be exhausting, you choose your hard. It’s hard to heal, and it’s hard to stay stuck in negative and toxic cycles. The difference is, the first one leads to gaining a life skill and feeling peaceful and content, the second one just leaves you miserable. Don’t let the bad days get you down! It’s a part of the process! Here’s some further explanation: 1. Increased Emotional Sensitivity: This heightened emotional awareness is a sign that you are processing and releasing old wounds. 2. Fatigue or Sleepiness: Feeling unusually tired is often a sign that your body and mind are working hard to repair and rejuvenate. 3. Vivid Dreams: These dreams can be a way for your subconscious to process unresolved issues and emotions. 4. Digestive Changes: Healing can sometimes lead to temporary digestive issues, such as changes in appetite, bowel movements, or experiencing nausea. (Can be stress related) 5. Fluctuating Energy Levels: This fluctuation indicates that your body is balancing its energy resources as it recovers. These signs might feel uncomfortable or strange, but they often signal that your body and mind are moving towards a healthier state. Just go through it! I promise, you’ll come out the other end stronger. . . . Healing, inner child work, self-development, healing mentor, self-help, self-love #fyp #fypシ #fy #healing #grief #innerchild #awakening #heal #viral #mentalhealth #happiness #happy #motivation #explore #love #selflove #contentcreator #canada #usa #europe #girl #funnyreels #relatable #relateable #reels #explorepage #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #prague #czechrepublic

  • @darkspector800
    @darkspector800 Před 21 dnem

    Maybe u could do a video on "how to know if she actually likes u or is being nice and thinks ur ugly"

    @PRO100WRYJPL Před 21 dnem

    Funny content, i was surprised when saw only 25 views xD

  • @joshmanbulls4175
    @joshmanbulls4175 Před 22 dny

    real cool tho

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před 26 dny

    ⬇️ It doesn’t take much to live your dream life! Most of us often associate our dream life with the final outcome: like only once I have 5 cars, 3 houses, $10 million, THEN I am living my dream life. We end up spending years chasing the dream (if we ever do lol) to end up living it for a few years. But, the dream isn’t in the outcome, but the journey. We don’t aspire to get the achievements and the life quality we desire thinking we have to do nothing. We know we have to do something, and we know we’ll only fight for what we want. Therefore, if your dream life is you getting those achievements by being a lawyer, doctor, real estate agent, or a comedian, Then your dream life starts the moment you begin to work on it (even if that means getting a new degree), not when you’re done building it decades later. REDEFINE what it means to live your dream life (aka working on your dream goals, no?) and start living it today as opposed to living it one day. You’ll get to wake up with a dream to build, giving you a life of meaning and purpose. And that sh*t feels gooddddd!

  • @IamAshleeRose
    @IamAshleeRose Před 28 dny

    Yep just lost a friendship over this

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před 29 dny

    Part 57 / Problem Solving Solutions 👍🏼 Life is a series of problems that you’ll never escape. But, if you don’t go through the bad days, how the hell are you going to appreciate the good days?! The truth is, we all have and will have problems until we rest in peace. Whether it’s work, family, friends, lovers, or general BS. Here’s a useful skill to learn in life and for healing too: conflict resolution or problem solving skills. Problem solving skills don’t just focus on finding solutions, but also maintaining calmness, improving efficient thinking, and boosting happiness once you start solving all of Dora’s riddles 🗺️ So the next time someone disrespects you, triggers you, or life throws you a dark cloud, you can use your problem solving skills to remain calm, think of solutions, and implement them. And what’s the best way to improve the skill? - acknowledge the problem you are facing and look at the root cause to solve it. Also, some problems are repeated in life (like disrespect), so you can form your own solution in advance and implement it each time (like walking away). It’s not just a healing skill to learn, it’s a life skill. . . . Healing, inner child work, self-development, healing mentor, self-help, self-love #fyp #fypシ #fy #healing #grief #innerchild #awakening #heal #viral #mentalhealth #happiness #happy #motivation #explore #love #selflove #contentcreator #canada #usa #europe #girl #funnyreels #relatable #relateable #reels #explorepage #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #prague #czechrepublic

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před měsĂ­cem

    You can love yourself too much, and that love can turn toxic. Just like any relationship, you can’t excuse bad behavior, negative mindsets, laziness, or selfishness from the people you love. Then again, isn’t that the point of healing? To have that inner peace and avoid toxic behaviors and patterns that harm our well-being or personal growth? Here are common signs and examples that your self-love has turned into self-sabotage: 1. avoiding accountability by using self-love as an excuse - you rationalize your mistakes by not beating yourself up for it instead of learning from your mistake. 2. believing self-acceptance means there is no need for personal growth or improvement - you stop aiming for new goals as you’re satisfied with where you are at. 3. prioritizing comfort over health actions - avoiding exercise or eating healthy for comfort 4. justifying harmful behavior in the name of self-love - treating yourself by overeating or drinking excessively 5. resisting change and stepping out of your comfort zone because you accept yourself - not learning new skills as you love yourself as you are. Balancing self-love with self-discipline, accountability, and a willingness to grow is crucial to avoid falling into self-sabotage.

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před měsĂ­cem

    Part 56 / get to hustling 💰 One of the greatest gifts of healing (and spiritual awakening too) is the gift of discovering your purpose and passion. We all have dreams and goals we want to achieve, sadly, most of us never do. Not because they’re impossible, but because we never get started with them. Part 23, I announced I started my own business. It has been a dream of mine for so many years to be a life coach and an entrepreneur. To live a life for myself and others. Unfortunately, i lacked consistency with anything I did, and with imposter syndrome, it felt impossible. Content creation was how I taught myself consistency, marketing, and video editing (3 essential skills) to work on my dream goals. But before that, it was connecting to my inner child that got me to focus on my purpose. Because as an adult, I get tired, and my inner child does too. But since we are both working on the same goals, we both know when to step in when needed (adult me does business and regulation, inner child takes over content creation and having fun) Now I get to work 3 jobs to support myself while I build my dream life. It’s not impossible. Just get to work. You won’t be able to do it alone, so at least have your inner child with you. Even if it’s 0.01% of effort a day, it adds up to a 100% one day, but 0 never adds up to a 100. . . . Healing, inner child work, self-development, healing mentor, self-help, self-love #fyp #fypシ #fy #healing #grief #innerchild #awakening #heal #viral #mentalhealth #happiness #happy #motivation #explore #love #selflove #contentcreator #canada #usa #europe #girl #funnyreels #relatable #relateable #reels #explorepage #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #prague #czechrepublic

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před měsĂ­cem

    Healing is holistic. If anyone says otherwise, I disagree. Even if you are healing only one aspect of yourself (like a breakup or grief of death), you’re not only taking care of your mind and emotions but also your body and your soul (like trusting the universe or God and setting a new purpose). Each aspect of the triangle 🔺 influences and reflects on the state of the other, and to heal is to bring them 3 to BALANCE. For example: you cut off a friend and you’re grieving, your body is also going to feel weak or sick, and your soul will feel heavy (you might even feel like nothing has purpose). Here’s what each aspect represents: 🧠 Mind - mental health (thoughts, emotions, beliefs, perception, memory) 🧍Body - physical health (organs, muscles, bones, nervous system) ✨ Soul - person’s core (spirituality, purpose, values, and connection to something greater than us) The body-mind-soul connection emphasizes the importance of focusing on all three when healing. Trauma doesn’t just affect your mental health only, it also affects your body and your values and purpose for the years to come. Give time to take care of your body. Give time to take care of your mind. Give time to take care of your soul. And if one needs more attention than the other, then give it. It’s called balance for a reason. Not equality. Oh, and for those that like to arrange the connection in a different order according to importance (body-mind-soul vs. mind-body-soul). Guess what? It doesn’t matter. . . . Healing, inner child work, self-development, healing mentor, self-help, self-love #fyp #fypシ #fy #healing #grief #innerchild #awakening #heal #viral #mentalhealth #happiness #happy #motivation #explore #love #selflove #contentcreator #canada #usa #europe #girl #funnyreels #relatable #relateable #reels #explorepage #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #prague #czechrepublic

  • @Dustydumpsterbaby_
    @Dustydumpsterbaby_ Před měsĂ­cem

    Fr tho like… 😭

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před měsĂ­cem

    Part 56 / Child’s Play 👧🏼👦🏽 If you’re one of these people that had always been connected to their childish side, you’re lucky (if it’s not constant cause then you’re very unlucky). Unlike me, I never allowed myself to be a child because I needed to be strong, independent, and a responsible “adult”. I was crazy and toxic but not in touch with my childish side. In fact, this is the first time I jumped on my own bed (originally for another video) and I should’ve done it sooner! I paid for it, I afford it, and I deserve to break it if I want to. It still feels new to me, even allowing my child to just be free and have fun in public while I silently judge myself for being childish. But, I never lived my childhood so now I get to have my kid play. Not 24/7 (please no) but allow the kids out during play time. Adult us deserves a break too… . . . Healing, inner child work, self-development, healing mentor, self-help, self-love #fyp #fypシ #fy #healing #grief #innerchild #awakening #heal #viral #mentalhealth #happiness #happy #motivation #explore #love #selflove #contentcreator #canada #usa #europe #girl #funnyreels #relatable #relateable #reels #explorepage #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #prague #czechrepublic

  • @1_dc_ashley
    @1_dc_ashley Před měsĂ­cem


  • @MrCitrusfruitz
    @MrCitrusfruitz Před měsĂ­cem

    Listen to alpha waves pure hz, it helps to relax..

  • @MabbitTehRabbit
    @MabbitTehRabbit Před měsĂ­cem

    Yes so true. Keep up the great work

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před měsĂ­cem

    Part 55 / Switch Off your Senses 📵 The fact that life never stops, and our brains don’t rest means our senses are getting constant attention (lucky). Sensory overload is real, and mentally, it’s exhausting! From handy work to loud sounds to bright screens to conversations, we are always receiving and processing information. However, the more we receive and process, the more we get stressed, tired, anxious + our flight or fight responses get activated as opposed to our rest and digest responses. Take a sensory break. Start with 5 minutes. Simply, allocate time for quiet, low-stimulation environments to reset your sensory system. Stay away from electronics 👀 You may even incorporate practices like body scanning, EFT tapping, deep breathing, etc. Adding sensory breaks to your routine can help you with: 1. Mental rest 2. Mood regulation 3. Improved focus 4. Pain management 5. Balancing your sensory system Your body and senses deserve a break too in this busy world. . . . Healing, inner child work, self-development, healing mentor, self-help, self-love #fyp #fypシ #fy #healing #grief #innerchild #awakening #heal #viral #mentalhealth #happiness #happy #motivation #explore #love #selflove #contentcreator #canada #usa #europe #girl #funnyreels #relatable #relateable #reels #explorepage #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #prague #czechrepublic

  • @anderecontent
    @anderecontent Před měsĂ­cem

    Finally started therapy after 4 years of thugging it out and convincing myself I’m not depressed. Really appreciate seeing this on my page, helps more than you know

  • @user-en3uj7hk1m
    @user-en3uj7hk1m Před měsĂ­cem

    No even though she breathes when she’s anxious it always doesn’t help 😊

  • @h3artz.and.st4rz
    @h3artz.and.st4rz Před měsĂ­cem

    What? Can you not breathe or something?

  • @Underneath.It.All.
    @Underneath.It.All. Před měsĂ­cem

    My inner critic no longer has power over me, and I’m slowly healing that inner child ❤ Great video 🎉

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před měsĂ­cem

    Part 54 / T.K.O 🥊 What if I told you just cause you believe something doesn’t make it true? You know that right? Just like Santa and the tooth fairy! Well, same goes to your limiting beliefs. Just cause you think you’re weak, sensitive, stupid, lazy, worthy of failure, or worthy of loneliness doesn’t mean it’s true. See, your brain works by supporting whatever thought you feed it 🧠 If you tell your brain “I am stupid”, your brain will agree and prove you right. If you tell the same brain “I am smart”, your brain will also agree and prove you right. Use your brain for your sake. The next time you have a limiting or negative belief, challenge it. 1. Replace the old belief with a new, positive belief. 2. List supporting evidence down on a paper like previous experiences or stories you encountered that support the new belief. 3. Keep adding evidence. The more proof we have of a belief, the stronger it is. Once we challenge and eliminate the old belief, enjoy your new belief system! . . . Healing, inner child work, self-development, healing mentor, self-help, self-love #fyp #fypシ #fy #healing #grief #innerchild #awakening #heal #viral #mentalhealth #happiness #happy #motivation #explore #love #selflove #content #contentcreator #canada #usa #europe #girl #funnyreels #relatable #relateable #reels #explorepage #selfhelp #selfdevelopment

  • @bean2046
    @bean2046 Před měsĂ­cem

    Other people are nicer to me than I am because any decent person would and if someone isn't that's ENTIRELY on them

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před měsĂ­cem

    Here’s the best part? It doesn’t just apply to healing, but to change in general. One strategy is all I use, and while it sounds simple, it ain’t easy! Of course, to implement any change or improvement, you need to know what it is.. that’s step 1. Then, Commitment and consistency are your keys to succeed. Don’t stop. Don’t quit. Commit. Here’s some more explanation: Step 1: what is it you want to change or improve? What is your goal? Where do you wanna be? (Answer them) Step 2: face the truth. Face your emotions. Why aren’t you at your goal and what stops you? (Look into 5 things: fears, bad habits, missing skills, limiting beliefs, and negative emotions like self-pity and doubt) Step 3: Create a plan. Utilize tools that can help you eliminate what stopped you in the past. Step 4: Implement what’s hard, everyday. If you stop, get right back on track. It’s hard to change and it’s hard to be miserable, choose your hard. Step 5: measure progress over time (use pictures, videos, or journaling as proof) Step 6: celebrate your way! Be willing to give yourself what you deserve. . . . Healing, inner child work, self-development, healing mentor, self-help, self-love #fyp #fypシ #fy #healing #grief #innerchild #awakening #heal #viral #mentalhealth #happiness #happy #motivation #explore #love #selflove #content #contentcreator #canada #usa #europe #girl #funnyreels #relatable #relateable #reels #explorepage #selfhelp #selfdevelopment

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před měsĂ­cem

    Framing your thought differently can heavily alter your thoughts and mental state simply by framing better. Whatever negative thought you possess can be framed to a positive one that can be incorporated in your belief system. Here are some ways to frame your thoughts better: 1. Change your terminology, for example: switch the word challenge with opportunity. 2. Highlight the benefits instead of thinking of the risks 3. Use metaphors and analogies to emphasize positive outcomes 4. Introduce more information, for example: long term benefits can be more positive than short-term benefits 5. Explore different point of views of the situation, speaking to others or roleplaying can help. If thoughts affect our mental state, start by framing better. . . . Healing, inner child work, self-development, healing mentor, self-help, self-love #fyp #fypシ #fy #healing #grief #innerchild #awakening #heal #viral #mentalhealth #happiness #happy #motivation #explore #love #selflove #content #contentcreator #canada #usa #europe #girl #funnyreels #relatable #relateable #reels #explorepage #selfhelp #selfdevelopment

  • @gejzir7804
    @gejzir7804 Před měsĂ­cem

    What if its all just over the top. Too many things to do, and no time for rest?

    • @JouliHariri
      @JouliHariri Před měsĂ­cem

      Use tools that help you focus like music, exercise, breathing breaks, and affirmations

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před měsĂ­cem

    Part 52 / Good night’s rest 😴 It’s funny how we hate sleep as kids but love it as we grow up. In fact, sleep is an essential component to healing! On a biological level, sleep helps with reducing inflammation, supporting your immune system, and physical restoration when your body releases growth hormones and regenerates cells. On an emotional level, sleep helps regulate various hormones like stress, hunger, and growth which affects mood. When you don’t sleep well, you may notice you’re more reactive to emotions and can’t handle stress, because sleep is correlated to better handling emotional challenges! Hence, sleeping on difficult situations and thoughts is a good way to feel better too. It’s easier to process with a clear mind than a foggy one! Get some rest, you’re more productive and happier with more sleep anyways.

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před měsĂ­cem

    Why did no one tell me being single was this awesome?! Growing up, everyone was either in relationships and complaining or single and complaining; seemed like relationships were important no? A little bit of narcissistic abuse and low self-worth later, I haven’t been single properly ever since I was 14. It wasn’t that I had options, it was that I didn’t know how to be alone. I didn’t date a million men, I just kept going back to the same thing a million times. I couldn’t even sit with myself alone without hating my company. A year later, I am far from that place. A year ago, I ended my relationship for my inner child to heal. But, it wasn’t just learning how to be single, but learning how to love and date myself just how I poured myself to my exes and give it to me because I deserve it! Plus, it’s freaking amazing that I get to do what I want! No one tells me what to eat, wear, go, or even get me used to new habits when I’m learning to accept mine! A year later, and I only gained more love and life for myself.

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před 2 měsĂ­ci

    Part 51 / Heal with your Nose 👃🏼 Since healing is holistic, it makes sense to heal using all five senses, whether it’s seeing nature, eating well, hearing positive affirmations, massages, or smelling aromas! Aromatherapy uses aromatic essential oils to promote physical and psychological well-being. It's believed that inhaling certain scents can stimulate brain function, trigger memories, and influence emotions, which can aid relaxation and reduce stress. Common aromas to try: 🪻Lavender: promotes relaxation and reduces stress 🌱 Peppermint: improve mental clarity, concentration, and stress relief 🍋 Citrus: increases heart rate and elevates mood 🪵 Sandalwood/Pine: promotes comfort, well-being, and security 🫚 Ginger/Clove: stimulate focus and energy 🥀 Rosemary: reduces cortisol and relieves anxiety and stress However, while aromatherapy can support overall wellness and healing, it's not a substitute for professional treatment. But… you deserve spa treatment too! 💅🏽 . . . Healing, inner child work, self-development, healing mentor, self-help, self-love #fyp #fypシ #fy #healing #grief #innerchild #awakening #heal #viral #mentalhealth #happiness #happy #motivation #explore #love #selflove #content #contentcreator #canada #usa #europe #girl #funnyreels #relatable #relateable #reels #explorepage #selfhelp #selfdevelopment

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před 2 měsĂ­ci

    It seems like we’re divided where half of us people please and the other half are assertive. But how do you know which one you are? Well, people pleasers are individuals who prioritize others' needs and desires over their own, often at the expense of their own well-being. It often comes from experiencing trauma or negative experiences that cause fears of rejection and abandonment so you do your best to not disappoint anyone. Signs you might be a people pleaser: * strong desire to be liked and avoid conflict * Going great lengths to help others * Difficulty saying no * Feeling responsible for others’ happiness * Neglecting yourself for others * Feeling empty and alone despite having people (funny right?) If you are a people pleaser, there’s a solution! If we please others to avoid the pain of abandonment, that means that your inner child (aka you) feels abandoned and hasn’t overcame that feeling yet. Start by being there for your inner child and allowing it to exist and feel emotions. By forming a healthy relationship with your inner child, you form healthy relationships with others as you set new boundaries and expectations for your wellbeing. Care for your abandoned self first. . . . Healing, inner child work, self-development, healing mentor, self-help, self-love #fyp #fypシ #fy #healing #grief #innerchild #awakening #heal #viral #mentalhealth #happiness #happy #motivation #explore #love #selflove #content #contentcreator #canada #usa #europe #girl #funnyreels #relatable #relateable #reels #explorepage #selfhelp #selfdevelopment

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před 2 měsĂ­ci

    Part 49 / Grab your pets! 🐶🐱 I get it, not all of us like nature, some of us like other mammals or the comfort of our home. Connecting with other mammals (not humans in this case) can aid in healing as our fury pets provide us therapeutic benefits (any animal can be a pet if you’re brave enough, ask the lions!) Pet therapy or animal assisted therapy (AAT) can help with reducing stress, anxiety, loneliness, depression and improve our physical health such as horse riding or chasing your dog. While animal therapy might be a bit advanced for most of us, just connect with an animal whether it’s your pet or at a zoo (not from the street, rabies exists!) Animals can also help with recovery and grief and provide comfort and motivation for people with illnesses. If you’re willing and capable of taking care of an animal, give it a thought or feed the strays; acts of kindness feel good too. If you could have any pet in the world, what would it be? Mine’s definitely a dragon! 🐉

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před 2 měsĂ­ci

    So why do we get defensive? 🤔 Any relationship (not just romantic) will come with triggers, disagreements, a rough patch, or a fight that will reveal or touch your wounds. Hence, we call it fighting rather than arguing or disagreeing. We get defensive to protect ourselves, simply. If someone tells you you’re not doing your best or you’re cutting short, we take it as an offense and then play the defense. If you’re athletic at arguing, then we proceed with passing the ball! “YOU DID X” “NO YOU DID Y” “REMEMBER THAT CHICK FROM 2013!?” 🙃 A relationship consists of two individuals that are never 100% alike, of course you’re gonna have disagreements and misunderstandings and different perspectives, and instead of getting into fight mode, understand! Don’t listen to answer, listen to understand. Not only you know more about your partner, but you reduce misunderstandings and strengthen your bond. Ask questions! I believe that’s why we are born with a brain between our ears, so when we listen with one ear, WE PROCESS IT THEN push it out the other ear! 🧠👂🏼

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před 2 měsĂ­ci

    Generally, studies have shown men experience more traumatic experiences than women, but women still have a higher risk of developing PTSD. While some gender differences exist, like men experience more physical abuse than women and women experience more sexual abuse than men, a lot of the differences come from society. But what society teaches us isn’t always right. Here are some blocks men face while healing compared to women: 1. Coping mechanisms: men are more likely to use avoidant coping mechanisms such as distractions to avoid opening up about personal problems and seek social support. 2. Emotional expression: men can feel pressure adhering to masculine norms which leads to suppressing emotions as a man. You can be a man and still have emotions. 3. Social support: men generally have smaller circles and do not seek emotional support in their social circles. 4. Biological factors: our brains and hormones work differently. For example, men externalize stress compared to women, leading to aggression and substance abuse. 5. Mental health stigma: in certain societies, psychological help is viewed negatively especially for males. But, getting help is better than getting nothing. The journey is unique to every one of us, but expression and support are essential to heal. However, the truth is, healing is too complex to be able to compare success rates and depends on the available support.

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před 2 měsĂ­ci

    Part 47 / Dear Stan 📝 If you could advise them on anything, what would it be? How do you feel now? What have you achieved for them? Since the child never dies and is actually stored in our subconscious, their fears, dreams, and feelings are valid, and we grow with them. Writing can be a powerful way to reconnect with and nurture the parts of yourself that may have been neglected or wounded in the past. Speak to them, write them a letter, express love, understanding, and compassion to them like you would have hoped to receive when you were younger. It can help you acknowledge and heal any unresolved emotions or experiences from your childhood. Then read it. What you experienced as a child is still what YOU experienced. Read it to your inner child when you feel low or lonely. Read it to yourself.

  • @shammisharma2929
    @shammisharma2929 Před 2 měsĂ­ci

    Sooo trueee😂😂😂

  • @wellwisher.
    @wellwisher. Před 2 měsĂ­ci

    Welp this is soo true

  • @honeybear_amv7
    @honeybear_amv7 Před 2 měsĂ­ci


  • @GarfieldDonatello89
    @GarfieldDonatello89 Před 2 měsĂ­ci

    Curious. How tall are you?

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před 2 měsĂ­ci

    Read more ⤵️ Our Ego and inner child are often at odds, battling each other! The ego represents our sense of self-importance and identity, while the inner child embodies our emotions, vulnerabilities, and innocence (which can clash, like believing you are strong but feeling fragile). While the Ego is concerned with how others and we perceive ourselves (I am strong, I am wise, I am hurt). The child is concerned about existing and being acknowledged ( I am here). Balancing the two involves acknowledging the ego's role in protecting us while also nurturing and honoring the needs of our inner child. It’s not one or the other, it’s both. You can’t destroy your ego and fulfill your inner child, cause your ego which is your identity will never disappear. The ego is your conscious mind, and the inner child is your subconscious mind. Both make up the brain 🧠 Nurture both, be who you are and be with yourself in the now. Be here.

  • @JouliHariri
    @JouliHariri Před 2 měsĂ­ci

    Part 46 / You are the Universe 🌎 There’s more to life than what we see and hear. We have become consumed with consumerism, less social in real life but more online, and extra digital. How often do you actually just stay still, disconnect, and look outside? Hear the sounds of life and look at all its colors and creations? Nature has therapeutic benefits. Being in nature helps reduce stress and anxiety, improves sleep patterns (which improves our mood), boosts our immune system, and provides a sense of peace. To create inner peace, you must first be able to be surrounded by it. Get out and let that child see, hear, and play!