Rob Curtis
Rob Curtis
  • 2 437
  • 1 006 071


Leucophenga varia SPOTTED DROSOPHILID on mushroom 9089960
zhlédnutí 30Před dnem
Leucophenga varia SPOTTED DROSOPHILID on mushroom. this pretty fly was only about 1/8" and exploring the surface waving its wings in some signal or courtship move. Cook Co., IL 7/21/2024 9089960
Astata unicolor STINKBUG WASP carries victim for fate worse than death. 9080670
zhlédnutí 24Před 14 dny
Astata unicolor STINKBUG WASP carries victim, a Stinkbug it has paralized with its sting to provide food for its larva. It clambors over obstacles with its heavy load. 7/22/2024, Cook Co., IL 9080670
Cerceris halone ACORN WEEVIL WASP flies prey to nest 9090001
zhlédnutí 289Před 14 dny
Cerceris halone ACORN WEEVIL WASP flies prey to nest. She has stung the weevil, paralyzing it and will lay an egg in the burrow. the larva will grow, eating the insides of the unfortunate paralyzed living weevil. July , 2024. Cook Co.,IL9090001
Myiarchus crinitus GREAT-CRESTED FLYCATCHER goes for nest material 9088692
zhlédnutí 107Před měsícem
Myiarchus crinitus GREAT-CRESTED FLYCATCHER goes for nest material, but can't decide if it's suitable. Cook Co. IL May 2024 9088692
Geothlypis trichas COMMON YELLOWTHROAT male gorging on midges 9087451
zhlédnutí 51Před měsícem
Geothlypis trichas COMMON YELLOWTHROAT male gorging on midges Montrose Pt., Chicago 5/12/2024 9087451
Piranga olivacea SCARLET TANAGER compilation, males & females 9087344
zhlédnutí 18Před měsícem
Piranga olivacea SCARLET TANAGER compilation, males & females Cook Co., IL May 2024 9087344
Icterus spurius ORCHARD ORIOLE male foraging gets caterpillar 9087359
zhlédnutí 9Před měsícem
Icterus spurius ORCHARD ORIOLE male foraging gets caterpillar. Montrose Pt. Chicago. May 2024 9087359
Molothrus ater BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD courts female 9087205
zhlédnutí 119Před měsícem
Molothrus ater BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD court female with display. Female gets cicada. Cook Co., IL Spring 2024. 9087205
Bicyrtes quadrifasciatus 4 BANDED STINKBUG WASP digs burrow
zhlédnutí 39Před měsícem
Bicyrtes quadrifasciatus 4 BANDED STINKBUG WASP female excavates burrow fof nest, flies off. Illinois Beach State Park - South Unit. 8/16/2023. 9081500
Icterus galbula BALTIMORE ORIOLE male sings, preens, eats cicada 9088685
zhlédnutí 11Před měsícem
Icterus galbula BALTIMORE ORIOLE male sings, preens, eats cicada. Cook Co., IL Spring 2024 9088685
Narceus americanus GIANT AMERICAN MILLIPEDE running shows wave leg coordination. 9089682
zhlédnutí 45Před měsícem
Narceus americanus GIANT AMERICAN MILLIPEDE running shows legs move in wavelike coordination. Lake Co,. IL 7/1/2024 9089682
Astata unicolor CRABRONID WASP carries paralyzed Stinkbug 9080657
zhlédnutí 70Před měsícem
Astata unicolor CRABRONID WASP carries paralyzed Stinkbug. the parasitic wasp had stung it and plans to take it to its nest hole in the ground. Cook Co., IL July, 2023. 9080657
Riparia riparia BANK SWALLOW very active colony 9087196
zhlédnutí 221Před měsícem
Riparia riparia BANK SWALLOW very active colony. Chicago, 5/10/2024 9087196
Larus delawarensis RING-BILLED GULL feast on cicadas 9088763
zhlédnutí 119Před měsícem
Larus delawarensis RING-BILLED GULL have cicada feast. Cook Co., IL 5/30/2024 9088763
Dryobates pubescens DOWNY WOODPECKERS bring food to nest 9087639
zhlédnutí 87Před měsícem
Dryobates pubescens DOWNY WOODPECKERS bring food to nest 9087639
Mergus serrator RED-BREASTED MERGANSERS diving, preening, feeding 9086745
zhlédnutí 39Před měsícem
Mergus serrator RED-BREASTED MERGANSERS diving, preening, feeding 9086745
Hydroprogne caspia CASPIAN TERNS courtship: catch fish, offering, mating 3043338
zhlédnutí 18Před měsícem
Hydroprogne caspia CASPIAN TERNS courtship: catch fish, offering, mating 3043338
Melanerpes erythrocephalus RED-HEADED WODDPECKER goes for passing cicada 9088888
zhlédnutí 22Před měsícem
Melanerpes erythrocephalus RED-HEADED WODDPECKER goes for passing cicada 9088888
Aythya SCAUP,. preening, bathing, diving, in goups 9086691
zhlédnutí 84Před měsícem
Aythya SCAUP,. preening, bathing, diving, in goups 9086691
Ardea herodias GREAT BLUE HERON catches crayfish and fish. 9089453
zhlédnutí 65Před měsícem
Ardea herodias GREAT BLUE HERON catches crayfish and fish. 9089453
Nycticorax nycticorax BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON stalks, catches fish 9089449
zhlédnutí 43Před měsícem
Nycticorax nycticorax BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON stalks, catches fish 9089449
Sciurus carolinensis EASTERN GRAY SQUIRRELS learn to catch treats. 2002210
zhlédnutí 141Před měsícem
Sciurus carolinensis EASTERN GRAY SQUIRRELS learn to catch treats. 2002210
ICE WATER BATHERS. 1 poses bright red after emerging. 9086765
zhlédnutí 477Před měsícem
ICE WATER BATHERS. 1 poses bright red after emerging. 9086765
Pleuroloma flavipes POLYDESMID MILLIPEDE walking, some slowed motion. 9089698
zhlédnutí 13Před měsícem
Pleuroloma flavipes POLYDESMID MILLIPEDE walking, some slowed motion. 9089698
Geophilus SOIL CENTIPEDE running. Video slowed sometimes.9083634
zhlédnutí 139Před měsícem
Geophilus SOIL CENTIPEDE running. Video slowed sometimes.9083634
Agelaius phoeniceus RED-WINGED BLACKBIRDS singing 9087838
zhlédnutí 204Před měsícem
Agelaius phoeniceus RED-WINGED BLACKBIRDS singing 9087838
Agelaius phoeniceus RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD feasts in midge swarm 3043334
zhlédnutí 60Před měsícem
Agelaius phoeniceus RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD feasts in midge swarm 3043334
Troglodytes aedon HOUSE WREN sings, preens 9088824
zhlédnutí 15Před měsícem
Troglodytes aedon HOUSE WREN sings, preens 9088824
Turdus migratorius AMERICAN ROBINS feed chicks 9089601
zhlédnutí 107Před měsícem
Turdus migratorius AMERICAN ROBINS feed chicks 9089601
