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【dinlab】Medicine Design|欢迎光临,药丸的世界
According to English artist Damien Hirst, little pills are more appropiate than any other minimalism artistic expression
在英国艺术家 Damien Hirst 看来,小小药丸,比任何极简艺术的表达都要恰如其分。
In this field, it seems casual but actually under large amount of research and tests
Visual language, to a great extent, reflects the holistic cognition behind the medicine itself
In this episode, let's talk about colors and shapes of pills
What decides the looking of the pill? What kind of pill can win the best design award?
Feel free to leave a comment!
🪐If you have more understanding of art design, follow our dinlab universe radio, Like, Favorite, and we will be sharing next clip. See you soon~
Your guide to contemporary aesthetics of design
06:23 Reference
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【dinlab】Visualisation |可视化:如何用1250MB/s的速度向你传递信息
zhlédnutí 812Před rokem
Short videos of visualized knowledge sharing has been trending in recent years: 知识可视化是近几年短视频领域的大热趋势: Vloggers in fields like #technology, #science, even #design and #art are all making videos using visualization “科技”、“理工”、甚至“设计”、“艺术”领域UP主,都在制作这类视频。 Why is visualization so good in the end? Why does everyone like it? “可视化”到底哪里好?怎么这么多人都在做? In this eposide, let's talk about how information is trans...
【dinlab】The 3D Trends Report |3D趋势报告:别眨眼!3D设计好疯狂
zhlédnutí 278Před rokem
With the gap between real world and virtual world getting closer, 3D design has become one of the most exciting area in visual arts 随着现实和虚拟之间的差距越来越小,3D设计已经成为视觉创作中最令人激动的领域之一。 No matter in gaming, product design, fashion, or art, it is noticeable by all that 3D design is rising 无论是在游戏、产品设计、时尚还是艺术领域,大家可能已经注意到了3D设计的崛起。 This episode will walk you through The 3D Trends Report 2022 jointly released by...
【dinlab】New Media Art | 新媒体艺术:艺术,我快看不明白了
zhlédnutí 4KPřed 2 lety
What is new media art? 什么是新媒体艺术? Changable projection in gallery space? Colorful lightings? 展览空间中变换的投影?炫彩的灯光? TV set that is playing video clips?...Are they new media arts? 播放着视频的电视机?…它们是新媒体艺术吗? This episode we will discuss how different forms of medio that are developed from various technologies can provide artists more possibilities for expression, and how interesting interaction of new media...
【dinlab】René Magritte - Is the world we perceive real? | 勒内·马格里特:我们感知到的世界,是真实的世界吗?
zhlédnutí 1KPřed 2 lety
When talking about Surrealism, the first image you might think of would be Dali, weird and showoff 说到超现实主义,你可能首先想到的是达利,怪诞张扬。 However, another master artist of Surrealism, René Magritte focused on discovering ordinary people and things in daily life. His arworks are full of restrains and phylosophic thinking, inspiring people thinking of ordinary life... 但另一位超现实主义大师马格利特,却更关心日常生活中最寻常的人和事物,他的作品克制而...
【dinlab】Underwork - Guidebook for designers | 即时设计:设计师摸鱼指南
zhlédnutí 133Před 2 lety
In the age of user experience upgrade, your work experience should be ungraded, too! 用户体验升级的时代,你的工作体验也该升级了! Office apps shouldn't be the secret corner that hurts, instead, they should be helpers of work effeciency for us to have more happy time underworking😋 办公软件不该是让人痛苦的隐秘角落,而应是让我们有更多时间快乐摸鱼的效率小帮手😋 Tools upgrade as work advances, productivity gets emancipated and creativity gets released 工具随工作的进...
【dinlab】Naked-eye 3d - How it tricks your eyes| 裸眼3D为什么能欺骗你的眼睛?
zhlédnutí 1,1KPřed 2 lety
How come an outdoor ad signage could become city landmark for vloggers? 为什么户外广告也能成为城市网红打卡点? How come two panels of screens could let you see different dimension? 为什么两块屏幕就能让你看到异次元空间? Naked eye 3D effect is just like a visual magic 裸眼3D效果就像一场视觉魔术 Through fusion of design and technology, providing joy and interactivity for creative marketing 通过设计和技术的融合,为创意表达增添趣味和互动感。 越来越多的创意延展通过大屏展示给全世界,我们对此满怀期待~ ...
【dinlab】Design Capacity - What design level are you at? | 干货!快来测测你的设计力等级!
zhlédnutí 263Před 2 lety
Come and check your level of design! 快来测测你的设计力等级! With a same poster, excellent designer can see what you cannot see Grid system, column, word spacing, line spacing... These basic of basic layout knowledge determine the level of a designer 面对同样一张海报,厉害的设计师可以看见你看不见的东西 网格、分栏、字间距、行间距…… 这些最最基础的版式知识,才决定了设计师的高度 For your urgent need if grabbing these knowledges We have prepared a full set of visual com...
【dinlab】Interviews - High Quality handbook for designers | 面试指南:速看!人类高质量设计师面试视频泄露
zhlédnutí 233Před 2 lety
What's most important thing for designers at the interview 设计师面试最重要的是什么? When you ask the question, you get all sorts of different answers The conclusion at the end will be, all of them are important Then how about watching this run-through of high quality interview for designers in every phase of high quality 搜索这个问题,你会得到无数个不同的答案,最后的结论就是,什么都重要。 那么,不如来看看每个环节都超高质量的高质量设计师的面试过程吧~ This handbook incl...
【dinlab】Tidying Up - Cyber Desktop Organizing Tricks | 桌面整理术:内存不足,请尽快丢掉你的手机
zhlédnutí 70Před 2 lety
Last time you tidied up your phone desktop was at last time Do we really need 5 maps, 10 camera apps? 你上一次整理手机桌面还是在“上一次” 我们真的需要五个地图、十个拍照软件吗? This is a set of super useful "Cyber Desktop Organizing Tricks", 4 steps to get rid of phone desktop pain points: ①Deleting ②Similaring items ③Adding beauty ④Customize 这套超实用的「赛博桌面整理术」,教你4步摆脱手机桌面“痛点”: ① 断舍离 / ② 合并同类项 / ③ 排版美 / ④ 个性化 Let us ourselves become ...
【dinlab】Metaverse - Just changing the name? | 元宇宙:你元宇宙“过敏”了吗?4分钟解析
zhlédnutí 95Před 2 lety
When we talk about metaverse, what exactly are we talking about? 当我们在说元宇宙的时候,我们到底在说什么? Investors have their own blueprint in their minds And we also have our expectation on what our own metaverse looks like 每位资本家都描绘了各自的蓝图,而我们心中一定也有属于自己的对元宇宙的向往 Because today, it's just a story. No matter how you imagine it to be, it’s all right Maybe the real world is a metaverse that God built for humans 因为现在,它...
【dinlab】WeWork - Big reveal of our office | 办公室大解密:什么样的办公空间,才能让你爱上班?
zhlédnutí 173Před 2 lety
A team that has more than enough design capacity Where are they at work everyday? Big reveal of Universe Studio - WeWork on Nanjing Xi Road Shanghai 一个设计力“过剩”的team,每天到底在什么样的地方上班呢? 宇宙电台坐标大揭秘,上海南京西路@WeWork Office space full of design inspirations Here borns our open minded editor in chief, stunning beautiful designers, An environment of nice looking things comfort the vision, and raise the bar of...
【dinlab】Earth Art - Use this to make a mood board | 新大地艺术:4分钟,get你的独家设计情绪板
zhlédnutí 117Před 2 lety
Traditional Earth Art is more likely to be described as a large-scale outdoor exhibition of installation art, or performance art “New Land Art” has already been quietly mixed in design 传统的“大地艺术”常被界定为一场大型户外装置艺术展,或是行为艺术 但现代语境里,“新大地艺术”早已悄无声息地卷入设计之中 On top of “editing” the land, we are more likely To use the nature as a mood board with unlimited inspirations for design 除了“编辑”大地,我们更多的 是把大自然作为设计界一块无尽...
【dinlab】Light & Heavy In Design | 设计的轻重:轻了?重了?你的设计高级了!
zhlédnutí 129Před 2 lety
Want to make your design look classy? In the years when materials are scare, "heavy" design brings things weighty feeling In todays life when choices are much more, "light" design makes us relaxed who are under the pressure of the visual world 想让你的设计更高级吗? 物质匮乏的时代,设计更“重”,赋予物品强烈的存在感; 选择变多的今天,设计变“轻”,让承受了太多沉重的我们在视觉世界中放松下来。 Classy in literal, depends on the balance between light and heavy It makes o...
【dinlab】Public Signage - How it's designed | 公共标识:你所见的公共标识是如何被设计出来的?
zhlédnutí 96Před 2 lety
【dinlab】Public Signage - How it's designed | 公共标识:你所见的公共标识是如何被设计出来的?
【dinlab】Emoji - Send an emoticon to your Party A| Emoji:当你向甲方发了一个emoji🥴
zhlédnutí 45Před 2 lety
【dinlab】Emoji - Send an emoticon to your Party A| Emoji:当你向甲方发了一个emoji🥴
【dinlab】Andy Warhol - Make the next hot cake | 安迪・沃霍尔:复制粘贴,怎么就不能成为艺术了?进阶三部曲解读安迪·沃霍尔
zhlédnutí 118Před 2 lety
【dinlab】Andy Warhol - Make the next hot cake | 安迪・沃霍尔:复制粘贴,怎么就不能成为艺术了?进阶三部曲解读安迪·沃霍尔
【dinlab】Y2K Design - Complete guidebook | Y2K设计:收下最全Y2K设计情绪版,一起快乐“亚”
zhlédnutí 749Před 2 lety
【dinlab】Y2K Design - Complete guidebook | Y2K设计:收下最全Y2K设计情绪版,一起快乐“亚”
【dinlab】Real NFT Art - No misleading | 真・NFT艺术:别再误导吃瓜群众了!用200秒告诉你什么是“真·NFT艺术”
zhlédnutí 390Před 2 lety
【dinlab】Real NFT Art - No misleading | 真・NFT艺术:别再误导吃瓜群众了!用200秒告诉你什么是“真·NFT艺术”
【dinlab】Virtual Idol - Is your idol still a human?| 虚拟偶像:来自未来世界的“虚拟偶像”都在这儿了,从此不再塌房
zhlédnutí 959Před 2 lety
【dinlab】Virtual Idol - Is your idol still a human?| 虚拟偶像:来自未来世界的“虚拟偶像”都在这儿了,从此不再塌房
【dinlab】Hajime Sorayama - Does Sexy Robot Have Lust, Too? | 空山基:如果人工智能有了形象,你会爱上机械姬吗?
zhlédnutí 366Před 2 lety
【dinlab】Hajime Sorayama - Does Sexy Robot Have Lust, Too? | 空山基:如果人工智能有了形象,你会爱上机械姬吗?
【dinlab】Reverse Contrast - Create A Trending Brand in 3 Minutes | 逆反差字体:即将横扫品牌圈,3分钟就教会你
zhlédnutí 230Před 2 lety
【dinlab】Reverse Contrast - Create A Trending Brand in 3 Minutes | 逆反差字体:即将横扫品牌圈,3分钟就教会你
【dinlab】Henri Matisse & Fauvism - Master of colors | 色彩大师:他是色彩大师,一百年也不过时
zhlédnutí 288Před 2 lety
【dinlab】Henri Matisse & Fauvism - Master of colors | 色彩大师:他是色彩大师,一百年也不过时
【dinlab】She Power - New Trending 2023 | 怪异美学:容貌焦虑,身材焦虑?come on,你根本不了解新世代女性!
zhlédnutí 152Před 2 lety
【dinlab】She Power - New Trending 2023 | 怪异美学:容貌焦虑,身材焦虑?come on,你根本不了解新世代女性!
【dinlab】Yayoi Kusama - Caution! Trypophobia | 草间弥生:密恐必入!魔性波点女王治好了所有人的密恐
zhlédnutí 735Před 2 lety
【dinlab】Yayoi Kusama - Caution! Trypophobia | 草间弥生:密恐必入!魔性波点女王治好了所有人的密恐
【dinlab】Acid Graphics - Join the hottest trend | 酸性设计:全网爆火的酸性设计,到底“酸”在哪里?
zhlédnutí 4KPřed 2 lety
【dinlab】Acid Graphics - Join the hottest trend | 酸性设计:全网爆火的酸性设计,到底“酸”在哪里?
【dinlab】Cubism - Understand Picasso in 3 minutes | 立体主义:小猪佩奇的祖爷爷竟然是毕加索!?
zhlédnutí 515Před 2 lety
【dinlab】Cubism - Understand Picasso in 3 minutes | 立体主义:小猪佩奇的祖爷爷竟然是毕加索!?
【dinlab】Murakami Takashi - No money? No art! | 村上隆:你看不懂的“村上隆”,可大牌们偏偏对他爱不释手!
zhlédnutí 153Před 2 lety
【dinlab】Murakami Takashi - No money? No art! | 村上隆:你看不懂的“村上隆”,可大牌们偏偏对他爱不释手!
【dinlab】Neoplasticism - Cheat Sheet For Design | 新造型主义:设计大师是怎么偷懒的?有颜色的知识又增加了!
zhlédnutí 149Před 2 lety
【dinlab】Neoplasticism - Cheat Sheet For Design | 新造型主义:设计大师是怎么偷懒的?有颜色的知识又增加了!


  • @user-hn3gz5pm1q
    @user-hn3gz5pm1q Před 4 měsíci


  • @LongChuanBai
    @LongChuanBai Před 6 měsíci


  • @SP-vo4vy
    @SP-vo4vy Před 6 měsíci


  • @maker7216
    @maker7216 Před 11 měsíci

    好影片欸 主題有趣 動畫品味讚 說的節奏不會讓人聽不下去 希望持續更新

  • @withoutwax208
    @withoutwax208 Před 11 měsíci

    So helpful, detailed and easy to understand. Thanks a lot

  • @Thomas890s
    @Thomas890s Před rokem

    很高質的視覺享受,不自覺地看完全片了 :)

  • @l1lyt
    @l1lyt Před rokem


  • @user-sh2bn7yl8y
    @user-sh2bn7yl8y Před rokem

    Your channel is awesome, I have a suggestion, could you please add protection to your subtitles, I dont speak chinese and it's sometimes hard for me to read the subtitles with the low contrast

  • @renguin0829
    @renguin0829 Před rokem

    space oddity真的好好聽 第一次聽是從GAGA翻唱聽到的

  • @vovo3205
    @vovo3205 Před rokem


  • @zimodong6225
    @zimodong6225 Před rokem


  • @charleychan1986
    @charleychan1986 Před rokem


  • @hanahamad719
    @hanahamad719 Před rokem

    How do you design in c4d screen wall naked eye 3D and how to convert the screen. flat size.Can you make a video tutorial

  • @vincentxu5678
    @vincentxu5678 Před rokem

    have u ever thought about why your videos are not popular as on the other platform?

  • @PaveruHakase
    @PaveruHakase Před rokem


  • @trspirit442
    @trspirit442 Před rokem

    oh my🤗

  • @yuanyyuan
    @yuanyyuan Před rokem


  • @molokolin8305
    @molokolin8305 Před rokem

    新媒体艺术交互 是不是游戏就是最好的证明😂

  • @molokolin8305
    @molokolin8305 Před rokem


  • @ashwang2904
    @ashwang2904 Před rokem


  • @regujarJOHN
    @regujarJOHN Před rokem

    La información es super interesante, el concepto del video y todo el diseño. Por favor arreglar el contraste de los subtitulos porque no se llega a leer bien.

  • @gakumoyo
    @gakumoyo Před 2 lety


  • @glovenhoshyu3340
    @glovenhoshyu3340 Před 2 lety

    开心能在管子上 刷到这个channel

  • @ayaya3527
    @ayaya3527 Před 2 lety


  • @ayaya3527
    @ayaya3527 Před 2 lety


  • @raeganjude7926
    @raeganjude7926 Před 2 lety

    ᵖʳᵒᵐᵒˢᵐ 😩

  • @user-fe8rs8vj8d
    @user-fe8rs8vj8d Před 2 lety


  • @akshaymahatme4158
    @akshaymahatme4158 Před 2 lety

    Excellent channel for Design Knowledge

  • @sammyliang2496
    @sammyliang2496 Před 2 lety

    The Vaporwave style is attractive! Awesome video!

  • @sammyliang2496
    @sammyliang2496 Před 2 lety

    Impressive! Looking forward to the next episode!!

  • @vivian0916
    @vivian0916 Před 2 lety
