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Christopher Hitchens on Saul Bellow
October 24, 2007 BookTV - From the Politics and Prose Bookstore in Washington D.C,
The American Idea: The Best of The Atlantic Monthly
Contributors to the Atlantic Monthly celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the magazine with selected readings from an edited anthology.
Christopher Hitchens reads an excerpt from Saul Bellow's novel Mr. Sammler's Planet
zhlédnutí: 47 582


Dennis Miller Interviews Christopher Hitchens
zhlédnutí 67KPřed 16 lety
The Dennis Miller Show visits with author Christopher Hitchens, September 18, 2007. The Dennis Miller Show www.dennismillerradio.com


  • @krashcash
    @krashcash Před 3 lety

    Saul Bellow was born in my town! Its library bears his name.😊

  • @otum337
    @otum337 Před 3 lety

    Well I don't like the way you speak Mr Hitchens!!

  • @eduardoroxo7155
    @eduardoroxo7155 Před 4 lety

    Very badly read. A disservice to Bellow

  • @surfibit
    @surfibit Před 4 lety

    nothing like being born sick and commanded to get well by a theocratic totalitarian entity ie christian Religion masochists all Hitch has got it right and all churches should be dismantled at once I command You tell those fascist lazy ass academic priests to get real jobs and stop molesting the youth of the globe. GOD and the Queen are Dead Boys long live Freedom and Immorality

  • @Ardakapalasan
    @Ardakapalasan Před 4 lety

    Poor Christopher Hitchens, so intelligent and so misguided.

    • @kelman727
      @kelman727 Před 3 lety

      Explain. Quickly.

    • @otum337
      @otum337 Před 3 lety

      @@kelman727 NOW!!! hahaha

    • @venividi8523
      @venividi8523 Před 3 lety

      @@kelman727 Probably talking about the Iraq War thing which is usually what Hitchens's critics have a bone to pick with

    • @paulrevere2379
      @paulrevere2379 Před 3 lety

      @@venividi8523 Are these critics the self proclaimed champions of social justice who promote infanticide and excuse the murderous ideologies of fanatical extremists? I don't claim to be an expert on C. Hitchens; I don't get a sense of a true moral foundation to his positions. Nevertheless, I was truly impressed by his sound conclusions regarding the justified toppling of Sadaam Hussein's regime in Iraq. I myself witnessed the sprouting of the concept of freedom in Iraq; I saw the confused relief on the part of Iraqi people whose deep underlying gratitude far exceeded the vast difficulty of rebuilding. I don't admire Hitchens as any exemplar of morality, but his resolution to draw conclusions independent of social pressure is worthy of some kind of admiration. I believe his conclusions on many things are wrong, but imo he got it very right regarding Iraq.

    • @venividi8523
      @venividi8523 Před 3 lety

      @@paulrevere2379 It's less to do with social justice and moreso party politics, he was always Democrat-adjacent until Bill Clinton and then in 2004 he threw his support behind Bush for the Iraq War. 9/11 changed his viewpoint to believe states under theocratic control were the greatest threat, he earlier didn't support the Gulf War but now believed Saddam was a threat to Western civilization and that's why he supported taking him out of power.

  • @hirschowitz1
    @hirschowitz1 Před 5 lety

    This is wonderful..... but please increase the volume, if possible....thank you.

  • @RileyRampant
    @RileyRampant Před 6 lety

    “On the knees of your soul? Might as well be useful. Scrub the floor.” --Moses Herzog

  • @vernunfttig
    @vernunfttig Před 10 lety

    These are some of the funniest comments are ever read: The Endless thread - that is really funny! "tin eared rand" that is so true her writing style is hopeless.

  • @charlesquinn87
    @charlesquinn87 Před 11 lety


  • @PoetlaureateNFDL
    @PoetlaureateNFDL Před 13 lety

    Saul Bellow, a great writer.

  • @Starwheel6
    @Starwheel6 Před 13 lety

    @christallh24 CCL (Couldn't care less.) Hitchens blind faith in chemo without intelligent scrutiny has made him irrelevant. And if there are plenty of charitable atheist organizations grouped together as atheists & using the label "Atheist" then name them. Back it up. Otherwise your argument is weak-minded bollocks.

  • @ThePregnancySlaves
    @ThePregnancySlaves Před 13 lety

    The corporate media's chosen one, prevaricator Christ' Hitchens through his misguided faith in A.M.A.-endorsed-cancer-treatme­nt protocols, has sealed his fate. In the end pig-ignorance was his undoing.

  • @centurion180ad
    @centurion180ad Před 13 lety

    The disbanding of the Iraqi Army was less of a disaster than the complete deBaathification. Mr. Hitchens rightly questions the sudden demobilization, but a far worse betrayal was the denial of ANY trained manpower to GEN Franks to set up a provisional military police force before looting and sectarian violence set in. The resulting mayhem is a War Crime against Bremmer, and his masters.

  • @dougd1981
    @dougd1981 Před 13 lety

    Hitchens is a very wordly man with an amazing mind not just from an Oxford education but from the life he has lived before settling here in the U.S. and becoming a citizen. Dennis Miller is the only person working for the Fox News Network who can hold his own with Christopher because the rest of the interviewers are small minded hacks who bully and try to speak over their subjects. Hitchens is so much more than just a athiest. Check out his essays on Jefferson and Kissenger... best wishes

  • @mopsca
    @mopsca Před 14 lety

    @Starwheel6 Helping people based on irrational belief isn't a "bad" thing. Irrational belief is a "bad" thing.

  • @ThunderChunky101
    @ThunderChunky101 Před 14 lety

    @Starwheel6 So your main problem with Hitchens is that he is right? Also, he freely admits not only when he is rong but also when he doesn't know something.

  • @Starwheel6
    @Starwheel6 Před 14 lety

    Miller and Hitchens are good guys. Both are pretty sharp sometimes amusing. Hitchens comes off as a know-it-all who's intellectual narcissism won't allow for the humility to be honest about what he doesn't know. And he suffers from the syndrome that Leonard Cohen calls "The Tyranny of having to be right." The activity of compassionate helping of good people organized by religion helps people. Hitchens narrow-mindedness doesn't see the whole as if their were no buggerers at Oxford.

  • @sweetlapaz
    @sweetlapaz Před 14 lety

    google Doe's Account, mindblowing

  • @mujinnokoya
    @mujinnokoya Před 14 lety

    Ron Paul for pope.

  • @ElGeneral09
    @ElGeneral09 Před 15 lety

    8:10 - ?

  • @snoopdogstwin
    @snoopdogstwin Před 15 lety

    Did neither of you realize that it's THEY'RE that should have been used?

  • @charlesvan13
    @charlesvan13 Před 15 lety

    Depends how loyal the Iraqi army was. They could have had battles with the Mahdi army and Kurdish groups. His point is a good one though. The US used to always support military dictatorships as an expediant way of attaining stability, at the expense of human rights. But it didn't result in former either.

  • @Shatter7
    @Shatter7 Před 15 lety

    He tried to sound above his intelect, thats for sure.

  • @DerekTJ
    @DerekTJ Před 16 lety

    Zzzz! What a let down!

  • @johnedwards1968
    @johnedwards1968 Před 16 lety

    Fair enough! I guess there are some extremists on both sides. I think most liberals are a little liberal, and most conservatives are a little conservative. I think both the extremes can be pretty dictatorial, so I get your point.

  • @johnedwards1968
    @johnedwards1968 Před 16 lety

    You probably should have said boilerplate liberalism. Calling it fascism betrays your own biases, and that is a symptom of the plague which you speak. I believe you're trying to be honest in your approach, and that's why I offer this constructive criticism.

  • @johnedwards1968
    @johnedwards1968 Před 16 lety

    Oh, he definitely does focus on the obscure. And his references are questionable a lot of the time too. I take your second point at value, and I agree with it. However, I really don't find Dennis Miller has anything new to contribute, to be completely honest. He uses these references to feign intelligence, but offers nothing but boiler-plate conservatism.

  • @johnedwards1968
    @johnedwards1968 Před 16 lety

    I think you're missing my point about obscure. By focusing your attention on the obscure, you lose your focus on the more common. This can be an almost anti-wisdom. I know that's not a proper term or anything. What I'm getting at, is that you can unlearn common sense, by focusing on the obscure. I see no guarantee that focusing your attention on the obscure, makes anyone more well informed in any case.

  • @johnedwards1968
    @johnedwards1968 Před 16 lety

    I think he speaks above his own head. Using obscure references does not make you intelligent. And it takes away from the humour as well.

  • @lesscunning9651
    @lesscunning9651 Před 16 lety

    is there any footage of Hitchens reading from "Unackowledged Legislation" on Book TV. i was looking for that...

  • @AlongtheFarClimbDown843


  • @bf1lv
    @bf1lv Před 16 lety

    Dennis Miller is a fucking joke!!! I just love to see fucking pussies like him, that have never served a second of their life in the military, sit there in their comfortable surroundings, and talk tough. People like him are just trying to reconcile their childhood, when they got beat up in the school yard everyday. Fucking pussies!!!!

  • @DanielPaul56
    @DanielPaul56 Před 16 lety

    Damn, that was funny!

  • @lord69z
    @lord69z Před 16 lety

    Dennis Miller is an intelligent albeit slightly right-wing nutbag after 9/11. I understand how hitchens changed after it but miller became a crony.

  • @stoogeswoman
    @stoogeswoman Před 16 lety

    Dennis Miller is hot.

  • @stuffisgd
    @stuffisgd Před 16 lety

    No love in that tennis match!

  • @ShitboxHeaven
    @ShitboxHeaven Před 16 lety

    Regardless of whatever state the media is in, the point remains that they should respect the responsibility that comes with the platform.

  • @ShitboxHeaven
    @ShitboxHeaven Před 16 lety

    if someone's opinion is less informed or disingenuous, if definitely less relevant.

  • @ShitboxHeaven
    @ShitboxHeaven Před 16 lety

    didn't mean to rattle.. if someone's going to speak about serious issues, they should take it seriously. If these opinion show guys were honest & primarily concerned with the social benefit their commentary might provide (instead of the financial benefit), they'd say "I don't know" a lot more. You never hear that though, b/c they're entertainers (whether they're aware of it or not), and the colorful indignation, certainty, humor, etc is what they're peddling - not honest critique.

  • @ShitboxHeaven
    @ShitboxHeaven Před 16 lety

    TV is a weird unique media where consciously or not people believe they are engaging with someone, and they respond to charismatic figures that portray strong emotion (all people are drawn to the security of that sense of certainty.) Although people should think on their own, and have their bullshit radars sharp and tv clickers ready, plenty of people don't. They absorb disingenuous junk and eventhough some tv guy gets a paycheck everyone loses.

  • @ShitboxHeaven
    @ShitboxHeaven Před 16 lety

    People who take to a public platform as present themselves as commentators/op-ed voices, have a responsibility to give their honest opinions. Bill O and similar folks are being irresponsible b/c their outrage is manufactured (admittedly so.) When their objective is to make money, rather than being a genuine social critic, and their 'product' changes to maintain the former over the latter, they're just being an entertainer.

  • @ShitboxHeaven
    @ShitboxHeaven Před 16 lety

    They have a broad audience and should respect the responsibility that comes with it.

  • @thesunofjuda
    @thesunofjuda Před 16 lety

    fuck those right wing fascists

  • @mapmlf
    @mapmlf Před 16 lety

    If you are referring to faith in an omniscient, universal creator (God), I must impose that the statement is incorrect. There are plenty of well adjusted, moral people who lack this faith. As far as paranoia, I think that organized religion has caused more paranoia than anything else. I respect your opinions though.

  • @paulymays
    @paulymays Před 16 lety

    This is the first time I've heard the horrors of war waged by incompetent policy makers, displacing 4.5 million people and killing 80-100 thousand civilians rationalized as, "hey, sometimes you gotta go through tough times, babe". Brilliant analysis.

  • @shibman1103
    @shibman1103 Před 16 lety

    Wow, you realy got rid of any chance of there being people who thought you were not a dumbass.

  • @OscarLimaMike
    @OscarLimaMike Před 16 lety

    ha ha ha good one

  • @SamFreedom
    @SamFreedom Před 16 lety

    but he's right... your response just suggests you're jealous of Hitchens because he can actually back up all his big words with facts and rational debate. You just insulted MePianists comprehension level... as a result, you are the one who illustrated your irrationality which I, just moments earlier, described as less tolerable. Is it any wonder you showed up? lol

  • @OscarLimaMike
    @OscarLimaMike Před 16 lety

    fuck no, they are tripe shit garbage....

  • @OscarLimaMike
    @OscarLimaMike Před 16 lety

    Typical reply from richard the raving imbecile.